Rebecca Chambers

S.T.A.R.S. Special Squad, Bravo Unit.

The youngest and inexperienced member of the S.T.A.R.S. team, a field doctor who has just enlisted. We meet her at resident evil 1 - as one of the minor characters, as well as in Resident Evil Zero (prequel to the original game) - as the main character.

July 23, 1998, the Bravo team of the S.T.A.R.S. (Special Tactics And Rescue Service), in which Rebecca was enrolled, will be sent to investigate a series of murders that occurred in the Arklay mountains - in the vicinity of Raccoon City. While combing the forest, the Bravo team will come across an overturned van. military police, which will contain the bodies of two dead officers. According to the documents found, the car was transporting a criminal, a former military man accused of mass execution of 23 people. The team decides to split up to expand the search area. Rebecca Chambers, following an order, will come across an express train that has stopped in the middle of the forest, teeming with the walking dead - and from that moment her misfortune will begin.

Billy Cohen

Rebecca's partner in Resident Evil Zero. Billy is the same criminal accused of killing 23 people and sentenced to death. Shortly before the events of the game, the police van transporting Cohen crashed in a forest on the outskirts of Raccoon City. The guards died, but Billy miraculously managed to escape.

Through a combination of circumstances, Rebecca and Billy meet on a train infested with evil creatures. They will have to act as a team to get out of the mess they both got into.

Chris Redfield

Later, operative international organization Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance (BSAA).

Chris - the main character Resident Evil 1, Resident Evil Code: Veronica and Resident Evil 5.

Chris is a former military man who served in the US Air Force. In the first Resident, he becomes Jill Valentine's companion.

After being disillusioned with military service and returning to civil life Chris moved from city to city until he met Barry Burton one day. Barry immediately noticed Chris' abilities and, given his solid military experience, recruited him into the newly created organization S.T.A.R.S., after which they ended up together in one of his units - in Raccoon City, under the command of Captain Albert Wesker. On July 24, 1998, the Alpha team goes in search of the missing Bravo team.

Together with Jill and Rebecca Chambers, they will conduct an investigation at the Spencer mansion (the scene of the first "Resident"), where they will reveal the Umbrella conspiracy, but in the future the case will be put on hold, and Chris will be forced to leave the police service. After that, he will be enrolled in the ranks of the BSAA.

Chris's worst enemy will be Albert Wesker, the former captain of the Alpha squad, who secretly worked for Umbrella. Redfield will come face to face with Wesker in Resident Evil Code: Veronica, but by that time Wesker will no longer be an ordinary person, and Chris will not be able to cope with him. The final showdown between Chris and Wesker will be in Resident Evil 5.

Chris and Jill (Resident Evil)

Chris, years after the incident in Raccoon City, is mature and experienced in the fight against the undead.

Chris and his partner Shiva - Resident Evil 5.

Captain Josh Stone

BSAA Delta Division

We meet this guy in Resident Evil 5. During the execution of a combat mission, his unit was completely destroyed, and Josh joined the team of Chris and Shiva to help them get on the trail of Albert Wesker.

Shiva Alomar

BSAA, Operations Agent.

Chris Redfield's partner in Resident Evil 5. According to legend, this black young lady spent her entire childhood in the African jungle as part of a partisan detachment, that is, she grew up and was brought up with weapons in her hands. Then she was recruited by the BSAA, where she received training under Captain Stone. Together with Chris, she will have to go through real hell, but she will show herself as a faithful and devoted fighting friend.

Jill Valentine

S.T.A.R.S. Special Squad, Alpha Unit.

Later - BSAA operational agent

Chris' partner in the first Resident. Perhaps it is Jill who is the main female character in the entire game series, all the main events revolve around her.

In Resident Evil 3, Jill will be left all alone in a zombie-infested Raccoon City. S.T.A.R.S. by this time, through the efforts of Umbrella, it will completely disintegrate, and Umbrella will announce a real hunt for Jill in order to destroy her as a dangerous witness who has information that can destroy the corporation. Jill will have to get out, and it will not be easy.

During the Raccoon City Incident, Jill will be infected with a virus. She will be rescued by Umbrella's mercenary Carlos Oliveiro.

After getting out of the city, she will find Chris and join him in the fight against Wesker and his organization. The idea of ​​ending Umbrella once and for all will become almost the meaning of her life for her.

However, Wesker will soon capture Jill, brainwash her and use her to kill Chris Redfield.

Chris's relationship with Jill is ambiguous - I believe that they are connected by feelings that are more than just friendship.

Jill in Resident Evil 3 (Escape from Raccoon City)

This is how she will become in Resident Evil 5

Jill in BSAA suit

But this is how we will see her in the upcoming Resident Evil Revelation - but, unfortunately, only for owners of the latest portable console from Nintendo :(

Barry Burton

S.T.A.R.S. Special Squad, Alpha Unit.

Barry Burton is a former S.W.A.T. fighter who is well versed in weapons, even obsessed with them. Since, along with Wesker, Barry organized the creation of the S.T.A.R.S. in Raccoon City, it can be assumed that he trusted, supported, and respected the captain. Barry was the first to know that Captain Wesker was working for Umbrella and intended to use S.T.A.R.S. as guinea pigs in his experiment.

When Alpha Team sets off in search of the missing Bravo Team in the Arklay Mountains and finds themselves in a trap prepared for them, Captain Wesker will need someone's help, and Barry is best suited for this role - he can easily be blackmailed by the threat of reprisals against his relatives. Jill and Chris trust him so that Barry can convince them to do exactly what Wesker needs. This will be a forced betrayal, which will torment him very much. In the end, Barry will still go against Umbrella - although he will know that he is putting his family in mortal danger.

When the remaining S.T.A.R.S. fighters, except for Jill, leave Raccoon City, Barry will return by helicopter and pull Jill Valentine and the U.B.C.S. mercenary out of the city. Carlos Oliveiro.

Leon S. Kennedy - Becomes friends with Barry Burton after the events in Raccoon City. The surviving members of S.T.A.R.S. join a government organization to stop Umbrella's monstrous experiments.

Leon S. Kennedy

RPD is the Raccoon City Police Department.

In the future - a government agent.

My favorite character :) We meet him in Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 4.

Leon in Resident Evil 2 is a rookie who has arrived at his first duty station. In 1998, after completing his studies at the police academy, he was sent to the US Midwestern city of Raccoon. We learn of him as a rookie cop who arrives in town on his first day of service, looking forward to his future career in the local police department (RPD), but a disaster shortly before his arrival changes the story. That's how lucky he was - he spent exactly one night in the service of the RPD. However, the impressions of this night spent in Raccoon City will last him a lifetime.

A person with a heightened sense of duty and justice. A significant drawback is excessive gullibility and weakness for the opposite sex. This will backfire on him more than once.

Leon learns that the catastrophe that occurred in the city is the work of the international corporation Umbrella. By exploring her hidden science center on the outskirts of the city (the entrance to which was located directly under the police station), Leon will find a lot of information about the corporation's monstrous experiments that were associated with the development of biological weapons.

In Raccoon City, Leon meets Chris Redfield's sister, Claire. They will become partners. And here, for the first time, he will encounter Ada Wong, a professional mercenary working for Wesker.

After collecting a lot of important information, Leon and Claire will escape from the Umbrella research complex. Determined to deal with Umbrella for the deaths of so many people, the heroes become divided.

Six years will pass from July 1998, and Leon will be given a job in the US Secret Service, which reports directly to the president.

Leon is a government agent. This is no longer a greenhorn police officer, this is a professional exterminator of evil spirits, who has solid experience in various countries behind him.

For some time, Leon works in a team with another government agent - Jack Krauser. However, friction arises between them, and Krauser soon disappears somewhere.

Leon's secret gangster costume in Resident Evil 4 :))

Ashley Graham

Who would you think? Daughter of the President of the United States.

In 2002, Leon received information about the death of his comrade-in-arms, Jack Krauser, and 2 years later, someone kidnapped the daughter of the US president, Ashley Graham. Leon is assigned to track down and rescue Ashley. Following the information received, Leon goes to the Spanish village of Pueblo.

