
Cognitive speech development

Social and personal development


Target: teach how to pronounce the sound [Ш] correctly in syllables, words and sentences.



Fix the correct articulation pattern when pronouncing the sound [Ш].

Learn to clearly pronounce the sound [Ш] in syllables, words and sentences.

Develop phonemic perception.

Practice using nouns with diminutive suffixes.

Exercise in the formation of related words.

Practice forming possessive adjectives.

Improve the skills of analysis and synthesis of words.


Continue to develop memory, thinking, attention.

Cultivate a sense of pride in the beauty and sound of the native language.

Equipment: toys: teddy bear and snake; PC with articulatory gymnastics and game material; thematic cards; mirror, handkerchief



Synopsis of an individual speech therapy lesson "Automation of sound [w] in syllables, words and sentences."


Cognitive speech development

Social and personal development

Leading educational area:


Target: teach how to pronounce the sound [Ш] correctly in syllables, words and sentences.



Fix the correct articulation pattern when pronouncing the sound [Ш].

Learn to clearly pronounce the sound [Ш] in syllables, words and sentences.

Develop phonemic awareness.

Practice using nouns with diminutive suffixes.

Exercise in the formation of related words.

Practice forming possessive adjectives.

Improve the skills of analysis and synthesis of words.


Continue to develop memory, thinking, attention.

Correctional and educational:

Cultivate a sense of pride in the beauty and sound of the native language.

Equipment: toys: teddy bear and snake; PC with articulatory gymnastics and game material; thematic cards; mirror, handkerchief

1. The course of the lesson.

2. Articulation gymnastics (images on PC).

3. Breathing exercises.

4. Pronunciation of sound [Ш] in syllables.

5. Automation of sound [W] in words.

Game "Remember and repeat"

The game "Rhymes" (pure tongues)

The game "Call it affectionately"

Game "New words"

6. Physical minute.

Sound automation[W] in sentences.

Game "Fix the sentence" (image on PC).

7. Dividing words into syllables.

8. Sound analysis of words.

9. The result of the lesson. Maze game (picture on PC)

I. The course of the lesson.

Today I will tell you a story. In the magical forest, in the thicket under the pine, the bear cub Mishutka lived in his lair. One morning he woke up from a strange sound Sh-Sh-Sh ... The bear cub became interested in who was making such a noise. He looked out the window and saw autumn leaves falling on the roof of his house and rustling. Mishutka decided to return to his house. As soon as he lay down in bed, he heard another sound of drip-drip-drip... Has it really started to rain, Mishutka thought, jumped out of bed and looked out the window. The sun was still shining outside, and drops were falling from the roof. Mishutka left the house and looked at the roof. On the roof he saw a small snake. She lay on autumn leaves and cried. At first, Mishutka was afraid of the snake. But she cried so bitterly that the little bear felt sorry for her. Mishutka asked the snake: "Why are you crying?" The snake replied: “No one is friends with me! Everyone is afraid of me." The little bear was very, very sorry for the snake, and he invited her to be friends. "What is your name?" - Mishutka asked the snake. "Shusha" - the snake answered. “And I’m Mishutka,” said the bear cub. “Why are you hissing all the time?” - asked Mishutka. “This is my favorite sound,” Shusha answered. "Can you hiss?" Shusha asked. “No,” Mishutka answered. Then Shusha suggested: “Let me teach you how to hiss!” "Come on" - Mishutka was delighted and tried to hiss. But he did not succeed, only: "S-s-s-s-z" Shusha laughed. “Repeat after me Mishutka,” said the snake.

II. Articulation gymnastics.

Rustle, rustle, tire rustling ...

Sh! So that the sound comes out beautiful,

Wider tongue and higher!

Let's make from the tongue

A cup, raising its sides.

This cup on the sides

We will press the teeth to the upper ones.

Now over the cup you can

Blow beautifully, carefully.

For the wind to run

To Sh, like silk, rustled!

Sh-sh-sh... Hiss, noise, whisper,

Rustle, rustle, tire rustling ...

Lip exercises.


Smile like that. So that the upper and lower teeth are visible, and hold this position for 5-7 seconds.

That's what the frogs like

We pull the lips straight to the ears.

I'll pull and stop

And I won't get tired.


Pull out the lips with a tube and pronounce the sound U for a long time without the participation of the voice.

I imitate an elephant.

I pull my lips.

And now I'm letting them go

And I return to the place.

Language exercises.

"We will punish the naughty tongue"

Put a wide tongue on the lower lip. Slapping his lips, pronounce pya-pya-pya ... About to stand and keep a wide tongue in a calm position.


Mouth open. Put a wide relaxed tongue on the lower lip. Put the "shovel" in your mouth, trying not to strain your tongue.

Put the tongue with a spatula

And keep it under the account:

One two three four five!

You need to relax your tongue!


Open mouth. Raise a wide relaxed tongue to the upper lip. Bend the middle part of the tongue, bending the side edges to the top.

Put your tongue wide

And lift up the edges.

