The Orthodox Church on January 19 (according to the new style) celebrates Epiphany, or Epiphany. This is the most ancient holiday among Christians, and its establishment goes back to the time of the disciples-apostles of Christ. It also has ancient names: “Epiphany” - a phenomenon, “Theophany” - Epiphany, “Holy Lights”, “Feast of Lights” or simply “Lights”, since it was the Lord Himself who came into the world on this day to show him the Light Unapproachable.

Feast of Epiphany

The word "I baptize" or "I baptize" with Greek translates as "I immerse in water." It is almost impossible to understand the importance and the very meaning of what baptismal bathing is without having an idea of ​​the symbolic meaning of water in the Old Testament.

Water is the beginning of life. It was she who fertilized all living beings that originated from her. Where there is no water, there is a lifeless desert. And water is capable of destroying, as in the time of the Great Flood, when God flooded the sinful life of people and thereby destroyed the evil that they did.

God made the water holy with his Baptism, and now the Blessing of the Water is traditionally celebrated in memory of this event. At this time, water is consecrated in all Orthodox churches and then in rivers and reservoirs.


On this day, a traditional procession is held, called " Procession to the Jordan ", in order to sanctify the water and then to arrange baptismal bathing in the hole. The baptism of John meant that just as a body washed with water is cleansed, so a penitent soul that believes in God will be cleansed from sins by the Savior.

The Bible story tells how Jesus from Nazareth came in those days, and John baptized him in the Jordan River. When Jesus came out of the water, the heavens opened, and the Spirit, like a dove, descended on Him. And a voice was heard from heaven: "You are my beloved son, in whom is my blessing." Epiphany revealed to people great secret Holy Trinity, to which every baptized person joins.

Then Christ told his apostles to go and teach this to all nations.

Epiphany bathing

Traditions Kyiv prince Vladimir baptized Rus'. Now, only a priest can perform the rite of consecration of water, since at this time special prayers are read with a triple immersion in the water of the cross. This is done on the feast of Epiphany after the liturgy. But first, before this, a hole is made in the reservoir, usually in the form of a cross, called the “Jordan”.

These days, Epiphany water is a real shrine that can heal and strengthen the mental and physical strength of a person. Therefore, such a solemn procession of consecration is performed near the hole in the reservoir in order to make bathing at Epiphany available to people. Orthodox people draw water from the hole and wash themselves, but the most daring and courageous people literally dive into it.

ancestral traditions

The Russians borrowed the tradition of swimming in the hole from the ancient Scythians, who tempered their babies in this way. They simply dipped them in cold water and thus accustomed them to harsh climate conditions. In addition, the tradition of swimming in the hole was also in pagan rituals, this is how initiation into warriors took place. And still in Rus' they like to rub themselves with snow after a bath or jump into cold water.

Some pagan rites have taken root in our lives to this day. Therefore, we bathe in the hole and celebrate Maslenitsa, which is tied to the beginning of Lent.

Epiphany holiday

According to church rules, on Epiphany Christmas Eve, the “great consecration of water” takes place. Believers come to church services, put candles and collect blessed water. However, plunging into the hole is not required, this happens by own will person.

In general, in Rus' it was believed that bathing in an ice hole at Baptism promotes healing from many ailments. Water, as a living matter, is able to change its structure under the influence of information, so everything depends on the thoughts in a person’s head. In whole festivities Epiphany bathing is transformed, photos of this celebration always show how fun and interesting they are.

Bathing at Epiphany. How to

But this fun and harmless, at first glance, activity can lead to a number of unpleasant moments. Epiphany bathing does not particularly imply special preparation. The human body is adapted to the cold, and therefore only the mood is important here.

What can happen to human body diving into an ice hole?

  1. When a person is immersed in cold water with his head, he has a sharp excitation of the central nervous system and the cerebral cortex, which generally has a positive effect on the entire body.
  2. Impact low temperatures short-term perceived by the body as stress, which can relieve inflammation, swelling and spasms.
  3. The thermal conductivity of the air enveloping the body is 28 times less than the thermal conductivity of water. This is the hardening effect.
  4. Cold water causes the body to release additional forces, and after contact with it, the temperature of the human body rises to 40 degrees Celsius. And as you know, at such a mark, microbes, diseased cells and viruses die.

