Why do you need knowledge about how to recognize that a person smokes weed, and the signs of this? To prevent a person from falling into the depths of moral decay and save him from physical torment.

We say this because even among people who do not use drugs, there is an opinion that marijuana is just pampering. No. There are two reasons why this drug should be feared like fire:

  • in practice, it becomes a transitional drug (wanting to get more impressions, a person tries other drugs);
  • it brings real harm to the body and mental state of a person.

Here are illustrations for the last point (and at the same time signs of marijuana use and symptoms after that):

  • unreasonable obsessive laughter that cannot be stopped, even when it looks extremely stupid. The manifestation of obsessive love for the whole world, which, however, quickly ends at the end of the dose;
  • brutal appetite, leading to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • inflamed, red eyes;
  • inability to concentrate and memory impairment;
  • deterioration of orientation in space: the inability to realistically assess distance, speed, time and other things measured in our world;
  • extremely nasty smell of sweat.

This is at first. And here are the signs of smoking the drug marijuana, which come soon with continued use (and there will be a continuation, no matter what the addict says):

  • lethargy: decreased reaction, slow speech, thoughtfulness;
  • panic and suspicion, penetrating all aspects of human life;
  • hallucinations and delusions;
  • spasms in the muscles;
  • serious heart problems due to the constant acceleration of its rhythm.

But here a person really needs to cope with the problem: health continues to deteriorate, and the buzz from the dose, in order to outweigh all this, you get less and less. Can't stop no matter how you explain it. All that's left is a stronger drug.

Therefore, weed is never the end of drug use. It is always a beginning, and the stories of people who have been rehabilitated at our Narconon center all too often bear this out.

We ask you to look into these signs that a person is smoking weed and sound the alarm if you notice them. Never listen to a novice drug addict: his head is powdered with stories of people supplying him with drugs, he has no experience of his own. “You can quit at any time”, “this is only once” - complete nonsense. He does not know.

Narconon has the highest complete drug recovery rate in the world: 85% (people never go back to any drug again). We will be happy to advise you on the signs of marijuana drug intoxication, as well as help you cope with it. Call!

Marijuana (also known as cannabis, marijuana, or weed) is a plant-based drug that is smoked and consumed. It affects everyone differently, so the signs and symptoms of marijuana use vary from person to person. If you are concerned that a friend or family member is using this drug, look out for the most common physical and mental symptoms, such as sore eyes and slow reactions. You may also notice other signs, such as characteristic odors or changes in the person's behavior and interests. If it is obvious that the person is using marijuana, share your concerns with them.


Recognize the symptoms of marijuana use

    Pay attention to the inflamed eyes. Someone who uses marijuana may have very red or inflamed eyes. However, do not rely on this symptom alone. Eye redness can be caused by a variety of other things, including:

    • allergy;
    • illness (for example, the common cold);
    • lack of sleep;
    • recent tears;
    • eye irritation;
    • long exposure to the sun.
  1. Watch for signs of dizziness. Someone who has recently used marijuana may feel dizzy or have problems with coordination. If a person stumbles a lot, appears unusually clumsy, or complains of dizziness, these may be signs of marijuana use.

    Check out his reaction. Marijuana affects the perception of time, and the reaction of a person is significantly reduced compared to a sober state. For example, if you are talking to someone who is high, you will most likely have to repeat your words several times or wait a long time for a response.

    • Due to the slow reaction times, people under the influence of marijuana are at a high risk of having an accident while driving.
    • If the person you think is “high” is trying to get behind the wheel, you can subtly offer to drive for them.
  2. Note problems with memory and concentration. In addition to slowing down the reaction, the use of marijuana impairs memory function. Someone who is high may find it difficult to remember something that just happened, or difficult to carry on a conversation or keep a train of thought.

    Look out for excessive giggling or goofy behavior. Marijuana can cause euphoria and uninhibited behavior. A person under its influence may laugh for no apparent reason or laugh excessively at something that they usually do not find funny.

    • This is a particularly important sign if stupidity is not characteristic of the character of this person.
  3. Take a look at his usual diet. Marijuana can stimulate appetite. A person who has used marijuana may be “hungry as a wolf” and his desire for something to eat will be higher than usual.

    Look for signs of anxiety or paranoia. While marijuana is often relaxing and euphoric, it can also cause agitation, anxiety, or delusional thinking. Someone who experiences anxiety under the influence of marijuana may also experience an increased heart rate or even a full-blown panic attack.

    Note Other Possible Signs

    1. Check for the smell of marijuana. Marijuana has a characteristic odor that can be tart, sweetish, or amber-like from a skunk. This odor can linger on clothing, skin, hair, or on the breath. You may also feel it in a room where a person smokes or keeps smoking equipment.

