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Greetings, dear reader of my page! Broken glass jelly cake is an easy-to-prepare, amazingly delicious jelly cake on sour cream with gelatin. It is very easy to prepare it - absolutely anyone can do it, because the ingredients for it are bought almost ready. It remains only to mix, cut, and send to the refrigerator.

I really like these ones simple recipes, one of which -, however, you only need to bake cakes, but even those - from ready-made puff pastry, which is sold in any store.

Looks cake Broken glass simply gorgeous, both in the cut and in general. The guests are just crazy! See for yourself:

And in the context of the cake - in general, beauty, like a real mosaic of broken glass:

The tender pulp of this no-bake cake is due to its simple ingredients:

  1. Jelly different colors- choose your own colors.
  2. Gelatin - one 10-gram sachet is enough.
  3. Jelly powder - you can take it if there are not enough flowers, and dilute it. After - send it to the refrigerator and it will turn into jelly. We took orange powder.
  4. Sugar - half a glass or 100 grams.
  5. Sour cream - 500 grams.
  6. Vanilla sugar 8 gram sachet.

For a sample - see photos:

That's all it takes delicious cake. We prepared orange yellow gelatin ourselves, in the photo - a sample bag.

It's apple finished jelly Green colour.

This cherry jelly is bright red in color.

This is the orange jelly that gives yellow fragments of "glass". It is easy to get divorced - just like in the instructions on reverse side sachet, and in the refrigerator until the desired jelly-like state.

We use gelatin and vanilla sugar like this. But any other is possible - it doesn't matter. There is sour cream and sugar.

First you need to start preparing the gelatin. To do this, you need to dilute it with a glass of water at room temperature.

And put it aside so that it absorbs water. Water can be either boiled or raw. Then we'll do the sour cream.

In a separate bowl, add 500 grams of sour cream, mix with half a glass of sugar and a bag of vanillin. All this is desirable to mix with a mixer, so that everything mixes well.

The next step is to boil the gelatin. It boils quickly. The goal is for it to become transparent, like amber.

As you can see in the photo, it absorbed water and swelled. Now, constantly stirring over low heat, bring it to a transparent state, without lumps.

This is ready-made, transparent gelatin, for adding to sour cream, but first it must be cooled to room temperature, with any accessible way. For example - put in a bowl bigger size, With cold water. While it's all cooling down, let's get ready. broken glass:

We take out the jelly from the cups, and cut into any random shapes so that they form a pattern that creates the illusion of broken glass.

Cut like this. We also cut all the jelly, which is different figures.

We collect all the pieces in one dish, regardless of color.

The field of how the jelly was cut, we need to finally prepare the cream. To do this, while mixing with a mixer, add the cooled gelatin in small portions. It is gradually and in small portions and at a low mixer speed - until a homogeneous mass.

This is our cake mold. The shape can be absolutely any - choose to taste - even square, even rectangular, whatever. The only caveat is that it should be smooth from the inside so that the cake separates without difficulty and damage, otherwise its appearance will be spoiled, which we would not want.

If there is no smooth shape, you can use any, but after covering it with food cellophane film so that the edges hang down. This will be very convenient when removing the cake from the mold.

We put pieces of jelly into the mold, and pour sour cream with gelatin.

All this is gently mixed, then sent to the refrigerator for the night, or for 4-5 hours. This is enough time for the cake to take shape.

The best part remains:

Having covered the form with the cake with a dish of a suitable size, turn it over and carefully remove the form. The cake is ready - you can immediately serve it to the table.

Below is a video recipe for making this amazingly delicious cake, if you have any questions, or have something useful to add - feel free to write in the comments below, we will be happy to participate in the discussion. And the star scale is your best rating for this recipe.

Sincerely, .

Loved by many for its simplicity, brightness and taste, the Broken Glass dessert is very easy to make. Jelly cake "Broken Glass" is so named because it is a multi-colored transparent pieces of jelly that look like broken glass, sometimes this cake is called "Mosaic". There are several options for making this cake. We will cook it on a biscuit pillow, fill the pieces of fruit and berry jelly with sour cream. The cake needs to chill in the fridge. We advise you to cook it a day in advance and leave it in the refrigerator before the celebration, so it is guaranteed to harden.

