I am glad to welcome you to my blog - running lovers! Today we will consider the topic of “running pain” that is urgent for many athletes, we will deal with the reasons for its appearance and consider options for what can be done in each case.

Probably every runner, when jogging, faced such a problem when pain begins when running. At the same time, the pain could be so unbearable that you had to stop and complete the workout. Pain when running can appear suddenly and start in absolutely any part of the body.

When jogging, pain may appear in the side, in the knee joint, periosteum, etc. It must be remembered that pain does not occur on its own. There are reasons behind it. That is, certain factors influenced it. But if, for example, pain in the side can be caused by incorrect breathing, changing which it will pass, then pain in the knee joint is the most serious problem, I would even say the mistake of the runner.

So, let's take a look at each specific case when pain may occur when running. And also immediately analyze the ways to get rid of this pain. IN short form I will give you some recommendations in case you feel pain in one or another part of the body. Let's go in order.

  1. Knees.

If you feel pain in knee joints, reduce the load, try to combine running and walking: up to five to seven minutes running, one to two minutes walking. Your best bet is to buy a watch with a signal for interval training.

Test your running technique. Compare it with the one I described in . If the pain does not disappear after reducing the load, you may have inflammation and you should consult a doctor. In this case, the run must be stopped. The reason is complex - wrong inconsistency of the load with the state of the runner, malnutrition, daily routine, stress.

You should pay attention to all the above listed factors that influenced the appearance of the disease. Replace running and gentle workouts . Only after some time (half a year - a year, depending on subjective factors) will you be able to return to full-fledged running.

Periosteum, lower leg.

In this case, most likely your legs are too tense. This increases the time of contact with the ground (should be extremely short) and - most importantly - the legs remain on their toes at the time of the vertical (this is a mistake). Fix it again , pay attention to the position of the lower leg and foot while running.

Pain in the side.

Colic or contractions in the side is a sharp temporary pain that is caused by spasm of the diaphragm. This happens when the diaphragm, the muscle located between the chest and abdomen, does not receive as much oxygen as it needs.

Pain in the right side is associated with overflow of the liver with blood. And in the left side - the spleen, as well as with a weak development of the respiratory muscles, which does not provide proper expansion chest. In this case, I recommend switching to a slow run or step. If the pain is severe and does not stop, stop. But not abruptly, gradually reducing the pace.

If you are a professional athlete and your side hurts during a competition, there are many methods to reduce the sensitivity of pain in your side without stopping. While holding your breath, try to tighten your abs harder and run some distance in this state. You can also press with three fingers on the area where the pain is the most, and hold until it stops; or also massage the painful area with three fingers.

In a healthy person, tingling in the side while running indicates untrainedness. In this case, you should simply replace running with brisk walking. Also, learn to breathe properly. I repeat that breathing should be diaphragmatic (the so-called "belly breathing"). Deep breathing. At the same time, attention is also paid to the exhalation. Exhalation should also be good. Your body needs to get rid of carbon dioxide while running.

Keep in mind that running training should not bring you discomfort, cause pain, severe fatigue, and the like. must take into account your genetic and physiological data, health status, professional activity, the conditions in which you are. After a run, you should feel a sense of satisfaction that you have taken another step towards your health.

Concerning , then I would not recommend that you hesitate to find out the reasons and reduce the load, because otherwise you will have to "heal the wounds" enough for a long time. Trust a person with considerable experience in running. Always be careful and attentive to your health.

After several hundred meters of continuous running, the side begins to pull and hurt. Many people wonder why there is pain? Is it worth it to continue jogging when it hurts in the side? Why does the side hurt when running and how to quickly defeat the pain?

Causes of pain in the side when running:

  • insufficiently long warm-up along with a sharp load (quick start);
  • unprepared respiratory system ( beat down rhythm);
  • too rich breakfast or little time has passed after eating;
  • diseases of the liver, pancreas and bile glands.

Warm-up problems

Most of the human blood (70%) circulates through the veins and vessels. The rest is distributed over the internal organs (spleen, tissues, lungs, etc.) in the absence of load. When the human body does work, the blood reserves are used to increase oxygen saturation of the tissues. The volume of the liver increases, which in turn presses on the liver capsule. Thousands of nerve endings are irritated and pain occurs in the right side (under the ribs). This process is most common in novice runners.

Pain may also occur in the left side. The reason is irritation of the spleen due to excess blood.

A good warm-up before running will allow you to avoid discomfort. Its purpose is to warm up the muscles and increase the speed of blood flow, thereby preparing the body for the upcoming load. In addition to warming up, you need to properly distribute training time. Beginners are advised to limit the time of the first runs to 15 minutes and gradually increase duration classes.
If, while running, the side still stabbed and hurts, you need to slow down and go to the step. Strictly not recommended immediately stop It's important to keep moving. Deep breathing, relaxation of the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle, slight inclinations of the torso will help overcome discomfort.

Breathe evenly and rhythmically

Shortened, rapid breathing can cause pain in the side. If the diaphragm muscle receives little oxygen, spasm may occur. The upper part of the abdomen will start to hurt. When breathing is too fast and shallow, the diaphragm makes a small move. Blood accumulates in the liver, and comes to the heart in small fractions. And what happens with an increase in the liver, we already know.

The easiest and most correct way to breathe evenly is to count by two: two steps - inhale, then two steps and exhale. The count can be increased to four steps (with a more intense pace of running. Inhalation is through the nose, exhalation through the mouth. Pain with diaphragm spasm can be relieved by taking a very deep breath and a smooth exhalation through the mouth.

Careful with food

After eating various foods, the human body tries to convert it into nutrients as quickly as possible. All organs work - the stomach digests, increasing in volume. The liver cleanses the blood of toxic substances. Vessels dilate, sweating increases. Depending on the severity of food on the gastrointestinal tract. Time increases even more. The result in the form of pain in the right side when running will not keep you waiting

To prevent pain in the side, you need to remember the rules of eating before training. should not be excessively plentiful, and the time from eating to loading is at least 50 minutes (with a hearty breakfast 1 hour 20 minutes). Priority products are vegetable cuts, rice and cereals, kefir, fermented baked milk, etc. Exclude spicy dishes, fatty, smoked meats. It is necessary to draw up a training plan correctly. While the stomach is digesting the rest of the breakfast, we do not give heavy loads. We pay attention to technique, control of breathing. At the end of the workout, the running speed can be increased.

Problems of chronic diseases

The problems described above can occur in healthy people who are not accustomed to exercise. However, there are a number of unpleasant diseases (including chronic ones) in which pain in the side accompanies training. These include:

  • Hepatitis (also B, C)
  • kidney disease
  • Inflammation of the gallbladder
  • Problems of the pancreas and other glands
  • Insufficient viscosity of bile
  • pancreatitis, etc.

The side can hurt both before training and during a run. As the workout progresses, the pain may get worse.

Those who have chronic diseases should definitely consult a specialist before jogging. If the doctor allows training, try to eat healthy foods: vegetables, fruits, steamed foods. If pain occurs, the workout should be smoothly completed by moving from running to a step and restoring breathing. Seek medical advice again. Self-medication in this case will not work.

During training, try to listen to your body. Pain is the watchdog of danger. If you take action in time, you can avoid mistakes and maintain good health.

Lots of people of all kinds physical activity prefer morning runs. But at the same time, the vast majority of novice runners periodically complain of the appearance of pain in their right side while running. However, this problem concerns not only beginners who try their hand at a morning run for the first time, but also experienced athletes. In the absence of chronic diseases of the digestive system, pain in the right side most often indicates an incorrect distribution of the load and errors in the breathing technique. Excessive loads have a negative impact on an unprepared organism, as a rule, this is expressed by the appearance pain in the right side.

In a calm state, blood circulation occurs in the usual mode, with increased stress, this process is activated. At rest, the blood reserve is located in the chest cavity and the peritoneal region, while running, the load on the body increases significantly and to saturate the actively working muscles with blood, the blood reserve begins to be consumed. This leads to the fact that the spleen and liver literally swell from the influx of blood, due to the increase in size, pressure appears on the membranes of the organs, which are completely covered nerve cells. Therefore, there is pain.

To avoid them, you should follow the simple rules of competent and safe training.

How to run without side pain

  1. Start jogging with a mandatory warm-up, this will allow you to competently prepare the body for the load. The main purpose of the warm-up is the correct "acceleration" of blood flow, which will avoid the appearance of pain. In addition, the muscles warm up, become more elastic and the whole body as a whole can better tolerate the load.
  2. The intensity and duration of the load must be increased gradually. It is quite natural to experience pain after a long break in training. It is necessary to increase the load as the body adapts, then no problems should arise.
  3. While running, it is categorically not recommended to talk, because when you talk, against your will, your breath is held and lost.
  4. Breathing should be monitored, it should be uniform. Frequent and irregular breathing does not allow the blood to be sufficiently enriched with oxygen, its flow to the heart decreases and accumulation in the liver is noted. This is one of the main causes of pain in the right side.
  5. Running on a full stomach is not only difficult, but also dangerous. After a light breakfast, an hour interval is required before starting a run. A denser meal requires, accordingly, more long-term condition rest. Of course, it is advisable to avoid eating heavy, fatty foods on the eve of a run. This is an extra load on the internal organs and an additional irritant for the appearance of pain in the side.
  6. While running, it is recommended to keep your back straight, this will ensure proper deep breathing, since the diaphragm will not be squeezed.

In most cases, jogging is done in the morning, so you need to decide in advance when breakfast will be: before or after training. If breakfast is planned before the run, then at least an hour should pass for the run to be as comfortable and efficient as possible. When breakfast was too heavy, it would take another hour to wait.

Important! Regardless of the intensity and duration of the run, always control your breathing. You can not hold your breath, this will immediately provoke an attack of pain, a deep breath full lungs should end with a smooth exit.

Types of pain when running

How to eliminate pain

If the pain has already appeared, something needs to be done about it. There is no need to panic, the main thing is not to continue training, especially at a fast pace.

In addition, in some cases, pain may occur after the end of the run. Most often this happens with a sharp cessation of training. Just as warming up is important, the recovery period after intense training is just as important for the body.

The end of the workout should be smooth, the pace gradually decreases, after which you should switch to a fast step, then the step slows down, during which breathing is restored. Only when breathing becomes even, and the lungs are free to "let in and out" the air can be completely stopped. But if discomfort during a run has made itself felt, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • the main thing is to try to restore breathing, for this you will need to relax your muscles as much as possible and slowly take a few deep breaths. The more the body is relaxed, the faster the discomfort will pass;
  • pain in the side can be relieved by lightly pressing on the painful area with your fingers. Hold your fingers until the pain recedes;
  • if these measures did not give a positive result, you can gently massage the aching side, this will allow you to relax the blood-filled organ: the spleen or liver;

Video - ABCs of running for beginners

Digestive diseases and pain when running

In some cases, the appearance of pain during a run may be a manifestation of diseases of the liver, gallbladder or pancreas. Therefore, the presence of any diseases of the digestive system is an additional reason to consult with your doctor before starting training.

How to have fun

In any case, sports should be fun. Properly conducted training, whether it be a run, a lesson in gym, jumping rope or brisk walking give a surge of strength, energy and vigor, cause euphoria-like sensations. Whereas excessive loads lead to apathy, lethargy and lack of desire to continue classes. This is quite natural, since the instinct of self-preservation will not allow you to continue self-torturing training for a long time. Then the transfer of classes to the next day begins and the search for objective and subjective reasons for refusing regular training.

The secret of successful and regular classes is simple:

Important! It is recommended that you consult with your doctor regarding the length and intensity of your workouts before starting regular jogging. For greater peace of mind, you can do an ultrasound of the abdominal organs to exclude pathology from the gastrointestinal tract. In the daily diet without fail fresh vegetables and fruits should be present, while fatty, fried foods should leave the athlete's table.

If you feel pain during a workout, you need to take a step and take a few deep breaths to restore breathing. You should not continue running, literally overcoming the pain. Repeated occurrence of pain while running is a good reason to see a doctor. You need to be able to hear your body and respond in time to the signals it sends. Then health and longevity will be guaranteed.

Very often, novice runners are faced with such a problem as side pain. In this article, we propose to understand the causes of this phenomenon and how to avoid it.

Even if a person has no disease or problems with internal organs when running, the right side (or left) may hurt. The reasons for this are very different - from a weak warm-up and incorrect to general physical unpreparedness. Therefore, running and pain in the side are ordinary neighbors.

The point is that any exercise stress accelerates and redistributes blood flow to those working in this moment muscles. For effective redistribution, a preliminary warm-up is needed, which will launch the autonomic system of the body, which controls breathing and blood circulation. The system will increase the heart rate and prepare the liver (right side) and spleen (left side) for increased blood flow.