      • Someone who uses marijuana is likely trying to cover up the smell by putting on perfume or cologne, eating mints, or using incense or air freshener in the room(s) where they smoked.
    2. Look for items related to marijuana use. marijuana use different ways. Look around for any of these items:

      • cigarette paper or roll-up paper;
      • smoking pipes (often made of glass);
      • bong (or hookah);
      • e-Sigs;
      • grinders.
    3. Watch for changes in behavior and attitudes. Long-term marijuana use can lead to various mental and behavioral changes. A person who “dabbles in weed” may experience a loss of energy and motivation. Depression, anxiety, and other mental health problems may worsen or appear for the first time. In addition, marijuana use affects interpersonal relationships, study or work. You may also notice:

      • Lack of interest in things that bring pleasure to a person.
      • Changes in habits related to money. For example, a person may often borrow money, start stealing it, or spend it quickly. At the same time, he cannot intelligibly explain what this money is spent on.
      • Evasive behavior (for example, acting as if he is trying to hide something or not giving direct answers to the question of what he is doing).

    Talk to a person

    1. Wait for the person to come to their senses to talk about it. If you want to discuss your concerns about possible marijuana use, the best thing to do is to approach the person when they are in their right mind. Someone who is high may find it difficult to communicate with you and follow your thoughts.

Marijuana ("weed", "plan", "ganjubas", "cannabis") is narcotic substance vegetable origin. It is obtained by processing (drying and grinding) the leaves, stems and inflorescences of hemp. The dried substrate is used primarily for smoking. Its effect on the body is determined by active substances-cannabinoids, the level of which in the "grass" depends on the area of ​​the growth and variety of hemp, as well as the method of preparation of the drug. With long-term regular consumption, it causes a pronounced mental and somewhat less pronounced physical dependence (hashishism). There are a number characteristic features marijuana use.

Note:In a number of countries, this “light” narcotic substance is legalized, and is even used for medical purposes, in particular, to relieve pain in cancer patients. In the territory Russian Federation production and distribution of marijuana entails criminal liability.

How do you know if a person has smoked marijuana?

There are laboratory tests that can detect cannabinoids in urine. Active substances drugs are excreted from the body relatively slowly, since they tend to accumulate in adipose tissue. They can be found in tests a week or even two after the last episode of marijuana use.

Even a non-professional can notice that a person has smoked dried cannabis. After smoking cannabis, behavior changes dramatically. The addict experiences excitement and euphoria; it seems to him that the colors of the surrounding world have become brighter. The first stage of intoxication is characterized by causeless laughter, talkativeness and the expression of judgments that are strange to others. Then increased psychomotor activity is replaced by slowness and thoughtfulness. It begins to seem to the drug addict who uses “weed” that literally everything is filled with some kind of deep meaning, but it is extremely problematic for him to formulate and convey his conclusions to other people.

Signs of smoking marijuana:

  • mydriasis (dilated pupils);
  • hyperemia of the lips and skin of the face;
  • red eyes;
  • increased physical activity;
  • spontaneity of decision-making;
  • unmotivated increase in mood, laughter;
  • increased libido;
  • irritability;
  • deep thought;
  • a sharp increase in appetite, "wolf hunger";
  • dry mouth;
  • thirst;
  • increased cravings for sweets.

Against the backdrop of consumption high doses The following symptoms of marijuana use appear:

  • pronounced constriction of the pupils;
  • dry lips;
  • pallor;
  • lethargy and lethargy;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • abrupt unreasonable change of mood;
  • self-care;
  • anxiety and unreasonable fears.

Note:After the first "experiment", a novice marijuana smoker may not notice any changes in his condition. Some feel euphoria only for the third or fourth time, which, apparently, is associated with the individual characteristics of the organism and the sensitization of specific receptors.

Consequences of using marijuana

Among the signs of marijuana use is the worsening of the condition when it is impossible to re-use the drug. Withdrawal syndrome is typical for "experienced" drug addicts. Against the background of the absence of habitual intoxication, arterial hypertension (increased blood pressure), tachycardia, chills, aching bones, headaches, muscle and joint pains develop. "Breaking" after marijuana is often accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Against the background of the withdrawal syndrome, the drug addict may show aggression towards others.

Other withdrawal symptoms include:

  • sleep disorders;
  • decreased libido;
  • photophobia;
  • trembling of the limbs;
  • stomach colic;
  • loss of appetite;
  • intestinal motility disorders.

