Marilyn was found dead on the night of August 4-5, 1962. More than half a century has passed since Monroe's death, but her death is still a mystery to many. It is known that the star was in a neurotic state and used sedatives and stimulants. Both of these factors justify the suicide theory. But still, many are sure that behind the death of Monroe long years there is a mystery hiding.

Marilyn Monroe was killed by order of the CIA

One theory claims that Monroe was ruined by a close relationship with the Kennedy family. The actress was "ordered" by the CIA to take revenge on President John F. Kennedy for the failed invasion of Cuba. But why Monroe? In 2003, Matthew Smith, in his book The Victim: The Secret Records of Marilyn Monroe, writes that the CIA knew about the actress's romance with both Kennedy brothers. After killing her, the authorities wanted to put pressure on the president and his family. In 2015, Smith's theory was "fueled" by the confessions of a retired CIA officer who admitted on his deathbed that he had killed Monroe. However, it was later revealed that the officer's confession was nothing more than a hoax courtesy of a fake news site.


Marilyn Monroe killed Robert Kennedy

One of the first versions that arose after the death of Marilyn says that the younger brother of President Kennedy, Robert, killed the artist himself, because he was afraid that she would talk about their romance and his political career would go downhill. The same version was voiced by Frank Capell in 1962 in his book “ Strange death Marilyn Monroe". The Capella version did not receive much support, and the passions subsided. But in 1973, the writer Norman Mailer "added fuel to the fire" by releasing another biography of Marilyn, where he claimed that the actress was killed by her lover, Senator Robert Kennedy. Mailer did not have convincing evidence, but the loud advertising worked - the book sold in frenzied circulation. Two years later, another follower of this theory, journalist Anthony Scaduto, wrote an article. Drawing on several sources at once, he explained why Kennedy killed Monroe. In his opinion, the actress knew too many political secrets and wrote down information in her secret diary.

Marilyn Monroe killed Robert Kennedy, but he didn't act alone

Another theory was put forward by the "yellow" journalist Anthony Summers, who in 1985 wrote the book "Goddess. Secrets of the Life and Death of Marilyn Monroe. The author claims that Robert Kennedy encouraged bad habits Marilyn. Moreover, the politician personally took care of the last fatal dose of sleeping pills. According to Summers, the president was afraid that Marilyn would talk about their romance, and therefore, together with his son-in-law, Peter Lawford, organized an overdose. The author also claims that J. Edgar Hoover, who served as director of the FBI, helped arrange everything as suicide.

Summers' theory is backed up by the words of Monroe's housekeeper Eunice Murray, who first discovered the actress's body. In an interview with a journalist, Murray confessed, “Oh, why do I need to keep harboring this? Well, of course, Bobby Kennedy was there, and of course they had an affair. "

Marilyn was accidentally killed by her doctors

Another book about the life and death of Marilyn Monroe was written by Donald Spoto in 1993. According to the author, Monroe lied to doctors about her treatment, as a result of which she was prescribed the wrong dose of medication. With the help of the same housekeeper, Eunice Murray, Marilyn's death was heralded as a suicide. Despite police reports and statements from the housekeeper, Spoto's version did not receive support and was rejected.

Marilyn Monroe was killed because she knew too much about UFOs

One of the most insane versions of Marilyn Monroe's death has been put forward by extraterrestrial conspiracy theorist Dr. Stephen Greer. He claims that Monroe knew too much about ... UFOs. In his film The Unrecognized, Greer stated that Marilyn was planning to leak top-secret information about the 1947 Roswell Incident (the alleged crash of an unidentified flying object near Roswell, New Mexico, USA). To stop the leak of classified information, a CIA officer got rid of the dangerous blonde by faking suicide.

Marilyn Monroe was killed by the mafia

In 1982 private detective Milo Sperillo voiced a mind-boggling speculation: Monroe was killed by union leader Jimmy Hoffa and Chicago mob boss Sam Giancana. Sperillo explains his theory in detail in the book The Murder of Marilyn Monroe: Case Closed. Despite the dubious evidence, the detective's book led to the reopening of the case of Marilyn's death. However, after a new investigation, the Los Angeles district attorney closed the case: Sperillo's theory was not confirmed.

