speech therapy center secondary school No. ______________________________

Teacher speech therapist_______________________________________________________________

speech card

(sample filling for a child with OHP)

1 . Last name, first name, age: ________________________________________________

  1. School ____________________________, Class ____________________
  2. Home address ___________________________________ telephone __________
  3. Date of enrollment at the speech therapy center _______________
  4. Progress in native language(by the time of examination) Beginning of study of the year
  5. Teacher or parent complaints(legal representatives): According to the teacher : inactive in class, shy to speak. According to mother : speaks indistinctly, distorts words, does not remember verses.
  6. The conclusion of the psychiatrist(to be filled in as needed): medical card indicating the date of the examination and the name of the doctor.
  7. Hearing condition checked if necessary.
  8. Data on the course of speech development: According to the mother: words appeared by 2-2.5 years, phrases - by 4-5 years. Speech is incomprehensible to others.
  9. State articulation apparatus (structure, mobility): Building - N. Mobility - hardly holds a given pause and has difficulty switching from one articulatory position to another.
  10. General characteristics of speech(recording of the conversation, independence of coherent statements): In a conversation about the family, the child’s answers may be as follows:! Vanya”, “Mom’s name is Zoya”, “I don’t know” (patronymic), “Dad’s name is Petya”, “I don’t know” (patronymic) , “My sister’s name is Luda”, “At work” (about mom), “Cashier” (to the question - who does she work for?), “I don’t know” (about dad).

A) lexicon : (quantitative and qualitative characteristics). Quantitative characteristic: the total volume of the dictionary. qualitative characteristic: errors in the use of words (replacement in meaning and acoustic similarity). Give examples.

The dictionary is limited by the realities of everyday topics: an insufficient number of generalized words and words related to adjectives, verbs, etc. qualitative characteristic (answers to the tasks presented): lampshade (lamp), hose (water), decanter (bottle), driver (instead of a driver), watchmaker, crane operator (does not know), postman (instead of a postman), glazier (glazier), car (instead of the dictionary transport), boots (instead of footwear), etc.; brave - weak, lies - does not lie, crow - gate, etc.

b) grammar structure:types of sentences used, the presence of agrammatisms.

Give examples (see the recording of the conversation and the connected statement):

The pencil is pulled out from behind a book. The boy jumped into the puddle.

Mn. h., Im. n. - trees, eyes, wings ...

Mn. h., genus. p. - tetrads, vorotknov, donkey ... apple jam; orange water; plush bear.

c) pronunciation and distinction of sounds:

  1. pronunciation of sounds: absence, distortion, replacement and mixing of individual sounds;P - uvular; in the flow of speech L = R (ralek - stall); W=W (lower); W=S; W=W;
  2. discrimination of oppositional soundsyew (watchmaker), goloshin (pea), yaselka (lizard), pa-ba-ba (N), ta-da-da (N), ha-ka-ka (N), for-for-for (zha- zh-za),

cha-cha-cha (cha-cha-cha), cha-cha-cha (cha-sha-cha), ra-ra-ra (ra-la-ra), za-za-za (za-zha-za ), cha-cha-cha (cha-cha-cha), sha-ash-cha (sha-cha-cha), la-la-la (la-ra-ra);

  1. reproduction of words with different sound-syllabic composition (give examples):

ligulivat (regulates); tlansp, stamp (transport); green-green ... (railroad), tradesman (policeman), pussy (orange).

d) pace and intelligibility of speech: speech is slurred and slow.

  1. The level of formation of analysis and synthesis skills sound composition cloak words:How many sounds are there? - "2". 1st sound? - "P". 2nd sound? - "A". 3rd sound? - "A". Name the last sound. - "A". Name the 1st sound. - "T". Name the 3rd sound. - "A".
  2. Letter: presence and character specific errors(mixing and replacing consonants, agrammatisms, etc.) in the written work of students - dictations, presentations, essays performed by them during the initial examination and in the process of remedial education ( written works attached to the speech card). Options:1) reproduces individual printed letters: A, P, M; 2) prints individual words like MAK, MOM.
  3. Reading :

A) reading proficiency level(letter by letter, syllabic, words). Options:

  1. knows individual letters: A, P, M, T;
  2. knows all the letters, but does not read;
  3. reads syllables and monosyllabic words;
  4. reads syllable by syllable, slowly, monotonously; skips vowels, unread words; distorts the syllabic structure of the word; confuses some letters;

b) reading errors: the leaf (leaves) on the trees (trees) turned yellow and turned purple (turned brown). an angry wind whirled (circled) them ... (through) the air.

