suburban construction of wooden houses

The production and construction company "Russian Mansions" was founded in 2002 by a group of like-minded people: professional architects, builders and entrepreneurs.

Design and construction of houses and baths from logs, as well as from logs manual felling predominantly large diameters and construction wooden houses turnkey, we have been in business for over 12 years. Over the years of our activity, we have gained vast experience in organizing the process of building wooden houses in Russia and abroad: we had to take into account not only the harsh climate of the Northern region, but also the characteristics of soils for the construction of foundations, properties different breeds wood, as well as legal requirements and the nuances of legal regulations.

In the Kirov region, we have our own production, therefore, we have the opportunity to control the process at all stages. In our work, we use the best techniques and techniques that are used by domestic carpenters, as well as specialists from Norway, Canada, and the USA. Combination of traditional knowledge and modern technologies allows us to create wooden houses, the quality of which meets the highest international standards. In production, we use only high-quality material - cedar, larch or pine. We control compliance with the technology of cutting, transporting and processing timber.

We build throughout Russia and abroad. Among our clients there are famous people: businessmen, athletes, politicians, scientists, doctors and other representatives of society. In a word, all those who are sure that life in the house will certainly bring health and pleasure.

But whatever material our customers choose, the main thing for our company is high quality, which we can provide thanks to the experience and skill of our specialists and managers, the love for our work of all our employees. We consider the high quality of wooden houses that we build to be a matter of our honor. The construction of wooden houses from logs is what we love and know how to do!

LLC PSK "Russian Mansions" is a regular participant in the largest professional construction forums, such as the international exhibition of the industry of natural technologies "Wooden House", which is held annually at the IEC "Crocus Expo".

But the most important reward for us is joy, family happiness and good mood people who live in the houses we built.

Our services:


  • Sample projects
  • Individual projects
  • Design of suburban wooden complexes

Production of rounded logs pines, cedar or larches

  • diameter from 180mm before 400mm

Construction of elite hand-cut houses from pines, cedar or larches

  • diameter from 280mm before 650mm


Warming of wooden houses

We carry out work on sealing inter-log joints with water-based acrylic sealants from Remmers.

  • Finishing of houses and bath complexes
  • Steam room finishing
  • Hammam finishing


Suggest device various kinds foundations for wooden houses

Wooden house interior design

landscape works

Our advantages are clear:

  • northern wood;
  • Ideal timber;
  • Log of winter preparation;
  • Woodworking machines Sherwood;
  • Prices from the manufacturer;
  • Exclusive design;
  • Individual approach;
  • All stages of construction: from foundation to finishing wooden house;
  • Opportunity to inspect finished objects at exhibition sites;
  • We guarantee the high quality of our products;
  • Extensive work experience;

Why should you contact us?

In order for the dream of a solid wooden house to come true, it is important to choose the right contractor. Why are we so sure that it is better for you to contact LLC PSK "Russian Mansions"?

  • We are professionals, we love what we do and value our name!
  • We offer wooden houses and bathhouses of our own production, so we control all links of the technological chain, and our customers save money due to the absence of intermediaries.
  • We use only high-quality materials - round logs or chopped logs of cedar, larch and pine. We use professional tools and equipment, combine the best traditional and modern technologies.
  • Our architects work professionally in the AT Venets program, which not only simplifies and speeds up the process of preparing construction documentation, but also allows the customer to take a virtual tour of his future home even before the start of construction.
  • We offer a full range of works - from geological studies of the soil to the installation of engineering systems and fine finishing. You do not need to think about what kind of craftsmen you still need to find and worry about their qualifications.
  • And most importantly - we will do everything to make you satisfied with our work!

If you have long dreamed of moving to your own Vacation home made of wood, but do not know where to start building, then we will tell you how to make one of the main desires a reality. So, first of all, you need projects of wooden houses.

Why is an alliance with a competent architect so important? Let's give the simplest example - so that the house does not collapse under the weight of the roofing system, it is necessary to take into account the weight of the roofing materials when pouring the foundation. Isn't this an illustration of the fact that a house made of wood is a single whole and cannot be built in pieces, but it must be perceived as a single and indivisible whole, where all elements depend on each other?

The correct set of documentation should consist not only of a “picture”, which will indicate the layout of the rooms, the dimensions of the utility rooms and the types of floors, but also of a set of technical plans, specifications and detailed maps cutting. It should be noted that there may be standard drawings and exclusive ones, which are created for a specific customer, which take into account the wishes of the client, the features of the soil on the site, climatic conditions and much more.

However, you can choose finished projects country houses in our catalog. This is also one of the options for obtaining quality housing. Indeed, according to each sketch, not a single house has already been built, and each time after the construction was completed, the architects of PSK Russian Mansion LLC made changes in order to bring the next building, built according to the same documentation, to a more perfect form.

On our site you can download any of the presented sets of documents for free. If you would like to ready plan at home has become more individual and meets the needs of the family, you can count on our specialists to work on this issue. We make changes at your request, taking into account both the preferences and lifestyle of the family, as well as natural circumstances.

A log hut, a hut “without a single nail” - this is what a log house, made in Russian traditions, was called and is called. Today, when the return to the origins is becoming more and more obvious, architects are beginning to recall the old construction technologies, which, when tested, turn out to be not at all “old” in terms of quality and convenience. Therefore, it is worth figuring out what the construction of houses in the Russian style is.