On the background of the consumption of large doses, it is possible a sharp decline blood pressure, the appearance of cold, clammy sweat, confusion or loss of consciousness, as well as visual and auditory hallucinations.

The main danger of cannabis is that people who use it often start looking for ways to get new sensations, and switch to "hard" drugs (for example, heroin or other opioids).

Smoking cannabis preparations negatively affects the state of the bronchopulmonary system. The effects of marijuana use include shortness of breath with minor physical activity, chronic bronchitis and emphysema.

Drug addicts suffer cognitive abilities, impaired ability to concentrate and remember.

Important:In rare cases, hashishism leads to the development of schizophrenia, but marijuana in this case is only a provocateur, and family predisposition is the leading etiological factor.

Dependence is formed rather slowly. With episodic consumption "for the company" with a frequency of 1-2 times a week, the first stage develops within 2-5 years. It is characterized only by the mental need for the next dose. In the absence of a drug, a person experiences psycho-emotional discomfort. For the development of the second stage, you need to consume cannabis for 5-10 years. At this stage, there is already physical addiction. Marijuana becomes a stimulant, without which it is very difficult for an addict to do. When canceled, a state of stupor appears and a depressive state develops.

The modern world opens many doors for teenagers. Every child who wants this can learn and develop in any direction, become a professional in the business that he likes. But along with this, his life is full of all sorts of temptations. Smoking weed is one option.

Any sane parent tries to do everything possible to keep their child from drinking hazardous substances– nicotine, alcohol, drugs. And if many of them are familiar with the first two positions from the list on personal experience, then when faced with smoking weed (marijuana, hemp), adult accomplished people can take a back seat. What effect does weed have on a teenager's body, what symptoms indicate that a child is in the grip of a drug, and, most importantly, how to get him out of there?

First symptoms

You may be alerted by a strange smell in the child's room or an unusual aroma coming from his clothes. In a secluded place, you will accidentally find a matchbox with specific contents or a paper cigarette with dried weed inside. Anxiety is born in the soul, aggravated by the inappropriate behavior of the child. And, in the end, there comes a moment when there is no doubt - the child uses soft drugs.

He hides his eyes behind sunglasses or looks away if you are looking directly at him. The whites of his eyes took on a reddish hue. A teenager may try to remove this effect with eye drops (most often Vizin is bought), explain blurred vision by sitting in front of a TV screen for a long time or staying at a computer at night.

The child constantly feels thirsty, drinks water in large quantities. This is because many weed smokers suffer from dry mouth.

A teenager has unusual things, the use of which you do not know. These can be smoking devices - bong, grinder, smoking pipes. An alternative to this is a pack of Belomor cigarettes, which replaces tissue paper for a teenager.

The child's behavior has changed, he has unreasonable laughter, everything amuses him, it seems cool or cool. Or, on the contrary, every little thing or even an ordinary episode causes him fear on the verge of paranoia. Unusual behavior- lethargy, uncontrollable laughter or apathy lasts for 3-4 hours after smoking weed.

The teenager becomes very verbose and, at the same time, absent-minded. He constantly loses the thread of the conversation, sometimes it may seem that he does not understand where he is and what he is doing.

If you notice at least a couple of these symptoms, this is a reason to be wary, perhaps your child is in trouble.

Don't panic, figure it out!

According to the observations of narcologists, Russian children get acquainted with marijuana and hemp (in slang they are one and the same) most often at the age of 14-15 years. This is a period of active puberty, hormonal surges and psychological instability. The teenager has desire get rid of all the problems, relieve stress and forget. If the child at this moment is in bad company, his fate is almost a foregone conclusion.

Smoking weed gives a teenager a deceptive feeling of coolness, specialness, uniqueness. It increases self-esteem and self-confidence, the lack of which children often suffer from. If a teenager is deprived of parental love, weed allows him to forget about it. He becomes "everything is fine, no matter what."

You must understand that the first attempt to smoke marijuana is not yet a sentence, it may be due to the banal curiosity of the child or strong pressure from the outside. But all further attempts to use marijuana are almost always associated with a desire to forget about some internal or external problems, overcome a complex of self-doubt, etc.

Narcologists believe that if a child smokes weed from time to time, occasionally, from the first test to the onset of addiction, it can take a year and a half. If often - everything happens much faster. It is important to recognize the problem in time and take appropriate measures.

What to do?

The first advice is to talk, find the right words to call a teenager to a frank conversation. Find out about the extent of the "disaster" - how long he smokes, where, in which company, why he does it, etc. You should not wait for the child to turn inside out in front of you, your task is to let him know that you are worried, and you will certainly keep the situation under control.