V) reading comprehension. Options:

  1. hardly understands what the speech therapist reads, retells only with the help of questions;
  2. understands the main content of the story, understands the hidden meaning with difficulty;
  3. is experiencing some difficulty.
  1. Manifestation of stuttering: does not stutter.

A) the alleged cause; the severity of stuttering; situations in which it manifests itself (answers at the blackboard, etc.);

b) the formation of language means;

c) features of the general and speech development(organization, sociability, isolation, impulsiveness)

d) adaptation to the conditions of communication.

  1. a brief description of child according to pedagogical observations

(organization, independence, stability of attention, efficiency, observation, attitude to one’s defect):attention is unstable, reduced efficiency, difficulty switching from one type of activity to another; low level self-control and independence.

17. The conclusion of the teacher-speech therapist. Options: 1 ) HBONR; 2) OHP II - III ur. (these conclusions reflect the level of formation of the oral form of speech).

Speech Correction Results(marked on the map by the time students leave the speech therapy center).

speech card


1. Surname, name

2. Age


1. What pregnancy is the child from

2. The nature of pregnancy (toxicosis, falls, chronic diseases, infectious diseases ...)

3. Childbirth (early, term, rapid, dehydrated ...)

4. Stimulation (mechanical, chemical, electrical stimulation…)

5. When I screamed

6. Asphyxia (white, blue)

7. Rh factor (compatibility)

8. Weight at birth

9. Feeding:

a) when they brought food

b) how he took the breast

c) how to suck

d) whether regurgitation, choking were observed

10. On what day did you leave the hospital, if you were late, why


1. Holds his head with/1.5 months/

2. Sitting since /6 months/

3. Costs from /10 months/

4. Walks from /11-12 months/

5. First teeth / 6-8 months /

6. Past diseases:

Up to a year...

After a year….


Bruises, head injuries...

Convulsions at high temperature ....

7. speech history:

Cooing……../2 months/

Babble…../6 months/

First words…./by 12 months/

The first phrases .... / by 1.5-2 years /

Was speech development interrupted ... ..

Speech environment………

Has the child been involved with a speech therapist before ......

Attitude towards speech...


1. Observation of behavior during the examination ...

2. State of auditory attention:

*show what toy sounded

*following 2-3 step instructions (open your mouth and close your eyes,…..)

3. Visual perception

* primary colors (quantity)

* tint colors

* selection of pictures for a color background ...

4. Orientation in space:

a) in own body- right, left side

b) in space - right left side

c) up, down, front, back

5. Orientation in time:

*Morning afternoon Evening Night

*Yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow

*First, then, now

6. Distinguishing geometric shapes:

a) active

b) in liabilities

7. Account: straight


counting operations

8. Logical thinking

A) allocation of the 4th extra:

cat, dog, duck, mouse

cat, wolf, dog, cow.

b) classification of objects: say in one word:

Sweater, dress, shorts, skirt, sundress.

Boots, shoes, slippers, felt boots.

Saucer, frying pan, spoon, plate.

Wardrobe, table, armchair, nightstand.

Tit, crow, duck, sparrow.

Bus, train, tram, plane.

9. Gross motor skills:

Clumsy, clumsy...

Jumps on one, two legs, alternately, with support ...


1. Lips:

Thin, thick, short, cleft.

Lip mobility (smile, tube, closure density, symmetry).

2. Teeth:

Rare, small, outside the jaw row, large incisors, no incisors.

3. Hard palate:

High, narrow, flat, shortened, gothic.

4. Soft palate:

Shortened, forked, deviated to the side, not reduced enough, not reduced.


