Selena Gomez is a popular American actress, singer, model and just beautiful girl with Latin American roots. Fans are used to admiring the slender Selena Gomez, and we must pay tribute, despite the frantic pace of life and tight stellar schedule, the girl always kept herself in shape - with a height of 176 centimeters, her weight was only 53 kilograms. However, the 25-year-old beauty with the figure of a model knows firsthand what being overweight is.

In 2016, a photo of Selena, captured in a pink swimsuit on the beach, went around the world, in which, to put it mildly, she was not in the best shape. The photo provoked a storm of indignation among the girl's fans, who kept telling Selena about losing weight as soon as possible. This is not surprising, because the star has always been distinguished by a chiseled figure, and the photo clearly shows that Selena has gained at least 10 extra pounds. The celebrity recovered dramatically and began to look much older than her years - a second chin was visible, her sides and hips were rounded, her tummy “grew”.

Followers attributed the singer's correction to both excessive love for fast food and possible pregnancy. As a result, none of the options proved to be true. Only recently, Selena admitted to the public that she suffered from a serious autoimmune disease - "lupus erythematosus." The girl even had to leave the stage for some time for inpatient treatment, which includes hormone and chemotherapy, because of which she gained so much weight.

At the same time, immediately after the flurry of criticism that hit her for the flawed figure in the photo, Selena listened to the fans and began to attend sports training. Under the clear guidance of personal trainer Emmy Davis, the singer in the shortest possible time managed to “blind” a new body and boast slender legs on solo world tour performances.

What is Selena Gomez's Weight Loss Method?

Selena did not treat the body with merciless diets, but immediately turned to a professional for help. Star trainer Emmy Davis compiled a special diet for Selena, as well as a system of exercises, thanks to which the fat burning processes in the body took place as quickly as possible.

The principles of proper weight loss Selena Gomez

1. Forget about scales!

During weight loss, it is strictly forbidden to weigh yourself, because the priority of losing weight should be health and beautiful figure. According to Selena's trainer, one should believe not the numbers on the scales, but the visual result, because, with the right work on oneself, the body will definitely begin to change and this will certainly be noticeable in the mirror.

2. No strict diets!

Selena's trainer doesn't see food cuts as the only way to lose weight. On the contrary, no one advised the star to go on strict diets, because malnutrition, and, moreover, starvation can provoke a breakdown in food and even more weight gain in the future.

According to the method of losing weight by Selena Gomez, you can eat whatever you want until 12:00, but in the afternoon you need to eat only protein foods. At the same time, the primary task for losing weight should be the slow accustoming of the body to proper nutrition, first reducing the calorie content of food by half, and over time, completely removing all high-calorie foods from the menu.

The only restriction that has extended beyond famous singer- this is a total ban on fast food, so the singer had to forget about it once and for all! So, Selena gave up her favorite french fries and hamburgers in favor of fresh vegetables and fruits, and she does not regret it at all!

3. Gradually increase the volume of physical activity

Emmy Davis advises smoothly accustoming the body to sports. At the initial stages of losing weight, you need to visit Gym three times a week, and after a couple of months - to work out in the gym for at least two hours a day.

It is important that sports activities are diverse. Selena chose Pilates, cardio, running and cycling, as well as dancing and aerobics.

Besides, great value has stretching, therefore, in order for the muscles to become elastic and the body to be flexible, Selena attended yoga classes three times a week.

4. Maintain water balance in the body

Selena made it a rule to drink at least two liters of pure non-carbonated water a day. In addition, the artist loves freshly squeezed juices, which she allows herself to drink in unlimited quantities.

5. Take good care of your body

Body care is an important moment in Selena Gomez's weight loss. In addition to standard cosmetic procedures (massages, wraps, scrubs), the girl fell in love with an infrared sauna, which allows you to burn up to 1500 calories per hour session.

Selena Gomez nutrition system

Selena adheres to three basic rules in nutrition:

  1. half an hour before a meal, you need to eat any sour fruit, thanks to which digestion processes improve;
  2. daily menu should be selected in such a way that 80% of the dishes consist of products that have not undergone heat treatment, for example, raw vegetables and fruits, muesli, etc.
  3. the basis of the diet is protein food: lean meat, sour-milk products with a reduced percentage of fat, legumes, nuts.

Sample menu for the day from Selena Gomez:

Breakfast (optional):

  • burrito with eggs, smoked sausage and avocado;
  • boiled rice and beans;
  • muesli topped with Greek yogurt.

