Once in May, a nightingale sang under our windows for several nights in a row. I was even able to record his singing on the camera. He can write the sound separately for me. The truth is not posted here. Says the quality is bad. In general, you can listen to the computer. It is especially pleasant now to listen and remember the summer. I listened. And then the phrase "Kursk nightingale" surfaced. And I thought, "Why exactly Kursk, and not some other?" I started looking for material. And here's what I found.

The Kursk Nightingale - this is what singers with a beautiful voice are usually called.

Everyone has probably heard the nightingale singing. The baying trills of the nightingale are heard at night in late spring and early summer. The melodies of the nightingale are varied, rich in clicking, whistling and iridescent sounds. The song is sometimes gentle, sometimes a little sad, sometimes enthusiastic and joyful.

As is customary in nature, the best goes to males. It is the male nightingales that delight our ears with their trills. To conquer a female, a nightingale does not need to make her chest a wheel, she does not need to proudly spread her wings ... just sing. Their courtship is shown in singing. While the male sings, the female quietly, without raising her voice, sits somewhere on a nearby branch and decides whether this sweet-voiced nightingale is suitable for her or to wait for another ...

The nightingale is a migratory bird. It begins to sing a few days after returning from warm lands to nesting. First, he sings during the courtship period, then while waiting for the female to hatch the chicks. When the chicks appear, the nightingale stops singing.

It seems to many that nightingales sing only at night and early in the morning, but this is not so. During the day they also sing, but in a different way. Passionate singing at night is meant for friends, and daytime singing is for enemies. Males thus defend their nests and at the same time warn the female of the danger.)))

The nightingale has the richest "repertoire" of all songbirds. But, if the nightingale near Moscow publishes about 10 different "couplets" (knees) of his song, the Kursk nightingale is capable of more. It is in the Kursk forests that the trills of this small, nondescript bird often consist of almost 40 knees. So, at least, according to the researchers. Kursk nightingales are special - the most flooded. Far beyond the city, the fame of the marvelous trills of local nightingales spread. Therefore, they say "Kursk nightingale" as praise.

Nightingale fishing was actively developed in Kursk - bird-catchers caught nightingales and sold them. IN early XIX century near Kursk in the town of Korennaya a unique fair was held, which was called the Korenskaya Fair. From different places lovers of songbirds went to the fair to listen to the famous nightingale trills and buy a couple of birds for themselves. And some brought their nightingales to learn the skill, since it has long been noticed that where a particularly floody nightingale appears, other relatives begin to imitate him, as if learning to sing.

Now, near Kursk, the famous Korensky fair is being held again. I don't know if they sell caged nightingales there. I hope no. After all, a bird in a cage is withering ...

And in Kursk itself, a museum called "Kursk Nightingale" was opened. The expositions of the museum present a lot of interesting materials about the famous nightingales. Nightingale singing can be heard there at any time of the year. The truth is on the record.

Prepared by: teacher primary school

MKOU "Nizhnegridinskaya secondary school"

Bolshesoldatsky district

Kursk region

Mukhina Valentina Alexandrovna


Learn new things about Kursk nightingales;

Develop a sense of responsibility;

Cultivate respect for nature, aesthetic taste.

Equipment : computer, task cards.

Event progress

Introductory speech of the teacher

The nightingale is one of the most famous singers among birds. His song is carried far in the warm spring twilight.

And the singer himself is a gray, nondescript bird, a little more than a sparrow. The color of the feathers is brownish brown. On light, mottled, spot. Eyes - black shiny "beads".

But it is difficult to see the nightingale: it is a secretive and cautious bird. The wonderful song of the nightingale is both a sign that the territory is occupied and an invitation to the female to create a family.

The nightingale sings, sitting somewhere on a branch, not very high from the ground. While singing, he forgets about the danger. Then you can approach him and try to see.

Usually the nightingale song sounds at morning and evening dawn. But on the first serene spring days, the nightingale sings in the daytime as well.

Nightingales begin to sing when the first green leaves open. By popular belief"when he drinks water from a birch leaf." The sonorous song of the nightingale is a variety of whistles, clicks, overflows. The sounds are either jerky, sharp, or gentle, melodic.

Young nightingales learn to sing from their elders and imitate them. In those places where one skillful master of singing appears, other nightingales become excellent singers.

Nightingale nests are arranged on the ground or among the branches of low shrubs. But now the chicks have appeared, and the nightingale songs are silent. Nightingales are not up to songs now: they need to feed the kids.

And the chicks, not yet able to fly, have already left the nest. Like gray mice, they deftly run and hide in the grass, flutter from place to place.

Nightingales feed on ants, beetles, caterpillars, butterflies. Peck seeds and berries.

And at the end these birds fly away for wintering to distant warm countries.

Guys, I suggest you go on a journey into the natural world.And the cognitive game "The Kursk nightingale is more beautiful and full of all" will help us to make this fascinating journey into the world of nature.