Taste Info Cakes and pastries

Biscuit Cake Ingredients:

  • Flour 1/3 tbsp. or 70 g;
  • Eggs 2 pcs.;
  • Sugar 0.5 tbsp.;
  • Baking powder 1 tsp;
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp
  • For the jelly layer:
  • Berry or fruit jelly in packs - 4 pcs.;
  • Sugar 100 g;
  • Sour cream 400 ml;
  • Instant gelatin 1 pack - 20 g;
  • Detachable form - 23 cm.

How to cook jelly cake "Broken glass" with sour cream

First, prepare everything you need for the jelly layer. You can make your own jelly from fruits and berries, but I prefer store-bought, as it is brighter. With it, the cut cake looks much more fun. The fat content of sour cream does not matter, and it is important to check the expiration date of gelatin when buying, otherwise the result may not be as expected.

We dilute the jelly of each color with boiling water, while halving the amount of water indicated in the instructions so that the composition is more dense after solidification. So, instead of the recommended 400 ml of water, I added only 200.

Cool to room temperature, then leave the jelly to harden in the refrigerator for an hour or two.

At this time we are preparing a biscuit. You can make a cake without a cake, but it is a good base, moreover, it is more satisfying and tastier. We will prepare all the ingredients necessary for the biscuit cake.

Beat eggs with sugar in a blender so that the mass increases in volume and becomes white, the sugar should completely dissolve.

Sift the flour into the egg mixture, add the baking powder and lemon juice, gently mix everything with a spoon.

Lubricate the detachable form with oil, if there is parchment paper, it would be good to line the form with it. Pour in the biscuit dough.

We put the form in the oven, preheated to 175-180 °, for 20-25 minutes. having withstood required time, open the oven and check the readiness of the cake with a match. It is impossible to open in advance so that the biscuit does not settle.

Let the cake cool directly in the form, then, carefully transferring to wooden board or a large flat dish, remove the parchment. We lay it out again in a detachable form.

In order to prepare the jelly layer, take a diluted hot water(50 ml) gelatin, sour cream and sugar. Mix everything together thoroughly so that the sugar is completely dissolved, and the mass becomes homogeneous.

Jelly, frozen during this time in the refrigerator, we take out of the molds and cut into cubes. So that it does not immediately begin to melt, the board and knife must be chilled.

Now we take all the prepared ingredients and begin to assemble the cake. Pour a little sour cream filling into the cake mold and lay a layer of multi-colored jelly cubes.

Again, pour sour cream mixed with gelatin.

Lay another multi-colored layer and pour the remaining fill.

We put the form with the future cake in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours (or overnight) so that it freezes well.

We take out the finished Broken Glass jelly cake from the mold, cut it into portions and serve it on the festive table.

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Jelly cake "Broken glass" with fruit

Unusually delicate jelly cake "Broken Glass" is suitable for any holiday, it will delight not only children, but also adults with its bright appearance and melting taste. Moreover, it is so easy to prepare, and its ingredients are so simple that you can pamper your loved ones not only on holidays, but also on any day. I prefer to make a cake with fruit, many do it with colored store-bought jelly, or you can use both. In winter I use bananas, kiwi, grapes and tangerines, and in summer I add berries.

Biscuit Ingredients:

  • Eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • Flour - 1 cup;
  • Sugar - 1 cup.

For jelly:

  • Sour cream (the fatter the better) - 500 g;
  • Sugar - 1 cup;
  • Gelatin - 20 g;
  • Water (or milk) - 100 ml.

For filling:


  1. First, prepare the gelatin. To do this, soak it in cold water (I prefer milk) and leave it to swell for 30 minutes.
  2. Cooking biscuit. Beat the yolks with sugar until a white foam is obtained, carefully introduce the proteins there. Continuing to stir, carefully pour in the flour. If desired, you can add half a bag (1 tsp) of baking powder, but with proper whipping, the biscuit will rise perfectly without it.
  3. In oiled butter pour the dough into the mold and put it in the oven preheated to 180 ° for 20-25 minutes. When the biscuit is ready, it will turn brown, its top will be golden. We carefully open the oven door to protect the biscuit from settling, and with the help of a match we make sure that it is ready (the match must remain dry).
  4. While the biscuit is cooling, prepare the fruits and berries. Wash, dry, clean, cut (small berries can be put whole).
  5. Now let's start making jelly for the Broken Glass cake with fruit. Thoroughly beat sour cream with sugar. Add the swollen gelatin and stir.
  6. All the components of the cake are ready, it remains to assemble it.
  7. I prefer to use a detachable form, it is very convenient. At the bottom of the form we lay the biscuit (if it was baked in another). I cut it into 2 cakes, since it is a bit thick as a whole, I put one in a mold, and I break the second in the middle of the cake, but this is optional.
  8. We put a layer of different fruits on the cake (with pieces of the second cake), pour in part of the sour cream, another layer of fruit - another layer of jelly, and so on. I usually get 3 of these layers.
  9. We remove the form with the future cake in the refrigerator. After 2-3 hours, the delicious Broken Glass dessert will be ready. I prefer to leave it to dry all night.
  10. Before serving, we take out the form from the refrigerator, carefully remove the sides and transfer the cake to a dish. Cut and eat right away. He cannot stand for a long time, otherwise it will flow. But for a long time it will not stand idle, because it is surprisingly tasty!