Prognathia, progenia, level bite, anterior open bite, lateral open bite, oblique.

6. Language:

a) size: massive, small, short hyoid ligament.

b) mobility: stick forward, pull into the mouth, lick your lips ...

c) switchability: a smile-tube, a pendulum, a horse ...

d) maintaining posture, symmetry.

e) the presence of synkinesis.

e) tremor.

g) salivation.

7. State of mimic muscles:

* close one eye in isolation (presence of synkinesis)

* evenly raise eyebrows

*furrow eyebrows

* smoothness of nasolabial folds.

8. General sound of speech:

* expressiveness (inexpressive, inexpressive ..)

* breathing (upper chest, diaphragmatic, short exhalation ...)

* tempo and rhythm (slow, fast, uneven…)

* diction (fuzzy, blurred ...)


1. Colloquial and descriptive conversation:

What is your last name?

How old are you?

Where do you live?

How is your mother's name?

What name of your father?

Do you have a brother, sister?

Who is older, younger?

What does mom and dad do?

Do you have friends?

2. Drawing up a story from a picture: ....

3. Compiling a story for a series plot pictures

4. Retelling...

5. Story by presentation…


1. Dictionary state:

A) Name various objects, professions, transport, generalizing words, baby animals ...

b) explanation of the meanings of words:


vacuum cleaner…


V) name of parts of objects:







Clock face








d) Verb dictionary:

What is he doing:





Cat _______, dog ________, duck _________, frog __________,

Pig _______, cow ________, crow ________, sparrow __________.

e) feature dictionary:

--selection of adjectives for nouns:

Lemon (what?)

Dress (what?)

Fox (what?)

-- selection of antonyms:

wide - …

straight - …

dry - …

high - …

long - …

sick - …

funny - …

light - …

cold - …


A ). Formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes:

Table -

House -

Carpet -

Axe -

Mushroom -

Book -

Hand -

Notebook -

Cat -

Bucket -

Nest -

Window -

Cloud -

Sparrow -

Bread -

Feather -

B) The formation of verbs in a prefixed way:

Walked (came, left, approached, reached ...)

Walks (leaves, approaches, enters, passes ...)

Pours (pours, pours, pours, tops up ...)

C) Formation of adjectives from nouns (relative):

Bench made of wood (what?)

Leather bag

plastic handle

Glass beaker

Juice from cherries, apples, pears, plums, tomatoes

iron nail

D) Formation of possessive adjectives:

A hare has a hare tail, but a wolf?

Whose head?

Whose house?

Whose bag?


1. Grammar comprehension survey:

A) execution of instructions, like: show the notebook with a pen; show a pen with a notebook.

b) number comprehension:

show where the pencil is and where the pencils are;

Do children draw with a pencil or crayons?

show me where the car is, and where are the cars?

V) gender understanding:

Where did Sasha fall? Where did Sasha fall?

Where did Zhenya cry? Where did Zhenya cry?

G) case understanding:

show where the mother dresses the girl? Where does the girl dress her mother?

e) understanding of prepositions:

on, in, from, from under, from, for, because of, under, to.

2. The presence of agrammatisms:


A) change of nouns by cases:

I have a pencil.

I have no…

I'm drawing …

I have a Grandmother.

Not home …

I'll give you a flower...

I'm going for a walk with...

I remember about...

B) prepositional case forms:

(according to the picture - the ball is on the cabinet, under the cabinet, behind the cabinet, in front of ..., I will get the ball from under ..., because of ...,)

C) conversion of nouns from units. numbers in plural:

Table - tables

Window - …

Eye - …

Tree - …

Stump -…

Chair - …

Mouth - …

Sleeve - …

Sparrow - …

Ear - …

D) agreement of numerals 2 and 5 with nouns:

One cow - two ... - five ...

One house - two ... - five ...

One chair - two ... - five ...

E) the formation of forms of nouns Gender. and TV. and Proposition. case pl. numbers:

Tables - tables - tables - about tables,

Window - …

Chairs - …

Bucket - ...

The fish are…

Dolls - ...

