Prepared by: teacher primary school

Sokirko Irina VasilievnaSounds like magic music

Moderator: Dear viewers,

Do you want to see the story?

Familiar, surprisingly

But with creative additions!

2 storytellers come out. Music sounds softly

1st speaker. The world is now like in a good fairy tale

All wrapped up in rain and serpentine.

Under the flickering sparks of Bengal

Quietly melting old year like smoke!

2nd speaker. The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it -

Good fellows lesson!

Listen to the story guys

Celebrate the New Year with her!

1st storyteller

Three maidens by the window
Were spinning late in the evening.

(The first is eating a bun, the second is embroidering, the third is looking around;

2nd storyteller

The three of them gathered

Talk about yours.


If only I were a queen,

one girl says

I would at any time of the year

I was only into fashion.

By its thin figure,

I would have had three sheepskin coats:

Mini, maxi, which is cooler,

And the perfume is only Gucci

2 girl:

If only I were a queen,

Her sister says

The bridegroom would find herself

The house is huge with a mezzanine,

Near the poplar house,

And carpets and pianos

in a hill to make crystal!

Polish furniture in the kitchen

Things super-duper, yes!

Money wallet swells

Six hundredth Mercedes!

2 narrator:

Well, you are a beautiful girl,

If you were a queen
What would you be proud of
What would you do then?

3 girl:

I would have a father-king

I would take care and love
I would sit next to him
I would look at him forever!
1 storyteller:

The hour of midnight was approaching

There was a clatter in the yard:

Enter five heroes,

Five ruddy mustaches.

Grooms at least for selection

here is a cat and a water old fat and lame.

Gingerbread Man, Evil Wolf, scientist cat in chains

Everyone is smart, modest, decent

And they are all well dressed.

Everyone is a noble gentleman!

Virgos are lucky now!

One two three four five,-

1 girl:

Yes, of course, Water,
Old, fat and lame...
But in the hands of all power
The fish, however, are not in the sweet spot.
Gives all orders
Will only does not give!
2 girl:

Maybe wed with a devil?
Good fellow, friend of the forests,
Ringing bird voices.
And poetry lover
And the spectators of football matches ...
Loves to roam
To start in the thicket of the forest
And about the fact that no stake
And he doesn't have a house.
He only knows how to sing sweetly! ..
Where, what will I live on?
Bitterly cry and grieve?
Well, I do not! I won't!
Better will, but your own!

3 girl:

Vaughn Koschey is always rich,
Expensive dressing gown on him,
Eats on gold, silver,
Travels everywhere. Only Koschey is always stingy,
Even melt water
All subject to accounting
The one that runs in the spring ...
And he suffers from boredom -
The whole neighborhood knows it...
1 girl looks at the kolobok.

What kind of animal are you, what kind of fish?
Either you are a fruit, a vegetable, or
Are you a frog or a cancer?

1 Narrator:

Kolobok answered them:
Are you out of your mind, or not?

Hardened while rolling
Through the forests and down the valleys.
Burnt and tanned
I became hard as a rock.

The girls thought.

Maybe the wolf will come in handy, the cat meowed importantly.


There is money and appearance

Will not offend anyone!

1 girl

He has a huge eye!
This time.

2 girl

big head!
This is two.

3 girl
And fangs stick out, look!
It's three.

In general, you are not in the yard,

get away good

1 storyteller

Suitors have turned

went home

And according to everything again

They began to live and live.

Outside the window the dawn woke up

She winked and smiled.

Everyone went home

Modern towers.

And dreams are like stars from the sky

Do not ask for bread in the morning.

To know the price of those dreams

It would be easier, maybe for us.

2 storyteller

Quickly the tale is told
And the misfortune lasts a long time ...
Maybe some girls
This story will come in handy!

Instructive tales new way.

Scenario of an instructive tale in a new way "Fox with a rolling pin"

Hen wooden
Wooden kid

There was a beauty fox
Walked alone in the forest
Oh what is it?
Yes, this is a rock.

There was a beauty fox
Walked alone in the forest
The fox walked along the path
Found a rock.
Whose is this house? I'll come.
Suddenly something delicious

Hello wolf. Maybe I'll sleep with you. Just where should I go.
And lie down on the stove.
No wolf. I have a rock. No matter what happened to her. I'll lie down on a bench, tail under the bench, up a rolling pin under the stove.

fell asleep. I'll throw a rolling pin into the stove, and tell the wolf that he stole it

I slept well. Well, I'll go. Yes, where is my rolling pin?
Maybe rolled up where? Let's search. No, I don't see a rock anywhere. Do not be angry with me, Fox, but do not tell anyone that I stole it.
Then who?
Take, Fox, a chicken by the rolling pin.
Farewell wolf.

