In March 1981, rumors spread around Moscow: Oleg Dal committed suicide in Kyiv. The death of the most popular and young - only 39 years old! - the actor was a shock to everyone. A couple of days later, they found out that there was no suicide - Dahl's heart failed. The employees of the Kyiv hotel, in the room of which the actor's body was found, later said that an expression of some kind of bliss froze on Dahl's face. As if he finally achieved what he dreamed of.

Dahl did talk a lot about death. When in the 80th year Vladimir Vysotsky died, with whom he was connected not only by friendship, but rather by mutual worship of each other's talent, Dal dropped at the funeral: “I will be next.” He uttered the same terrible phrase when he was given a dressing room at the Maly Theater, which belonged to the recently deceased actor Alexei Eybozhenko. Even on the last day of his earthly life, he said to the actor Leonid Markov, with whom he starred in the same film: “Well, I went to my room. Die". He seemed to be calling death. And she answered his call.

often Dahl refused obviously winning roles. So, at one time he rejected the offer of Eldar Ryazanov to play Zhenya Lukashin in The Irony of Fate, and Alexander Mitte refused to perform leading role in the then cult film "The Crew"

In general, Oleg Dal had an enviable acting fate. Despite the fact that he was rarely filmed in films, and in the theater he played only half a percent of what he could and should have played, all Dahl's works were, as they say, "selected". And for none of them, as his wife Liza said, he was never ashamed. He starred in hardly five dozen films.

But at the same time, Dahl's name is familiar even to those who were born years after his departure. For some, he forever remained a dandy from the comedy "It Can't Be!" He is remembered. Isn't this a dream for everyone who has devoted his life to acting?

By the way, as a child, Oleg Dal did not even think that he would go to the theater. His dream was to become a pilot. But heart problems did not allow him to fulfill the cherished dream. He could not win his own heart. But he managed to overcome another, seemingly fatal defect for the stage - he burr. Dahl himself was engaged in speech and as a result began to speak in such a way that no one could have thought that this guy had once burred.

Popularity brought him the very first film in which he starred - "My Little Brother" based on the famous story by Vasily Aksyonov "Star Ticket". But the fateful film for Dahl was The First Trolleybus, on the set of which he fell in love for the first time. The chosen one of the actor was Nina Doroshina, with whom Dahl served in the Sovremennik Theater.

Doroshina was seven years older than Oleg and least of all could imagine how these shootings would end for her. She loved the head of Sovremennik Oleg Efremov, and it was about him that all her thoughts were. Efremov promised to come to Odessa to shoot, and Doroshina was waiting for him every day. But Oleg Nikolaevich didn't come for some reason.

One day Nina went to swim and suddenly felt that she was drowning. At that moment, she thought that the one who saves her will become her husband. This man turned out to be Oleg Dal, who was resting right there on the shore. When they returned to Moscow, the only ones in their almost family budget 15 rubles bought one wedding ring, which was decided to give Oleg. In their couple, it was the groom who dreamed of a wedding.

On this topic

The bride, on the contrary, did everything to prevent the marriage from taking place. Doroshina came up with all sorts of excuses to cancel the celebration. She said that she joined a cooperative and would be able to get an apartment only if she was not married. In those days, there really were rules that were wild for today's person, and the excuse of the actress sounded very convincing. But Dahl still didn't believe it. Because I knew what was the real reason their failed wedding. This reason even had a name - Oleg Efremov.

Then the whole theatrical Moscow will discuss the behavior of the artistic director of Sovremennik, who, during the wedding feast - the marriage still took place - put the bride on his knees and said out loud: “Do you still love me, yes, lapula?” Dal, who witnessed this scene, like everyone else, immediately leaves the apartment, and then from Doroshina's life. But her betrayal will not be forgotten. And when, many years later, they find themselves on the same stage in the play "At the Bottom", where Dal played Vaska Pepla, one of his most poignant roles, he threw Doroshina - Vasilisa with such force that she flew backstage. But not a word of reproach escaped her lips...

Dal was very handsome, his appearance was spoken with aspiration. And his famous corduroy jackets were the talk of the town. It is not surprising that the result of all this was dozens of fans in all the cities of the vast Union. But Dahl himself did not need all this at all. Once he was so tired of the delights of the surrounding girls and their declarations of love that he threw himself from the sidewalk into the sea right in his clothes and swam to the hotel.

The main woman of his life was destined to be Lisa Apraksina, whom he met on the set of the film "King Lear" directed by Grigory Kozintsev. Coincidentally, the two most important person his fate appeared almost simultaneously. Veliky Kozintsev was, perhaps, the only director who was able to truly understand the scale of Oleg's giftedness. And feel that the price for it will be extremely high. Kozintsev, who could not stand acting late, and even more so the passion for alcohol, Dahl forgave everything. He said: "I feel sorry for him, he is not a tenant."

Lisa lived with Dahl for 10 years. During this time, she had to experience a lot. The first years Oleg drank severely, and when he quit, he began to vent his discontent on his wife. For several years, a break came in a series of successive binges. Marina Vlady brought a “torpedo” from Paris, which for a couple of years put an end to the libations of Vysotsky and Oleg Dal. But then one of the “friends” blabbed that the “torpedo” was valid for only six months and then you could start over again. And Vysotsky and Dahl broke down again.

Lisa Apraksina-Dal recalled how on Vysotsky's birthday, January 25, 1981, Oleg went out to breakfast with the words: "I saw Volodya in a dream, he is waiting for me." The wife tried to laugh it off that Vysotsky could wait. But Dahl himself was in a hurry to meet him.

The material life of the family was also very difficult. There was almost no money. And if there was work in the cinema, then Oleg could easily pay the entire fee on credit, immediately forgetting the name of the person to whom he had just handed a huge amount. Even Dal had to be buried with the money collected by friends - the coffin and wreaths were bought in a clubbing ...

He certainly knew his worth as an actor. This is evidenced by his diaries, which he kept for the last 10 years of his life. Fencing off from the whole world within the four walls of a small office in an apartment on the Garden Ring, Dahl revealed his soul on the pages of his diary. His notes are sharp, sometimes venomous, the facts hit the nerves, and the chronicle itself is basically quite tragic. Like the life that the author had to drink to the bottom.