In the investigation of this case, Leon is assisted by signalman Ingrid Hannigen. Arriving at the place, Leon is faced with the activities of a mysterious cult, whose head is Osmund Saddler. Kennedy discovers that Saddler intends to use the president's daughter as a bargaining chip against the American government.

Ashley is a completely helpless creature. Terribly stressful. Due to his stupidity, he always gets into some kind of trouble. However, it is worth losing it - and the task is failed.

Claire Redfield

And here is the younger sister of Chris Redfield. My favorite female character :) We meet her in Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil Code: Veronica.

A charming young lady appeared in Raccoon City at the same time as Leon Kennedy. She had not received any news about the fate of her brother, who miraculously got out of the Spencer mansion alive, for a long time, so she decided to visit him. And I ended up in a rather strange place - deserted streets, no signs of life anywhere. Entering a roadside cafe, she was confronted by zombies, from whom she was saved by Leon, who happened to be nearby. Together with a newfound acquaintance, they will decide to get to the police station, where, undoubtedly, it is safer than on the streets, and besides, there Claire will be able to find some explanation for the disappearance of Chris.

At the station, Claire will meet a little girl - Sherry Birkin, who is hiding behind the office of police chief Brian Irons. The girl will be scared, a certain monster is hunting for her, who needs a medallion around her neck.

Since Sherry is infected with the virus, Claire must take the girl from the station to the Umbrella research facility. There she will look for an antivirus to cure the child. Together with Leon and Sherry, Claire will leave Raccoon City by the underground railroad.

After the incident in Raccoon City, Leon and Sherry will be taken away by the government, while Claire will continue to search for her brother.

In Resident Evil Code: Veronica, Claire will be imprisoned on Umbrella's Rockfort Island. There, Claire meets Steve Burnside, who once worked for Umbrella with his father, but is also imprisoned.

Claire in Resident Evil: Degeneration

Steve Burnside

We meet him in Resident Evil Code: Veronica. Steve Burnside is inmate 267 of the Umbrella Special Prison on Rockfort Island. People who have committed a crime against the corporation, as well as those who have not pleased it in one way or another, are sent to this prison. Steve's father, who worked for Umbrella, began to steal secret information and wanted to sell it to the highest bidder. However, on the orders of the corporation, his wife was killed, and he, along with his son, was sent to Rockfort.

After an attack on the island by HCF forces led by Albert Wesker leaks the T-virus, Steve is able to escape from prison. Here he will meet another prisoner, also at large - Claire Redfield.

Steve behaves either as a capricious and stubborn child, or as an overly self-confident and puffy teenager. Ever since they met Claire, he has been trying to impress her. He directly needs to show how cool he is, and that it is he who is aware of the state of affairs on the island and will be able to get out of here; this is especially noticeable in the tone of the conversation and general familiarity. For Claire, who went through the nightmare of Raccoon City, such an attitude is ridiculous.

From Rockfort Island, the two of them travel by plane to the Antarctic base of Umbrella, the last stronghold of the corporation. There, Steve is injected with the T-Veronica virus and turns into a monster.

The end will be sad.

U.B.C.S. - Umbrella Biohazard Countermeasure Service is a special Umbrella unit for taking countermeasures in conditions of biological contamination.

The nature of U.B.C.S. missions for the most part risky and dangerous, each operation maintains a rather high mortality rate for members of the unit. Presumably the U.B.C.S. consists of war criminals and mercenaries from around the world who have joined the U.B.C.S. as an alternative to capital punishment.

On September 26, 1998, during the T-virus outbreak in Raccoon City, U.B.C.S. to support RPD forces. Most of the fighters died at the very beginning of this mission. Officially, the goal of the mission was to rescue the civilian population from the epicenter of the infection, however, Umbrella's plans were completely different - a test of biological weapons (B.O.W.). The only survivor in Raccoon City was Carlos Oliveira, and according to unconfirmed reports, Nikolai Zinoviev.

Resident Evil 3 Intro (1999)

Carlos Oliveiro

Umbrella Corporation, U.B.C.S.

Carlos is a member of the U.B.C.S. Delta Squad sent to Raccoon City to contain the T-virus epidemic and rescue civilians. Its origin is unknown. He is believed to be from Latin America. He is specialized in security and support missions, in addition he has experience heavy weapons and is responsible for maintaining the team's weapons.

By nature, probably too arrogant, but simple-minded. During the mission, he meets Jill Valentine and, endangering his life, repeatedly saves the girl. It looks like the guy is fascinated by her. Together with her, he paves the way to the exit from the city through hordes of the living dead and mutants.

Michael Victor(yes, last name)

Umbrella Corporation, U.B.C.S.

Mikhail is an ex-Russian army fighter who lost his job, offering his combat skills to the U.B.C.S. Mikhail will be injured in a fight with a horde of zombies, in which most of the U.B.C.S.

Mikhail is a brave soldier, with a great sense of responsibility and faith in justice, he is trying with all his might to protect and save his surviving soldiers.

Mikhail heroically dies in a skirmish with Nemesis, blowing him up along with his own grenade.

Michael vs Nemesis

Nikolai Zinoviev

Umbrella Corporation, U.B.C.S.

Also an ex-soldier of the Russian army, recruited by Umbrella into the ranks of the U.B.C.S. Nikolai is a U.B.C.S. service sergeant and one of the observers sent by Umbrella to Raccoon City to evaluate the B.O.W.

Aida Wong

A mercenary that Leon meets in Raccoon City.

Almost nothing is known about her - who she is, where she came from, what she did before. Mystery woman. It is only known that she works for Wesker - she gets him information and samples of biological weapons.

Ada Wong is a cunning, beautiful, independent, self-aware and very dangerous woman. Eida ruthlessly uses people to her advantage, tricking and throwing them. Ada always works alone - she doesn't trust her teammates and they don't trust her. And only Leon breathes unevenly towards her :)

Aida arrives in the city just as the T-Virus leak has left it overrun with zombies and monsters. After meeting with Leon, she will have to pretend that she is under the protection of a young policeman, portraying only a girl looking for her boyfriend, so as not to arouse unnecessary suspicion. Having reached the underground laboratory of Umbrella, Ada will quietly leave Leon. Her task is to obtain an experimental sample of the G-virus stored somewhere in the laboratory.

Ada and Leon

Ozwell E. Spencer

Umbrella Corporation

Throughout the games in the Resident Evil series, the formidable figure of Lord Ozwell E. Spencer remained in the shadows. An almost mythical character with great power, resources and influence, he was behind the discovery of the progenitor virus, the creation of the Umbrella Corporation and developments in the field of bio-organic weapons. A real master of behind-the-scenes games, he skillfully hid his face, outlived his offspring, and until 2006 avoided personal responsibility for his deeds. Until now, his biography contains many dark spots.

Albert Wesker

Umbrella Corporation

It is not known from what year Wesker worked for the Umbrella Corporation. However, at the age of 18, in 1978, he was already appointed, along with William Birkin, as one of the chief research engineers at the Arklay Research Complex, located in the Arklay Mountains, near Raccoon City. If Wesker's friend and colleague - William - is a talented scientist, even too seriously passionate about his work, then Albert is a born boss, a leader.

Wesker took part in the development of biological weapons, in particular, in the Tyrant project. But it is not known exactly what his activities were. Not being completely absorbed in work, like William, he often wondered about the true intentions of their mysterious "boss" - Spencer, one of the co-owners of the Umbrella Corporation.

Wesker is cold-blooded, cruel, prudent. Perhaps it is difficult to find a more charismatic and balanced villain than him.

In July 1998, as the leader of S.T.A.R.S. in Raccoon City and at the same time a secret agent of Umbrella, he receives an order to destroy both detachments of this unit, which, under pressure from the public, nevertheless began to investigate incidents related to the leak of the virus in the Arklay laboratory. The Arklay lab was blown up - no evidence of Umbrella research or bioweapons remains. Captain S.T.A.R.S. Albert Wesker until December 1998 was considered tragically killed in this incident.

