Is it necessary to "dive" into the cold water?

Consecration with water can only be carried out by a clergyman of the Church. The ceremony is preceded by the reading of the appropriate prayers and the immersion of the cross in the "Jordan", in the water. On the days of the Baptism of the Lord, all water becomes holy and is used by the Orthodox for healing, prayer and strengthening of the spirit. It is important to remember that a full ablution with holy water is certainly part of the tradition, but it is not necessary to completely immerse yourself in the hole.

Ablution in consecrated reservoirs is carried out in order to strengthen and harden the body. This tradition originates from the bathing of babies in ice water among the ancient Scythian peoples.

The Church explains that washing in the hole is not the duty of believers, touching holy water by people should be done according to their strength, for example, it is enough for weak and sick people to scoop up water and wash themselves, and only the most courageous are allowed to immerse their whole body in the cold water of the reservoir.

It is important to remember that washing does not remove sins from a person, this happens after a series of prayers and during the traditional communion procedure.


To the "Jordan", a hole in the shape of a cross, you need to approach in non-slip shoes (slippers, slates) or woolen socks. Walking barefoot in the snow can injure your feet or cause loss of feeling in your feet. Women are allowed to dip in a bathing suit or a plain long linen shirt. Men can dive in swimming trunks or underwear. From the house you need to grab a large towel, a warm bathrobe and a set of dry linen. In addition, it is recommended to grab hot tea in a thermos, preferably with honey.

There is no need to rush to the hole, it is important to remember that the path can be slippery, so you need to step slowly and carefully. Before plunging into the water, it is advised to do some warm-up movements, such as squats, swings or bends.

Basic Rules

1. Diving is allowed only in specially cut holes, the so-called "Jordan". The ice hole should be close to the shore, it is desirable that lifeguards are on duty nearby. Help will be invaluable if someone suddenly becomes ill from a temperature difference or begins to be drawn under water.

2. The steps of the ladder must be stable, and the ladder itself must be firmly fixed. For safety net, it is better if a rope with knots hangs over Jordan. It is needed so that dipping people can hold on to it.

3. You can dive up to the neck, but if health allows, then they plunge three times with their heads. After the believers read the prayer "In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit!" and baptized three times

4. Diving head first is prohibited. You need to enter the water gradually, keeping the vertical position of the body. Displacement of the body can provoke a blow to the ice edge.

5. Total time stay in cold water should not exceed 2 minutes. Otherwise, it is easy to get hypothermia of the body, especially if you plunged headlong, as this causes big losses heat.

6. After leaving the hole, it is important to thoroughly rub the body with a towel, dry off and change into woolen clothes.


Swimming in an ice hole, like an extreme procedure, has contraindications. So, it is strictly forbidden to plunge into ice water if a person is sick with acute respiratory viral diseases, is in a feverish or alcoholic state. Persons with diseases of the heart, cardiovascular system, central nervous system and chronic endocrinological diseases are also contraindicated full immersion into the winter hole.

Bathing at the Epiphany. Photo:

Baptism of the Lord - great Orthodox holiday, which has a long history, its rituals, rules and traditions. It is this holiday that ends Christmas time, which lasts from January 7 to 19.

The history of the holiday is rooted in the distant past, when God's son Jesus Christ was baptized in the Jordan River. It was from here that the integral tradition of bathing in the hole began.

Every year the number of people who want to plunge into the hole is only growing. However, not everyone knows the basic rules that must be observed when immersed in ice water.

When is the best time to swim

Many are wondering when it is better to swim - on the eve of the holiday on January 18, or on the Epiphany itself on January 19.

It is believed that on January 18 it is best to go to the temple for the evening service. There, you must definitely read a prayer and collect holy water home. In this case, in this case, you can not draw water from plastic or bottles from under alcoholic beverages. Holy water should have its own container, previously well washed.

After the festive evening service, you can swim in the hole. The best time for this action is the time interval from 00:00 to 01:30. It was at this time that Epiphany water has the strongest healing properties that help with any ailments. Of course, not everyone can get up at such a time to bathe, so you can do this at any time already on Epiphany itself on January 19th.

