After the film " The night Watch Some of the participants in the filming were overtaken by misfortunes

After the death of celebrities, many begin to talk about secret omens and mystical coincidences. Food for such reflections is often provided by the creativity of the artists themselves. In the case of the death of the singer and actress Zhanna Friske, it was not without mysticism either.

Friske recorded one of her last songs as a duet with singer and composer Dmitry Malikov. It contained the following lines: “Snow falls quietly on the palm of your hand and melts, it’s not easy for me now, I miss you so much.”

Malikov believes that these touching words became prophetic. The song was recorded at the moment when Jeanne was leaving for the USA, she had a very difficult birth, and then she suddenly fell ill. Malikov told LifeNews that the news of Friske's death shocked and shocked him.

The mysterious overtones appeared in many of Jeanne's famous songs - she sang about loneliness, flight into the darkness, the icy beat of the heart in the labyrinth of rooms ...

"La la la"

Let's go there with you
Where there is neither snow nor rain
Where we stay together
Where we'll be just you and me

"I'm flying into the dark"

Lots of light
That's what I think about darkness
This city
Brighter in your lights than in the world
Flock to the night
They sit down on the magic shine
Someone, and I already

I'm flying into the dark
And pour on the fly
I'm flying into the dark
And pour on the fly

"Chunks of ice on the lips"

I know what's going on
When labyrinthine rooms
Yesterday goes into darkness
Nothing happened again
While it's quietly knocking inside me
One icy heart: knock, knock, knock

Zhanna Friske played the witch Alice in The Night Watch, a film adaptation of the science fiction novel by Sergei Lukyanenko. The actors of this film were haunted by misfortune. Maria Poroshina (sorceress Svetlana) almost broke her leg right during the filming process, and her colleague Anna Dubrovskaya, who played the vampire Larisa, fell ill with a temperature of forty degrees. Rimma Markova was hospitalized with pneumonia. Artist leading role Konstantin Khabensky was bitten by a Doberman. And at the very beginning of filming, Khabensky's father died of a cancerous tumor. Lost his father and film producer Alexei Kublitsky.

The expert of the Invisible Man project on the TV-3 channel, Aida Martirosyan, predicted Zhanna Friske's illness two years before the star was diagnosed with an illness. There are witnesses to this prophecy. She said: "I see a clot of dark energy near the singer."

Since the day when the whole country learned that Jeanne had cancer, Aida did not give predictions about her. Only the other day she confessed to our publication why she behaved this way.

“There was a clear understanding that something terrible was about to happen,” Aida Martirosyan told us. - Well, how could I say it? It's like a doctor telling a patient that he has little chance. But I am sure that a person can change his fate even at the most critical moment. There was history in my practice. A young woman came to the reception, showed a photo of her mother, saying: “She is alive and well, but I feel some strange anxiety about her ...” I looked at the picture and clearly saw that the threat of a car accident hung over this woman - under the car hit. And I said to the patient: “It will be good if your mother goes to the countryside for the next couple of months, away from big city". The next time this girl came three months later. She said that her mother lives in the country. “And you know, because my fear for her life disappeared!” she told me. I looked at the photo again - no dark spots, a clean line of fate and long life. Threat to life in pretty young age- this is a challenge. But, if it is adequately experienced, death can be avoided. That woman from the photograph behaved correctly - she listened to her daughter, moved out of town, thought about her soul, perhaps she began to read the right books - this is useful and effective.

Approximately the same story with Zhanna, - continues the psychic. She completely rethought her life. And as if reborn, began life with clean slate. I came to faith in God - not ostentatious, but true. There is such a thing as “seeing the light of the soul”, this is what happened to Friske.

- They say that any disease is a retribution for sins. What did the beloved artist do wrong before heaven?

- Having achieved great success on stage, Jeanne began to consider herself the chosen one, she looked down on "mere mortals". But this is pride ... But now, I assure you, everything in her life will be fine.

- How can a person understand whether he lives correctly?

“You have to listen to your inner voice. It is better that the conversation with oneself takes place in a quiet place, in nature, when there is no one around. You need to relax and start mentally asking yourself questions, and the inner "I" - intuition or your guardian angel, everyone calls it in their own way - will begin to give answers. The subconscious always gives us clues, we just often do not know how to feel and listen.

- Tell us how you began to see the future?

My grandfather was a clairvoyant. He passed away when I was very young. Literally a few hours before his death, I went up to him, stroked his hand - and suddenly fell, lost consciousness and, as my parents later said, did not come to my senses for about forty minutes. Obviously, this is how the gift of my grandfather passed to me. I was three years old. Once my mother and I were walking down the street, towards us - a neighbor from the lower floor. When she walked by, I suddenly said to my mother: “And this aunt will die soon.” And just two weeks later, the neighbor really died.