In fact, Wesker injected himself with an unknown virus, which remains to this day one of the most mysterious and successful developments of Umbrella.

Crossed off the list of the living for almost everyone and, most importantly, for Umbrella, Wesker began his game - collecting virus samples and research results from employees of the corporation. Deprived of the opportunity to act in the open, Albert enlists the help of Ada Wong, a woman who has long been a spy for Umbrella.

And here is Wesker's transformation in Resident Evil 5. By the time the events of the fifth part began, Wesker had already ceased to be a man. The virus circulating in his blood has made him a superhuman capable of controlling his body at the molecular level.

James Marcus

Umbrella Corporation

There were three of them: Edward Ashford, James Marcus and Ozwell Spencer - the aristocrats who founded the Umbrella Corporation.

It was with these two people that Marcus conducted developments in the field of biotechnology for some time, until in the early 60s a group of scientists consisting of James Marcus himself, Edward Ashford and Ozwell Spencer discovered the so-called Progenitor virus, or Mother virus, which laid the beginning of the development of biological weapons. At Spencer's urging, James Marcus co-founds Umbrella Inc. - a pharmaceutical campaign that should become a cover for their illegal developments. However, Marcus, unlike Spencer, who was guided by unclear but ambitious motives, and Ashford, for whom this additionally emphasized his position in society, had little interest in the conspiracy, administration and commercial benefits of their projects. All his energy and enthusiasm was directed exclusively directly to research, like his future "successor" William Birkin.

Conducting experiments on various living organisms, including humans, James advanced in developments based on the T-virus. Long time the main achievements in the field of creating biological weapons belonged to Marcus, and Spencer, most likely, was not afraid of competition from the scientist who did the main work. But having felt Marcus' unwillingness to remain in the shadow of the head of Umbrella and the unwillingness to share his inventions with the corporation, Spencer in the late 80s decides to eliminate the doctor. He has a quite good replacement - William Birkin, who is more loyal so far and will only gladly take the place of Marcus, because the young scientist always wanted to be the first in his field. In 1988, on the orders of Spencer, Dr. James Marcus was shot by people from special forces"Umbrellas" in their own laboratory during the next experiment. The perpetrators of the assassination were none other than William Birkin and Albert Wesker, the only ones Marcus trusted. The doctor's body was drowned.

But now 10 years have passed, and Marcus is back. Alive and healthy, and in addition rejuvenated. How could this happen? Resident Evil Zero will reveal this secret to us.

William Birkin

Umbrella Corporation

This man is the direct culprit of the tragedy that occurred in Raccoon City in 1998.

On account of William, the improvement of the T-virus, numerous developments based on it, including the Tyrant project. The pinnacle of Dr. Birkin's research activity is the creation of the G-virus, whose capabilities are many times greater than those of the T-virus. It took William 10 years to research the G-virus, from its discovery in 1988 to its final completion in 1998. He was extremely proud of his discovery and treasured it. However, the leadership of Umbrella became aware of William's intentions (which appeared not without the participation of his friend Albert) to leave the campaign along with their developments. It was an excellent occasion and a chance to deprive William of his offspring, not to be indebted to him for anything. Umbrella did just that.

In September 1998, she sent a Umbrella Special Forces Unit to retrieve Sample G from Dr. -virus. William received machine-gun fire at point-blank range. Realizing that he was mortally wounded, William, in desperation, injected himself with a G-virus capable of restoring cell functions. The mutation was not long in coming. Gaining superhuman strength and stamina, William got even with his killers, but in the process, a case of viruses stolen by people from the U.S.F.U. was damaged, and the T and G viruses leaked into the city sewers, through which the Umbrella squad entered the plant.

The changes that took place in Birkin's body were irreversible.

First form

Second form

Third form

fourth form

Fifth form. Nothing human. A bubbling gelatinous mass with a huge mouth studded with spiked teeth. Unknown fucking garbage - in other words.

There is even a video :) Prepare sanitary bags.

Sherry Birkin

Daughter of William Birkin. The most touching character in the game. The mutated dad will become her nightmare, he will relentlessly pursue her.

As a result, Sherry will meet Claire Redfield, and her fear will go away.

Annette Birkin

The wife of the unfortunate Dr. Birkin, the victim of his own creation.

By injecting himself with a virus, William saved his life, but almost completely lost his mind. Birkin's wife, Annette, who worked with him, did not leave the city after the incident in the laboratory and did not take their common daughter, Sherry, with her. She stayed in the lab to keep the results of her husband's work. Considering that the G-virus is transmitted from carrier to carrier by the introduction of an embryo, the mutated William set out to do just that with his own daughter - to make her like himself. With the help of Annette, the heroes of Resident Evil 2 will be able to make a vaccine for Sherry, and the girl will be saved. Annette will soon be killed by her own husband.


Hunk is a member of Umbrella's Special Forces Unit (U.S.F.U). Strong, hardy, executive and cold-blooded, he owes his skills to the training military base of Rockfort Island.

As a member of Alpha Squad during the biological disaster in Raccoon, Hunk receives a secret order from Umbrella's Paris Headquarters to infiltrate an underground research facility through the sewers, locate the G-virus' creator, William Birkin, and recover a sample of the virus. The operation didn't go well...

Somehow, Hunk will survive the revenge of the scientist, who will turn into a monster.

The further fate of Hunk after the events of RE-UC (the collapse of Umbrella) is unknown.

Osmund Saddler

The founder and leader of a religious sect that thrives in the vicinity of the Spanish village of Pueblo - the setting of Resident Evil 4.

Saddler wants neither more nor less - but to compete with the American military-political machine. To do this, he kidnaps the daughter of the President of the United States. Bioterrorism in synthesis with religious teachings is his way of gaining power and influence in the world.

Saddler's transformation. This is such an unknown fucking bullshit.

Louis Sera

A mysterious Spaniard whom the protagonist meets during a mission in Resident Evil 4. Together with Leon, they are trying to survive in the terrible events that are happening around. Posing as a local police officer, Luis is nevertheless reluctant to share information about his identity.

Bitores Mendez

The headman of the village of Pueblo, where Leon arrives. A tall and scary-looking man who is extremely unfriendly to an intruder. He is one of Lord Saddler's close associates.

Transformation of Bitores in the fight with Leon

Ramon Salazar

He appears everywhere with his two henchmen - to the left and to the right of him. Their names are appropriate - Left Hand and Right Hand :)

Salazar before transforming into HEX.

Jack Krauser

government agent

In the future - Wesker's henchman and action movie Los Illuminados

Krauser was a government agent who met Leon Kennedy, apparently during his training at secret service. It is not entirely clear whether the two were good friends, or even vice versa; and although Krauser calls Leon "comrade", his tone is somewhat ironic.

Krauser's transformation during the fight with Leon.

Krauser and Leon

Ricardo Irving

Henchman Wesker in Resident Evil 5. Somewhat reminiscent of Salazar, the same silly subject. Black market merchant supplying Wesker biological materials for his research.

Irving's black market deals did not escape the attention of the BSAA. Chris Redfield and Shiva hope that through Irving they will be able to reach Wesker.

When Irving's tail is pinched, he mutates into an unknown fucking piece of shit.

This guy can even swim.

Excella Gion

Tricell Pharmaceutical Company

In Resident Evil 5, she is Wesker's business partner, an eccentric lady who heads the African department of the pharmaceutical corporation Tricell, under whose cover Wesker works. She's counting on Wesker to build a brave new world by purging the planet of excess population with viral weapons, and she believes she'll take her place in right hand from the master of the new world that Wesker himself plans to become.

She allowed Wesker to draw her into a gamble with biological weapons, since she seriously considers Albert almost a god, but she, unlike Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine, is unaware that her newfound god only needs performers to get rid of, when they are no longer needed.

Excella and Wesker

As a result, Excella will turn into a giant ouroboros.

Alfred Ashford

Umbrella Corporation

The main reptile in Resident Evil Code: Veronica.

The son of one of the leaders of "Umbrella" - Alexander Ashford. Twin brother of Alexia Ashford.

