Although the monsoons are already in full swing in June, the rest in Phuket is pretty good. Low prices for hotels, last minute tours, interesting excursions, delicious tom yam, fresh fruits and - what could be better? I'll tell you about the June weather on the island,.

Weather in Phuket in June

Phuket beaches in June

A distinctive feature of Phuket during the rainy season is the waves on west coast. Increasingly, red flags forbidding swimming appear on the beaches when the wave is taller than a person. Calm or a little excitement will be a pleasant surprise. But there comes a paradise for surfers. On the beaches there are board rentals for experienced athletes and surf lessons for beginners. When swimming, you should be careful with. The water temperature does not change and fluctuates + 27-28 degrees. For choose beaches where there are no waves: Panwa, Trai Trang, Ao Yon, Coral. On deeper beaches, like Karon and, the opportunity to swim in June tends to zero.

June prices in Phuket

IN low season Phuket hotels please with their low price for accommodation. Until the end of October there are various promotions and discounts. You can relax at an affordable price without crowds of tourists on the beaches. Monitor airline websites and catch. Travel agencies actively offer holidays in Fortuna, when the cost of a ticket is cheaper than a round-trip ticket.

Cafes and restaurants in Phuket delight with promotions and discounts. In some establishments, you can dine together for the price of one, and every second restaurant is full of happy hours for drinks. June in Phuket is the season and lychee. Fruit prices are significantly reduced compared to. In addition, you will always find the famous Phuket pineapples and papaya in the markets.

Excursions in Phuket in June

June in Phuket is ideal for lovers of excursions, sightseeing and action-packed holidays off the beach. Nature blossoms: the jungle turns green, waterfalls fill with water, everything blooms and smells. From Phuket excursions to " summer holidays" closed only , . For white sandy beaches and colorful fish are worth going to the islands, Coral and. beautiful with its uninhabited islets, hidden lagoons and interesting caves - it's time for exploration. and invite you to retire from the bustle of the city and watch the gibbons and the hornbill.

I live in the suburbs. To say that I love to travel is an understatement. I love it and when I visit new cities and countries, I am charged with tremendous energy. After traveling, there are many impressions and experiences that I share with everyone with pleasure.

Weather and holidays in Phuket in June

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In this article, we share information about holidays in Phuket in June, one of the months of the "low" season. We will tell you what interests you about the weather, the sea, holidays, festivals and the cost of hotels. You will learn what the rainy season is and whether you should be afraid to go to the island at this time.

  1. Weather and rains

Temperature during the day

The average temperature in June is +30 degrees Celsius.

If you think that the clouds in the sky will protect you from the sun and let you forget about sunscreen, you are wrong. Burns can be obtained even on a cloudy day. Therefore, use sunscreen, wear panamas and do not relax on the beach from noon to three in the afternoon.

Temperature at night

The average temperature at night is +25.

Humidity and precipitation

The southwest monsoon, which lasts from May to October, brings tropical showers. But the number of tourists during this period on the island is decreasing.

Humidity is 74%.

There is usually less rainfall in June than in May. If in the latter they fall 340 mm, then in June - 210 mm. It rains mostly at night. During the day they are possible, but not long. Although the possibility of a prolonged downpour for several days is not excluded.

  1. Sea and waves

The water temperature in Phuket does not change throughout the year. Fluctuations are 1-2 degrees. +28 awaits you in June.

During the "low" season on the west coast of the island rise big waves. They are loved by surfers who rush to the island at this time. Here they are waiting for professionals and beginners who will be taught everything.

Remember that the waves are dangerous, as are the undercurrents, which are called rips. Swimming is prohibited on the entire beach and on its individual sections. Therefore, look closely at the signs in the sand and the instructions of the lifeguards.

We'll give you three tips:

  • Swim with goggles and salt water won't corrode your eyes;
  • Choose a hotel with a swimming pool and you will enjoy swimming when swimming in the sea is prohibited;
  • If you don't like waves, book a hotel at Cape Panwa or visit Tri Trang and Nai Yang beaches.
  1. Holidays in June

The Pineapple Festival is held in Lampang province. It starts with a fair where you can taste all varieties of this exotic fruit, buy your favorite and taste interesting dishes from it. One of the interesting events of the festival is the selection of Miss Pineapple.

