About Lisa Apraksina, one can say - the keeper of the hearth. A woman with a big heart and incredible patience. Restrained, kind, sensitive - this is how her relatives and close people knew her.

Childhood and youth

Elizaveta Eikhenbaum (Apraksina) was born on August 27, 1937 in Leningrad. The Eichenbaum family's apartment was located in the writer's superstructure, on the Canal Embankment.

Literary critic, representative of the Society for the Study of the Theory of Poetic Language, Doctor of Philology Boris Mikhailovich Eikhenbaum loved his granddaughter Lisa. The girl was brought up in a creative and hospitable family. Visited them, the St. Petersburg beau monde often gathered.

The biography of Elizabeth is rich in events. As a child, she went through the Leningrad blockade. Lisa's mother, Olga Borisovna, recalls that eldest daughter grew up tearful. Little Eichenbaum shed tears for any reason.

hard days from the blockade period, Lisa rarely remembered. At that time, Alexei Alekseevich Apraksin (father) and sister Tatiana died. Mom, grandfather and Elizabeth survived.

The future profession had to be chosen carefully. Liza got excited about the idea of ​​graduating from Mekhmat. I studied diligently, but due to the prevailing competition, I did not enter. Nobody believed that the girl would be able to study at the Mekhmat.


After failed attempt at one university, Elizabeth entered pedagogical institute. But she never received a diploma - this profession seemed extremely boring to the girl.

After teaching, Lisa found a part-time job at the Zoological Museum. After a while, she became a student at the Forestry Academy. But a year later she left school again.

After working at the Zoological Museum, Lisa got a job as an editor at Lenfilm. She worked there until she married a second and last time.

Personal life

For the first time, Elizabeth knew married life with Leonid Kvinikhidze, but the marriage did not last more than six months. The newlyweds fought every day. However, Elizabeth owes her stay at Lenfilm to Leonid - he got her a job there.

Kvinikhidze and Eikhenbaum separated, and the impressionable Lisa promised herself not to marry again. Former spouse(in the future - director and author of the film "Straw Hat") married a second time, his wife was a ballerina.

Elizabeth considers the years spent with, a brilliant artist of the Soviet era, to be a significant part of her life. Dahl is known as an impulsive and wayward person. They said that Oleg embodies the image creative person. They were not surprised if the artist left the set unexpectedly, canceled his participation in the filming or performance.

Dahl was often irritable, swearing, unable to cope with emotions. Elizabeth wisely dealt with outbursts of anger, knowing that her husband loved her.

Cinema was not a source of income for Oleg, but a world in which he lived for hundreds different lives. Not all roles interested Dahl. The most famous paintings that have forever preserved the image of the actor are King Lear, Zhenya, Zhenya and Katyusha, The First Trolleybus.

Eichenbaum met the actor at the age of 32 during a birthday celebration. More Oleg and Lisa did not part. Fate brought them to film set"King Lear". Under the leadership of Kozintsev, Elizaveta worked as an editor, and Dahl entered the image of the Jester. The meeting took place in Narva in 1969.

On the set, ethics forbade having novels. Both worked hard, but, as Oleg Dal later recalled, he realized at first glance that he had met future wife. Elizabeth Dahl was at a loss as to how quickly the actor asked for her hand. A modest woman told this story a couple of times to reporters. Oleg woke up Olga Borisovna early in the morning to announce his intention to marry. Lisa answered yes without hesitation.

At first, Dal and his wife lived in a Leningrad apartment. Then they moved to Moscow, changing two houses there. The latter was on Smolensky Boulevard, where the family lived: Oleg, Elizaveta Dal and mothers on both sides.

Vladislav Dvorzhetsky, Elizaveta Dal, Oleg Dal

It is known that the actor was delighted with the new apartments. Dahl was pleased with the view from the window and Personal Area which gave me the opportunity to be alone with myself. In one of the interviews, a photo of a secluded corner was published.

Women in this family did not work. Mother-in-law and mother-in-law have long since retired. And her husband did not allow his wife Elizabeth Dal to work. It was considered that the most main job women - it is true to wait for a husband from filming, to provide comfort. And she waited.

