There are a lot of flora in the world that look safe and even cute. But be careful what you touch or taste - many plants have poison that can kill in a matter of hours, Publey says. In front of you are the most dangerous plants world, which should be avoided for the sake of their own safety.

#1 Veh

Known for its beautiful umbellate buds, weh is the most poisonous kind plants in North America. Even a drop of a toxin called "cicutoxin" can kill a large animal or person. This substance affects nervous system causing convulsions and paralysis.

#2 Prayer rosary

This plant has many names, but it got its main name due to the fact that its red berries are often used to make Catholic rosaries (rosaries). The rosary has bright, beautiful flowers in various shades of red and pink. Even one berry of this plant can cause the death of an adult.

#3 Oleander

Nerium (another name for oleander) is an evergreen tropical shrub with beautiful, vibrant flowers. Oleander is popular with gardeners around the world because of its unpretentiousness. But you should know: any part of this plant is very poisonous.

#4 Belladonna

This poisonous berry is native to deciduous forests Eurasia. It can be distinguished by bright shiny black fruits and pale green leaves. All parts of belladonna contain two types of poison: atropine and scopolamine. Both toxins cause muscle spasms and often lead to cardiac arrest. Even touching the leaves can cause a chemical burn.

#5 Rhododendron

This flower is the symbol of Nepal. Initially, it was distributed only in Asia, but now it has settled in almost all continents (except Antarctica, of course). Rhododendron belongs to heather. It is distinguished by beautiful flowers arranged in bunches. The trunk, flowers, leaves and roots contain a very impressive list of toxic substances, each of which is harmful individually, and in combination is extremely dangerous for both people and pets.

#6 Ageratina Supreme

This plant is a relative of the common aster. Grows in Central and North America. Its juice contains a poisonous substance, dromol. It causes poisoning, hallucinations, muscle spasms and even death. There is an opinion that the mother of Abraham Lincoln died precisely because of ageratina.

#7 Manchineel tree

This highly toxic plant is native to the tropics of the Americas. Even the smoke from a fire filled with fresh manzella wood can cause temporary blindness. This was used by warriors in order to demoralize opponents. But the most poisonous part of this tree is its fruit. They resemble medium-sized apples and Mexican its name sounds like "the apple of death."

#8 Hogweed

Perhaps the most famous in middle lane Russian poisonous plant. Previously, hogweed grew only in Asia, but now you can find entire fields of this plant throughout Europe. Hogweed juice contains furocoumarin, which can cause chemical burns, complete blindness and death.

#9 Colchicum Autumn

He is a crocus. Popular among gardeners, but not everyone knows that crocus is poisonous and contains colchicine, similar in action to arsenic. Even a small amount of toxin causes nausea, diarrhea and severe burning in the mucosa. Serious intoxication causes refusal internal organs and death.

#10 Cerberus Odollamskaya

It is also called the "suicide tree" because it has more deaths than any other representative of the flora kingdom. Cerberus grows in tropical forests India. According to official figures, more than 150 people die a year due to poisoning with the fruits of Cerberus. However, this plant is well suited for deliberate killing, as its poison is highly toxic, and the taste can be easily interrupted by spices.

#11 May lily of the valley

The most spring of the poisonous plants is widely known in Europe, Asia and North America. It can be found in almost any area in older people. Lily of the valley is unpretentious, aesthetic and fragrant. But it contains a poison that can stop the heart.

#12 Castor oil

This plant is popular among flower growers around the world, but the Asian tropics are considered its homeland. The most poisonous part of the plant is the fruit, which contains ricin. According to the Guinness Book of Records, ricin is the most powerful plant poison in the world.

#13 Stinging tree

If in Australia or Oceania you meet a plant that looks like a harmless burdock, do not try to pluck it. The stinging tree is covered in needles that contain a powerful neurotoxin that instantly causes pain. Many dogs and other domestic animals died because of it.

#14 Wrestler

Aconite is similar in appearance to lupins and is known for its vibrant, deep purple flowers. It grows all over the world, but the highland meadows of Europe and Asia are considered to be the homeland. The roots and seeds of aconite are extremely poisonous. As with most poisons, small doses are used in medicines. In particular - for cardiac muscle stimulants.