  • More often they prepare a “Broken Glass” cake with sour cream, or you can add cottage cheese, but then it’s better to take not grainy, but homogeneous, fat-free, and beat it with milk until the consistency of sour cream.
  • If you are too lazy to bake a biscuit, you can use the usual shortbread cookies from the store or do without it altogether, make a cake only from jelly.
  • You can use soft multi-colored marmalade for the filling along with fruits (when, for example, the fruits do not differ too much in color).

Basis for creation delicate dessert serves as a gelling agent.

Without gelatin, agar and even pectin, creating such a recipe would be impossible.

Although the discovery of agar belongs to the inhabitants of the island of Java, where, quite possibly, thousands of years ago they also prepared sweet dishes with an extract from seaweed, the whole of Europe worked on the creation of the Broken Glass cake with sour cream.

At first, this dessert was more like a pudding, but when agar-agar came to Europe, and a little later, the inhabitants of the continent learned how to extract pure collagen, transparent and odorless, sour cream pudding changed, turning into a jelly mass with a variety of additives: fruits, oriental sweets, but more than all other ingredients, Europeans preferred jellies and marmalades.

These multi-colored pieces in a frozen creamy mass really resemble glass fragments.

Cake "Broken glass" with sour cream - basic technological principles

The famous Bavarian cream, the lightness inherent in all Italian desserts and the British practicality that became the basis of the dessert, literally and figuratively, make up the overall composition of the Broken Glass cake.

This recipe provides complete freedom of creativity, both for masters and beginner confectioners.

The basis of the cake - the bottom layer, on which the entire jelly mass with “fragments” is laid - biscuit cake. But any kind of sweet dough can serve as this basis - cookies, waffle cakes, products from puff pastry.

Now about shards of glass. It is a thick jelly mass of fruit syrups, juices and purees. "Shards" can also be pieces of coffee or chocolate jelly, dessert liqueurs.

Jelly mass- means not only jelly prepared on the basis of gelatin, but also agar-agar. Although the properties of these two components are similar, there are qualitative differences between them. Both components help create a firm, dense jelly texture. But heat, accidental overheating can turn gelatin jelly into a sweet liquid, without the possibility of re-solidification. With agar-agar, such a nuisance is excluded. For example, if the jelly prepared on the basis of agar-agar turned out to be not sweet enough, or vice versa, it needs to be made less cloying, then you can safely warm up such jelly, add everything you need and chill it again, without losing quality. The benefits of agar-agar are clear. In addition, agar-agar hardens many times faster, the jelly from it turns out to be brighter and more transparent. But its price significantly exceeds the cost of gelatin. Here everyone decides independently, based on their own capabilities.

Ready-made jelly mixtures, in principle, will also fit as a component. But it seems that everyone understands that if “Pineapple Jelly” is written on the package, then there are actually no pineapples in this package.

Marmalade can be used as colorful fragments, which hardens mainly due to pectin. Pectin- gelling component, extract from the fruits of some plants. But cooking marmalade at home is troublesome, especially since cooking marmalade and Broken Glass cake on sour cream at the same time is doubly troublesome.

What can be advised? Fruit is a very desirable element in any dessert. But to preserve the name of the cake - "Broken Glass" with sour cream - it is still better to "hide" fruits or berries in a jelly mass. In addition, this has one practical benefit: fresh fruits in the jelly mass will release juice, which will violate the aesthetics and structure of the cake, while frozen in the jelly mass, they will organically fit into the composition of the cake.