There was a beauty fox
Walked alone in the forest
The fox walked along the path
Found a rock.
Lisonka took a goat for a hen.
Whose is this house?
Seems like a man.
I'll go I'll go.
Hello little sister fox. Come on, be a guest.
Hello Man. Maybe I'll sleep with you. Just where should I go.
And lie down on the stove.
No Man. I have a goat. No matter what happened to him. I will lie down on the bench, the tail under the bench, and the goat under the stove.
A daughter appears and spies on Lisa.

fell asleep. I’m shooting a goat, and I’ll tell the Man that he ate it.
Papa, the fox ate the kid and wants to tell you everything.
Oh, she's mean! Well, nothing, she will get it from me. Go to bed, daughter. Everything will be fine.
The daughter is leaving.
I'll put the evil dog in her bag. Get the Fox!
Morning has come.
Good morning, Fox. How did you sleep?
I slept well. Well, I'll go. Yes, where is my goat?
Maybe he ran away? Let's search. No, I don't see a goat anywhere. Do not be angry with me, Fox, but do not tell anyone that I stole it.
Then who? Give me a goat girl
Take, Fox, a girl for a goat.
Farewell, Man.

There was a beauty fox
Walked alone in the forest
The fox walked along the path
Found a rock.
The little fox took the chicken by the rolling pin.
Lisonka Kozlik took for the hen,
Lisonka took a girl for a goat.
Well, girl, sing songs.
Woof woof woof
Now I'll sing you woof-woof-woof
You will know how good people yes animals to deceive
Woof woof woof.

Guys, do you feel sorry for Lisa?
Kindness is rewarded with kindness.

Scenario new fairy tale for children "Parsley to hunt a lion"

Characters: Petrushka, grandmother, policeman, tiger, queen.
Props: lace-lasso, alarm clock.

There are three calls.

Hello! Is everyone gathered? Those who have not yet come, let them shout "Hurrah!" three times.
The children are screaming.

Oh, well, you jokers! But I have no time: I have to go help my grandmother. Grandmother! Grandmother!

Well, what do you want, Petrushka? I'm in such a hurry!

Do we have guests today?

Yes, your aunt and uncle will come to us.

Oh no, sitting with guests all day is too tiring. Can I go for a walk?

Wonderful! If you go for a walk, I can calmly go about my business. But be careful not to get into trouble. (Petrushka and grandmother go in different directions.)

COP (coming out and ringing a big alarm clock, stops in the middle of the stage).
I announce to the entire population of our short-lived country that a ferocious tiger has escaped from the circus and is walking free. Whoever manages to catch this monster alive will receive a hundred coins from the queen as a reward. Whoever delivers the tiger dead will receive ten coins. (Goes to the corner of the stage, repeats his announcement again and leaves, ringing the alarm.)

Hello again! What happened here?

What? One hundred coins? Really? Here my grandmother will be delighted. Just think what a wonderful feast she will then arrange for her uncle and aunt! One hundred coins! I have to get them. Hm. I have a lace. It would be nice to get a stick too. I'll go and look. (Walks around the stage twice. A tiger appears in front of him and sniffs loudly.)
Petrushka (almost bumping into a tiger, at the last moment jumps aside and runs off to the opposite end of the stage). Hello monster! You came too early. Wait, please, I need to find some kind of stick.

The tiger continues to walk towards Petrushka, its mouth wide open, and growls softly.

Oh, my head is gone! And I dreamed of a luxurious treat for guests. No, it looks like I'm going to be someone's treat myself today.

The tiger continues to approach Petrushkau. This moment should not be delayed so as not to keep the children in suspense for too long. The length of the pause depends on the age and emotionality of the audience. In the end, Petrushka jumps onto the lion's back.

That's better! I love galloping.

The tiger stops and looks around in bewilderment.

Wait a little. Have you never heard of a great hunter named Petrushka, who is the best at throwing a lasso? (He takes out a cord and wraps it around the lion's mouth. Then he takes the ends of the cord in his hands like reins and chases the tiger.)

How to get to the circus?

COP (coming on stage).
What is this? Petrushka caught a tiger?

Yes Yes. Nothing surprising. Show me how to get to the circus.
Police officer. Forward, then natigro, and then right. There in the middle large area see the circus.

It's clear. Turn around you, straight ahead, then on the tiger side to the right, and here it is a circus.

Police officer.
No, Petrushka.

Well then sit down here and show the way. There is enough space for two on this yellow sofa. You show, and I will rule. But-oh-oh! (Does a few circles around the stage and disappears.)
Petrushka and the policeman take the stage again.

Well, what are we going to do now?

COP (significantly).
Now you must come with me to the queen. He will give you a reward.

Of course, of course, one hundred thousand billion coins.

Here comes my cop. Who is with him? I hope not another bandit?

Police officer.
Your Majesty, this is Petrushka. He caught a terrible tiger alive. Together we took the beast back to the circus.

Guys, is this true?

Children. Yes!