// - Tragic denouement - //

Further events developed rapidly.

Marilyn invited Greenson and talked with him for over two hours. After the doctor left, Lawford called her and invited her to a party. Marilyn refused, citing poor health. But Peter sensed something disturbing in her voice, and after a while he called again. Nobody answered him. He kept ringing again and again, but the phone was stubbornly silent.

Night had already fallen when the alarmed Lawford called Marilyn's lawyer Mickey Rudin and her companion Eunice Murray. But they considered Peter's fears in vain and assured him that everything was in order with the actress. However, after midnight, that is, on August 5, Eunice still looked into Marilyn's bedroom and found her unconscious.

Were immediately called " Ambulance», Psychiatrist and press attaché. The psychiatrist Greenson appeared first and immediately began to give Marilyn artificial respiration. Soon she began to come to her senses and show signs of life. At this time, an ambulance arrived. The doctor listened to Greenson's story and gave Marilyn some kind of injection. Just a minute after that, Marilyn Monroe died.

// - Suspicion of murder - //
According to the official version, death was caused by taking an excessive dose of drugs. But such a conclusion does not explain many of the contradictions and inconsistencies revealed during the further investigation of the circumstances of the death of the actress.

Thus, press attaches A. Hall and M. Leib, summoned to the Monroe mansion, claimed that at the time of their arrival the actress was lying in bed in the guest room, and not in her bedroom.

Further, the results of the examination showed that a few hours before the death of Marilyn did not drink a single gram of alcohol. But they confirmed the presence in her body of a sleeping pill (nembutal), as well as a tranquilizer (chloral hydrate), the content of which exceeded the normal therapeutic dose, respectively, ten and twenty times.

And one of Marilyn Monroe's closest friends, her former lover and husband Robert Sletzer, claimed that just on the day of her death, she appointed the very press conference, which in recent times frightened the Kennedy brothers, as well as a meeting with their lawyer.

Marilyn believed that both Kennedy brothers treated her cruelly, and, apparently, was seriously going to tell the press about her love affairs with both the current President of the United States and his brother-minister.

During the investigation, Peter Lawford admitted that he arranged the reception on August 4 at the insistence of Robert Kennedy, but Marilyn did not accept the invitation, and Robert did not come either. The investigation also found that shortly before her death, she had another abortion. The father of the unborn child was, presumably, Robert Kennedy.

There is also information that it was at the request of Robert Kennedy that the FBI installed "bugs" in Marilyn's house - eavesdropping devices to control the hysterical and unpredictable actress, and that a promise was taken from her not to seek meetings with any of the Kennedy brothers and not to advertise the nature of their relationship with them. And May Brassell, a Californian political commentator, who died in the late 90s, shortly before his death, learned that one of Marilyn's meetings with Robert Kennedy in their love nest was secretly filmed with all intimate details.

However, Marilyn failed to keep her promise and, according to her acquaintances, repeatedly made unsuccessful attempts to meet with Robert. Finding herself in such a position, Marilyn, with her unstable and vulnerable psyche, could decide on any, the most desperate step and literally destroy both her former high-ranking lovers. In addition, she did not know how to keep her mouth shut and with friends willingly shared her opinion about her relationship with the Kennedy brothers. Until the very last moment, Marilyn seriously hoped to marry one of them. Perhaps that is why she was helped to die.

Many eyewitnesses of those events are sure that the extravagant and talkative movie star was simply gagged in this way. It is possible that the CIA did this, and without the knowledge of the President and the Minister of Justice, since Marilyn's behavior in the last days her life began to pose a threat even to the security of the country. Her sympathy for the left and the communists, as well as her alleged connection, through Frank Sinatra, with the criminal world, played a role in this.