Perhaps the first in Russia about Zhanna Friske's illness was Aida Martirosyan, a hereditary fortuneteller, an expert on the Invisible Man program on TV-3. Interestingly, this happened two years before the popular singer was diagnosed with brain cancer. Then Aida managed to see a certain "clot of dark energy" next to Zhanna. The fortuneteller claimed that Friske's illness was allegedly "retribution for sins", since the singer, having achieved success in show business, began to consider herself "chosen" and look down on "ordinary mortals". However, Martirosyan, in an interview with the Sobesednik in August 2014, stated that Zhanna had "cleaned up" and now "she will be fine." The fortuneteller's mistake turned out to be tragic - the singer died less than a year after these words.

The causes of Jeanne's illness, according to psychic Maxim Gordeev, lie in the envy of loved ones. Immediately after Friske's relatives confirmed her diagnosis, the psychic said that one of her close friends was to blame for the illness - supposedly after the birth of Plato, Zhanna's weakened body could not bear the evil eye sent. Gordeev, unlike other psychics, did not make positive predictions and immediately declared that the singer had practically no chances, and all that remained was to hope for strength of mind.

Psychic from Nizhny Novgorod Yulia Sesorova joined the discussion of the causes of Zhanna Friske's illness also after the singer's diagnosis was confirmed. Surprisingly, the psychic made several predictions that later came true - although she was mistaken in the main thing, saying that Friske would be able to recover. “I see the road. Most likely, she will leave New York to other doctors, to another clinic. But only Zhanna herself can overcome the disease. If she overcomes her despondency, believes in herself, at the same time frees herself completely from work and gives her body a rest, then she has every chance to get better, ”Sesorova said in January 2014, after news of a terrible diagnosis. Indeed, Friske was treated not only in New York, but also in clinics in Russia and China.

Psychics predicted the death of Zhanna Friske

Svetlana Proskuryakova, a participant in the Battle of Psychics, also contributed to the discussion of the causes of Zhanna Friske's death, according to which ordinary spoilage became the cause of the terrible illness and death of the singer. “Oncology is a corruption, a disease of all public people,” the psychic believes. Note that earlier the same clairvoyant claimed that Friske even with terrible diagnosis could live a long time. The fact that Proskuryakova and other psychics were mistaken seems to be obvious, but Svetlana herself does not think so - after Zhanna's death, she stated that her prediction was accurate, since two years of life for brain cancer is really "long".

According to psychic Darya Mironova, real reason Zhanna Friske's death was the singer's decision to celebrate her 40th birthday. “She died at 40. This is a very bad number. This is such a difficult date, a turning point, - says Mironova. The psychic claims that the 40th anniversary is such a difficult date that it is impossible to celebrate it, and by deciding to celebrate the holiday, Friske brought trouble on herself. “She celebrated her 40th birthday, and they don’t celebrate it. Even then, she knew that she would soon be gone, that this was her last birthday. It was fatal mistake- that she celebrated her anniversary. The percentage that she would survive was very small. But if she had survived the milestone of 41 years, she would have lived long enough. She fought to the last. Courageously. Zhanna suffered, suffered, the disease ate her, ”said the psychic.

For more than a day, the world has been mourning Zhanna Friske. Many people ask themselves: why was such a terrible test sent to this young, talented and successful woman? Could this tragedy have been avoided?

One of those who tried to explain what happened was an analyst of the probability of events and the winner of the sixth season of the TV project "Battle of Psychics" Alexander Litvin, reports Day.Az with reference to

On your page in social network he shared: “I received a lot of questions in connection with the departure of Zhanna Friske. People are wondering how this was possible? Why? Why does a person leave in the prime of life? , some were inclined to think that it was the role of the witch in the film "Night Watch" that led to sad consequences and gave examples of the film adaptation of "The Master and Margarita", during the filming of which the actors experienced some kind of impact. Some decided that this was just karma, fate. Yes , fate in our life is of no small importance, but a person always has a choice.

Today I decided to talk a little about how the interaction of the forces of nature affects us. As an example, I will cite very famous and successful people whose fate quite clearly reflects the impact of the profession on life expectancy. If anyone remembers, in my lectures I said that we are born with a certain set of energies that are encrypted in our dates of birth. This barcode is ours performance characteristics. It determines our abilities and it can be used to calculate, without straining intuition, the dangerous aspects of being.