He had almost no job. At Mosfilm, an unspoken ban was imposed on Dahl. The film authorities could not forgive the obstinate actor for regular refusals to shoot. Wherein.

Dahl could at the last moment actually escape from the theater, where he rehearsed two main roles at once. This is exactly what happened with the plays by Edvard Radzinsky being prepared for production at the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya. It got to the point that the playwright, together with the director of the theater, rushed home to the lead actor. He begged Dahl to return to the theatre. Both performances promised to be a real event, not without reason, during rehearsals, even the illuminators forgot to change the light, all attention was riveted on Oleg. But he didn't come back. Years later, Radzinsky would diagnose him with a mania for perfection. And he will decipher: if Dahl went on stage, he simply could not withstand the level he set himself for a long time. True, Lisa Dahl had a different version: Oleg was on fire with work, and everything around was just smoldering. And this he could neither understand nor forgive.

Dal himself called the fire on himself. And the first suffered from blows of officials. “They finished me off,” he will say shortly before his death. But most importantly, he never regretted what he did. His idol was Mikhail Lermontov, early death which did not seem strange to him. “In those days, I wouldn’t even have lived to 20,” Dahl said. “I would shoot in a day.”

It so happened that the film "Vacation in September" based on Vampilov's play "Duck Hunt", in which Dahl played the main role, was released only a few years after the death of the actor. And there was a symbol in it. Dal was no longer among the living. But he again and again came to the houses of his spectators. Like a hero of a lost generation, like Pechorin of the 20th century so beloved by him.

The wife of the famous actor, Lisa Dahl, made public the intimate letters of the famous actor, which are not inferior to Pushkin's in imagery and sincerity.

The personal fate of Oleg Dal is replete with sharp turns. The actor was an uncompromising, sharp and closed person even from friends. Dissatisfaction with oneself, those around them, the roles that one had to play often spilled over to loved ones. Given Dahl's addiction to alcohol, life with him is called easy tongue won't turn back. It is all the more surprising to read Oleg Ivanovich's letters to his wife Lisa, with whom they lived for 10 years, until the death of the actor in 1981.

"This morning, wandering through yellow leaves covering the freezing earth, I thought of you with wonderful longing, - Oleg Dal writes to his wife. - With the beautiful because she was bright. My heart is good and calm, because you are in my thoughts. My mood is calm and blissful. I share it with you generously, like autumn. I gently and gently hug you and barely touch your face, kiss and breathe with your eyes. I don't know what love is. I don’t know how to understand this designation of a certain feeling or its meaning. But it seems to me, I feel something extraordinary, like a child who is waiting to wake up after new year's eve. The air smells of tangerines, a Christmas tree, plush hares, and I want to keep my eyes closed for as long as possible ... "

Oleg Dal has not been with us for 35 years, and there are still many mysteries in his biography. The actor himself was very closed person almost never gave interviews. After his departure, Dahl's widow, Elizabeth, lived another 22 years. And one of the few people to whom she told about her life with the artist and entrusted correspondence with her husband was Alexander Ivanov, a film critic, author of several books about Oleg Dal.

I met Liza, the widow of Oleg Dal, in the second half of the 1980s. She was barely fifty. A pretty, even beautiful, very hospitable woman. Our communication gradually grew into a friendship that lasted more than a decade and a half. Our conversations with Lisa about her and about Oleg Dal continued almost constantly (sometimes daily) for nine years. And if at first, back in the 80s, we dreamed of creating a certain book of her memoirs about Oleg, then after a couple of years she very nervously asked a question to one of our mutual acquaintances: “I tell Sasha about something that I didn’t even share with my own mother ! Isn't there too much frankness ?!

The seemingly rhetorical question was resolved on September 5, 1997. On this day, Liza and I, according to the usual scheme, talked "only on one specific topic." Either the conversation itself dragged on for an indecently long time and finally tired her (we talked about Oleg Dal's literary experiments for eight and a half hours!). Whether it was precisely at this meeting that she felt a certain final limit and realized for herself: not a word is needed further, but only I have never been to Oleg Dal's house again. We parted, meanwhile, in an amicable way, expressing the hope for tomorrow's meeting. It was a very cold evening, and Liza wrapped my neck right over the jeans with Oleg's woolen scarf. We kissed goodbye...

Then there were many telephone conversations, and our personal meeting took place only in 2001. Lisa then asked me: “Do you take good care of the materials of our conversations with you?” - "Forest own eye". She paused and said: “I wonder how all this will be perceived in fifteen years? .. Will they still remember Oleg? About me in his life? Will you publish? .. "-" We'll see ... "

And now fifteen years have flown by. November 27 marks 46 years since the beginning of the ten-year marriage of two people: artist Oleg Dal and editor Lisa Apraksina ( maiden name Elizabeth Alekseevna. - Approx. ed.), who became a faithful "squire" of this unusual, complex, contradictory, sometimes cruel, the most talented person. Do you know geniuses who are different?

Sometimes you have to go for some ... provocations, or something. Therefore, having agreed on the next meeting with Lisa Dahl on her unoccupied day with household chores, I already had a rough idea of ​​​​what we would talk about. Exactly at noon on March 31, 1996, I called the apartment on Smolensky Boulevard. Five minutes later, Liza and I were sitting opposite each other in Oleg's office. It was her favorite place for tête-à-tête conversations. My first question puzzled her somewhat: Liza put aside her knitting.

AI: We talk a lot and constantly about your feelings with Oleg towards each other. One thing turns out, then another. But for many years I have never heard anything that would confirm his love for you as a woman. Not all the figs and blinks there, but Love. Are there any examples of this?

She answered a little bewildered:

ED: Well… yes.

AI: Tell me, please, I beg you. In our business, you never know when it might come in handy. And what will come in handy, I'm sure.

ED: Sounds convincing. Fine! I'll tell you "about Love", but with one condition.

AI: How?

ED: You won't use anything... what you heard... as long as I'm alive.

AI: Well, well, well! First, I don't want to define the length of your life with this conversation! And then... if it's that personal...

E.D.: No! You asked for it. Now sit, listen and write. About Oleg's two arrivals home by taxi ... The first is on the day the main work on the film "On Thursday and Never Again" was completed. Oleg drank during the filming. At times, a lot. But gradually it faded away. Then he "sewn up" in early July. All. Another man. And that day there was his phone call. From somewhere from the machine, but already in Moscow. He returned from Pushchino, which means he was with someone. "Please, come out of the house and meet me on the street."