There is also a version that it was Robert Kennedy who ordered the liquidation of the intriguer, who was pretty boring to him, who was losing her mind on the basis of alcohol and drugs. In addition, it remained unknown where he was on the night of the death of the actress. According to some reports, the minister was in the villa of Peter Lawford, located just four blocks from the house of Marilyn, and, therefore, could very well have visited her on that ill-fated day. Moreover, the investigation had reason to believe that Robert Kennedy could even be in Marilyn's house at the time of her death or immediately after her.

It can also be assumed that Marilyn Monroe was killed "by the verdict" of the mafia, which in this way intended to discredit its enemies - the Kennedy clan: the imitation of a movie star's suicide would sooner or later be revealed and began to be widely discussed in the press - as well as Marilyn's relationship with John and Robert Kennedy. (As far as relationships go, that's exactly what happened.)

There is still a lot of controversy about the "bugs" in the house of a movie star. It is believed that the beginning of electronic listening was laid by DiMaggio, her ex-husband. But later it turned out that both the mafia and the CIA had some recordings of conversations during Monroe's meetings with the Kennedy brothers.

"Goddess of love", "sex bomb", "Hollywood star", "the most beautiful woman in the world ”has remained in the memory of millions of people. Just a year and a half after her death, John F. Kennedy was killed by assassins, and five years later, in the same way, his brother Robert - the last of this "sweet trinity".

// - Maybe Marilyn is still alive? - //

The early departure of world famous people always causes the appearance different versions about their possible "miraculous" salvation. Of course, there are similar versions in relation to Marilyn Monroe.

Here is one of them.

In April 2001, a reporter for the American weekly Weekly World News met in a secluded villa on the French Riviera with a former CIA officer who left the service to become a private detective. This man, who asked to be called Mr. B, told the journalist the sensational news. According to him, he managed to find the former number one movie star who was hiding from human eyes.

“Marilyn Monroe was my idol,” said Mr. B, “I literally idolized her as a teenager, and the news of her death due to a drug overdose shocked me. And at the same time, my heart told me that there was something terribly false in the version of her death presented to the general public. "

As an adult and after working for the CIA for several years, Mr. B began alone, at his own peril and risk, to find out the true causes and circumstances of the death of his beloved actress. In the course of this secret investigation, he began to accumulate facts and circumstantial evidence that Marilyn was alive.

Mr. B, he said, was able to establish that a carefully covert team of specialists “authorized conflict situations", The so-called" Group A ", which is in the service of the government, was tasked with physically eliminating the actress. However, at the last moment, Robert Kennedy imposed a ban on this operation.

He hoped to take the presidency of the United States in the future, and his closest friends feared that if, during the investigation into the murder of Marilyn, somehow they became aware of their love affair, then for Robert Kennedy, who was reputed to be a faithful husband and a respectable family man, this would mean the collapse of his political career. Therefore, it was decided to stage Marilyn's suicide.

This reenactment took place on August 5, 1962 in Los Angeles. A chronically ill actress who played cameo roles was injected with a lethal dose of drugs and then transported to Marilyn's apartment. After that, it was not difficult to announce that the great movie star passed away from an overdose of sleeping pills, since Marilyn's long-standing addiction to such drugs was widely known.

Meanwhile, Marilyn, "pumped up" sedatives, was kidnapped and secretly transported to Switzerland, where he was placed in a private, strictly guarded neuropsychiatric sanatorium in the south-west of the country, on the shores of Lake Neuchâtel, near the border with France. There she was isolated from all communication with the outside world.

“Bobby and his associates intended to eventually free Marilyn from this confinement, they even developed a legend explaining her miraculous resurrection,” says Mr. B. -Angeles hotel "Ambassador" ".

By that time, Marilyn had been in a sanatorium for almost six years. Allegedly, there is reliable information that Robert Kennedy met with her there at least twice, but Mr. B was unable to find a single witness of these meetings.

The former CIA agent believes that in her life Marilyn was distinguished by excessive gullibility, even naivety, therefore, having come to her senses in Switzerland and learned about the fate prepared for her, she did not rebel and did not protest, even though she was afraid of all kinds of psychiatric medical institutions.