Ears - …

E) agreement of adjectives with nouns:

Blue ball - blue ball - blue ball - about the blue ball.

The blue car is...

Blue dress - …

Red flag - ...

Red sun...

A red star - …

G) agreement of adjectives with nouns, including:

Blue ball - blue balls, (see above).


1. Vowels:

2. Voiced and deaf consonants:





3. soft and hard consonants:







4. Whistling:




5. Sizzling:



6. Sonorants:




7. Differentiation of sounds in spontaneous speech:

S-Sh, S-Z, S-S, S-Ts.

Sh-S, Sh-Zh, Sh-Sch.

Ch-Ts, Ch-Sch, Ch-T.

L-R, L-R, L-Y, L-Y ...


1. Repetition of 3 and 4 vowels:

Aoe, uio, ieu.

Aye, wow, wow.

2. Repetition of syllables with oppositional sounds:

Pa-ba, go-ko, ha-ka, te-de.

Ta-ta-da, pa-ba-pa, ha-ha-ka, cha-cha-cha.

Cat-cat-year, tom-house-tom.

3. Isolation by ear of the first stressed vowel sound in a word:

Alik, echo, windows, duck, Ira, aster, Olya, Anna, ears.

4. Isolation by ear of the last sound in the word:

Fluff, cat, catfish, soup, window, cat, balls.


1. Reproduction of the syllabic structure of the word:

Name from the picture - frying pan, aquarium, policeman tablecloth, bicycle, medicine, motorcycle, literature, excavator.

2. Reflected pronunciation:

Construction, serpentine, rehearsal, watchmaker.

3. Play sentences (2-3 times in a row)

The children made a snowman out of the snow.

The plumber is fixing the plumbing.

The watchmaker fixes the watch.

The watchmaker, narrowing his eyes, repairs the watch for us.

The policeman rides a motorcycle.

The traffic controller regulates traffic.

Speech therapy conclusion: ______________________________________

Lena Berdyugina
Logopedic examination of preschool children. Speech card for beginner speech therapists

At the core speech therapy examination must lie general principles and methods of pedagogical surveys: it must be complex, holistic and dynamic, but at the same time it must have its own specific content aimed at analysis speech disorder.

Complexity, integrity and dynamism surveys are provided by that all aspects of speech and all its components are studied, moreover, against the background of the whole personality examined, taking into account the data of its development - both general and speech - starting from early age .

Logopedic examination includes the following points:

1. Name, surname, age, nationality.

2. Complaints of parents, educators, teachers.

3. Data early development : a) common (briefly); b) speech(detailed, by periods).

4. Brief description of the child at the present time.

6. Vision.

7. The reaction of the child to his speech difficulties.

8. Intelligence.

9. The structure of the organs of articulation, their mobility.

10. Speech: a) impressive; b) expressive - from the point of view of phonetics, vocabulary, grammatical structure; whether he owns a detailed speech; V) written speech- reading and writing.

11. Conclusion.

Every speech therapist starts your work with diagnostics. She reveals speech problems with this child. The speech therapist can, based on the diagnostic data, draw up a conclusion and form an individual route for this child.

Author's diagnostics a large number of. Let's take the diagnosis of N. V. Nishcheva. She goes with detailed description all techniques and methods, indicating the symptoms speech disorders. There is a wonderful diagnostic manual edited by Professor GV Chirkina. In it, the diagnosis is shown from an early age and for each speech violation individually. You can consider another work by G. V. Chirkina Methods speech examinations of children”, but it is more suitable for children with phonetic-phonemic speech disorders. But how to immediately determine speech disorder ? This requires an average type of diagnostics. Everyone has it speech therapist own diagnostic map which he uses in practical work which he develops.