Went outside. There are wastelands around our new building. It was impossible to get there! And at the same time everything is covered with clover, daisies, colza. And in the middle grows a huge fragrant rosehip bush, left over from some almost pre-revolutionary country gardens that once were there. The birds are singing wonderfully. Very hot. Quiet some special, after-dinner. Bees and bumblebees buzz. In general, everything is conducive to love. (Laughs.) How not to be on the outskirts of Moscow. I hear: dryn-dryn-dryn ... A taxi slowly moves along the potholes. Drives right up to me. Oleg comes out of it. And, without paying, without taking things, he comes up to me. Gently embraces with both hands and begins to kiss on the lips. So, with great passion, I would say.

The driver was just amazing. He brought Dal (he recognized him) somewhere to the settlements, and he began to hug and kiss with some woman! I see out of the corner of my eye: the man turned away, then lit a cigarette, leaning on the car. Silent. Waiting. What will happen next. Then Olezhechka raises one hand and runs her fingers through my hair. And he starts stroking his head with his fingertips. On the back of the head. And yet we continue to kiss. My legs begin to give way, but he holds me very tightly with his other hand. Apparently, I was completely stupefied, because when at some second I tore my face away from him, I said something ... well, something like this: “Tyn ... pyn ... stop ... please ... luista ...” Oleg burst out laughing. Then he took the bag from the back seat, and gave the driver five rubles. And he says to him: “Chief! And this is my Lizonka. He replies: “I understand, Oleg Ivanovich, can I go?” Oleg laughed again. Here is such a ... plot! Well, is there "Love"?

A.I.: Mmmm. Yes. Eat.

ED: By the way, it didn't end there. It was a day of love. It was a night of love. It was the dawn of love that we met together. Sitting on the windowsill of the open window. If Oleg wanted us both to be well for a long time, he knew how to create such holidays. And there was a holiday. Because no matter how hard I strain my memory, I just can’t remember: where was Olya all this time ?!” (Laughs.) (Liza talks about her mother, Olga Borisovna Eikhenbaum, with whom they lived together. - Approx. ed.)

"Second Taxi" So let's call another story. It was in the same place, on Novatorov Street, on November 27 of the same 1977. Oleg was returning from Vilnius. After speeches from the "Kinopropaganda" (the Film Propaganda Bureau organized creative evenings for filmmakers throughout the country. - Approx. ed.), as he called it.

And just like in the summer, he asked me to go outside. It was cold. I also came by taxi. And he comes out of it ... with a huge bouquet of absolutely marvelous scarlet roses. Some heavenly scent. I turned forty this summer. He gave forty-one flowers. I believed in even-odd, as if it were a sign. Then, already at home, he says: “Maybe you will also ask me for gifts?” I replied: “Are they asked?” - "Sometimes ... as if they are asking." I went and sat on the floor at his feet, and he sat in a chair. And I say: “Dal, but Dal! Where are my gifts? He took out a very beautiful mirror from his bag, an amazing hairbrush and a notebook, where a dedicatory inscription had already been made. While I was considering all this, he carefully and very gently stroked my head with his hand.

I already wanted to get up, but it was so pleasant and good somewhere inside that I sat for another five minutes just like that. Enjoying. It was our seventh wedding anniversary. Valya Nikulin later told me that Oleg rushed about for another three weeks and told him: “The date is critical! Kulya, seven years is seven years! Lizka needs to somehow ... Togo ... Mark! At the same time, Olezhechka constantly pretended that he did not remember any of our dates at all. Even, it was the case, defiantly asked: “Remind me later about our day!” Though he remembered better than me.

A year earlier, came home. Ate. Lie down to rest. He says to me: “Elizaveta Alekseevna, and how long have we been ...“ legally constituted ”?” I was just about to “jump” when he pulls a box out of his pants pocket. And she has a ring. With six stones. To me. For our sixth birthday. And his Lithuanian gifts still serve me! And a mirror and a comb. And a little book. Only Oleg was offended and condemned me for the fact that I began to write down in it cooking recipes. “And what do you think I need to write in it?” - “It would be better to write something about me! And in separation - re-read. In general, over the years, he gave vent to his sentimentality more and more. Which was completely out of his character and rules. To my gifts, for example, he invariably reacted with irony. But absolutely harmless.

Our love relationship did not fade over the years, but, on the contrary, developed in an increasing manner. And if at first Oleg could call me at home and simply: “Apraksina, come here!” - then I became Dalyuga. And then Dalyusha. There was a warming up. Which ended with my acceptance into his "clan of people". At the same time, caution in communication ... not caution, namely caution, was present in all the years of our lives. This also has the most direct relation to the concept of love between two people. And this led to the fact that at the end of the summer of 1980 I suddenly stopped understanding: does Oleg love me or not? But there, however, the year turned out to be extremely rotten for him: terrible losses, wild breakdowns, complete creative loneliness. What kind of love is this?

I see, my friend, that you are sad to listen to all this, right? Lisa interrupted our conversation. - And I'm sad to remember. But we have to. I want it to stay the way it was. Oleg, shattered by life recent months still leaned on me. And as a wife, I supported him as much as I could. Both humanly and in terms of creativity ... And this cannot be erased. All. Upset ... Now. Wait a minute. Not because of your questions, no. This is different. We have reached the extreme point of revelation. We don’t talk about our love with him anymore. Do you want some tea? Let's have a drink now.

So. Fine. I can still pull myself together. This is good. (Laughs.) Let's finish on a fun one, shall we? You know, but Oleg at first showed himself to be a very experienced provocateur. In the first months of our life together he brought me to tears in a second. Elementary. My mother stood up for me. Once she could not stand it and literally yelled at Oleg: “Maybe you don’t LOVE her at all ?!” He answered her very passionately, in a rough voice: “Yes! I DO NOT LIKE!" I howled like an idiot in a bad Italian movie. Oleg groaned: “Oh, my God, my God! To Moscow! Only to Moscow!” I went into the hallway and started getting dressed.