Alfred, one might say, turned out to be a "by-product" of Alexander Ashford's experiment on the birth of a genius child. Outwardly very similar to his sister, he was much inferior to her in terms of intelligence. If Alexia is restrained and does not give vent to emotions, she lives by reason, and not by feelings, then Alfred is very impulsive, unbalanced and does not know how to control his emotions.

After the disappearance of his father and the departure of Alexia in 1983, Alfred became head of the Ashford household. He also took over the post of Alexander in Umbrella. However, there is no mention anywhere that he was personally engaged in or led research work in the field of biological weapons. Apparently, he received some kind of military education, which affected his love of weapons and the decision to build a military base on Rockfort Island.

Alexia Ashford

Umbrella Corporation

Twin sister of Alfred Ashford.

Alexia is undeniably the youngest and most brilliant scientist ever to work for Umbrella and has served as chief researcher.

In two years of work, Alexia has made significant progress in research, thus practically completing the project started by her grandfather. She discovered the remnants of an ancient virus in the queen ant's genes and, using the Progenitor virus and the T-virus, created the virus known as T-Veronica. Alexia found the ant and anthill ecosystem ideal for her. An anthill, where there is one queen, who is surrounded by dedicated, but easily replaceable, workers and soldiers, she considered a kind of model of the world, especially in relation to herself.

Very soon, Alexia understood how to bring T-Veronica to perfection. To do this, the mutation of the object must proceed very slowly, for a long time and under the influence of low temperature. Then the carrier of the virus will not only not lose consciousness, but will also be fully compatible with the virus and gain unprecedented power.

Alexia deliberately injected herself with the virus and went into cryosleep for 15 years, which corresponds to the incubation period of T-Veronica.

Fifteen years passed, and Alexia woke up in December 1998. She did not lose her human form and control over herself, as expected. But just at that time, Albert Wesker comes to the base in Antarctica for T-Veronica, the only sample of which is in the body of Alexia. But the arrogant beauty is not going to share her power with someone so easily. Alexia mutates by own will in order to be able to fight back against Wesker.

Being in human form, she cannot reveal the full potential of the power that Veronica has endowed her with. Well, of course - from a charming woman it turns out Unknown Fucking Huinya :)

Age: 23 (for 1998)
The weight: 50.4 kg
Height: 166 cm
Hair color: Brown hair (blonde in Re5)
Eye color: Blue
Blood type: B
Appears in games in the series:
resident evil
Resident Evil 3
Resident Evil 5
Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles
Resident Evil: Revelations
Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City
Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D
Lisa Faye (RE1)
Tara Platt
Catherine Disher (RE3, MvC2)
Heidi Anderson
Patricia Ja Lee (RE:UC, RE5)
Michelle Ruff (RE:R, ORC)

Main biography

Member of Alpha Squad, S.T.A.R.S. Position RS (Rear Security). A serious girl with a very strong sense of justice. She is simple in her actions and never hides what she feels. She has skillful fingers, with the help of master keys she perfectly opens various locks. At work, she wears a light body armor that allows her to move more freely, and a beret with S.T.A.R.S. Uses a "Samurai Edge" pistol (Samurai Blade), modified for personal use, and a small knife. A flamethrower can also be used if necessary.

Before joining S.T.A.R.S. she participated in the US Army's Delta Force Training Program, where she earned high marks in explosive demining. Was accepted into S.T.A.R.S. thanks to well-developed combat skills. No matter how difficult the mission, Jill never shows her weakness.

After surviving the incident at the mansion, Jill began an independent investigation into Umbrella's research lab. But even two months after the incident, there was no progress in the case. Jill saw off Chris, who traveled to Europe to investigate the Umbrella headquarters, and stayed in Raccoon City. She began her own exploration of a facility in the city, but her plans changed drastically as a result of the T-Virus leak. As soon as the virus spread throughout the city, Umbrella's new bioweapon, the Nemesis Type-T, began hunting the girl. In addition, Jill's escape from the city became more urgent due to the "Virus Containment Program", which planned to drop a nuclear bomb on Raccoon City.

Jill didn't have to run all alone. She had a partner, U.B.C.S. survivor Carlos Oliveira. During the escape, she was infected with the T-virus, but Carlos managed to get a vaccine and save the girl. Jill was able to escape from Raccoon City before the missile could reach the city. However, when she arrived in Europe, Chris' secret house was already empty...

Later, in 2003, Jill, along with Chris, participate in the assault on the Caucasian Umbrella Lab, where they encounter a new type of B.O.O .: T-A.L.O.S., which they successfully destroy.

A dark spot follows, until 2005, when Jill and Chris join the B.S.A.A. And the very first task led them to a lonely ship drifting in the waters of the ocean. (Further Resident Evil: Revelations events will be added after the passage by the author, I apologize.)

In August 2006, after receiving a tip on Ozwell Spencer, Jill and Chris travel to a secluded estate where they meet an old acquaintance, Albert Wesker. In order to save the life of her partner, Jill is thrown out of the window along with Albert. Further, her traces are again lost ...

During the Kijuju Incident, Chris met Jill, who was under the control of Albert Wesker's new invention. After a short fight, this mysterious device was removed from the girl. While Chris and Sheva were chasing Wesker, Jill and Captain B.S.A.A. Josh Stone fought their way through the crowds of majini to the extraction point, where they were supposed to be picked up by a helicopter. It was they who pulled Chris and Sheva out of the volcano.

British actress Sienna Guillory does not like being called a star, believing that the main thing in an actor is not huge popularity and fame, but his creative skill. Nevertheless, the name of Sienna is well known not only in her homeland, in England, but also far beyond its borders. Guillory began acting in her early twenties and over the next 20 years has been involved in almost 50 different film projects, including feature films, TV series and short films. The most striking and memorable role of the actress was the role Jill Valentine in project "Resident Evil-4".

Sienna Guillory was born in England, where she spent her childhood full of music and creativity - the father of Sienna and her brother, Isaac Guillory, was a famous guitarist from Cuba, and her mother was a successful model. The house was often visited by musicians, singers and other "artists". It is not surprising that in such a creative atmosphere, Sienna from childhood began to dream of a career as an actress. She dreamed of the stage and dreamed of bright roles. When it came time to study at a boarding school away from her parents, the future screen star very quickly became the most talented young artist in the school theater group. The teachers singled out her talents, and in the senior classes, Sienna received an invitation to participate in the mini-series "Riders" where she got a small role. At that time, Sienna was 17, and she happily grabbed every opportunity to get closer to her goal - a career as an actress. However, common sense helped the girl not to lose her head from new opportunities, but calmly complete her studies and successfully graduate from school. After that, she began taking acting lessons at the Conservatory and the School of Dramatic Arts. Life was in full swing, Sienna dreamed of the stage, but she was not afraid of simple work either - to pay for her lessons, she worked as a waitress.

It is not known how it would have developed further creative career Sienna Guillory, but one episode forever changed the fate of the young actress. That day, Sienna agreed to go with her friend to modeling agency- just like that, for the company, as a moral support. And as a result, agency employees immediately noticed Guillory with her bright appearance and tall stature. Sienna got a job at the agency by changing her waitress apron to fashionable clothes and runway walks. Over the next 4 years, her modeling career rose so high that Guillory's photographs appeared in the most famous magazines, she collaborated with Armani, Burberry and eventually became the face Hugo Boss for three whole years.

On the wave of modeling popularity, Sienna Guillory took advantage of her fame and did what she really dreamed of - she dived headlong into the world of cinema. Now she was not just a girl from the London suburbs, she was a star of the modeling business, one of the most beautiful women according to magazines. Esquire(in England) and Maxim(in the world).

Film career Sienna Guillory / Sienna Guillori

Sienna Guillory returned to cinema in 2000, starring in the thriller "Looking for a Brother". Several more films with her participation followed - some more successful, others less. And in 2003, Sienna starred in the series "Elena of Troy", where is her acting skills and the main role opened for the young actress already quite a wide road to fame and recognition.

Many viewers remember Guillory thanks to her roles in films. Eragon and "Virgin Queen". She also happened to star in one of the most popular New Year's films - the film Love Actually.