I had to leave my career at Lenfilm. Oleg Dal's wife devoted ten years of her life to the family, which she does not regret. children in happy marriage not born.

Elizaveta Dal considers Oleg's death to be the hardest day. The realization that family happiness came to an end in ten years was frightening. Lisa kept the memory of her husband all her life. Actor Oleg Dal died at the age of 39. The wife claims that the cause of death was cardiac arrest.


The widow spent the rest of her life alone, without starting a new relationship. Ten years later, I had to look for work again, because there were not enough savings to live on. Lisa learned the basics of the craft anew.

Oleg Dal is an ambiguous and striking figure in cinematography, who drove many fans crazy with his talent, but pissed off his colleagues with his behavior on stage. There were so many good things said about him, and so many bad things.

He was a man of extremes, nevertheless, with his spontaneous character, he achieved a lot in his career. He was forgiven as a naughty child who made mistakes and got confused in his life, but understood and moved forward. Oleg Dal had difficult fate and everyone remembers it in their own way.

Height, weight, age. How old is Oleg Dal

They say that forty years for a man is a fatal date, for some reason this age is considered a turning point in life. Some cross this line and again go into battle with new forces in their lives, and some, like Oleg Dal, for example, surrender to fate. Dahl no longer had the strength or desire to climb and live.

Interesting to see how youthful years changed Oleg Dal. Photos in his youth and now fans are looking at and admiring, as the actor was simply magnificent. Interested in data such as height, weight, age. How old would Oleg Dal be now if not for the evening that took his life young man. Thirty-seven years ago, the actor passed away, exhausted by life's circumstances. With his height of 185 cm, the actor weighed a little and looked thin, but many girls of that time remembered the dimples on his cheeks.

Biography of Oleg Dal

The biography of Oleg Dal was not simple, but the young actor still left his story. He was born on May 25, 1941 just before the start of the war in the Moscow region.

The time was difficult, his father, Ivan Zinovievich, worked as an engineer, who was later taken to fight, and his mother, Pavel Petrovna, was left with three children. Oleg also had a brother, Boris, and a sister, Iraida. When the boy was at school, he wanted to devote himself to sports, but because of a heart defect, he left these classes. Therefore, Oleg began to engage in more calm hobbies - he wrote, poems, drew and saw himself as an actor.

Filmography: films starring Oleg Dal

After graduation, the young man enters the theater school, where he goes headlong into his profession. At one of the qualifying rounds, Oleg Dal was chosen for the role and in 1961 the actor's filmography begins with the film "My Little Brother", after which he was invited to the film "The Man Who Doubts"

Oleg showed himself what he is capable of, many directors invited him, but the film “The Chronicle of a Dive Bomber” brought special popularity to the actor. After the release of this picture, Oleg Dal becomes one of the public’s favorite actors, and many predict great success for him.

In addition to cinema, Dahl plays in theaters, where he excites the audience even more with his talent. What is the production with the role of Vaska Ash, after which Oleg wins the hearts of the audience with his play.

"Uninvited Friend" and "September Vacation" were latest paintings in the life of an actor who are remembered especially clearly. Revising again and again, the actor played with such anguish, with such strength, as if he knew that he would no longer have to play or live. Oleg Dal died on March 3, 1981.

Personal life of Oleg Dal

The personal life of Oleg Dal did not immediately take shape, as he would like. The first wife, Nina Doroshina, admitted at her wedding that she loved another person. Rumor has it that it was because of her that the actor began to drink heavily, which later led to the fact that the ill-fated bottle of vodka became the cause of the actor's death. The second wife, Tatyana Lavrova, did not love Oleg enough to endure his eccentric character and regular table gatherings.

Only on the third attempt, Dahl managed to find the one that dissolved in him, despite the beatings and drunken antics. Elizabeth knew how to be honest, faithful and carry her cross to the end. Although there were moments when Lisa could not stand it and said "stop". She recalled the case when Dahl, after another hard drinking, began to choke her, after which his wife decided to leave. Oleg returned home two weeks later, said that he had sewn up an ampoule with Vladimir Vysotsky from alcoholism for three years. Naturally, Elizabeth forgave him and understood. And six months later, everything started all over again, neither cadding, nor ampoules helped - nothing.