It takes some time to start the system. Therefore, the load on the muscles with insufficient warm-up leads to the fact that blood flows uncontrollably into the muscles, respiratory organs and abdominal cavity, which leads to a glut of the liver and spleen with blood. As a result, they put pressure on their own capsule shells, which contain many nerve endings and give out a pain signal. That's why the side hurts when running.

What should I do if my right side hurts while running?

To reduce discomfort while running, it is enough to reduce the pace of training and go to the step. Stop, take a deep breath and exhale while raising your arms up. Repeat the exercise several times. This will help balance your breathing. To stop hurting the right side, so that running does not accompany pain, follow simple rules:

  • be sure to warm up before training;
  • do not exercise earlier than 2 hours after eating;
  • breathe evenly and do not speak during the workout - it knocks your breath;
  • keep your back straight, do not squeeze the diaphragm so that breathing remains free and deep;
  • increase gradually;
  • listen to and exercise regularly. It is not surprising if after a significant pause in the training program, your left (right) side hurts when you run. Only with a clear plan allow the body to become stronger, adequately responding to the increasing load, which leads to the cessation of pain.

    In high school, I hated 2k runs because of the terrible pain in my side that started around 5 minutes into the run. In winter, there was also a burning sensation in the nasopharynx, which made it painful to breathe. We already talked about. Today we will talk about this terrible feeling in the side, the causes of its occurrence and how to get rid of it.

    One of the causes of colic is a tight snack or even a full meal literally before training. Our sports aerobics coach always asked what and when they ate at the sight of bent wards, scolded for it and joked that this is how the stomach greets the liver.

    Advice is provided by trainer Jenny Hadfield, author of Marathoning for Mortals and Running for Mortals.

    Method number 1. Compliance with the rules of nutrition before training. There are many factors that cause colic in the side, and one of them is what and when was eaten.

    When? A snack right before a workout or shortly before it starts is almost 100% providing you with at least a short-term pain in your right side.

    What? Even if you followed all the rules and ate at least two hours before training, your side can still start to hurt, but this time because of what exactly you ate. Foods high in fat and fiber are digested more slowly and can irritate the stomach, so it's possible that two hours just wasn't enough for the meal to be digested at a sufficient level.

    In order to calculate your "optimal time", you need to conduct several experiments and determine the number of hours that will be enough for the complete digestion of food. It could be two or three hours, or maybe one and a half.

    Method number 2. Watch the pace at the beginning of the run. One of the most common beginner mistakes is to pace too fast at the very beginning of a run. After about five minutes, you can already feel the consequences in the form of colic in your side. But this time, the reason is not too late or too heavy a pre-workout snack. It turns out that due to improper breathing, discomfort can appear not only in the chest area, but also in the side. This is due to the fact that you start to choke too soon.

    This is where method #3 comes in.

    Method number 3. Regulate the frequency and depth of your breathing. In this case, it would be good to take a cue from swimmers who synchronize their body work with their breath. They can only breathe when their face is above the water, so they devote a huge part of their training to breathing, during which they learn to synchronize the work of their body with the work of the lungs. Runners can learn some tricks and synchronize their inhalation and exhalation with the frequency of their steps. For example, inhale for four steps and exhale for the same amount. The faster the pace, the higher the cadence and the more often the inhalation-exhalation. This synchronization will not only help prevent side cramps, but will also help to better transport oxygen to the muscles, which also means better running performance.

    Method number 4. Slow down and exhale deeply. If, nevertheless, during a run, your side twisted, start slowing down and take very deep breaths. In this case, it is desirable that the exhalation coincides with the kick of the leg, opposite side pain, on the running surface. This does not mean that you need to exhale with every kick. You can do this in one or two steps. The main thing is that this moment coincides with the impact of the right foot on the ground, and that's it. This is because during exhalation we use the muscles of the diaphragm. If this coincides with the impact of the foot on the ground, an impulse passes through the entire body, including the main muscles of the core, which affects the diaphragm and can cause lateral spasms.

    For example, you grabbed your left side. This means that you need to exhale during the kick of the right leg, as a result of which the healthy side will take the main blow, and the one that was twisted by the spasm will receive a welcome rest, during which the muscles will relax and the pain will pass.

    Method number 5. Stop and lean forward a little - this will help tighten the abdominal muscles and remove pain.

    Method number 6. Stop and do simple exercises to stretch tight muscles: right hand lift up and lean to the left, hold this position for 20-30 seconds, and then do the same on the other side.

    Have a good workout!