If you follow the advice of the ancient Chinese sages, then prosperity and good luck will be nearby. The correct movement of positive energy around the house, as thousands of years of Chinese practice shows, has a positive effect on people's livelihoods.

Bed selection

A good rest of a person is reflected in health, desire to work and create, mood and success. Therefore, the planning of the sleeping area requires a careful approach. To feel the effect of beneficial energy flows, you need knowledge: how to put a bed according to Feng Shui.

Connoisseurs advise choosing a far corner in relation to the front door, preferably diagonally. This placement of the recreation area will add peace and confidence, because. the space in the room will be viewed.

If you move the head of the bed against the wall, then the positive effect will increase. It is unacceptable to place a recreation area in the middle of the room, because. over time, there will be a feeling of insecurity and anxiety. It is forbidden to install a bed between the pillars.

Proper bed

To avoid disagreements in the family, you can not make a bed from 2 separate parts of the mattress and move single beds together. The marital bed is a single space of classical symmetrical proportions. The size of the bed is determined by the height and weight of the owners.

Round bed design is unacceptable. The absence of backs, which perform the functions of protection, makes the aura of a sleeping person vulnerable, a negative effect on energy.

  • in the form of a pearl shell, it harmoniously distributes energy, renews the feelings of spouses;
  • with a double bend favorably affects the sleeping couple. The energy of each, flowing down, unites in one place, connecting the lovers;
  • curved in the middle, meets the requirements of Feng Shui, because energy, moving to the convex side, is distributed evenly between sleeping people.

What material to buy furniture from

According to Feng Shui, natural wood is considered a suitable material for a bed in a bedroom. Carved trim and canopy will increase the circulation of positive energy.

If the spouses sleep on an air or water bed, then extraneous elements of air and water interfere in the relationship. This leads to discord in the family, to sleep disturbance.

Metal products are not customary to use, because. thermal conductivity of the metal absorbs favorable life energy flows. It is not recommended to purchase a bed on wheels.

How to arrange a place to sleep

For a healthy and sound sleep, it is desirable to follow the rules for the location of the bed. It is undesirable to sleep near the window to avoid direct sunlight and drafts; feet towards the door.


  • the proximity of the toilet, bathroom and kitchen;
  • the presence of useless things nearby;
  • objects above the head - arches, beams, shelves, chandeliers, etc.;
  • live house plants;
  • aquariums, decorative fountains, fireplaces;
  • reflection in the mirror;
  • sharp corners cabinets, cabinets, dressers, etc.

Orientation to the cardinal points

Centuries-old observations have led Feng Shui followers to the conclusion that the location of the bed in the direction enhances or improves the qualities:

  • north - intuition;
  • south - reputation and health;
  • east - peace and wisdom;
  • west - financial well-being;
  • northeast - the ability to science;
  • southeast - perseverance and perseverance;
  • southwest - charm;
  • northwest - sociability.

To avoid energy stagnation, you should periodically rearrange the situation.

Features 2018

By Chinese calendar the year of the rooster was replaced by the year of the dog. Material values ​​will come to the fore. In the coming year, it is advisable not to hang heavy curtains in the bedroom, not to put chests of drawers, cabinets and tables at the head of the bed.

The dog loves order, calculates every step. Therefore, to organize a harmonious space, it is advisable to throw away the excess, put things on the shelves. The dog loves reasonable, neat, calm people engaged in serious business.

Recognition of ancient teachings

The Taoist practice of organizing the surrounding space, following which a person begins to better understand the foundations of the universe, is popular in Europe, Africa, America and other parts of the world.

The main task of the ancient teaching is to teach a person to use energy flows for good in order to achieve the desired success in work, relationships with colleagues, friends and relatives, and other areas of life.

The goal of Feng Shui is to achieve internal and external harmony. Compliance with the rules of the theory will help change the life of everyone, attract mutual understanding, prosperity and love to the house.