IN last years life, the actor began to think more often about the meaning of life, it was common for him to reflect on lofty themes. His wife said that Oleg Dal was still waiting for death. Why did the actor get depressed? He either cried or laughed, he could disrupt the performance - probably because the psyche could not withstand such an emotional load and drunken discharge. And when Vysotsky's funeral was, Dahl began to laugh out loud and say that they would meet soon. It felt like he would be gone soon. His wife noticed some things in him, but did not attach any importance to this. She later recalled that Oleg was ready to die and he was not afraid of this.

And Lavrova recalls that the day before she had a dream prophetic dream that Oleg Dal came to say goodbye to her, and for some reason with a beard, although Oleg was always freshly shaven. When Tatyana learned the terrible news, she was shocked by everything that was happening. In the coffin, Oleg Dal lay with a beard, he let her go for a new role, in which he was supposed to star.

That evening, when Oleg Dal passed away, after drinking a shot before going to bed, he told his colleague: "I'm going to die." Before his fortieth birthday, the actor did not live two months.

Family of Oleg Dal

Recently, the family of Oleg Dal was just his loving wife, mother and mother-in-law, with whom he lived in the same apartment. Elizabeth courted both women, and Oleg, as a real man provided for the prosperity of the family. The actor and his wife's mother were so understanding and warm relationship that when a woman was dying, her last will was to have her ashes scattered over the grave of Oleg Dal.

Oleg's sister was never connected with family ties, moreover, after the death of the actor, Iraida, having taken her mother to her, wrote statement of claim to the court on her behalf and claimed a four-room apartment. “These were the most terrible days for me,” Lisa shared, “Loss of a husband, courts - I was on the verge of suicide. It is very difficult to take the blows of fate when there is no person next to you who you can rely on, who can just listen, and even more so when this person is your beloved husband.

Children of Oleg Dal

Although the actor had wives, none of them bore him an heir, although everyone has a dream loving woman- these are kids. Oleg Dal was never worried about this topic, maybe because a creative person had his own priorities and values ​​in life.

The actor had a very fine mental organization, and even his women noticed in him, in a fit of despair, some throwing, not inherent in men. He was such a vulnerable person that for each of his women he looked more like not a husband, but a child who lacked guardianship and care.

The ex-wife of Oleg Dal - Nina Doroshina

The ex-wife of Oleg Dal is Nina Doroshina, an actress known to us from the film "Love and Pigeons", where she played the main character. Nina Mikhailovna met her future husband on the set and soon married him. But this marriage was not for love, so it is unlikely that something would have worked out of him.

Doroshina loved another person, and she married Dahl in revenge on her lover. Even on own wedding Nina was gone for a while, and then she came along with her lover, who put his bride on his knees and brazenly said: “Still, you need me, not him.” So began for Dahl married life and at that moment Oleg's nerves could not stand it, and he went on a drinking binge for several weeks. Doroshina still feels guilty before him, as she used him for her own purposes, to prove that someone needs her. After the divorce, the couple remained friends, as nothing more connected them.

The ex-wife of Oleg Dal - Tatyana Lavrova

The ex-wife of Oleg Dal, Tatyana Lavrova, recalled a short marriage as her mistake of youth, but she does not regret anything. If the woman was already on her feet, self-sufficient and confident, then Oleg was just beginning. A shabby coat, combed socks on boots and a painfully vulnerable soul. Tatyana helped him as much as she could, bought clothes, shoes, but the only thing she could not stand was the booze that her husband arranged. Each time Dal promised not to drink anymore, and each time Lavrova believed and forgave.

Later, she and her husband began to drink, so that, as they say, he was less. But everyone deceived himself and it came to a divorce. Later, Tatyana Lavrova recalls "Dal was an extraordinary person, we even felt comfortable being silent together, if not for one thing." After parting, the actress had many men, but she said that she fell in love only with talented ones.