Even if you don't make it to the celebration, taste the juicy sweet and sour fruit in Phuket. Eat it in its pure form, try "fried" pineapple ice cream, spring rolls with its ripe pulp or rice in pineapple. But remember that the fruit is contraindicated in stomach ulcers and gastritis. Otherwise, it has one benefit: vitamins, trace elements, and fiber.

On this day in 1786 in a simple family from Bangkok, the future great poet. Sunton Pu finished school at the monastery and served as a royal scribe. Since the young man was highly educated, the kings of Thailand consulted with him on issues of style and literacy.

Some lines of the poet later became sayings:

"You can have a lot, but nothing compares to knowledge."

"If you are in love, soup with ... bitter vegetables seems sweet, but if love is gone - ... sugar seems bitter"

  1. What else do you need to know
  1. Hotel prices

Since there are strong waves on the west coast of the island, we looked at prices at resorts where the sea is calmer:

  • Picturesque Cape Panwa;
  • Noisy and youthful Patong, from which to Tri Trang beach 1 - 3 km;
  • Calm Nai Yang.

For surfers, we have indicated prices for Kata Beach, which is considered the best place for fans of this sport.

Table 1. The cost of accommodation in June 2017 in a double hotel room for two adults

So, June is the second month of the rainy season in Phuket. But remember that the weather in the tropics is changeable. During this period, the sun warms and it rains. Precipitation almost every day, mostly at night. Surfers will love the waves on the west coast, typical of this period. For adherents calm sea we recommend considering options in the east of the island. The undoubted advantages of June are the low cost of hotels and fewer tourists.

The soul requires exotic and pulls you, for example, to Phuket, but "terrible" stories about a downpour and a ruined vacation stop you? In fact, good vacation in Phuket is possible at any time of the year - it all depends on your mood and a real idea of ​​​​the picture that awaits you on the island.

Weather in Phuket in June

Despite the fact that the low season has fully come into its own, beware heavy rains around the clock not worth it. It rains for a total of about half a month, but they are still short-lived, although tropical in nature. Those. it is likely that in the morning it will rain like a wall, but in an hour or two the sun will come out again and it will be warm.

As for the temperature, June in Phuket is quite auspicious time: there is no suffocating heat, during the day it is warm - about 27 0 С, and at night it is not cold yet - 22-25 above zero. It's possible you could get burned. By the way, do not forget that the sun in this part of the hemisphere is significantly different from our latitudes, so you need to take care of sunscreen, even if there are clouds in the sky.

The biggest danger and trouble in Phuket in June is the sea: strong waves practically do not allow swimming. Most beaches display red flags to warn of danger. Also, you do not need to be afraid of floods - at this time they are not typical for this area.

Things to do in Phuket in June

For many tourists planning a vacation in Phuket in June, a completely fair question arises: if you can’t swim, is it also problematic to sunbathe? If you can imagine your vacation without a beach holiday, then you will be surprised at how many opportunities Phuket provides for a great pastime.

Firstly, the waves will play into the hands of lovers of extreme entertainment: surfing, kite surfing,. Arriving in Phuket in June and going, for example, to one of the most popular places that attract lovers of conquering the waves, you can try your hand at surfing for the first time in your life.

Very close to Phuket - in the bay and on the islands - the sea is relatively calm, so you can safely go there on excursions: beautiful mountains, luxurious landscapes, quiet bays for swimming - and your vacation will sparkle with new colors.

In addition, a holiday in Thailand in June is a great time to get acquainted with the sights: the rains will definitely not interfere with this. And there is something to see in Phuket: the Aquarium and the Sea Center, Buddhist and numerous museums, the Zoo, a crocodile farm - an especially impressive sight during the rainy season.

Events in Phuket in June

There are no large-scale holidays in Phuket in June, but even at this time, the Thais manage to find a reason to create Have a good mood. For example, on the 6th moon month(i.e. in June) the Chao Le boat festival falls: at night, sea gypsies launch small boats on the water in order to ward off evil spirits and attract good luck - the festival is somewhat similar to the colorful Loy Krathong.

