Hello everyone, dear friends!

One of the main tasks of every RPG gamer is to find and create cool equipment. Finding a legendary sword in the next dungeon or getting a unique set for completing a quest is the peak of player enjoyment. Today we will talk about the best weapons that can be found in the open spaces.

I will say right away that the selection is based on the personal opinion and feedback of the players, so I hope there will not be angry comments like “Ugh, what a crap, but my sword is much cooler and easier to get”, people, be kinder. Well, we're starting!

Three stages

You won't be able to run in one set until the end of the game. From the very beginning, you will come across legendary items, but towards the end they will become useless and will happily be replaced with more promising items.

That is why, I divided today's top of the best weapons into three parts:

  1. For the early game.
  2. For middle game.
  3. For the late game.

Choose your stage and go looking for the best weapons in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim.

Legendary entry level weapon

From the very start of the game, after receiving the first stars from the dragon, you can already understand that finding a good weapon is one of the main tasks in Skyrim.

First worthy unique weapon, which the player can meet will become:

  • Nightingale blade. Obtained after completing the Thieves Guild quest line. In addition to good starting damage (10-14), the sword has a special effect that allows you to absorb 5-25 units of HP and stamina of the enemy.
  • Ghost Blade. After killing Lu'a Al-Skaven in the Ansilvund quest, this sword is given as a reward. With a weight of 1 and a starting damage of 8, this blade, ignoring armor, deals 3 damage, which makes it one of the best in the early stages of the game.
  • Okin and Eduzh. Dual wielding, consisting of the one-handed Okin ax and the one-handed sword Edouge. Weapons are obtained in the ruins of Volundrud at the stage of passing the quest "Silence of tongues". Okin, at 12 damage, deals an additional 10 cold. Edouge, with 11 damage, also deals 10 cold damage.

Any of these weapons will be a great addition to a beginner in the first couple of games.

mid game

Over time, maples become obsolete, and enemies become stronger, which forces players to once again go in search of legendary swords, axes, maces and other weapons.

In the middle of the game, they will be able to show themselves effectively in battle:

  • Wuuthrad axe. By storyline Companions, this item will be one of the quest items, after which it will need to be left in the statue. After completing the quest "The Last Duty", the ax can be returned from the statue of Ysgramor in the tomb of the same name. It has a stock damage of 25 units and is considered one of the most powerful axes in Skyrim. Has a lethality effect when fighting elves.
  • Mehrunes Razor. The dagger appears in the mission "Shards of Past Glory". After completing the quest, the Prince gives us the Razor as a reward. The base damage is only 11 units, but with a weight of 3 units, the attack speed is very high, which goes well with unique property weapons. At a 1.2% chance, an instant kill effect is triggered that can even kill a dragon. The chance, although low, is triggered often enough to make this dagger one of the best in the game.

While Wuthrad's Ax is only good in the mid game, Razor will last until the very end thanks to its unique instant kill effect.

Deep late

By the end of the game, it is rare to find enemies that are able to offer decent resistance, but if you find them, you will need Dragon weapons. This gear has the highest base damage, but it takes some work to craft. Apart from required skill blacksmith 90+, you will need a lot of resources.

And with that I say goodbye to you. Subscribe to the channel and share information with friends. See you soon, dear readers!

Trom-ka, friend! In honor of the release Skyrim Special Edition, an updated version with HD textures, we are releasing a series of articles on this topic. The first will be an article about choosing and finding the best weapons and armor. And, since I like speed and lightness better, we'll start with one-handed weapons, shields, and light armor.

For your peace of mind, Skyrim Special Edition includes all of the add-ons for the original game, so all the items below will be available to you.

The best one-handed weapon in Skyrim

Undoubtedly the most powerful weapon with basic damage is dragon, but it is also much heavier (except for daggers, where a dagger made of dragon bone is only 0.5 kg heavier). Underperforming by one point of base damage, a Stalhrim Mace or ax will be significantly lighter and overall better, with the exception of swords, where the vaunted Daedric Blade has more base damage and almost the same weight.