Sour cream can be combined with cream, cottage cheese, colored with fruit additives, filled with cocoa, liquors. Of course, any combination of products must be decided in a beautiful way. color scheme and harmonize with taste.

In Broken Glass cakes with sour cream, as in any desserts, vanilla, fruit extracts, and any flavors are used. Their smell should also be a single composition.

Of course, since we are talking about a dessert made from fruits and a dairy product, there are some precautions to keep in mind.

First of all, this refers to the quality of the products used. And again the question of combination, but this time from a different angle. Briefly and with an example: the combination of a pear with milk can cause intestinal upset. There are other similar examples. Consider this question as well before you start cooking dessert.

1. Recipe for Broken glass cake with sour cream (gentle)

Constituent Ingredients:

Strawberries 200 g

Packet of strawberry jelly

Gelatin 10 g

Biscuit 100 - 200 g

Sour cream 1 l

Candied fruits 100 g

Sugar 1 tbsp.



Wash strawberries and remove stems. Put in a suitable container (deep and wide). Dilute strawberry jelly according to instructions. Pour strawberries and leave to harden for a couple of hours.

Soak gelatin for 30 minutes in water, and heat in a water bath. After strawberry jelly has hardened, beat sour cream with vanilla and sugar. When beating at high speeds, add melted gelatin and beat for another 5 minutes.

Jelly with strawberries randomly cut into pieces. Transfer to a mold and add candied fruit. Pour in sweet sour cream. The biscuit cake, if desired, can also be arbitrarily cut into pieces or put entirely on sour cream. Leave in the refrigerator for a couple of hours until completely solidified.

When the cake is completely frozen, dip in boiling water for 15 seconds. Turn the cake over onto a dish.

2. Broken glass cake recipe with sour cream and cherries

Constituent Ingredients:

Fresh or frozen cherries (pitted) 250 g

Biscuit cake (for roll) about 200 g

Cream "Ganache" 300 g

Baileys liqueur 100 ml

Peaches (canned) 250 g

Cherry jelly 1 package

Gelatin 15 g

Sour cream 1.5 l

Sugar 300 g


Prepare a package of jelly according to the instructions, and leave to harden in a container. Soak the cake with liquor, grease with cream, lay out the cherry and wrap it with a roll. Cut the roll.

Whip sour cream with sugar and high speed mix with gelatin. Ready cherry jelly, randomly cut into "shards".

We shift all the obtained blanks into a large relief mold for a cake, in the following order: distribute the sliced ​​roll into the recessed reliefs of the mold; distribute “fragments” of jelly and pieces of peaches between them; pour sour cream mixed with sugar and gelatin. Leave to harden and ready.

Hold the frozen dessert in boiling water for a while to make it easier to transfer to a dish.

3. Recipe for Broken glass cake with sour cream (oriental)

Constituent Ingredients:

Rahat-Lukum 200 g

Candied fruits 100 g

Marmalade 200 g

Sour cream 1 l

Gelatin 10 g

Sugar 1 tbsp.

Biscuit cake

Whipped cream


Soak gelatin, melt in a water bath. Add to whipped sour cream with sugar, mix with a mixer at high speed.

We form a cake.

In the form (detachable), in the form of a "heart", lay out the cake;

Then we mix Turkish delight, marmalade and candied fruit; fill them with the resulting mixture. Leave the cake to harden until fully cooked.

finished cake remove from the mold, decorate the sides with whipped cream.

4. Recipe for Broken glass cake with sour cream (a la bird's milk)

Constituent Ingredients:

Milk 500 ml

Coffee (instant) 1 tbsp. l.

Coconut shavings

Sour cream 1 l

Sugar 300 g

Biscuit cake

Cream "Ganache" 300 g

Raspberry 200 g

Coconut milk 100 ml

Gelatin 20 g


Soak gelatin first. Heat in a water bath to a liquid and viscous consistency. Boil the milk, dissolve the coffee and half the sugar. Allow to cool to a temperature of 50 - 60С, then add half of the gelatin. Mix well and let cool to room temperature. Transfer the prepared raspberries to a container, pour milk with coffee and leave to harden.

Ready coffee jelly with berries, randomly cut. Transfer to a deep bowl.

Add coconut milk, sugar and gelatin to sour cream. Beat until smooth. Pour the pieces of jelly, cover with cake on top. Leave to freeze until fully cooked.

