buy fresh domestic tomato paste and dissolve it in water with sugar, salt and spices. We will also describe this option below - step by step and clearly.

Let's cook unusual crispy cucumbers!

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How to roll up cucumbers in tomato juice for the winter

We need:

  • Cucumbers - 2 kg (weigh after preparation!)
  • Tomato juice - 1 liter (about 1.2-1.3 tomatoes)
  • Components for marinade per 1 liter of juice:
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. spoon (with a slide / without a slide to taste)
  • Sugar - 1-2 tbsp. spoon (to taste for sweetness)
  • Table vinegar, 9% - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • Dill greens - 1 sprig per jar

Optional ingredients to taste:

  • Pickling set of leaves - horseradish, cherry, oak, dill umbrellas. Based on 1 pc. each type for 1 jar.
  • Similarly garlic - 3-4 cloves
  • Hot pepper - 1 pc. 5-8 cm long per 1 liter jar.

Important details:

  1. Output from 2 kg of vegetables - about 3.5 liters of blanks.
  2. We give the proportions of the marinade with a margin. Rough calculation: juice need 2 times less, than cucumbers. For example, if vegetables are 1 kg, then tomato juice is 450-500 ml.
  3. Juice can be replaced with a mixture of water and tomato paste. For 1 liter of water - 150 g of paste, or 5-6 tablespoons. Get cucumbers in a tomato. Same awesome recipe but the easiest to prepare.
  4. The form of cucumbers - to taste. It can be cut into slices about 1 cm thick. You can leave it whole, especially if small vegetables are used for rolling, which are completely placed in selected containers.
  5. It is convenient for us to close cucumbers in tomato in jars up to 1 liter.
  6. If you are afraid of the explosion of blanks, increase the amount of vinegar. For 1 liter of filling, put 1.5 tablespoons of vinegar (9%). In our experience, this is only worth doing in two cases. When you use very large whole cucumbers. Or choose large containers (3 liter jars).

Prepare the main characters.

We wash, but do not clean, cut off the ends. It is advisable to soak cucumbers before pickling for at least 1 hour - in cold water.

We wash the greens that we will use in running water and thoroughly shake off the moisture.

Let's fill the banks.

At the bottom of the jars we put a leaf of the selected greens. It can be only a sprig of dill, or 1 leaf from a classic set of herbs for pickling, where a horseradish leaf is required. Here we also add a washed small hot pepper - whole, do not cut or peel.

If using garlic, cut the cloves in half lengthwise and put them on the bottom too.

Cucumbers are laid tightly, regardless of the cut. Circles neatly flat, filling the entire volume of the jar.

When we roll vegetables whole, we put the first row vertically, as tightly as possible. If there is a place for the second level - how will it enter. You can cut cucumbers in half, lengthwise or across.

Prepare the marinade tomato juice.

How to make juice using a meat grinder and a sieve. My tomatoes, cut off the shturpachki and elements of "substandard" from the skin and cut into 4 parts. We twist the tomatoes into a meat grinder.

We shift the tomato mass into a saucepan, heat it and let it simmer over moderate heat for 5 minutes. We wipe the hot tomato liquid through a fine sieve (up to 2 mm). Be careful! Pour the liquid into the sieve using a cup or ladle so that you do not have to hold a heavy pot of boiling liquid in your hands. There will be little waste.

We return the lightened liquid to the pan. Let it boil and reduce the heat to medium. Add salt, sugar and stir well until completely dissolved. Cook the juice over moderate heat for up to 5 minutes. If a lot of foam forms, remove with a colander.

Consider 2 nuances.

  • For the most intense tomato flavor it is beneficial to add 1 tbsp. to 1 liter of juice. a spoonful of tomato paste. We do this at the same time with sugar and salt.
  • You can make tomato juice using any familiar technology. For the marinade, the main thing is to let it boil, completely dissolve the additives and boil briefly just before pouring the vegetables.

Fill the seamings with marinade, sterilize and close for the winter.

After boiling the salted juice for 5 minutes, pour vinegar into it and remove from heat. hot tomato marinade fill jars filled with cucumbers.

We cover the jars with lids and set to sterilize in a large saucepan (at the bottom - a kitchen towel). Sterilization time:

  • 500-750 ml - 10-12 minutes.
  • From 800 ml to 1 liter - 15 minutes.

We take out the jars from the pan and roll them up for long-term storage. Turn upside down and let cool, covered with a blanket.

After a day, put in a dark cabinet or try lightly salted savory snack chilled in advance in the refrigerator. Cucumbers in tomato juice are pleasing to the eye, crunchy and fragrant - an awesome recipe!


What cucumbers are best for seaming?