speech card

1. Name of the child ___ 2. Date of birth ___ + 3. Home address ___ 4. Date examinations___

Expert opinion

Otolaryngologist___ Oculist___ Neurologist___

Primary speech history

The decision of the medical and pedagogical commission

Logopedic examination

Anatomical structure of the articulatory apparatus: 1. Language___2. Lips___3. Teeth ___ 4. Jaws ___ 5. Soft palate ___ 6. Mimic muscles ___ 7. Dynamic organization of movements art. apparatus ___ 8. General motor skills ___ 9. Fine motor skills ___ 10. General sounding of speech ___

phonetic hearing

Rat-roof duck-fishing rod mouse-bowl grass-firewood T-shirt-bunny wheelbarrow-cottage cancer-lacquer bow-hatch

Phonemic perception

1. Ta-da ta-da-ta pa-ba pa-ba-pa

2. Distinguishing a vowel from others vowels "U" A-s-u-o-s-a-o-u...

3. Distinguishing a consonant from others consonants: Raise your hand when you hear the sound "T". 4. Isolation and distinction of sound among syllables ___ _ 5. Isolation and distinction of sound among syllables___

6. Highlight the first stressed vowel sound: Alik, Yura, Olya, Yasha, Hoop, Wasps, Alla ... 7. Select the last consonant sound: Poppy, steam, com, cat, mustache, beetle, cheese. Nose…

Word and sentence structure

Medicine TV frying pan electricity Children made a snowman. The bird made its nest in the bushes.

Eyebrow bridge of the nose elbow nostrils eyelids watering can basket spider


Onions, turnips, carrots ___ Wardrobe, chair. Table, sofa___ Dishes___ Clothes___ Transport___

Find out by description

Iron, with two handles and a lid ___ Red, cunning, lives in the forest, steals chickens ___

Verb comprehension (m. and f. kind)

Zhenya fell Zhenya fell Valya cried Valya cried

Perfect and imperfect verbs

Misha makes a wheelbarrow. Misha made a wheelbarrow. Katya draws a butterfly. Katya drew a butterfly.


Wide- Tall- White- Old- Cheerful- Hot- Thin-


Cheerful - Big - Beautiful -


Who is the cat catching?___

What do they cut wood with?___

Names of actions of people and animals

Painter___ Postman___ Violinist___ Builder___ Dog___ Cat___

Convert singular to plural

Castle book cat beetle letter fly wagon scythe cap belt

Education n. genus. pad. units and many others. numbers

N-R: I have a pencil, do you? (ruler, pen, book, violin, sweets.) R- To: What about me? ___ Formation of compound words

Leaves are falling ___ Samkatit ___ Snow is falling ___ Samvarit ___ Walking ___ Flying ___


Use pretexts

Formation of diminutive forms

Doll hare ball house window ring

Agreement of nouns with numerals

Formation of adjectives from nouns

Table made of wood, fur coat, glass of glass woman of snow

Making a simple proposal picture

Composing a story for a series pictures

Features of thinking

1. Make a whole out of parts___

2. Exception___

3. Spatio-temporal concepts:

Up-down far-close high-low middle part of the day days of the week seasons

4. Color:

5. Shape:

6. Accounting operations: How many eyes does a dog have? How many wheels does the car have?

Clarification speech diagnosis

During the school year

Teacher- speech therapist ___

Annex 2

Form 2

Municipal Preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 4 "Krepysh" of a general developing type of urban district, the city of Volgorechensk, Kostroma Region


1.Name child _______________________________________________________________________________________________


2. Date of birth ___________________3. Home address_________________________________________________________

4 .Parents mother:__________________________________________ father______________________________________________

5. Anamnesis:

the course of pregnancy and childbirth

Rh factor conflict ____________

6. Data on the course of speech development: cooing ______________ babbling ________________1st words _____________ phrasal speech ___________ other features of speech development _______________________________________________________________


7. Rumor ___________________________ vision ________________________ intellect ____________________________________

8. General sound of speech:tempo_______________ voice ___________________ intonation _________________________________

intelligibility __________________________________________ breathing ________________________________________________

9. Structure and mobility of the articulatory apparatus:lips ________________________________ teeth ________________________________ palate ___________________________________________ tongue ________________________________________________________ bite ___________________________________________

Other structural features art. apparatus ________________________________________________________________