Bathing rules

Bathing in Epiphany frosts implies the implementation of certain rules. The main thing at the same time is that the hole is specially equipped and all this action takes place under the supervision of rescuers. The population is usually informed about such mass bathing places. Swimming in an ice-hole requires the presence of swimming trunks or a swimsuit, a terry dressing gown and towels, as well as a set of dry clothes, slippers or woolen socks, a rubber cap and hot tea.

Before arranging a bath in Baptism, it is very important to know how to do it correctly. First you need to warm up a little with exercises, and even better, do a jog.

The ice-hole must be approached in non-slip, comfortable, easily removable shoes or socks.

It is also necessary to check the stability of the ladder, and to secure it, throw a rope firmly fixed on the shore into the water.

It is necessary to plunge into the hole up to the neck, and it is better not to wet the head, so that there is no narrowing of the vessels of the brain. Jumping into an ice hole with your head is also undesirable, as a loss of temperature can cause shock. Cold water will immediately cause rapid breathing, and this is completely normal, as the body adapts to the cold.

It is dangerous to be in water for more than one minute, the body may cool down. You also need to be very careful with children who, if frightened, may forget that they can swim. You also need to be able to get out of the hole so as not to fall, and for this you need to hold on tightly to the handrails and at the same time use a dry rag.

After bathing, you need to thoroughly rub yourself with a towel and put on dry clothes. Immediately it is best to drink hot tea from herbs or berries, prepared in advance in a thermos.

On this day, it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol, as it negatively affects the natural thermoregulation of the whole organism, and therefore the consequences may be different. It is also important to know that it is also unacceptable to swim on an empty stomach or, conversely, a clogged stomach.

Bathing contraindications

No matter how useful baptismal bathing is, there are still contraindications for this. And they relate to acute and chronic diseases. This is a disruption of cardio-vascular system(heart defects, hypertension, heart attacks), central nervous system (cranial injury, epilepsy), endocrine system (thyrotoxicosis, diabetes), visual organs (conjunctivitis, glaucoma), respiratory organs (asthma, pneumonia, tuberculosis), genitourinary system (cystitis, inflammation of the appendages or prostate gland), gastrointestinal tract (ulcer, cholecystitis, hepatitis), skin and venereal diseases; inflammation of the nasopharynx and otitis, etc.

Opinion of physicians

Medical experts in this field believe that in order for bathing in the hole at Epiphany not to bring any unexpected troubles, you need to be absolutely healthy. And this is especially dangerous for those who smoke or drink alcohol, as blood flow to the lungs can cause inflammation or even swelling of the bronchi and pneumonia.

In young people, not to mention the elderly, the arteries are not always able to properly respond to cold water, and at this point, respiratory arrest may occur, and then the heart. If you engage in systemic winter swimming, then this will certainly contribute to the improvement of the body, but when this happens infrequently, then everything will become a strong stress for him, so you need to seriously weigh the pros and cons before swimming.


Many people on Epiphany heroically decide to swim in the hole, although this idea may not be safe. However, people's Epiphany bathing is very nice, the photos from these holidays are quite expressive, someone is just getting ready to go into the water, someone is already happy that he took a swim, and someone is already warming up and drinking hot tea.

Many believers believe that swimming in the hole at Baptism for a true Orthodox person is a great blessing. And that's the way it is. Only here the main thing is to understand whether this faith is strong and deep enough for you to become a real shield from all troubles at the moment when Epiphany bathing takes place.

Oksana Pankova, SYLru

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The day of Baptism is called Theophany, because, according to the Gospel, at the time of the baptism of Jesus Christ in the waters of the Jordan, God was revealed in three forms - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. There is a strict fast on Christmas Eve. The popular tradition swim on this day in special ice holes - "Jordans". According to folk tradition, at Epiphany, believers plunge into the hole, making the sign of the cross three times and saying the prayer to the Trinity.

But not everyone can swim!

Just one argument in favor of swimming in ice water. The body really gets a hardening effect, and that's it.
Before swimming in ice water without special training and hardening experience, it is necessary to measure the pressure, because instead of the expected grace, you can get complications.
The main dangers of swimming in ice water: heart attack due to vasospasm, convulsions, fast development pneumonia. Bathing is strictly contraindicated for people with cardiovascular diseases, bronchopulmonary, gynecological diseases, diabetes, hypertension, epilepsy and a tendency to convulsions, with inflammation of the kidneys, thyroid diseases, infectious diseases. Doctors categorically forbid children to swim in the cold, as young children have an imperfect thermoregulation system.