After the death of Robert Kennedy, there was no one left who could help Marilyn regain her freedom, and it seemed that she was destined to grow old and die in this sanatorium isolated from the world. But there in Marilyn's life another man appeared - the full-time gynecologist of the clinic at the sanatorium, Dr. Laube, a widower, the father of three sons. He fell in love with the actress who retained her sex appeal, courted her for a long time and beautifully, and she finally agreed to become his wife. After the wedding, the couple moved to Austria, but then returned to Switzerland. Dr. Laube died in the late 1970s, leaving Marilyn a well-to-do widow with three adopted teenage sons in her arms.

“And now 74-year-old Norma Jeane Baker Mortenson, who was once a world sex symbol and known to everyone as Marilyn Monroe, leads a quiet life in a cozy country house on the shore of a picturesque lake, not far from the place where her grown-ups already live. three receptionmany sons with their children - her grandchildren. "

(See below for unique photos of the murdered Marilyn.)

Norfolk. Virginia 78-year-old retired CIA officer Norman Hodges made sensational confessions on his deathbed at Sentara General Hospital this Monday. He announced publicly that he was a CIA hitman and between 1959 and 1972 carried out 37 assassinations, including Merlin Monroe.

“Hodges worked for the CIA for 41 years as a top-level operative. Hodges said he was used not only by the CIA, but also by other intelligence agencies to eliminate individuals inside the country who, as he was told, "posed a threat to the security of the country." Hodges was trained not only as a sniper and martial artist, but also trained in the use of poisons and explosives.

Hodges says that he still remembers every elimination very clearly and vividly. He committed all the murders inside America. And he received all the kill orders from his direct commander Major James “Jimmy” Hayworth. Hodges says he was a member of a 5-man hitman group that carried out political assassinations and eliminated opposition figures across America.

The victims were mainly opposition figures, political activists, journalists and trade union leaders; but also, he says he killed several scientists and artists whose ideas he was told pose a threat state interests USA. Hodges said the murder of Merlin Monroe was unique, if only because she was the only woman he killed. But he says that he still has no regrets that he killed her, since he was told that she was a threat. national security USA, and that she slept not only with Kennedy but also with Fidel Castro.

His words: “My commander Jimmy Hayworth told me that she must die, and it must look like a suicide or an overdose. I had never killed a woman before, but I had to obey orders ... I did it for America! She could convey strategic information to the communists, and we could not allow this. She had to die! I just did what I had to do. ”

Merlin Monroe was killed between midnight and 1 am on August 5, 1962. Mr. Hodges said he walked into her room while she was asleep and injected her with a massive dose of chloral hydrate with Nembutal, both anesthetic agents. Death came from a massive overdose of substances that cause anesthesia.

Following these confessions, Hodges, despite being on his deathbed, was immediately assigned FBI security to prevent further press conferences.

Hodges' immediate commander who ordered the killings for Major James Hayworth died of a heart attack in 2011. Hodges named three of his five killers who are already dead. There is only one name in the article - Captain Keith McInnis, who went missing in 1968 and was pronounced dead. "

Of course, Major Hayworth's hitman squad was not the only one.

In August 1962, on the night from 4 to 5, America was shocked by the sensational and at the same time tragic news: the country's actress and the most magnificent woman, Marilyn Monroe, was found dead in her mansion. What actually happened? What led to Monroe's death? These are the questions everyone asked in those days.

As officially announced, the incident was an unintentional suicide as a result of inappropriate use of prescribed anti-anxiety medications by a doctor. But literally a week later, articles appeared in the press in which there were attempts to tell about different versions of the death of a star.

The first (official) version of the death of Marilyn Monroe is drugs. As you know, the actress was prone to deep depression. Every day she visited a psychoanalyst who recommended potent antidepressants and sleeping pills for her. Monroe's dependence on medicines developed back in her youth, at the age of about 18 years. The girl constantly experimented with them: in the morning she took stimulants, and at night - sleeping pills, often in huge doses and along with her favorite champagne. This medication was, in fact, drug addiction. Famous actor Ted Jordan, one of the star's many lovers, recalled that Marilyn considered the pills “her best friends”, Without which I could neither sleep nor work.