10. The state of general motor skills _________________________________________________________________________

11. The state of fine motor skills__________________________________________________________


12. Sounding:






13. phonemic hearing: a) differentiation of sounds С-З____С-Ш____С-Т_____С-Ц____Ц-Т____Ч-Ц____Ч-С_____

H-W____Sch-Sh_____Sch-S______ SC -H_____L-R_______L-V______P-B____D-T______Sh-F____________B-Bb______

P-P ______ D-D _______ L-L _______ T-K _______ D-Y _______

b) repetition of syllable rows: ta-da-ta _____________ yes-ta-ta ____________ ka-ha-ka _____________ ka-ha-ha ________________

c) repetition of words: cat-year-cat __________________ tom-house-tom _______________ tom-house-com __________________________

Analysis of the sound composition of the word.

a) highlighting the first sound in the word: Alik________duck________city________Olya_______echo_________wolf________


b) highlighting the last sound in the word: fluff _____ moon ____ cat ____ balls _______ juice ______ flour ____ hands _____ nose _____

14. Pronunciation of words of a complex syllabic compositiona: construction _____________________ bike __________________

Policeman ______________________ aquarium ___________________ library ______________________________________

The guide conducts a tour. ________________________________________________________________________________________________

15. Vocabulary:

From the proposed pictures I named ____________________________________________________________________________

Did not name _______________________________________________________________

16. Explain the meaning of the words: vacuum cleaner ________________________________________________ refrigerator ________________

Meat grinder _______________________________ leaf fall _______________________________________________

17. Showing and assigning parts of objects:



Bottom _____________________________________________


Nose ________________________________________________



Legs ______________________________________________

18. Name the item according to the description of the action:

We cut with what? ___________________________________________

We sew what? _______________________________________

We look at what? ______________________________________

Smell what? ___________________________________________

Draw with what? ____________________________________________

Digging with what? ______________________________________

19. Name the actions of the subject:

Horse (what is he doing?) ___________________ dog _________________ fish ___________________ snake __________________

chicken __________________ bird _____________________ tiger __________________ hare ____________________________

20. Generalizing concepts:

21. Pick up adjectives for nouns:

Lemon (what?) _____________________ dress ________________________ fox ____________________ knife ________________

tree _____________________doll ________________________

22. Selection of antonyms:warm _______________, cheerful ______________, wide ______________, long ____________________,

straight _______________, sick __________________, light __________________.

23. Description of the item: _____________________________________________________________________________________________


24. Description of the painting: ______________________________________________________________________________________

25. Drawing up a story based on a series of pictures ________________________________________________________________________


26. Item shape:circle _________ square ___________ rectangle ______ oval ___________ trapezoid _______________

other forms______ _________________________________________________________________________________________

27. Color Knowledge:red___, orange___, yellow___, green____, blue___, blue___, purple___, black____

Brown ____, pink ____, white ____.

The grammatical structure of speech.

28. Make sentences on reference layersto you: Hang a lamp over the table _____________________________________________

The book lies on the table _____________________________ A tree grows under mushrooms _______________________________________

29. The use of nouns in various cases:What is the horse fed? ____________________ What do they play?_____

Where do children swim? __________________ What is there in the forest? ___________________, What would you like to tell about? _________________________ Who will we go to visit? __________________________________________________________

30. Coordination of nouns with numerals:1 ball, 5_________, 1 Christmas tree, 5___________, 1 apple, 5 _____________, 1 picture, 5 ____________, 1 gun, 5 ____________, 1 hare, 5____________, 1 tree, 5_______________.

31. Education genitive plural number of nouns. 1 wheel, many _______, 1 hunter, many __________,

1 doll, a lot of _________, 1 car, a lot of _________, 1 anchor, a lot of __________, 1 pencil, a lot of ______________.

32. Formation of nouns plural: table-____________, chair______________, bed_____________,

shovel ____________, towel ________________, window _________________, bucket _______________

33. Formation of nouns using diminutive suffixes:house ______________, table ____________, spoon ________________, dress _____________, hat ___________, bed _____________________________

34. Formation of adjectives from nouns: house made of wood__________________, leather bag_____________,

iron nail _____________________, rubber ball __________________, cranberry juice _____________________, fur coat __________________, brick house _____________________, carrot juice ________________________

35. Formation of possessive adjectives from nouns. (Fox, horse) whose ear? __________________________

Whose tail? _______________________________________________, whose head? __________________


Speech comprehension:

36. Understanding feminine, neuter and masculine nouns. white ?_____, Show what we can say white ?____, Show us what we can say white ?___(yellow____, yellow____, yellow___)

37. Perform verbal 1, 2,3 step instructions. Get up from the chair ______, take a ruler, put it on the notebook _______, go to the toy shelf, take the typewriter, bring it to me ___________

38. Understanding singular and plural nouns. Show me where? Blue balloon.___ Blue balloons.___White cloud.____ White clouds.____ Red apple.___ Red apples.____

39. Understanding units. and many others. number of verbs. Show me where? The boy is buying. The boys are buying. The girl is playing. The girls are playing.

40. Understanding prepositions. Put your hands on the table. (under the table, on your knees, behind your back). Put the pencil in the box, behind the box, under the box, on top of the box, next to the box.

41. Case endings nouns when demonstrating actions. Show a ruler with a pen.__ Show a pen with a ruler.___ Show a felt-tip pen with a pencil.___ Show a pencil with a felt-tip pen.____

Speech therapy conclusion: _________________________________________________________________________________


I. 1. Surname, name of the child Katya Petrova

2. Age 5 years 7 months

3. Home address y. Voskhod, d. 83, building 2, apt. 54

4. Anamnesis: Child from the third pregnancy (birth - second). The mother is registered with a urologist. In the second half of pregnancy there was a threat of miscarriage. The birth went well. The disease of the first year of life is rubella measles (at 3 months), otitis media (at 10 months), acute respiratory infections (at 1 year 7m), SARS (at 10 months).

Started walking at 1 year 1 month. Babble appeared at 8-9 months, she uttered the first words at 10 months, phrases at 1 year 7 months.

5. The state of general and fine motor skills. There are no disorders in the development and condition of the musculoskeletal system and general motor skills. Mobility, coordination is satisfactory, but some basic movements according to the program of the age group are insufficiently mastered, fine motor skills hands are poorly developed: it is difficult to hatch, he is uncertain about using scissors, movements are inaccurate.

6. Hearing - no pathology.

7. Vision - no pathology.

8. General development child. The stock of knowledge and ideas about the surrounding reality within the age norm.

Memory: visual - out of 6 pictures remembers 4.

Auditory - out of 6 words remembers 4.

Associative - from 6 pictures - 5.

Verbal-logical memory - the listened text remembers and retells quite fully and accurately.

Attention, performance. The concentration of attention is not bad, but the volumetric stability is insufficient (quickly distracted); working capacity is low: she takes up work with interest, but is not diligent enough, quickly gets tired.


Constructive activity - + (composes a pyramid, a cut picture, puzzles by the method of visual correlation)

Direct and reverse counting - + (within 10)

Counting operations and simple tasks - + (within 10)

Classification, generalization - + (sometimes with explanations)

Cause-and-effect relationships - + (lays out a series of plot pictures in a logical sequence).

The structure is normal (slight prognathism).

Articulatory motility - lip movements are normal; there is a lethargy of the tongue, there is no "groove".


13. Sound analysis:

at weaving, O wax, A ist)-+

P, to T, That To)-+

d om, R from, P from)-+

14. The pronunciation of words with a complex sound-syllabic structure is slightly impaired (the rhythmic contour, stress, number of syllables are preserved)

Strawberries - + coma n dirovka - "business trip"

Frying pan - + verse T vorenie - "poetry"

Medicine -+ led O With And pedist - "cyclist"

Understands antonyms and synonyms.

Knows and names baby animals, common professions.

Generalizing (specific, generic) concepts (clothes, shoes, furniture, dishes) - owns.