Active tourists can take part in the annual Phuket Lagoon Marathon, which is held on June 9th in the area of ​​Bang Tao Beach. The route of the marathon passes through the picturesque places of the island: local villages, rice and rubber fields. The program includes a classic race of 42 kilometers, 21 km for participants from 16 years old, 10 km for children from 10 years old and a five-kilometer distance for those who want to master race walking.

Prices in Phuket in June and features of the holiday

One of the bonuses of traveling to Phuket in June is low prices for flights and excursions. The number of tours from official travel companies is decreasing, but you have a great opportunity to plan your own vacation. Another advantage of Phuket in June is the lack of crowds of tourists, which gives excellent opportunity quietly enjoy the rest, excursions and various shows.

Fruits, an abundance of ripe and most delicious fruits, is another reason to go to the island at the beginning of summer.

In general, if a beach holiday and swimming in the sea are not so important for you, but the opportunity to relax with friends, have fun in clubs, travel on excursions in a relaxed atmosphere and eat plenty of delicious Thai food is of great value - welcome to Phuket in June!

So, in June, the rainy season started in Phuket. Rains are torrential, heavy, but short and not too frequent. Sometimes it can give out a dry and hot day and you can lie on the beach or go to cruise. The sea is rough and full of waves, so June is the start of heavenly season for surfers who flock to Phuket from all over in hopes of catching a wave.

Weather in Phuket in June

June in Phuket is hot and humid. The air temperature during the day is high - about 30°C, at night it drops slightly - up to 25°C. Water - heated fresh milk - 28 ° C on average. Particular comfort when bathing is delivered by almost the same temperature of water and air. It rains most of the days in June, but there are also dry warm days when you can sunbathe or hire a boat or boat to travel to other islands. Also, for most of the month, the sea is restless and swimming is dangerous and prohibited, as strong waves knock down even an adult.

However, this period is simply ideal for surfing. Despite the abundance of rain and cloudiness, you should not forget about sunscreen, as the sun in Thailand is strong and you can easily burn out even on a cloudy day. The high humidity of this season is contraindicated for people with vascular and heart problems, so this factor should be taken into account when choosing a tour.

Tours to Phuket in June

Thanks to low prices In this season, finding a suitable ticket is not difficult. You can easily find both air tickets and a room in a suitable hotel. June is ideal for those travelers who go to Phuket not for beach holiday but for an active and culturally rich pastime. In June, due to sudden rains, it is not always possible to lie on the beach, although such days do happen. But on the other hand, you can walk around the island, see the sights on numerous excursions. Phuket has a lot of beautiful Buddhist temples, parks, nature reserves, which usually tourists do not have time to see during beach season. June offers the opportunity to do sightseeing.

All year round in Phuket, avid lovers of clubbing are waiting for many bars, cafes, discos and specific shows for connoisseurs of thrills. For those who want to relax and slow down the pace of life, Phuket has prepared a lot of spas where you can get an incredible Thai full body massage, cosmetic procedures with fragrant Thai cosmetics and even foot peeling in special aquariums with Garra Rufa fish, so popular with tourists.

For athletes, Phuket in June offers great prospects in the field of surfing. The waves are high and strong, up to 2 meters - many surfers from different countries come here in June in order to have plenty of boarding on the powerful waves of the Andaman Sea.

Prices in Phuket in June

Prices in the "low season" for trips to Phuket are much lower than in the "high" and you can relax with savings. Prices for food and souvenirs in the absence of crowds of tourists are also low compared to the winter months. A wide variety of inexpensive fruits are available. An economical vacation is just about June in Phuket. Despite the fact that Phuket is the most expensive resort in Thailand, prices here become more affordable during the off-season.