#15 Brugmansia

This evergreen shrub lives in the Andes and can reach six meters in height. The plant is poisonous from roots to fruit. However, Brazilians smoke dried brugmansia leaves, which have a strong narcotic effect for communicating with spirits and, oddly enough, for treating asthma ( scientific evidence this is not).

#16 Tobacco

Perhaps the most common type of poisonous plant used by humans. It contains nicotine and a whole “bouquet” of toxins, the dangers of which everyone knows.

#17 Dieffenbachia

Dieffenbachia is native to Central America. It is often grown as indoor plant, but not all amateur flower growers know that Dieffenbachia has extremely poisonous leaves. It is believed that one portion of the poison paralyzes the vocal cords, the second immobilizes the entire body, and the third causes death.

#18 Yew Berry

This valuable tree is not only a beautiful material for furniture and interior decoration, but also has a powerful poison (it is not found only in berries, but the seeds are no less poisonous). Pollen is also poisonous, which can cause lung spasms, suffocation, and rashes. Distributed throughout Eurasia.

#19 Narcissus

Known since ancient times, this flower can be found in every garden. All plants of this species contain the poison lycorine (especially a lot of it in the bulb). Not everyone knows about the toxic properties of this beautiful flower, but the narcissus has long been used by people for suicide (the probability of getting severe poisoning, vomiting and diarrhea is much higher than eating a critical dose of lycorine).

#20 Voronets Thick-legged

At home, in North America, this plant is also called "doll eyes" because of the white berries with a black tail. The venom of the crow causes relaxation of the heart muscles, burning of the mucous membrane, hallucinations and memory lapses. Severe poisoning in the absence medical care inevitably leads to death.

#21 Larkspur

Also known as the dilphinium, this genus has over 300 species that are widely distributed throughout the Northern Hemisphere. It is easy to cultivate, has beautiful and bright flowers, but contains a number of toxins, the use of which causes severe poisoning and can lead to death.

#22 Coronal broom

This shrub from the legume family has strong poison, known peoples Europe for a long time. When used, it may stop the heart or breathing. The alkaloids contained in broom juice have a particularly negative effect on children, pregnant women and the elderly.

#23 Foxglove

The champion in the number of symptoms of poisoning: fever, hyperventilation of the lungs, hallucinations, nausea, diarrhea, weakness, runny nose, aching joints. And this despite the fact that the foxglove is a popular plant for garden and ornamental cultivation because of the incredibly beautiful inflorescences. Another name for foxglove (in the West) is dead bells.

#24 Datura Ordinary

Datura is a member of the nightshade family. No wonder the name of the plant is synonymous with poison. It contains scopolamine and other toxins, so the risk of becoming a victim of dope is extremely high (especially among people who are unfamiliar with the symptoms of poisoning).

#25 Cassia tubular

This shrub can grow up to seven meters in height. It can be recognized by its incredibly beautiful cascade of fragrant flowers. All parts of the plant are poisonous, but it is the pods that carry the danger, as children may mistake them for peas, from which they practically do not differ. Over the past few years in England alone, there have been 7 deaths from cassia poisoning.

Poisonous plants are increasingly becoming neighbors of mankind, migrating from the dense jungle to apartments. However, this does not mean that they have lost their deadly power. So remember: this beauty is really deadly.

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Summer is the time for flowers. Some of them are beautiful and deadly at the same time. Here is a rating of beautiful, but deadly flowers, which definitely should not be given to loved ones and relatives.

10. May lily of the valley

In May, grandmothers often sell lilies of the valley near the metro, despite the fact that this flower is listed in the Red Book. But this cute plant, whose flowers resemble white bells on a long stem, is poisonous in its entirety, its juice contains convallatoxin.

Lily of the valley is poisonous both dry and fresh. The most toxic and poisonous are the berries of the lily of the valley, as well as its flower. These toxic and very poisonous substances, which are found in high concentrations in the plant, can provoke severe poisoning in both children and adults.

