Build errors complex sentence

Significant speech difficulties are caused by the use of complex sentences. The last pages of our manual will be devoted to them.

complex called offer containing two or more simple sentences, which form a single whole in a semantic and intonational sense, for example: Or will the plague pick me up, or will the frost ossify, or will a slow invalid slam a barrier in my forehead?; Vladimir noticed with horror that he drove into an unfamiliar forest.

Parts of a complex sentence, connecting with each other with a coordinating or subordination, form complex or complex sentences. Compound sentences- such complex sentences, parts of which are connected by coordinating conjunctions ( but, and, but, or ... or, then ... then etc.), for example: You are gray, and I, buddy, are gray; Sleep overcame me, and I fell asleep in some kind of blissful rapture. Complex sentences- those parts of which (ᴛ.ᴇ. main and subordinate clauses) are connected by subordinating conjunctions or allied words ( what, when, which, how, because, though etc.): Krainev raised his head and saw a column of cars drive through the open gate; I can tell me exactly when it started.

Common syntax error disordered structure of a complex sentence , which makes it difficult to perceive the meaning of the statement, for example: There are many employees at the plant who have shown themselves well in work and whose nature of work corresponds to the chosen specialty(need to:There are many employees at the plant who work in their specialty and have shown themselves well in work.);The main thing that is extremely important to pay attention to is the artistic side of the work(need to:It is necessary to pay attention to the artistic side of the work. This is the main thing or: The main thing that is extremely important to pay attention to is the artistic side of the work);These quotes - it is not known where the author borrowed them from.(need to:The author does not indicate the sources of quotes);The commission examined the hostel, which at one time was given a lot of money and attention, ĸᴏᴛᴏᴩᴏᴇ is located in a former garage(Maybe:The commission examined the dormitory equipped in the building of the former garage with funds allocated by the management).

1.Sometimes inaccurate word order interferes with the correct understanding of the subordinate clause: unclear, to which member of the main sentence it refers, for example, in the sentence: A question for Mr. Rutskoi, which cannot but excite all of us, cannot but excite refers to the word question or to words Mr Rutskoi? Obviously more accurate will: A question that cannot but excite all of us, I would like to address to Mr. Rutskoi or: Mr. Rutskoy! Let me ask you a question that concerns all of us. Another example: Managers, making minor concessions to workers who have not improved their situation in the least, try to prevent a strike. Possible option: Managers, trying to prevent a strike, make insignificant concessions to workers, which do not improve their situation in the least.

2. The means of connecting parts of a complex sentence can be correlative words demonstrative pronouns that are in the main clause and attach a subordinate clause to themselves, ĸᴏᴛᴏᴩᴏᴇ specifies their meaning, for example: It was especially scary That that above the fire, doves flew in the smoke. The relative word is extremely important if there is a particle in the main sentence even, only, only and so on. and if the subordinate clause explains a word with which it cannot be combined directly: We only understood That that Andrei failed the exam; I've always been for That to end our disputes and find a reasonable solution. In other cases, their use is optional or contraindicated.

In recent years, we have often encountered unjustified or misuse of correlative words . For example, in sentences: We thought that the exam would be in the summer; I dream that I will be a lawyer - there is no reason to use the correlative word That. This is a blunder requiring a mandatory corrections: We thought that the exam would be in the summer; I dream of becoming a lawyer. The relative word can be used in wrong form: Tanya was afraid that Yegor would guess about her plans. In this proposal, it is essential correction errors in the management of the verb pronoun That: Tanya was afraid Togo that Yegor will guess about her plans. But it is better to completely eliminate the correlative word: Tanya was afraid that Yegor would guess about her plans, - since in this sentence the use of a correlative word is optional, since it does not affect the meaning of the statement.

3. Error often occurs when using direct speech and replacing it with indirect . In a sentence: Lermontov is sad about the unenviable fate of his contemporaries and says that “I look sadly at our generation,” direct speech is inappropriate. If it is extremely important to point to a poem, then it is better to quote it more fully. statement Maybe look like this, for example: Lermontov deeply experiences the moral emptiness and spiritual lethargy of his contemporaries. In the poem "Duma" he writes with bitterness: "I look sadly at our generation, its future is either empty or dark, meanwhile ...", etc.

Another example: As Raskolnikov's mother wrote that Dunya was ready to do anything to help her brother.Necessary: Mother wrote to Raskolnikov that Dunya was ready to do anything to help him.