It captivates with its beauty. Why are there huge coconut palms, snow-white sand on the shores of the gentle sea, mysterious tropical thickets, small hills, huge mountains and stunningly beautiful waterfalls. Plus, the feeling of unity with nature and peace of mind. locals friendly and hospitable. The tourist infrastructure in Phuket is quite well developed. It attracts tourists and excellent cuisine with an abundance of seafood dishes. In general, if you don’t want round-the-clock noise, as in Pattaya or Bangkok, but you need silence and comfort, Phuket is what you need. And do not worry: is it worth going to Phuket in June or even in July. The island is beautiful at any time of the year. For example, Cape Brahma, even on rainy days, is the most favorite place for lovers of the setting sun.

Mysterious Seasons

The climatic mystery of Phuket is the monsoons. It is these seasonal steady winds that influence weather islands. And this is either endless rain and low temperatures, or dry heat. There are two seasons, respectively: dry season and rainy season. It rains continuously from May to October. The peak is at the end of August - September. During this time, the humidity can be over 95%.

More often It is raining at night, but it happens that it pours for a week without stopping. Then a flood occurs on the island, but this is the rarest case.

Sea water has a temperature of 28-30 degrees Celsius, but the rainy season in Phuket is accompanied strong winds and the sea is stormy. Therefore, swimming is often prohibited on almost all beaches. Therefore, hotels have pools into which water is pumped from the sea.

What is the weather like in Phuket in July? Reviews of travelers testify that the rest is unforgettable in any weather.

July tours to paradise island

Most of the tourists arrive to rest in Phuket in July. You can always find out the features of weather changes this month from a travel agency agent or on a travel portal. During the rainy season, absolutely everything on the island becomes cheaper: rental of various boats, rental of real estate, prices in restaurants, tour desks and even shops.

Vacation plans

Relaxing on the beach every day is not always possible. The rains start instantly, however, and end just as abruptly. Therefore, a vacation in June-July in Phuket turns out to be non-standard. Phuket in July: is it worth going? The reviews that tourists leave on various travel portals are almost always positive. On the island this wet season there is a lot of entertainment: a variety of sightseeing walks and hikes, lunches and dinners in restaurants and cafes with big discounts, shops with tempting promotions, healing and relaxation treatments, Thai massage sessions and all kinds of SPAs, and of course, stunningly beautiful beaches.

beach holiday

There are many beaches in Phuket, especially in its southern part. The most famous is Bang Tao, or, as they call it in Europe, Laguna Beach. The Laguna Phuket resort complex is located here. Almost all of them are five-star, with impeccable service, cuisine from any country in the world and golf courses.

The complete opposite of this fashionable beach is the small cozy coast of Surin. It maintains the atmosphere of a quiet rural settlement with a slow-moving life. The popularity of this place is growing year by year.

Phuket in June: yes or no? Definitely yes. The most visited Patong beach is proof of this. The number of vacationers on it, if it decreases in June-July, is not much at all. There are guesthouses and hotels, pubs and open-air cafes, clubs and massage parlors and spas. You can have fun in Patong around the clock. It is here that the popular show of transvestites - Simon Cabaret takes place.

The cleanest beach in Phuket is Karon Beach. A few years ago the embankment was reconstructed. Now the night market, shops and shops are separated from the beach by a road. Karon Beach is a quiet and cozy place. He is very much loved couples with kids.

Even more comfortable on Nai Harn. It is located in a small bay. Only the sea and the birds make noise here.

Summer monsoons kick up big waves off the coast of Phuket in July. Is it worth going? Reviews left by tourists recommend relaxing on the beaches at this time east coast. Take Chalong Beach for example. On rainy days, you can visit the famous pilgrimage center - the most beautiful Buddhist temple. In the main pagoda of this center, a piece of Buddha is kept - a fragment of a bone. The temple can be visited absolutely free of charge.

The second successful beach for this time of year is Panwa. Rest can be diversified by trips to the Aquarium biological center sea ​​research. There are many huge fish, including sharks, whose feeding is very attractive to tourists.

And, of course, Rawai Beach. Here, in case of rain, you can study the shells in the museum of the same name. It features about two thousand rare, unusual and simply beautiful shells. The age of some, according to approximate estimates of scientists, is 380 million years. At the exit of the museum, there is a small shop that sells shell items: pendants, beads, rings, and souvenirs. Resting in these places, you must definitely go to the orchid farm. Each incoming hostess gives a stunning flower. On the farm you can buy seedlings and flowering plants(each purchase will be in special packaging designed for flight).