Any type of activity, just like a person, has a certain set of characteristics, and these characteristics affect the person who is engaged in this type of activity. In some cases, working moments strengthen a person, in others they destroy. And that is why I single out the choice of a profession as the most important element of a successful and harmonious existence of a person.

I will take three people as an example: two have already left this life, and one person is still alive.
Steven Paul "Steve" Jobs (eng. Steven Paul "Steve" Jobs; February 24, 1955). You all know him, he managed to do a lot for humanity in terms of communications. Nature endowed him with a high level of intuition and childish curiosity, seasoned with fearlessness.

The second character is Angelina Jolie Pitt (Eng. Angelina Jolie Pitt, at the birth of Voight; born June 4, 1975, Los Angeles). A magnificent actress, with a unique spiritual plasticity and the mind of a thinker.

And our dear Zhanna Friske July 8, 1974, Moscow, USSR - June 15, 2015. Extremely strong-willed and strong man, who, in principle, does not have the energy of a servant and a jester, who overcame her energy as an invader of territories and became a screen star.

What is common in the fate of these people? Code! The year of their birth ends with the numbers 5 and 4. These are not just numbers, this is a characteristic indicating that their carriers belong to the category creative people.

These figures reflect the ability to actively absorb and reflect the green spectrum, or, as Chinese esotericists say, these are carriers of plant energy. The second thing that unites them is that they all worked in the field of high energies, communications operating on the basis of an electrical signal, on the energy of fire! What will happen if you constantly keep the fire next to the plant and prevent the night from falling? The plant will suffer high temperatures, and it will be extremely difficult for him to survive in such conditions.

The first character lasted long enough. He was born in February, and the energy of February is the energy of water, and it is impossible to quickly evaporate this water, and Jobs managed to stay in this life for a long time. But still he's in the stats medium duration life did not fit.

Jolie, as a person prone to medicine, sounded the alarm in a very timely manner and is trying to extend her earthly path.

For Zhanna, born in July, in the energy of light and already having the potential for autoimmune processes in connection with this, work in show business was a catalyst for internal processes and turned light into fire.

All three are very bright people, but the brightness of the fire depends on the strength of the fire. And the fire for them was fatal. Was it possible to avoid its influence or somehow protect yourself? Can! In the case of actresses, this is care for theater stage. Not in the cinema, but in the theater. There is only light and practically no fire.

In the case of Jobs, periodic vacations in the East, in the jungle, living in wooden houses. And in all three cases, a specialized diet that creates a protective cocoon that allows you to work in a dangerous profession, like in some kind of spacesuit.

Died on the night of June 16 Russian singer Zhanna Friske. The news of the artist's death was announced by her father.

After long struggle with brain cancer Zhanna Friske has died. According to the website, a week before her death, the singer stopped recognizing her relatives, and spent the last two days unconscious.

According to doctors, Jeanne's health began to deteriorate two months ago. The doctors who watched the singer's well-being foresaw her death a week before and did not hide the disappointing forecasts, so they advised the singer's relatives and friends to stay next to her for the weekend.

A terrible disease has changed Zhanna Friske beyond recognition

Biography of Zhanna Friske

Since childhood, Jeanne has been a creative person - she danced in ballet school, went to sports dances, did acrobatics and rhythmic gymnastics.

After school, she entered the Moscow Institute of Culture at the choreographic department, at the same time she studied law at Moscow State University. But none of these educational institutions never finished.

She worked as a dance teacher, in the 90s she took the name of her grandmother - Paulina Friske, and in 1996 she began creative career in show business. Zhanna became the soloist of the popular group "Brilliant".

In 2003 Zhanna started solo career. In 2005 she released her debut album Zhanna.

In 2004, she first appeared in the movie Night Watch, where she played a witch. In 2005, she starred in the continuation of the fantastic saga - Day Watch. After that, she played in several more films - “What Men Talk About”, “New Year's Matchmakers”, “Who Am I?”, “Point Doc. Ten last days”, “”.

She participated in the TV projects "Circus with the Stars", "Heart of Africa", "Empire", " glacial period", "Last Hero".

In 2011-2012, she hosted the reality show Vacation in Mexico.

In 2011, it became known about Zhanna Friske's romance with host Dmitry Shepelev. At the end of 2013, they had a child, who was named Plato.

During her career, Zhanna Friske won many prizes and awards - she became the winner of the MTV Russia Movie Awards 2006 in the nomination "For Best Actress" (in the film "Day Watch", winner of the World Fashion Awards 2010 and 2012, music awards Muz-TV 2007 and Golden Gramophone 2010.

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16.06.2015 11:42

Not always prophecies concern only other people. Sometimes psychics see their own future. It happened...