Monroe was terrified of repeating the fate of her grandmother and mother, who ended their lives in psychiatric clinic... In 1958, Marilyn was diagnosed with signs of schizophrenia, in connection with which she had to undergo a more detailed examination in a psychiatric clinic. Sometimes she completely "disconnected" from life, being late for the shooting for a whole week, very often forgot the text of the role and, not surprisingly, she could have made a mistake on that ill-fated day in taking medications, accidentally exceeding their dosage.

The second version was suicide. People of art, as a rule, vulnerable and unbalanced, have done "this" more than once. Marilyn was probably no exception, especially since she tried to commit suicide in her younger years. While still quite a girl, Marilyn once tried to gas herself, and another time she swallowed sleeping pills. She made another suicide attempt after the death of one of her first lovers and producers, Joni Hyde.

Another version of Monroe's death is a murder ordered by the mafia. As evidenced by the CIA records, under whose supervision the Monroe villa was, the day before her death, the actress met with one of her influential ex-lovers - Frank Sinatra, who at that time was right hand Sam Giancana, the leader of the American mafia. This gave rise to rumors about the possible involvement of organized crime in the death of the movie star.

Many believe the assassination could have been commissioned by Kennedy. In 1964, writer Frank Capell was found guilty of the death of actress Robert Kennedy. According to James Haspiel, he personally heard wiretaps proving that Kennedy strangled Monroe with a pillow.

The publicity of John Fitzgerald Kennedy's whirlwind romance with Marilyn Monroe could ruin it political career... After parting with John in May 1962, Monroe did not want to put up with the breakup. Stifling the pain with drugs, desperate, she wrote pathetic letters to Kennedy, constantly annoyed him with phone calls and threats of exposure in the press. The actress wrote down the details of their meetings and conversations in her diary, which was her main trump card in this matter.

The president's younger brother, Robert Kennedy, was delegated by the family to comfort the abandoned mistress, but he himself fell into her arms. This relationship developed rapidly. The actress admitted that she loves Robert and that he even promised to marry her. When Robert tried to quit the game in order to stop Marilyn's self-destruction, it was too late. Weighty arguments in favor of the unspoken version of the involvement of the Kennedy brothers in the death of the actress, which appeared almost immediately after the sad events, surfaced from the archives of the FBI and CIA only in 1986.

According to numerous testimonies, on August 4, Robert Kennedy flew to Los Angeles for a final showdown with Monroe, where a terrible scene played out further in the actress's house. According to eyewitness accounts, Monroe promised to call a press conference to tell the world how she was treated by John and Robert Kennedy. Angry Robert demanded to leave him alone with his brother. The quarrel ended with the actress's hysterical seizure, and the next morning she was found dead.

Another version is the psychoanalyst's mistake. Personal psychoanalyst Marilyn Monroe Ralph Greenson, who became a very close person to her, was sure that the actress should be widely used for treatment. medications with simultaneous correction of the emotional sphere.

According to one of the most prominent biographers of Marilyn Monroe Donald Spoto, “his technique was disastrous for the patient”: instead of stimulating the patient to gain independence, he did everything the other way around, as a result of which, “completely subordinated to his will the actions and desires of Monroe”, being confident in the fact that he will be able to "make her do whatever she wants."

The psychoanalyst forbade the actress to meet with ex-husband, Joe DiMaggio, imposed restrictions on communication with friends who cared about the actress. According to Spotto, in 1962, Ralph Greenson spread false rumors that Marilyn was sick with schizophrenia.In addition, there is a therapist's report, drawn up several months before the actress's death, about bruises under her eyes and a broken nose, which confirms that Ralph Greenson even beat his patient.

The Hollywood star saw that the psychoanalyst alienated her from her friends and realized that she needed to part with him.

Incredible facts

Marilyn Monroe dies of overdose of barbituratesAugust 5, 1962 in his house at12305 Fifth Helena Drivein Brentwood, California.

Since then, her death has been the subject of many conspiracy theories, including the version that it was murder, not suicide.