Oleg Dal's wife - Elizaveta Eichenbaum

Oleg Dal's wife, Elizaveta Eikhenbaum, has been married to the actor for more than ten years. Here is a woman who could manage her husband, make compromises and try to save her family with her wisdom. Still, Lisa loved Oleg, if she tolerated his sometimes inappropriate behavior, all the same drinks and violent character. However, the woman managed to find the right approach, and realizing that in his glass he harbors some kind of resentment or anger at someone, she began to provoke him into a scandal. I endured so that I could remove the burden from myself, throwing out all the negativity - if only I didn’t drink.

Of course, the woman was offended, but besides that, there were good memories from them. life together. She recalls that Dahl was very kind person and always worried about his loved ones. He took care of his wife as best he could, loved her and always asked for forgiveness, saying that he ruined her life. But Elizabeth at that moment was happy woman When I heard kind words from my husband, I hoped that everything was ahead and everything would be fine, you just need to be patient.

Elizaveta Eikhenbaum, after the loss of her beloved husband, did not find family happiness again, but she did not need it. She lived in memories past life where Lisa and Oleg were. “When Oleg passed away,” the woman shares, “He took me with him.”

Instagram and Wikipedia Oleg Dal

Now a lot of information can be found on the Internet of a person of interest, and Instagram and Wikipedia are especially popular now. Oleg Dal can also be found in in social networks, or rather a community named after him and dedicated to the work of the actor. People are ambivalent about Oleg Dal both as a person and as an actor.

Some condemn him, considering dishonorable behavior, while he demanded much more from others than from himself. But without knowing a person personally, it is difficult to judge his actions. Although they said that the last wife did not live with him, but suffered, Elizabeth herself said about him: “No one knew this man, since I knew him, so I can safely say that Oleg, despite his unpredictable disposition, was very noble . He arranged holidays for me, made surprises, he had a very subtle sense of humor. And even though some did not understand him and even closed the doors in front of him, he never held evil against anyone. His inner intelligence did not allow him to step over himself, and although he seemed not of this world, everyone loved him.

Oleg Dal is an ambiguous and striking figure in cinematography, who drove many fans crazy with his talent, but pissed off his colleagues with his behavior on stage. There were so many good things said about him, and so many bad things.

He was a man of extremes, nevertheless, with his spontaneous character, he achieved a lot in his career. He was forgiven as a naughty child who made mistakes and got confused in his life, but understood and moved forward. Oleg Dal had a difficult fate and everyone remembers him in his own way.

They say that forty years for a man is a fatal date, for some reason this age is considered a turning point in life. Some cross this line and again go into battle with new forces in their lives, and some, like Oleg Dal, for example, surrender to fate. Dahl no longer had the strength or desire to climb and live.

It is interesting to watch how Oleg Dal has changed since his youth. Photos in his youth and now fans are looking at and admiring, as the actor was simply magnificent. Interested in data such as height, weight, age. How old would Oleg Dal be now if not for the evening that claimed the life of a young man. Thirty-seven years ago, the actor passed away, exhausted by life's circumstances. With his height of 185 cm, the actor weighed a little and looked thin, but many girls of that time remembered the dimples on his cheeks.

Biography of Oleg Dal

The biography of Oleg Dal was not simple, but the young actor still left his story. He was born on May 25, 1941 just before the start of the war in the Moscow region.

The time was difficult, his father, Ivan Zinovievich, worked as an engineer, who was later taken to fight, and his mother, Pavel Petrovna, was left with three children. Oleg also had a brother, Boris, and a sister, Iraida. When the boy was at school, he wanted to devote himself to sports, but because of a heart defect, he left these classes. Therefore, Oleg began to engage in more calm hobbies - he wrote, poems, drew and saw himself as an actor.

Filmography: films starring Oleg Dal

After graduation, the young man enters the theater school, where he goes headlong into his profession. At one of the qualifying rounds, Oleg Dal was chosen for the role and in 1961 the actor's filmography begins with the film "My Little Brother", after which he was invited to the film "The Man Who Doubts"

Oleg showed himself what he is capable of, many directors invited him, but the film “The Chronicle of a Dive Bomber” brought special popularity to the actor. After the release of this picture, Oleg Dal becomes one of the public’s favorite actors, and many predict great success for him.