If you have doubts or questions about decorating a bedroom using a generally accepted teaching, look at the Feng Shui bed photo on the Internet, which will help you make the right choice.

Feng Shui bed photo

Going to bed, we think that in the morning we will feel rested, vigorous "like cucumbers." But this is not always the case. You wake up and it seems that during the night you dragged a bunch of bags. The house carries a certain energy, and this affects the state of health, mood. Most of all it is felt in the bedroom. In this room, serenity, comfort, peace should be felt. When you do not sleep well at night, and in the morning your health leaves much to be desired, it is worth considering whether the bed.

When we put a bed in the bedroom, we don’t think that the ceiling affects general atmosphere, energy in the room.

Place the bed so that your feet are not facing the door.

When put in the bedroom bed , we don’t think that the ceiling affects the overall atmosphere, the energy in the room. Large chandeliers should not be hung over the bed, during sleep you will unconsciously feel anxiety. Bulky lighting fixtures are not suitable either. If you are going to make repairs, it is better if the ceiling is even, without visible beams. Most the best option- stretch ceiling.

Large chandeliers should not be hung over the bed, during sleep you will unconsciously feel anxiety.

The back of the furniture must be elevated, and the head of the bed rest against the wall.

Fans of mirrored ceilings are better off from such an undertaking. It is unacceptable for a sleeping person to be seen in a mirror. If he suddenly wakes up, he may be frightened. Important point- when you lie down beds must see the door. If this is unrealistic, then a mirror should hang on the wall, where it is reflected.

An important point - when you lie on the bed, you must definitely see the door.

Access to the bed must be from two sides, so you will not remain single.

How to put the bed relative to the door and cardinal points according to Feng Shui

We spend a lot of time in the bedroom. Gaining strength, recovering after labor day. I wanted nothing to interfere with a good rest. It is necessary to carefully consider and consider how put the bed what pieces of furniture are needed and how to arrange them. Then it will be comfortable, you will get up in the morning in a great mood.

Fans of mirrored ceilings are better off from such an undertaking.

The bedroom should have a light, even ceiling, overhanging beams over the bed is unacceptable.

Now it has become fashionable to create an interior using the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui. According to the rules, the dwelling is divided into zones, they affect us, increase or decrease the flow of Qi energy. The Earth's magnetic field and Atmosphere pressure. The forces of nature can provide positive influence if we have certain knowledge. Proper bed position will contribute to restful sleep, the body will rest as much as possible after a hard day.

It is necessary to thoroughly weigh and think over how to put the bed, what pieces of furniture are needed and how to arrange them.

Arrange furniture so that sharp corners are not aimed at the bed.

direction position headboards interpreted in different ways, but most opinions agree. According to Feng Shui, it is better to put bed headboard to the east, in the direction of the sun. You sleep with your head in this direction of the world, become wiser and stronger. The body is fully restored, peace and tranquility sets in in the family. Position to the southeast - will be accompanied by luck and prosperity. Sleep with your head to the southwest - your union will be reliable and long. If you want to improve your health, choose a position to the south, you can achieve a lot in life.

Now it has become fashionable to create an interior using the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui.

A double bed should have a full mattress.

All the bad energy reflected from it will have a bad effect on sleep.

The position to the northeast will contribute to spiritual development. wishing to stabilize financial position it is recommended to put bed to the west or north, and your children or grandchildren may become famous. Whoever feels broken, tired, needs to sleep in the north. Sleep to the northwest - go to distant countries. In order for the Qi energy to flow correctly, the bedroom must be clean and comfortable, without blockages under the bed, unnecessary items in the room.

The correct position of the bed will contribute to a restful sleep, the body will rest as much as possible after a hard day.

The bed should not stand all the way on the floor, it must have legs so that the energy can pass everywhere.

Among other things, it is worth following some rules.