Read also: The greatest Hollywood myths they believe in

However, the real details of her passing are no less shocking and interesting than conspiracy theories.

Marilyn Monroe's cause of death

1. Marilyn Monroe died of an overdose of Nembutal, but no pills were found in her stomach.

According to the investigator's report, Marilyn Monroe took more than 40 Nembutal tablets, but no tablets were found in her stomach. Forensic scientist Thomas Noguchi later explained that the lack of pills was a result of Marilyn's previous abuse of drugs. The pills in her stomach were digested faster than if they were taken by someone without addiction.

However, this fact became the source of conspiracy theories that advocated that the actress did not die of an overdose, but was killed by the CIA, the FBI, or a housekeeper.

2. Marilyn's autopsy was not completed, as her organs were destroyed.

Doctor Noguchi performed an autopsy, but did not give a complete picture. According to him, he received the body of the actress in the morgue, and samples of her stomach and intestines were destroyed. This affected the toxicology analysis, leading him to believe that she might have been killed.

He also discovered that other organs had been sent to a toxicology laboratory, but tests were never carried out. The only parts of her body that were thoroughly analyzed were samples of her blood and liver.

3. Her housekeeper washed linens Marilyn on the night of death.

Sergeant Jack Clemmons, who first arrived at the place of death of Monroe, wrote that the housekeeper Eunice Murray turned on the washing machine when he arrived. In addition, he noticed that Murray behaved strangely and avoided answering questions.

Conspiracy theorists also believe that the housekeeper's behavior on the night of Marilyn's death is evidence that something inappropriate and suspicious was going on there, and perhaps she knew more than she said.

The mystery of the death of Marilyn Monroe

4. She left an ominous message before she died.

On the night of her death, Marilyn spoke to several people on the phone. Among them was Peter Lawford, an old friend of the actress and husband of the sister of John F. Kennedy. According to Lawford, it seemed like Monroe was drugged, and she told him:

"Say goodbye to Pat (Patricia Newcomb, her publicist), say goodbye to the president, and say goodbye to yourself as you are a good guy".

Lawford was concerned about Monroe's condition and called several people to check that everything was in order. When he could not get through to Dr. Greenson, he called lawyer Milton Rudin, who contacted the actress's housekeeper, who said everything was fine.

5. Conspiracy theories surrounding the death of Marilyn Monroe began to gain traction in the 1970s.

Biography of Marilyn Monroe written by Norman Mailer, was one of the first, where it was suggested about the violent death of the actress. When he published it in 1973, conspiracy theories began to take root.

Mailer was the first to suggest that Monroe was having an affair with Robert Kennedy, leading to her death, for which he later became the target of criticism. Then he said that he suggested the involvement of Robert Kennedy, because he needed money.

Biorgaf Robert Slatezer later suggested that Monroe was killed by the attorney general, as she threatened to divulge government secrets that Kennedy had told her. According to journalist Anthony Scaduto, the actress had a "red diary" where classified government information was kept.

6. Half an hour before her death, she was happy.

Marilyn got phone call from Joe di Maggio between 7:00 pm and 7:15 pm, and everything indicated that she was in good spirits. Di Maggio informed her that he had broken up with a woman whom Monroe did not love. Housekeeper Eunice Murray later confirmed that the actress was "cheerful, cheerful, but not dejected" during the conversation.

Last call she got from Peter Lawford half an hour later between 19:40 and 19:45, during which her speech sounded indistinct and barely audible.

7. The police were not the first to report her death.

Police reported death after the actress's psychiatrist doctor visited her home. Ralph Greenson and personal doctor doctor Hyman Engelberg... The Los Angeles Police Department received a call at around 4:25 am, about 1.5 hours after the housekeeper found Marilyn at around 3 am. At this time, Eunice Murray, Dr. Greenson and Dr. Engelberg were alone in her home.

8. The case was almost solved in 1982.

After a slew of conspiracy theories were published in the 1970s, Los Angeles Attorney General John Van de Kamp ordered a re-examination of the actress's death case (which took 29 pages and took 3.5 months to prepare) in 1982.