Use a large number complex sentences in business legal speech is caused primarily by the requirement of utmost accuracy, objectivity, the need to specifically present all the circumstances of the case in their interconnectedness, to establish temporary, causal relationships between the actions of the accused, between the participants in the criminal case.

Pronounced syntactic link in complex sentences contributes to the logical presentation.

When a writer loses logical threads, it leads to clutter of sentences. accessory parts and superfluous, unnecessary information, and as a result - to violation of the boundaries of the proposal.

Errors in the construction of a complex sentence

When constructing complex sentences, it should be borne in mind that the most common are complex sentences with conjunctions “what; which; If; due to the fact that; given that; to; Where; How".

Often compilers business letters unnecessarily complicate the text. Letters appear saturated with complex sentences with the same type of subordinate clauses, long enumerations, complex insert structures, extended quotations (for example, from a preliminary business conversation or telephone conversation), etc.

Among the errors and shortcomings associated with the use of complex sentences, direct and indirect speech, the most common are the following: incorrect construction of the sentence structure itself, the use of unnecessarily cumbersome structures.

1. One of the most common shortcomings is the clutter of a complex sentence with subordinate clauses.

Wed: The statement of representatives of foreign circles, ignoring the fact that trade relations, which in recent years have been steadily developing and showing a tendency to further increase, indicates that someone is still interested in preserving the atmosphere " cold war and the elimination of the mass desire for friendship that has gripped the peoples of Europe and America, and this cannot but affect the actions of our state, which continues to count on the success of negotiations, although it understands that it will not be easy to achieve progress in such negotiations, but we are used to overcoming difficulties .

2 . In a complex sentence, structures are weighted due to "stringing" subordinate clauses: "The sail appeared at sea as happy news that the fishermen are all right and that the girls will soon be able to hug their parents, who were delayed at sea because there was a strong storm."

3. The use of the same type of subordinate clauses in sequential submission: "Walking along the shore, I saw two girls who were sitting on an overturned boat, which was lying on the shore with a keel."

4. In some cases, the same situation can be expressed using both complex and complex sentences.

Wed: He entered And we got up; When he came in, we got up.

At the same time, cases of “structural failure” are often observed in speech: a sentence that begins as a complex sentence ends as a complex one, and vice versa. It is unacceptable!

Wed: When Murka was tired of messing with kittens, And she went somewhere to sleep.

General conclusion on the topic: Employee law enforcement On duty, you have to deal with people of different professions and different cultural levels. And in each case, it is necessary to find the right tone and words that argue and correctly express thoughts. Violation of language (including syntactic) norms can cause a negative reaction or distrust on the part of listeners. Respect for the speaker is lost, uncertainty in his knowledge appears.

Sentences consisting of two or more parts, each of which has its own grammatical basis (subject and predicate or one of the main members), are called complex. Parts can be connected with the help of unions or only with the help of intonation. In written text, parts of a complex sentence are usually separated by a comma or other punctuation marks.

Mistakes in compound sentences

1. Violation of the logical and grammatical connection between parts of a compound sentence: "My father did not forget this story for a long time, but he died."

2. The use of a pronoun in the second part of a compound sentence, leading to ambiguity: "May the hopes come true and they will return."

Errors in the use of compound unions:

a) connecting - to connect parts of a compound sentence in the absence of adversarial relations between them: "Yesterday there was a storm, and today everything was calm around."

b) adversative - to connect the parts of a compound sentence in the absence of adversarial relations between them: "A birch grows in our yard, but buds also swell on it."

c) double and repeating: “It’s not like a bird has landed on the water, or the wreckage of a broken boat is floating on the sea.”

d) unjustified repetition of unions: "And suddenly the girls saw a small black dot, and they had hope."

e) an unsuccessful choice of unions: "Mitrasha was ten years old with a ponytail, but her sister was older."

Errors in complex sentences

1. Inconsistency of the type of the subordinate clause with the meaning of the main one: “But they will still wait for their father, since the fishermen must be expected on the shore.”

2. Using composition and subordination to connect parts in a complex sentence: "If a person does not play sports, and he is aging quickly."

3. Weighting the structures by “stringing” subordinate clauses: “The sail appeared in the sea as happy news that everything is in order with the fishermen and that the girls will soon be able to hug their parents, who were delayed at sea because there was a strong storm.”

4. Omitting the necessary index word: "Mom always scolds me for throwing my things."

5. Unjustified use of the index word: "I have such an assumption that the fishermen were delayed by a storm."

6. Incorrect use of unions and allied words with their correct choice:

a) the use of unions and allied words in the middle of a subordinate clause: “There is a TV in the room on the bedside table, after school I watch entertainment programs on it.”

b) violation of the agreement of the allied word in the subordinate clause with the replaced or attributive word in the main sentence: "On two shelves - fiction, which I use in preparing for lessons."