Well, then you are a real hero, Mr. Petrushka! May I ask who you work for?

Petrushka (bowing).
I work... Uh... I really don't know. Today I was a lion hunter, and what I will be tomorrow, I still do not know.

OK let's see. Anyway, you earned a hundred coins from me as a gift.

Yes, and I will give all the money to my grandmother.

Do with them as you wish. (Gives Petrushka money.)

Petrushka (bowing).
Thank you dear queen. Can I run to my grandmother?

Queen. Certainly!

Everyone leaves.

Parsley (running out again).
Oh, how hungry I am! Well, nothing, my grandmother probably saved a piece of cake for me. See you guys. Tra-la-la, labor-lu-lu...

Interesting scenario old fairy tale in a new way "Wolf and seven kids"

The curtain opens. The presenters appear: the storyteller and the storyteller.

Today we will show you:

"A wolf and seven kids, but in a completely new way"

Storyteller: Like a river at the edge

A goat lived in a hut.

And beautiful and sweet.

The mother was a goat.

Storyteller: Her children grew up -

Very cute goats.

The mother loved the children

And taught to manage:

Clean house and yard

Sweep the floor with a broom

Turn on the lights in the kitchen

Heat the stove, cook dinner.

Goats could do everything

These weird kids.

The mother praised the children

Mother told the children:

Mom goat: You are my goats,

You are my children

I know, I believe that now

Everything will work out for you!

Storyteller: In the morning the goat got up

And raised the kids

They were fed and watered

And went to the market.

And the goats were waiting for her...

But without mom did not miss:

Songs were sung, danced,

They played different games.

Storyteller: He lived in a dense forest

Frowning Gray wolf with a tail.

He lived alone, without a mother.

Howling loudly at night

And he missed ... In the forest he

It was sad for one

Wolf: - U-U-U, U-U-U...

Oh, how sad one ...

U-u-u, u-u-u...

Oh, how sad one ...


Storyteller: Once a wolf was walking in the forest

And I saw goats.

The goats sang a song,

Fast kids:

1st kid: - We are funny guys,

We play hide and seek all day

And we dance and we sing

And the house dances with us!

2nd kid: Mommy will come soon,

Bring us guests!

Every day and every hour

We have a lot of fun!

Narrator: The wolf sat behind a tree

And looked into all eyes ...

He couldn't contain himself

He started laughing out loud.

Wolf: - I wish I had such kids,

I would be terribly happy!

Storyteller: The wolf quickly ran into the yard

And tied the goats

All to one rope,

And he took me home.

Here he is walking through the forest

Leads everyone along

Storyteller: And the goats deftly

They tangle the rope.

Storyteller: The wolf is tired of pulling the kids,

Wanted to take a break.

Storyteller: Suddenly three honey agarics meet -

Three beautiful children

Honey mushrooms: What have you done, villainous wolf!?

He stole children from a goat!

Here she comes home

It's going to be hard for you!

How to steal kids!

Storyteller: Cuckoos scream from the tree

Cuckoos: What have you done, villainous wolf?!

He stole children from a goat!

Here she comes home

It's going to be hard for you!

Will you, shameless, know

How to steal kids!

Storyteller: And from the clearing - two daisies,

And from the bush - three insects,

Three gray rabbits

Everybody scream, scream, scream

Daisies, Insects, Rabbits: What have you done, villainous wolf?!

He stole children from a goat!

Here she comes home

It's going to be hard for you!

Will you, shameless, know

How to steal kids!

Storyteller: The wolf was terribly frightened,

Blushed and confused:

Wolf: - I did not want to offend them,

I wanted to see them more often

I didn't want to scare them

I would like to play with them...

After all, in my empty house

Very boring alone.

You goats, forgive me!

You go home to yourself

I will walk you home.

I am very ashamed now!

3rd kid: - Okay, gray, we forgive ...

We invite you to visit our house,

Let's meet our mom

Let's have a festive dinner!

4th kid: With mommy we can do everything,

We can go everywhere with her.

Every day and every hour

We have our mother.

5th kid: How do we understand you!

We know very well

That without a mother the house is empty,

What is sad without a mother in the house

6th kid: If we are friends,

Will you visit us often?

It will be more fun to live

Stop howling at night!

Storyteller: And a merry crowd

Everyone headed home.

They see - mom at the gate

They are awaited with great anxiety

7th kid: - Mom! Mother! We came!

They brought a guest to our house!

He is alone in the world

He doesn't have a mom.

Mom goat: So be it, - said mom, -

Let him play with you.

Here the door is open for everyone

If you are not scary beast!

Narrator: The gray wolf smiled!

The gray wolf laughed!

He found his friends

It will be more fun with them!

Also, most importantly

He has a mom too!

The wolf, mother goat and kids perform a cheerful dance.