In addition to cinema, Dahl plays in theaters, where he excites the audience even more with his talent. What is the production with the role of Vaska Ash, after which Oleg wins the hearts of the audience with his play.

"Uninvited Friend" and "Vacation in September" were the last pictures in the life of the actor, which were remembered especially clearly. Revising again and again, the actor played with such anguish, with such strength, as if he knew that he would no longer have to play or live. Oleg Dal died on March 3, 1981.

Personal life of Oleg Dal

The personal life of Oleg Dal did not immediately take shape, as he would like. The first wife, Nina Doroshina, admitted at her wedding that she loved another person. Rumor has it that it was because of her that the actor began to drink heavily, which later led to the fact that the ill-fated bottle of vodka became the cause of the actor's death. The second wife, Tatyana Lavrova, did not love Oleg enough to endure his eccentric character and regular table gatherings.

Only on the third attempt, Dahl managed to find the one that dissolved in him, despite the beatings and drunken antics. Elizabeth knew how to be honest, faithful and carry her cross to the end. Although there were moments when Lisa could not stand it and said "stop". She recalled the case when Dahl, after another hard drinking, began to choke her, after which his wife decided to leave. Oleg returned home two weeks later, said that he had sewn up an ampoule with Vladimir Vysotsky from alcoholism for three years. Naturally, Elizabeth forgave him and understood. And six months later, everything started all over again, neither cadding, nor ampoules helped - nothing.

In the last years of his life, the actor began to think more often about the meaning of life, it was natural for him to reflect on high topics. His wife said that Oleg Dal was still waiting for death. Why did the actor get depressed? He either cried or laughed, he could disrupt the performance - probably because the psyche could not withstand such an emotional load and drunken discharge. And when Vysotsky's funeral was, Dahl began to laugh out loud and say that they would meet soon. It felt like he would be gone soon. His wife noticed some things in him, but did not attach any importance to this. She later recalled that Oleg was ready to die and he was not afraid of this.

And Lavrova recalls that the day before she had a prophetic dream that Oleg Dal came to say goodbye to her, and for some reason with a beard, although Oleg was always freshly shaven. When Tatyana learned the terrible news, she was shocked by everything that was happening. In the coffin, Oleg Dal lay with a beard, he let her go for a new role, in which he was supposed to star.

That evening, when Oleg Dal passed away, after drinking a shot before going to bed, he told his colleague: "I'm going to die." Before his fortieth birthday, the actor did not live two months.

Family of Oleg Dal

Recently, the family of Oleg Dal was just his loving wife, mother and mother-in-law, with whom he lived in the same apartment. Elizabeth looked after both women, and Oleg, like a real man, ensured the prosperity of the family. The actor had such an understanding and warm relationship with his wife's mother that when a woman died, her last will was to have her ashes scattered over the grave of Oleg Dal.

Oleg's sister was never connected with family ties, moreover, after the death of the actor, Iraida, having taken her mother to her, wrote a statement of claim to the court on her behalf and claimed a four-room apartment. “These were the most terrible days for me,” Lisa shared, “Loss of a husband, courts - I was on the verge of suicide. It is very difficult to take the blows of fate when there is no person next to you who you can rely on, who can just listen, and even more so when this person is your beloved husband.

Children of Oleg Dal

Although the actor had wives, none of them bore him an heir, although the dream of every loving woman is children. Oleg Dal was never worried about this topic, maybe because a creative person had his own priorities and values ​​in life.

The actor had a very fine mental organization, and even his women noticed in him, in a fit of despair, some throwing, not inherent in men. He was such a vulnerable person that for each of his women he looked more like not a husband, but a child who lacked guardianship and care.

The ex-wife of Oleg Dal - Nina Doroshina

The ex-wife of Oleg Dal is Nina Doroshina, an actress known to us from the film "Love and Pigeons", where she played the main character. Nina Mikhailovna met her future husband on the set and soon married him. But this marriage was not for love, so it is unlikely that something would have worked out of him.

Doroshina loved another person, and she married Dahl in revenge on her lover. Nina was not even at her own wedding for a while, and then she came along with her lover, who put the bride on his knees and brazenly said: “Still, you need me, not him.” This is how Dahl's married life began, and at that moment Oleg's nerves could not stand it, and he went on a drinking binge for several weeks. Doroshina still feels guilty before him, as she used him for her own purposes, to prove that someone needs her. After the divorce, the couple remained friends, as nothing more connected them.

The ex-wife of Oleg Dal - Tatyana Lavrova

The ex-wife of Oleg Dal, Tatyana Lavrova, recalled a short marriage as her mistake of youth, but she does not regret anything. If the woman was already on her feet, self-sufficient and confident, then Oleg was just beginning. A shabby coat, combed socks on boots and a painfully vulnerable soul. Tatyana helped him as much as she could, bought clothes, shoes, but the only thing she could not stand was the booze that her husband arranged. Each time Dal promised not to drink anymore, and each time Lavrova believed and forgave.

Later, she and her husband began to drink, so that, as they say, he was less. But everyone deceived himself and it came to a divorce. Later, Tatyana Lavrova recalls "Dal was an extraordinary person, we even felt comfortable being silent together, if not for one thing." After parting, the actress had many men, but she said that she fell in love only with talented ones.

Oleg Dal's wife - Elizaveta Eichenbaum

Oleg Dal's wife, Elizaveta Eikhenbaum, has been married to the actor for more than ten years. Here is a woman who could manage her husband, make compromises and try to save her family with her wisdom. Still, Lisa loved Oleg, if she tolerated his sometimes inappropriate behavior, all the same drinks and violent character. However, the woman managed to find the right approach, and realizing that in his glass he harbors some kind of resentment or anger at someone, she began to provoke him into a scandal. I endured so that I could remove the burden from myself, throwing out all the negativity - if only I didn’t drink.

Of course, the woman was offended, but besides this, there were good memories from their life together. She recalls that Dahl was a very kind person and always worried about his loved ones. He took care of his wife as best he could, loved her and always asked for forgiveness, saying that he ruined her life. But Elizabeth in those moments was a happy woman, when she heard kind words from her husband, she hoped that everything was ahead and everything would be fine, you just need to be patient.

Elizaveta Eikhenbaum, after the loss of her beloved husband, did not find family happiness again, but she did not need it. She lived with memories of a past life, where Liza and Oleg were. “When Oleg passed away,” the woman shares, “He took me with him.”

Instagram and Wikipedia Oleg Dal

Now a lot of information can be found on the Internet of a person of interest, and Instagram and Wikipedia are especially popular now. Oleg Dal can also be found on social networks, or rather, a community named after him and dedicated to the work of the actor. People are ambivalent about Oleg Dal both as a person and as an actor.

Some condemn him, considering dishonorable behavior, while he demanded much more from others than from himself. But without knowing a person personally, it is difficult to judge his actions. Although they said that the last wife did not live with him, but suffered, Elizabeth herself said about him: “No one knew this man, since I knew him, so I can safely say that Oleg, despite his unpredictable disposition, was very noble . He arranged holidays for me, made surprises, he had a very subtle sense of humor. And even though some did not understand him and even closed the doors in front of him, he never held evil against anyone. His inner intelligence did not allow him to step over himself, and although he seemed not of this world, everyone loved him.

Name: Oleg Dal
Zodiac sign: Twins
Date of Birth: May 25, 1941 -
Age: 39 years
Place of Birth: Lublino
Date of death: March 3, 1981
Activity: theater and film actor, director
Family status: was married to Elizaveta Apraksina

Oleg Dal - biography

Oleg Dal is an actor who never fit into the ordinary. Those around him suffered from his causticity and straightforwardness, and he suffered from the injustice and vulgarity of this world.

Childhood, Oleg Dal's family

The family of Oleg Ivanovich Dahl is interesting in that they are descendants of the compiler of the famous explanatory dictionary Vladimir Dahl. Oleg was born into a family that was not only far from theatrical art, but also did not welcome him. They say that Oleg Dal's father in his youth dabbled in writing stories that he published in literary magazine under the pseudonym Dal (his real name was Zherko).