Frozen cake, lightly heat over steam and invert onto a serving platter. Transfer the "Ganache" into a pastry bag and decorate the cake, sprinkle with coconut flakes.

5. Broken glass cake recipe with sour cream (tropical)

Constituent Ingredients:

Grapes 1 bunch

Orange 1 pc.

Sour cream 1 l

Banana 2 pcs.

mint leaves

Lemon juice 2 tbsp. l.

Gelatin 10 g

Pineapple (canned) slices

Biscuit cake

Sugar 300 g

Kiwi 2 pcs.


Melt the soaked gelatin. Rinse the grapes and pick the berries from the brush. Peel the orange, divide into slices and remove the film. Transfer fruits and grapes to silicone mold.

Banana peel and grind in a blender with lemon juice. Add sour cream and 200 grams of sugar. Whisking until smooth, pour in gelatin in a thin stream. Pour the resulting mass into a mold with berries and fruits, put a biscuit cake on top of the mass. Refrigerate until completely solidified.

Kiwi clean, mash into a puree, rub through a sieve and mix with 100 grams of sugar. Boil in stainless utensils no more than 5 minutes. Prepare a cornet from parchment or buy ready-made. Place the resulting sauce in a cornet.

Heat the finished cake in the form a little on the steam, turn it over onto a plate and carefully remove the silicone form. Drizzle with cornet sauce and garnish with mint leaves.

6. Broken glass cake recipe with sour cream and cocoa

Constituent Ingredients:

Coffee ice cream 500 g

Whipped cream

Cocoa 2 tbsp. l.

Cherry (pitted) 200 g

Sour cream 1 l

Sugar 300 g

Biscuit cake

Agar-agar 20 g

Milk 600 ml

Almonds (plates)


In a detachable form at the bottom, place the cake. Mix half the cocoa with half the sugar, pour in 400 ml of milk and bring to a boil. Add a third of agar-agar to boiling milk, mix quickly and pour into a separate container. Allow to cool to room temperature, then refrigerate until completely solidified. Remove the frozen jelly from the container and randomly cut into “shards”.

Boil the remaining milk with agar-agar, stirring constantly. Beat sour cream with sugar, quickly combining with milk (introduce in small portions). Pour half of the cake on the cake, let it harden a little. Put ice cream on top. Cover the ice cream with a layer of cherries, then distribute the “shards” of jelly. Pour everything with the remaining mixture based on sour cream. Refrigerate until completely solidified.

Serve cake garnished with almonds and whipped cream.

Tricks and tips for making Broken Glass Cake with Sour Cream

To lower your cholesterol and carbs, replace sugar with fructose.

If you want to reduce the number of calories, replace gelatin with agar-agar. Agar-agar prevents the absorption of cholesterol.

There are a lot of recipes for broken glass jelly cake. They make such a cake with biscuit, yogurt, cottage cheese. This is a sour cream cake recipe.

Sour cream is better to buy with a fat content of 20-25%. Multi-colored jelly can be made from ready-made jelly in packs or from gelatin and fruit and berry juice.


– 2 jars of 500 ml

Sugar - 2 cups

Jelly - 4 packs (different colors)

Gelatin - 50 grams (for sour cream)

Vanillin - 1 sachet (or vanilla sugar)

Kiwi - 1 piece

Orange - 1 piece (or tangerine 2-3 pieces)

How to make Broken Glass cake with sour cream:

First you need to make multi-colored jelly. You can make jelly from ready-made fruit jelly. If you cook from juice, then pour a dessert spoon of gelatin (without top) with a small amount of water. For each color - one spoonful in different bowls. Leave to swell, as written on the package.

Then pour gelatin with a glass of berry or fruit juice of different colors and heat in a water bath, without boiling. Stir the liquid periodically so that the gelatin dissolves better.

Instant gelatin can be immediately poured into juice and dissolved in a water bath.

Pour the dissolved gelatin into molds (each color separately). To do this, you can use ordinary plastic containers. Place in the refrigerator until the jelly hardens. Better to do at night.

When the colored gelatin hardens, cut it randomly into small pieces.

Using a mixer, beat sour cream with sugar and vanilla. In order for the sugar to dissolve faster when whipping, it is better to grind it into powdered sugar first.

Pour gelatin for sour cream with 1.5 cups of hot water and mix until gelatin is completely dissolved. This is if the gelatin is instant. Prepare regular gelatin according to package directions.

Mix gradually whipped sour cream and dissolved gelatin. Gelatin must be cooled to room temperature before mixing.

Add chopped multi-colored jelly to this mass and mix gently.

Cover the mold with cling film. You can use a regular bowl or salad bowl. Cover with foil so that there are free ends.

First lay out the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bkiwi and orange slices. Then - sour cream.

Place in the refrigerator until the jelly is completely set.

Turn the frozen jelly onto a dish and garnish with orange, tangerines and kiwi if desired.

Advice. Jelly cake with sour cream can be prepared in layers. To do this, first lay out a layer of sour cream jelly, then a layer of colored jelly.

Bon appetit!

A delicious dessert that does not require any baking or special tricks in cooking. Broken glass cake worthy of any holiday table– be it a dinner party or a quiet romantic dinner! Such a jelly cake can be prepared in completely different ways: with the addition of biscuit, cookies, or simply pour the cake mass into a mold and let it thicken. Instead of sour cream, you can use the most delicious yogurt, with or without fillers.
You can add various fillers to it: nuts, candied fruit, pieces of fresh or canned fruit, multi-colored jelly (made by yourself) or marmalade.

Cake "Broken glass" in milk:


  • gelatin - 20–25 g
  • milk - 250 ml
  • water - 100 ml
  • sugar and vanilla to taste
  • fruits of your choice (you can do without them)


Prepare the jelly according to the instructions on the package, BUT by reducing the amount of water to 150-180 ml. Pour the finished jelly into molds, let it harden in the refrigerator. If desired, you can make jelly from homemade compotes (1 incomplete tablespoon of gelatin per 1 cup of compote). When the jelly is ready, proceed to milk jelly.

For milk jelly, dissolve gelatin in 100 ml of water, leave for 10-15 minutes to swell. Boil the milk and cool slightly, add swollen gelatin, sugar and vanillin (to taste) to the milk, mix well. Heat the milk mixture on the stove, BUT DO NOT BOIL, otherwise the milk will curdle. Remove from stove and set aside. If necessary, you can strain.

Prepare a mold for the broken glass cake. Peel and cut fruits. I had one orange and two small kiwis. Don't go overboard with kiwi. Pineapple and kiwi break down gelatin.
Put in a form in layers: fruits and multi-colored jelly. Then pour all the CHILLED milk jelly and put in the refrigerator until completely solidified - at least 4 hours. I put it on overnight.

Before serving, dip the form with the cake for a few seconds in hot water then invert the cake onto a flat dish. Decorate the cake with fruits.

Light summer cake "Broken glass" in milk is ready! Bon appetit!!!

Cake "Broken glass" on sour cream with biscuit:


  • jelly of different colors - 3 sachets
  • gelatin - 20–25 g
  • sour cream - 500 ml
  • water - 100 ml
  • sugar and vanilla to taste
  • biscuit or any cookie


Prepare jelly. We do everything the same as for a jelly cake with milk. Pour the jelly into molds, put in the refrigerator until completely solidified.

My biscuit was prepared ahead of time. If it is not possible to make a biscuit on your own, you can use any soft cookies.
Cut the cooled biscuit into slices. Set aside one cake (the lowest one) for the cake, cut the other into cubes. Cookies can be simply broken into pieces.

When our multi-colored completely hardens. You can take jelly with sour cream.

Pour gelatin with water, leave to swell, then heat it on the stove, BUT DO NOT BOIL! The gelatin should dissolve. Whisk sour cream with sugar and vanilla. Pour in the cooled gelatin in a thin stream, beating constantly.

The mass almost immediately begins to set, so you need to hurry up with assembling the cake.

We lay out in the form in layers: a layer of sour cream jelly, a layer of multi-colored jelly and pieces of biscuit (or pieces of cookies). Fill out the form to the top.

Put the biscuit cake on top and lightly press down. We put the cake in the refrigerator for several hours, and preferably at night!

Before serving, dip the cake pan in hot water for a few seconds, then invert the cake onto a flat dish.
Cake "Broken glass" on sour cream with biscuit is ready! Bon appetit!!!

Note: if you are preparing a jelly cake with a biscuit, do not use the entire biscuit in the cake, there will be a lot of it.