How to dive into the hole

You can dive into the hole only in specially designated areas and under the supervision of lifeguards. Initially, a special Jordan in the form of a cross should be carved in the ice, after the priest lowers the crucifix into the water and reads a prayer, you can swim in it.

You can't just go into the water. The body will be in a state of shock anyway, and if you do not comply certain rules, the consequences can be dire:

  • an hour before swimming, you must definitely eat, but do not drink alcoholic beverages;
  • before bathing, you need to warm up the body, do a warm-up, go for a run;
  • clothing should be simple so that it can be easily removed and put on;
  • you can’t go barefoot to the ice hole, it’s best to wear boots or good woolen socks, they need to be dressed so as not to slip;
  • check the stability of the ladder or descent into the water;
  • you need to enter the water gradually, do not do it abruptly, otherwise you can provoke problems with pressure. Diving into the water is also not recommended, as a state of shock may occur;
  • the maximum time spent in the water should not exceed 30 seconds, this is quite enough to plunge three times;
  • you can’t dive with your head, it’s best to do it only up to your neck. If you plunge headlong, then the vessels can narrow sharply, this will lead to sharp decline temperature and shock state of the body;
  • try not to swim in cold water, limbs can cramp;
  • if you have a child with you, watch him, in a state of shock from cold water, he may forget that he can swim;
  • when leaving the water, hold on to the handrails not with wet hands, but with a dry towel;
  • after bathing, rub yourself with a towel again;
  • to warm up, herbal or berry tea is best, but again, by no means alcoholic drinks.

What to bring with you

In order for swimming in the Epiphany hole to be successful, you need to have a number of seemingly everyday, but in this case very necessary items with you.

These include:

  • towel and bathrobe;
  • a set of dry clothes;
  • swimsuit or change of underwear (it is also allowed to dip in it);
  • slippers, so as not to slip on the ice, and woolen socks are best;
  • a rubber cap so as not to soak your head and then not to freeze in the cold;
  • willpower and desire.


As it turned out in the case of swimming in the hole, there are a lot of contraindications that can not only spoil the effect of this action, but also lead to exacerbations of diseases.

  • with the cardiovascular system;
  • with the central nervous system - epilepsy, the consequences of severe injuries of the skull; sclerosis of cerebral vessels in a pronounced stage, syringomyelia; encephalitis, arachnoiditis;
  • with the peripheral nervous system - neuritis, polyneuritis;
  • with the endocrine system diabetes, thyrotoxicosis;
  • inflammatory processes of the nasopharynx;
  • with the organs of vision - glaucoma, conjunctivitis;
  • with respiratory organs - pulmonary tuberculosis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma;
  • with the genitourinary system - nephritis, cystitis, inflammation of the appendages, inflammation of the prostate gland.

Maria Babich

Orthodox people celebrate Epiphany, or Epiphany, on January 19, and on the eve, on the 18th, they celebrate.

The tradition of blessing water among our ancestors appeared from those ancient times, when in 988 Kyiv prince Vladimir baptized Rus'.

There is a popular tradition among believers to bathe on this day. In Rus', it was believed that bathing in ice water heals the body and soul of a person, cleanses from all the sins committed last year.

Of course, it will not work to be cleansed of sins with the help of an ice-hole alone. But, the tradition is old and many Orthodox believers observe it.

Only a priest can perform water consecration by reading the appropriate prayers and immersing the cross three times in water.

On reservoirs, an ice hole is made in advance - "Jordan" - as a rule, in the form of a cross. Usually reservoirs - ponds, rivers, lakes are consecrated on the feast of Epiphany itself, after the liturgy.

Epiphany water- this is a real shrine, which is used for healing and to strengthen the mental and physical strength of us and our loved ones.

From some temples and Epiphany Christmas Eve after the service, solemn processions are made to the holes in the reservoirs for their consecration.

The Orthodox scoop up holy water in this hole, wash themselves with it, and the most courageous “dive” into the hole.

The Russian tradition of bathing in an ice-hole dates back to the time of the ancient Scythians, who dipped their babies in icy water, accustoming them to the harsh nature.

When they bathe in the hole at Epiphany

On January 18, Orthodox believers celebrate Epiphany Christmas Eve, the eve of Theophany, or Epiphany. In all churches, the "great consecration of water" is performed.

According to church canons, on Epiphany Christmas Eve, a believer must come to church, defend the service, light a candle, collect blessed water.

But no one requires to plunge into ice water, especially if a person is not ready for this. You can just wash it.

IN big cities Russia on the rivers on the eve of the Feast of the Epiphany are specially cut down on the rivers and ice holes are equipped for the mass bathing of believers. What inform the population of these cities in the media.

There are no strict rules on how to swim (dip) in the hole for Epiphany. Bathing is a three-time immersion in water with your head. At the same time, the believer is baptized and says “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit!”.

Since ancient times, it has been believed in Rus' that bathing at Epiphany promotes healing from various ailments.

Water is living matter. It has the ability to change its structure under the influence of a source of information. Therefore, with what thoughts you approach it, you will receive it.

To plunge into cold water, special preparation is not required. The human body is designed to experience frequent exposure to cold. All you need is the attitude.

What happens to the human body when in contact with cold water? For example, during winter swimming in the hole?

1. Plunging headlong into ice-cold water, the water instantly awakens the central nervous part of the brain, and the brain heals the body.

2.Short-term exposure to low and over low temperatures perceived by the body as positive stress: relieves inflammation, pain, swelling, spasm.

3. Our body is enveloped in air, the thermal conductivity of which is 28 times less than the thermal conductivity of water. This is the focus of hardening with cold water. And during a short run in the snow (for example, to an ice hole and back), only 10% of the body surface is cooled.

4. Cold water releases the deep forces of the body, the body temperature after contact with it reaches 40º, at which viruses, microbes and diseased cells die.

Systemic winter swimming contributes to the improvement of the body, but diving into an ice hole once a year is the strongest stress for the body.

Rules for bathing in the hole for Epiphany

Dipping (swimming) should be done in specially equipped ice holes near the shore, preferably near rescue stations, under the supervision of lifeguards.

Such ice-holes are specially equipped on rivers in large cities on the eve of the Feast of Epiphany for mass bathing of citizens. The population is informed about the location of such places through the mass media.

Before swimming in the hole, it is necessary to warm up the body by doing a warm-up, jogging. The ice hole must be approached in comfortable, non-slip and easily removable shoes to prevent loss of sensation in the legs.

It is better to use boots or woolen socks in order to reach the hole. It is possible to use special rubber slippers, which also protect your feet from sharp stones and salt, and also prevent you from slipping on the ice. When going to the hole, remember that the path can be slippery. Walk slowly and carefully.

Make sure that the ladder for descending into the water is stable. At least for safety, it is necessary to lower the edge of a strong thick rope with knots into the water so that swimmers can use it to get out of the water. The opposite end of the rope must be securely fastened to the shore.

It is best to dive up to the neck without soaking your head in order to avoid reflex constriction of the vessels of the brain.

Never dive headfirst into an ice hole. Jumping into water and submerging head first is not recommended as it increases temperature loss and can lead to cold shock.

When entering the water for the first time, try to quickly reach the desired depth, but do not swim. Remember that cold water can cause perfectly normal, harmless rapid breathing. Once your body has adjusted to the cold.

Do not stay in the hole for more than 1 minute to avoid general hypothermia of the body. When lowering to the bottom in a small hole, the danger is also the following. Not everyone can descend vertically.

Many descend at an angle, shifting towards the ice edge. At a depth of 4 m, the displacement from the starting point can reach 1 - 1.5 m. eyes closed in a small hole, you can “miss” and hit your head on ice.

If you have a child with you, fly for him during his dive into the hole. A frightened child can easily forget that he can swim.

Getting out of the hole is not so easy. When exiting, do not hold directly on the handrails, use a dry towel, a handful of snow from the edge of the hole, you can scoop up more water in handfuls and lean on the handrails, quickly and vigorously rise.

Getting out in a vertical position is difficult and dangerous. Having broken, you can go under the ice. Need insurance and help.