Lunch (optional):

  • light vegetable salad with olive oil;
  • boiled turkey salad with avocado and beans, dressed with red wine vinegar, olive oil, Dijon mustard and lemon juice.

Dinner (optional):

  • rice with salmon or chicken and cucumbers in an Asian marinade with teriyaki sauce;
  • sushi or lean fish on the grill;
  • ginger juice and low-fat yogurt;

The second wave of weight loss Selena Gomez

IN last years the artist has experienced huge health problems. The girl struggled with lupus erythematosus for a long time, and in the summer of 2017, Selena received a donor kidney transplant. However, the singer did not spare herself and did not lie down in a hospital bed, but as soon as the doctors allowed, she began to train hard so as not to lose her former shape.

On fresh photos the girl looks too thin, so the Internet tabloids, on the contrary, are worried about Selena's health, and the fans are begging to stop and not lose weight anymore.

The opinion of nutritionists about the method of losing weight Selena Gomez

Given the principles of weight loss and the acceptable diet, the weight loss system developed for Selena Gomez can be considered ideal. For those who are ready to eat right and devote time to sports, this regimen will be a real salvation in terms of losing weight. An indisputable advantage of nutrition is easy cheating until noon, we are sure that many people who lose weight dream of eating their favorite foods and, at the same time, losing weight! True, in order for these relaxations in terms of nutrition not to provoke weight gain, you need to do your best in the gym, at least three times a week, and preferably daily.

We hope that Selena Gomez will not cross the line of excessive thinness and will continue to delight the world audience with new songs and movie roles!

Biography of Selena Gomez

American actress Selena Marie Gomez began her film career at the age of 10, starring in the film Barney and Friends. After 7 years, she released her debut album of songs. She does not hide her passion for hamburgers and fast food, she considers it important to love her body and feel good regardless of her weight.

In 2016, Selena's fans noted that after the vacation, she recovered significantly. Gomez herself commented on her weight as comfortable for well-being. Presumably the cause of weight problems was hormonal treatment And depression associated with severe illness. The girl was stubbornly treated for lupus erythematosus, underwent a kidney transplant. After the operation, she lost a lot of weight and quickly. A personal trainer who monitors the girl’s nutrition, sports activities and well-being, calls a strict diet and training the reason for losing weight.

Figure Options

The figure of Selena, combined with delicate childish features, allows her to successfully act in youth films and TV shows.

Gomez figure parameters:

  • chest girth - 85 cm;
  • waist - 61 cm;
  • hips - 88 cm.

Age, height and weight for 2018

Selena Gomez will turn 26 in July 2018. Her height is 169 cm, weight is about 52 kg. A few years ago, fans noted that the star recovered greatly. Among the reasons are the disease and hormonal drugs for treatment, a disturbed diet and a love of fast food.

In about a month, under the guidance of a trainer who monitors her nutrition and physical activity, Selena managed to lose about 13 kg.

Rules and principles of the Gomez method

The main principle of the diet that helped Selena lose weight is the rejection of sandwiches and french fries in favor of fresh fruits and vegetables, fish and greens.

Selena's diet contains a lot of protein-rich foods - legumes, poultry, eggs. Diet rules from Gomez:

  • there is everything that you like, but little by little;
  • observe the regime of mandatory breakfasts, lunches and dinners;
  • every day to use freshly squeezed juices from vegetables and fruits;
  • remember to drink water throughout the day.

Read more about the diet from Selena Gomez here.

sample menu

One of the options for the daily menu of Selena Gomez looks something like this:

  • breakfast - protein omelette, fruit juice;
  • lunch - boiled chicken with a vegetable side dish;
  • dinner - durum wheat pasta, green tea.

Selena Gomez's trainer, who watches her diet, gives another version of the star's daily diet:

  • breakfast - rice, avocado, green tea;
  • lunch - vegetable salad seasoned with olive oil;
  • dinner - yogurt and ginger juice.

Several recipes from the star

One of the star's favorite drinks is fruit juice. To prepare it, you need to peel 3 oranges from the peel and internal films, finely chop the pulp and beat in a blender. Then add a glass of filtered water to the puree and beat again. Do not add sugar.

Selena Gomez Steam Omelet Recipe:

  • beat 3 raw egg yolks in a cup;
  • beat 3 egg whites separately with a glass of low-fat milk;
  • mix the egg mass, add a pinch of salt;
  • cook in a double boiler for 15 minutes.