All of these weapons can be enchanted, but you can't enchant unique artifacts (in most cases), so some of the weapons below can only be good if you do not have such a specialization.

Mace of Molag Bal
16 18
“Steals 25 Magicka and 25 Strength per hit. Soul capture."
The weapon is forged from ebony, is 1kg lighter than unnamed examples, and has base dragon damage. You can get a task on it in an abandoned house in Mokart.
Sword of Miraak
16 3
"Steals 15 power per hit"
An unprecedentedly light sword, only 3 kg and damage to the most powerful dragon weapon. Unfortunately, you can get it only at the end of the game, during the main storyline (taking into account the presence of the Dragonborn add-on).
Mehrunes Razor
11 3
"Instant death occurs with a 1.5% chance."
3.5 kg lighter than a dragon dagger, but 2 less base damage. Despite this, due to its effect, makes the dagger good option for the left hand. The quest can be started by visiting the museum in Dawnstar.

The best light armor in Skyrim

From the crafting sets in the game, two of the most powerful light armors are available: Stalhrim (with the Dragonborn add-on) and Dragonscale. The difference between them is small, and if one element of armor is better, then the other is worse.

Stalhrim boots, bracers have the same base armor stat as the dragon.

With a bib and a helmet, not everything is clear.

The breastplate is lighter by 3 kg, but less in armor by 2. It makes sense to wear Elven gilded armor, the armor class is 6 lower, but its weight is 6 less.

The shield is undoubtedly made of dragon scales - the weight is 4 lighter, yielding only 1 in armor.

The helmet is lighter by 2 kg, but less in armor by 1. But in terms of armor, in comparison with the Masks of the dragon priests, any other light helmet pales. Krosis, Volsung or Miraak (Dragonborn) will suit you. You can collect all 8 basic masks and travel to the past, where you will awaken the leader's heavy mask. Krosis is the best freely available, head to Double Peak to get it.

Skyrim Legendary Light Armor

If you don't enchant armor yourself, then you will be interested in legendary sets, and if you do not have the DLC installed, the best you can get is scolding from the Dark Brotherhood, or rather it old version in the faction task "Find an assassin from the past". Her kits, if they have, if not the same parameters, then a bit better.

There are two more Powerful Bundles available to Dragonborn owners.

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim has the truth huge amount weapons and most often the player is lost in the choice.

The best axes, two-handed swords and warhammers in Skyrim

There are fewer two-handed weapons in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, so it is logical to combine the different classes of such weapons into one section. Here best axes, two-handed swords and combat young in the game: Wuuthrad Axe, Rueful Axe, Bloodskal, Volendrung and Dawnguard Rune Hammer.

How to get the weapon Ax Vuutrad

This thing is great suitable for those who dreams of settling scores with the elves. Wuuthrad does more damage against eared races, and the base value is also quite high - 25. This is a damn powerful ax!

The path to the Ax Wuthrad lies through the passage of the Companions storyline. It will have to be completed completely, since only at the end of the last task, Glory of the Dead, Dovakin gets the opportunity to grab Wuutrad with both hands.

How to get the weapon Ax of Sorrow

A Daedric Prince named Clavicus Vile describes the weapon as "powerful enough to have fun." And this is pretty close to the truth - the Ax of Sorrow in the base version deals 22 damage, and also burns the stamina of enemies. In addition, it can be improved in the forge, if you have the appropriate skill.

The Ax of Sorrow can be obtained as a reward for completing the Daedric quest A Daedra's Best Friend. But before moving on to it, you should grow to at least level 10. After Dovakin becomes strong enough, you need to find a character named Lod (Lod) near the entrance to Falkreath. There will be many more funny and not so adventures to come.

How to get the Bloodskul weapon

Appeared in the game after the release of the Dragonborn add-on. It's hefty two-handed sword, which at strong blow causes a magical explosion. Even without taking into account the impressive physical damage, Blaskal is valued for the fact that the burst of energy deals 30 damage!