I rushed to him and, sobbing like a complete fool, hung on Dahl's chest. He picked me up and put me on my feet. Then he hugged him tightly. He blots my wet nose and tears on my cheeks with his handkerchief and says: “You are my poor wife ... Nobody loves you! Well nobody! Even the daughter of Professor Eichenbaum (Olga's father - Lisa's mother - Boris Eichenbaum, a well-known literary critic, author of books about the work of Pushkin, Tolstoy, Akhmatova. - Approx. ed.). You have only one me in your life - hope and support ... ”No, can you imagine: what a scoundrel (in a good sense of the word) you have to be to arrange such family pranks, bringing two women to tears and hysteria. One word - Artist!

Of the ten years I lived with Oleg, only the first three years we lived in different cities. The rest of the time we practically did not part. This explains such a small number of our personal letters.

(A.I.: I’ll add one more fact from myself. I remember how I was struck by the “photo chronicle” of their family. There is a series of photographs from the Leningrad registry office taken on the day the marriage was registered. There are a number of photographs from Vagankovsky: Lisa says goodbye to Oleg at the coffin. And in the middle between these two dates - ten years of "photo-emptiness". At most a dozen random shots. Despite the fact that there are about fifteen thousand photographs of Oleg Dal: from birth to funeral. In my opinion, this is also a telling circumstance. In all these " family albums» Liza and Oleg just didn't need to.)

O.I. Dahl - E.A. Apraksina

“My dear!

I yearn for you all the time. Looks like you bewitched me with "witch grass." God grant that everything is as it is and as you want! Kiss you. A low bow to Olga Borisovna and tender greetings to Minka (Dal refers to the teddy bear that he gave to his wife. - Approx. ed.).

P.S. (C&L) Guess what it is. And I will break into your domain on a dashing horse and take you as my concubine. Know this and tremble!

6.9.70. Moscow".

O.I. Dahl - E.A. Apraksina

“Hello, my dear, sad and gray-haired old woman! Do not worry! Hold your tail with a gun. Everything will be tip-top! I predict incredible torment for you from me ... But you love me! I need you. I need your shoulder; after all, I am a poor fellow and a madman, weak-willed.

I kiss you and hug you tightly.
Love me like delicious sweets.
Love like autumn, like rain.
Love, love and wait!

Well, how? I'm waiting for reviews.

(T and K) - Guess!

16.IX.70 Moscow".

E.D.: (C and L) - kiss and love. (T and K) - I could not guess for a long time. T - sad. K - probably, “I bite”, so it was, for example, in a telegram dated October 2, 1970: “I WILL MEET WITH A 3 ARROW I DO NOT HAVE TO BITE OD”. Oleg adhered to this rule: if he flew somewhere (it doesn’t matter for how long), he must either call or give a telegram, even if it was insignificant in content. It was an unspoken agreement, we did not agree on purpose, but I got used to it: if Oleg flies by plane, then I get news from him very quickly. This was not dictated by the fear that there would be some kind of catastrophe, but due to the fact that the plane was always delayed, the flight was canceled or something else was happening.

In general, he loved it when “they don’t worry about him”, therefore, in those cases when he got “on a spree”, he no longer understood anything and disappeared - it was terrible. In general, the telegrams were often unnecessary, but they were precisely the signals that he had arrived safely, and he knew that I was calm. This was important to him. But such a telegram as, for example, “I’ll come then, it’s not necessary to meet” is just a joke. He hated it when I saw him off, and usually forbade me to do so, but he also liked it very much when I met him, although he never spoke about it directly. For the only time in all the years he called (I forgot where) and said: "Please meet me, because I'm carrying so many books that I can't handle it myself." He was well aware that if he wrote “it is not necessary to meet,” I would rush to the station. So that's what he wanted. In general, using the services of the telegraph, he was always extremely concise. For example: “OLEG ORDER” (Klaipeda) or “VSO CHOROSCHO OLEG” (Prague).

E.A. Apraksina - O.I. Dahl

“Greetings, Dear Celebrity!

Taking advantage of your favor, I take the liberty of taking possession of a few minutes of your precious time. Please note that I try to write neatly and legibly. It's difficult. Let me rejoice for your success, both in the field of art and with beautiful Ladies. (Damn them!). From all sides I hear: Dal, Dal, etc. I do not want, dear famous Dal, to admit that I am jealous of you. But it is so.

True, I am a courageous woman. Until recently, I was calm, believing that you should appreciate the feelings of a titled person in whose veins flows blue blood. The countess fell in love with you, graying, it is true, but still capable of lofty feelings. Suddenly my peace came to an end. Photographs were found in the dusty Count's archive, which cast doubt on my noble origin. A child who has had a passion for fences since childhood, who has not lost this passion when he is already an adult, is unlikely to belong to the Count's family. And a legend that was not taken seriously in our family is no longer a legend. Yes, my grandmother, the countess, threw herself into the arms of a gypsy and gave birth to my father. The dissolute old woman is to blame for the fact that I, a poor child, hang out on the fence, and God knows what attracts me behind this fence. Let's even assume it's a coincidence. Still small. But here is another document. It is no longer a child sitting on the fence, and the expression on his face is by no means a count. Thus, everything fell into place. It’s also good that it’s on the fence, and not under it.

Now, MY LORD, you know all about my inglorious origin. The surname that I bear, I am unworthy. But, I dare say, there is something in this: half countess, half gypsy. Don't leave me, huh?

My call today ex-husband- TO.<…>He asked if we were really getting married, and made strange hints. I sent him to approximately the same place where you sent your Ladies.

Now I'm happy to get to work. I think about you, gladly give all my shoulders, and maybe something else for you? And that one shoulder! Yes, please continue to write poetry. I will publish them.<…>I kiss you everywhere. Come quickly, let's sit somewhere together on the fence. Bow to Praskovya Petrovna. Olga Borisovna loves you tenderly and waits. We kiss everyone and Minka. Be healthy. Lisa.

O.I. Dahl - E.A. Apraksina

After the rain


This morning, wandering through the yellow leaves that cover the cold earth, I thought of you with beautiful longing. With the beautiful because she was bright. My heart is good and calm, because you are in my thoughts. My mood is calm and blissful. I share it with you generously, like autumn. I gently and gently hug you and barely touch your face, kiss and breathe with your eyes. I don't know what love is. I don’t know how to understand this designation of a certain feeling or its meaning. But it seems to me, I feel something extraordinary, like a child who is waiting to wake up after New Year's Eve. The air smells of tangerines, a Christmas tree, plush hares, and I want to keep my eyes closed for as long as possible ...