The so-called "pickling varieties" are the tastiest. When buying, they are easy to identify by appearance. The average size(a cucumber fits in the hand of an adult) and a peel in pimples.

How to sterilize jars and lids?

There are many ways. The most popular are steamed in a saucepan on the stove, steamed in a slow cooker (we put it upside down on the grid, and pour water into the bowl) and dry in the oven.

We love the last one. How to sterilize dishes in the oven? For washing we use soda and a new sponge. We put well-washed jars in a cold oven - upside down. We set the heating to 120-150 degrees Celsius. After reaching the temperature, keep the jars warm for 15 minutes. The time is universal for all tare volumes. It is important that the jars are completely dry.

Lids (any - twist off or ordinary iron ones) are simply poured with boiling water for 3-5 minutes.

How to roll cucumbers with tomato paste?

When preparing vegetables and sterilizing, we do everything exactly as described above. Only the preparation of the marinade will change.

  • For 1 liter of water we take from 5-6 tablespoons of tomato paste and any spices. Ground black pepper (2 teaspoons) or black and allspice peas (4-5 each), mustard seeds (2 teaspoons) and cloves (4 pcs) are well suited.
  • Our task is to heat water, dissolve sugar, salt, tomato paste, hold the marinade on a low boil for up to 5 minutes. Add spices, boil for another 1 minute, pour in vinegar - turn off the heat. Pour the vegetables with a hot solution and proceed to sterilization, as described above.

Is it possible to make a prescription without sterilization?

Yes, you can. Wash vegetables as thoroughly as possible and sterilize containers and tools, including a ladle or a cup with which to pour juice.

Handling packaged vegetables in two pours of boiling water. Our actions: poured boiling water to the top, covered with a lid, waited 10-15 minutes, drained the water. And again poured boiling water for 10 minutes. After 2 fillings, fill the jars with hot tomato juice, roll up and let cool upside down.

This option without sterilization for a 3 liter jar shown in the video below. Watch the cooking from 2:30. Pay attention to the curious minimalism in the composition of the fill. Only tomato juice, salt (2 tablespoons per 1 liter) and garlic at the bottom of the jar.

We will be glad if the recipe for cucumbers in tomato juice for the winter seems awesome and unforgettably tasty to you.

drop in in the section Easy recipes / Homemade preparations. We are planning delicious updates!

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Hello everyone who came to my blog today!

I hope in previous time you have already conquered your surroundings with recipes, we can say from the belly and by the way, we remembered and did it the other day in the same way.

What is good about such cucumbers, they are pickled at the same time, and have an interesting taste and shade. If you're all on the lookout for new and unexpected recipes, then you're in the right place. the right way. Because this year's hit is in front of you, I would say such know-how.

It is unlikely that anyone will refuse to try such a beautiful and luxurious snack. After all, its advantage is that the brine can be drunk like juice. In short, two in one. Cool, unreal!

The main thing now is to go to the market and buy homemade cucumbers or grow your own in the garden, be patient and good mood. Sing some funny song, read the whole sequence of actions and strictly adhere to it.

I hope your eyes light up, and you have already run to the kitchen with your laptop, ahaha. Or maybe they added an article to the bookmarks of the browser, it doesn’t matter. Let's get started.

Probably the most amazing thing about this dish is that by opening a jar in winter, you can easily put this appetizer to anyone. meat dish, for example to or to . But such crispy pickled cucumbers are also useful, they have a lot of magnesium and potassium, as well as iodine.

One of the popular and proven recipes for such gherkins is exactly the one where the cucumbers are not cut into pieces, but are taken whole and placed in a glass container.

Interesting, but true. Many hostesses, in order to save time, make such blanks with ready-made ketchup, it also turns out pretty well. But, all the same, it comes out much better and more beautiful from natural tomatoes.

Yes, and that's not all, they even make assorted vegetables in the same way, which also looks great and makes anyone happy later festive table. There will be separate notes on this. And now let's go.

We will need:

  • tomatoes (of which you should get about 2.5 liters of juice) - 2 kg or a little more
  • dill umbrellas - 1 2pcs.
  • cucumbers - 30 pcs. (this is an approximate figure, it all depends on the size of the cucumbers)
  • horseradish root - 2 pcs.
  • hot red chili pepper - 1 pod
  • parsley - bunch
  • garlic - 12 pcs.
  • dill - bunch


1. Soak fresh and unharmed cucumbers in cold water for at least one hour. Then drain the water and lay them on a towel. This is done so that these beauties do not lose their water balance.

2. Then put the clean and dry wiped tomatoes in a blender and grind into a homogeneous mass to make a puree.

3. After that, pour the juice into the pan, but first determine how many liters it turned out, because in the future you will need to take the products in accordance with correct proportions. Namely, calculate and pour the workpieces with such a sauce.