Moreover, if you put lilies of the valley in the water at home, the water can also become poisonous.

A flower that spreads such a pleasant and intoxicating aroma poisons even the water in a vase. The cause of death for a person can be a few eaten lily of the valley berries. Harmful substances infect cardiovascular system and the gastrointestinal tract. Symptoms of poisoning are nausea and vomiting. Possible cardiac arrest.

In small doses, the substances contained in lily of the valley can help the heart, but even a small overdose causes the opposite effect - the patient begins arrhythmia and blockade of the electrical conduction of the heart. With them comes shortness of breath, possibly damage to the nervous system.

9. Buttercup is caustic

In Russia, caustic buttercup is also widely known as night blindness. Everyone saw small, as if smooth yellow flowers on the roadsides and in the fields.

You should not touch this cute plant, because it emits pungent volatile substances with a pungent odor, which irritate the eyes, cause pain, tears, and sometimes temporary blindness.

It will be worse if a person swallows a piece of the stem of this flower. In this case, he will be provided with gastric colic, nausea, vomiting and severe spasms. Tumors and abscesses may appear on the skin.

Buttercup is poisonous from root to tip of the leaf, especially the juice containing protoanemonin. It is characterized by a sharp taste and aroma. No wonder the yellow buttercup is called "night blindness", because protoanemonin irritates the eyes and can even cause temporary loss of vision. It provokes lacrimation, cough with suffocation, irritates the mucous membranes of the nose and larynx, causes a runny nose, throat spasms.

Self-medication in case of poisoning is not worth it - it is better to immediately consult a doctor. Night blindness is especially dangerous for nursing mothers - once in the body, the poison can be excreted along with milk and harm the baby.

8. Hydrangea

Hydrangea is a beautiful flower that gardeners love for its unpretentiousness. It blooms from spring to autumn, loves moisture, hydrangea inflorescences are like balls made up of small flowers.

In Japan, this flower is called "Ajisai", which can be translated as "a flower that looks like a purple sun."

Unfortunately, this wonderful flower is poisonous, all its parts contain hydrocyanic acid. The use of this flower in food, in a good scenario, can cause weakness, nausea and increased sweating. If it is bad, the activity of the central nervous system is disrupted, oppressed breathing and shortness of breath appear. In exceptional cases, death may occur.

7. Autumn saffron

Autumn saffron has many names - autumn colchicum, lice flower, meadow saffron, autumn flower, spider flower, dog onion, devil's bread, poisonous crocus. He looks very nice - gentle purple flowers, similar to a glass, with a yellow core. Its natural habitat is the whole of Europe.

But this beautiful flower is extremely poisonous, its juice contains the toxin colchicine.

Symptoms of autumn saffron poisoning are hematemesis, bone marrow damage, shock, diarrhea, and irritation of the oral mucosa. Unfortunately, there is no antidote. Only the timely intervention of a doctor and gastric lavage can save a person who has tasted this flower.

6. Delphinium

The Greeks believed that these flowers grew from the body of Ajax, the noble hero of antiquity, and symbolize sorrow. The plant got its name because of the shape of the flowers, which resemble the back of a dolphin, but perhaps the name was given in honor of the city of Delphi, where the temple of Apollo and the famous Delphic oracle were located.

Initially, this flower was used as a remedy for wearable insects, but soon research began on the poison contained in the roots and leaves of the delphinium.

It turned out that it is similar to curare poison, delphinium juice contains elatin, methyllicaconitin, con-dolphin and eldenin. This toxin acts similar to that contained in aconite - a large dose of poison causes respiratory paralysis, accompanied by damage to the heart.

The name aconite comes from ancient Greek. It meant "arrow", because the aconite inflorescences resembled an arrowhead, made up of small blue-violet flowers.

According to legend, the first aconite appeared at the place where Hercules captured Cerberus. From the drops of saliva that the hellish dog dropped on the ground, slender, beautiful, but poisonous flowers grew.

The roots and leaves of aconite contain aconitine, it causes burning, colic, difficulty breathing, and then death of a person.