Got a cup

Round cup.

"Delicious jam"

Smile, open your mouth. Lick with cupped tongue upper lip top down. The lower lip should not fit the teeth (you can pull it down with your hand).


Suction the tongue to the palate, stretching the hyoid ligament. Click your tongue slowly and strongly. The lower jaw must be motionless (you can hold it with your hand)!

Let's go, let's go on a horse

The path is smooth.

Our neighbor was waiting for us

Eat sweet pudding.

We arrived for dinner

There is no neighbor at home.


Smile (teeth are visible), open your mouth. Suck a wide tongue with the entire plane to the palate and open your mouth.

I stand on a thin leg.

I stand on a smooth leg.

Under the brown hat

With velvet lining.


Open mouth. Tongue stick to the palate. Without lowering the tongue down, open and close the mouth, stretching the hyoid ligament. Lips should be in a smile!

I play the harmonica

I open my mouth wide

I will press my tongue to the palate,

Below the jaw will take.

III. Exercises for the development of an air jet.


Multi-colored paper butterflies are tied to the stick. The adult holds the stick so that the butterflies are at the level of the child's face. An adult offers the baby to blow on a butterfly of a certain color so that it flies.

Butterfly - box

Fly to the cloud

There are your children

On a birch branch!

"Magic pipe" (we blow into a wooden pipe).

“Look how great we are, it turns out,” Shusha exclaimed. Mishutka laughed, and then asked: “What else can you do Shusha?” “I can sing syllables. Let's sing together.” “Come on, you start, and I'll repeat after you,” said the bear.

(speech therapist invites the child to join Shusha and Mishutka to say syllables too)

IV. Syllabic rows:

A) pronunciation of direct and reverse syllables.

Sha-sha-sha Ash-ash-ash

Sho - sho - sho Osh - osh - osh


Shi - shi - shi Ish - ish - ish

Sha-sha-sho Ash-osh-ash

Shi-shu-shu Ush-ash-ush

Sho-shi-sho Osh-ish-osh

Shu-sha-sha Ash-ish-ish

B) with a change in rhythmic pattern (forward and backward)

Sha-sha - sha-sha-sha

Sho-sho - sho-sho-sho


Shi-shi - shi-shi-shi

B) with a change in emphasis

Sha-sha-sha sho-sho-sho

Sha-sha-sha Sho-sho-sho

Sha-sha-sha sho-sho-sho

Shu-shu-shu Shi-shi-shi

Shu-shu-shu Shi-shi-shi

Shu-shu-shu Shi-shi-shi

“Mishutka, you sing very well, and now repeat the words after me,” Shusha suggested.

V. Pronunciation of words with the sound Ш at the beginning of a word (images of pictures on a PC).

Hat, mine, puck, shampoo, jackal, naughty, chess, balls, scarf.

"How tired I am!" said Mishutka, and fell on a pile of dry leaves. “Mishutka, get up, now we will do some exercises, and your fatigue will be removed as if by hand,” the snake Shusha exclaimed and began to raise the bear cub.

Game "Remember and repeat"


Fur coat-awl-poster-thorns

Game "Rhymes"

“Mishutka listen and repeat the beginning of the sentence, and at the end complete it”

Shi-shi-shi - they are playing ... .. (kids)

Oo-o-o-o - I will take a hot ... .. (shower)

Ash-ash-ash is blue ... .. (pencil)

Shock-shock-shock - woke us up ... .. (cockerel)

The game "Call it affectionately"

Horse -

Cow -

Cat -

Rooster -

Game "New words" Replace the first sound in words with the sound Sh.

Steam -

Slipper -

Lips -

Stomp -

Soap -

Disputes -

VI. Physical education minute.

Leaves rustling on the tree

Sheets rustle on the tree, (Hands - top, stretched)

Autumn bushes rustle, (Hands lowered, sat down)

Rustling reeds, (Stand up, torso to the left - right)

And the rain rustles (steps in place)

And you sit down and don't rustle, (Sit down)

And speak beautifully.

“Shusha, I have never had so much fun! Let's play again," the bear cub asked. " With joy! Mishutka, I will pronounce the words, and you must remember them and repeat them several times, changing the order of the words.

VII. Automation of sound [Ш] in sentences.

Game "Make a sentence with pictures"

Pictures: Pasha - shorts, horse, car.


Pasha puts on shorts.

Pasha is playing with a typewriter.

Pasha is riding a horse.

Game "Correct the sentence" (picture on PC) Instruction: Grandpa AU mixed up the words in sentences so that no one guessed what he wanted to say. Listen to suggestions. Find and fix bugs.

The letter is written by grandfather.

Our mouse caught the cat.

A spool of thread was bought by grandma.

Pebble found Pasha.

A hanger is hung on a fur coat.

Reeds sit in a frog.

Lilies of the valley found Natasha.

They put a sack in the potatoes.

IX. Game "Find the word" Find the words in which the sound Sh is at the beginning (in the middle, at the end) Find a suitable scheme for each word.