Important! Usually, half a liter of liquid goes to 1 liter densely filled with cucumbers.

4. Wash 6 liter jars, take them small in size, preferably liter or half liter. Rinse all the greens, remove the husk from the garlic.

5. You can also cut into pieces horseradish, and hot peppers. After that, pour over the jars with boiling water and begin to act. Put garlic cloves on the bottom, literally 2 pieces. An umbrella of dill and parsley, horseradish root and of course gherkins. Cut off the ends on each side and place in a jar.

The dish will look better if you pick up cucumbers of the same size. Because then, the degree of salting will be almost the same.

Important! Use cucumbers only pickled varieties, but you can not take salad.

6. When the jar is completely filled, put the dill umbrella and a piece of hot pepper. Cover all containers in the same way. Put metal covers on them.

Thus, you are prepared for the next stage of activity. Boil the kettle and fill each jar with such water, and pour it into the very center so that the heat is distributed evenly and the container does not crack. Immediately do not forget to cover with lids. Drain the water after 20 minutes.

7. Heat the juice to a temperature of 100 degrees and let it boil. Add everything you need for the marinade (shown in the photo), except for vinegar, add it just before turning it off. In order not to get confused in these calculations, usually half a liter of juice goes to a liter of workpiece.

Cooking time - at least 10 minutes. Before turning off, add vinegar and let the mass boil again and turn off the stove.

8. Fill the jars with hot marinade up to the very neck and immediately twist under the lid using a special pickling key. You can also use screws.

Interesting! After pouring, the color of the gherkins will not change, it will be bright green, and after a while they will brighten and resemble color scheme olives. This means that the workpiece can already be opened and used.

9. Since this blank is not sterilized, in order for the cucumbers to reach full condition, wrap them in a coat, turning them upside down. Check that nothing is running up. After 24 hours, put it in the cellar.

To taste, just such cucumbers are amazing, they are crispy and sweet, and the juice itself is delicious. Don't forget to sign and date home production. Enjoy your meal!

Canned cucumber slices in tomato paste - the most delicious recipe

To be honest, such a charm can also be called a salad, because the vegetables crumble into circles. Or you can make a green gourmet and chop the cucumbers into slices or cubes.

I decided to find this option so that you can use very few products, because suddenly you are making such an appetizer for the first time or you just want to master the science of conservation.

The feature of this recipe is that the gherkins will be stewed in tomato sauce, that is, not in the traditional way. They will turn out slightly boiled, but very appetizing and of course savory.

We will need:

  • Fresh cucumbers - 4-5 pcs.
  • Tomatoes - 4-5 pcs.
  • Garlic - 5 cloves
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tsp
  • Vinegar 9% - 0.5 tbsp
  • Coarse salt - 0.5 tsp
  • Sugar - 0.5 tbsp
  • Spices


1. First of all, you need to wash each cucumber well in running water, and do the same with tomatoes. Lay them on a clean towel, let the liquid drain. Then remove the stalk from the tomatoes, and the tips from the cucumbers.

If the peel of the gherkins is thick, then remove it with a knife. But, in principle, this is not necessary.

2. Chop the tomatoes into large pieces. If the house has a blender, then you can go this way, twist them in this device until a homogeneous slurry is formed to make mashed potatoes.

3. Or put it directly in pieces in a saucepan and put on fire to stew for 6 minutes after boiling. So that they become soft and can be easily mashed with them.

4. And then take a colander and grind, you can take a sieve so that the seeds do not get into the tomato sauce.

5. And now the most interesting thing begins - witchcraft. Combine gherkins with mashed potatoes and put on the stove. Add the right amount of spices, such as a little black pepper. Pass the garlic through a garlic press. Bring such a vegetable mass to a boil and continue to cook for 10 minutes.

6. Now pour such a treat into a sterile jar, put sugar on top and pour in vinegar with vegetable oil. Now put the jar back into the pan, put a rag or towel on the bottom, fill the jar with cool water up to the shoulders and turn it on to a slow fire. The water should boil and simmer for 10 minutes.

7. After this procedure, remove the container and screw it with a seaming machine under a metal lid. Wrap with a warm blanket and let cool, after 24 hours you can take it away and lower it into the cellar.

Pickled cucumbers with chili ketchup - a recipe without sterilization

Do you want your cucumbers to please you with an unexpected taste, be sweet and sour, or maybe spicy? Last year, this type of salting blew up the Internet. And I also decided to try it, in one culinary site I came across such a masterpiece with reviews and ventured to cook it. And the result made me unheard of pleased, I did not even expect it myself. Not in vain, every year more and more you can see new and cool recipes and you don’t even need to invent anything yourself.