And when universal passportization began in the country, he took a new surname - Dalia. In the family, in addition to Oleg Ivanovich, Iraida, the sister of the future film actor, was also brought up.

Oleg lived in his childhood on Moskovsky Street and was no different from all the other yard children, spending most of his time on the street. But when he went to school, already at the first medical examination, unexpectedly for both the boy himself and his parents, the doctors discovered a heart disease. This influenced the views of Oleg Dal so much that he began to paint, and then literary activity. To this was added the fact that he perfectly began to understand that he had speech defects - he burr.

Study of Oleg Dal

After finishing ten classes, having passed the exams, Oleg Dal goes to apply to the theater school. So, in 1959, he became a student at the Shchepkinsky School, although his parents were against such a choice of profession. Dahl was enrolled in the course of Nikolai Annekov, a famous and honored actor.

Oleg Dal was lucky, and now famous film actors Mikhail Kononov and Vitaly Solomin became his fellow students.

Oleg Dal's career

A cinematic biography of Oleg Ivanovich Dal begins in 1962, when he played a cameo role in the film "My Little Brother". In this film, he was noticed and invited to star in his film epic War and Peace, where he was offered the role of Nikolai Rostov. But, unfortunately, the tests were unsuccessful. But on the other hand, Oleg Dal played in another film leading role, and this detective comes out in 1963. But he does not immediately receive fame and popularity. Therefore, he continues to play in theaters.

In 1967 famous actor Oleg Dal was approved for the lead role in the famous and popular film Zhenya, Zhenechka and Katyusha. But only all this was given to him with great difficulty. So, up to this point, he had already managed to change three theaters, where his relationship did not develop due to the irascibility of his character.

Yes, and for this role, which brought success to Oleg, it only turned out to take samples from the third time, since he plucked the first two, being in drunk. In 1967, the premiere of the film took place, but the officials were dissatisfied with it and did not give permission to show it to the mass audience. The film was released only after numerous disputes and conflicts. So, Oleg Dal became a famous actor.

But the most great popularity comes in the biography of a talented actor after he starred in the film "The Chronicle of a dive bomber", where Dahl played a major role. After that, in 1968, he plays the main roles in several fairy tales. But still, one of his best and legendary works was the role of Krestovsky in the film "Sannikov Land", although the actor himself did not like it.

Oleg Dal: Theater

Acting in films, Oleg Ivanovich did not give up his work in the theater, constantly developing. Already in 1963, he was invited to work at the Sovremennik Theater, but when Dahl agreed and moved here to work, for almost five years he was not allowed to play the main roles at all, and he always had to be only in the background. So he decides to try himself as a director. In 1969, his first performance was released, where he himself plays the main role.

After that, he changed his place of work many more times. So, he worked at Lenkom, but at the same time continued his work at the Moscow Art Theater, working in collaboration with Oleg Efremov.

Trying to find himself in this acting profession, he decides to enroll in directors' courses, successfully enters, but did not finish his studies. Then, breaking off his relationship with the Sovremennik Theater, he moves to the theater on Malaya Bronnaya. But his cinematic work is getting better and better, so he easily wins the love of the viewer. In 1980, the famous actor moved to the Maly Theater.

Personal life

Personal life, like creative biography Oleg Dal was not easy. The famous actor was married three times. The actor had no children with any of his wives.


Dahl's first wife was actress Nina Doroshina, who ran away from their wedding.

The second wife is Tatyana Lavrova, with whom the marriage lasted only six months.

The happiest streak in the actor's biography came after Oleg Dal married for the third time. His chosen one, Lisa Apraksina, was always waiting for him at home, and endured all his drunken antics. Therefore, this marriage lasted a long time.

Oleg Dal cause of death

The last role turned out to be the most difficult in his acting biography, as they did not want to approve him for the role for a long time. Because of these problems, the health of the popular actor was undermined. But besides, it also affected the fact that he began to drink a lot. Already on March 3, 1981, due to a heart attack, the talented actor died in Kyiv, where at that time he was on a business trip. The cause of death was heart attack due to frequent alcohol consumption. Oleg Dal was buried in Moscow.

Biography by: Tati