To become the owner of Blaskal, you need to start the passage of the storyline of the Dragonborn add-on, and then, having arrived in Solstheim, go to the Raven Rock Mine and take the side quest "The Final Descent" from a character named Crescius Karelli (Crescius Caerellius). The blade will lie near the remains of Gratian (Gratian) in a deep dungeon.

How to get Volendrang weapon

An impressively sized warhammer can seriously scare an impressionable hero with its demonic relief. But his damage is much worse - 47! When struck, Volendrang not only easily breaks the strongest bones, but also burns stamina, which is very convenient for Dovakin, because in order to make a good swing with such a hammer, one’s own strength will obviously be small.

Associated with obtaining Volendrang is The Cursed Tribe quest, which begins in the orc stronghold of Largashbur. Arriving there, the hero must help the local orcs cope with a bunch of problems and at the same time show himself in a favorable light in front of the Daedric prince Malacath (Malacat).

How to get the Dawnguard Rune Hammer weapon

Not the best in its class (base damage is 22), but definitely very useful in some situations. It's all about enchantments: they allow you to place fire traps on different surfaces. Thus, it is very easy to deal with many opponents who prefer to fight close.

As with the other rune weapons Dawnguard, you need to complete the dynamic quest "The Lost Relic". The task is rather troublesome, although it is generated randomly: you need to clear the dungeons, filled to capacity with all sorts of evil spirits and undead.

If you're lucky, the Dawnguard Rune Hammer will be Dovahkiin's reward. For sure. More likely. Maybe. May be. Some day. Sooner or later... Well, if you buy Dawnguard, of course.

The best unique bows in Skyrim

A bow will be useful for almost every hero, but it is especially often used by those who, for some reason, do not want to “dirty their hands” by waving all sorts of sharp things like some kind of savage or barbarian. There are plenty of bows in the game, but only 3 of them will serve Dovakin the best: The Nightingale Bow, Glass Bow of the Stag Prince and Gauldur Blackbow.

How to get the Nightingale Bow weapon

This weapon belongs to Karliah, a member of the thieves' guild and the protagonist's temporary companion during certain quests. The Nightingale Bow enchantment allows you to freeze and electrocute a target, which is often useful in different situations. It is also another weapon that depends on the level of the character. It is not worth taking it too early, it is better to wait. For example, up to level 46. It is then that the Nightingale Bow will become as powerful as possible.

To convince Karliah to give up the bow, you will have to join the Thieves Guild and follow its storyline. It's pretty long haul, which will only end on the Blindsighted mission. The bow will be given to the character as a reward for completing the quest. By the way, Dovakin will also receive an “infinite” master key (Skeleton Key), but who cares about such trifles?

How to get the Stag King's Glass Bow

The name is far from the most remarkable thing that this weapon has. It blesses the owner with a special effect - increases health and stamina while the bow is equipped. To get a blessing, you need to kill 20 animals. Not so much, but not so little!

You can get the Stag King's Glass Bow from Falas Selvayn at the Ramshacle Trading Post. Oh yes, that's right, this location is on the island of Solstheim, so you have to go sailing after purchasing the DLC Dragonborn.

How to get the Blackbow of Gauldur weapon

Like the Nightingale Bow, this piece of ancient Nordic craftsmanship is a weapon whose power is directly related to the level of the hero. It is exposed at the moment when Dovakin first enters the location where, in fact, the bow is located.

Goldur's Blackbow deals 36 damage on impact and absorbs magic. Convenient if main character knows a couple of powerful spells.

As with Goldur's Black Sword, the bow can be obtained from the Forbidden Legend quest. For this quest to appear in the journal, you must read the book "The Lost Legends of Skyrim". You can find it in the most different places, you just need to be careful. Well, or just search the lifeless body of the "adventurer" in the "Lake Cliff" location.

But the bow has its own dungeon - Geirmund's Hall. The ancient and not quite alive (and not dead!) Sigdis Gauldurson lives there. The bow is in his hands, you just need to ask well.