It is important that two parents participate in the conversation at once. A teenager should feel the importance of the moment and the criticality of the situation. Everything is very serious, the parents are seriously concerned about his behavior and further well-being.

Start the conversation by saying, "We think you're smoking weed!" Do not blame, do not shout, do not appeal to conscience and do not hysteria. State facts, present arguments. Keep in mind that teenagers are very knowledgeable about everything that interests them, so prepare for the conversation, read the necessary literature and visit specialized resources.

Emphasize to a teenager that smoking marijuana at his age is very dangerous. His body is just developing, the consequences of drug use are often irreversible. Focus on the peculiarities of the psyche of adolescents, the strongest susceptibility to all kinds of addictions.

If a teenager denies everything

To insist in this case is useless, and even harmful. Under stress, teenagers can switch from using soft drugs to harder ones.

Say that you will definitely return to this conversation later. Specify that you are not going to search the child's room and follow him, but you want him to be accountable for his actions and be frank with you.

It is important that the teenager believes in you and feels supported by you. He understood that you were acting in his interests. The child must know that you absolutely do not accept drug use and will not let it ruin your life.

Do not forget that the child has already grown up, now your words are not an unconditional law for him. Together you have to look for a way out of the situation and negotiate with each other. There is no other way.

If over time, anxiety symptoms do not go away or they become even more, insist on consulting a teenager with a specialist. The psychiatrist can help.

Adolescence is a difficult period in a child's life. Adolescents not only face physiological and social problems, but also try drugs for the first time, for example, marijuana. If you think your child is using marijuana, look for evidence of this, and don't just accuse them. It is necessary to support the child by talking frankly with him.


Part 1

Problem symptoms

    Assess the child's mood. Think about the reason for your anxiety. Is your child not feeling well? Does his mood fluctuate for no reason? Do you think he is scared? Perhaps this behavior is a consequence of the use of marijuana. Marijuana is a psychoactive substance that affects the functioning of the central nervous system and temporarily changing the way a person thinks and feels.

    Monitor your child's behavior. Marijuana use leads to cognitive impairment, which occurs more often the more a teenager smokes marijuana. If you suspect a child of using this drug, look for the following symptoms:

    Understand the way teenagers think. Remember that sudden mood swings in teenagers are quite normal. Watching the behavior of a child, it may seem to you that it is not entirely rational, but do not forget that many physiological and emotional factors affect the mood of a teenager. Therefore, ask a loved one to objectively evaluate your child's behavior, or do it yourself based on pre-collected information.

    Think about your relationship with your child. You are the most important person in a teenager's life, even if he or she doesn't see it that way. Remember that your relationship with your child has a decisive influence on his behavior. Therefore, try to objectively assess your relationship; perhaps in Lately there have been some changes in them. Your teen's behavior may be a reaction to events happening in your home.

    Know when to act. The behavior of most teenagers is irrational, but not all of their antics can be attributed to adolescence. So think about every aspect of your child's life, but try not to invade his personal space. If all indications are that a child is using marijuana, it's time to act. Also check with your feelings, because you know your child like no one else. What does your intuition tell you? Even if you think your child is "dabbling" with drugs, it's best to back up your suspicions with facts by identifying the symptoms of marijuana use.

    Changing social habits. Notice if your child's social habits have changed. Marijuana use can disrupt the natural sleep-wake cycle, which means a teenager sleeps during the day and stays awake at night. Also, addiction to drugs is evidenced by a change in the teenager's social circle, visiting new places, and frequent absences.

    • Don't accuse your teen of using drugs just because he or she sleeps during the day or hangs out with people you don't like. There can be a number of reasons for this behavior.
  1. Finding a drug. If you find marijuana in a child's clothes, for example while doing laundry, this is very strong evidence that he or she is using the drug. Remember that drugs are very expensive, so a teenager can only keep a very small amount of marijuana, which is easy to hide in the house.

    Pay attention to your child's appetite. Excessive appetite (“zhor attacked”) has long been associated with marijuana use, and the latter Scientific research proved that smoking marijuana leads not only to a sharp increase in appetite, but also to an exacerbation of taste buds. Therefore, if you are faced with the fact that sometimes your child becomes insatiable, then perhaps he is addicted to marijuana.

Part 3


    Decide on a method for solving the problem. Marijuana use is illegal (in the vast majority of countries). Therefore, if you find that your child smokes marijuana, but was not detained for it law enforcement, then you are solely responsible for solving this problem. There is no one-size-fits-all way to deal with drug use, but it is recommended that you start by talking to your teen. You can also set reasonable rules for your children to follow.