The weird thing about this method is that you don’t need to make tomato paste, but already take ready-made ketchup, and you can use store-bought production, but decide for yourself which brand to take. This instruction shows an example with chili Torchin.

And yet, you can make such blanks with sterilization, or you can without it. But, of course, the sooner the better, after all, everyone now has limited time, a lot of work and trouble. Therefore, I present the second option.

And one more important point Don't forget to wash the jars before you start with baking soda or steam sterilize them with the lids.

We will need:

  • fresh gherkins - 3 kg
  • spicy ketchup chili brand Torchin
  • vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp.
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • table salt - 2 tbsp
  • chili pepper - 1 pod
  • water - 1.5 l
  • garlic - a couple of cloves
  • ground pepper and parsley optional


1. Take just the plucked gherkins and place them in a basin of water, keep them for a couple of hours, soak them, so to speak. So that all adhering dirt dissolves. Rinse well and place on a dry towel. Then you have to work with a knife. Yes, this is the device. Trim off all ends of each vegetable. Put the cucumbers in a bowl and move them to the side.

In well-boiled and wiped dry jars, add all the seasonings that your family prefers. You can put anything, a dill umbrella, a currant leaf, plus garlic cloves and of course a red chili pepper pod. If you like peppercorns, then it will also fit perfectly here.

2. Now we have to make a special marinade. Next, vertically, as shown in the photo, lay the gherkins, try to load them tightly into jars so that there are not so many voids left. Boil the kettle and immediately pour water into the jars, put the lids on and wait 15 minutes, then put on the lids with holes and drain the water into the pot.

4. Now it remains to pour the containers with boiling marinade and cover with lids. Take the seamer right away and pack it up. Then, as it should be, turn the blanks over and wrap them under a blanket or any unnecessary old blanket until it cools completely at room temperature.

5. Well, such crispy handsome men will turn out, they will pamper you for a long time if you make them not one jar, but ten. Enjoy your meal!

Cucumber salad in tomato - you will lick your fingers!

I found another super and mega awesome recipe, from which saliva runs, and when you eat constantly you lick your fingers. Ha, it's logical. A mind-blowing snack that leaves with a bang at the table, only 5 minutes and it has already been blown away by the wind.

Try to do, besides, when there is step by step master class, then it will not be difficult for anyone to repeat this. Is not it?

Sliced ​​pickled cucumbers in tomato sauce

Sweet and sour filling, this is exactly what will happen if you prepare such a salad for the winter according to this simple recipe.

Advice! It is best to pick cucumbers in the morning, and before making any preparation, soak them for an hour in cold water so that they are crispy.

Make tomato juice yourself, because for this purpose you can use clumsy and ugly tomatoes, especially when August-September is already in the yard. Or a lot of cracked and overripe, that is, those that are not suitable for ordinary pickling in jars.

We will need:

  • Cucumbers - 2 kg.
  • Tomato juice - 700 ml.
  • Sweet pepper - 2 pcs.
  • Garlic - 4 cloves
  • Salt - 2 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp


1. Wash all the vegetables, then twist the tomatoes and garlic in a meat grinder. You can also add sweet bell pepper, and you can chop it finely. Then strain the mass through a fine sieve so that all the seeds remain on the surface of the sieve, and not in the finished dish.

3. Chop the gherkins into circles and put them in clean, sterilized jars. And then pour in the boiling sauce, close the screw caps, but do not twist it all the way, just throw it on. Each jar will need to be boiled. To do this, put a towel on the bottom in a saucepan, set the jars, fill with water up to the shoulders and simmer for 20 minutes while bubbling.

Then take them out of the water and twist them tightly so that nothing leaks. Cool and store in a cool place.

That's all there is to it. I hope that you liked all the cooking recipes and this year you will be able to preserve cucumbers, and you will also drink delicious and sweet tomato juice.

Excellent mood to all and sunny days! Goodbye! Do not forget to comment on this note and join my group in contact.

Cucumbers in tomato juice have many different variations of preparations for the winter. How many hostesses, so many new components.

An abundance of recipes will give you the opportunity to choose something suitable. We bring you the best and most common.

Recipes for corking cucumbers in tomato juice for the winter


This recipe is suitable for lovers of spicy dishes. Piquant and sophisticated. A great option to diversify your table in the winter.

The sunset will consist of:

  • salt;
  • Sugar (take to taste);
  • Tomato juice - 3 l;
  • Cucumbers - 5 kg;
  • Sweet pepper (Bulgarian) - 5 pcs. ;
  • Garlic teeth - 10 pcs.;
  • Hot pepper - 5-6 pcs. (small);
  • Peppercorns (3 pieces per jar).