The ghostly garments of electric light that gave the city a restless and sleepless beauty are thrown off. In the middle of the Russian land, spread over hundreds of square kilometers, lies great capital. She hid in the blue armor of the June night darkness. Familiar houses have become unrecognizably formidable, quarters have acquired the unity and convexity of bastions, Moscow seems like a fortress - it will become a fortress!
We are leaving Moscow.
The humpbacked, old streets of Presnya cannot accommodate the influx of militia regiments that keep coming. We were stopped. The regiments lined up in one column, the campaign was plowed.
Short time of summer night darkness. The lanterns are extinguished, the black rows of windows are endless. The walls of white houses are vaguely visible, gaps in the starry sky are deep blue between the roofs.
There is a hustle and bustle around us - they crowd on the platforms like that, seeing off their relatives ... The relatives are all here ... “Don't you need something?” - “Thank you, we have everything.” - “Well, maybe they forgot to take something from the house? ..”
The woman stands on tiptoe, she looks into our faces, we see closely this caring and meek motherly face, pale, weeping, - probably, the son herself is already there, from where the morning and evening reports rumble.
Jugs of water, jars of milk, loaves of bread are generously carried out by Krasnaya Presnya to their militia.
It was the same in 1918 in Nyazepetrovsk, in Ufaley. Fighting off the Whites, we then left the Urals, heated by rearguard battles and tired to the point that we fell asleep on the go. We walked along the hilly streets of the old waterways, over which bursts of White Guard artillery roared heavily. Old women and girls, children and pregnant women ran out with buckets of water and ladles of milk. Howling, wailing: half of the plant left with us. But, sobbing and lamenting for the departed husbands and sons, they did not forget to us, strangers, to put into our hands hot pies made of salty dough with fresh berries - strawberries, raspberries ... "Come back soon, falcons!"
And we're back! The companies marched on one front, one next to the other. Machine guns on the company flanks, mounted reconnaissance in front, artillery behind... "And the whites, the whites retreated..." - the accordions sang victoriously. And when the whites tried to linger, the red companies scattered in chains and rushed forward in brisk dashes, machine guns ensured the offensive, cheerful shells of our artillery flew over the heads of the fighters and the accordion player, without stopping dashing music, went on the attack with the company. So the Reds returned to the Urals.
“Come back with victory,” the hot female voices and commanded us from the darkness trusting girlish handshakes...
Red Presnya! The sacred dust of your old streets, heavy and hot, clothes us, the dust that has absorbed so much precious blood...
So it was ... The uprising on Presnya was burning out. "Go away, hide!" - asked the workers of the Bolshevik combatant Mantulin ... "I will never leave you," answered the op. He was shot in front of the windows of the workers' dormitory. And now he has always stayed with us.
The workers of the Mantulin plant formed the main core of our company. There are three generations here - old people, peers, associates of Mantulin. In the same ranks with us are those who, from childhood, have remembered the feat of Mantulin for the rest of their lives. And here is the youth, brought up on stories about this feat. Mantulin's wife and daughter saw us off. One of our fighters is a thick-set, round-headed Oriole with mocking brown eyes- was the brother of Mantulin's wife ...
We stood on this dark, hot street for a long time. Tearful sobs, love promises, vows not to forget and vows to win...
- And they think they can handle us Russians! suddenly exclaimed Kamil Sultanov, a young Kumyk writer.
We have moved, we are walking in Moscow. We rise to the bridges; rails gleam dully under the bridges below, tanks and cannons covered with covers stand on the platforms. We are walking under bridges, trains are roaring over our heads, and it seems that every minute there are a hundred trains to Moscow, a hundred from Moscow ... Moscow works in the dark - this is how hearts work in hot darkness. Suddenly moved apart - hippodromes, squares, airfields. Among the dark parks rise the bars of the new Houses. This is the new Moscow.

The fairy tale "Morozko" remains popular today, although it has been told to children for a very long time. But the modern world requires a new approach even to fairy tales. Therefore, the action of our scenario takes place in the present tense, although it is very reminiscent of a real fairy tale. Unlike the original plot, the lazy sister and stepmother are not punished here. They just don't get presents. This scenario New Year's fairy tale"Frost" is suitable for both high school and schools, and for elementary grades, and even for children from kindergarten. In order to adapt the fairy tale for the younger age category, you just need to change the age of the named sisters and the name of the lesson that Maria teaches.

Actors and entourage

Since the scenario involves action in modern world, then the scenery must be selected appropriate. The characters in the tale are also slightly changed.

Entourage and stage

At the price, you won’t even need to change too many things. The main focus is on the clothes of the characters and the items they use. For each new action, the scenery will change a little, so it's worth preparing a "background" for each of them in advance. For this, several large sheets of whatman paper are suitable, which depict overall picture where the events take place in this moment- apartment, forest, hunting lodge.


Act one

scene one

The scene begins in a city apartment owned by Antonina Pavlovna. There are two girls in the room.