Physical exercise

A personal trainer helps Selena keep her figure. Training takes place 3-5 times a week. They are necessarily diverse so that all muscle groups work. These are cardio loads and stretching, as well as Pilates and different types yoga. The star walks a lot, dances at rehearsals.

A couple of months before the start of the concert tour, training becomes more intense - at least 2 hours a day.

The opinion of nutritionists and reviews of losing weight

In autumn 2017 funds mass media published pictures of a very thin Selena Gomez on a walk in New York. American nutritionist Shaq Smith called the girl's thinness excessive and is convinced that she overdid it with weight loss. The doctor suggests that Selena Gomez's illness helped her lose weight a lot - after undergoing kidney surgery, the star was very afraid overweight and went on a strict diet.

Reviews of those who lost weight on the diet of Selena Gomez:

Irina: I have been on this diet for six months, I managed to lose 12 kg, I even got used to eating like this.

Olesya: on her diet, she lost 10 kg, spending 3 months, but additionally went to the gym.

Rita: I lost 25 kg in six months thanks to the Gomez diet, I consider it acceptable for myself due to the lack of strict prohibitions.

Interview with Gomez on weight loss

In July 2017, Selena Gomez took part in E. Duran's radio show The Morning Show. There she gave an interview, later published on the website

“If someone tells me to my face that it’s time to go on a diet, then I will not work with this person further. I think those words are overwhelming. There are a lot of amazing people around me who push me to the best choice. However, it’s very difficult when everyone around says how you should look, what you must do ... I want to be real, honest, unbridled and go my own way, but it’s difficult, ”said Selena.

Gomez advises everyone who wants to lose weight to forget about fast food. Selena herself loves it, but tries to replace her favorite hamburgers and fried potatoes with carrots and hummus.

To lose weight quickly and successfully, Selena advises:

  • eat a little, without giving up your favorite dishes;
  • try to eat protein foods in the afternoon;
  • drink freshly squeezed vegetable juices more often.

Personal secrets of the star

Selena Gomez believes that it makes no sense to forbid yourself some kind of food, because a hunger strike or the rejection of your favorite foods will inevitably be followed by a breakdown. One of the secrets of the star is the gradual accustoming yourself to healthy food.

Gomez's personal weight loss secrets:

  • do not weigh yourself, since the priority in losing weight should not be numbers, but well-being and health;
  • visit an infrared sauna, which in one session allows you to burn up to 1600 kcal;
  • if you want to eat something high-calorie and unhealthy - halve the portion;
  • drink more during the day, always have a bottle of water on hand;
  • make a training plan and follow it steadily, then the body will begin to change.

About Selena Gomez's weight loss, her diet and the opinion of a nutritionist, see the video below.

Selena Marie Gomez was born on July 22, 1992. She is a Hollywood actress and singer, known for her roles in the series of the Walt Disney Channel. Her height is 176 cm, her parameters are 86-61-91 cm, and her weight is 53 kg. Selena started her acting career at the age of 7, and in 2004 it was opened by the Disney channel. Gomez began her career as a singer in 2008, having previously recorded songs for Disney Mania (2006). Once the actress was hospitalized because she paid little attention to the diet. Now she is turning Special attention on your diet and exercise. Let's see what kind of diet and exercises he adheres to.


Selena Gomez does not need hard workouts and complex exercises, as she is already very slim and fit. She does very light exercises to keep her body flexible and healthy, however she follows a very healthy and strict diet. In fact, the actress does not train that much: in the gym, she mainly does cardio exercises that help improve stamina and increase strength. Selena prefers to work on a treadmill, on a bicycle, to engage in mixed training and, of course, does not forget about dancing and aerobics.

Diet and additional measures

As we have already mentioned, the actress follows a healthy strict dietary regimen. In most cases, she eats the dishes that her mother cooks.

Selena Gomez Diet:

  • Breakfast - 2 eggs, a slice of black bread, a glass of juice, sometimes an omelette with mushrooms, onions, cheese, etc. In total, Selena consumes only 250 calories for breakfast.
  • Lunch - poultry meat (for proteins), a simple meal that her mother cooks at home. When Gomez works on set, he sometimes eats pasta, pizza and drinks. Orange juice for energy. In total, she consumes 350 calories for lunch.
  • Dinner - the actress likes Italian cuisine, so she does not eat fatty foods. For dinner, she consumes 850 calories.

The rapid weight loss of Selena Gomez is discussed almost more actively than. How the girl managed to regain her chiseled figure, her personal trainer, Amy Rosoff Davis, told in detail.

Do you remember where Selena Gomez showed her, at that time, far from being a model, forms in a swimsuit? Then reproaches fell on the star that she had let herself go and that it was not appropriate for a celebrity to look like that. Selena was outraged by the flow of criticism (she even answered some spiteful critics on Instagram) and assured that she felt absolutely happy in such an impressive weight. But on . The star turned to popular trainer Amy Rosoff Davis, who not only created an exercise program, but also compiled a special diet for Gomez.

Since the beginning of last spring, Selena has been working with Amy in the gym three to five times a week, and two months before the start of the grand Renaissance concert tour, the training regimen became even tougher: the girls spent two hours in the gym every day.

In a recent interview with the British version of Cosmopolitan magazine, Amy talked about what Selena did to get rid of extra pounds.

Not weighed

“Never asked her to step on the scale,” says Amy. “I don’t believe in numbers.” The coach explained that, working with Selena one-on-one for a long time, she already saw how her ward's body was changing.

Abandoned strict diets

“I believe that you need to allow yourself everything, but in reasonable quantities. There are no limits when it comes to food. And life is too short not to enjoy delicious food!” - comments the coach.

Never let your body get bored

Selena alternated loads: she did cardio, Pilates, and yoga.

“I always thought that The best way keep your muscles in good shape - combine different types physical activity' says Amy.

Eliminated fast food from the diet

“Selena is always proud to say that she is from Texas and loves local fast food. But he still had to give up. Now instead of hamburgers and potatoes - carrots and hummus, ”the fitness star continues.

It was the change in the usual diet that helped Selena lose weight. “The girl’s body reacts to the load very quickly: it’s worth starting to pump the press and eat right for a couple of days, as we already see the results!”

Selena Gomez daily diet

Breakfast: half an egg burrito, chorizo ​​(a savory pork sausage originally from Spain and Portugal), avocado, rice and beans; or Greek yogurt (not low fat) and muesli.

Lunch: A salad of turkey, avocado, beans and dressed with a homemade dressing of red wine vinegar, olive oil, Dijon mustard and lemon juice.

Dinner: rice with teriyaki sauce, Asian pickles, salmon or chicken, avocado.

Drinks: Selena even has a juicer in her dressing room. Amy makes her cucumber, carrot, cabbage and ginger juices.

After photos of the singer on vacation in Mexico spread all over the world, fans were seriously worried about the health of their favorite actress: Selena Gomez has always been distinguished by her chiseled slim figure, but the photographs clearly showed that the girl had gained at least 10 extra pounds. Fans began to actively write to Selena on Twitter and Instagram about the girl starting to monitor her diet. After a flurry of criticism and a lack of support from fans, Selena began attending sports training under the supervision of her personal trainer Emmy Davis.

Photos from the rest of the star

The coach made a special diet for the actress and a system of exercises that helped burn excess calories faster. Emmy also gave some advice in an interview for Cosmopolitan magazine on how to lose weight properly:

1. Do not weigh yourself. It is necessary to believe not in numbers, but in the result that is visible in the mirror.

2. Gradually increase physical activity: initially, Selena visited the gym three times a week, and after a while she began to exercise daily for two hours.

3. Stretching is very important: in order for the muscles to be elastic and the body flexible, Selena did yoga several times a week.

4. No rigid diets. If you refuse food, then sooner or later a person will break loose and gain more large quantity excess weight, so you can eat everything, but only in small quantities and always before 12 days. After 12 you need to eat protein foods.

Read also: Britney Spears got in shape

5. Forget about fast food. Selena has spoken many times about her love of fast food, especially french fries and hamburgers. But the singer had to give up her favorite food and replace fast food with vegetables.

Selena's Diet

The singer daily consumes a lot of vegetables and fruits, for breakfast prefers legumes, rice and avocados. For lunch: vegetable salad with olive oil. For dinner: ginger juice and yogurt. The girl also tells in her numerous interviews that she always has a bottle of water with her - the singer tries to drink several liters a day.

A few secrets of Selena that help the singer get rid of excess weight faster

1. Visiting the sauna. The girl visits an infrared sauna, which allows you to burn about 1600 calories in one session.

2. You need to enjoy training. To get the most out of your workout, you should never go to the gym bad mood. Within a few months, Selena managed to get rid of excess weight and the girl demonstrated her new forms on her personal Instagram page.

New photos of Gomez: