Every night before fasting, you need to pronounce the intention (niyyat). According to the authentic word, the intention spoken at the beginning of the night is also sufficient. There are Ulama who say that the intention pronounced in the first half of the night is insufficient, and it is necessary to pronounce it in the second half, explaining this by the fact that the second part of the night is closer directly to fasting. If, after pronouncing the intention at night, before dawn, one performs actions that violate the fast (eating, intimacy with one's wife), this will not damage the fast.

If someone fell asleep after pronouncing the intention, then the intention does not need to be renewed, but it is desirable. Falling into disbelief(kufr), (murtadism) spoils the intention. If a person who has fallen into kufr repents before dawn, he needs the intention to renew. Intention, pronounced at night, during intimacy with his wife, is also enough for fasting.

1. If the intention is pronounced after dawn, the fast does not count.. The hadith says: The fast of the one who has not made the intention at night, before dawn, will not be accepted. ».

2. The post of a person who made an intention, doubting whether dawn came or not, does not count, since there was doubt in his intention . And if, after the intention, he doubts whether there was a dawn or not, then his fast will be considered, since the basis of his doubt is the onset of dawn.

3. If, after dawn, a person doubts that he uttered his intention before dawn, then this person’s fast is not counted, since the doubt is based on not pronouncing the intention on time . But if he remembers that he said his intention at night or before dawn, his fast will be considered observed.

4. If, after breaking the fast (i.e., in the evening), a person has doubts about reading the intention for fasting for the past day, then this will not hurt the fast, even if he does not remember whether he said the intention.

5. If on the thirtieth night of Shaban a person expressed the intention to fast tomorrow if this day turns out to be the first day of Ramadan, then this fast will not be considered . If he is told by those whom he trusts, be it a woman, a wicked person or a child, that the month of Ramadan begins tomorrow, and he will fast, then his fast is counted if it really turns out to be the first day of the month of Ramadan, and if it turns out that this is the last day of the month of Shaban does not count.

6. The fast of a person who read the intention, if tomorrow the month of Ramadan comes, to observe an obligatory fast, and if it turns out to be the last day of Shaban, then to observe a desirable fast, is accepted only as desirable (sunnat) on the last day of Shaban (if he had the habit of fasting on the last day every month), because the intention is based on the remainder of the Shaban . If this day happens to be the first day of the month of Ramadan, his fast will not be considered.

7. If a person on the thirtieth night of Ramadan read the intention to fast tomorrow and it really turned out to be the last day of Ramadan, his fast will be considered, since the basis of the intention is the rest of Ramadan.

The procedure, conditions and place of committing the intention

The place of intention is the heart. Saying the intention in words is not a condition, it is a desirable action (sunnah). Speaking together helps to strengthen the intention in the heart. It is necessary to remind yourself the essence of the intention - the desire for the whole day to abandon actions that violate the fast. Speaking words of intent without understanding the meaning is not considered intent.

If you intend to observe a mandatory fast, you must indicate which particular fast you are observing - the fast of the month of Ramadan, kaffarat or promised.

There is controversy over whether the word "mandatory" (fard) should be used. According to reliable sources, it can not be pronounced. It will be enough if we say , without emphasizing that this is a mandatory post. But it is not enough to say "... fast tomorrow" without specifying that this is the fast of the month of Ramadan.

Speech of intent

It is advisable to pronounce the intention verbally and confirm with the heart: « I intend to observe the fast of the month of Ramadan tomorrow for the sake of Allah ". All Ulama agreed with this version of the text of intention.

If someone intends to make up for the missed fast of two months of Ramadan and in the intention he says "... Compensatory Fast of Ramadan ", it would be enough. There is no need to specify which particular Ramadan you are fasting.

Also, a fasting person of various kaffarats can say “… observe the fast of kaffarat ”, without specifying exactly which kaffarat.

If you forgot to read the intention at night

If someone forgot to pronounce the intention before dawn, then fasting on this day will not be considered. But out of respect for Ramadan on this day, he should not do anything that breaks the fast. For a desired fast, it is enough to say the intention before the lunch of the fast day, since it is not a condition for it to pronounce the intention at night.

Also, if you intend, you can not name the month and day for the sunnat fast (, white days, etc.). It is enough to say “fast tomorrow”, but it is better to name these days. At the same time, if on these days one pronounces the intention to observe a fast (compensatory or other sunnat fasts), then one can receive a reward for both fasts.


Everyone has probably heard about the Muslim fasting in the month of Ramadan, whether he considers himself a Muslim or a follower of another religion.
The first and, in my opinion, main reason fasting is the pleasure of the Almighty. Uraza is a direct order of Allah, and must be followed by every Muslim. Addressing the faithful in the Qur'an, Allah the Great commands:
"O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you, just as it is prescribed for those who were before you (Jews and Christians) - maybe you will be God-fearing!" (Quran: Sura 2, Ayat 183).

The second reason to fast is that it helps to improve the health of a person. The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) in one of the Hadiths says: "Fast - it will improve your health." Any Muslim had no doubts about these words. However, non-Muslims did not particularly believe in this.
How to keep urazu.

We have analyzed two main reasons to keep the post. I want to point out some important points on how to do this.
The first element of the uraza is niyat or the intention to fast in the name of the Lord. During Ramadan, from night to noon, a Muslim must - mentally or aloud - pronounce in any language and in any formulation about his intention to fast for the sake of Allah during the coming day. However, without this intention, the uraza is considered invalid.
Second important point- this is abstinence from food, drink and sexual intercourse from dawn to sunset. If a person deliberately swallows even a little water or food, then the uraza deteriorates.
Abstinence time starts about 2 hours before dawn and lasts until sunset. (The time of dawn and sunset can be found in any calendar, or in the mosque of the city).

The following things invalidate the post:
1. Deliberate eating or drinking.
2. Deliberate vomiting.
3. Female bleeding, even if it happened at the last moment before sunset.
4. Male defilement as a result of kissing his wife, hugging, etc.

However, it is not considered a violation of the fast:

1. Eating or drinking by mistake or forgetfulness, as well as under duress, does not require compensation or redemptive actions, but simply you need to continue fasting.
2. Unintentional vomiting is also not considered a violation of the fast.

During iftar (eating in the evening), you can say the following prayer: “Lord, for your sake I kept a fast and with your food I broke my fast, my thirst disappeared, and my veins were filled with moisture, and may my due (reward) be rewarded if it be Your will ".

Ramadan is a month in which, more than ever, it is necessary to trust in the Lord, remember Him more often, do good deeds and improve your soul.

While many prominent doctors of our time successfully practice fasting treatment, Islam has long established this and obliges all Muslims to observe Fasting in the Holy month of Ramadan.
So let's keep the uraza together, and Allah, if it is His will, will reward us for this! Amen.

Ramadan is the holy month for Muslims of the obligatory fasting of Oraza, it was at this time that the Koran was sent down to people. During this month, millions of people around the world refuse to eat, read the Koran and pay obligatory alms (zakat al-fitr). Iftar is an evening meal that begins just after sunset. According to the 2009 census, 70 percent of the population in Kazakhstan is Muslim. Iskander Salikhodzhaev decided to tell how Oraza is kept in Kazakhstan, what they eat for iftar (an evening meal that starts right after sunset), and also about how best to fast.

By Gregorian calendar there are 365 days in a year, according to the Hijri (Islamic lunar calendar) - 354, so Ramadan goes through all cycles in 33 years, shifting every year by ten days. It is easiest to keep Oraza in winter when the days are shorter. In the hot summer, when the time from dawn to dusk is approximately 18-19 hours, only the most devoted keep fasting. During the fast, you should completely abandon the daily intake of water and food, as well as intimate relationships.

Ramadan, branch manager of the bank:

- In my school and student years, I kept Oraza, but in Lately due to various circumstances, it was not possible to observe the fast. It is believed that it is most difficult to fast in the summer - the time between meals is 18 hours. And although I had health problems (high blood pressure), this year I decided that I would keep the post.

Aigerim, the wife of Ramadan, cooked manti for iftar. These are special manti, practically fat-free, dietary. And although Aigerim does not keep Orazu herself, she wakes up every night to cook saresi for her husband - a meal before dawn. According to the prophet, a fasting person must necessarily take saresi, if not with food, then at least with a glass of water, for there is grace in him.

Traditionally, the evening meal begins with water and dates.

“The most important thing is the right attitude,” Ramadan shares his secrets. - I recommend not to drink anything sweet, it is advisable to give preference to water, dried fruit compote. I also advise you to eat dates, they give a lot of energy. Fresh salads are also good, which are high in fiber.

– There is a misconception that iftar is a must-eat meal. But this is not so, you should not eat too much, eat in the usual quantities. Consider that you just changed your meal schedule from day to night.