After bathing (dipping), rub yourself and the child with a terry towel and put on dry clothes;

To strengthen the immune system and the possibility of hypothermia, you need to drink hot tea, best of all from berries, fruits and vegetables from a pre-prepared thermos.

Contraindications for swimming in the hole

Winter swimming is contraindicated for people with the following acute and chronic (in the acute stage) diseases:

  • inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx, accessory cavities of the nose, otitis media;
  • of cardio-vascular system(congenital and acquired heart valve defects, ischemic disease hearts with angina attacks; myocardial infarction, coronary-cardiosclerosis, hypertension stage II and III)
  • central nervous system(epilepsy, consequences of severe skull injuries;
  • sclerosis of cerebral vessels in a pronounced stage, syringomyelia; encephalitis, arachnoiditis)
  • peripheral nervous system (neuritis, polyneuritis)
  • endocrine system (diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis);
  • organs of vision (glaucoma, conjunctivitis);
  • respiratory organs (pulmonary tuberculosis - active and in the stage of complications, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, eczema);
  • genitourinary system (nephritis, cystitis, inflammation of the appendages, inflammation of the prostate gland);
  • gastrointestinal tract (gastric ulcer, enterocolitis, cholecystitis, hepatitis)
  • skin and venereal diseases.

What is needed for swimming in the hole in the Epiphany of the Lord:

  • towel and bathrobe, a set of dry clothes;
  • swimming trunks or swimsuit, you can wear underwear;
  • slippers, so as not to hurt your feet, only so that they do not slip when walking on ice, woolen socks are better, you can swim in them, boots;
  • rubber cap;
  • will power and desire!

To swim in the hole at Epiphany or not, each believer must decide this issue for himself.

But it is important to believe in what you are doing and be close to God not only with your actions, but also with your thoughts.

Only with such a combination will holy water be able to bring a person the miracles that he is counting on.

Hello dear readers! On January 19, all believers celebrate the Baptism of the Lord, the most ancient holiday of Christians. Since ancient times in Rus' it was believed that bathing in baptismal water relieves many ailments. Swimming in the hole in the Epiphany - what is it? A tribute to fashion or, indeed, is the healing of the soul and body behind this? This is what we are talking about today.

Some believe that the roots of this holiday belong to pagan culture. Currently, on the night of January 18-19, the consecration of holy water and springs takes place. Many people line up to take holy water or bathe in a consecrated spring.

According to the Gospel, it is believed that on this day Jesus Christ came to the Jordan River in Bethabara, where John the Baptist was, in order to be baptized by him. John, who was preaching the soon coming of the Savior, was surprised when he told Jesus that he should be baptized by him. But in response, Jesus replied that "We must do all righteousness" and was baptized by John. During the baptism, the sky opened up and the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus Christ with the words “You are my beloved Son, my good will is in you!”

Usually at this time in Russia there are hard frosts, they are also called Epiphany. But the frosts seem to have passed, and the weather is relatively warm throughout Russia.

On the eve of Epiphany on January 19, special ice-holes are cut down in reservoirs and rivers in many cities, and even in small villages where there are churches, in which everyone can plunge. Many do it because of the true faith in God, and someone just for the extreme.

But for whatever purpose a person plunges into the icy water in the hole, first of all, you need to be ready for this, not only physically, but also mentally. It's all the same, especially for the body of an unprepared person, stress. An unprepared body is capable of experiencing a feeling of cold, but only for a short time. This is the basis of the hardening method.

You need to know that water is, it has the ability to perceive any information, while changing its structure under the influence of the source of information. Entering the hole, first of all, you need to be in the mood for good and useful things. Water feels it and will answer you in the same way that you desire.

How does the body react to swimming in the hole

Constant bathing in the ice hole in winter is one of the ways to harden the body, prevent colds, and train blood vessels. But if a person decides once a year to swim in an ice-hole at Baptism, will his body be harmed? How can his body react to such extreme stress as immersion in ice water?

