Let it be short, but at the same time bright and happy life fate gave to an ordinary woman from St. Petersburg, who we remember as the first wife of Konstantin Khabensky - People's Artist of Russia, beloved by many Russian viewers.

Journalism career

Anastasia Smirnova (married Khabenskaya) was born on March 31, 1975. In her native Leningrad, she graduated from high school and received a higher education, devoting herself to journalism. Consciously making a choice, Anastasia Smirnova tried to prove herself in the profession, worked a lot and always with pleasure. Her main place of work was one of the St. Petersburg radio stations, where she worked as a journalist for some time. It was in the process of work that Anastasia Smirnova met her future husband, Kostya Khabensky.

Acquaintance with Khabensky

In 1998, the first meeting between Nastya and Konstantin took place. They met in one of the St. Petersburg cafes. interviewed a novice actor, then unknown Khabensky. He was just starting his film career, starred in a couple of episodic roles and was invited to shoot the series "Deadly Force". At first, Anastasia was not particularly enthusiastic about the upcoming interview, because she did not delve into the gangster showdowns with the police, which were so popular at that time. But during the conversation, she realized that the young man fascinates her just like she herself - him, and that from that moment their life will change dramatically.

The love story of an actor and a journalist

Khabensky and Anastasia Smirnova began to meet. They loved each other sincerely, without pomposity, enthusiastic phrases and window dressing. Kostya Khabensky's career went up, he starred a lot, got new roles, he had to travel a lot around the country. Nastya left work in order to be with him. She devoted herself entirely to her beloved, accompanied him on trips, supported him at work, sometimes also starred in episodic roles. Young people met before the wedding for about 2 years and got married in 2000. They did not arrange a magnificent wedding, or rather, they did not suit it at all: the young people came to the solemn registration of marriage in jeans and sweaters. Happy family life went on year after year. Gossips they began to talk about the absence of a couple of children, but in 2007 Nastya and Konstantin announced the imminent replenishment in the family.

last years of life

Pregnancy Nastya endured hard. She constantly went to the hospital for preservation, she felt bad. The woman herself explained her pregnancy precisely, but after giving birth, terrible news awaited her and her family - Anastasia was diagnosed with a brain tumor. The diagnosis became known after the woman became ill, she lost consciousness. After the operation caesarean section, during which Vanechka Khabensky was born, Nastya was urgently taken away for an examination, during which a malignant tumor was discovered. The removal operation was done immediately. After her, Anastasia Smirnova, the wife of Khabensky K., felt better. However, several weeks passed, and the young mother again became ill. A second examination revealed the appearance of a new tumor, which was also removed, after which the exhausting struggle for Nastya's life began.

He tried his best to save the woman he loved. He moved her to a clinic in Los Angeles, where Nastya underwent treatment course after course, sometimes she got better. One-year-old Vanechka was brought to the hospital ward, her mother Galina Georgievna was always with the woman. Kostya grabbed every opportunity to earn money, filmed a lot to pay for Nastya's treatment.

When the patient's condition worsened, the couple decided to get married. In the hospital ward, the wedding ceremony was conducted by the priest, specially invited by the Khabenskys. On December 1, 2008, Anastasia died in the arms of her mother and husband, but she left this world a happy woman.

Konstantin Yuryevich Khabensky (January 11, 1972) is a famous Russian theater and film actor who collaborates with both domestic and foreign directors. He is known for his roles in numerous films, the most successful of which are Night Watch and Day Watch. In 2012 he was awarded the title of People's Artist of Russia.


Konstantin Yurievich was born on January 11 in Leningrad. His parents, hydrological engineers, worked together in one of the laboratories, but in more adulthood father quit and started working as an auditor. Konstantin's mother, Tatyana Gennadievna, after her husband leaves a stable job and goes to a local school to work as a biology teacher (which later, by her own admission, she regrets, because the salary of a teacher and an engineer is difficult to compare).

Konstantin Khabensky from childhood was a very stubborn boy with a difficult character, so when he went to school, the first family problems. He fought with other students, was rude to teachers (despite the fact that his mother also worked as a teacher), and very often ended up in the director's office. Several times they even wanted to expel Khabensky from school for unsatisfactory behavior, but the mother, who had good connections with the deputy director, persuaded the administration to give her son another chance.

high school Khabensky never graduates, because immediately after the eighth grade he takes the documents and is transferred to the technical school of aviation instrumentation and mechanics. It is understandable - young Kostya was well aware that he would not pass the final exams for transfer to the ninth grade and further successful graduation educational institution. That is why he himself makes an informed decision and is transferred, leaving his mother in complete bewilderment.