Meylan, shop manager:

– I have been holding Oraza for 19 years. I started fasting as a child, it was not difficult, besides it was in winter and only 12 hours - from 6 to 18.00. In summer, of course, it is much more difficult in terms of water and heat. But with my current work There are no particular difficulties, since I work in an air-conditioned office.

Sister Meilana cooked khinkali today.

Before the meal, Meylan reads the evening prayer. Muslims believe that in this holy month, genies and devils are bound and the gates of paradise open. This helps the believer overcome his own passion and morally educate himself.

Then eldest daughter Ayat brings him dinner.

- I don’t make any special restrictions in food, what I cook is what I eat. I try, of course, not to lean on salty and fish, - says Meylan.

Orazu is not difficult to hold, it is important to tune in correctly and cast aside all doubts. And most importantly, every day you need to say niyat (intention) that you are going to fast, sincerely, for the sake of Allah. Niyat is pronounced between the night and morning prayers.

Aini, worker:

- I came here from Tajikistan, we have unemployment in our country, and therefore many of our citizens are forced to work on construction sites in Kazakhstan and Russia.

- Oraza in Tajik will be Rose. I have been posting for several years in a row, now I don’t even remember when I started.

- Food is usually prepared for us by the mistress of the house, in which we are doing repairs. But today we have prepared ourselves.

- For iftar with us fried potatoes, tortillas and watermelon. Watermelon is very juicy, but not as tasty as in our homeland.

– In Tajikistan, I have big family parents, wife and three children. The most youngest daughter was born a month ago, I haven't even seen her yet. If I were at home on Orazu, then my mother would cook delicious pilaf for me and green tea with baklava. But here we have to eat right at the construction site. This is the test we must pass.

– We work for a long time under the scorching sun, and therefore it is very difficult to fast: you sweat a lot and you feel thirsty. But I found a way out - two or three times a day I douse myself with water right in my clothes. It is not forbidden, the main thing is not to drink water. And clothes dry quickly.

Bauyrzhan, salesman in the store:

“I tried several times to hold Orazu, but it didn’t work. Last time in 2010, I started to hold a post, but then I worked in a carpentry shop and was very tired, as there were heavy loads. One day I fainted and was told to stop fasting or I would cause harm to my health.

This time, I think I can do it. I was skeptical at first, but after the first week I got used to it.

Bauyrzhan's mother cooked pilaf today and bought tandoor samsa.

– I know that in some Islamic countries, a special schedule has been introduced for workers during the month of Ramadan – they work half a day or do not work at all. But we have a secular state, so this is impossible - they will immediately fire you.

Vyacheslav (Mahmud), a gas-electric welder, has been holding Orazu for the fifth year:

- In one of the hadiths, the prophet Muhammad said: "There are two joys in this world. The first is when a person is in a hurry to make iftar, and the second is a reward for holding Oraza." Oraza in everything is good, it is the mercy of the Almighty, the forgiveness of sins. And it's very good for health too.

- Iftar, I start with water and dates, preferably melted water. After freezing, it has a special taste, softer and fresher, it is like new. It is also desirable to eat talkan (crushed millet), it is very well absorbed by the body, and it is easy for a person to tolerate Oraza.

“The most important thing is with what intention a person holds Oraza. He must understand that he is doing this not because his father or everyone around him did it, but in order to win the mercy of the Almighty. When this awareness comes, then it will be easy to hold Oraza.

Dinara, journalist. Orazu keeps more than 10 years:

– Many are mistaken in thinking that fasting consists only in not eating food. It seems to me that there is more deep meaning- this is a spiritual purification, summing up and rethinking the results of the year, the struggle with one's weaknesses and vices. And most importantly, the fast is kept for the sake of Allah. If a person performs Hajj or Namaz for his own sake, then he keeps Oraza for the sake of the Almighty.

During Ramadan, after meals and night prayer, an additional tarawih prayer is performed, consisting of 8 or 20 rak'ahs.

- For me, the beginning of the month of Ramadan is a holiday that you look forward to. It is encouraging to see many young people in the mosques who come for taraweeh (prayer). It is especially pleasing that conditions for women have now been created in almost all mosques, there are separate places for performing prayers.

Today, relatives invited Dinara to the Auyzashar. During the month of Ramadan, people who do not even observe Oraza arrange an auyzashar at home and invite friends and neighbors.