  • Place the bed so that your feet are not facing the door.
  • Bed must be placed diagonally to the door.
  • The back of the furniture must be elevated, and headboard bed against the wall.
  • Bed access it is necessary to have it on both sides, so you will not remain bachelors. A teenager’s bed should be approached from only one side, so that he pays all his attention to his studies.
  • The bedroom should have a light, even ceiling, unacceptably above bed overhanging beams.
  • Arrange furniture so that sharp corners are not aimed at the bed.
  • Make sure that electrical outlets are mounted away from the headboard.
  • On a double bed the whole mattress should lie. If you put two, it will symbolize separation, and spouses can get divorced.
  • Bed should not stand all the way on the floor, it must have legs so that the energy can pass everywhere. Wash the floor as often as possible, and the area under bed should not be turned into a warehouse.
  • According to Chinese science, "aromas" from the kitchen and toilet should not enter the bedroom. They have a bad effect on the energy in the room.
  • Near the bed there must be bedside tables, and lamps should be placed on them. Rest will be comfortable, favorable Qi energy is formed near the person.

The position of the direction of the headboard is interpreted in different ways, but most opinions converge.

Near the bed there must be bedside tables, and lamps should be placed on them.

If you follow these rules, your sleep will become calm, you will wake up in a great mood.

Sustainability is important

Good, strong bed - a guarantee of good health. The quality factor and stability of this piece of furniture is completely influenced by the material from which it is made and the arrangement of the bed. The material must match necessary requirements. Don't waste your money on low quality furniture. In its production, adhesives are used, they contain harmful substances. It is important to make sure that the bed is assembled with high quality, it is strong and durable, good fittings are used. These moments affect how long the bed can last.

According to Feng Shui, it is better to put the head of the bed in the east, according to the movement of the sun.

A good, strong bed is the key to good health.

How not to position the bed

In the bedroom we relax, gain strength, it is important to position the bed so that negative energy does not interfere good rest. How to put the bed in such a way as to avoid this?

  1. No need to place it opposite the front door. If it is impossible to rearrange it, you need to put a fence.
  2. Avoid positioning your head towards the window, otherwise hang thick curtains on the windows. But anyway, this bed arrangement does not give a sense of security, in addition, it can see through the window well, and this will lead to a cold.
  3. Do not put the bed against the wall if there is running water behind it.
  4. If the apartment has two levels, the bedroom must be chosen so that there is no kitchen under it.
  5. Place the bed away from radiators.
  6. Do not place the bed in the middle of the room. This will create a feeling of insecurity.
  7. It is important that there are no mirrors opposite the bed, you should not be reflected in them.
  8. Do not put the TV opposite the bed, it will have a bad effect on well-being. All the bad energy reflected from it will have a bad effect on sleep.

The position to the northeast will contribute to spiritual development.

The material must meet the necessary requirements.

In the bedroom we relax, gain strength, it is important to position the bed so that negative energy does not interfere with a good rest.

If you follow these rules, your sleep will become calm, you will wake up in a great mood.

Whoever feels broken, tired, needs to sleep in the north.

It is important to make sure that the bed is assembled with high quality, it is strong and durable, good fittings are used.

VIDEO: How to put a bed in Feng Shui: the most ideal bed location in the bedroom. Everything about Feng Shui

Feng Shui considers the bedroom the most important room in the house, as it greatly affects the state of health, as well as relationships and marital well-being. In the article, we examined the principles that should be followed when arranging a bedroom and choosing the placement of the most important element in it. But besides the location of the bed in the room also great importance has the quality of the bed itself, its shape and size.

New or old?

The first criterion for evaluating a bed in Feng Shui is its energy state and origin. The new bed has a fresh and clean energy that helps good health. An old bed (used by someone before) can cause sexual problems, lack of energy, and diseases with unknown symptoms. This applies to all parts of the bed: mattress, springs and frame. This also applies to your old, but beloved and comfortable bed.

Feng Shui does not recommend using beds that other people have slept in, as energy level such a bed can radiate emotions, sexual energy and illnesses of the previous owner. The worst option is the bed on which the person died. If in this moment If you cannot purchase a new bed, you should perform the Orange Peel Ritual, which we will discuss in a separate article.