But, of course, the most striking episode in the film career of Sienna Guillory was the participation in the filming of the film "Resident Evil 2: Apocalypse".

Filmography Sienna Guillory / Sienna Guillori

  • Believe (2013)
  • The List (2013)
  • The Whole Banana (2013)
  • The Wicked Within (2013)
  • Resident Evil: Retribution (2012)
  • Big Bang (2010)
  • Resident Evil 4: Afterlife 3D (2010)
  • Secret Connections (2010)
  • Luther (2010)
  • Unarmed (2010)
  • Perfect Life (2010)
  • I am here (2010)
  • Virtuality (2009)
  • Oaks (2008)
  • Inkheart (2008)
  • Earth Heart (2007)
  • Eragon (2006)
  • Virgin Queen (2005)
  • Criminal Minds (2005)
  • Miss Marple: A Murder Announced (2005)
  • Resident Evil 2: Apocalypse (2004)
  • Real Love (2003)
  • Elena Troyanskaya (2003)
  • Principles of Lust (2003)
  • Time Machine (2002)
  • Last Moment (2001)
  • Kiss, smack, bang (2001)
  • Superstition (2001)
  • Shopping for the night looking (2001)
  • C.S.I. Crime Scene (2000)
  • Looking for a brother (2000)
  • Dear M (1999)
  • Beauty Edith Wharton (1995)
  • Riders (1993)

Fates, mistakes, evil and the return of residents

Gloomy mansions, sinister corporations, beautiful girls on guard for good, deadly viruses, zombies, monsters - all this and much more can be found in abundance in the Universe. resident evil which celebrated its 20th anniversary last year. The plot of the virus apocalypse is inexhaustible, which is proved not only by the seventh part of the main series of games, released in January, but also by the sixth film of the film series, which is coming out on Russian screens today, February 16.

Birth of the Universe

It all started back in 1965, when in the Japanese prefecture of Yamaguchi, a Shinji Mikami- future game designer, producer and head of Tango Gameworks, "father" of Resident Evil, Devil May Cry, The Evil Within and other popular computer games. 3 years later, on the other side of the world, in the USA, horror was released, and its creator was recognized as the founder of a new genre - zombie movies. When Shinji was 15 years old, he watched 2 more notable films of the frightening genre - and. All 3 paintings, as a result, inspired Mikami to create a cult series of games, which received the name in Japan biohazard. This happened in 1996 - 6 years after he was hired by the well-known company Capcom.

The game was developed by a team that later became known as Capcom Production Studio 4. But at first, Mikami worked on a project that everyone saw as a sequel to the popular horror sweet home, alone - came up with concepts and wrote a script. Remembering the picture of Kubrick, he made a mysterious mansion the scene of action and populated it with Romer's living dead. It is known that at the initial stage the game had many differences from the final version. It was planned to be a first-person shooter, but in the end, the creators came to the conclusion that the game mechanics should be made in the spirit of the popular series Alone in the Dark. Mikami later said that the concept of the first-person view was "not good enough technically". There were also ideas related to the co-op, but when the developers showed the prototype of the game at the V-Jump Festival, there was nothing left of the co-op.

Much of the development was done on Silicon Graphics computers using software Softimages|3D. The Sony PlayStation was chosen as the lead platform as the team felt it was the most suitable platform for a game with a similar polygon count. The cutscenes were filmed in Japan with American actors, and the Japanese version was released with English voice acting and Japanese lyrics (though Japanese voice acting could be found in the game files). Unlike all other versions of the game, in Japanese you can hear the final song performed by Fumitaka Fuchigami. There is also a major difference between the Japanese version and the American one. When the first part of the game was going to be released in America at the end of 1994, an employee of the American branch of Capcom Chris Kramer drew the attention of marketers to the fact that the Biohazard brand has already been registered in the US. First, in 1993, a DOS game of the same name was released. And, secondly, a hardcore punk band with the same name performed in New York. The company had to organize a competition for a new name, and, as a result, the designer of the American studio Capcom Digital won with the Resident Evil variant. The developers liked the idea, because the adjective resident (Russian “long-living”, “permanently present”) is consonant with the noun “residence”, i.e. associated with the location. However, Kramer did not like this name, either. "Even more wacky than Biohazard", and this short-sighted person voted against.

This is how the game was born, thanks to which the term Survival Horror was born. Subsequently, the brainchild of Shinji Mikami has acquired many remakes, sequels, prequels, spin-offs and ports to other platforms, as well as a movie series, CGI films, comics, novels, radio shows and various types of collectibles, including figures, walkthroughs and publications.


Despite the nasty dialogue that got Resident Evil into the Guinness Book of World Records in the next decade, the first installment was a resounding success upon release. The original sold over 5.05 million copies, and the Director's Cut edition, including the DualShock version, brought in an additional 3.94 million copies. In 1997, the first part became the best-selling game for the PlayStation, and by 2013, the PlayStation and GameCube versions sold a total of 11 million copies. Another million copies brought HD re-release for all platforms. As a result, total sales reached 12 million copies. The game has earned a bunch of accolades from critics (91 out of 100 on Metacritic). Famitsu gave the game a score of 38 out of 40, making it one of the highest rated games of 1996. Resident Evil was ranked 91st on the list of the best games of all time by NextGeneration, in 2004 readers of Retro Gamer gave it 37th place in the top, naming "one of the best horror games ever released", and in 2012, Time recognized the creation of Mikami as one of the 100 the greatest games of all time.

Biohazard has several reissues and remakes. In particular, Capcom released Director's Cut, Dualshock Version, Sega Saturn and Microsoft Windows editions. In 2002, the first remake was released (sales exceeded 1.35 million copies) with a number of differences from the original and improved graphics, and 6 years later the Wii platform received its version of the game (the English version appeared in June 2009). The latest remake was released in January 2015 under the title Resident Evil HD Remaster. But in addition to re-releases, the game universe includes 22 more games, 10 of which are included in the main series.

The idea for a sequel appeared even before the release of the original itself - in 1995. Capcom General Planning Manager Yoshiki Okamoto made a proposal to create a game called Biohazard Dash, which would take place 3 years after the events of Resident Evil, and would take place in the ruined Spencer's mansion. It was assumed that 2 new characters will come to grips with plant-like creatures. But a month after the release of the first part, they started talking about a full-fledged sequel called Biohazard 2, set in the fictional northwestern city of Raccoon City, and Okamoto's venture was abandoned.

The first footage from the upcoming game, which was an early beta version, later labeled by producer Shinji Mikami as Resident Evil 1.5, were shown at the V Jump Festival in July 1996. The game differed radically from the final version in its script, overall presentation, and game mechanics. A group of 40-50 people was responsible for the development of the game, which later became part of the Capcom Production Studio 4 studio, led by Hideki Kamiya, who formed the team so that half of the employees were new employees of Capcom, and the other half were those who had previously worked on the first Resident Evil game. At first, producer Mikami often argued with Kamiya and tried to influence the team by taking over the role of leader, but eventually backed down and returned to the role of observer, reserving the right to review once a month what was done.

It was assumed that the project would be ready for transfer to the publisher by May 1997, but a little later the Resident Evil 1.5 project was abandoned with general readiness at the level of 60-80%, because for the above period spent on production, the game did not come close in quality to the desired result. Also, the plot of Resident Evil 1.5 was supposed to end the series, which Okamoto didn't like, and he suggested creating a fictional Resident Evil world that would turn the title into a James Bond-like series. As a result, a professional screenwriter Noboru Sugimuru wrote a new script, which resulted in the appearance of Claire Redfield, linking the plot to the first game. In the final version of Resident Evil 2, very little remained from the original version. In particular, locations have been preserved, the appearance of which has now taken on a more extravagant and artistic look, based on photographs of the interiors of Western-style houses located in Japanese cities. The creators combined the scripts, being impressed by the film, which allows you to look at events from a different angle.