7. The use of the same type of subordinate clauses with sequential submission: "Walking along the shore, I saw two girls who were sitting on an overturned boat, which was lying on top of the shore with a keel."

8. Using a subordinate clause as an independent one: “Girls are worried about their relatives. Therefore, they look so sadly into the distance.

Mistakes in non-union complex sentence

1. Violation of the unity of the constructions of homogeneous parts as part of a non-union complex sentence: "The picture shows: early morning, the sun is just rising."

2. Decomposition of parts of an allied complex sentence into independent sentences: “The girls are dressed simply. They are wearing summer print dresses. On the head of the elder is a scarf.

3. Simultaneous use of non-union and allied communication: “The clothes on the girls are simple: the older one with a scarf on her head, in a blue skirt and a gray jacket, the younger one without a scarf, in a purple dress and a dark blue jacket.”

Mistakes in complex sentences various types connections

1. Violation of the order of the parts of the sentence: “The waves are still foaming, but they calm down near the shore; the closer to the horizon, the darker the sea; and so the girls have hope that their father will return.”

2. Use of pronouns that lead to ambiguity: "We see that the girl's bed is not made, and she confirms that the girl just got up."

USE Russian language.

Express preparation.

Task number 8.

syntactic rules. Errors in the construction of complex sentences.

Task number 8. Syntactic norms.

Errors in the construction of complex sentences.

Today, guys, let's figure out what mistakes in building a complex sentence can be in task number 7 how to find them and how to fix them.

Let me remind you that a complex sentence is a sentence that consists of several simple ones. By type of complex are:

  • compound
  • complex subordinate
  • unionless.

IN task number 7 you are prompted to find errors in the construction complex sentences.

Let me remind you that a complex sentence (CSS) is a sentence consisting of two or more simple ones, one of which is MAIN, and the other (or others) - ADDITIONAL.

A question is asked from the main to the subordinate clause, the subordinate clause depends on the main one, the connection in the sentence is subordinating.

Now let's get to the heart of question #8.

Let's look at common mistakes. There are quite a lot of them, so I grouped all the errors by micro topics.

Typical mistakes in the construction of complex sentences (CPP).

Errors in use subordinating unions.

  • Incorrectly chosen subordinating conjunction.

Each type of subordinate clause has its own subordinating conjunctions or allied words. The use of a union characteristic of another type of subordinate clause is a mistake.


Where the appropriate decision was made.


The issue was discussed at the meeting on which a decision was made (at what meeting?)

  • The use of two subordinating conjunctions or allied words at once in a subordinate clause . Remember that there should always be only one union.


how much.


Reading the pages of Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace", you understand how much the author skillfully portrayed the characters of the characters .

  • Remember what particle LI used in the subordinate clause as a subordinating conjunction. Therefore, you cannot use the LI particle and the subordinating union at once.


We asked about , What Can whether


We asked about , Can whether prepare one presentation together.

  • You cannot use coordinating and subordinating conjunctions at the same time. to connect two simple sentences into one complex


How the show just started But suddenly my phone rang.


How The performance had just begun when my phone rang.

  • If in complex sentence there are several adjuncts which are in sequential subordination, then the repeated use of the same union is a mistake .


I asked a friend to he reminded me to I did not forget the prepared message for the lessons.


I asked a friend to he reminded me to bring a prepared message to class.

Errors associated with the use of demonstrative words in the main sentence.

  • Omitting a required index word.


My mother constantly scolds me that I am constantly late for lessons. (Missed a demonstrative word with the preposition "for that")


Mom always scolds me for that that I'm always late for class.


Mom always scolds me because I am constantly late for classes.

  • Unjustified use of a demonstrative word.


I have such guess he just wasn't prepared .


My guess is that he just wasn't prepared. .

  • Using a demonstrative word in the wrong case.


The teacher pointed out About


The teacher pointed out for that that there are errors in the essay.

Incorrect construction of a complex sentence.

  • Incorrect addition of a subordinate clause , which creates ambiguity in the perception of the meaning of the sentence.


The letter said that an auditor was going to the city, which was managed by the mayor. (The mayor manages the auditor or the city?)


The letter said that an auditor was going to the city, which was run by the mayor.

  • Incorrect use of the attributive clause and participial turnover as homogeneous members of the sentence.