We start our work by washing cans and vegetables.

Cucumbers are sorted, you can put them in jars.

We prepare tomato juice, cut off the tops of the pepper and take out the seeds. Grind bell pepper and garlic cloves in a meat grinder or food processor. Add this mixture to the tomato juice, season with salt and sugar, wait for the boil.

In the cucumbers, which are in jars, add hot pepper, pour boiling water.

The first time the water is drained, poured a second time and sterilized for 20 minutes cans per 1 liter, 45 minutes per 3 liters. After that, we drain the water, pour juice and fall asleep with allspice (peas).

We roll up the jars, put the lids on the floor and wrap them up.

Cucumber salad (without sterilization)

Cucumber salad does not require large expenses, but, despite this, even children love it. This saves you time and money. An ideal option for harvesting cucumbers in tomato juice for the winter for the whole family.


  • Medium cucumbers - 5-6 kg;
  • Tomatoes for tomato - 3-4 kg;
  • Bulb - 4 pcs;
  • Garlic - 200 g;
  • Powdered sugar - 300 g;
  • Salt and vinegar - 3 tbsp. spoons;

Cucumbers and onions are cut into rings.

A tomato is made from a tomato, where finely chopped or crushed garlic is added. Season with salt and sugar and put on the stove. We are waiting for boiling, cook for five minutes, pour into jars and cork.

Banks turn over and insulate.

Pickled cucumbers with spices


  • Small cucumbers - 1 kg;
  • Tomato - 1 l;
  • Medium sheet of horseradish;
  • Greens (dill, parsley);
  • Garlic - 1 large head;
  • Chili pepper - one piece;
  • Bay leaf - at your discretion;
  • Powdered sugar - 6 tbsp. spoons;
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Foliage from cherries, currants - 6 pcs.;
  • Carnation buds - 4 pcs.;
  • Peppercorns - 10 pcs.;
  • Citric acid - 1 tsp or 1 aspirin.

Now let's look at how to cook pickled cucumbers in tomato juice for the winter. Cucumbers first fill with cool water for 2-3 hours.

After the stage of washing greens, cucumbers and jars is behind, we begin to lay out the components in jars. We divide spices, herbs, bitter pepper and garlic cloves into three parts.

1 part is laid out at the bottom of the jar, then we put small cucumbers vertically. More spices and cucumbers. We cover everything with the last part of the prepared ingredients.

Everything that lies tightly in a jar is poured with boiling water and stands for 15 minutes. Already boiled tomato can be salted and sugar added to it.

Pour water from cans and pour citric acid or aspirin. This is done so that the cucumbers do not explode and are crispy. Fill everything with tomato, roll up, turn over and wrap.

Harvesting vegetables rings in tomato juice

Fans of preservation without onions can try to cook such cucumbers for the winter. They are cut into rings and seasoned with tomato.


  • Cucumbers - 5 kg;
  • Tomato juice - 2 l;
  • Garlic teeth - 6 - 8 pcs.;
  • Salt - 10 tbsp. spoons;
  • Bay leaf - 8-10 pieces;
  • Vinegar - 10 tbsp. spoons

Wash jars and sterilize for ten minutes. Put upside down to drain. After that, turn over and put two cloves of garlic and bay leaves on the bottom. Cucumbers cut into rings and put in jars, add vinegar essence. Fill with tomato.

We put on sterilization, about ten minutes. They covered it with lids, rolled it up, turned it over again and wrapped it up.

Snack cubes in tomato

Fans of experimenting will be happy to prepare cucumber salad for the winter. They are cut into cubes and dressed with tomato, oil and vinegar.


  • Cucumbers - 3 kg;
  • Sugar - 5-6 tbsp. spoons;
  • Coarse salt - 3-4 tbsp. spoons;
  • Onion - 1 pc. (large);
  • Garlic cloves - 10 pcs.;
  • Table vinegar - 6 tbsp. spoons;
  • Sunflower oil - 6 tbsp. spoons;
  • Tomato - 1.5 - 2 liters.

We wash the cucumbers and leave to cool for 2-3 hours. After that, cut into small cubes. Next, we make our own tomato juice. Grinded tomatoes, garlic and onions. We put it all on the stove and wait for it to boil. We cook for ten minutes. Salt, sugar, pour vinegar and oil.

When you realize that the tomato is ready, you can pour cucumbers there. Cook for 10 minutes, stirring frequently. Pour everything cooked into previously sterilized and dry jars and roll up. Turn upside down, warm.