However, by folk beliefs, all water on the night of January 19 becomes holy even from a tap. However, the majority of believers will still come to churches these days to stock up on consecrated Epiphany water. People believe that it helps with illnesses; they drink it to add spiritual strength and health, they consecrate their homes with it. Also, it stays very fresh. for a long time even in closed containers.

It is believed that if you plunge into the hole with true faith, then a person will not get sick. However it is worth listening to the advice of experienced. And the most important advice: do not drink alcohol. And not only because it contradicts the very essence of the Christian holiday, but also because it can end very badly. Here are just a few tips and observations from experienced people:

« The most important advice: do not drink before and after bathing. And if you go to crowded places, it is advisable to have a friend with a car to change clothes (if there are no organized changing cabins nearby).”

“Vodka is the worst enemy of cold baths. It is almost impossible to get sick if everything is done correctly.

“This is a religious holiday, alcohol categorically contradicts the whole concept of the holiday on this day. This has been repeatedly discussed, moreover, by the clergy themselves. Alcohol greatly dulls the instinct of self-preservation, and this can end sadly!

Most full rules for swimming in the hole at Epiphany published on the Internet by a user [email protected]. Here it is:

Rule one: test your body for medical contraindications. Doctors categorically object to bathing in the hole at Epiphany if there are a number of health problems. In particular, cardiovascular diseases; diabetes mellitus, glaucoma, conjunctivitis; gastric ulcer, enterocolitis, cholecystitis and others. ALWAYS get tested!

On a note! Those who have suffered heart disease are strictly forbidden to plunge into ice water.

Before bathing, it is advisable not to be full. After bathing, do not drink fatty broth.

Rule two: for swimming in the hole at Epiphany you need choose the right place. The ideal hole for swimming in the hole for Epiphany is:
- a verified place (preferably organized, not a rural pond at midnight);
- the depth of the font should not exceed 1.8 meters;
- the font must be fenced (to prevent accidental falling into the water).

Rule three: don't forget the outfit! You will need: a swimsuit or swimming trunks, a towel and a bathrobe, a set of dry clothes. Take some shoes with you so as not to walk barefoot on the ice - this is far from being possible for everyone. But keep in mind that slippers should not be on rubber soles - it slips. You can take thick woolen socks, walk to the hole in them, and swim in them. After bathing, you need to change into dry clothes.

Rule four: Warm up before swimming but not up to a sweat. The body should be hot, but not sweaty.

Rule five: Orthodox tradition implies three dipping into the hole with the head. But keep in mind that bathing in the hole at Epiphany is not a canon, but a tradition. That is, it will not be a sin if you save your head, knowing that with wet hair in the cold - not a big gift (especially if you go to the other end of the city public transport). ALWAYS wrap your head if you are not in your own car.

Rule six: beware of euphoria! Many people, having plunged into the water, experience a surge of irrepressible joy, which provokes them to stay in the water for five minutes. Keep in mind that this attack of joy is not the grace of God, but the result of the most difficult chemical reactions occurring in the body under the influence of cold. Staying in the water under the influence of endorphins, you risk your health.

Rule seven: warm up after swimming! Rub yourself with a towel, get dressed quickly. And drink something hot (prepaid raspberry tea, for example).

Rule eight: no alcohol before swimming ! And the maximum that you can afford after is a little church Cahors (on our website). It is widely believed that alcohol warms the body. But this is only in the first half hour after taking, then the opposite effect occurs, fraught with serious colds.

Rule nine: trust your body! And if looking at cold water terrifies you, think again: is it worth it?

Rule ten: do not enter the water without prayer, because it is primarily a rite of purification.

Let it be short (“Our Father”, for example), let it be in your own words, but turn to God on this day with words coming from the very heart. And before you go into the water, talk to her. Water is a special informational entity on any day of the year. And at Epiphany she is really alive. Ask her to cleanse you of the old, unnecessary and fill you with light and purity!”

However, many believers believe that you can plunge into Baptism in any water - not necessarily in an ice hole! The main thing is faith!

Every year, Orthodox Christians around the world celebrate one of the most significant holidays - the Baptism of the Lord. This holiday is the final and third in a row in the Christmas cycle, and is also one of the twelve most important religious holidays. Today we will talk about the history of the holiday and how to prepare for the ritual of swimming in the hole today.

One of the great holidays is the Epiphany of the Lord. This holiday is one of the few that is celebrated annually and its date does not change. In 2020, the Baptism of the Lord will be celebrated on the 13th day after Christmas, namely on January 19, on Saturday.