But despite the fact that Khabensky considered the technical school to be his only and most the best option, studying there also did not appeal to him. By this time, he begins to show Creative skills, which certainly do not fit with the specialty that the guy chose. As a result, he barely finishes his studies (his mother persuades him not to leave at least a technical school), and then the most difficult stage in life begins. young man.

By the age of fourteen, Kostya realizes that he wants to be associated with art and theater. But, unfortunately, with the formation of a technical school, it is almost impossible to enter a higher theater theater, and the financial capabilities of the family leave much to be desired. Desperate, Khabensky grabs the first job that comes across. So, he manages to change the professions of a janitor, a cleaner, a waiter at a local restaurant, a pop equipment assembler and even a street musician. And all this is done with one single goal - to save up money for admission to a university, without which Khabensky will not be able to get a decent job.

Finally, by 1990, a sufficient amount was collected, and Konstantin Yuryevich goes to the first exams in his life at the Leningrad state institute theatre, music and cinematography. By the number of points scored, he successfully bypasses numerous applicants and after a few hours he finds out that the selection committee has approved his application. So Konstantin Khabensky becomes a student on the Filshtinsky course.

Theater career

Thanks to his well-developed acting skills and charisma, Khabensky first entered the theater stage as a student (which by those standards was a serious achievement for a young man). His debut is the production of "Jokes", where the young man was supposed to play Lomov. After a successful debut, such student performances as "Vysotsky's Time", "Road" and "Three Sisters" followed. The final graduation work of Khabensky was the production of "Waiting for Godot" with the role of Etragon (Gogo).

In 1995, after graduating from the Leningrad State Institute of Theatre, Music and Cinematography, Konstantin Khabensky got a job at the Experimental Theater "Crossroads", but did not stay there for a long time, since in 1996 he transferred under the direction of Arkady Raikin to the Moscow theater "Satyricon". Unfortunately, here the young graduate is involved only as an actor of the second roles. Nevertheless, the Satyricon allows Khabensky to participate in such performances as The Threepenny Opera, Cyrano de Bergerac, Natasha, Khrustalev, the car!, Women's property.

Film career

Parallel to theater stage Konstantin Yurievich tries himself as a movie actor. The series “Deadly Force” becomes the debut, in which Khabensky plays the operative Igor Plakhov. The adventures of the "cops" are so positively welcomed by the audience that the series is stretched over several seasons, bringing everything to the artists playing in it. great popularity.

In 2004, director Timur Bekmambetov invites Khabensky to take part in a new project. It is planned to create a domestic fantasy action game about vampires and their life in modern world. Khabensky is determined for the role of Anton Gorodetsky - one of the servants of light and restrainers of darkness. After the release of the picture, Konstantin comes to popularity. People begin to recognize him on the streets, and directors seek to sign a filming contract with the actor. With the release of "Day Watch", the popularity of the artists who played in it is only strengthening.

To date, Konstantin Yuryevich Khabensky has participated in dozens of domestic films. In particular, he was remembered by the audience in such films and TV series as “Goddess: How I Loved” (2004), “State Councilor” (2005), “Irony of Fate. Continued "(2007), "Wanted" (2008), "Admiral" (2008), "Spy, get out!" (2011), The White Guard (2012), The Geographer Drank His Globe Away (2013), World War Z (2013), Yolki 1914 (2014) and many others.

Personal life

In 2000, at one of the charity evenings, Konstantin Khabensky met a journalist from a St. Petersburg radio station, Anastasia Smirnova. In the winter of the same year, the couple officially signs. The wife starred with her husband in several films, but then, for health reasons, she was forced to leave for treatment in Los Angeles. In 2007, Konstantin learns terrible news - an inoperable brain tumor was found in his wife. Chemotherapy prolongs the woman's life for another year, and in December 2008 she dies.

After a long mourning, at the beginning of 2013, Khabensky marries Olga Litvinova, an actress of the Moscow Art Theater. Despite a completely happy life, the couple has no children yet.

Konstantin Khabensky - famous actor. Once he lost his beloved wife, who was taken away from him by a terrible incurable disease. With Anastasia they lived a short but happy life. life together. Anastasia Smirnova, whose photos are in this article, will become our heroine today.

Journalist from St. Petersburg

Anastasia was born in Leningrad on March 31, 1975. So school years the girl knew that she wanted to become a journalist.

After graduating from the institute with a diploma in journalism, she begins her work. She had to work at the radio station. But this was not important for a young girl, she devoted herself to work without a trace, and this brought her pleasure. Anastasia Smirnova never regretted her chosen profession, she did not even imagine herself in another role.

Interview with future husband

In one of the St. Petersburg cafes, Konstantin and Nastya met. Both were young, both were unknown. It was 1998, and Anastasia Smirnova was interviewing an aspiring actor and future husband, Konstantin Khabensky.

The very process of work for her ceased to matter when she realized that she was gone! She just fell in love with the future star of "Deadly Force" at first sight, it turns out, just like he did with her.

After the conversation about work was over, Konstantin invited Nastya on a date, and she happily agreed.

Giving up a career for a loved one is easy

Thus began the story of Kostya and Nastya. They were young, loved each other with all their hearts, without thinking about the opinions of others.

Konstantin became more and more in demand every day, he was invited to shoot in different cities, and for the sake of his career he had to be absent from hometown where Anastasia Smirnova was waiting for him.

And here the girl understands that she simply cannot be away from her beloved, and it is easier for her to give up her career than for him. She invites Konstantin to accompany him on trips, he likes this idea.

All subsequent trips to the cities became one big adventure for the young couple. Nastya helped her fiancé in everything, and he contributed to her participation in the filming. Of course, the roles were episodic, but thanks to them, the lovers were always there. So two years passed.


In 2000, Anastasia Smirnova becomes official wife Bones of Khabensky. Guests were not invited to the celebration, as the newlyweds decided not to arrange a grand celebration from the official ceremony.

They came to register casual clothes- jeans and sweatshirts. Have signed in required documents, exchanged rings and began married life.

But for them it was a special day, in which Anastasia and Konstantin were happy, although there was no holiday, congratulations and gifts. It was only their day - their family's birthday.

Another thing happened in 2007 significant event in their life. Nastya told her husband that they would soon become parents - she was expecting a baby. Both were just in seventh heaven with happiness. They are for a long time They wanted to have children, but it didn't work out. And now this long-awaited day has come. They didn't care - a daughter or a son, the main thing is that this is their long-awaited and beloved baby!

Severe pregnancy

Throughout the pregnancy, Anastasia Smirnova - Khabensky's wife - did not feel well. She was constantly put in the hospital for preservation, the doctors attributed her condition to pregnancy, they said that it could be even worse.

Nastya was constantly in pain and dizzy, but she reassured herself that after the birth everything would pass, she would again become a healthy and cheerful woman.

Anastasia Smirnova strictly followed the instructions of the doctors, drank all the prescribed medicines, but nothing helped. Already at the end of her pregnancy, Anastasia Smirnova felt even worse, and she was taken to the operating table in a fainting state to have a caesarean section. Doctors feared for the life of a young mother, and therefore took such a step.

Khabensky Ivan was born, and his mother was taken away for examination.

Diagnosis as a sentence

The examination showed that there is a tumor in the woman's brain. The results of the analyzes became a verdict for the whole family - the tumor is malignant. It was removed, and for a couple of months Nastya felt better. Chemistry courses were ahead, suddenly - a relapse. The tumor reappeared. Having removed this neoplasm as well, the doctors could not make any predictions about the effectiveness of further treatment.

But Khabensky did not want to give up, he began to work for slaughter, just to earn money for his wife's expensive treatment in Los Angeles. Friends and acquaintances of the family helped with money and moral support. The son of Anastasia and Kostya was already a year old, he was constantly brought to his weakening mother. Galina Georgievna - Nastya's mother - practically did not leave the hospital ward, trying to spend as much time as possible with her daughter.

After the condition of Smirnova Nastya did not stop deteriorating, Khabensky brought a priest to the hospital to marry his beloved woman.

On the first day of winter 2008, Anastasia Smirnova died. Next to her were her husband and mother, for whom her death was the most terrible loss in life.

Anastasia Smirnova, whose friends' reviews are the most positive, lived bright life. They talk about her as a kind person, a loving and beloved woman.

They talk about her as a ray with which at any friendly gatherings it became brighter and warmer.

The popular Russian theater and film actor Konstantin Khabensky, who will be discussed in this article, did not plan to follow the path of art and creativity at all. He wandered for a long time in search of his vocation - he studied as an aeronautical engineer, worked as a janitor, floor polisher, and street musician. Konstantin Khabensky decided to enter the theater at the time when he worked as a fitter in the theater, and as an employee of the theater sometimes went on stage in the crowd. At a certain point, he realized that he liked it, and decided to try his hand as an actor. As Konstantin Khabensky himself, whose filmography is now quite extensive, recalls, he did it for the sake of interest - he wanted to check whether it would work out or not. And it turned out great!

Life creative person is always associated with the inability to hide anything from the public - journalists know about every step of the actors, often fantasize about the events in their personal lives. And here Konstantin Khabensky found a way out! The biography of the actor has been described more than once and is available for study by everyone, but no one knows for sure what can be considered true and what is not in it. A popular actor prefers to invent himself various stories rather than entrust this matter to journalists. This he successfully does in every interview.

The childhood of the future actor

Konstantin Khabensky was born in Leningrad on January 11, 1972. Also, information that the actor's parents were far from the world of art can be considered authentic - dad worked as an engineer, mom - a math teacher. In 1976, when little Kostya was only four years old, the family had to move to the city of Nizhnevartovsk, where the future actor lived for nine years. As he recalls, this was enough for him to hate the cold, snow, winter and the song "I'll take you to the tundra."

One of the unconfirmed facts from the life of an actor is that once, while still a little boy, he fell into a manhole. Fortunately, he managed to grab the edge of the hatch and hung like that until his mother pulled him out. According to Konstantin, most of all from that unfortunate incident he remembered the ant that crawled around him all the time.

When Konstantin was 13 years old, he returned with his parents to his native Leningrad, where, finally, he began to live a bright and interesting life, by his own standards. He did not attend sports sections, did not study in a drama club, but together with a company of young informals, he often sang obscene songs in subway passages and managed to get to the concerts of Alisa and Shevchuk without a ticket. In that boy with long hair and pierced ears dozens of times, in a tunic, riding breeches and slippers on his bare feet, no one could see the future star. Nobody saw. He was considered a lost child with an uncertain future.


After graduating from school, Konstantin Khabensky, whose biography is now replete with various achievements, prizes and awards, did not plan to perform any special feats, he was not even going to go to university. After the eighth grade, he passed the documents to the aviation technical school (to the faculty of instrumentation and automation), just to get rid of the total control of his mother at school. After studying for three years, the future actor realized that this was not at all what he wanted to devote his life to, and dropped out of school.

Turning point

In the late 1980s, the city actively developed a youth program called "Zebra". Its leaders came up with the idea - to unite Leningrad informals with young actors in an experimental theater. The group, to which Konstantin Khabensky was involved, also became experimental. Over time, he and another guy remained in the theater of more than fifty people. Khabensky began to work as a fitter and sometimes went on stage as an extra. At one of these moments, he realized that he was captivated by the theatrical life, and decided to get an education as an actor.

Admission to the theater

To hand over at LGITMIK, which Khabensky chose as his "alma mater of science", the frail teenager had to take after the handsome officer Mikhail Porechenkov. Selection committee was surprised by the appearance of the applicant Khabensky, who, in addition, chose Gumilyov's romantic poems for reading "My love for you, baby elephant, born in Berlin or Paris ...". They took him, as members of the commission now recall, out of pity, then it was impossible to see the future star in him then.

At the institute, Konstantin Khabensky found true friends - Andrei Zibrov, Porechenkov. The actor recalls with nostalgia his student years, but not at all studying and passing sessions, but gatherings in the country, songs with a guitar, trips around the city in Porechenkov's old car. Friends preparing for exams too original way- before literature, for example, each of them read one work, and then they gathered and told its contents to everyone else.

First role

The young men grew up, and gradually their former interests were replaced by Chekhov's diaries, the creation of theatrical miniatures, rehearsals, preparations for performances. Konstantin Khabensky played his first serious role in an institute performance called “Waiting for Godot” (the production of this work was even awarded the Golden Mask award, and Khabensky still remembers it as one of his favorites in his career.

Graduation and job search

Having received a diploma of higher education, ambitious Kostya went in search of work. As expected, the young inexperienced actor was not particularly expected anywhere. He managed to get a job at the Lensoviet Theater in St. Petersburg, where he played mainly secondary uninteresting roles. Tired of such a dim life, Khabensky went to Moscow in search of a better life, where he worked for some time at Raikin's Satyricon Theater until he was invited back to St. Petersburg, but already for the main roles.

The beginning of a career in cinema

The first to offer Khabensky a role in the cinema was Tomasz Toth, a famous Hungarian director. No one really noticed the participation of the actor in his film "Natasha". But “Women's Property” by Dmitry Mesikhev attracted general interest to Khabensky. To fulfill his dream of becoming a popular actor, several notable roles. And then the film “Deadly Power” turned up, for which Konstantin arrived tired and uninterested in being taken. But, ironically, it was approved even without a screen test!

Other film and theater work

The role in "Deadly Force" brought Khabensky all-Russian fame, he was more often invited to other projects. Yes, on leading role in the play "Duck Hunt" he is invited by Oleg Tabakov himself, the head of the Moscow Art Theater. The actor brilliantly coped with the task, however, as well as with other roles in subsequent performances - "The Threepenny Opera", "Hamlet", "The White Guard".

In 2002, a period begins when films with Konstantin Khabensky come out one after another and almost everyone watches them. For four years, the country saw sixteen films with the participation of Khabensky, including: “On the Move”, “Admiral”, “Night Watch”, “Irony of Fate”, “Day Watch”, “Yesenin”, “Lines of Fate”, “State Councilor ”, “Peculiarities of national policy” and others.

In addition to filming a movie, Konstantin Khabensky continues to play on the stages of theaters. His filmography now includes more than forty-five works, the list of theatrical roles is also considerable - with the participation of this actor, the audience has already seen about twenty performances.


Despite the great track record, popular recognition and love, the actor himself is skeptical about his professional excellence. According to him, there are only three of his works worthy of respect: participation in the productions of "Waiting for Godot" and "Caligula" by Butusov, the film "Mechanical Suite" by Meskhiev. As Khabensky says, he is not ashamed only for the performance of these roles. Nevertheless, in 2006 the actor was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, in 2007 he received the Stanislavsky International Prize as the best actor, in 2008 he was awarded the MTV Russia prize for the best comedy role in the film The Irony of Fate. Continuation". For his role in the film "Admiral" Khabensky was awarded the "Golden Sword" prize, the "Golden Eagle" award, the "MTV Russia" award.

In 2012, Konstantin Khabensky became people's artist Russia. In 2013 he was awarded the Kinotavr festival award, and in 2014 - the Nika award for best actor in the film The Geographer Drank His Globe Away.

Actor's personal life

Konstantin Yuryevich never liked to bring his own to the public. Even in the happiest years, he only laughed off questions from journalists about his wife, children, plans for the future. The actor was afraid of articles with contrived details of his personal life, compromising photographs. But all this fell on his head just at the most inopportune moment.

It became known to the media that the wife of Konstantin Khabensky, whom he met in 1999 and whom he married in 2001, became seriously ill after the birth of her son. Doctors diagnosed her with a malignant brain tumor. Konstantin and Anastasia Khabensky fought for their happiness as best they could. Meanwhile, all periodicals were full of new news about the personal tragedy of one of the country's most sought-after actors.

It became known that in Russia Anastasia underwent an operation that gave hope for recovery. Right in the hospital ward, the Khabenskys got married, hoping for help higher powers. But after some time, Anastasia's condition worsened and Konstantin decided to take his wife to Los Angeles to the Cedars Sinai clinic, famous for its specialists. There wife Russian actor underwent several operations, after which she began to feel much better, and was allowed to go home, having prescribed a course of chemotherapy. Unfortunately, the relief was temporary, a few months later Anastasia Khabenskaya died. In the arms of the heartbroken Konstantin, the one-year-old son Vanya remained.

Inquisitive journalists managed to find out that the actor recently married a second time. His chosen one was The young people signed secretly from prying eyes in the summer of 2013.

social activities

Shortly after the tragedy, he began his work, the purpose of which is to provide free assistance to children with cancer.

Since 2010, the actor began to open studios all over the country. creative development. The studio of Konstantin Khabensky is already working in Voronezh, Novosibirsk, Ufa, Nizhny Tagil, two are operating in Kazan, St. Petersburg, Perm and Yekaterinburg.

His fans can learn about the personal life of Konstantin Khabensky only thanks to information from insiders from his inner circle.

The actor himself avoids questions that are not related to his profession.

Khabensky's first wife - Anastasia Smirnova

In 1999, the still little-known Kostya Khabensky, who was not recognized on the streets and was not asked for an autograph at every step, went with a friend to a small St. Petersburg cafe. A company of girls was sitting at one of the tables, among which Konstantin noticed a pretty brunette.

The young people met their eyes, and after a while Khabensky decided to invite the girl he liked to the premiere of his performance.

Anastasia Smirnova, future wife artist, worked as a journalist at one of the St. Petersburg radio stations, and at first she was somewhat skeptical about a new acquaintance: at that time Khabensky starred in Lethal Force, the girl had a low opinion of such series. However, already during the first conversation, Anastasia realized that this was not a simple acquaintance. Approximately the same feelings were with Konstantin. It was love at first sight.

Soon, Konstantin and Anastasia decided that they would live together, and two years after they met, they got married, and they went to the registry office in sweaters and jeans, deciding not to have a magnificent wedding.

Relatives considered them an ideal couple - the relationship in the young family was so harmonious. Anastasia and Konstantin complemented each other perfectly, the actor tried to take his wife on all his trips.

Khabensky's creative career developed rapidly. In 2004, the actor played the main role of Anton Gorodetsky in Timur Bekmambetov's film Night Watch. The film, shot in the genre of urban fantasy, was an incredible success at the box office, and Khabensky himself, as they say, woke up famous. A year later, "Day Watch" appeared, which consolidated the success of the blockbuster.

Konstantin Khabensky, who was at the peak of his popularity, began to be credited with endless novels, explaining the situation by the fact that, allegedly, the actor and his wife could not have a child. In early 2007, it became known that Anastasia was pregnant. The actor did not hide the good news, and all the gossip stopped by itself.

When the time of childbirth approached, Anastasia got into a car accident. Despite the fact that the accident was not serious, doctors later considered that as a result of an accident, the woman had a microstroke, which led to a brain tumor. Doctors discovered a serious illness in Anastasia Khabenskaya on recent months pregnancy.

Neither Anastasia herself nor her family suspected cancer. The pregnant woman associated her poor health with natural changes in the body. After the doctors made a diagnosis, Khabensky's wife refused treatment: potent drugs could affect the development of an unborn baby.

The boy, who was named Vanya, was born as a result of a caesarean section. After the birth of her son, Anastasia became worse, and she was transferred to the intensive care unit of the maternity hospital, and then to the Institute. N. N. Burdenko, where the woman had a tumor removed and a course of chemotherapy was performed.

After the operation, Konstantin and Anastasia got married right in the hospital ward, where the woman was transferred from intensive care. Two months later, the tumor began to progress again.

Trying to save the woman he loved, the actor went with her to one of the best clinics in Los Angeles. Many Hollywood stars have been rehabilitated in this hospital. For six months, doctors tried to save Anastasia, applying to her all existing methods of treatment. Konstantin was torn between Los Angeles and Moscow. At this time, the actor takes on all the projects that are offered to him in order to earn money to save his wife. These days, the actor starred in the film "Admiral", but none of the spectators who came to the premiere of the film knew what a tragedy was happening in the fate of the actor who so talentedly played Admiral Kolchak ...

The death of Anastasia on December 1, 2008 was a real blow for the actor. Khabensky's wife died in the arms of her mother, who did not leave her bed.

Life After Wife's Death: Helping Sick Children

In memory of dead wife Constantine created charitable foundation for children with cancer. Since 2008, the Khabensky Foundation has been able to help hundreds of children suffering from the same disease that robbed the artist of his beloved woman seven years ago.

Konstantin Khabensky takes an active part in the work of the organization, constantly comes to meet with little patients, and also organizes charity performances for children throughout the country.

The son of the actor Ivan has already grown up, and together with his father he is happy to participate in his charitable projects.

The second wife of Khabensky - Olga Litvinova

The popularity of the actor gave rise to many rumors about his personal life. It was rumored that after the death of Anastasia, the actor had new love. Reporters reported on his wedding in America, then talked about an affair with the former soloist of the Lyceum group Lena Perova.

There were no comments or denials from the actor, he ignored any information about his personal life that appeared in the media. However, in the fall of 2013, it became known that the actor got married again. Khabensky went to the registry office with his theater colleague Olga Litvinova.

The fact that Konstantin and Olga had an affair was first talked about a few years ago. The couple began to be often noticed together outside of work: either at the premiere of the film, or at the rink ...

A friend of Olga Litvinova told reporters that the spouses have mutual understanding and love:

“Kostya and Olya started dating, then parted for a while, quarreled. Apparently they rubbed each other. But now they are just as one. They have love and complete mutual understanding. We've been waiting a long time for them to get married. But Kostya dragged on with the marriage proposal, perhaps he was afraid. Still, the old pain remains in the soul.