  • Tomatoes - 1.5 kg;
  • Bulgarian yellow pepper - 4 pcs.;
  • Vinegar essence - 260 g;
  • Garlic teeth - 5-6 pieces;
  • Sunflower oil - 500 ml;
  • Sugar - 260 g;
  • Salt - two tbsp. spoons.
  • Before cooking cucumbers in Korean-style tomato for the winter, all vegetables need to be washed well. Peel the garlic and pepper. Grind the garlic, and cut the pepper into pieces. Roll up the tomatoes. Cucumbers cut into long slices. Mix everything together, add sunflower oil, sugar and salt.

    We put it on the stove. Boils for half an hour. Vinegar is added during the boiling process. Pour into clean jars and roll up. There is no need to sterilize.

    Even women with experience sometimes do not know some of the subtleties in the preparation and selection of cucumbers for winter blockage. We present to your attention some useful and necessary tips.

    Choose small cucumbers, not twisted. It is advisable not to buy the very first ones, because there are a lot of nitrates. Take with a thick peel, then they will be very crispy.

    Do not choose cucumbers with yellowness, they will be bitter. Those with darkish pimples are the least susceptible to damage in a jar.

    Before corking, leave the vegetables in cool water for a while - this will give the cucumbers a crunch and safe storage in rolled up jars.

    Such preparations for the winter, like cucumbers in tomato juice, will literally be your salvation when you suddenly find out that guests are about to come or they will arrive distant relatives. Serving them to the table, be sure that everyone will be satisfied. This can be said to be a win-win situation.

    Sweet and sour cucumbers in tomato juice

    This appetizing salad in a spicy dressing needs to be sterilized. According to the recipe we need:

    • 2 kg of cucumbers;
    • 700 ml of tomato juice;
    • 2 pcs. salad pepper;
    • 4 cloves of garlic;
    • 60 g of salt;
    • 30 g sugar.

    Cooking steps:

    1. First, I pass lettuce and garlic through a meat grinder.
    2. I cut the cucumbers into slices, put them in jars, alternating with the garlic-pepper mixture.
    3. I boil the prepared tomato juice, adding salt and sugar to it.
    4. I pour the tomato sauce into jars of cucumbers.
    5. I sterilize for 20 minutes, roll up and clean to cool.

    In winter, it is enough to open such a jar and delicious snack ready.

    Note to the hostess: canning is an interesting and responsible process. It is necessary to choose and prepare cucumbers correctly. I always look for dense, small vegetables. I do not use rotten, sick and spoiled ones. In one jar I roll up gherkins of about the same size. I pre-soak them for at least 3-4 hours, sometimes overnight, to make them more elastic.

    Pickled cucumbers in tomato juice

    According to this recipe, I close cucumbers for the winter, using neither vinegar nor citric acid. First I ferment them, and only then I seal them. This cucumber pickle takes several days, so it's not an easy recipe, but the lack of preservatives makes it attractive.

    At the first stage, I cook pickled cucumbers in a hot way. The salting recipe is as follows: for a 3 liter jar I take:

    • Cucumbers (how many will fit);
    • 100 g of salt;
    • 30 g of sugar per one and a half liters of water;
    • According to a leaf of currant, horseradish, cherry, dill umbrella;
    • A couple of cloves of garlic.
    1. First, I put cucumbers with spices in a jar, add salt and sugar and pour boiling water over it. I do not cover tightly with plastic lids. First, foam will be found on the surface, I remove it with a clean spoon. In the process of fermentation, lactic acid appears in the brine, which gives the vegetables a unique taste, promotes long-term storage and preserves beneficial features product. The brine will become cloudy in 3-5 days, a persistent smell of oxidation will go. It's okay, that's how it should be.
    2. The cucumbers are “ripe”, I wash them right in the jar, shaking and removing the plaque. I drain the water, boil it and again return it to the container with vegetables twice.
    3. You have learned how to pickle cucumbers, now it's time to move on to the second stage of preparing the seam.
    4. I prepare tomato juice, add a little sugar, salt and sweet pepper to it (this is optional). Instead of brine, I fill jars of cucumbers with boiling tomato sauce. I roll under the iron cover.

    Note to the hostess: you should not forget that the taste of the finished tomato juice deteriorates if you use low-quality tomatoes. They should be meaty and juicy. It is permissible to take damaged, crumpled fruits. I reject tomatoes that are rotten or not fully ripe.

    Cucumber salad in tomato juice without sterilization

    Recipes chopped cucumbers I use it in tomato juice for the winter when vegetables of a standard size or shape are piling up. For example, too large overgrowths, or crooked specimens. Vegetables prepared exactly according to the recipe delight with the piquant taste of garlic and the slight sourness of the finished dish. We will need:

    • 1.25 kg of cucumbers;
    • 650 g of tomatoes;
    • 50 g of garlic;
    • 60 g sugar;
    • 20 g of salt;
    • 45 g of vinegar.