History of Baptism

After long wanderings in the desert, according to the Gospel, the prophet John came to the Jordan River, in which the Jews traditionally performed purification rites. Here he began to baptize people in the waters of the river, telling them about baptism and about repentance.

When the Messiah was 30 years old, he also came to the Jordan River and asked the prophet to baptize him. After the ceremony, the heavens opened up, and the Holy Spirit descended on the young Jesus in the form of a dove. Then the words of the Lord were heard, who said that Jesus was his son.

The event itself pointed John and all those who were at that moment by the river to the Divine dignity of the baptism of Jesus. History says that it was then that the Holy Trinity was revealed to the people: God - by voice, God the Son - Jesus and the Holy Spirit - a descended dove ..

When did the tradition of bathing at Epiphany in the hole appear?

Swimming in the hole for baptism is nothing but folk tradition and it has absolutely nothing to do with worship or the gospel. In Moscow, this tradition became widespread only in the 90s. Church ministers declare that the Orthodox do not have such an obligation as immersion in a winter hole. This is something from a series of extreme sports, personal perseverance to prove that a person can fight nature even in such harsh conditions.

This tradition exists today in Russia, Ukraine and other countries. In Greece, for example, the Bishop on this day blesses the sea, throws the cross, reading a prayer far into the sea, and Christians dive after him in order to get the cross. This is also a folk custom.

In Russia, a Jordan is cut down for Epiphany - a hole in the form of a cross, after which the water is blessed in it. For centuries, the church consecrated the water in the springs, and then the common people took water from the font. Some wanted to testify to their strength in faith, and they decided to plunge into the hole. This is where the tradition began.

How to prepare a hole?

It should be noted that the ice-hole for mass bathing is prepared by specially trained teams. The bathing place is cleared of snow, and then a cross is cut out of the ice using a chainsaw and safety ropes. Blocks of cut ice are sent either further along the river or taken out with special equipment.

People living in the private sector and having a pool cut a hole directly in their pool, also using a chainsaw. You will learn more about how to prepare a hole in the video.

From what time can you swim in the hole for Epiphany 2020

Mass bathing takes place in the evening of the 18th and early in the morning of the 19th. However, before you try your hand at fighting nature, you need to attend a service in the temple, as well as take communion. After the evening service on January 18, you can already swim. The ideal time interval is 00-1:30 on the night of the 18th to the 19th. It is believed that during this period healing properties Epiphany water is the most powerful and able to heal any ailment. Bathing in big cities take place until lunch on the 19th, as there are a lot of people who come.

Baptism swimming in the hole, video

How to prepare for swimming in the hole?

Doctors recommend getting ready for swimming in the ice-hole long in advance. Swimming in icy water in deep frosts is a huge stress for the body, and so that your body does not fail, you need to carefully prepare and harden. It is better to start preparing in the summer, gradually day after day, doing a douche.

2 days before Epiphany, you need to start the morning with a contrast shower. Be sure to exercise before taking a shower. This procedure is recommended to be repeated several times a day.

The day before bathing, the stay under a contrast shower should be increased. It is advisable that you stand under cold water completely within 5-7 minutes, but no more, and the water should not be colder than 15 degrees.

Swimming in an ice hole should be approached with all responsibility, and even if you are a person of deep faith, but have health problems from the list below, then refuse to dive in Jordan.

You should not dive if you have the following health problems:

  • heart diseases;
  • obesity;
  • hypertension;
  • epilepsy;
  • arrhythmia;
  • tendency to convulsions;
  • diseases of the respiratory organs;
  • private sinusitis, sinusitis and frontal sinusitis;
  • asthma;
  • skin diseases (eg eczema and psoriasis);
  • prostatitis;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • cataract;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • neurotic diseases.

Also, Epiphany bathing will not benefit those who suffer from insomnia.

If you still decide to swim, despite all the prohibitions, then you must understand that you only take responsibility for your life. Eat a hearty meal a couple of hours before swimming. Take dry clothes, a towel and a thermos of hot tea with you.

Immediately upon arrival, you can not plunge sharply, you should cool down gradually. First, take off your outer clothing, after a few minutes your shoes, then undress to the waist and only then proceed to bathing.

What do girls and women swim in the hole in, and what do men wear?

There are no special restrictions on clothes for bathing in the hole for Epiphany for either men or women. Most of the fair sex bathe in bathing suits or nightgowns, and the representatives of the stronger half in swimming trunks.

Go to the hole barefoot or in shoes?