The success of the second part (380,000 copies and $19 million in the US, 810,000 copies in the Dual Shock Ver. version, 4.96 million copies of the PlayStation version) allowed its creators to take on sequels and other games in the franchise with confidence. There were 4 series and several separate games. The main series, in addition to the above, includes Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, Resident Evil Code: Veronica, Resident Evil Zero, Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil 5, Resident Evil: Revelations, Resident Evil 6, Resident Evil: Revelations 2 and Resident Evil 7: Biohazard. Series Chronicles includes Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles and Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles, Survivor - Resident Evil: Gun Survivor, Resident Evil Survivor 2 Code: Veronica and Resident Evil: Dead Aim, a Outbreak - Resident Evil Outbreak and Resident Evil Outbreak File #2. The games are also related to the original story. Resident Evil Gaiden, Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D, Resident Evil Portable, Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City and Umbrella Corps.

The action of the third part of the main series takes place, as in the second, in Raccoon City, in Resident Evil Code: Veronica Claire Redfield travels the planet (Paris, Rockfort Island, Antarctica), in Resident Evil Zero Rebecca Chambers and Billy Cohen find themselves on a train in the middle Arklay mountains near Raccoon City and Spencer's mansion, in the fourth part the player helps Leon survive in the Spanish village, in the fifth part Chris and Sheva chase Wesker across Africa and a tanker, and the sixth part has a vast geography (USA, Eastern Europe, China and the North Atlantic ). There are many locations in the Revelations dilogy (the floating city of the future Terragrigia, the Forgotten Island, the liners Queen Zenobia and Queen Semiramis). As for the last numbered - the seventh - part, in it Ethan finds himself in the swamps of Louisiana.

Most of the games in the series received positive reviews from critics and paid off in sales. For example, 3.5 million copies of the third part and 7.03 million copies of the fourth were purchased (Metacritic rating - 96 out of 100 points). The fifth and sixth parts were criticized quite a lot, as they almost completely turned into action games. The Revelations dilogy was generally received favorably, despite its episodic system (each episode came out once a week).


The first CGI film related to the plot of Shinji Mikami's masterpiece was the film Koichi Ohata "Resident Evil 4D: Executioner", released in the wake of the success of the first games in the series in 2000. It was dedicated to the Umbrella Corporation Special Forces, whose mission was to rescue Dr. Cameron from the epidemic-ridden Raccoon City. The cartoon turned out to be rather raw, so we can say that the first pancake came out lumpy.

After 8 years Makoto Kamiya created a cartoon "Resident Evil: Degeneration", dedicated to the fate of the main characters of Resident Evil 2 Leon Kennedy (voiced Jin Yamanoi and Paul Mercier) and Claire Redfield ( Yuko Kaida and Alison Kurt). New characters also appeared in the film - a member of the special response team Angela Miller ( Mabuki Anto and Laura Bailey), Senator Ron Davis ( Masashi Hirose and Michael Sorich), WillPharma Principal Investigator Frederick Downing ( Masashi Ebara and Crispin Freeman), terrorist Curtis Miller ( Rikiya Koyama and Roger Craig Smith) and Greg Glenn ( Stephen Bloom). The plot unfolded 7 years after the events described in Resident Evil, at the Harvardville airport, engulfed by an epidemic. The tape received mixed reviews, which did not stop Capcom from releasing a game based on it. Resident Evil: Degeneration for mobile devices, and Makoto Kamiya - to shoot a sequel in 2012 "Resident Evil: Damnation", in which Leon and Ada Wong can be seen. This tape in 2013 received the International 3D Society Japan Award in the field of animation. Last on this moment CGI movie is "Resident Evil: Vendetta" which is scheduled for release this year.


If the games are associated with the 60s and 80s of the last century, then the origins of the film series can be found in the 19th century, when, thanks to the English mathematician Lewis Carroll the legendary Alice appeared. In particular, in the first film, allusions to "Alice Through the Looking Glass" found their reflection in the name of the main character Alice (i.e. Alice), the Red Queen, demanding to cut off her head, and much more. There are also references to the same George Romero and.

For the first time, people started talking about the film adaptation of Resident Evil immediately after the release of the original in 1996. Producer Constantin Film, who repeatedly forced his colleagues to play, wanted to shoot "really scary movie", as he saw the potential to take the project to the big screen: "It wasn't overly bloody or violent - it was just scary to play". In the end, company representatives turned to the creators of the series, at Capcom's headquarters in Japan, and in 1997 the film rights were obtained on the condition that all changes go through the process of approval by the publisher's management. Worked on the first drafts of the script Alan B. McElroy, the director's chair of the picture was supposed to take George Slutzer, a Daniel Kletsky was listed as a producer. Claimed for the main roles, and. But the text did not suit anyone, and Slutser, having lost faith in the project, vacated the place of director. However, Capcom did not lose faith. She even placed an insert with the announcement of a competition during the release of Resident Evil 2 in the box with the game, the winners of which were supposed to receive a small role in the film adaptation.

Everything changed in 1998, when the publishing house invited George Romero himself, who was relatively well acquainted with the original source, to the post of director and screenwriter. Not only did Romero film his son's walkthrough of the game, but he also directed a commercial for the second part of the series, which was broadcast on Japanese television. The director, of course, rewrote the script, and he got a story close to the original source. In the foreground in the future film, Jill Valentine and an ordinary farmer from the outskirts of Raccoon City Chris Redfield could be in love with each other, and among the secondary characters are Barry Burton, Rebecca Chambers, Ada Wong and Albert Wesker.

Romero's 87-page script along with his colleague and friend Peter Grunwald presented to producers in October 1998. The idea of ​​the director of the movie was to be an expensive project with an R rating, designed for an adult audience. Romero planned to release the tape in two versions, including a director's cut, which he wanted to air in theaters in countries with less restrictive viewing than in the United States. At the end of 1998, the director began negotiations with the company regarding the creation of special effects for the future film, which was supposed to be released after the release of Resident Evil 3: Nemesis. But, unfortunately, in 1999, the founder of the zombie movie was removed from the production of the picture with motivation "the scenario is commercially unpromising". According to Romero, the producers saw it only as a spectacular blockbuster: “Resident Evil was a project of a German company. There are two sides of the same coin, but I don't think he was in the spirit of the game. The producers wanted to make the film large quantity elements of war cinema, much heavier than I imagined. I think they just didn't like my script." There were also rumors that the director simply failed to capture the spirit of the series.

Subsequently, there were rumors that the director's chair could take either Jamie Blanks(), or Stephen Norrington(), or in general and . But all this has remained at the level of rumors. However, the project's director's chair did not last long, as Constantin Film began collaborating with Impact Pictures. So on the threshold of the project appeared, who, along with was the founder of the above-named company. One day, during one of the conversations about the development and financing of several projects, Bolt accidentally found out that their partner bought the rights to film Resident Evil, and recommended that they take Anderson, an ardent fan of the series, who played in all of its parts that were released at that time . The fact that he already had experience in adapting games for the big screen also spoke in favor of the director - it was he who shot the successful "Mortal Kombat" based on fighting game Mortal Kombat. Paul offered to write the script and was approved. In 2000, he submitted a 120-page script with an epigraph "If the suspension doesn't kill you, something else will", which was an original story that took only basic ideas from the game, combined with elements of suspense and surprise, and he was approved for the post of chief director.

When writing the script, Anderson, who positioned his work not as a continuation of the sample of the 70s, but as the "Matrix" among zombie films, removed the gothic settings and focused on the main character Alice, since he had to abandon the prototype game characters. In his opinion, the tape is a kind of prequel that uses the cyber culture of the game series. In particular, a mansion in the forest, the Umbrella corporation, an underground railway, a T-virus and various creatures were taken from the game. Anderson focused on the fright that arose from the play of shadows and tension, and in doing so, not only remained loyal to the game, but also "given the fan something more". In an early version of the script called "Undead" scenes with car rides through zombie-infested dungeons were present, but they had to be abandoned due to budgetary restrictions. The ending was also different - in the early version, the infection spread throughout the world. Alice and Matt escaped from Raccoon City and drove into Manhattan in an armored van, after which an inscription was supposed to appear on the screen that the main characters would return in the film. During filming, the story disappeared and a large number of black humor.