  1. When immersed in cold water with the head, there is an instant awakening of the central nervous system, the work of many centers is activated.
  2. At the same time, the body's defenses are released, the body temperature after contact with cold water reaches a temperature of 40 ⁰. We know that this temperature is detrimental to viruses, bacteria and diseased cells.
  3. During stress (positive) from immersion in ice water, the human body produces the hormone adrenaline, which has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system, increases mental energy and activity. In addition, adrenaline has a pronounced anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effect, improves blood composition, relieves pain, swelling and spasm.

Swimming in the Epiphany hole

Of course, to get into the icy water, I repeat, you need a special attitude. But one attitude is not enough. There are certain rules that will help to perform this ceremony correctly.

  1. Firstly, you need to swim only in a specially equipped hole. It will be good if the descent into the hole is equipped with a ladder with handrails.
  2. Secondly, never go alone to swim in the hole. Unforeseen circumstances may arise and you may need assistance.
  3. And the last. When going for a swim in the hole, dress appropriately. For swimming, take a swimsuit or a simple shirt, flip-flops, or to make it comfortable to walk on snow or ice. For changing clothes, take dry clothes, but such that they can be put on quickly.

How to swim in the hole

Approach the ice hole slowly, go down into the water carefully, better holding on to the handrails, slightly tilting your body forward so as not to slip. In no case do not dive or jump into the water - it is life threatening.

While swimming, according to church rules, you need to plunge into the water with your head three times. But if you are not in the mood for this, then you should not do this, dive into the water up to your neck. You should not be in the hole for more than 1 minute so that your body does not get cold.

If you have a child with you, then be sure to monitor his well-being, hold his hand. With small children, I personally would not recommend doing this procedure.

Get out of the water very carefully too, holding onto the handrails so as not to slip. Immediately after this, try to remove damp clothes, rub yourself dry with a towel. Although, a towel is usually not required: the body dries itself instantly - double checked for personal experience. And immediately put on dry clothes.

If you feel that you are cold, then make vigorous movements, and when you come home, drink hot tea to warm up.

Who should not swim in the hole - contraindications

  • Acute diseases of the nasopharynx, paranasal sinuses, otitis and exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • Cardiovascular diseases (past myocardial infarction, heart defects);
  • Epilepsy, consequences of traumatic brain injury, encephalitis;
  • Endocrine diseases, including diabetes mellitus;
  • Acute conjunctivitis, glaucoma;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system, sexually transmitted diseases;
  • Bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, pulmonary emphysema;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

How I swam in the hole - personal experience

I had the opportunity to experience such happiness three times. Indeed, it was the first time late autumn in the village of Velikoretskoye. This village is famous for the fact that once, back in the 19th century, a peasant under the roots of a pine tree on the banks of the Velikaya River found an icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. This icon subsequently healed many people and since then it has been very revered. Now this icon is in the Trifonov Monastery in the city of Kirov. With this icon, annually, in June, the Velikoretsk procession takes place, which gathers tens of thousands of people from all over Russia and beyond.

The second time I plunged into the hole in Epiphany. I want to talk about my feelings.

At that time it was cold about 20⁰. But it so happened that when we were returning from fitness, we decided to go and swim in the hole. For a whole week, remembering that I had to go swimming, everything inside went cold with fear. But since I promised, I must go.

The hole was blocked by a tent, in which people undressed and went into the hole. After standing in a short queue, we also went into the tent, quickly undressed and went to the hole. A ladder with a handrail descended into the hole. As I entered the water, I felt my legs burn. There was only one thought in my head: don't stop! Entering the hole, I felt small needles piercing my body, but still I plunged headlong into the water three times!

Coming out of the hole, my body was on fire. I guess my skin blood vessels dilated so much that I was hot. The skin dried up immediately. Only on the head were icicles. After quickly drying our heads with a towel and changing into dry clothes, we left the tent. The queue to the ice-hole has grown even more.

But most of all I liked my feeling after the ice hole. There was an amazing lightness, joy and feeling, I would say, pride in myself - I did it! The most interesting thing is that after such a bath I didn’t even sneeze even once, which means that such a bath was only good for me.