    Step by step recipe:

    1. I cut the cucumbers into medium-sized pieces.
    2. I prepare tomato juice, add salt and sugar to it.
    3. I combine vegetables with tomato mass, let it brew for about an hour.
    4. I put the mixture on a small fire, boil for 5 minutes after boiling.
    5. At the end of cooking, I add pieces of garlic and vinegar.
    6. I place the finished mass in pre-sterilized and preheated half-liter jars and cork. I turn it upside down and put it “under a fur coat” to cool.

    Tip: the cherished jar is closed, conservation is ready. After that, I first carefully check that the lid is tightly tightened and does not let air through. Then I turn the jar upside down and put it out of the reach of children and animals. Be sure to cover with something dense until completely cooled. After a few days, I clean it in a cool dark place. Shelf life canned cucumbers in tomato juice - no more than two years under optimal conditions.

    This video shows the entire cooking process in detail.

    Cucumber slices in tomato juice

    Coriander gives a specific sour-sweet taste.

    • 2.5 kg of cucumbers;
    • 1.5 kg of tomatoes;
    • Half a glass of vegetable oil;
    • 1 st. spoons of chopped garlic;
    • 75 ml 6% vinegar;
    • 125 g sugar;
    • 30 g of salt;
    • 1.5 g black ground pepper;
    • A small pinch of coriander.

    Now I will tell you how to pickle vegetables according to this recipe:

    1. I cut cucumbers into medium-sized slices.
    2. Mix well and leave to brew for several hours, adding a spoonful of salt, sugar and vegetable oil. So that they are well saturated with their juice, sometimes I mix the mixture.
    3. I cook tomato paste with the remaining salt, boil it for 10 minutes.
    4. I boil the cucumbers in the marinade for several minutes, adding spices and garlic. At the end of cooking, pour in vegetable oil and vinegar.
    5. I pour cucumbers with tomato juice, put half a liter jars for sterilization for 10 minutes (if the container is liter, then the time is a little more - 15 minutes).
    6. I seal and turn to cool.

    I definitely cook this awesome recipe for cucumbers in tomato juice for the winter, I like it because of the special spicy taste of coriander.

    Note to the hostess: to prepare cucumbers in jars, you must definitely use some kind of preservative. Most often take vinegar. It should be noted that it is 6% and 9%, the dose is adjusted depending on the type. Instead of vinegar, citric acid or vinegar essence is sometimes used. When pickled cucumbers are prepared, ordinary non-iodized salt is used as a preservative. In this case, lactic acid is independently produced during the fermentation process.

    Another serious issue is the preparation of inventory. How to make sure that the lids do not swell, and the products are High Quality? To do this, I wash the container with soda and sterilize for about 10 minutes in the oven at a temperature of about 220 degrees. Before taking out the jars, I let them cool for a few minutes, I always take them with a dry towel so that the glass does not burst. I always boil the canning lids for 7-8 minutes before use and dry them.

    Spicy sliced ​​cucumbers in tomato juice

    This is an awesome recipe that combines delicious crunchy veggies with a spicy tomato sauce topping. We make sliced ​​cucumbers without sterilization, so the process does not take much time. We will need:

    • 4 kg of cucumbers;
    • 2 kg of tomatoes;
    • 5 hot peppers;
    • 15 medium cloves of garlic;
    • A glass of sunflower oil;
    • A glass of sugar;
    • 60 g of salt;
    • Half a glass of vinegar.

    Recipe spicy cucumbers in tomato juice for the winter with hot pepper will appeal to lovers of savory snacks.

    Step by step cooking instructions:

    1. I prepare tomatoes: I pour washed vegetables boiling water, remove the skins from them.
    2. I carefully clean the cucumbers from dirt, cut into slices.
    3. I'm peeling the garlic.
    4. I pass tomatoes through a meat grinder.
    5. In the resulting mixture, add pepper, salt, sugar, pour oil.
    6. I put the resulting sauce on the fire and boil for about 8 minutes after boiling.
    7. I add cucumbers to it, cook for another 12-15 minutes.
    8. A couple of minutes before the readiness, I pour in the vinegar.
    9. I put the resulting mixture into prepared jars, roll it up and leave it to cool.

    Recipe without vinegar with fragrant spices

    Now I will tell you how to close delicious vegetables using an aspirin tablet instead of acid. I always use this recipe, but usually I only make a couple of jars - for a change.