Preparations for the shooting of the film under the working title (the name was shortened due to the events of September 11) began in 2000 and lasted almost a year and a half. Some preparatory work took place at Shepperton's London studios. After exploring many places in Europe, the creators turned their attention to locations in the UK and Germany. Filming began on March 5, 2001 and ended eleven weeks later, by the end of May. The Lindstedt Palace in Potsdam served as Spencer's mansion, in the Berlin metro at the Bundestag station under construction, the entrance to the Anthill was removed, and the Krapnitz barracks and Studios Berlin (Adlershof) also served as locations. Episodes from Raccoon City were filmed in Toronto.

The budget of the tape was $33 million, which was reflected in the scenery, which was made in a technocratic style. The film was shot in bluish-green shades, ie. in the style and aesthetics of the game. The director demanded from the artists that the corridors seem narrow, the rooms - small and filled with various objects that interfere with movement. The operator was responsible for the visual picture David Johnson, which gave the lighting "creamy" shades. In the appearance of the scenery, he wanted to convey a frightening feeling of loneliness and absolute isolation. Johnson worked closely with the production designer Richard Bridgland, who worked at one time with. The scene with lasers appeared under the impression of "Cuba". Johnson was especially proud of the scenery for this scene - a shiny mirrored room in which the light contrasts with the laser beam is a tribute. In addition, the creators admitted that Resident Evil was also influenced by "Goya in Bordeaux".

Another nuance of the tape was the image of the undead. The amount of screen time showing the living dead has been deliberately reduced to make the available footage leave a deeper impression. In Anderson's opinion, the monsters needed to be different from each other, and for this he turned to the Oscar-winning Animated Extras International Ltd., which managed to create a unique makeup for each zombie. The creators needed realism in showing people exposed to the T-virus, which entered the body through airborne droplets, which was reflected in the eyes, nose, and mouth. Make-up artists had to turn to medical literature in order to come up with something less traditional than rotting flesh. According to Pauline Fowler, the virus could affect a person with a different speed of exposure, which made a variety in the appearance of patients, despite the lesions in approximately the same zones: "It would be a nightmare for my team of six to deal with a core zombie cast of 50 actors if the virus changed the bodies of all hosts." Special contact lenses gave the actors a look of madness and emptiness.

Professional dancers were hired for the role of zombies, which were handled by the choreographer Warner Van Eiden. Anderson also allowed the actors to choose their own gestures and gait, so that each zombie would be unique as a result. It is noteworthy that the stunt coordinator, Jeremy Bolt, as well as his sister Anna and a girlfriend can be seen as walking corpses in the picture. Bolt's friend, , specifically took a day off from work on the tape to appear in the picture as a cameo. In the scene where the zombie's ankle is twisted, no special effects were used, as the actor actually had a leg injury. And, of course, you can't forget about zombie Dobermans. The dogs were put on a special make-up, in which they seemed to be skinned alive. Since it is problematic to directly stick something on animal hair, Animated Extras initially dyed the elastic fabric in dark shades, which was pulled over the body of the animal. She was inflicted with bulging rib cage, adipose tissue, muscles and bloody smudges. Computer graphics were used only in the area around the eyes. The dogs, by the way, did not react to Milla Jovovich, but to tennis balls and a teddy bear strapped to her buttocks. And these were not specially trained animals, but real watchdogs, so in some places it was really scary because of the viciousness of some individuals. A dummy was used in the scene where Alice kicked the zombified dog to death. Throughout the filming, the dogs strove all the time to lick off the fake blood from themselves.

In the picture, you can also see Slimer - a grotesque creature with a long elastic tongue, which first appeared in the game series in the second part. It crawled along the ceiling and could suddenly turn around and look at the player with a hostile look. Animatronic special effects and computer graphics were used to create the monster. The monster scenes were filmed on the subway next to the Reichstag. The creators built several slime models, 2.4 meters long and 1.2 meters high. Initially, specialists created a blank in the form of an eyeless face with moving jaws and huge paws-claws, in which a puppeteer was placed to control the suit. The textures of the monstrous body resembled raw meat, gore, and sinewy musculature. To facilitate the work of the actors, a latex tongue was created, which, during video processing, was replaced by an enlarged computer model. Filmmakers spent 30 liters of surgical jelly to create Lizun.

Upon completion of filming, the director decided to shoot another version of the end of the picture, which was included as an addition to some editions of the tape. In it, six months after the Raccoon City incident, Alice heads to the Umbrella Corporation headquarters to find Matt. At the entrance to the building, the security system recognizes her and a shootout begins. Alice kills all the soldiers and goes through the security corridor. But in the end, Anderson opted for a more open and depressing ending in the style of 1970s films.

The premiere of "Resident Evil" took place on March 12, 2002 in Los Angeles, and after 3 days its American distribution began. On Russian screens, the picture of Paul Anderson appeared only on July 18. The fantastic action movie managed to collect $102,984,862, of which 39% came from the United States ($40,119,709) and 61% from foreign countries ($62,865,153). The film was released in 2,528 theaters and earned $17,707,106 in its opening weekend, finishing second behind . Anderson's creation enjoyed the greatest popularity in the homeland of the series, in Japan ($17,477,878).

Since the fate of "Resident Evil" was more or less favored by luck, despite the low ratings of critics, the appearance of the sequel was not long in coming. But this time, Anderson lost the director's chair. Alexander Witt, limiting himself to the function of a screenwriter and producer, since he was busy filming. The action of the picture, released in 2004, unfolded in Raccoon City, which allowed the introduction of Jill Valentine into the plot. Pre-production began in mid-2003, with filming on August 6, 2003 and wrapping up on October 23, 2003. Most of the filming took place in Ontario. In particular, Toronto City Hall became Raccoon City Hall, and the National shopping center became the headquarters of the military. Some scenes were also filmed in Berlin, Brampton, Hamilton and Hamilton Cemetery (Canada), Prince Edward Viaduct, Bloor and Northern Academic high school in Toronto. The film cost $11 million more than the original. Critics smashed the resulting tape even more than the first part, and a simple viewer quietly and peacefully voted with a dollar for the continuation of the series. The picture managed to earn $23,036,273 per weekend in the States, and $129,342,769 at the worldwide box office. By the way, among gamers, this tape is considered the best of the entire film series, since it is closely connected with the plot of the first parts of Resident Evil, and the appearance of Jill played a role.

After another 3 years, Apocalypse was followed (set), appeared in 2010, and in 2012 -. It is noteworthy that the fifth part was filmed in Russia (this idea belongs to Milla Jovovich). In particular, Kamchatka, Red Square and Arbatskaya station served as locations. The preliminary screening of the tape in Russia took place on September 6 in Moscow with the participation of Milla Jovovich and Paul Anderson. The film was released in 3D format in Russia on September 13, 2012, and in the USA on September 14, 2012. Everybody latest movies series, including the sixth, directed by Paul Anderson.


Jill Valentine, Alice, Chris and Claire Redfield, Ada Wong and Leon Kennedy, Albert Wesker - this is just a small part of the main characters of both the game and the movie series. Each of them has its own destiny, passions and characteristics, and therefore you should devote at least a couple of words to them.

Jill Valentine

A brave, but weak and inexperienced girl at first. Half French and half Japanese. A member of the American police special squad S.T.A.R.S., trapped in a mysterious mansion. She is one of the playable characters in the series and the most attractive women in video games. She is playable in the first, third and fifth parts, as well as in the rail shooter Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles, the action game Resident Evil: Mercenaries 3D and the first part of Revelations. In the film series, Jill's performance first appeared in Apocalypse and can later be seen in Afterlife and Retribution.