Rest on the shore of Kata Noi will be calm and comfortable. Waves practically do not reach it because of the small islands with which it is surrounded.

Journey to the Phi Phi Islands

What to do in Phuket in July? Be sure to go to the inhabited and the Phi Phi archipelago. From the east coast of Phuket there is a ferry to the islands. Guests of the islands called this place "Garden of Eden" for its pristine, virgin beauty. Exciting excursions are organized here today. For example, in Bantosai. This is a small cozy village. It has many cafes, shops and bungalows for guests. Feeling fabulous. Divers love Phi Phi too. Here is clear water with exotic aquatic inhabitants and huge coral colonies!

Water above, water below...

Reviews about about. Phuket in July are the most diverse. Some people like the wet season, some don't. But it is during the rainy season that you need to visit the waterfalls. Due to prolonged rains, they become powerful, their roar is heard hundreds of meters away. the islands are slightly higher than a four-story house, nevertheless, each of them is striking in its beauty. Waterfalls can be listened to, observed and you can swim in them!

If you are cold, you need to urgently get to the hot springs. The coldest of them has a temperature of 39 degrees. And finish water procedures better than an exotic foot massage with special fish - Garra Rufa.

Hiking in the Old Town

Deciding whether to go to Phuket (Thailand) in July will be much easier if you get acquainted with the video or photo collections of the Old Town, or Phuket Town, on the tourist portals in advance. It is away from most tourist destinations and beaches.

The old town is very different from most towns on the island. There is a special spirit here: there is no tourist crowd, but there are many cozy home cafes and elegant taverns in the national style. Phuket Town is full of contrasts and mysteries. Thalang Street, for example, boasts a beautiful, modern local post office that sits next to an 18th-century mansion. It now houses the Stamp Museum.

Soi Romani Street was full of brothels. Now only red paper lanterns remain. At the end of the walk, you should definitely look into the Thai spice shop. This establishment is over a hundred years old, and only natural products are sold here.

Sacred full moon of the eighth month

On the first full moon in July, Asanha Bucha is celebrated on the island, from which great post. On this day, beautiful ceremonies are held everywhere, services are held in churches in honor of the holiday, after which men go to the monastery for three months, renouncing the earthly world.

Delight for the soul

Is it worth it to go to Phuket in June-July? Costs. Meteorologists say that sunny days July is more than cloudy. And on occasion, beach pleasure on a rainy day can be replaced with an excursion to the recently opened botanical garden. Its territory is divided into thematic areas. There is a European and Japanese garden, a corner of Balinese vegetation and others. Each of them welcomes guests with funny figurines and sculptures.

In the center botanical garden there is a small pond with colorful fish. You can feed them for a fee.

The main attraction of the garden is the pavilion with butterflies. They are not at all afraid of people, sit on their hands and allow themselves to be photographed.

The rainy season is not a hindrance to outdoor activities!

Although the weather in July is not very bright on the island of Phuket, the reviews of tourists, lovers of active recreation on the water and under water, amaze with their emotions. Fans of surfing, diving, windsurfing and fishermen can do what they love even in inclement weather.

On days when red warning flags are posted on the beaches and there are no swimmers, rentals open where you can rent a board and pay for a lesson with an experienced instructor. For beginners in this sport, it is better to try yourself at Kata Beach. The waves here are stable, they do not break on pitfalls and do not change direction.

In June, for the hardiest on the island, the annual Phuket Lagoon Marathon is held. The 42 km track winds through tropical and rubber thickets and orchards, then through rice fields and villages. The number of participants is growing year by year and has already exceeded five thousand people. Young runners must overcome 21, and children under 12 - 10 km. There is a prize distance of 5 km for lovers of sports walking.

And finally

Many tourists who got a vacation in June and dream of a vacation hear a sad story about heavy rains, terrible jellyfish and multi-meter waves in Phuket in travel agencies.