Pros and cons of wooden houses

A log is the cleanest and most environmentally friendly material that you can think of for building a house. There were many forests, stone buildings were expensive, so a log house, without any decorations or richly decorated, was a measure of the solvency of any person.

However, in addition to beauty, such buildings had a lot of advantages:

  1. Microclimate. The concept includes everything: ideal humidity, saturation of rooms with oxygen, optimal temperature regime, lack of allergies, fullness of air with phytonicides;
  2. Aesthetics. A beautiful tower is pleasing to the eye and comfortable for life. In addition, wood does not need additional finishing and is good in itself;
  3. Warming up The highest energy saving performance, not the latest quality. Wooden houses warm up quickly, but cool down slowly;
  4. Cosiness. There is no need to say much here, every owner of a wooden house will confirm that natural comfort is preserved in the rooms.

Cons also occur:

  • fire hazard of the material. But the problem is easily solved by means of special impregnating compounds;
  • Short service life- a controversial statement, judging by how well the buildings of past centuries have been preserved, the main thing is to choose the right material;
  • Care. The log house needs attention. But, given the price of the building, this part of the cost will not be so large.

And, of course, to build a wooden real home in the Russian style, you have to invest. And this is perhaps the most important drawback that scares away buyers. But the structure requires considerable skills and knowledge, which is highly valued.

Distinctive features of the Russian house

The main difference between Russian wooden houses is the use of bowl connection technology. That is, the logs are stacked in pre-hewn bowls, so no nails are required at all. In addition, log cabins were made from strong, even trunks, always well dried and with a unique technology for removing the bark - a very thin layer of protective coating remained on the log, completely protecting the body of the tree from rotting and damage.

All these nuances take place today in the processing of wood for construction, and many companies, offering projects of wooden houses, mention technological subtleties. But what is hard to resist is the exterior of the Russian house. These are carved platbands and cockerels on the roofs, a beautiful frame and many turrets. But if you still want to get a house in a truly Russian style, you should pay attention to the following:

  1. No PVC windows, doors and other things - only natural materials: wood, stone.
  2. Laying logs "oblo" - these are protruding ends and well-visible connections of elements.
  3. A simple gable roof without newfangled kinks.
  4. Massive porch columns, balconies.

And you will have to think about the interior design: the finish is minimal, as is the use of plastic and other artificial materials. And do not forget about the stove or at least a good fireplace, large windows and obligatory decor: woven rugs, benches, chests - this is not only very beautiful, but also practical.

Any construction begins with a competent project, this is the first step in the construction of a log house. Our company can offer you ready-made projects of houses that have proven themselves in practice. They are convenient, comfortable and practical. Finished projects are marked with a logo in the upper right corner of the image. When ordering construction - a finished project (without changes) for you - AS A GIFT!

Catalog of finished projects

Finished house projects
Finished bath projects

Each finished project includes:

Total information

  • Common data ( title page: project name, contract number, perspective image of the house);
  • Explanatory note;

Architectural Section (AR) or Preliminary Design

  • Floor plans with explication of premises;
  • Facades along axes with height marks;
  • Roof plan (roof dimensions, roof slope angle, lucarne arrangement, dormers location, outlet length);
  • Plan-scheme of the foundation;
  • Architectural sections (drawings of the building in a vertical section indicating elevations);
  • 3D image of plans (perspective image of plans in a horizontal section);
    Perspective 3D image (4-6 views);

Structural section

  • Foundation plan (depending on the type of foundation - pile field plan, grillage plan, slab plan);
  • Structural nodes of the foundation;
  • cuts;
  • Marking floor plans;
  • Masonry floor plans;
  • Scheme of the location of the floor beams (foundation overlap, floor overlap);
  • Specification of floor beams, structural units and details;
  • Perspective 3D image of floor beams;
  • Plan, composition of the roof;
  • The layout of the rafters;
  • Perspective 3D image of the rafters;
  • Specification of rafters, structural units and details;
  • Explication of floors, constructive knots and details;
  • Scheme of window blocks (fixing a false box);
  • Specification for filling window and door openings;
  • Chimney system;
  • Perspective 3D image of a log house;
  • Structural nodes for assembling a log house;
  • Layouts of logs along the axes;
  • crown schemes;
  • Cutting cards;
  • Summary specification of log cabin elements for production;
  • List of wall elements of the log house.

Choosing a ready-made project for the construction of a wooden house, you get many advantages. First of all, it saves time and, which is important in some cases, financial resources. Finished projects are optimized and popular options that have been adapted to real needs most customers. There are other advantages that often lead customers to choose this option.

The architects of PSK "Russian Mansions" develop the project in such a way as to make the best use of all the possibilities of the building material and try to maximize the usable space in the house. By the way, there are no errors in such projects, estimates for the consumption of building materials are 100% reliable, the “theory-practice” ratio scheme in this case is close to the maximum. And this happens after each implementation of any construction idea. As a result, today we offer our customers already proven in practice and the most developed projects.

And the most important advantage of this choice, many experts in the field of wooden housing construction call reliability and durability, which are time-tested. If a company offers ready-made projects, it means that this speaks not only of a quality guarantee for sketches, but also of experience in building a house of this type. And this is true - all the projects presented on our website have been implemented more than once by the specialists of the SPK "Russian Mansions".