Despite the fact that 70% of the population are Muslims, most people are poorly versed in the intricacies of Sharia. Together with those who are fasting, those who are not fasting are called, which is erroneous.

It is a widespread practice in Kazakhstan to give ayzashar on behalf of businessmen, akims and even the president. It is believed that the giver of the auyzashar receives a reward equal to that received by the holder of Oraza. Fasting is of great social importance, because at this time wealthy people remember people in need and help them. In many mosques, tables are set with free refreshments.

Ramadan ends with the three-day holiday Oraza-Bayram. Muslims, along with their families, go to the mosque for the holiday prayer. All three days in each house, guests are greeted with generously laid tables. These days, alms are distributed and all Muslims ask each other for forgiveness for past offenses.

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The followers of Islam now have the holy month of Ramadan, in which every believer fasts. They live by lunar calendar, which means that every year the period of spiritual purification begins at different time but certainly on the 9th month of the year. In 2018, Ramadan began on May 15 and will end on June 14. All this time, Muslims are forbidden to take food and water during daylight hours. And only after sunset, the usual way of life begins: the family starts the meal.

The holy month was created for spiritual and bodily cleansing. Ramadan is honored as a memory of the fact that it was during this period that the first lines of the Koran appeared to the prophet Muhammad. It is believed that during this period the gates of Paradise are open and the doors to hell are closed, and even the devils are chained. For a whole month, those who honor Islamic traditions pray more than usual and adhere to strict fasting.

But the day before Ramadan, you need to prepare. Perform a full body wash and state your intention to fast. Then say a special prayer and the next morning forget about food in the daytime. The main thing is to do good deeds, give alms to the needy and feed the hungry.

Proponents of Islam claim that fasting helps Muslims control their emotions. So they are freed from everything negative: anger, envy, temptations. The main task of the righteous is to draw closer to Allah. Fasting contributes to this in the best possible way, pacifying the soul and flesh.

What time can you eat today in fasting: who is allowed not to abstain

There are some exceptions for certain categories of people who, for objective reasons, cannot adhere to traditions. It's about about pregnant and lactating women, children under the age of majority, the sick and the elderly. They are allowed not to fast, otherwise there is a risk of deterioration in their health.

If, due to circumstances, you have to retreat from fasting for several days, then after the end of Ramadan, it is important to compensate for these days by following the abstinence from food and water during the day for the same number of days. Another option is to feed the hungry. At the same time, for the amount that a person usually spends on groceries for himself for one day. For each day of departure from fasting - one hungry must.

Thus, Muslims in Ramadan eat from dusk to dawn, and during the day they pray and, at first glance, lead their usual way of life. Night hours become a small holiday in such a difficult and responsible period of life as fasting. For the entire period holy month need to give up bad habits and by no means lead by day intimate life. This is one of the most serious violations.

Every Muslim, with reverent awe, awaits the onset of the holy month called Ramadan, wondering how to spend this great month with maximum benefit for your soul? What rules and prohibitions do you need to know about? How to behave?

The most important rules of fasting

In order for a Muslim post to be accepted, it is necessary to remember the most important components: Intention.

A person should start fasting with a pure, sincere intention to fast for the sake of Allah, while pronouncing the words expressing his desire to fast:

“Navyatu an asuuma savma shakhri Ramadaan min al-fajri ilal-maghribi haalisan lillyahi ta’aala”

which is translated into Russian as "I have set out to fast the month of Ramadan from dawn to sunset sincerely for the sake of Allah Almighty."

You should express your sincere intention to fast before the time comes morning prayer, otherwise the post will not be counted as a person. The words given above must be repeated every night until the morning prayer, and only after that proceed to fasting.


Following the most important rule fasting is abstinence. A fasting Muslim abstains from all food and drink from sunrise until sunset. It is also forbidden to engage in intimacy during the day during fasting. Abstinence from cigarettes and chewing gum is also a prerequisite.

A Muslim during fasting must monitor not only his physical condition, but also his soul. It is important to do good deeds wholeheartedly, help the poor, support the elderly, beware of bad, rude words (do not slander, be rude, do not swear) Patience, endurance, humility, respect for people - all this is necessary in order for the post to be counted. If there is a possibility that fasting may aggravate a person's illness or slow down the healing process, then it is permissible for him not to fast. If a person does not tolerate fasting, he can also not keep it. A Muslim must make up the missed days when he feels he is able to do so without negative consequences for your health.