    • 1 kg of cucumbers;
    • 2 liters of tomato juice;
    • 2 tbsp. a spoonful of salt;
    • 6 art. spoons of sugar;
    • 2 heads of garlic;
    • 12 black peppercorns and 7 allspice;
    • 3 cloves;
    • 2 bitter peppers;
    • 4 bay leaves;
    • To choose from: a few leaves of dill, parsley, cherry, blackcurrant and horseradish (I usually take 3-4 different types);
    • 2 tablets of aspirin.

    Cooking process:

    1. At the bottom of the jars I put pepper, garlic and cloves. I tightly lay the cucumbers, shifting them with greens.
    2. I boil water. I pour it into a filled container with blanks and let it cool.
    3. I add salt and sugar to the tomato juice, put it on a slow fire, let it languish. At this time, I fill the containers with cucumbers with boiling water again.
    4. I drain the water, crumble aspirin tablets into jars and pour in tomato juice.
    5. corking ready meal, remove to cool.

    Now you know how to cook cucumbers in tomato juice for the winter different ways. Do-it-yourself preservation in jars is one of the ways to show our love to relatives. The desire to please loved ones with an appetizing snack, some free time and my awesome recipe for cucumbers in tomato juice for the winter will help every housewife create culinary masterpieces.

    One of the most popular preparations is cucumbers in tomato for the winter. I offer you an awesome recipe by which you can cook the best cucumbers in tomato paste. In fact, the cooking technology is simple.

    In a nutshell, cucumbers are cut into slices, rings, slices or barrels, or they are used whole. Filled with tomato-based sauce or natural tomato juice. Then they are boiled on the stove, and then rolled into jars.

    Prepare crispy cucumbers in tomato paste sauce. For this we need the following ingredients:

    • cucumbers - 2 kg;
    • garlic - to taste;
    • onion - to taste;
    • dill sprigs;
    • fill.

    For filling:

    • water - 1 l;
    • tomato paste - 150 g;
    • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • black pepper - a pinch.

    How to cook:

    First, let's do the filling. We take a small amount of water and dissolve the tomato paste in it. Then add the remaining water to the mixture, also sugar, vinegar, black pepper and salt. We mix everything well. We put on fire, bring to a boil, then boil for another 15 minutes. Taste the sauce, if there is not enough salt, add it, or if it seems that it is too salty, dilute it with a little water.

    In the meantime, prepare the cucumbers: wash, cut off the tops and cut into slices. Cucumbers take the freshest not stale. If there are very small ones, you can not cut them, but put them whole. Then cut the onion and garlic.

    In clean jars, put a sprig of dill, onion, garlic on the bottom and then put cucumbers. Pour cucumbers with tomato sauce, which is still boiling. Cover the jars with lids.

    Putting jars of cucumbers in tomato sauce into a pot to sterilize. It is advisable to lay some kind of cloth or gauze on the bottom of the pan so that the jars do not slip and it is better to put them in already boiling water. Our cucumbers are sterilized for 20 minutes.

    After that, we take out the jars, turn them upside down, wrap them in a towel and leave to cool. Then we put it away for storage.

    This year, however, as always, a good harvest of cucumbers and tomatoes has grown at our dacha. Therefore, I want to offer another option for harvesting cucumbers. I recommend replacing the tomato paste with juice.

    Let's start cooking. What and how to do - I will explain everything step by step.

    Cucumbers in tomato juice for the winter


    • cucumbers - 5 kg;
    • tomato juice from fresh tomatoes - 3 l;
    • sugar - 8 tbsp. l.;
    • salt - 4 tbsp. l.;
    • vinegar - 200 g;
    • garlic - 2 heads;
    • dry dill - to taste;
    • horseradish leaves or root.


    Wash cucumbers and tomatoes well and start cooking.

    Cut off the tops of the cucumbers on both sides, they will not be needed. Next, cut the cucumbers into pieces of 2-3 cm. If your cucumbers are young and small, you can not cut them, but put them whole or cut them into rings.

    We cut the tomatoes into arbitrary pieces and pass through a meat grinder. We clean the garlic, my horseradish with dill.

    Put the horseradish leaf, dill and garlic in clean jars. Stack the cucumbers as evenly as possible.

    Preparing tomato juice. Bring the tomatoes to a boil in a saucepan, then cook for about 20 minutes. Next, it is best to strain, otherwise the seeds will only interfere in the juice. 3 liters of juice should work. We put the juice on the fire again, salt and put sugar. Then pour in the vinegar 5 minutes before the end of cooking.

    For 5 jars of cucumbers, we need about 3 liters of tomato juice. And if you get more cucumbers, immediately cook more, about 6 liters.

    Pour the tomato juice into jars and cover with a lid.