Test, scheduled for Monday

And to which I was preparing, was suddenly cancelled.


The test, which was scheduled for Monday and for which I was preparing, was suddenly cancelled.

  • The use of the wrong form of the allied word "which".


She was that hero , which has always fascinated me.

(What kind of hero? - which)


She was that hero , which has always fascinated me.

Algorithm for completing task number 8.

Mistakes in complex sentences.

  • Find grammar basics, prove that this is a complex sentence.
  • Prove it's complex sentence sentence (it has a main clause and a subordinate clause).
  • Look at union or allied sl ovo: does it make sense for this type of NGN? Are there two unions (including LI particles). Isn't a coordinating conjunction used illegally in the main clause? If the conjunctions do not fit, or if there are two subordinating conjunctions, or a coordinating conjunction is incorrectly used, then this error.
  • pay attention to index word in the main: is its use justified, or, conversely, is it not, although it should be). If there are violations in the use of the index word, then this error.
  • note to build a proposal: there should not be two identical unions related to different simple ones; There should be no ambiguity when using the word "which". If data is found mistakes, the sentence is incorrect.
  • Please note not used whether the participial turnover and the relative attributive as homogeneous members. If yes, then this is a mistake.



Types of subordinate clauses and subordinating conjunctions, allied words in them.

Type of adnexal


Subordinating conjunctions

Union words.



Which one

what, whose, what, when, where, where, from where.


Questions of indirect cases.

What, to, as, as if, as if, the LI particle in the role of the union “what”.

What, who, whose, how, when, where, where, from where, why, why, why, how much.


mode of action



What, to, as if, as if.



How many?

What, like, like.

How many.


How? In what degree?

What, like, like.

How, how much.


Where? Where? Where?

Where, where, from where.


When? How long? Since when? How long?

When, until, barely, as soon as, before, while, since, until, before, after.



From what? For what reason?

Because, because, since, for, because, due to the fact that, due to the fact that.


What follows from this?



For what? For what purpose?


In order to,

In order to, in order.


Under what condition?


when, times.


Despite what? Against him?

Although, despite the fact that, let, let.

Who, what, how, where, how much + neither (particle)


How? Compared to what?

As, as, as, as, exactly, as if, as if, as.



while, meanwhile, while, while,

If - then.



What, why, why, why, why, etc.

This is the execution algorithm tasks number 8 if it contains a task related to an error in a complex sentence.

I wish you good luck in your preparation for the exam!

Vera Alexandrovna.

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Exercise: correct errors in the construction of complex sentences.

1. The Bolshoi Theater sent him into retirement, on which he no longer danced. 2. I love my Motherland that we live under a peaceful sky. 3. Andrei compared his life with an old oak that grew in the forest through which he was driving. 4. There was a lot of snow in the forest, which lay on branches and trees. 5 Schoolchildren were also involved in the work, headed by a mathematics teacher. 6. The sons of Taras got off their horses, who studied in the Kyiv bursa. 7. Those who have been in Gelendzhik, could not help admiring the beauty of the embankment.

Errors when mixing direct and indirect speech

Exercise: correct the grammatical errors in the following sentences.

1. Vaska Pepel was right, he said about Vasilisa that "you have no soul." 2. Condemning his contemporaries, M. Lermontov writes that "I look sadly at our generation." 3. The landlady introduced me to the tenant and said I was very pleased with them.4. Turning to the squad, Igor said that "I want to break the spear at the end of the Polovtsian field." 5. Reproaching the princes for the ruin of the Russian land, the author of the Lay says that “with your seditions you began to bring filthy people to the Russian land.” 6. The student sadly said that I not ready to answer yet.


Task: Establish a correspondence between sentences and allowed in them grammatical errors: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Test 1

A. He refused to participate with all the students in the event. 1) an error in stringing infinitives
B. Opening the window, I felt cold. 2) an error in the coordination of foreign languages geographical names and the word being defined
Q. By that time he already had a young wife and a large library. 3) violation of the types of temporal correlation of verb forms
G. I did not dare to ask to write a note to the newspaper. 4) an error in constructing a sentence with participial turnover
E. An exercise was held in the state of Texas. 5) an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members
6) bad word order in a sentence.
7) an error in constructing a sentence with a participial turnover