27.IX.70 Moscow.

E.A. Apraksina - O.I. Dahl

"Hello, Blue-eyed!

After your letter, my head went round with joy and tenderness for you, I sat down to write a letter, and there were circles before my eyes. Sorry, I'm writing in circles. Thank you, my dear, for the golden leaves, for the golden words, for tenderness and longing. Thank you for the sadness about you, for waiting for you and life ahead. I want to wander with you through the leaves, and through the snow, and through the spring, and through the sea. And also drink beer. I'm not afraid that you're useless, anyway, like we're on the way. You know, it's really hard to write when your head is spinning. My affairs are nothing to myself, I work calmly, everything turned out quite simply. Today I saw a glimpse of Grig. Mikh., he was in a hurry, he only had time to say hello to you. And Shapiro kissed me too tenderly, and his expression was touching. Lear at the finish line. It's cold at home, we sit in the kitchen and warm ourselves by the oven. My picture ends on November 30, so you can try it somehow on "Shadow". Let's see. Well, my O.D., I'll try to unwind. I don't think you'll read this letter again. I kiss you tightly, I really look forward to it and I still want you to be very close.

C.T.G.P. etc.

Lisa 29/IX 70"

E.D .: I thought how unusual, impossible and completely unrealistic that Oleg - the same Oleg whom I loved and knew very well - could find time to free his head from everything and write letters for me. In general, I had a somewhat reverent attitude towards our family union. And not because he was a famous artist, but because he was and remains some kind of unattainable mystery for me. In live, direct communication, he was much more stingy with words and emotions, in addition, life and life are things in which feelings dissolve. When you get words on paper, it's completely different. This is the power of letters. And so each of his letters to me was an amazing holiday. Sometimes I re-read them now, and I get the feeling: could it be? And not at all because I wonder: could Oleg love me at all? I believe he loved me. But all the same, it’s a miracle and it’s unusual that, with his attitude to life, to words, he could sit down at the table, switch off from everything and write me at least a few lines, sometimes resulting in a whole letter. It has always been a miracle for me: then and now ...

ABOUT recent weeks Lisa recalled the life of Oleg Dal: “In the winter of 1981, Oleg began to sleep a lot and for a long time. Sometimes I woke up at night and, jumping up in horror, listened: was he breathing? Breathe. Barely audible and somehow infrequently. The sleep is surprisingly deep. This was not even during the rest in Repin, which I consider the standard of his personal peace. Almost immediately upon arrival in Monino, he began to write a lot. Poems, essays, prose sketches, some written plans for my future work. All this somehow burst outward. He works for an hour or two and comes to my kitchen: “Listen.” He reads what has just been written ... Once, I was leaving for Moscow on business. Olya stayed with Oleg. I returned in the morning. He says: "Am I good at writing?" - “You write beautifully! And you will write even better. Olezhechka, you have both an inclination and a gift for this. Then he says: “And I finished the staging according to Olesha. It would be necessary to show Viktor Borisovich ... "(Shklovsky - A.I.)" What kind of staging? When did you finish?!” And there, in Monin, he made "Envy" - at a time. In several passes. I think, as a response to Volodya Sedov's attempt to stage "Foma Gordeev" in the Maly. Oleg did not really like the whole story ... with the exclusion of the role of Yezhov. He took - and wrote for himself the material for the work.

From the last verses... I can't remember what exactly. Came to me. Fried omelet with sausage. "Can I read to you?" - "Well, of course!" I read it very quietly. I walked over and kissed him on the cheek. He was as shy as a child! God, who? Me? He blushed, lowered his head and left the kitchen. I turn around, and everything in the pan is completely burned!

But this poem, written in February 1981 in Monin very early in the morning, he read to me three times that day ...

"If the soul of a man
Grind into powder
If you spit from the hill into the river
And jump to the top
Pull up, tighten up
Turn away, don't nod
And disagree with nothing
You can break your head!

First he read it at breakfast. Well, I listened: "Good!" Then he came down to lunch and said in the kitchen: "I want to ... read you poetry ... morning." Reads the same. But somehow... that's how... "breaking into the soul"... That's what they say, right? I listened silently. In the evening, before going to bed already: “Liza, listen to my poems. Those. Morning…” And he began to read them again. I could not stand it anymore and, interrupting him, I say: “Olezhechka! How do you feel?!" He answered, all tensing up: “It’s okay… What is it?!” Well, I really got carried away here: “No! Abnormal! Why the hell are you reading everything to me for the third time?! I'm not an idiot! What are you?! What happened to you?! Tell! Tell me please! You feel bad?!" Oleg looked at me so strangely ... I was frightened. Blue-purple lips. And absolutely empty eyes. Well, I ... I felt sick myself ... He drank his pills. I am validol ... Then I asked him for forgiveness for screaming. He kept silent. He pulled his hand out of my palms: I wanted to stroke it. ice fingers in a hot house. Icy... Starting from this evening... let's go... it started... I won't tell you... about that. OK? Don't be offended - I don't want to... You know... it was on Saturday, February 28, 1981... We came to Monino for a day. Pick up things. Something he needs for a trip to Kyiv the next day.

Oleg Dal passed away on March 3, 1981. He was found in a hotel room by employees of the Kyiv film studio, concerned about Oleg's absence from the set. Lisa survived her husband by 22 years ...

The last wife of Oleg Dal, Elizaveta Eikhenbaum (née Apraksina), was born in 1937 (died in 2003). She was the granddaughter of the famous Leningrad literary scholar Boris Mikhailovich Eikhenbaum, she lived in the same house with Anna Akhmatova. Mom Olga Borisovna Apraksina (1912-1999), was the wife of theater artist Alexei Apraksin (1901-1941). Lisa's father died of starvation in besieged Leningrad.