What can break Great Lent

If a person deliberately consumes food or any drinks during fasting, his fast will not be counted. But in the event that he does this not consciously, but, forgetting that he is fasting, Allah forgives him for this. It is believed that Allah himself fed him food, which he accidentally took inside. Also, fasting will not be counted if the nose, mouth, genitals, anus or ears have been penetrated by any physical bodies. For example, if a fasting Muslim consciously used nose drops during fasting, then his fast is not counted.

Enema is forbidden, but injections during fasting are allowed, except for those given to facilitate fasting. You can swallow your own saliva during fasting, but it should not be mixed with any substances, such as blood. In order for the fast to be counted, it is important to rinse the mouth with pure water, after which it is necessary to free the mouth from water so that it cannot penetrate inside.

You should also be careful with brushing your teeth. Neither water nor toothpaste should not get inside a person.

It is forbidden to artificially induce vomiting in yourself.

Also, if a person consciously enters into an intimate relationship during a fast, his fast is not accepted by Allah. In this case, he needs to make up that day after Ramadan ends. If a person ejaculates while fasting, his fast will not be accepted.

Kissing does not break the fast if it does not lead to ejaculation. Blood discharge from the vagina (menstruation, postpartum discharge) invalidates the fast.

If a fasting person breaks the fast, he needs to atone for his guilt before Allah. First of all, sincerely repent and ask for forgiveness for your deeds, and then distribute money or food to people in need. If he consciously entered into intimacy, he should fast for 60 days or feed 60 poor people to their fill.

How to behave as a woman in Ramadan

Women are allowed to taste food during the fast, but this food must not be allowed to enter. If a fasting woman has menstruation, then she needs to break the fast until she is cleansed, and these days should be subsequently redeemed. A woman should be as patient and correct as possible during fasting. It is considered a great sin to get angry, slander, utter curses and curses, justifying oneself by the fact that such behavior is a consequence of fasting. Fasting cleanses the soul and illuminates it, and in no way can cause hatred, rudeness, impudence in a woman.

If a woman has her period during Ramadan or she still has discharge after childbirth, she needs to break the fast, but remember Allah, listen to the Qur'an, remember the need to be a true, beneficent Muslim woman.

A woman should gradually accustom children to fasting, explain to them its importance and talk about its rules and prohibitions. Pious parents start accustoming their children to fasting from the moment they are 7 years old.

Who is allowed to keep

Fasting is allowed for people who have reached maturity, both physical and psychological. If the child has passed the stage of puberty and he is ready for fasting, then he can fast.

Who can not fast:

  • A traveler, if he is at least 86 km away from his native places.
  • Sick person.
  • Pregnant woman.
  • Breastfeeding mother.
  • Small children.
  • Old people who are unable to fast.
  • People who have lost their minds.

Suhoor and iftar

You can take food inside only until dawn. Suhoor (eating before dawn) is extremely important for the fasting person, as it fills him with strength and energy, which are necessary for fasting. It is useful to eat at this time dishes prepared from products containing complex carbohydrates. fresh salads, whole grain bread, fruits, dried fruits, cereals - all this will have a beneficial effect on the state of the fasting person. You should also remember about fish, meat and eggs. You can drink sour-milk drinks with food.

Iftar is the meal that takes place after the sun has set. It is recommended to eat dates after sunset, drink clean water and start praying. All food consumed by a Muslim during Iftar should be wholesome and healthy.

It is worth limiting the amount of heavy, fried foods, as well as flour products. A moderate amount of sweets, quality meat, fresh vegetable or fruit salads are allowed. But you should refrain from eating fast food, confectionery, flour, sausage products. Such food will be rapidly absorbed by the body, which will cause a person to quickly feel hungry.

“Allahumma lakya sumtu wa ‘alaya rizkykya aftartu wa ‘alaykya tavakkaltu va bikya aamant. Ya waasi'al-fadli-gfir liy. Al-hamdu lil-lyahil-lyazii e‘aanani fa sumtu wa razakani fa aftart.

“O Lord, I fasted for You (for the sake of Your pleasure with me) and, using Your blessings, I broke my fast. I hope in You and I believe in You. Forgive me oh One whose mercy is infinite. Praise be to the Almighty, Who helped me to fast and fed me when I broke my fast.”

Scientists have long proven the fact that fasting in the holy month has a beneficial effect on human health, it also cleanses and illuminates the human soul, filling it with light and wisdom. Ramadan is a great mercy of Allah, and no Muslim should forget about it.