Test 2

A. Korchagin firmly declares that I will definitely turn to the Budyonovites.
B. The viewing exhibition is open daily.
V. The hunter saw a leopard, but he was not a coward. He put down the gun, tied the dog, took the backpack and ran after him. 3) violation of word order when using double comparative conjunctions
D. From the conversation between Lisa and Sofya, we learn about Chatsky, who grew up in this house, and who is now traveling somewhere. 4) an error related to the incorrect use of pronouns
D. The life of the peasants is depicted in the works of many Russian classic writers: Gogol, Turgenev, Tolstoy, Chekhov. 5) separation of the subordinate clause with the word which from the noun being defined
7) mixing direct and indirect speech



Test 3

A. This book taught me honesty, courage and respect for friends. 1) violation of word order when using double comparative conjunctions
B. The masses not only create wealth but also great treasures of culture. 2) omission of a sentence member
V. Vlad somehow nailed the board and ran to volleyball.
D. Connection with the revolutionaries: Nikolai Ivanovich, Sasha, Sophia and others - had a huge impact 4) cluttering up a complex sentence with clauses
D. The hunter put down his gun, tied the dog. And went to the beast. 5) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate
6) violation of the boundaries of the proposal
7) unlawful collision of closely related subordinating conjunctions



Test 4

1) cluttering up a complex sentence with clauses
B. Landowners, capitalists and autocracy lived in luxury. 2) an error associated with the incorrect use of the adverbial turnover
C. The hatred against the feudal lords that had accumulated for many years resulted in a truly popular uprising. 3) an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members
D. Doctors believe that the disease is so serious that one has to fear for the life of the patient.
D. Using this cream, your skin will become softer. 5) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate
6) an error associated with a violation of management standards
7) an error associated with a violation of the order of words in a sentence



Test 5

A. Having climbed onto the roof of the barn, Pavel had a good view of the Leshchinsky garden. 1) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate
B. Many young people came to the dance party.
C. In May days, crowds of people could be seen everywhere: on the streets, squares, boulevards, squares. 3) an error associated with the incorrect use of the adverbial turnover
D. This herring was given to me by the saleswoman Lyuba, due to the heat, she was already plowed. 4) an error associated with a violation of management standards
D. Grandmother took her grandson to the Caucasus for eight years. 5) there is an ambiguity associated with the incorrect use of a personal pronoun
6) an error associated with a violation of the order of words in a sentence
7) an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members



Test 6

A. For Last year I have read several novels works of art, novels and short stories 1) an error associated with the incorrect use of the adverbial turnover
B. Fearing a thunderstorm, the old woman hid her head under the pillow and kept it there until it ran out. 2) an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members
C. According to the order of the rector of the university, he switches to a six-day form of education. 3) there is an ambiguity associated with the incorrect use of a personal pronoun
G. Looking at this branch of lilac, I remembered my youth. 4) incorrect sentence construction with indirect speech
D. None of the visitors greeted her. 5) incorrect formation of the participle form
6) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate.



Test 7

A. The carpenter made this oak bookcase with four legs. 1) an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members
B. Passing through the holiday village, I smelled the freshness of jasmine. 2) there is an ambiguity associated with the incorrect use of a personal pronoun
Q. In my essay, I wanted to talk about great people and what their exploits teach. 3) error in use real communion instead of the passive
D. The production manager declined the proposal. 4) an error associated with a violation of the order of words in a sentence
D. In the room, near the stove, a girl was standing; she was hot. 5) an error associated with a violation of management standards
6) incorrect arrangement of parts of a compound union when homogeneous members
7) an error associated with the incorrect use of the adverbial turnover



Test 8

A. He thought we misunderstood him. 1) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate
B. Thanks to good management, profits almost doubled last year. 2) mixing direct and indirect speech
C. The majority of teachers and methodologists have joined forces in solving an important problem.
G. Varvara tells Katerina that I did not know how to lie, but I learned. 4) illegal collision of subordinating conjunctions close in meaning
D. The machine will be used not only for solving problems, but also for control.
6) an error in the formation of the noun form
7) an error associated with a violation of management standards



Test 9

A. At the end of the lesson, the teacher left the classroom to rest. 1) violation in the construction of a sentence with participial turnover
B. My bag is not as pretty as my friend's. 2) an error in the construction of a complex sentence: unjustified repetition of identical conjunctions
C. Doctors believe that the disease is so serious that one has to fear for the life of the patient. 3) incorrect arrangement of parts of a compound union with homogeneous members
D. I first read The Captain's Daughter when I was in the third grade. 4) violation of the types of temporal correlation of verb forms
D. In one of the rooms, looted by bandits, there was a dusty table. 5) violation in the construction of a sentence with inconsistent application
6) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition
7) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate