The number of cars on the roads of our country is constantly increasing. In this regard, spontaneous dumps of used tires appear in cities. But on this garbage you can make good money. The business plan for recycling tires into crumbs, we will consider in this article.

Registering a business

Since such activities are classified as working with hazardous waste, before opening a business for processing tires into crumbs, you must obtain a license. This will require certain financial investments.

In addition, you need to obtain permission from the SES. To do this, you must meet all the requirements of environmentalists. It's about about the installation of special filters, as well as the location of the enterprise. It should be away from residential buildings. Do not forget to register the company with the relevant authorities, as well as with the tax office, in addition, resolve all issues with firefighters and conclude an agreement for the supply of electricity.

Choose a room

For recycling tires into crumbs, you need to choose a suitable room. These should be large areas, approximately 500 sq. meters. In addition, you will need a room for raw materials and finished products.

Do not forget that the tire recycling plant must be located away from locality. If complaints begin to come in from the public, your business may be closed.

These parameters correspond to sites in industrial zones located outside the city. Finding land in the suburbs for construction is not easy, so it is better to buy or rent former factory floors. Pay attention to the availability of convenient access roads.


Modern equipment for processing tires into crumbs is offered by various manufacturers. Of all the offers on the market, only 10% correspond to the declared indicators and provide a quick payback.

All equipment for rubber crumb is conditionally divided into three groups:

  1. Equipment from European manufacturers. These are quite reliable and highly efficient units that meet all requirements;
  2. Inexpensive equipment for the production of crumb rubber from China is of dubious quality. In China, they produce good technique, but its price is almost the same as for European production lines;
  3. The simplest and most reliable equipment is produced in our country. It should be noted that the price of equipment for processing tires into crumbs from domestic manufacturers is two times lower than for European units. But, at the same time, it costs an order of magnitude more expensive than Chinese inefficient technology.

The technological line consists of:

  • Devices for cutting tires;
  • cutting machine;
  • Rubber restructuring machines;
  • magnetic separator;
  • classifier;
  • vibrating screens;
  • Conveyor.
Remember that the quality and reliability of equipment largely depends on the success of your business.

Technological process

The technology for processing rubber tires into crumbs consists of several stages:

  1. All tires are carefully inspected to identify all elements unsuitable for recycling;
  2. Tires are cut into small pieces;
  3. Raw materials are sent to a shredder, where they are crushed into a smaller fraction. At this stage, metal inclusions and bead wire are removed;
  4. Processed raw materials are sent to an impact crusher for final grinding;
  5. The separation process, as well as the separation of metal and textiles;
  6. The final cleaning takes place on a round vibrating sieve. In parallel, crumb rubber is sorted into fractions.

In addition, tires can be recycled into diesel fuel. This is a more profitable production, but it will require large investments.

Scheme: recycling tires into crumbs

The process is divided into stages:

  • Sorting of raw materials;
  • Tire cutting;
  • Decomposition of raw materials in a reactor at high temperature.

The output is liquid fuel, metal cord and gas, which can be used for the next processing cycles.


To operate the tire recycling line in crumb rubber you don't need a lot of employees. Its service is fully handled by two people.

To work in the office you will need:

  • Sales manager;
  • Accountant;
  • In addition, you need to hire drivers with your own trucks, or create your own fleet.

To recruit staff, seek help from specialists. The final pre-employment interview should be conducted in person. Recruited employees must pass special education. Since, is a fairly promising direction, many equipment manufacturers offer short-term training courses. You can also invite employees who have experience in similar enterprises to work.

Business Profitability

Before starting work, carefully calculate all costs. This is a rather expensive business, since the cost of equipment for processing tires into crumbs is quite high. You will have to pay 2-3 million rubles for it, so if possible, try to find investors. Another item of expenditure is cleaning units. Without them, you will not be able to get permission from the SES.

Now let's talk about income. Raw materials for crumb rubber can be taken almost free of charge. You can find organizations that pay money for recycling old tires. The resulting products can be sold at a good price. If you find reliable distribution channels, the enterprise will pay off in the most short time and will be profitable.


Calculations may fluctuate depending on local conditions, so we will take the average figures:

  • Paperwork - 150 thousand rubles;
  • Rental of production space - 180 thousand rubles;
  • Repair of the premises - 150 thousand rubles;
  • Tanks for fuel - 80 thousand rubles;
  • Equipment - 1.5 million rubles;
  • Tool - 200 thousand rubles.

The total amount is about three million rubles. In addition, every month you will spend money on:

  • Salary for workers - 70 thousand rubles;
  • Salary for office employees - 50 thousand rubles;
  • Electricity - 30 thousand rubles;
  • Transportation costs - 150 thousand rubles.

These calculations do not include taxes, since in the first year a start-up business is exempt from taxation.

Where to get start-up capital?

As you can see, in order to establish production, you need a fairly large amount. In addition, novice entrepreneurs are also afraid of large monthly payments.

To get money, you can try to get a loan from a bank. In this case, you will have to pay high interest rates. Since the government of the country is concerned about environmental issues, there are government programs for which subsidies can be obtained. To do this, you need to provide a detailed business plan with all the necessary calculations. If you are more interested, you can also ask for help from the state.

Production at home

Rubber crumb can be used to decorate areas in the garden, make paths or cover roofs. To start processing tires into crumbs at home, you can use ordinary scissors or an ax. All metal parts are removed from the old camera. Cut it into strips, after which they are crushed to the desired size.

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Business promotion

Since products such as crumb rubber have not yet been widely used in our country, it is not so easy to find buyers. But, despite this, old tires also bring good income to entrepreneurs. Start looking for markets before you launch your business. Usually an effective approach, provides excellent results.

There are actually quite a few markets for such products. The first is the construction industry. In addition, crumb rubber is used to make new tires.

If you managed to establish sales and organize the work of the enterprise, share your experience of recycling tires into crumbs with aspiring entrepreneurs who are taking their first steps in this business.


The tire recycling business has many benefits. If an entrepreneur finds reliable distribution channels for products, success is 100% guaranteed. This is enough promising direction which makes a good profit.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

Mankind has long been thinking about how to recycle worn-out car tires, which are becoming more and more every year. But even today, of the total number of all tires in the world, only about 20% are recycled, although there are ways to recycle tires today. And on some of them you can even make money, simultaneously improving the ecological situation.

The fact is that worn tires are a rather valuable polymer raw material: 1 ton of tires contains about 700 kilograms of rubber, which can be reused for the production of fuel, rubber products and construction materials. At the same time, if you burn 1 ton of used tires, then 270 kg of soot and 450 kg of toxic gases are released into the atmosphere.

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Own business: production of tires and tires

Tire Recycling Business: Equipment Description

The productivity of the installation (per day) is: for liquid fuel - 2 tons / day; for carbon-containing solid residue - 1.5 tons/day; for metal cord - 0.5 tons / day; for gas - 1 ton/day.

Consumption of raw materials - 5 tons / day. This means that the yield of liquid fuel is 40% of the weight of the loaded rubber.

The plant operates continuously using the gas produced during the recycling of tires. Installed in an open area.

Overall dimensions: height - 10 m; width - 3.5 m; length - 5 m.

Electricity consumption - 14.5 kW / h (installation - 7 kW / h and scissors - 7.5 kW / h).

Serves 2 people.

Tire Recycling Business: Startup Capital

The installation cost is approximately 1,100,000 rubles. (without delivery). In addition, tanks will be needed to store fuel oil obtained during processing. In order to get more profit during a price decline, it is recommended to accumulate fuel in tanks and sell the accumulated products during a period of increased prices. 60-ton used tanks can be purchased at a price of 20 - 25 thousand rubles per 1 unit. Six tanks will be enough.

Plus warehouse equipment, tools, overalls - at least another 100 thousand rubles. Thus, the cost of equipment, taking into account the lease of territory and premises, delivery, installation and various approvals, will amount to at least 1.5 million rubles.
Current expenses

Four workers are required to work in two shifts. Wage each -
about 10 thousand rubles a month. You will also need an office for accounting and at least two more employees, one of whom will organize the supply of raw materials, and the second - the sale of finished products. In total - at least 70,000 rubles per month for salary employees plus taxes and office space rent.

Electricity consumption is 14.5 kW / h, that is, 10440 kW / month.

Monthly expenses for the implementation of the current activities of the enterprise will amount to about 100 thousand rubles.

Tire Recycling Business: Revenue

The advantage of the project is that the raw materials are actually free. Moreover, in some cases, you can already earn money on its collection.

For example, industrial enterprises pay for the disposal of tires, because tires are not accepted to city dumps. The cost is different in different cities. This is stipulated in the contract with the company. In Chelyabinsk, for example, enterprises pay 2000 rubles for the disposal of 1 ton of tires, in Krasnodar - 3500 rubles.

Scrap metal is accepted by recycling companies at a price of about 4,000 rubles per ton. The cost of low-quality carbon is about 3,000 rubles per ton. Carbon is used to make various coatings.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Thus, the total income from the installation per month is 375,000 rubles (2x3000 (fuel oil) + 1.5x3000(carbon) + 0.5x4000(scrap metal) = 12500 rubles/day). Monthly costs: 100,000 (salary for workers and office) + 14,616 (electricity) = 114,616 rubles. Thus, the payback period of the plant is about 6 months from the start of production.

Tire Recycling Business: Pitfalls

Firstly, there are no vacant plots - all the land has already been allocated for building residential buildings. Secondly, the distance from residential buildings should be at least 300 meters - it is not easy to find such a site. It's even harder to get tested. Plus, public opinion - people do not want a new enterprise to be built under their windows, especially for waste processing.

It is much easier to organize such production on the territory of existing enterprises and organizations. It's no secret that many production sites are now idle. And their territory has all the necessary environmental conclusions and approvals. It remains only to agree with the enterprise itself - it is much easier to agree on difficult issues with the landlord than with environmentalists, firefighters and other authorities.

Another important point. To prevent environmental pollution by such production, most likely, it will be necessary to purchase a special purification plant, which will cost the entrepreneur several times more than the production itself.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Also, according to experts, it is not advisable to build one small processing plant specializing in one type of product. We need to cover recycling as much as possible more products: glass, plastic, metal, rubber, paper, etc.

The project does not provide for many unforeseen expenses that will most likely arise in the process of preparation and full-fledged production activities. There will be problems with environmentalists, firefighters. For example, to store fuel oil in old tanks, one fire shield is not enough. This requires a range of safety measures, from hoses carrying fuel or gas to instructions for personnel.

And environmentalists, so they are completely jealous of landfills and processing plants. There is always something to complain about, and the cost of fulfilling all the requirements is more than one hundred thousand rubles.

Dmitry Kiro

Magazine "Svoe Delo"

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There are many damaged tires, and every year their number increases by tens of tons. Municipal landfills are prohibited from accepting them for recycling. Old tires are thrown away anywhere or stored in garages. Tires are flammable, do not decompose, become a haven for rodents and insects that spread the infection.

The good thing about tire recycling business plan is that the development of such a business reduces the level of waste that pollutes the planet. The recyclable materials produced by the tire recycling plant are necessary for various organizations.

In Russia, the industry of recycling and recycling of failed materials is poorly developed. Setting up a crumb making business will be profitable and will slightly reduce the global pollution of the planet.

Analysis of the rubber crumb production market

Most of the old tires are not recycled. In many cities there are no places for their storage and disposal. A large number of used tires are thrown away by people on the roadside.

The problem is only exacerbated due to the constant increase in the number of vehicles. As a result, the volume of tires to be recycled is growing. The country does not have a system for recycling old tires. There are very few tire recycling plants.

Tire recycling as a business may be of interest to entrepreneurs. There is a demand and need for crumb rubber, but the competition is low. You can take a profitable niche in the market, because in most regions there are no tire recycling plants.

Competitiveness assessment

Russia has recently begun to think about a structured system for recycling old materials. There are few competitors in the tire recycling business market.

There are only four large tire recycling plants in the whole country:

  • Volzhsky Regenerate Tire Repair Plant
  • Chekhov regeneration plant
  • Company "KCT-ecology"
  • Tire Recycling Plant No. 1

These enterprises account for about 60% of the processing of all used tires in the country.

There are small enterprises producing up to 5000 tons of rubber crumb per year. In the country, 24 regions have large or small enterprises for the disposal of old tires. This is not enough to process more than 1 million tons of raw materials.

Activity registration

Business planning begins with the choice of form economic organization business. It depends on where the funds are invested in the business.

IP opening

Registration of an individual entrepreneur is possible if the entrepreneur has enough finances to open. In the tire recycling industry, this form of business is acceptable and less costly.

To register a business, you need to pay a state duty of 800 rubles at the tax office. You need to get your own seal, the cost of it is up to 1000 rubles.

Opening LLC

If the entrepreneur does not have enough funds for business development, an LLC is registered. To share costs, you can find a co-founder of the organization or apply for a business loan.

The state duty for registering a business for the tax service will be 4,000 rubles.

There are many organizations that offer services in opening an LLC, but it is better to do it yourself. You can also negotiate with an already existing large organization and work under its franchise.

Tire shredding production process - handling hazardous waste. An illiterate approach to processing old tires can harm the environment. Such a risk obliges to obtain permits from several supervisory companies. Ecologists and Sanation will inspect the production facility for the presence and condition of equipment filtration systems, and how far the place is from residential areas. Permission from the State Fire Supervision Authority will be required to ensure that the place complies with fire safety rules.

Choosing a location for a production facility

A recycling plant cannot be located near places where people live. The smallest distance from residential areas is 300 meters.

It is better to look for a place for the enterprise as far as possible from the houses. The most acceptable option is a city industrial zone or a place outside the city. You can rent a business space from one of the factories. Many workshops are now empty and already meet the necessary requirements:

  • The working space is equal to or more than 300 square meters.
  • The working area is equipped with water supply, sewerage system, electricity and central heating.

Equipment required to grind tires into crumbs

The most costly part of a business plan for recycling tires into crumbs is the acquisition of the equipment necessary for operation.

A small plant will need equipment:

  • the main apparatus is a machine that produces crumb rubber
  • unit that removes tires from the bead ring
  • devices that process tires into crumb rubber of various sizes
  • tire cutting machines
  • two vibrating screens for coarse and fine material cleaning
  • two magnetic separators
  • air separator
  • three conveyor belts and pneumatic conveying systems
  • rubber crumb hopper
  • wire storage bin
  • electrical shield
  • loader

In addition to this equipment, you will need:

  • packing container
  • rent of a warehouse for storage of unsold products
  • vehicle and garage
  • special clothing for workers and protective equipment
  • computer

The process of making crumbs is divided into the following stages:

  • inspection of tires to determine which product is unsuitable for disposal
  • tire cutting
  • separation of all metal components
  • tire shredding
  • crusher making
  • separation
  • sorting and cleaning crumb rubber on a vibrating sieve
  • product packaging and preparation for shipping

After the end of the process, several finished products are obtained: carbon dioxide, fuel oil, metal cord, rubber crumb.

Raw materials are exported from tire stations, service stations, large trucking companies, and places where secondary raw materials are collected.

You can open collection points for used tires. The cost of old tires is low. They are easy to get for free, and sometimes it turns out to earn a profit for the possibility of processing.


Three to five people are capable of serving the belt of a small tire recycling plant. The following personnel are required for administrative management:

  1. Accountant
  2. Receiver
  3. Manager
  4. Driver

Approximate financial plan for recycling tires into crumbs

Based on the above data, you can draw up an approximate business plan with calculations for processing tires into crumbs.

Costs (rub.):

1. Registration of an enterprise - up to 150,000.

2. Rent of workshop premises - up to 180,000.

3. Arrangement of the premises - up to 150,000.

4. Fuel tanks - up to 80000.

5.Equipment - up to 1500000.

6.Tools - up to 200,000.

Total expenses: 2260000.

Also, the organizer of the business needs to regularly pay monthly expenses:

  1. Staff salary - 120,000.
  2. Utility expenses - 30,000.
  3. Rent - 180000.
  4. Transportation expenses - 150,000.

Total expenses: 4800000.

Income from the tire recycling plant

The price of 1 kilogram of crumb rubber is 17 rubles. Per day production line at fully loaded can produce no more than 2100 kilograms.

The monthly income from the production of rubber crumb at full load will be 750,000. Also, the income includes the sale of by-products of production: fuel oil and metal cord - 375,000 per month. The total monthly revenue will be 1,125,000, and net income before taxes - 645,000 rubles.

This business pays off from six months to 21 months. This spread in time is associated with possible risks and unforeseen costs.

Production will become unprofitable if the requirements of environmental services are not met. Most often they are not satisfied with the quality of cleaning equipment.

Possible risks

A business plan for recycling tires into crumbs should include possible risks in production. Therefore, it is important to remember some business nuances:

  1. Choice of equipment. tires Russian production have a mixed or textile cord. Foreign equipment will not be able to process Russian tires. Therefore, it is necessary to purchase equipment adapted to the processing of old tires of domestic production.
  2. Purchase of defective parts. Such a risk arises when ordering Chinese equipment. Already in the first months of the plant's operation, breakdowns will appear that require the cost of repairing equipment and lead to downtime in production.
  3. Overestimated performance characteristics of the equipment. Some manufacturers overestimate the parameters of the equipment. It is necessary to realistically evaluate the ratio of price and quality, otherwise there is a big risk of buying low-quality equipment. Then the payback of the business can reach decades.

Sales of finished products

Before opening a business, you need to find out which enterprises need products.

Organizations for the sale of crumb rubber can be found among the following companies:

  • Enterprises associated with the construction and manufacture of construction equipment.
  • Enterprises that produce sports, road surfaces, paving slabs, roofing with moisture protection and a variety of rubber products.
  • Firms serving oil companies.

The list of products using crumb rubber is quite extensive.

Many entrepreneurs do not limit themselves to simply recycling old tires into crumb rubber, but launch an additional business for the production of a ready-to-sell product and increase the profits of the enterprise several times over.

This business requires significant costs and organizational issues, but the industry of processing tires into crumb rubber is recognized as promising.

Worn-out car tires are a problem for mankind.

If the situation does not change, their disposal will soon require more funds than production, where the cost of materials reaches 75% of the cost of the product.

Therefore, today the problem is quite acute.

Important recyclables

The use of waste tires and other rubber products is possible in a variety of industries. For example, to generate combustible gas through the thermal splitting of residues of hydrocarbons synthesized from oil. With it, you can not only heat up, but also generate electricity, as they do in France and a number of others. Western countries.

Tire recycling is also needed to add their particles in the form of a filler to asphalt bitumen, create all kinds of technical mastics, as well as for the thermal decomposition process -. The liquid product of pyrolysis goes as an additive to rubber (plastic), while an adsorbent is obtained from the solid. This is a rather promising direction, because the output is a valuable product.

But pyrolysis has not yet received industrial scale, and the activities of scientists alone without the participation of production workers and businessmen in this area are not enough. The idea of ​​producing regenerate has been recognized in the world as untenable for some time now, and work on this part has been suspended.

Very important task the transformation of outdated polymer products (containers, packaging, films, automobile chambers and tires) into new ones is presented.

The problem of recycling and recycling used tires in Russia

Worn-out tires are the most massive organic ballast, and they don't decompose well. In the context of the globalization of the economy, the issue of unification of the nomenclature becomes relevant.

Thus, products that are in use in the post-Soviet space do not meet foreign standards. The structure of matter and products is different, and rubber waste Russian origin is more difficult to bring to mind than, say, European ones. The reason is that domestic tires are additionally reinforced with a radially synthetic cord. This is a mixed type (rubber + metal + textiles) with a large admixture of textiles.

Abroad, more than half of the slopes contain an all-metal type of cord, that is, there is no textile in them or is contained in such an amount that it can be neglected. We have largest mass tires that need to be disposed of fall on freight transport, then there are “passenger cars”; special tires (including aviation ones) are almost never recycled. And abroad - the opposite is true.

Thus, approaches to solving the problem of recycling in the Commonwealth of Independent States and developed countries cannot but differ. There are the following conclusions:

  1. Checked empirically that European, American, Japanese-Chinese tools are not suitable for our conditions.
  2. Due to the presence of textiles in the waste, it is necessary to use methods and techniques that are an order of magnitude more complicated and expensive than required for servicing products with an all-metal cord type.
  3. With the help of multi-stage processing technology for products with a mixed type of cord, imported tires can be processed.

Existing technologies

Extending the life of automotive "shoes" has 2 goals - to save on organic resources and improve health environment. The meaning of the operation is to build a new layer on the old base. This applies mainly to the tread, because. it is he who experiences the most friction. But what to do with tires that cannot be restored? Utilize with maximum effect! For this there are special methods:

  • products are mechanically crushed to a coarse mass without the breakdown of molecular relationships;
  • the crystal lattice of the rubber substance is partially destroyed with the appearance of regenerate;
  • pyrolysis occurs (the final decomposition of the elemental base during the combustion of rubber goods in gas generator complexes).

Hot and cold tire retreading

Foreign experience restoration by the "hot method" applies to auto and aircraft tires. Moreover, the latter, due to a more solid frame, with proper use, are able to live 5-6 lives, as, for example, Goodyear brand products. But the cost of restoring tires is comparable to the cost of a tire from scratch, which makes this method unpopular in the US and Europe. In the Russian Federation, the “hot” method is not in demand today also due to domestic features slope damage that is so impossible to eliminate. This type of recovery technology includes:

  • cleaning the base of the old tread;
  • smearing it with glue;
  • placement of the raw tread on the prepared surface;
  • the operation of vulcanization in a mold with a predetermined duration of heating.

The "cold method" has been successfully used for the last 20 years for tires with a steel cord in the carcass. On the European continent, 46% of trucks drive on secondary tires of this type, and in Norway, Sweden, Finland, in general, 60-70%. In our country, only imported frames are subject to repair by this method on foreign equipment. It is younger and cheaper than the "hot" one, has high quality characteristics, providing individual tires with 3-4 work cycles. This type of recovery technology includes:

  • revision of frames, processing of local defects;
  • cleaning the base of the old tread on a roughing machine, repairing damage;
  • lubrication of the frame and raw rubber with glue;
  • combining with them and pressing a pre-heat-treated tread tape with an arbitrary pattern;
  • the imposition of a special reinforced shell that fixes the protector on the frame;
  • vulcanization in hot air environment not higher than 100° 6 hours;
  • verification of the refurbished product.

Recycling tires unsuitable for their intended use

There are several such ways.


Today, about 80 million tons of used tires have accumulated on Earth. There is an opinion that every year this figure will increase by 10 million tons. Europe suffers from this disaster more than others, where 3 billion pieces are stored. used tires.

Of the total volume of car ramps that have become unusable, only about a quarter are used in the future as recyclable materials. The rest of the environmentally harmful material due to unprofitable processing technologies is stored in special landfills and spontaneous dumps, which pose a great danger. It is these problem areas that act as a source of toxic fires, which are difficult to extinguish due to the persistent flammability of synthetic rubber.

The expediency of civilized recycling of tires is explained by the lack of space for their burial, especially in East Asia. And in the EU states, such a burial is not allowed by law (the tire decomposes in the ground for about 150 years).

Grinding of worn tires to obtain crumb rubber

One of the most common methods of disposal is the processing of rubber goods into crumbs. It is simple and rational due to the observance of the basic technological parameters of rubber while maintaining molecular bonds. Although it has one drawback - unprofitability.

Grinding technologies

The following grinding technologies are divided:

  • shock wave (explosive circulation) with 2 stages of processing,
  • mechanical with 4 steps.

The first one is unique because based on unconventional principle crushing with the circulation of explosion products, recognized as the most effective and inexpensive destructive means. Equipment, factory products are represented by the Russian brand explotex.

The second is considered less progressive, but no less high quality. On initial stage“chips” are obtained with a particle size of 10 to 50 mm. Then, for the purpose of separation, they are transformed into 3-10 mm granules. The crumb is freed from cord, fiber, foreign elements on sieves, in drums and separators.

Methods for modifying crumb rubber

Distinctive feature crushing waste is that the result is smooth, as if broken glass, particles. To improve the functional characteristics of the produced substance, the surface of the particles is modified, making it softer and looser. This is a complex physical and chemical process using powder, beam, laser, steam technologies.

Areas of use for crushed rubber

Every year, at least 34 million tires are turned into shreds, which are used to build coatings and surfaces, add to mortar, and make tires, mats, and soles. And this costly method has successfully taken root in the laying of roads.

Recycling of used tires

In Russia, only 7% of used tires are recycled, while the global average, we recall, is 23-30% (which is perhaps not so much for the 21st century). Question further fate of worn tires became especially acute with the advent of steel cord frames. And with the fall iron curtain“In addition, a flood of low-quality German products poured into our country. In the Russian Federation, about 1 million tons of rubber materials annually become unusable and remain unclaimed, and 9/10 of this amount are automobile ramps.
The share of the capital and St. Petersburg with the region accounts for almost 200 thousand tons.

The main reason that an industrialized state like Russia has a percentage of tire recycling comparable to the recycling rate in African countries is the Soviet mental legacy. We are traditionally not accustomed to investing in economical secondary production, and there are no prerequisites for stimulating it at the government level, with rare exceptions.

The adopted law on waste generally had a positive impact on the implementation of civilized programs for the disposal of rubber goods. But what exactly can the Russian champions of the “waste-to-profit” principle write down as a “rubber” asset? Let's list.

An enterprise with a stable functioning reactor has been created in Kaliningrad, where high-quality fuel oil is generated through pyrolysis as a heat engineering fuel, as well as a substitute for activated carbon.

In the first 15 years of independence, with a complete rejection of burning tires, the volume of crushed "used" tires increased from 5 to 10%, and now it reaches 30%.

Tushino Machine Works has mastered the production of crumbs with two lines with an installed annual capacity of 5 thousand tires, and has also increased the production of tires that are especially relevant in this moment and panels for railway crossings.

Ecological production facilities with imported manufacturing equipment were put into operation in Tver, Kursk, Vyazma, Samara.

In Primorye, CJSC "Templar Center" is engaged in the manufacture of roofing materials from crumbs. Moreover, it revives a complete closed cycle for the production of regenerate by the thermomechanical method.

It is noteworthy that this jump became possible due to the use of a mechanical method of grinding with normal temperatures. Alternative (cryogenic) technologies are not widespread all over the world due to the high cost of low-temperature crumbs, and efforts to use the power of an explosion or "ozone knife" are experimental in nature. An interesting project for high-speed processing without preliminary cutting and crushing was proposed by the Orenburg developers, but the future will show how viable it will be.