It's time to buy a new bed

The person you shared the bed with has died. A new bed will help to cope with this misfortune, help to forget the past.

- Termination of relationship with a partner. Buying a new bed will help neutralize old energies and help attract new ones.

- If the person sleeping on this bed is seriously ill. A new bed will favorably affect the state of health and protect against diseases.

- When moving to a new house. In this case, buying a new bed allows you to completely part with the old energy.

- At marriage. In this situation, buying a bed symbolizes a new and powerful beginning.

— If your bed was stolen. Don't be greedy, buy a new one.

If you are unable to buy a new bed, you can replace the mattress or bedding.

The shape and dimensions of the bed

Do not be frivolous about the shape and size of the bed. If you have noticed difficulties in your personal life or health problems for a long time, but you can’t find an explanation for them, pay attention to your bed - you may find the reasons among the ones below. And feng shui will tell you what opportunities exist for solving certain problems associated with the bed.

— The bed is extremely large sizes.
A large bed can cause a divorce or end of a relationship, as it consists of two parts, which symbolizes parting. To eliminate this problem, a bright red cloth should be placed under the mattress, the dimensions of which should correspond to the size of the bed.

- Waterbed. You may like the waterbed, but agree that this is not a reliable foundation for good night and success in life.

- Storage under the bed. Do not arrange a warehouse under the bed - this symbolizes stagnation, inability to be creative and difficulty in understanding the new. You can solve this problem by removing everything from under the bed.

- Bed with drawers. Drawers located under sleeping people interfere with good rest. If you do need to use them, use them only for their intended purpose, i.e. to store blankets, sheets, and pajamas, not books, guns, photographs, etc.

- Too high or low bed. A bed that is too high or too low will deprive you of required energy. Bed very high altitude, which has to be climbed with the help of additional means, does not contribute to romantic relationship. Single women may have trouble finding the right man- a candidate for a spouse. After changing the bed to a new, more acceptable height, this problem can be solved. A bed located too low or on the floor symbolizes a low position in society, which negatively affects material well-being.

— Bed with a metal frame. Such a bed can create a magnetic field, which is undesirable due to the negative impact on sleeping people. It is better to buy a bed with a wooden frame.

- Bed with built-in bookshelves and other fixtures. Feng Shui does not recommend sleeping on such beds. As a rule, they are large and the headboards rise above the sleeping people in the form of a tower. Numerous drawers and bookshelvesa good place for the accumulation of various rubbish and garbage. This can lead to insomnia, restless dreams, or bad dreams.

- Objects located at the foot of the bed above it. Ideally, there should be nothing at the foot of the bed that exceeds its height, as this symbolizes the impossibility of progress and success. These items include chests, plants, etc. A bed that is higher than the level of the mattress negatively affects activities such as travel and career. Also, Feng Shui does not recommend using sleigh beds, their curved shape negatively affects the sleeping person. In general, all of the above on a subconscious level creates tension in a sleeping person, which manifests itself in the form of a break in relationships and divorce. If the foot is made in the form of a lattice, this aggravates the situation, predicting trouble with the law and even imprisonment. The solution to this problem is to purchase a new bed. You can replace the old footboard with a new one, but do it carefully: do not overdo it with the tools, depriving yourself of luck.

- Moving or altering the bed. Move or alter the bed should be done with great care. According to Feng Shui, during transportation, the bed should not be hit or pulled, as this can change its energy to negative and cause scandals in the family. This is especially unacceptable if a pregnant woman is sleeping on the bed. Do not move such a bed during the entire period of pregnancy.

- Retractable and folding beds. According to Feng Shui, a bed that folds into a wall creates a sense of temporary presence in a person sleeping on it. A person cannot relax without feeling the presence in their own home.

Increasing the positive energy of the bed

And finally, a couple of feng shui tips that will help you extract maximum benefit from your bed:

A quality headboard promotes career and marriage.

The front headboard of the bed must be securely fastened and not wobble even with a heavy load on it. It symbolizes career development, marital stability, physical strength. If the back is wobbly or separated from the bed, this greatly weakens the people sleeping on it. The best is the back of a single piece of wood, without gaps or holes. The back, made of bars, symbolizes prison bars and can lead to problems with the law. For elimination negative impact such a back should be wrapped with artificial green silk grapes.

Bedding color.

With the help of color sheets, blankets and other bedding, you can solve various tasks. Pink sheets, for example, will attract love and romance into your life, red - withering passion. Green sheets are good for maintaining health, recovery, as well as attracting money and new opportunities. Yellow, like green, has great healing power.

With this article read

You will be able to get a healthy, beneficial, energizing and restorative sleep. At the same time, this doctrine suggests that for a good sleep, not only its quantity is important, but also many other points: for example, in relation to which direction of the light you need to lie with your head and which legs, in what position it is best to sleep, and much more. In this material, we will reveal to you what should be the appropriate location of the bed according to Feng Shui.

Surely you have already heard that under no circumstances should a bed be placed close to mirror surfaces. Otherwise, people living in the room run the risk of facing various troubles in life and in the field of health. But besides this, a whole set of recommendations regarding the competent placement of beds is known.

Most feng shui practitioners are of the opinion that the bed should be positioned so that the headboard area points to your personal positive direction. If you explain it differently, this means that when you lie on the bed, your head should look in a direction that is favorable for you (Feng Shui also helps to calculate it). Next, we will consider the main prohibitions for the location of beds and recommendations in this regard.

Don't set your bed like this

  • it is forbidden to position the bed so that the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe head or legs of the sleeping person is directed towards the window or door to the room;
  • also, you should not put a bed so that the headboard is directed to the wall in which there is a door;
  • make sure nothing is hanging over your head. Feng Shui experts strongly advise against placing the bed under beams or in a niche;
  • it is unacceptable to place the bed in the middle of the window or the entrance to the room - it is impossible for a draft to walk over the bed;
  • it is forbidden to place sockets and other sources of electricity in the immediate vicinity of the bed. So the distance from the outlet to the sleeping person should be at least one and a half meters;
  • large chandeliers with massive lamps in the bedroom remain banned;
  • placement of paintings, shelves, volumetric lamps at the head of the bed is not welcome;
  • if you love houseplants, no need to be too zealous with their placement in the bedroom. If you ignore this point, the bedroom runs the risk of becoming a greenhouse, and this will not provide a healthy and restful sleep;
  • do not place a fireplace, fountain or aquarium in the bedroom either;
  • if the bedroom is also a study for you, Feng Shui recommends placing the bed in such a way that when you are in it you do not see your workplace;
  • the location of the bed in the central part of the room is unacceptable. The bed should stand only so that on one side there is support and protection in the form of a wall;
  • do not store various items and any rubbish under the bed. It is necessary that there always be cleanliness and free space;
  • protect your bed from sharp corners directed at it.

Good Feng Shui bed placement

  • it is considered favorable to place a bed in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe far corner from the entrance to the bedroom;
  • lying in bed a person should see front door to this room;
  • if there are computers, TVs or other equipment in your bedroom, it is better to put it in a closet for a night's sleep or at least cover it from above with a cape or screen;
  • choose the size of the bed should be guided by the parameters of the bedroom. Do not put a miniature bed in a large bedroom and vice versa;
  • if you have replanned your apartment, it is unacceptable to place a bed in those places where the kitchen, bathroom or toilet used to be located.

If you've followed all of the suggestions above and still feel like you're not sleeping well, can't fall asleep, or wake up frequently from nightmares, it's likely that your home has a lot of negative energy. In such a situation, consultation with a feng shui expert is recommended. In some cases, when a thorough analysis is carried out, it turns out that it is best to place the bed not close to the wall, but in the central part of the room, or so that its head is directed towards the wall with the door located in it. But the truth should be noted that this is more about the exception than the rule and such situations are very atypical.

Feng Shui sleep magic

Sleep is a process that occurs in the subconscious of a person when his brain is not working. In most cases, people's first night dreams occur after the ninetieth minute of sleep and last an average of five to fifteen minutes. During one night, a person can see from four to six night visions, but at the same time only those that are of real importance and can help in life are stored in his memory.

As we have already explained, people do not remember most of their dreams. This phenomenon is due to the fact that, firstly, dreams last very little in time, and secondly, the brain seeks to get rid of the negative information received during sleep.

According to science, dreams can be of three types: subjective dreams, physical dreams, and spiritual dreams. Each of the categories can refer to what has passed, what is, or what will happen.

There are cases when people in a dream saw upcoming events very well and could correctly interpret the signs sent to them from above. Indeed, in reality, dreams symbolize a person’s desire to learn about the future, they act as the desires of our soul. Absolutely everything that happens to a person allows him to develop spiritually. And thanks to spiritual improvement, well-being and well-being improves. If these two engines are not in harmony with each other, a person will not be able to fulfill his life program, which means that his spiritual development will stop.

It is impossible for you to see the same dream a certain number of times. Dreams can be very similar to each other, but they will still differ. This is the same as you cannot live two absolutely identical days of your life: something in them will be common, but, of course, differences will be mandatory.

Now you know the proper placement of your bed according to the teachings of Feng Shui, which will allow you to always see only good and positive dreams and change your life in the best direction. Try to pay more attention to such trifles and you will soon see that they are very important.

Feng Shui bedroom: Which bedroom is favorable in terms of feng shui.

In order for the bedroom to be a place of rest and sleep to bring new strength, it is necessary to decorate its interior in the colors of the elements that are favorable to you. And besides, you need to place the bedroom in a favorable direction for you.

Brown, beige and yellow are the colors of the earth, they are favorable if the bedroom is located in the west, northwest, northeast and southwest.

The energies of the earth are the energies of stability and peace.

White, gray and gold are the palette of metal energy. And they are favorable for bedrooms located in the west, north, northeast, northwest.

The metal element is the energy of health, it is favorable for people with very poor health. Since metal has another side responsible for strife, then fighters and bullies should never have a bedroom in the west or northwest, and it is impossible that the colors of the metal element prevail in the bedroom.

Blue and black are the colors of the water element, the water in the bedroom is not the best. a good choice, since the energy, although calming, but at the same time forcing a state of anxiety or depression. This energy can cause visions of spirits, hearing voices, and other extraordinary abilities. If your child (especially children under 7 years old) does not sleep and screams at night, then it is worth checking whether his bedroom is located in the north and whether the colors of the water prevail in it (blue, black, blue)

Only people who need the element of water can decorate the bedroom in blue tones. These colors are suitable for bedrooms in the north, east, west and southeast.

Green color in the bedroom - the energy of the tree. The element of wood can cause mercy in people, and if there is a lot of it, then on the contrary, irritation, thereby causing insomnia. Therefore, it is recommended to be careful with the design of the bedroom in green tones. So you can arrange a bedroom located in the east, southeast, south and north.

It is ideal for couples to have red tones in the interior of the bedroom, since red is the color of fire, passion, love. But red is not favorable for everyone, so having identified favorable elements for yourself, you can begin to change the design of the bedroom.

Bedrooms located on the south, east, northeast, northwest and southwest can be decorated in fire colors.

Feng Shui bedroom: Feng Shui bed.

It is very important for couples to have a bed with one mattress, the bed should not have separations, there should not be two mattresses and you cannot just put two beds together. Since separation in a love bed promises discord in relationships and a break in these relationships.

It is important not to have mirrors in the bedroom, mirrors are used in magic, like doors to other worlds, and this is no accident, mirrors have qualities that we Everyday life we don’t notice, there are rituals with mirrors through which magicians extract the objects or qualities they need “from the other side”. A sleeping person is vulnerable, and if he is reflected in the mirror, then the possibility of energy disruption increases.