Acquaintance and future husband and life with a great actor

Elizaveta Eikhenbaum met her future husband on August 19, 1969 in a restaurant in the city of Narva, where she celebrated her 32nd birthday. It was during the filming of King Lear. famous director Grigory Mikhailovich Kozintsev. The great master was a friend of her grandfather, was a member of the family, so the communication of the young woman with the director on the set was quite free. Lisa then worked as an assistant editor, and rushed around with the actor like a nanny: fed, made sure that he did not get tired. But they had no romance on King Lear. It's just that Lisa, laughing, invited Oleg to her place in Leningrad. And he arrived ... But not quite on time. Just at this time, Elizabeth met with Sergei Dovlatov, then still serving as a secretary at famous writer Vera Panova. That evening he was at Liza's house. Oleg called and asked if he could come. And the two men spent the whole evening trying to win the favor of their beloved woman. And she called Oleg into the hallway, suggested that he now leave with Sergei, and then return afterward. He did not like it terribly, he did not like and did not know how to cheat. But he came ... And early in the morning he had to urgently go to the airport - he flew off for the next tour ... Before leaving, Oleg asked to wake up Liza's mother, and said that he wanted to ask her for Lisa's hand. It was in May 1970, and on November 27 of the same year they officially became husband and wife. Lisa said that she was not going to change her last name, but in the registry office Oleg looked at her so sternly and shone all over, like Small child when she paused and agreed to become Dahl...

She tried to please him in everything, there was always perfect order in their house, because Oleg was extremely pedantic. Before the wedding, Elizabeth never took care of the house, and after that she became an ideal hostess.

Women's patience is not enough

They lived together for 10 years ... And it all ended on December 31, 1980. Lisa was waiting for her husband at the entrance on the stairs. And when the elevator opened, Oleg just fell out of it - he was so drunk. The addiction of the famous actor to alcohol has previously become the cause of marital discord. It’s even strange, Oleg, like Liza, hated feasts, he had no friends. But, nevertheless, people constantly gathered in their house, drank, complained to each other about their problems, not understanding how and how to help. Liza put a mug behind the flower and poured everything that was poured into it, and the rest drank, the mug was filled more than once during the evening. Dahl was coded, went headlong into work, she always forgave, loved and hoped. But that New Year's "surprise" turned out to be the same last straw in the cup of her feminine patience.

She never married again. The money accumulated with Oleg quickly ran out. year of the widow famous actor lived with her mother and mother-in-law on their two pensions. I couldn't find a job in my specialty. But she still managed to get a job at Soyuzsportfilm. The years of a long break had taken their toll, and Elizaveta Dahl's habitual craft had to be mastered anew - then an improved, 16-mm film appeared at the studio. But in less than a year she could head the sound editing department.

Recent years have brought her many trials: in 1999, her mother passes away - the most close person, then had to endure clinical death. But the main pain remained there, twenty years ago, when they buried Him, and with it that Lisa, who had been with him for 10 years. “Now I’m not thinking about myself, but about Lisa and Oleg. He made me, but he also took me.” (E. Dahl)

Which interests many of his fans, was one of the most striking and controversial figures in the Soviet theater and cinema. This man was very thin and vulnerable, even sometimes cocky. But he was forgiven a lot: harshness, maximalism, and sometimes drunkenness. He could start rehearsing, and then, deciding that the film or performance was not good enough, take and refuse the role.

Those around him understood that he was not like everyone else. He has his own way, his own road, which constantly winds between heaven and hell. famous actor Oleg Dal. Biography, personal life, career, everything that concerned this person, of course, has an insanely bright character.

The decision to enter the theater, or Speech Defect

Was born future artist in 1941 on May 25 in a Russian family. As a child, Oleg Ivanovich dreamed of being a pilot, but to enter aviation institute couldn't. And then I decided: if they don’t take me as a pilot, I will become an artist. When the parents found out about this, a scandal began. All relatives on my mother's side are hereditary teachers and philologists. Oleg's father is a railway engineer, a party man.

How could they then imagine what a famous artist Oleg Dal would become. Biography, nationality and other facts from life famous people very often studied by experts. And there is evidence that, according to some sources, Oleg Ivanovich is the great-grandson of the famous compiler of the dictionary. It is quite natural that the parents considered the stage a frivolous occupation for their son.

In addition, Dahl had a burr from childhood. But he constantly tried to overcome it. He was engaged in the central house of children of railway workers in the studio of the artistic word. As a result of this, his unusual structure of phrases, pauses, was born. The way a specialist pronounces words, thinking a little, he was taught by a specialist. This is how the artist Oleg Dal is born, whose biography will now be connected only with theater and cinematographic art.

Graduation and the beginning of a creative path

After graduating from the Shchepkin College, Oleg Ivanovich ends up in Sovremennik. At that time it was one of the most famous theaters in the country. Then it seemed that Dahl pulled out But work in the theater, unfortunately, does not add up. Oleg feels that he is capable of much, he is constantly waiting in the wings, but five years have already passed. for long years, and he never had a single serious role in Sovremennik.

I had to learn only some hasty introductory roles, when in the morning the text was given, and by the evening the performance was staged. And not a single serious character. Thus, over a long period, the actor has accumulated not only great amount unspent energy, but also resentment. Oleg Dal was a very quick-tempered person. His biography includes many stories of his relatives and friends, who characterize him as a rather emotional person. The same thing happened this time, Oleg Ivanovich left the theater, slamming the door.

Salvation in cinema

When there were no serious roles in the theater, cinematography saved him. Shooting of the film "Zhenya, Zhenechka and Katyusha" began in 1966 in Peterhof. The center of the team was two actors - Oleg Dal and Mikhail Mikhailovich Kokshenov. Both are young, ambitious and completely different. When they were together film set and began to joke, no one around could not help laughing.

Sometimes, after the end of the working day, the artists forgot to hand over their ammunition to the dresser. They were so used to fighting that they continued to play war even after the camera had turned off. Mikhail Mikhailovich Kokshenov himself often recalls how at that time they wandered around the city in uniform and were stopped by a patrol, asking where they were from.

Problems of character, or Filming under police escort

But what was Oleg Dal really like? Biography, personal life, which tormented the actor - all this interested people only after his death. And then on the set, Oleg Ivanovich was the ringleader, and no one knows what is going on in his soul. Numerous problems that overwhelmed the soul of the actor began to be expressed in binges. The director often deliberately places him with his back to the camera. Oleg Ivanovich's face swells from drinking the day before, his eyes become cloudy. And yet he was forgiven for everything.