You can get poisoned by aconite if you eat it. There are cases when the leaves of this plant were added to the salad.

There are cases of such deaths in history. IN Ancient Greece and Rome poisoned those sentenced to death with aconite. According to one of the legends, Tamerlane was killed with the poison of aconite.

4. Azalea

Azalea, aka rhododendron, is a very popular houseplant. The beauty of flowers and the ease of care of the plant

does not change the fact that it is extremely poisonous.

All parts of the rhododendron contain andromedotoxin, which, when ingested, first excites the human nervous system, and then begins to depress. Without contacting a specialist, such intoxication can lead to death.

It should be borne in mind that poisoning develops very quickly. Convulsions and profuse salivation are quickly replaced by a weakening of the pulse, possibly paralysis. On average, a person poisoned by rhododendron has about 2 hours to get the necessary help.

3. Ash

Yasenets - tall plant with narrow leaves. Pale pink flowers appear in June and have a delicate lemon scent. But the inhabitants of the Crimea, the Caucasus and the lower reaches of the Volga know perfectly well that to approach this beautiful flower not worth it, especially during the day. Even the smell of ash can cause poisoning. Flowers and seed pods are especially dangerous.

For the first 12 hours, a person does not feel any symptoms, but then blisters appear, as with second-degree burns, and if not immediately treated, they will soon turn into very painful ulcers. These wounds take a very, very long time to heal. If a large area of ​​the skin is affected, death can follow.

An interesting fact is that if you light a fire near an ash tree, the air will flare up. This burns the essential oils that the ash tree releases.

2. Oleander

Oleander is an evergreen shrub that grows in the subtropics. Because the oleander blooms beautifully and smells like a mixture of vanilla and almonds, the shrub is often used as a landscape plant as well as a houseplant.

But you should not be deceived by such beauty - even oleander pollen is terribly poisonous.

The juice of this plant, taken orally, causes poisoning, nausea, and then heart failure. This is due to oleandrin, cornerin and other cardiac glycosides that are contained in the oleander. In ancient times, poison for arrows was prepared from oleander juice, and a case was recorded in history when 12 people were poisoned by frying meat on an oleander skewer. 8 of them died.

1. Cicuta

Cicuta, despite its harmless appearance, is one of the most poisonous plants on earth. The smell of hemlock is pleasant, somewhat reminiscent of carrots, the rhizome tastes similar to radish. Having tasted such a “radish”, a person runs the risk of not trying anything else in his life. 200 grams of hemlock root is enough to kill a cow, and 100 grams is enough for a sheep.

It is worth noting that not only the root is poisonous in hemlock. The whole plant contains cicutoxin, which is deadly for both animals and humans.

Signs of poisoning appear within a few minutes after hemlock enters the body. The consequences of such a "dinner" are nausea, foam at the mouth, dilated pupils, convulsions and paralysis.

In early spring, as soon as the snow melts and the sun begins to warm up in a real way, on wet grassroots swamps, along ditches and bogs, and in general, sometimes bright green chickweed curls appear on any mokrivina. At this time, it is especially poisonous, it is in early spring that two hundred grams of an ominous root can kill a person. And, unfortunately, it is at this time that tsikyta especially attracts the eye. Against the gray background of withered grass, bright green bushes are visible from afar, so that the hand itself reaches for them. And if you pull on the stem, a white root, resembling a clumsy branched carrot, surprisingly easily pulls out from the moist swampy soil. Melt water all around as much as you like, washing the spine will not be difficult, after which a curious kid (and children usually turn out to be the victims of hemlock) pulls the find into his mouth.

This is where the insidious nature of the tsikyta manifests itself. If it were caustic, like a wolf's bast, or even if it was simply unpleasant in taste, it would not pose the slightest danger. After all, two hundred grams is a lot: three or four large roots, which, of course, cannot be swallowed by accident. However, the root resembles in taste the best kapotel. It is sweet, fragrant, crispy .. . And looking for roots is as easy as shelling pears - the bushes of hemlock are visible a hundred steps away. Do I need to say what happens next? Symptoms of poisoning appear when it is too late to save the child.