Unlike clothes while swimming, do not forget about shoes. You need to approach the ice hole in non-slip and easily removable shoes so as not to freeze your feet while you move towards the bathing place. In order to reach the ice-hole, woolen socks and special rubber slippers are also suitable. When walking to the bathing area, remember that the path is likely to be slippery.

How to swim in an ice hole: how many times to plunge, do you need to plunge headlong or not?

The tradition of bathing in an ice-hole involves three-fold dipping with your head. However, it is best to dive up to the neck without wetting your head, this will avoid constriction of the vessels of the brain. It is also worth refraining from jumping into the water, this can lead to shock from loss of temperature from the cold.

Can Muslims swim in the hole at Epiphany?

Even though the christening Orthodox holiday The church does not regulate the behavior of representatives of other religions in any way. If you are a Muslim and want to take part in the bathing at Epiphany, visit the imam and ask him this question. The Church does not forbid representatives of the Muslim religion to swim in the hole.

Do Catholics bathe in the hole at Epiphany?

As mentioned above, Orthodox Church does not prohibit bathing at Epiphany for representatives of other religions, so if you are a Catholic and want to join Orthodox tradition, then feel free to go to specially designated places for swimming.

How many days do they bathe in the hole for Epiphany?

As mentioned above, immersion in Jordan takes place on the night of the 18th to the 19th. In fact, they bathe in the hole for 2 days: January 18 and 19.

Is it useful to swim in the hole for Epiphany?

Each person, before deciding to take such a step, needs to understand that bathing at Epiphany is nothing more than just a tradition and has nothing to do with the Gospel, as mentioned above, it has nothing. If you do not harden for a year, but decide to tickle your nerves and get your dose of adrenaline, then it is important to understand that an unprepared body can respond to such a temperature drop with diseases, and in some cases people have a stroke. Therefore, having weighed only all the pros and cons, go to conquer the Jordan. The benefits of such an event are very doubtful, you are unlikely to be able to “wash away” sins, but it will be enough to earn health problems in full.

For many, the Epiphany holiday is just a tradition of swimming in an ice hole, but do not forget about its true meaning. Only faith in God can heal!

This is one of the biggest New Year holidays. But not everyone knows what day to swim in the hole. When and why this should be done, we will now tell in the article.

  • Let's deal with the dates
  • Basic rules for dipping
  • The meaning of diving into the hole
  • bathing process
  • Major Mistakes
  • Is it really necessary?
  • Contraindications

Let's deal with the dates

Very often in January you can hear such a question: “When do you need to dive into the hole, on the 18th or 19th?”.

It is accepted that believers should come to church on January 18th. On this day, you need to pray and bless the water. But on Epiphany, on the 19th, you need to swim in the hole.

But this should be done at night. The optimal time for swimming: from 00.10 to 01.30. It is in this interval that the water will have healing properties. She will be able to heal people from diseases and forgive sins.

Basic rules for dipping

At first glance, this rite is very simple. But it only seems so, you need to familiarize yourself with important rules:

1. Fast dive. The sooner you dive, the less risk of hypothermia.

2. The 20 second rule. This perfect time stay in cold water. During these seconds, the blood will have time to come to the heart. But if you are diving for the first time, then stay in the icy water for at least 10-15 seconds.

3. Wiping with a towel. If you do this right away, you may damage the skin or small capillaries.

4. Quick dressing. Prepare comfortable clothing in advance and leave it as close to the hole as possible.

5. Jogging. Running will help you warm up quickly. Immediately after dressing, run along the river bank. Or do some exercise.

The meaning of diving into the hole

The ritual of bathing in cold water can protect against many diseases. But it is better to prepare for this procedure in advance. For example, dousing cold water at home. The stronger the body is hardened, the easier the rite of bathing in the hole will be.

During a dive, kilocalories of heat are lost. Therefore, a protective reaction is triggered in the body - the pores narrow and the blood passes to the most important organs. This is necessary to keep warm.

Also, the heartbeat accelerates and rises arterial pressure. After all, blood circulation occurs already in smaller volumes.

bathing process

Before diving, the ice-hole is consecrated. Also, there is a special entrance. You can approach the hole naked, but you need to take off your shoes at the last moment. For example, you can take warm slippers or woolen socks with you. Swimwear is not allowed to dive. This must be done in shirts so as not to expose the body.

Dive completely into the water several times and quickly get out of there. With a long stay in the cold - the limbs will cramp. Immediately throw a large towel or blanket over yourself. Hot tea or coffee will help keep you warm.