In the midst of filming, Oleg Dal again went into a binge. Moreover, he ended up in the police and received fifteen days for the director Vladimir Motyl understood that the shooting was under threat. In order not to disrupt the schedule, he agrees with the head of the police department and Oleg Ivanovich is brought to the site under escort, and taken away again in the evening.

That dialogue, when the hero Dalia Kolyshkin talked with Zhenya, sitting in the guardhouse, was filmed during this period. Perhaps that is why it is played so touchingly and authentically. Such was the actor Oleg Dal. The biography, personal life, filmography of this person, of course, had a very vivid character. And there is hardly a reader whom this personality will leave indifferent.

The end of filming a popular film, or How life turns into hell

Oleg Dal did not like much in the world around him, and he did not know who to express his dissatisfaction with and from this he was constantly nervous and turned on. With rudeness, mediocrity and narrow-mindedness, Oleg Ivanovich sorted things out with his fists. I had to fight not only in life, but also on the screen. The most famous hand-to-hand scene in the film "Zhenya, Zhenechka and Katyusha" unfolded in the dugout.

Dahl this film brought unprecedented popularity. True, the artist did not have time to enjoy it. For thirty years this painting was banned. And the wording is quite simple. The film is immoral, and the main characters are drunkards and hooligans. After filming this movie, Dahl's life turned into a real hell.

All film studios in the country were forbidden to shoot this artist and generally forget who Oleg Dal was. His biography does contain information that at that time he was on the black list of objectionable artists. But times are changing, and today this film is shown on every Victory Day.

A new twist of fate, or the unspoken order of the leadership

Dal was universal. He could play the Shadow in a children's fairy tale, create the image of a scout, a repeat offender, and even a prince. Oleg Dal was infinitely talented. The biography of this artist, starting in 1978, finally tells about some positive moments in his fate. This year begins work on the film "The Travels of Prince Florizel". The director is sure that Oleg should play the main role in this film.

But it was almost impossible to approve Dahl's candidacy at the film studio. For all Mosfilm officials, Oleg Ivanovich is persona non grata. Too picky, capricious, arrogant. Other actors are happy with any offer, and Dahl refused to work with Kazakov, Ryazanov, Gaidai. At the end of the 1970s, an unspoken order from the management began to operate at the film studio, which read: Oleg Ivanovich Dal should not be filmed anywhere for three years.

The director's persistence and the start of filming

Tatarsky refused to work without Dahl. As a result, the director was given the go-ahead, but they warned that Oleg Ivanovich was an uncontrollable, inadequate and heavy drinker artist. The scandal erupted on the very first day of shooting during the fitting of the suit. In order to fit the jacket, selected in the props, onto Dahl's figure, the suit was chipped off at the back with pins.

For Oleg Ivanovich, who is used to looking great, it was a shock. And he refused to play in an old suit that did not fit. Dahl believed that the prince should look like that the audience, having seen him on TV, the next day they began to dress the same way as he did. So Prince Florizel on the screen becomes the height of elegance, and Oleg Dal on the set - the pinnacle of professionalism. Everyone who starred next to him knew that the actor was constantly improvising. He is an unpredictable artist.

Filming ended in 1979. The audience saw the picture two years later. Finally, Dahl was happy. At that time, Mosfilm had five films with his participation, and everything was banned. He understood: the fact that Florizel came out is a miracle. Television, radio and newspapers attacked Oleg Ivanovich, he liked it. He enjoyed giving interviews. And journalists were interested in absolutely everything. What is he - Oleg Dal, biography, personal life, children and further plans in cinema.

Pleasant appearance and unbearable character

Eyes, smile, strong-willed gait, unique manner of speaking. All this attracted girls like a magnet. On the set, half of the group was in love with him, from the dressers to the actresses themselves. Fans on the street did not give Oleg a pass. So who was the lucky one chosen by Oleg Dal? Biography, family, children - this is all that is always of interest to many fans of the talent of their favorite actor.

Many people loved Oleg Ivanovich Dal, but for a long time he could not find his other half. The personal life of the artist did not develop. The affair with actress Nina Doroshina ended right at the wedding. With his second wife, Dahl lived a little more than six months. It was almost impossible to bear the character of Oleg.

Oleg Dal: biography, wife, or in search of personal happiness

It seemed that Dahl had no chance of personal happiness. But on the set of the picture there was a meeting that changed his whole life. On August 19, 1969, Oleg Ivanovich met Lisa Eichenbaum. She worked as an editor on the picture. And soon they got married. Introducing her to his colleagues, Dahl always spoke proudly and significantly.

Elizabeth was also very kind to her husband. She always made sure he wasn't tired, hungry, or cold. Oleg Ivanovich always took his wife with him to the shooting. These relationships were very tender. This woman was the only one who could find an approach to the most talented actor with an unbearable character.

Unfulfilled hopes

Good artists are often compared to children. In the case of Oleg Ivanovich, this best definition. After all, it was almost impossible to outplay Dahl, as well as outplay a child. Shooting the film "Vacation in September" began in 1977. When Dahl learned that Lenfilm was preparing this film based on Vampilov's play Duck Hunt, he immediately realized that he would be offered the lead role. Naturally, he was waiting for a call.

With the approval of the roles, Melnikov pulled to the last. When permission to shoot was received, I called Oleg Dal. The actor worked in this film selflessly, and this became one of his best roles. However, the finished picture was not allowed to be rented, it was called decadent and put on the shelf for eight years. Another shock that Oleg Dal experienced.

Biography, the cause of death of any favorite actor is always of interest to many admirers of the talents of Soviet cinema. And very often one can meet in the fate of artists of that generation such a dismissive attitude of officials towards their talent. Of course, this has always had a negative impact not only on psychological state actors, but often undermined health. The premiere of the film took place only in 1987, when Oleg Ivanovich was no longer alive.

The last days of the artist's work

What else interests those who know and love such an artist as Oleg Dal? Biography, cause of death and events leading up to his death. "Uninvited friend" - latest work Oleg Ivanovich. During filming, Vladimir Vysotsky passes away. For Dahl, this became a sign. He understood that with Vladimir Semenovich they were on the same path. Together they worked on the set of the film "Bad and good man", even then Vysotsky warned Oleg Ivanovich more than once against the frequent use of alcohol.

In 1981, Oleg Dal was offered to star in a lyrical comedy. He goes to Kyiv. On the eve of their departure, their last conversation with Yevgeny Tatarsky took place, in which Oleg Ivanovich mentioned how often he dreams of Vladimir Vysotsky and calls to him. On March 1, Dal left for the capital of Ukraine, and on the 3rd of the same month he was gone.

They say you can't light a candle from both ends. It then ends too quickly. Oleg Ivanovich burned his candle mercilessly and did it consciously. I tore my heart into pieces, and it could not stand it. Oleg Dal passed away. Biography, children who could still have this wonderful person, further creativity and much more, which Oleg Ivanovich was capable of, as if frozen in this moment. He passed away at thirty-nine, but for those who were close to him, who review films with his participation, he is alive today.

Childhood of actor Oleg Dal

Oleg Ivanovich Dal was born in the city of Lyublino near Moscow in the family of descendants of the legendary Russian philologist, compiler explanatory dictionary Vladimir Dahl. The father of the future actor Ivan Zinovievich held an important position in the railway engineering services. Pavel Petrovna's mother worked as a school teacher. Oleg Dal had a sister, Iraida.

Ros Dal in the town of Lyublino, the courtyard childhood of the future actor took place near the house number 63 on Moskovskaya Street. While still at school, he was diagnosed with heart disease. Then the boy began to get involved in painting and literary creativity.

After the end of the ten-year period, in 1959, Oleg Dal, who had been very burr since childhood, against his parental will, decided to become a student at the Shchepkinsky Theater School.

The beginning of the creative path of Oleg Dal

Dal passed the creative exam in "Sliver" with a program that included Nozdryov's monologue in "Dead Souls" by N.V. Gogol and an excerpt from the poem "Mtsyri" by M.Yu. Lermontov. According to the results of the competition, the young man was enrolled acting course master Nikolai Annenkov, actor of the Maly Theater, People's Artist USSR, three times winner of the Stalin Prize. Oleg's classmates were those who later became famous artists like Mikhail Kononov and Vitaly Solomin.

Dahl made his film debut in 1962 as Alik Kramer in the film My Little Brother, based on Aksyonov's story Star Ticket. After that, at the invitation of Sergei Bondarchuk, the young actor auditioned for the role of Nikolai Rostov in the film epic "War and Peace", but did not pass the test. In 1963, Agranovich's tense psychological detective story The Man Who Laughs appeared at the box office, in which the artist played the main role.

Oleg Dal. Between past and future

Oleg Dal and first popularity

In 1967, having quarreled with all the theaters because of his quick-tempered character, Oleg Dal, from the third audition (he blew the first two while under the influence of alcohol), was approved by the leadership of Lenfilm for the role in the tragicomic military film directed by Motyl "Zhenya, Zhenechka and "katyusha". In August 1967, the premiere of this film took place. True, Soviet officials recognized the picture as "harmful", and granted it a rental license only in third-rate cinemas in the country. The film appeared on the big screens only after it received a huge number of positive reviews from the admirals and senior officers of the Baltic and Northern Fleets.

Oleg Dal succeeded in finally strengthening his popularity with the viewer, securing regular invitations to act with eminent directors after participating in the filming of a film about the life of pilots during the Great Patriotic War"The Chronicle of a Dive Bomber". In this film, the actor played the main role - gunner-radio operator Zhenya Sobolevsky.

In 1968, Dahl played the role of a soldier in a musical film based on the fairy tales of G.Kh. old fairy tale". In 1970, a two-part film adaptation of Shakespeare's King Lear was released on wide screens. In this film, Oleg Ivanovich created most interesting image Jester.

One of the most famous works Dahl became the role of Yevgeny Krestovsky in Sannikov Land, about which, by the way, the actor himself subsequently spoke negatively. A series of fairy-tale films with the participation of the actor was continued by the production of "Shadows" by Yevgeny Schwartz in 1972, where the actor played the role of Christian Theodore, a scientist and his Shadow.

Oleg Dal's career in the theater

Acting in films, Dahl simultaneously actively developed as a theater actor. Since 1963, the aspiring artist was invited to work at the Sovremennik Theater. True, for the first five years he played mainly supporting roles there.

In 1968, he played the thief Vasya Pepla in the play "At the Bottom" staged by Galina Volchek. This role has become one of the artist's most notable works on the Sovremennik stage.

Dahl's first directorial experience was the production of The Princess and the Woodcutter (1969), where he also played one of the main roles.

Having his own idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe inner "creative kitchen", Oleg Dal repeatedly changed his place of work and director. In the early 70s. he worked in Lenkom, while rehearsing at the Moscow Art Theater with Oleg Efremov. In 1975, having ceased cooperation with the Sovremennik Theater, the artist entered the courses of directors in the Kheifets workshop at VGIK. True, he never finished his studies on them - he quit. In the late 70s, Oleg Dal was a member of the troupe of the theater on Malaya Bronnaya.

Oleg Dal. Last 24 hours

For two years (1973-74) Dahl starred in five films in a row, such as "The Star of Captivating Happiness" (dir. V. Motyl), "Operation Omega" (dir. A.-J. Voyazos) and others.

Recent works by Oleg Dal

One of the most amazing works in last years The life of Oleg Dal was the role in the film "Vacation in September", which was released only after the death of the actor, in 1987. In November 1980, Dahl began to work as part of the troupe of the Maly Theater, where he played the role of Alex in the play "The Shore".

The actor played the last role in the film "Uninvited Friend". The film was released in 1980. True, they claimed Oleg Ivanovich for this role "with a scratch." Because of the conflict, the health of the artist was undermined. In the last months of his life, the actor drank heavily. Aware of the problem, Oleg Dal made attempts to “tie up” with a disastrous habit.

Work to the point of exhaustion, frequent conflicts with directors and the management of film studios, disgrace (Dal called himself a "foreign artist"), the inability to travel abroad, excessive alcohol consumption - all these factors led to the fact that on March 3, 1981, Oleg Ivanovich Dal died due to a heart attack. The actor died in a hotel room in Kyiv, where he was on a creative business trip. The grave of the artist is located on Vagankovsky cemetery in Moscow.