Cows are also grassed with delicate greenery, which is why in spring cattle are never driven out to wet pastures.

As you can see, there is a reason not to love the insidious grass. Almost non-poisonous cumin takes more lives than all other herbs combined.

By the middle of summer, the bad character of the hemlock somewhat straightens out. The amount of cycytoxin in the root and greens is steadily decreasing. In addition, the root becomes wiry, and the greens are hard. But at the ends of the stems, large white umbrellas open up. The smell around is worth the inexpressible! The tsikta is a wonderful honey plant, not without reason in marshy lands by mid-July, apiaries migrate closer to floods and marshes, where tsikyta sometimes forms real thickets. Read half of the flower honey produced in the North-West of Russia, the bees collect on the cicute.

When the flowering comes to an end, thickets of cycuta are mowed for hay. The remnants of the unstable cycytoxin finally decompose during drying, and the cows perfectly eat the once so dangerous grass.

As you can see, there are some benefits from cicuta.

If the scythe spares the swamp pipe, then small ribbed seeds ripen in umbrellas. From the looks of it, they are slightly similar to cumin, only not elongated, but almost round. Poison in dry seeds was not found at all, just as it is not found in dry hay. But there is starch, mucous substances, bitterness, otherwise called appetizing substances, fatty and essential oils. If you crack open the seed of tsykyta - you will feel a surprisingly delicate and rich aroma - the essential oil of tsykyta is 90% composed of gammaterpinene. Even the peel of a Japanese orange cannot boast of such wealth. In terms of taste, the seeds of tsikta vaguely resemble kiimon or zipy, although, of course, there are no complete analogues. It is necessary to collect tsikyty in the middle of September, when it is fully ripe, but has not yet begun to crumble.

The area of ​​application of cykyta in cooking is huge. It can be put in any marinades, in canned vegetables, in ketchup, mulled wine, pilaf. It is very good to sprinkle cookies with cumin seeds before baking, or add it to poppy seeds when you are going to make buns or pie with poppy seeds. Cikyta seed looks equally good in sweet and meat dishes, its aroma is combined with vanillin and cloves.

It was the tincture of hemlock, according to legend, that Socrates was poisoned. Although there are allegations that Socrates was poisoned not with hemlock, but with hellebore!

speckled hemlock - the enemy that is as close as possible

Hemlock is often confused with Hemlock, but Hemlock has smaller leaves.

Hemlock mottled has a healing effect, it is a sedative, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic. It was taken as the best medicine for cancerous tumors, gout and rheumatism. Hemlock helps with migraines. At the same time, he can rightly be given the first place among the poisonous plants that grow in the vicinity of our homes.

Stems, leaves, flowers and fruits are poisonous. The main active ingredient is alkaloids and coniine, which in some cases causes paralysis. Pounded in the hands of hemlock, it emits a disgusting mouse smell. It won't be hard to find out. Height from 30 to 60 centimeters, with white, small flowers and long petals of dark green color. This poisonous herb confidently occupied forest glades and grows near people's dwellings.

Aquilegia (catchment)- perennial plant from the buttercup family. Aquilegia is often found in flower beds, as it is very decorative. Its flowers are blue, purple, red, pink, white, decorate any flower bed, but are very toxic. Signs of columbine poisoning are general weakness, tingling of the tongue, dizziness and nausea, dilated pupils, cramps of the extremities, darkening of the eyes and impaired color perception, arrhythmia and pain in the heart. Respiratory arrest leads to death.

Aconite (wrestler)- deadly poisonous, from roots to pollen. For a person, even its smell is dangerous. The plant contains alkaloids (primarily aconitine), which affect the central nervous system and cause convulsions and paralysis of the respiratory center. Aconite poisoning makes itself felt in a few minutes: there is a tingling and burning sensation in the mouth, profuse salivation and abdominal pain begin , vomiting, diarrhea, numbness of the tongue, throat, face.

There is pain and burning in the chest, vision is impaired. With the strongest poisoning, there is a sharp motor and mental excitement, a complete loss of orientation. As the poison spreads, the body temperature gradually drops, and the pulse weakens, which is why there is a danger of cardiac arrest. At severe poisoning after a few hours, death may occur. But it should be noted that the toxicity of aconite is highly dependent on the geographical location - in southern latitudes it is the most poisonous, and in Norway, for example, they are fed to animals. And one more remark in defense of aconite - in culture, cultivated on a fertile garden soil, aconite loses its poisonous properties through several generations, but only partly.

Colchicum a bulbous plant with white and pinkish-lilac flowers that bloom in autumn is not as harmless as it seems.

Colchicum bulbs contain a very poisonous substance - alkaloid colchicine. Even the water in which the colchicum stood is poisonous. The content of colchicine is especially high in spring. Colchicine is secreted mainly by corms, which causes burns on the hands.

But the above-ground parts of the plant contain various poisons. Poisoning can be severe: after a few hours, dizziness and nausea begin, there is a burning sensation in the throat, in the future it can turn into colic and paralysis.

Brugmansia (angel trumpets), datura (datura). Plants contain a high concentration toxin scopolamine, which, when ingested, causes dry mouth, migraine, heart palpitations, visual and auditory hallucinations, and even death. It should be remembered that it is not recommended to stay close to these wonderful flowers for a long time, because even their smell can poison you, hallucinations, drowsiness appear, headache and nausea.

Vatochnik can cause irritation on the skin with its milky juice, especially with simultaneous exposure to sunlight on the affected area.

bulbs hyacinths contain oxalic acid and are poisonous if ingested. In addition, they can cause contact dermatitis in people with sensitive skin.

Delphinium contains a poisonous substance - an alkaloid similar to curare poison. At the beginning of the growing season, most of the alkaloids are in the roots, and during the fruiting period - in the leaves.

Its immature fruits are also poisonous.

In case of poisoning, an effect on the brain occurs, as a result of which blood pressure decreases, and when toxic doses death also occurs from respiratory paralysis, accompanied by damage to the heart.

Dicentra(broken heart). All parts of the plant are poisonous and if swallowed can cause severe poisoning.

Direct contact with the plant may cause skin irritation.

irises are also classified as poisonous plants.

Their rhizomes contain biologically active substances, upon ingestion into the body large quantities they cause severe irritation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Clematis- a very popular and widespread perennial vine. When fresh clematis leaves and flowers are rubbed, pungent, pungent substances are released that cause coughing, sneezing, watery eyes, redness and inflammation of the skin.

If swallowed, it may cause internal bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.

castor oil- a perennial plant, we grow it as an annual. During the season grows up to 3 meters. At the ends of the branches are racemose inflorescences, consisting of two types of flowers: yellow staminate flowers and round pistillate green, bluish or bright scarlet, depending on the variety. But it is not so much the inflorescences that are attractive, but the huge leaves, dissected into 7-9 lanceolate lobes with large teeth along the edges. The color of the stems and leaves, in addition to green, is purple or even bluish-red.

castor seeds By appearance they resemble insects and can arouse interest with their shape, but do not forget that they contain the most dangerous poison ricin, which easily penetrates into the cells of the body, blocks the synthesis of proteins, as a result of which the cells die.

First of all, the cells of the liver, lungs, kidneys are affected, the walls of the intestine are destroyed. There is no antidote for ricin. Sometimes just one or two seeds can kill even an adult. Survivors after poisoning have to be treated for a long time, and the consequences of poisoning can last a lifetime. The first symptoms appear within a few hours and are very similar to infection: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea lasting for several days. Arterial pressure decreases.

bathing suit contains toxic glycosides and alkaloids, the rhizomes of the plant are especially rich in them.

When any part of the plant is eaten, the toxins cause serious damage to the digestive system.

Skin irritations, up to dermatitis, are also possible.

Kupenaeverything is poisonous - from roots to berries.

When ingested, it causes severe irritation of the gastrointestinal tract, the most dangerous are round dark blue or black berries that ripen after flowering.