In addition, if a sleeping couple is reflected in the mirror, then this symbolizes an overcrowded marriage, which leads to the appearance of a third person in the relationship.

feng shui bed should not stand between the window and the door, otherwise the energy of sleeping people will be disturbed by the swift energy passing from the door to the window and vice versa. Which can lead to illness, or a break in relationships.

Also, the feng shui bed in the bedroom should not stand so that the sleeping person or couple has their feet facing the door.

At present, it has become very fashionable to build second-floor houses with sloping ceilings, which is terribly inconvenient and very unfavorable for people living in such rooms. Sloped ceilings

In order not to experience the adverse effects of sloping ceilings, you need to place the bed in the room so that it does not stand under the sloping part. In addition, such a bedroom should be decorated in the colors of fire and keep the room well-lit at all times, this will help reduce the feeling of depression.

It is especially bad if children sleep with their heads against a sloping wall, then you should not be surprised if they have poor grades in school.

If you sleep with your feet against an inclined wall, then you can earn yourself problems with the limbs. Therefore, they create a feeling of depression and can cause illness. the ideal room is a well-shaped room, especially for the bedroom, since we spend a lot of time in the bedroom.

Feng Shui bed: optional.

Apart from common device rooms, the location of the bed is extremely important. Proper bed placement can provide the occupant of the room with good luck and opportunities for career advancement. If the bed is placed in accordance with the rules of feng shui, its location connects favorable qi flows, balances and strengthens the flow of qi, thereby positively affecting the health and success of a person.
Many believe that the orientation of the bed to the cardinal points has the following effect:

Feng Shui bed: Head to the NORTH: promotes the development of intuition.
Feng Shui bed: NORTH-EAST headboard: helps in work related to experiments and scientific research.
Feng Shui bed: Head to the EAST: brings a peaceful, restful sleep.
Feng Shui bed: Headboard to the SOUTH-EAST: gives perseverance and perseverance in work.
Feng Shui bed: Headboard facing SOUTH: Provides a good reputation.
Feng Shui bed: Head to the SOUTHWEST: helps in love affairs.
Feng Shui bed: Head to the WEST: guarantees good offspring.
Feng Shui bed: NORTHWEST headboard: brings good luck in friendship.

However, in reality, all these beliefs are unfounded. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, in determining the correct orientation of the bed key role plays the date of birth of the person sleeping on it. However, the problem is that a husband and wife born in different days sleeping on the same bed. The only way The solution to the situation is to place the bed in a place where the best flow of qi flows. In addition, many people do not know whether the geomantic influence is due to the orientation of the bed itself or to the position of the head and feet of the sleeper.

Feng Shui masters agree that the geomantic influence has to do with the sleeper himself, and not with the bed.

Feng Shui bed, rules for installation:
1. The bed should not be placed under the ceiling beam.
2. The bed should not be placed with your feet towards the bedroom door.
3. There should not be a hole in the ceiling above the bed.
4. A mirror should not be placed at the foot of the bed.
5. The bed should not stand between two posts.
6. The bed should not stand with its feet to the corner of the room.
7. The bed should not be placed with your feet towards the window, behind which you can see a water tank or a chimney.
8. It is undesirable to place a stove, sink and a container of water behind the head of the bed.
10. The head of the bed should be adjacent to the wall.

Feng Shui bed: additional rules for the bed and those sleeping on it are as follows:
1. The bed must have the correct dimensions.
2. Select suitable date to set up the bed.
3. Put "five lucky items" under the bed.
4. It is not recommended to place or hang anything at the foot of the bed.
5. Lamps located at the foot of the bed should be decorated with a pattern.
6. Newlyweds are advised to place an amulet at the foot of the bed to speed up the birth of children.
7. The round shape of the bed is undesirable.
8. The foot of the bed should not be parallel to or in line with the bedroom door.
9. You should not move the bed during the wife's pregnancy.
10. Choose an appropriate date for the bed change.