The third time I plunged into the ice hole in Baptism after 2 years. Remembering that day, I was not going to swim in the hole. Everything turned out spontaneously, friends came, they said, “Let's go swimming, dress accordingly!” Arrived in 3 minutes. And again I felt that unforgettable buzz from immersion in icy water.

Dear readers, have you swum in the hole? It was interesting to know about your feelings from ice water, write about it in the comments.

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Be healthy! Taisiya Filippova was with you.

The Orthodox Church on January 19 (according to the new style) celebrates Epiphany or Epiphany. This is the most ancient holiday among Christians, and its establishment goes back to the time of the disciples-apostles of Christ. It also has ancient names: “Epiphany” - a phenomenon, “Theophany” - Epiphany, “Holy Lights”, “Feast of Lights” or simply “Lights”, since it was the Lord Himself who came into the world on this day to show him the Light Unapproachable.

Holiday Epiphany

The word "I baptize" or "I baptize" with Greek translates as "I immerse in water." It is almost impossible to understand the importance and the very meaning of what Epiphany bathing is without having an idea of ​​what symbolic meaning water has in the Old Testament.

Water is the beginning of life. It was she who fertilized all living beings that originated from her. Where there is no water, there is a lifeless desert. And water is capable of destroying, as in the time of the Great Flood, when God flooded the sinful life of people and thereby destroyed the evil that they did.

God made the water holy with his Baptism, and now the Blessing of the Water is traditionally celebrated in memory of this event. At this time, water is consecrated in all Orthodox churches and then in rivers and reservoirs.


On this day, a traditional procession is held, called " Procession to the Jordan ", in order to sanctify the water and then to arrange Epiphany bathing in the hole.

The baptism of John meant that just as a body washed with water is cleansed, so a penitent soul that believes in God will be cleansed from sins by the Savior.

The Bible story tells how Jesus from Nazareth came in those days, and John baptized him in the Jordan River. When Jesus came out of the water, the heavens opened, and the Spirit, like a dove, descended on him. And a voice was heard from heaven: "You are my beloved son, in whom is my blessing."

Epiphany revealed to people great secret Holy Trinity, to which every baptized person joins. Then Christ told his apostles to go and teach this to all nations.

Epiphany bathing. Traditions

The tradition of blessing water among our ancestors appeared from those ancient times, when in 988 Kiev Prince Vladimir baptized Rus'. Now only a priest can perform the rite of the Blessing of Water, since at this time special prayers are read with a triple immersion in the water of the cross. This is done on the feast of Epiphany after the liturgy. But first, before this, a hole is made in the reservoir, usually in the form of a cross, called "Jordan".

These days, Epiphany water is a real shrine that can heal and strengthen the mental and physical strength of a person. Therefore, such a solemn procession of consecration is performed near the hole in the reservoir in order to make bathing at Epiphany available to people. Orthodox people draw water from the hole and wash themselves, but the most daring and courageous people literally dive into it.

ancestral traditions

The Russians borrowed the tradition of swimming in the hole from the ancient Scythians, who tempered their babies in this way. They simply dipped them in cold water and thus accustomed them to harsh climate conditions.

In addition, the tradition of swimming in the hole was also in pagan rituals, this is how initiation into warriors took place. And still in Rus' they like to rub themselves with snow after a bath or jump into cold water.

Some pagan rites have taken root in our lives to this day. Therefore, we bathe in the hole and celebrate Maslenitsa, which is tied to the beginning of Lent.

Epiphany holiday

According to church rules, on Epiphany Christmas Eve a “great consecration of water” takes place. Believers come to church services, put candles and collect blessed water. However, plunging into the hole is not required, this happens by own will person.

In general, in Rus' it was believed that bathing in an ice hole at Baptism promotes healing from many ailments. Water, as a living matter, is able to change its structure under the influence of information, so everything depends on the thoughts in a person’s head. In whole festivities Epiphany bathing is transformed, photos of this celebration always show how fun and interesting they are.

Bathing at Epiphany. How to

But this fun and harmless, at first glance, activity can lead to a number of unpleasant moments. Epiphany bathing does not particularly imply special preparation. The human body is adapted to the cold, and therefore only the mood is important here.

What can happen to human body diving into an ice hole?

1. When a person is immersed in cold water with his head, he has a sharp excitation of the central nervous system and the cerebral cortex, which generally has a positive effect on the entire body.

2. Exposure to low temperatures is briefly perceived by the body as stress, which can relieve inflammation, swelling and spasms.

3. The thermal conductivity of air enveloping the body is 28 times less than the thermal conductivity of water. This is the hardening effect.

4. Cold water causes the body to release additional forces, and after contact with it, the temperature of the human body rises to 40 degrees Celsius. And as you know, at such a mark, microbes, diseased cells and viruses die.

Bathing rules

Bathing in Epiphany frosts implies the implementation of certain rules. The main thing at the same time is that the ice hole is specially equipped and all this action takes place under the supervision of rescuers. The population is usually informed about such mass bathing places.

Swimming in an ice-hole requires the presence of swimming trunks or a swimsuit, a terry dressing gown and towels, as well as a set of dry clothes, slippers or woolen socks, a rubber cap and hot tea.

Before arranging a bath in Baptism, it is very important to know how to do it correctly. First you need to warm up a little with exercises, and even better, do a jog. It is necessary to approach the hole in non-slip, comfortable, easily removable shoes or socks. It is also necessary to check the stability of the ladder, and to secure it, throw a rope firmly fixed on the shore into the water.

It is necessary to plunge into the hole up to the neck and it is better not to wet the head so that there is no narrowing of the vessels of the brain. Jumping into an ice hole with your head is also undesirable, as a loss of temperature can cause shock. Cold water will immediately cause rapid breathing, and this is completely normal, as the body adapts to the cold. It is dangerous to be in water for more than one minute, the body may cool down. You also need to be very careful with children who, if frightened, may forget that they can swim.

You also need to be able to get out of the hole so as not to fall, and for this you need to hold on tightly to the handrails, and at the same time use a dry rag. After bathing, you need to thoroughly rub yourself with a towel and put on dry clothes. After bathing, it is best to drink hot tea from herbs or berries, prepared in advance in a thermos.

On this day, it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol, as it negatively affects the natural thermoregulation of the whole organism, and therefore the consequences may be different. It is also important to know that it is also unacceptable to swim on an empty stomach or, conversely, a clogged stomach.

Bathing contraindications

No matter how useful Epiphany bathing is, there are still contraindications for this. And they relate to acute and chronic diseases. This is a violation of the cardiovascular system (heart defects, hypertension, heart attacks), central nervous system (cranial injury, epilepsy), endocrine system (thyrotoxicosis, diabetes mellitus), visual organs (conjunctivitis, glaucoma), respiratory organs (asthma, pneumonia , tuberculosis), genitourinary system (cystitis, inflammation of the appendages or prostate gland), gastrointestinal tract (ulcer, cholecystitis, hepatitis), skin and venereal diseases; inflammation of the nasopharynx and otitis, etc.

Opinion of physicians

Medical experts in this field believe that swimming in the hole at Epiphany does not bring any unexpected troubles, you need to be absolutely healthy. And this is especially dangerous for those who smoke or drink alcohol, as blood flow to the lungs can cause inflammation or even swelling of the bronchi and pneumonia. In young people, not to mention the elderly, the arteries are not always able to properly respond to cold water, and at this point, respiratory arrest may occur, and then the heart.

If you engage in systemic winter swimming, then this will certainly contribute to the improvement of the body, but when this happens infrequently, then everything will become a strong stress for him, so you need to seriously weigh the pros and cons before swimming.


Many people on Epiphany heroically decide to swim in the hole, although this idea may not be safe. However, the folk Epiphany bathing, photos from these holidays are quite expressive, someone is just getting ready to go into the water, someone is already happy that he took a swim, and someone is already warming up and drinking hot tea.

Many believers believe that swimming in the hole at Baptism for a true Orthodox person is a great blessing. And that's the way it is. Only here the main thing is to understand whether this faith is strong and deep enough for you to become a real shield from all troubles at the moment when Epiphany bathing takes place.