Skyrim is a multiplayer game with open world, which has become more than 10 million players worldwide. Major events in the fictional world involve the return of the dragon Alduin, who is opposed by the Dragonborn. The task of gamers is to help cope with the threat of destruction hanging over the world of Skyrim. Weapons are undoubtedly the main means of fighting the enemy. Success in the game is ensured only by those fighters who managed to take possession of, if not the best, then very good specimens in terms of their qualities and characteristics.

Where and how to get weapons?

For new players, the question of where to get more or less worthy weapons arises at the very beginning of development game world Skyrim. Weapons, two-handed, one-handed, or ranged, can either be crafted using blacksmithing or obtained as quest rewards. In the latter case, players will have a chance to get knives, axes, swords, staffs, and much more that are unique in their characteristics. True, they cannot be improved. on the contrary, it has more weak performance, but still subject to improvement. There is also another way to get powerful items in Skyrim - weapon mods. Each of these methods is worth discussing in more detail.

Crafting and Upgrading Daedric Weapons

So, if a player intends to independently manufacture and improve items of equipment suitable for him in all respects, then he cannot do without mastering blacksmithing, enchantment and alchemy. At the same time, it is important to pump all professions to at least level 90. Only in this case the player will be able to create items High Quality and apply more powerful upgrades to them.

For example, with a 2nd skill level in blacksmithing the player can make steel sword, which has a base damage of only 7 units. But the sword, crafted at the maximum level, deals damage of 15 units, and this is without any improvements and enchantments.

By the way, each subsequent improvement for Skyrim weapons can only be done in certain place and after completing the quest. Daedric weapons are crafted in a, and they are improved only after receiving the Daedric Armor bonus. Improve in skyrim weapons possible only with the help of certain materials: stones, firewood, leather strips, various ingots and sharpening.

Unique weapon

For those players who don't particularly like to spend time crafting and upgrading equipment items, weapons with special bonuses are more suitable. As mentioned above, it can be obtained in different locations in Skyrim. The best weapon for beginners is the Wraithblade, which can be picked up from the last boss of Ansilvund. The main advantage of this blade, especially if you take possession of two copies at once, is the complete disregard for the armor of the enemy. In Volundrud, you can find a good set of Okin ax and Eduj sword. They also help novice players cope with strong opponents.

More advanced players will like the Wuuthrad ax or the Mehrunes Razor dagger, the owner of which has a 5% chance to instantly kill his opponent. In the fight against a powerful enemy, a staff can also help, with the help of which you can call an assistant into battle for a minute and a half - a Daedric creature. If the player intends to seriously fight dragons, then without the Dragonbane blade, which gives a +25 bonus to damage against these creatures.

In a word, in order to take possession of weapons with such amazing bonuses and enchantments cast on them, you need to work hard: run around in search of artifacts in many locations, fight hundreds of mobs and complete dozens of tasks.

Weapon mods in Skyrim

Another common way to pass for a well-equipped fighter in the world of Skyrim is weapon mods. By using special modifications installed in the game, you can not only change appearance any type of weapon, but also greatly expand its arsenal. The biggest mod is Lore Weapon Expansion. With it, you can add 33 weapons from previous series of the game to your arsenal. Some items can be bought from merchants, some will have to be knocked out from mobs, and some will be made by yourself using blacksmithing. Other mods are designed to add specific weapons to the arsenal: shields, blades, swords, axes, magic staves and crossbows.

What are the best weapons in Skyrim?

Most gamers make up sets of items that complement each other as much as possible. Besides, important point in the choice of combat equipment, the build of the character in Skyrim plays. is a good option if you take, for example, daggers in both hands. One-handed weapons in the form of swords and axes are preferred by many players, since at the optimal level of damage they also have high speed indicators.

What is considered the most powerful and lethal in Skyrim? Weapons of any type, obtained in one way or another, can only deal basic damage. The improvement of this indicator depends, according to the creators of the game, on the skill of owning it. The more skill the player has, the more damage the weapon does. A large role in this is played by correctly selected spells cast on the subject.