Nastasya finishes cleaning, sets the table and, at the same time, runs to the kitchen to check if dinner is ready. Maria sits at the table, "nods" and pretends to solve a problem in higher mathematics. Enter Antonina Pavlovna. Stepmother: Masha, well, did your math? Maria: Of course, mommy. But she is so uninteresting, barely finished! Tired already. You all sit and sit. Take a walk now... Stepmother: Well done, daughter. You did a good job, you can go for a walk. Just eat here. Maria: Nastya hasn't done anything yet! Stepmother: So, Nastasya, why is dinner not ready yet and the table is not set? Nastasya: Antonina Pavlovna, a couple more minutes, almost everything is ready. Stepmother: Here's a lazy person, does absolutely nothing! And for what you only feed? So now father will come, we will eat, and then you will clean everything up here, fold Masha's textbooks and knit a blouse for her, otherwise the child has nothing to walk around! Here, hold on, I brought new yarn. Nastasya: Well, Antonina Pavlovna, it’s already six in the evening, I won’t have time to finish it. It's too much… Stepmother: Nightmare! You are kind to her, but she keeps grumbling and grumbling, and even contradicts her elders and is a terrible lazy person! Now, wait, your father will come, I will tell him to take you to his mother in the village. That's where you belong!

scene two

Anatoly Fedorovich enters the room. Father: Well, girls, how are you doing here? Stepmother: Tolya, your daughter doesn’t do anything at all, and she doesn’t listen to me either. I'm so tired of her! Take her now and take her to the village. It will be more useful there. Father: Right now? Yes, I also didn’t quite fix the car, and it’s already late, it’s dark. Maybe on the weekend? Stepmother: No holidays! Now! I can no longer see this girl, and Mashenka complains about her. Father: Well, if so ... Get ready, daughter, let's go. You will see your grandmother, you will help her with the housework. I'll go, I'll drive the car to the entrance. Gets dressed and leaves the room. Stepmother: You, Nastasya, don’t relax too much there, take the yarn with you and finish the blouse there. And for the holiday, your father will pick you up, so don't forget to prepare homemade cottage cheese and cheese in advance. Here you will bring it. After all, Mashenka needs to eat well. Maria puts dinner on the table and leaves..

Action two

scene one

Morozko, Blizzard with a blizzard and Snowflakes gathered in a bright clearing in the forest. Snowflakes(in unison): Oh, how boring! Winter is very calm... Snowstorm: Indeed, girls, you can’t even turn the snow, Grandfather doesn’t allow ... Snowstorm: And I have nothing to do. Grandfather Morozko, maybe we'll work a little, otherwise we've already sat too long. Morozko: Here are restless! Calm down, I'm telling you. It's not time yet. Snowflakes(in unison): And when will the time be? Morozko: That's when I say, then it will be. Snowstorm: Look, look! We have some people here. Maybe a parrot? Snowstorm: Oh, right! Now there will be work! Snowflakes(in unison): Hurrah! Let's play enough! Morozko: Well, what is it? Like I said, only when I tell you to. And suddenly this good people? Why scare them in vain? Snowstorm: Grandpa, let's check them out! Snowflakes(in unison): Exactly! Let's! And... how do we check? Morozko: What have you already thought up, Vyuzhenka? Snowstorm: I also know how! We will blow cold and snow on them, cover them with hoarfrost ... Then we will adjust the tests - we will call Vochitsa and our sons, We will ask for the river, the Christmas tree. If People are not afraid and try to help them, then they are good people. Snowstorm A: Just the way I wanted it. Thanks, girlfriend! Morozko: Tests, then ... Well, it sounds good! Snowflakes, fly to call the Wolf. We'll start right here. Only obey me in everything and do not be too zealous until I tell you!

scene two

Maria and her father are in a car. Already in the forest, not far from the village where the grandmother lives, the car finally breaks down and they get out.

Father: Well, it's broken. There was no need to listen to Antonina, they would have left tomorrow morning. I could fix the car. And the phone, unfortunately, does not work. Nastya: And I'm completely discharged ... Yes, okay, dad. Let's go on foot, it's not far from here. There, in the village, let's go to my grandmother's neighbor, Uncle Kolya. He definitely has all the parts. You will spend the night with your grandmother, and in the morning with Uncle Kolya, fix the car and go home. Father: No, daughter, it won't work like that. How much snow do you see? And your boots are thin. I'll go myself - it will be faster. Nastya: How are you? No, let's go together. I'm afraid to let you go alone. Father: I'm telling you - I'll get there faster. I'll leave you a thermos of tea and a few sandwiches. I think I can do it in two hours. You sit in the hunting lodge, it will be warmer there. Nastya: Okay, dad, just be careful, don't get lost. Father: Okay, I'll be careful. Well, everything. I went, go to the house, lock it up and don't open it to anyone.

scene three

Anatoly Fyodorovich leaves. Nastya goes to the house. She needs to go near the River. river: Girl, help me please. Nastasya: Oh, who's here? Who is speaking? river: This is a river. Don't be afraid, tonight is a magical night and I can talk. Nastasya: Well, if so ... And how can I help you? river: Over there, a little further, a log lies, blocking the path to the water. I'm small and wintery, I can't move it myself. Try you. Nastasya(to himself): It's strange how... The river is talking... Maybe I fell asleep? And moving a log is not difficult. He goes to the log, pushes it out of the water. river: Oh, thank you! You good girl. Nastasya: My pleasure. I didn't do anything special. Goodbye, I'll go to the house, warm up. river: Goodbye. Thank you. Nastya goes further. Almost near the entrance to the house is a small spruce. Herringbone: Oh, it hurts. Help somebody! Nastasya: Is there anyone else here? Herringbone: It's me, Elochka. Don't be surprised. We are in a fairy meadow on a magical night. Nastasya: You asked for help. What's happened? Herringbone: Someone broke my branch, it hurts terribly. Can you bind? Nastasya: Since there is no need to be surprised, then, of course, I will try. He takes off his scarf and carefully ties up the broken branch. Herringbone: Thanks a lot! You saved me. After all, almost no one happens here, only hooligans sometimes wander in to steal a Christmas tree from the forest for the New Year. Nastasya: Please, Christmas tree. Be healthy. Next time you prick them with needles so that they don’t climb. Herringbone A: I will definitely take the advice. Well, run into the house, warm yourself. Nastya enters the house, closes the lock. Through a short time hears a knock. Nastasya: Who's there? Dad, is that you? She-wolf: This is a she-wolf with children. Let us warm up. Nastasya: My dad asked me not to open it to anyone. But how can they not let you in, because it's cold there. She-wolf enters with two wolves. She-wolf: Thank you. cubs: Yeah, do you have something to eat? She-wolf: That's ill-bred! You came to visit, what kind of talk is that! Nastasya: I have some sandwiches, would you like? cubs: We want, come on! (quickly eat sandwiches). Oh how delicious! What else is there? Nastasya: There is tea. Do you drink this? cubs A: Haven't tried it yet. Come on too. She-wolf: Yes, children. What needs to be said? cubs: Thank you! She-wolf: We are very grateful to you, girl. Warmed up a little, and now you need to go. Nastasya: You're welcome. Come again!

scene four

The family of wolves leaves. The knock is heard again. Nastasya opens the door immediately. Nastya: Oh, I thought it was dad. Are you the real Santa Claus? Morozko: That's what they call me now too. Tell me, honey, is it cold for you here? Nastya(wraps up in a coat): It's not cold at all, grandfather. Frost snaps his fingers, calling for assistants. It's getting colder. Morozko: And now? Nastya(trembling): No, I'm dressed, and in the house ... Morozko(snap of fingers again): Now, isn't it cold at all? Nastya(trembling more and more, hiding his hands in his pockets): No, it's fine. It's winter now... Morozko: Well done! And I was not afraid, and helped all my friends willingly. And your father is brave. For the fact that you are so good, gifts are sure to be put. Nastasya: Which presents? For what? We just went to grandma's... Snowflakes(in unison): Gifts, gifts! Don't give up. Morozko: What would you like? Nastasya: So that dad would come back soon and fix the car. Morozko A: Well, it's easy. Then I'll give you something else from myself. Soon the father returns and sees a new car, his daughter has new boots and a fur coat, Snowstorm and Vyuga did their best - they tied a blouse, and next to it there are many packages with gifts. They, happy, go to their grandmother, then return home. Leading: Nastasya, of course, shares gifts, but neither she nor her father told what happened and where it all came from. And on the first day of the new year, a guy who studies with her sister comes to Nastasya and asks her father for her hand. When a person is good, everything will work out for him! Live like the main character in this fairy tale. Well, if you decide to add something to this scenario, then it will not be superfluous to start by watching the fairy tale "Frost" in the original version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vhU238UyuA

How to sit well with friends, drink beer and discuss last news. But sooner or later, simple gatherings get boring and you need more. You want to have fun and laugh to make the evening even better and brighter. What do you want to play? Maybe in new fairy tales-alterations for drunk company? It is very easy to play roles in such fairy tales. You only need to distribute the roles, and then everything will go by itself. Look at our ideas and try to bring them to life.

Fairy tale - turnip
Every person in our country knows the fairy tale turnip. Yes, my grandfather grew miracle vegetables. Or what is it ... a berry? Not the point. The main thing is that we have the first fairy tale for you and your friends on this occasion.
The story will take place in the form of an impromptu. The presenter reads the text, and when the name of the actor is mentioned in the text, he pronounces his phrase.
Everything is clear and easy. Let's watch.

The words of the actors of the fairy tale:
- turnip (words: tired of waiting)
- grandfather (words: oh, where are my 17 years old)
- grandmother (words: my pancakes are the most delicious)
- granddaughter (words: I love to dance)
- bug (words: better than homeless)
- cat Mashka (words: mur, I like it)
- mouse (words: I'm in a mink)

Leader's words:
Once upon a time there was a grandfather ( oh where are my 17 years old) and grandma ( my pancakes are the best). And they had a granddaughter I love to dance). Granddaughter had a bug dog ( better than being homeless), cat Masha ( moore i like it), and a mouse lived in the subfield ( i'm in a hole). And also had a grandfather ( oh where are my 17 years old) his garden, where he planted vegetables. And he was especially proud of his turnips ( tired of waiting). Autumn came, and it was time to pull out the turnip ( tired of waiting).
Grandfather went ( oh where are my 17 years old) pull out a turnip ( tired of waiting). Pulls pulls, but can not pull! Called grandfather ( oh where are my 17 years old) grandma ( my pancakes are the best). They began to pull together: grandmother ( my pancakes are the best) for grandfather ( oh where are my 17 years old), and grandfather ( oh where are my 17 years old) for the turnip ( tired of waiting). They pull they pull - they can't pull it out!
Then they decided to ask their granddaughter ( I love to dance) to help them. Granddaughter quit her job ( I love to dance) and came to help. The three of them became a turnip ( tired of waiting) drag. They pull, they pull, but she still doesn’t go early.
The bug was sleeping in the barn ( better than being homeless). Her grandfather whistled oh where are my 17 years old). And the four of them began to take out the turnip ( tired of waiting). They pull, they pull, but they still can’t pull it out.
Remembered by granddaughter I love to dance) about your cat ( moore i like it) and called her for help. The five of them began to pull the turnip ( tired of waiting). Pull pull, but she does not climb!
Well, apparently it will have to leave the turnip ( tired of waiting) in the ground - said the upset grandfather ( oh where are my 17 years old). But then a mouse came running i'm in a hole) and said she could help. One, and the mouse ( i'm in a hole) dived underground. Yes, how to bite a turnip ( tired of waiting) that she herself jumped out of the ground!
Grandfather rejoices ( oh where are my 17 years old), grandmother smiles ( my pancakes are the best), the granddaughter is dancing ( I love to dance), bug ( better than being homeless) ran around Mashka ( moore i like it), and the mouse ( i'm in a hole) you yourself heard where she is. Everyone rejoices and has fun, because finally they will eat this delicious turnip ( tired of waiting)!

There are other versions of this tale in a new way. For example, such as in the video below. Watch it to the end and write down the words:

Tale of the Teremok in a new way.
The next fairy tale-alteration is a teremok. Here the actors need to give a word. For them to learn. Since the words are in verse, they learn easily. See:

Fairy tale three sisters.
The next story is called Three Sisters. She is not very popular and not everyone remembers her. But to show it at a holiday or just in the company of friends is a pleasure. We look:

Fairy tale - three little pigs.
Remember the story of the three little pigs? Now you can spend your evenings under this fairy tale and laugh and sow.
This musical fairy tale, and here only everything depends on the actors themselves, who must play and show all the actions that are spoken of in fairy tales.
To listen to the story and download it, follow the links below:

We hope. You liked fairy tales-alterations, and you can have a chic rest with friends, so that later you have something to remember.

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Not bad if the role of the mouse solving the whole problem went to the leader or hero of the occasion. Seven players-characters of the fairy tale Repka take part. The leader assigns roles. The game is suitable for both children and adult company. You can choose the replicas of the heroes - which ones you like best. or come up with your own.

Be careful!
1st player will turnip. When the facilitator says the word "turnip", the player must say "Both-on" or “Both, here I am…”

2nd player will grandfather. When the facilitator says the word "grandfather", the player must say "I would kill" or "I would have killed, e-mae"

3rd player will grandmother. When the facilitator says the word "grandmother", the player must say "Oh-oh" or « Where are my 17 years?

4th player will granddaughter. When the facilitator says the word "granddaughter", the player must say "I'm not ready yet" or "I'm not ready"

5th player will bug. When the host says the word "Bug", the player must say "woof-woof" or "Well, you fucking give, dog work"

6th player will cat. When the facilitator says the word "cat", the player must say "Meow meow" or "Get the dog off the playground! I'm allergic to her fur! I don’t work without valerian!”

7th player will mouse. When the facilitator says the word "mouse", the player must say "Pee" or "All about kay, gore you a mosquito!"

The game begins, the host tells a fairy tale, and the players voice it.

Leading: Dear viewers! See a fairy tale in a new way, don't you want to?

Surprisingly familiar, but with some additions ... in one, well, very rural, area very far from fame, there lived a grandfather.

(Grandfather appears).
Grandfather: I would kill, e-May!
Leading: and the grandfather planted a turnip.
(Repka emerges)
Turnip: Both on! Here I am!
Leading: Our turnip has grown big, big!
(Repka emerges from behind the curtain)
Turnip: Both-na, here I am!
Leading: Grandfather began to pull the turnip.
Grandfather:(Looking out from behind the curtain) Would kill, e-mae!
Turnip: Both-na, here I am!
Leading: Grandfather called Grandma.
Grandfather: I would kill, e-May!
grandma(emerges over the curtain): Where are my 17 years?!
Leading: grandma came...
grandmother: Where are my 17 years old?
Leading: Grandma for grandpa...
Grandfather: I would kill, e-May!
Leading: Grandfather for a turnip ...
Turnip: Both-na, here I am!
Leading: They pull, they pull, they can't pull. Calling Grandma...

grandmother: Where are my 17 years old?
Leading: Granddaughter!
Granddaughter: I'm not ready yet!
Leading: Didn't make up your lips? Granddaughter came...
Granddaughter: I'm not ready yet!
Leading: took care of Grandma...
grandmother: Where are my 17 years old?
Leading: Grandma for Grandpa...
Dedka: I would kill, e-May!
Leading: Grandfather for a turnip ...
Turnip: Both, here I am!
Leading: they pull, they pull - they can’t pull it out ... Granddaughter calls ...
Granddaughter: I'm not ready!
Leading: Bug!
Bug: Well, damn it, give, dog work!
Leading: Bug came running...
Bug: Well, you fucking give, dog work ...
Leading: I took it on my granddaughter ...
Granddaughter:: I'm not ready...
Leading: Granddaughter for Grandma ...
grandmother: Where are my 17 years old?
Leading: Grandma for Grandpa...
Grandfather: I would kill, e-May!
Leading: Grandfather for Turnip ...
Turnip: Both, here I am!
Leading: pull-pull - they can’t pull it out ... took the Bug ...
Bug: Well, you, damn it, give, dog work!
Leading:: Cat!
Cat: Get the dog off the playground! I'm allergic to her fur! I can't work without valerian!
Leading: a cat came running and how it clings to the Bug ...
Leading:: The bug squealed ...
Bug:(screeching) Well, you fucking give, dog work!
Leading: adopted by granddaughter...
Granddaughter: I'm not ready...
Leading: granddaughter - for Grandma ...
grandmother: Where are my 17 years old?
Leading: Grandma - for Grandfather ...
Grandfather: I would kill, e-May!
Leading: Grandfather - for the turnip ...
turnip: Both on!
Leading:: They pull, they pull, they cannot pull. Suddenly, a Mouse appears from the barn with a wide step ...
Mouse: All right, gore you Mosquito?
Leading: Out of necessity, she went out and did it under the Cat.
Cat: Take the dog away. I have an allergy to wool, without valerian - I don’t work!
Leading: How to scream with indignation ... Mouse ... Mouse: All right, gore you a mosquito?
Leading: grabbed a cat, a cat ...
Cat: Remove the dog, I'm allergic to his fur, I can't work without valerian!
Leading: the cat clung to the bug again ...
Bug: Well, you fucking give a dog job!
Leading: The bug grabbed her granddaughter ...
Granddaughter: I'm not ready...
Leading: Granddaughter flies to grandmother ...
grandmother: Where are my 17 years old?
Leading: Grandma broke Grandfather ...
Grandfather: e-May, would have killed!
Leading: here the mouse got angry, pushed the people away, grabbed the tops tightly and pulled out a root crop! Yes, you see, according to all the signs, this is not a simple mouse!
Mouse: All right, gore you a mosquito?
Turnip: Both-na, that's what I am ...
(The turnip jumps out and falls. Wiping her tears, The turnip hits the floor with a hat.)

You can, as a punishment for those who stray, come up with a fine, for example, jump 5 times (for children) or drink a glass (for adults).

Fairy tale "Turnip - 2" - in a new way

Second tale harder topics that in addition to words, each actor needs to make appropriate movements. Therefore, before the fairy tale, right in front of the audience, you can rehearse.

Roles and their description:
turnip- at each mention of her, raises her hands above her head with a ring and says: "Both on".
Grandfather rubs his hands and says: "So-so".
grandma- he waves his fist to his grandfather and says: "I would have killed".
Granddaughter- rests his hands on his sides and says in a languid voice: "I'm ready".
bug- wagging its tail "Bow-wow".
Cat- licks himself with his tongue - "Pshsh-meow."
mouse- hides his ears, covering them with his palms - "Pee-pee-shove."
Sun- stands on a chair and looks, as the story moves to the other side of the "stage".

Fairy tales can be played in the same way "Teremok", "Kolobok" etc.

If you want, you can make masks. Print on a color printer and cut out, enlarging the image to right size- depending on who needs masks (for children or adults).