Major Mistakes

To make swimming as comfortable as possible, read the main misconceptions:

· Partial immersion. If you decide to dive, then you need to do it with your whole body. Very often people do not wet their heads and make a serious mistake. Indeed, from a sharp temperature drop, inside the body, a spasm of blood vessels can occur.

If you have long hair, use a shower cap. After all, you will not be able to quickly dry your head.

· Wrong food. We have already said that during a dive, kilocalories of heat are lost. Therefore, you need to stock up on energy. It can be obtained from fatty foods. Such as: lard, nuts, bread, raisins and others. Eat this food before bathing.

· Patting on the body. If you even lightly beat yourself on the skin, you can injure it.

· Warming up. Very often, people get very hot before bathing. But this is absolutely impossible. After all, then there will be an even greater temperature difference and the person will suffer greatly. As a result, the muscles will receive microtrauma.

· Consumption of alcoholic beverages. The church forbids drinking alcohol on this holiday. And yet, it gives only a temporary feeling of warmth. Vessels after expansion will quickly narrow, and you will freeze even faster.

Is it really necessary?

On this day, you must attend the service and confess. But you can do without diving into the hole. After all, this is not a mandatory ritual.

Priests believe that if a person believes in special properties water, then it is enough for him to wash only his face with cold water.


It is forbidden to swim in such cases:

· If you have any serious medical condition, it is best to skip the ice water diving procedure. Also, you can not swim if you have heat or other ailment. Even

The disease is very mild or not very serious, it is better to abstain. There can be dire consequences.

· Pregnant girls are not allowed to swim. After all, a sharp temperature drop can provoke premature contractions. Or more serious problems.

· If you have heart or blood pressure problems, don't go swimming in cold water. This will only exacerbate your health problems.

Also, don't dive into cold water if you have diabetes or problems with urination.

Baptism has its own rites and traditions, rich history. And the most important thing is to understand the meaning that lies in this holiday. Epiphany is an important day of the year for Orthodox people. After all, it is then that the spiritual renewal of a person takes place.

First of all, you need to remember - dipping into the hole at Epiphany is not a tribute to fashion, not a cult or drunken fun. This is a holy sacrament, cleansing from sins in which a person repented. It is precisely such people who are given liberation from ailments, spiritual and bodily, enlightenment and God's grace. From a church point of view, until the rite of blessing the water is completed, which takes place after the evening service in Epiphany Christmas Eve, swimming in the ice hole remains winter swimming and has nothing to do with the Orthodox rite. For those who really want to touch the shrine, it is important to wait until the reservoir is consecrated.

There are a few simple tips, following which you will stay alive. After all, you see, dipping in January is quite an extreme activity:

  • the presence of health workers

  • depth of the reservoir - up to 1.8 m,

  • hole must be fenced off.

  • in the presence of diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous system, chronic inflammatory processes;

  • if you took alcohol, just got out of the bath.

And if you still fulfill all the rules of dipping at Baptism, you will receive not only a huge boost of vivacity and Have a good mood, but will be healthy for a very, very long time.

1. Make sure you are healthy and well. This is mainly about colds (it is clear that if you have gangrene and you go to the dip for healing, then you are unlikely to feel well).

2. Pick your clothes. It should be not only warm, but also comfortable. Quickly unfasten and easy to put back on. Don't forget the hat! after dipping, be sure to put it on. And you will be much more comfortable if you take a rubber mat to change clothes on.

3. best temperature for dipping into the hole at Epiphany to -5 degrees. If the frost is below -10, and you do not dip regularly (meaning, not once a year, but once a day), then it is better to refrain from such extreme actions.

4. Don't dip hungry! For a couple of hours, it is advisable to eat loosely, and immediately after dipping - drink not alcohol !!!, but warm tea or an infusion of herbs.

5. Before dipping, be sure to do a little exercise, warm up, warm up your muscles: jump, wave your arms, squat.

6. Being in the water for about 10-15 seconds, this is quite enough to plunge three times. And there is no need for you to stay there longer.

7. After leaving, rub yourself well with a towel, do not wear clothes on a wet body. Dry off, get dressed and go warm. If you dip constantly, you can stay in the cold for another 15 minutes.

8. Never dive while intoxicated! It could cost you your life!

And remember, dipping into the hole for baptism is an Orthodox rite. Before diving, you need to cross yourself three times. And if a man has enough swimming trunks, then it is desirable for a woman to be in nightgown and not from which all her charms fall out.