Pencil, bag, hat.

"Shusha, you know so much interesting games! It's very interesting to play with you. Let's play some more!" Mishutka said. “I also want to play more, but it's too late, I have to go home,” Shusha answered. And, however, while playing, the bear cub did not notice how the evening had come, and it was time to go home. The teddy bear was upset. He looked at the snake, and did not recognize it. She became so beautiful and not scary at all. “Let me take you home,” Mishutka suggested to Shusha. Silently humming the sound Sh, they went along the path.

X. The game "Labyrinth" Run your finger along the path, pronouncing clearly sound shhhh(Picture on PC)

What sound did we learn to pronounce today?

Levchenko Dmitry Alexandrovich
Educational institution: GBPOU RO "ZernPK"
Brief job description:

Publication date: 2018-01-22 Individual speech therapy lesson on the topic: “Automation of sound [Ш]” Levchenko Dmitry Alexandrovich GBPOU RO "ZernPK" An individual speech therapy lesson was developed with the help of the methodologist Sakhno Marina Vasilievna

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Individual speech therapy lesson on the topic: “Automation of sound [Ш]”


Teacher activity

Student activities

Methods and techniques



Hello! My name is Dmitry Alexandrovich. I am glad to welcome you to our lesson. What class did you come to today? What do you think we will learn in a private lesson? What organs of articulation help us to speak correctly and beautifully?

Greets the teacher. Get ready for the lesson, answer the questions asked by the teacher.

Formation of readiness of perception educational material

II. Preparatory stage

1) Mimic exercises

2) Breathing exercises

3) Exercises to develop the power of the voice

4) Exercises for development fine motor skills

5) Articulation gymnastics

Came to visit us today furry animal, and which riddle you need to solve:

He is brown and clumsy,
Catches fish with a powerful paw.
He also loves honey!
Who will call sweetheart?

- That's right, this is a bear, guys, do you want to know his name? But in order to find out the name of the bear, we need to do the exercises that he brought to us.

- And the first task that the bear brought us was facial exercises.

Well done, what exercise are we doing now?

“And now the bear is asking us to do some breathing exercises.

The bear cub asks us to cool the tea.

- Okay, what exercise did we do?

- The bear brought us a task to develop the power of the voice.

The bear brought us an exercise for fine motor skills.

- Well done, what exercise did we do?

- And the next exercise that Bear brought articulation gymnastics.

1. "Smile-tube."

2. "We clean the upper teeth"

3. "Horse"

4. "Mushroom"

5. "Delicious jam"

6. "Cup"

Well done, what exercise are we doing now?


He listens to the speech of the teacher, greets the guest and tunes in to a productive lesson.

They pick up visual material and depict emotions.

We did a mime exercise.

They did a breathing exercise.

They take visual material and follow the instructions of the teacher.

We did an exercise for fine motor skills.

They take mirrors, perform exercises with the teacher's instructions

Building a game plot around the educational material

Entertaining Content Stimulation Method

practical method

Formation of understanding of the personal significance of the lesson



Use of games and game forms organizations learning activities- exercises - explanation.



practical method.

III. Main part

1.Message topic.

2. Working with a profile

3. Development of phonemic hearing.

4. Reading syllables.

5.Working with pictures

6. Sound-letter analysis of the word

7. Coordination of numerals and nouns

8. Compilation of phrases

9. Drawing up proposals.

What good fellows you are, you have completed his exercises and now he allows me to say his name. Our bear's name is Misha.

- Let's say MI-SHA together.

Well done, now listen, what sound do I make with my voice?

Mi sh A

- Who guessed what sound we will have in class on duty

- Now we will take the mirrors and pronounce the sound [sh].

- How are the lips, teeth and tongue arranged?

And what sound [Ш], give a description?

What is the signal?

Well done boys.

What sound was characterized?

Now let's play the game "catch the sound".

(sh ,p,zhz,k, sh,With,R, sh )

Let's learn how to make sound [w] in syllables.

(sh at, for, sh she, sh A)

And now select the sound [ w] in words.

(fur coat, house, apple, ball, toad, horse, tire).

Among what did we highlight the sound?

And now let's read the reverse syllable.

Pictures on the board:

Chocolate, cherry, pear, porridge, cones.

Can you name what is in the pictures?

Which picture is missing?


Let's distribute the words according to the location of the sound [w], at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the word.

Now I propose to make a sound analysis of the word "Bumps".

Guys, what is shown on the slide?

Now form the agreement of the numeral with the noun. (Example: One cone)

What did you learn from the task?

We will learn to make phrases according to our pictures

-What kind of chocolate?

-What kind of cherry?

- What kind of pear?

- What kind of porridge?

What did you learn by completing the task?

We will learn how to make sentences with these phrases.





What did you learn from this assignment?

They pronounce the riddle "Ball" in chorus

The first sound in the answer [w]

The duty sound in the lesson will be the sound [w].

Sound [ w].

Pronounce the sound [ w].

The teeth are not closed, the lips are slightly stretched, the tip of the tongue rests on the upper palate.

Consonant, hissing, hard, deaf.

Blue without a bell.

– Sound [ sh].

Children raise the card with the sound [ w] when they hear it.

Children raise a card with the sound [w] when they hear it in syllables and in words.

– We singled out the sound [w] among syllables, words and sounds.

Reading syllables.

Looking at pictures.

Chocolate, cherry, pear, porridge, cone, pita bread.

Extra picture bump.

Because the pictures show food, and we don't eat cones.

At the beginning of the word: chocolate.

In the middle of the word: cherry, pear.

At the end of the word: lavash.

[k]-according, hard, deaf. [a]-vowel, shock. [w]-according, hard, deaf. [a]-vowel, bezud.

The header is on the slide.

Two cones.

Three cones.

Four cones.

Five cones.

– We learned to coordinate the numeral with the noun.

Make up phrases.

- Bitter, dark chocolate.

-Red, small cherry.

- Yellow, big pear.

- Semolina, hot porridge.

We learned how to make phrases.

Masha bought dark chocolate.

A red cherry hangs on a tree.

Vitya ate a big pear.

The store brought porridge.

We learned how to make sentences.

Artistic word.

Questions, demonstration, sample.

Verbal instruction.



Use of visual aids.

Practical. Control method.

Control method.




An exercise of imitative and performing character.

practical method.

IV. Reflection

Well done. It was my pleasure to work with you. You were attentive, active, focused and very diligent. Who did you meet? What was our lesson about? What organs of articulation help us to speak correctly and beautifully? Was our activity helpful? Attach the sound figure [sh] to a suitable place in the "Castle"

Listens to the teacher, answers questions. Evaluate your performance in class.


Formation of understanding of the personal significance of teaching

- pedagogical assessment.


Class: 2 "B"

Lesson type: individual speech therapy classes

Lesson topic: sound automation [w].

Target:automate the sound [w] in connected speech.


Lesson equipment:

Materials for students: individual material for exercises: facial exercises, breathing exercises, exercises for the development of voice power, exercises for the development of fine motor skills.

Teacher Resources: technological map, presentation, handout for students.

Introspection correctional and speech therapy classes in a speech therapy group

2 "B" class

This lesson is devoted to staging the sound [w]. The structure of the lesson meets the developmental tasks of training, education and correction. It is organically connected with previous lessons and relies on them, is preparatory to the next topic.

Developing technological map, speech conclusions of children were taken into account, especially mental development children of primary school age, the individual capabilities of the child.

Target: automate the sound [w] in phrases and sentences.


1. Automation of the sound [w] of coherent speech.
2. Development of voice power, breathing, fine motor skills;

3. Development of phonemic hearing;
4. Activation in the speech of words with the sound [w] in connected speech.
5. Raise the child's desire to speak correctly and beautifully.

When conducting a lesson great importance was attached to the observance of the fundamental didactic principles (accessibility of the proposed material, visibility, individual approach) and special provisions developed in speech therapy (the principle of development, the principle of a systematic approach, the principle of the connection of speech with other aspects of mental development).

The training was based on the development cognitive activity due to active surveillance. The process of mastering children phonetic system language was given a conscious character. Conscious control over one's own kinesthetic and auditory sensations at all stages of the lesson was combined with the development of phonemic perception.

In the lesson, the training was of a problem-playing nature. While traveling through the magical city, the children performed various tasks. Such activities created a positive, emotional background for the learning process, increased speech activity children and kept their interest throughout the session.

During the lesson, he used visual, verbal and practical methods aimed at the use of speech skills and abilities and their improvement. The tasks were given in order of increasing difficulty.

All stages of the lesson were interconnected and interdependent, subordinated to a given topic and objectives of the lesson. The change of activities allowed to prevent fatigue and satiety with any one type of activity. Children dynamically switched from word games to games with objects.

To obtain better results in the activities of children, a variety of materials were used: visual aids, didactic handout. The visual material corresponded to the topic and objectives of the lesson. At all stages of the lesson, the speech activity of children was activated. During the lesson, she monitored the intelligibility and expressiveness of the children's speech, carried out a differentiated approach to teaching. He took into account the interests and abilities of children as much as possible, varied the tasks and their dosage.

Analyzing the activities of children in the classroom, I would like to note that they showed cognitive activity, emotionally reacted to the methods of activation of activity, used the available knowledge and skills. They were interested, attentive, organized.

I think the session was successful. The selected teaching methods provided motivation for the activities of the children's organization to achieve the goals, helped to generalize and consolidate the knowledge gained. Correctional and developmental tasks were completed, and the goal was achieved

, . .

Sections: speech therapy


1. Educational: clarify children's ideas about sound (Sh).

2. Corrective:

  • consolidate skills correct pronunciation sound (Ш) in syllables, words, sentences, tongue twisters;
  • develop articulation and fine motor skills;
  • develop phonemic awareness;
  • develop speech breathing;
  • learn to change the strength of the voice;
  • develop clarity of diction, intonation expressiveness.

3. Developing:

  • to consolidate the ability to determine the place of sound in a word;
  • develop the ability to combine sounds into words;
  • develop attention, memory, thinking;
  • exercise in agreeing nouns with numerals;
  • exercise in the ability to grammatically complete the sentence.

4. Educational:

  • create positive motivation in the classroom;
  • nurture skills speech communication with a toy and with each other, the ability to listen.

Equipment: toys (Masha and Mishka), symbols of sounds (color designation), “Sound Mosaic” manual, chips of red and green color, mnemonic tables “Leaves”, mnemonic tables of tongue-twisters cut into cards, autumn dry leaves or cut leaves from paper, subject pictures with sound (Sh), a basket with cones and nuts, small toys with sound (Sh), a bag, balloons.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.

We are invited to visit the forest,
They offer to play there.

Speech therapist shows the children an invitation, reads it: "I'm waiting for everyone in the forest house, we'll play, we'll have a rest."

Shall we visit? (Yes)

Along the path to forest let's go,
We will find a house in the meadow.

Children sit on chairs. The speech therapist shows a picture of a forest house.

2. Development of phonemic hearing.

Developing a sense of rhythm auditory attention, memory. Exercise "Knock like me."

Who is waiting for us at the house? To find out, you have to knock like me.

Children take turns repeating the rhythmic pattern by knocking on wooden spoons.

The speech therapist takes out toys (Mishka and Masha).

Mishka lives in the house. Masha often visits him. What is the same consonant sound you hear in their names - Mishshka, Mashshsha? (sound (SH))

Mishka found out that you are learning to pronounce their favorite sound with Masha correctly and decided to invite you to visit to play with the sound (Sh) together.

3. Articulation gymnastics with elements of finger gymnastics.

The bear suggests first waking up the tongues so that they try to speak. Let's show what we see in the forest, and fingers will help us:

Wide paths in the forest exercise for the tongue "Scapula", turn the palms with the back side down).

The hare jumps from bump to bump (exercise for the language "Swing", alternately raise and lower the hands up and down).

Squirrel clicks nuts (exercise for the language "Horse", exercise with fingers "Clicks").

Mushrooms grow under the trees (exercise for the tongue and fingers "Fungus").

- Gather mushrooms in a basket ( exercise for the language "Cup", exercise with fingers "Basket").

Let's hide behind the trees (an exercise for the language "Hide and Seek", exercises with fingers "Into the fist", "From the fist").

4. Pronunciation of an isolated sound (Ш).

A breeze blows in the forest, shakes the branches of trees, the leaves rustle (W - w - w ...).

Children depict with their hands how the wind shakes the branches of trees, and pronounce the sound (Ш) for a long time.

5. Analysis of sound articulation (Ш).

What do sponges, teeth, tongue do when we pronounce the sound (Ш)? ( Lips "Ring", teeth "Fence" with a small slit, tongue at the top and similar to "Cup".)

6. Sound characteristic (Sh).

Get your fingers ready. We bend them into a fist and talk about the sound (Ш):

  • Sound (Ш) - consonant or vowel? (consonant);
  • What is the barrier to sound (Sh)? (teeth, tongue);
  • Voiced or deaf? (deaf);
  • Hard or soft? (solid);
  • What color do we represent? (blue).

Find the sound symbol (Sh) on the board.

Children show the color designation of the sound (Ш) (blue circle with a cap).

7. Automation of sound (Sh) in syllables.

Auditory differentiation of syllables. Work on the power of the voice. Reliance on mnemonic tables "Leaves". Coordination of speech with movement.

Leaves are falling in the forest. What is the name of this natural phenomenon? (leaf fall)

Leaves fall and rustle their syllable songs. Listen carefully to which syllable-song is different (based on mnemonic table No. 1):

sha - sho - sha - sha (sho)

ash - ush - ush - ush (ash)

Name the first and last syllable:

sha - sho - shu - shi (sha, shi)

shta - shtu - shty - shto (shta, what)

Leaves rustle differently. Let's repeat their songs (syllable series with a change in rhythmic pattern, based on mnemonic tables No. 2, 3):

sha-sha - sha-sha-sha

shku-shku - shku-shku-shku

ish-ish-ish - ish-ish

shosh-shosh-shosh - shosh-shosh

And now let's play the game "Quiet - loudly vice versa." If the leaves rustle loudly, then you can barely hear. If you hear a quiet rustle, then you rustle loudly.

Children reproduce syllabic rows, depicting with their hands how leaves fall and change the strength of the voice:

sha - asha - sha - asha

woo - woo - woo - woo

Let's collect an autumn bouquet of leaves. Repeat after me syllabic songs, try not to make mistakes and collect leaves.

Children reproduce a series of syllables. An autumn leaf is taken for each syllable, making a bouquet out of them.


ash - osh - ush - ish

8. Development of phonemic hearing.

Distinguish between correct and incorrect pronunciation of sound (Ш). Exercise "Right - wrong."

Manual "Sound Mosaic".

On forest clearings the sour berry turns red. What is it called? (cranberry)

Let's lay out a pattern of berries. If you hear right sound(Sh) Place a red chip, if incorrect, a green chip. I remind you that the chips are laid out from left to right, starting from the top row.

The speech therapist alternates between correct and incorrect pronunciation of the sound (Ш) in words. Children lay out a pattern of chips on a tablet.

What came out of the red chips? (cross)

9. Automation of sound (SH) in words.

A Christmas tree is superimposed on a subject picture with sound (Ш). Children use a piece of the image to name the object drawn in the picture and remove the Christmas tree. Exercise "Guess what the object."

The bear hid various objects in the forest. Guess what the trees are?

10. Automation of sound (SH) in sentences.

Think about what things Masha can have in her closet, and what things Mishka can have?

Children choose and lay out pictures with the words:

Masha has in her closet ... (shampoo, hat, coil, fur coat, matryoshka, gouache).

Mishka has in the closet ... (stick, pencil, shorts, shirt, awl, chess).

11. Skill consolidation sound analysis words.

Determining the place of sound (Ш) in words. Exercise "Put it on the shelves."

Let's help Mishka put things in order. Let's put things in the closet on the shelves. On the top shelf we put objects with the sound (Ш) at the beginning of the word. On the middle shelf, objects with a sound (Ш) in the middle of the word, and on the bottom shelf - at the end of the word.

Children determine the place of the sound (Ш) in the word and lay out the pictures on the shelves. Then they name all the items on each shelf, checking the correctness of the task.

12. Automation of sound (Sh) in words.

Agreement of numerals with nouns. Exercise "Count".

Masha has collected forest treats for Mishka. Count how many cones and nuts are in the basket?

Children take out cones (nuts) from the basket and count:

One bump, two bumps...

One nut, two nuts...

What is more in the basket? What is less in a basket?

13. Phys. minute.

Attention exercise "Tick-tock, Masha, wake up."

Look, Masha got tired and fell asleep. We will walk around her quietly so that she does not wake up. But to the words “Masha, wake up”, you must wake her up by taking Masha in your hands. Let's check who is the most attentive and fastest of you.

Tick ​​- tock, Masha ... sleeps for one hour,
Tick ​​- so, Masha ... sleeps for two hours,
Tick-tock, Masha ... sleeps for three hours,
Tick-tock, Masha... wake up.

14. Automation of sound (SH) in sentences.

The development of fine motor skills. Exercise with fingers "Man".

Mishka has many friends. Let's find them.

Children, depicting a “walking little man” with their fingers, choose a toy with the words:

I walked, walked, walked and ... (a mouse, a frog, a horse, a cat, a monkey, a bear) I found.

How can you call all the friends of Mishka in one word? (beasts, animals)

The animals want to play Hide and Seek with you. Look, they hid in a bag (the speech therapist puts the toys in the bag).

Development of visual, tactile memory. Exercise "Who makes noise in the bag?".

Children identify the toy by touch and take it out of the bag with the words:

Noisy in the bag...

Development of visual attention, memory. Exercise "Who is naughty in the bag?".

Children close their eyes. The speech therapist puts some toys in the bag. Opening their eyes, the children should determine which toys are gone:

Naughty in the bag ...

15. Automation of sound (Sh) in tongue twisters.

Development of clarity of diction, intonation expressiveness.

Masha and Mishka, we've learned some tongue twisters about you. Want to listen to them. (Yes very). But first, the guys will collect pure words.

Mnemotables are cut into cards (Fig. No. 4). Children select pictures of their tongue-twisters from the mixed cards, compose it and tell (mnemonic tables No. 5,6).

Our Masha washes her neck and ears under the shower.

Mishka has bumps, Mishka has bumps.

And now let's try to tell tongue twisters on behalf of Masha and Mishka. How would they pronounce them?

Children pronounce tongue twisters, changing their voice (for Masha - in a high voice, for Mishka - in a low voice).

16. The result of the lesson.

What sound did you make the most today?

What game would you like to play again?

What was difficult for you?

17. Grade speech activity children.

You did a great job today, pronouncing the sound (Ш) correctly.

Masha and Mishka liked to play with you. So that you do not forget about them, they have prepared surprises for you with sound (Sh).

Make a "Basket" out of your fingers. The bear will put the sounds there. You will connect them and find out what Masha and Mishka want to please you with:

W, a, p, s (balls).

Children are given balloons.


  1. Kodolbenko E.A. Encrypted phrases. M., 2011.
  2. Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V. Automation of sounds in children. M., 2007.
  3. Smirnova L.N. We teach the sounds of Sh, S. M., 2002.
  4. Shkolnik Yu.K. speech therapy. M., 2006.

MBOU "Average comprehensive school No. 7"

Abstract of an open speech therapy lesson on the topic: "Automation of sound [w] in syllables, words."


teacher-speech therapist Chudakova E. A.

"Automation of sound [w] in syllables, words."

Lesson form: subgroup.

Lesson type : consolidation of the studied material.

Target: automate the sound [w] in syllables, words.


Correctional and educational:

To consolidate the skill of the correct pronunciation of the sound [w],

Learn clearly, pronounce the sound [w] in syllables, words,

Develop speech breathing

Develop phonemic awareness

Learn to match the sound [w] with the letter,

Exercise in the definition of the sound [w] with other sounds in words,

Exercise in agreeing a noun with a numeral,

Enrich lexicon students.


Develop diction, intonation expressiveness,

Continue to develop memory, thinking, attention,

To form readiness for independent choice, decision.

Correctional and educational:

Cultivate curiosity, interest, independence, perseverance.

Equipment: Pictures depicting the heroes of the lesson (Barash, Losyash, Krosh, Nyusha), a toy - Smesharik "Krosh", a presentation with pictures of articulatory gymnastics, individual mirrors, speech games on a speech therapy simulator, computers, speakers, notebooks, individual cards - tasks.

Lesson progress

I Org. moment.

Hello guys! Today we will go on a journey together.

Guys, what does the word "Journey" mean? How do you imagine it?

(Students answer the questions asked).

Today we will go with you to the country of Smeshariki.

(Speech therapist reads a poem and exposes figures of heroes).

Live in the country of Smeshariki

Balls - smeshariki.

This is a ram, his name is (Barash),

Smart moose, his name is (Losyash),

Nimble rabbit, name is (Krosh),

How good is he!

Chubby piggy, her name is (Nyusha).

(Students themselves name the characters).

II . Development of phonemic hearing.

Guys, listen again to how the names of our heroes sound. What unites them?

What common sound did you hear?

That's right, it's the sound [w]. And today we will play with this sound. And the nimble rabbit Krosh will be an assistant in our journey. (speech therapist shows the students a toy of the hero). He will be our guide.

Guys, maybe one of you knows what the word "Guide" means?

(speech therapist introduces students to a new word, explains its meaning).

III . Articulation gymnastics.

Before our trip, we need to warm up a little (articulation gymnastics is carried out). Students perform the exercises "Watch", "Cup", "Swing", "Horse" in front of the mirror according to the pictures that the speech therapist puts up for them.

IV . Isolated Sound Automation [w]

On the way to the country, a strong breeze blew, the branches of the trees swayed, the leaves rustled. Let's show together with you how the leaves rustle (students pronounce the sound [w] for a long time). Krosh's hands are frozen, let's help him warm up (students put their hands to their mouths and pronounce the sound [w] for a long time).

V . Acoustics is the articulatory characteristic of sound.

And here is the sound [w]. (The speech therapist shows an image of the sound [w] on the monitor).

Guys, what do lips do when we pronounce the sound [w]? What are the teeth doing when we pronounce this sound? And what does our tongue do when we pronounce the sound [w]? (students answer that the lips are “Tube”, the teeth are “Fence” with a small crack, the tongue is raised up in the form of a “Cup”). And what kind of air stream do we have when pronouncing the sound [w]? (students answer that warm air is coming out, and bring their palm to their mouth to feel the heat).

Guys, what is our sound [w], vowel or consonant? (consonant) Hard or soft? (The sound [w] is always solid). What obstacle do we meet when we pronounce the sound [w]? (the teeth interfere with us and the tongue).

Guys, we hear and pronounce sounds, and we see and write letters. (The speech therapist shows the image of the letter "Sh" on the monitor)

Work on a speech therapy simulator. Task: Find 4 letters "Ш" among other letters. (Students work at the computer).

VI . Automation of sound [w] in syllables.

Rabbit Krosh invites us to play the game "Repeat". Krosh and I will pronounce the syllables, and you listen to us carefully and repeat after us as we pronounce them (the speech therapist pronounces the syllables, the children then pronounce the syllable series).






VII . Automation of sound [w] in words.

- Guys, tell me, what words with the sound [w] do you know? (Students name the words).

- And let's do the tasks on the speech therapy simulator.

Work on a speech therapy simulator. Task 1. Find 4 words that begin with the letter "Sh". Task 2. Find 4 words that have the sound [w]. (students work at computers with a speech therapy simulator).

VIII . Phys. minute

IX . Strengthening the skill of sound - literal analysis and synthesis.

Work on a speech therapy simulator. Exercise. Count the number of sounds [w] in the word. (Students, together with a speech therapist, complete the task).

Guys, on the way to the country, Krosh found objects unknown to him. He doesn't know what it is, let's give him a hint. (A picture with the image of cones is displayed on the screen). Guys, what is this thing? How many sounds [w] are in the word "bumps"? Let's try to count them. I will start and you will continue. One bump ... .. (Students continue to say two ...., three ... .., four ...., five ... .., many ......)

X . Summary of the lesson. Homework.

Here our journey has come to an end. Tell us what we learned in class today? What have we learned today? Guys, what do you think, did everyone pronounce the sound [w] correctly today? Guys, what's new in our lesson today? Tell me, how did our lesson today differ from those that we spent with you? (Students answer questions)

Guys, you have task cards in your notebooks. (Speech therapist distributes notebooks with homework). Work with these cards at home. Everyone was great today! Thank you for your activity!

Prepared by the teacher - speech therapist Saltanova Lyudmila Genrievna

State public institution of the Samara region

"Regional rehabilitation center for children and adolescents with disabilities"

1. Automation of the correct pronunciation of the sound "Sh" in words, phrases.
2. Development of phonemic perception.
3. Development phonemic analysis and synthesis.
4. Activation and enrichment of the nominative dictionary on the topic "Furniture".
5. Development of the skill of word formation of nouns with the help of diminutive suffixes.
6. Practical use nouns in the genitive case.
7. Practical use of nouns in the form of a singular plural.
8. Development of spatial orientation on the plane.
9. Development of coherent speech.

Corrective goal: development of visual perception, thinking, attention, memory.

Equipment: allowance "Friends of Shipolina", allowance "Who is more?"; manual "Playing with the sound" Sh "; manual “What did the artist forget to draw?”; flannelgraph on the topic “Furniture”; panel “Room”; manual “The Fourth Extra”; manual “The mice came out ...”.

Lesson progress

Organizing time.

Speech therapist: This is Shipolina. Shipolina is glad that you learned how to pronounce the sound Sh correctly and wants to play with you.
Shipolina wants to introduce you to her friends who also know how to hiss. Let's hiss together: Shhhhh...

Introductory part.
Clarification of the articulation of the sound "Sh":

  • When we pronounce the sound "Sh", the tip of the tongue is wide and rests on the upper teeth.
  • The lips are rounded and pushed forward.
  • The teeth are close together, the upper and lower are exposed.
  • The air stream is warm, goes along the midline of the tongue, is easily felt with the back of the hand brought to the mouth.
  • The sound "Sh" is consonant, deaf, hard. The sound "Sh" lives in the letter "Sh".

Speech therapist: Help the children run balloon: sh-sh-sh.
Swipe your finger along the path along which the snake is crawling: shhh.
Show how the goose hisses: shhhh..

Main part

1. The game "In the store!"
Speech therapist: Shipolina loves to go shopping. Guess what items she bought pick a rhyme!
Shock-shock-shock - bag
Ishka-ishka - bear, etc.

2. Game "Pick up a sign"

Sample: Sewing ... (machine), playful .... (baby) ...

3. The game “Who is more?
Speech therapist: Shipolina drew pictures. In the pictures, the objects turned out to be the same size, but in reality they are not. Tell her which item is actually bigger and which one is smaller.

4. Game "Pick up the action"
Speech therapist: Listen to the words and choose the appropriate pictures for them.
Sample: Already (What is he doing?) hisses.

5. The game "The fourth extra"
Speech therapist: Shipolina drew pictures for you. Name them, which picture is superfluous, explain why! Ladle, cup, clapperboard, knife.

Benefit "The Fourth Extra".

Mice came out once, (walk)
See what time it is. (palm to forehead, turn to the side)
One, two, three, four (clap)
The mice pulled the weights. (moving hands from top to bottom)
Suddenly there was a terrible sound. (cover ears with hands)
The mice ran away. (run)

Main part

6. Game "Tell me a word!"
Speech therapist: Shipolina invites you to her house.
What items will we see in her apartment? (Wardrobe, chair, bedside table, hanger, stool, etc.)
How can they be called in one word? (FURNITURE)
Shipolina invites you to compose a little poetry. I will start the poem, and you will finish: finish the last word!

Fluffy Vaska is a rogue and a bully -
He stole a sausage, lay down on my ... (sofa)

Looking at the pictures in the book is interesting
Sitting on a soft with a back .... (armchair)

If you're tired of playing
Then you lie down on ... (bed)

Vasya jumped and jumped
And, of course, tired.
What would Vasya rest
He needs to sit down on ... (chair)

I look a little like a table
There are in the kitchen and in the hallway,
I rarely go to the bedroom
And my name is ... .. (stool)

7. Game "One-Many"
Speech therapist: I will name one piece of furniture, and you will name many.
I'll say "cupboard" and you say "cupboards" and so on.

8. Game "Name a small object!"
Speech therapist: I will name a large object, and you - a small one. For example, a closet - a locker. Etc.

9. The game "What is missing?"
Speech therapist: Shipolina asked the artist to draw pictures. Only the artist kept forgetting to draw something. Help the artist, tell me what is not in each picture.

The child needs to answer the question "what is not?", forming Genitive from the right words.

10. The game "Clean the room!" (flanelegraph, panel "Room")
Speech therapist: Let's help Shipelochka clean up the room! Let's put everything in its place! We put the dishes in the buffet. Books are on the shelf. etc.

Speech therapist: So our games with Shipolina ended. What sound are we playing with? What games did you like the most?

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