16. Grammar structure. Makes up simple sentences according to the picture (with the given sound according to the reference words). Makes mistakes in coordinating quantitative nouns - “five apples”. Understands the meaning of simple prepositions and uses them correctly in speech. It can form: adjectives from nouns stone (stone), nouns from adjectives - wooden (house), nouns from verbs - glue (glue), nouns with a diminutive meaning - hand (pen).

17. Coherent speech. Logical, consistent, but not expressive, schematic. Free communication is difficult

II. 1. Surname, name of the child Dmitry Shelokhov

2. Age 5 years 9 months

3. Home address y. Pirogova, 19, apt. 70_

4. Anamnesis: Child from the first pregnancy. In the second half of pregnancy there was a threat of miscarriage. The birth went well. Illness of the first year of life - ARVI (at 9 months).

Started walking at 1 year 3 months. Babble appeared at 8-9 months, uttered the first words at 11 months, phrases at 3 years 1 month.

5. The state of general and fine motor skills. There are no disorders in the development and condition of the musculoskeletal system and general motor skills. Coordination is satisfactory, fine motor skills of the hands are poorly developed: it is difficult to trace small items, uncertainly owns scissors, movements are inaccurate.

6. Hearing - no pathology.

7. Vision - no pathology.

8. General development of the child. The stock of knowledge and ideas about the surrounding reality is not sufficient.

Memory: visual - out of 6 pictures remembers 3

Auditory - out of 6 words remembers 4

Associative - from 6 pictures -4

Verbal-logical memory - the listened text remembers and retells uncertainly, confusing events and sequence.

Attention, performance. The concentration of attention is not formed, the volume is insufficient (quickly distracted); working capacity is low: he takes up work with interest, but is not diligent enough, quickly gets tired.


Constructive activity + (a pyramid, a cut picture, puzzles are compiled by the method of visual correlation)

Direct and reverse counting - (within 10)

Counting operations and simple tasks - (within 10)

Classification, generalization +

Cause-and-effect relationships - (lays out a series of plot pictures not in a logical sequence).

10. The state of the articulatory apparatus.

The structure is normal.

Articulatory motility - lip movements are normal, there is no "fungus", "spoon".

11. Features of sound pronunciation.

Whistling C, C", Z", C - interdental

Hissing Sh Zh, Ch, Shch - interdental.

12. Phonemic hearing is normal. Highlights by ear a given sound from the sound range (n - t - k - x)

Syllabic series (pa - ta - ka - ha)

A series of words (port - cake - court - choir)

Hearing similar sounds in:

Pairs of sounds (n - b), (s - h), (w - w)

A pair of syllables (pa - ba), (sa - za), (sha - zha)

A couple of words (kidney - dot), (juice - tsok), (ball - heat).


Sound range (b - p - b); syllable series (ba - ba - pa)

A number of words (kidney - dot - barrel), (som - com - house).

13. Sound analysis:

Isolation of the first stressed vowel ( at weaving, O wax, A ist)-

Isolation of the last voiceless consonant (su P, to T, That To)+

Isolation of the first consonant ( d om, R from, P from)-

14. The pronunciation of words with a complex sound-syllabic structure is significantly impaired (the rhythmic contour, stress, number of syllables are preserved)

Strawberries - + coma nd irovka - "mosquito"

Frying pan - + verse T vorenie - "poetry"

Medicine -+ led O With And P e dist - "velesopodist"

15. Vocabulary. Makes mistakes in interpretation lexical meanings words: a cup - a mug, a key - a lock, a hat - a hat, a jacket - a sweater;

The ambiguity of words, abstract concepts - does not own.

Understands antonyms and synonyms.

Knows and names baby animals, less professions.

Generalizing (species, generic) concepts (clothes, shoes, furniture, dishes) - weakly owns.

16. Grammar structure. Makes simple sentences based on the picture (with the given sound according to the key words). Makes mistakes in coordinating quantitative nouns - “five apples”. It can form: adjectives from nouns stone (stone), nouns from adjectives - wooden (house), nouns from verbs - glue (glue), nouns with a diminutive meaning cannot be formed - hand (pen).

17. Coherent speech. Inconsistent, not expressive, schematic. Free communication is difficult

18. Conclusion on the state of speech development: OHP level III.