A mysterious girl who lost her memory, the main character of a series of films. According to , she agreed to participate in the filming, because she loved to watch her younger brother play computer games and often devoted 4-5 hours a day to the passage of Resident Evil with her own hands. Anderson said this: "I'm the only actress in all of Hollywood who can star in this movie", after which she got the role. Alice seemed to Milla a tough, sexy and interesting character. Gradually restoring her memory, the girl seizes abilities that she had not previously suspected. Alice was, of course, based on Jill Valentine. Evening dress was inspired by costumes Jean Paul Gaultier, and the script suggested that Alice was going to dinner before passing out. Milla considered a wet dress one of the most charming features of her character: “...I never wore a wet mini dress before this shoot, I had to fight and run from different creatures and still look good”. In the fifth film, according to Jovovich, Alice “becomes less robotic and more human. She no longer belongs to Umbrella. Alice is an example of a worthy person. I think she is someone you can rely on. She is reliable. If she said she would do something, then she would do it. If she promised, she would rather die than not keep her promise.

Chris Redfield

Chris' younger sister is one of the main characters in Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil Code: Veronica and Resident evil: Revelations 2. She can also be seen in Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles, Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D, Operation Raccoon City, Resident Evil: Zombie Busters. Her film incarnation was ("Resident Evil 3", "Resident Evil 4: Afterlife", "Resident Evil: The Final Chapter").

Ada Wong

One of the most attractive images in video games. Chinese American. A spy for a mysterious organization, Leon Kennedy's love interest. It first appeared in the second part, although it is mentioned in the original source. Subsequently, she appeared in the games Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles, Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles and Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City, and is also available as a playable character in the fourth and sixth parts of the main series. She played Ada in the movie Li Bingbing("Resident Evil: Retribution"), and in the cartoon "Resident Evil: Damnation" she was voiced, known as Jack from the series mass effect.

Leon Scott Kennedy

A rookie cop who arrives late in Raccoon City on his first day on the job. In love with Ada Wong. In addition to the second part, it can be found in the games Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, Resident Evil Code: Veronica, Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles, Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil 6, Resident Evil Gaiden and Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City. In "Resident Evil: Retribution" the image of Leon embodied Johan Urb
The main villain of the series. Commander of the Alpha Team of the S.T.A.R.S. and a double agent. Appeared in the original, Resident Evil Code: Veronica, Resident Evil Zero, Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles, Resident Evil 5, and Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D. In film versions, Albert was played Jason O'Mara("Resident Evil 3") and ("Resident Evil 3D: Afterlife", "Resident Evil: Retribution" and "Resident Evil: The Final Chapter").

In addition to the above, one should also remember Rain (performed by), Barry Burton (

Actually, this series did not disappear anywhere, since almost every year something came out. But, nevertheless, the game Resident Evil 7: Biohazard, released on January 24, 2017, returns the player to the origins of the series. Not only have traditional puzzles and a sense of horror returned to us (at least the first hour of the game gives hope for this), Capcom has also implemented Shinji Mikami's original plan, which he had abandoned at the time, - a first-person view, which also added thrills (especially those lucky people who have VR felt it). The players were introduced to new characters - Ethan, his missing wife Mia, the main character's assistant Zoe, the crazy Baker family and the evil girl Evelina, and Chris Redfield flew to the rescue at the end of the day.

Half a month after the release of the game (which, by the way, sold well), met with the RE Universe and moviegoers. The tape turned out in the best traditions of the film series: cheerful, cheerful and hopelessly stupid. New faces have joined the familiar team: Ruby Rose, William Levy, Eoin Macken and Rola. Despite the announced finale of the series, there is a reasonable fear that Milla will return to the image of Alice in order to show us all where the crayfish hibernate. However, if you think carefully, we are not against such an outcome.

But that's not all. Resident Evil: Vendetta, a new CGI film released in Japan on May 27, directed by Takanori Tsujimoto, in which we will meet again with Leon and Chris. And in the future we expect a remake of the second part of the cult game. So the popular series is not ready to part with us. As are we with her. If only there were more Jill, Ada and Alice...

Resident Evil 2: Apocalypse is the sequel to the Resident Evil movie released two years earlier. A series of paintings "Resident Evil" is a film adaptation of the eponymous series of games.


The cast of "Resident Evil 2: Apocalypse" is very interesting topic, worthy of a separate section, but first you need to talk about the plot of this picture.

The film takes place in the city of Raccoon City, on the streets of which walks dangerous virus that turns people into zombies. Responsibility for this tragedy bears from which this infection has penetrated into the outside world. The owners of the company want to evacuate their best scientists from the city and move the laboratories to another location. But, to the surprise of the authorities, not all experts agree to leave the city. The scientist Charles Ashford has a daughter living in the city, and she urgently needs to be rescued from the epicenter of danger. As a result, Ashford sets a condition: either he first goes for his child, or he stops his activities. A car was sent for the girl, which ended up in an accident.

Charles's daughter was in great danger, and therefore the employees of the Umbrella corporation decided to seek help from Alice, the main character of this picture. Previously, she had already met with zombies, and she even managed to survive after that. Enlisting the support of armed soldiers, the girl went to the city in order to find a girl there. The search will be very difficult: the number of infected is increasing, and they themselves are becoming more aggressive than before...

The film "Resident Evil 2: Apocalypse": actors and roles

An exciting and intriguing plot in the film is good, but the cast of the film is no less important, which will look organically in their roles. Below is a list of the actors of the film "Resident Evil 2: Apocalypse".

main characters

  • Milla Jovovich - Alice.
  • Siena Guillory - Jill Valentine.
  • Oded Fehr - Carlos Olivera.
  • Thomas Kretschman - Major Timothy Kane.
  • — Charles Ashford.

Minor characters

  • Sophie Vavaso is the daughter of Charles Ashford.
  • Inan Glen - Dr. Isaacs.
  • - Nikolai Zhukov.
  • Matthew Jay Taylor - Nemesis.

You already know about the plot and actors of the 2004 film Resident Evil 2: Apocalypse, now we would like to provide you with a few facts that will surely interest fans of this film franchise or the video game series of the same name.

  • Initially, actress Natasha Henstridge had every chance to get the role of Jill Valentine, but she chose more promising projects.
  • Actress Sienna Guillory, who eventually got the role of Jill Valentine, said that during filming she tried to make her character as similar as possible to her original from the video game.
  • The promotional trailer for this film, released in November 2003, became the record-breaking hit. Within a few months, the total number of its downloads exceeded 8 million.
  • The screenwriter of the film was involved in directing the first part of the franchise. The sequel was directed by Alexander Witt.
  • During the final confrontation, one of the characters said Fisnish ​​him! This is a direct Easter egg to the game "Mortal Kombat", which was also filmed by Paul Anderson.
  • Alexander Witt, director of this film, is also an actor in the 2004 film Resident Evil 2: Apocalypse. He played a cameo role as a shooter.
  • Musician and former member of the "Evanness" band Ben Moody appeared in the carina as an infected.
  • Scenes cut during editing are approximately 12 minutes long.
  • Jason Isaacs, whose voice-over was heard at the beginning of the last part, could have become a full-fledged actor in the 2004 film Resident Evil 2: Apocalypse, but in the end he did not get into the cast. However, the character Dr. Isaacs, played by Inan Glen, was named after him.
  • There is an episode in the picture in which the whole building explodes. It may surprise someone, but such a building exists in real life in Toronto.

Easter eggs to the source

This film contains a huge number of references to the Resident Evil video game franchise. The scriptwriter, director and actors of the film "Resident Evil 2: Apocalypse" decided to do everything to make this movie like the fans. Here is an example of a few Easter eggs:

  • The script of the picture combines storylines two video games: "Resident Evil 2" and "Resident Evil 3: Nemesis".
  • Sienna Guillory's character wears the same outfit as the original Jill Valentine from Resident Evil 3: Nemesis. In addition, cinematic Jill uses a gas stove as a weapon, which could be seen in the original.
  • The scene where Alice runs away from the helicopter shooting at her through the glass hall, almost frame by frame repeats the same moment from the video game “Resident Evil. Code: Veronica.
  • Spoiler! The scene where Terry's death is filmed on her own video camera refers to the remastered version of the game "Resident Evil", released in 2002.
  • The helicopter delivering weapons to the character played by actor Matthew J. Taylor bears a strong resemblance to the helicopter that appeared in Resident Evil 2.

We hope that the information provided about the plot, development and actors of "Resident Evil 2: Apocalypse" interested you.