Our game is interesting contests, questions, this is your knowledge, resourcefulness.

After all, the more we learn about the nightingale, the better we can protect it.

    Competition "Game" Tell the word "

Who trills in the garden
On the horn and flute?:
Know again among the branches
Settled...(nightingale !)

I do not hide talent:
I sing wonderful!
Hearing the song from the branches
Know this...(Nightingale ).

Bird, outwardly inconspicuous,
Sing among the branches
So, we gasp: “After all, this
Vociferous (nightingale )».

This little bird
Sing a great master
On a birch among the branches
Trill starts ... (nightingale )

Do you hear? In the grove someone's trill
Neither a violin nor a flute:
There are no songs dearer than him -
This is a birdnightingale )

More beautiful than a singerI have never heard in my life!He sings in my garden, friends.Favorite image of a trill, you, Navei!What is his name? Certainly, .... ( ) .

2 contest "Continue proverbs"

The swallow begins the day, and the nightingale ...

The nightingale sings for a month, and the crow ...

The nightingale is a small bird, and the forest will sing ...

The dog barks, the nightingale...

Migratory nightingale: either on a pine tree, or ...

When the barley is earing...

Two nightingales on one branch ...

It chirps like a nightingale, but bites ...

A nightingale can grow up in a crow's nest, but croak...

3 competition "Quiz"

    When do nightingales arrive in our area? (late April/early May)

    What can the first bird trill that sounded at sunset tell about? (that birds are starting to gather in our area)

    What does the song mean for the nightingale himself? (means of communication)

    What places do nightingales choose to live? (quiet forest rivers, overgrown with willow, water meadows with bird cherry bushes, willows, lowlands, swamps with dense shrubs)

    Where do females nest? (on the ground from last year's dried leaves).

    When do nightingales stop singing in our area? (V last decade June).

    After the female has chicks, the nightingale continues to sing. What sounds does the famous singer make? (PRRRRRRR).

    What do nightingales eat? (spiders, insects, worms).

    When do nightingales fly away? (at the beginning of autumn).

4 competition "Solve the crossword puzzle"


1. The profession of this bird? (artist).

2. What does a bird's chirp sound like? (patter).

3. When do starlings fly to us? (at night).

4. What does the tail of this bird turn into when it sings? (fan)


5. In what month do nightingales arrive? (May).

6. What is the name of "experienced" birds? (old man)

7. He sang solo among the branches, he was called ... (nightingale)

5 competition "Nightingale story". (teacher reads the beginning of the story, children continue)

The nightingale wove a nest for itself from thin stems, blades of grass and roots in the bushes far from the singing nightingales. She laid four eggs.

Time passed imperceptibly and the chicks hatched. Suddenly went heavy rain, yes, such that the water began to flood the entire swamp. The nightingale was terribly frightened. How to save your little children, because they still do not know how to fly?

The bird flew up to the branch and began to make disturbing sounds. She thought they would help her. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a nightingale flew in - dad. Mom lay down on the ground, and the father, the nightingale, carefully seated the chick on the mother's back. She flew away with him, and soon returned for the others.

So the nightingales saved their children. The birds didn't die.

6 contest " Interesting Facts about the nightingale"

Teacher. Not a single bird on Earth has so many songs, poems, musical works dedicated to its singing among all the peoples of the world as a nightingale. But the museum dedicated to this mesmerizing singing bird with an inconspicuous but elegant coloring is the only one in the world. And it exists where the most famous Kursk nightingales sing on the planet.

    In Kursk, the Kursk Nightingale Museum has been created, which contains more than five hundred exhibits on the theme of the nightingale.

    The nightingale is an unofficial symbol of Russia and a living symbol of the Kursk region.

    There is a branded train "Nightingale" - a business card railway Russia.

    There is an honorary national title "Kursk Nightingale". Tsar Nicholas II called them the Russian singer Nadezhda Plevitskaya.

7 competition « Take care of the birds"

What each of us needs to do so that there are more of these beautiful birds in nature, so that they always delight us with a beautiful song. Let's figure it out. Instead of ellipses, you need to put the words: it is impossible or necessary?

1. In nature ... (DO NOT) shout so as not to frighten away the birds.

2. …( DO NOT destroy nests.

3. …( DO NOT touch bird eggs.

Summing up, awarding.

A slender little bird with a wonderful sonorous clear voice has long and for a long time been loved by connoisseurs of sonorous trills. Not everyone wakes up with the first roosters. Someone was lucky to meet the morning under the vigorous song of the nightingale. Kuryans also belong to the lucky ones. They have their own "family" vocalist. And, although such a biological species does not exist, many fans are sure that the Kursk nightingale is different from other tribesmen.

And there is also a whistler, rubythroat, bluethroat. And they all belong to the nightingale family. The vocal data of feathered artists was glorified in their creations by poets of past eras. In Homer's Odyssey, one of the heroines of the myth magically turns into just such a feathered one.

Nightingale - songbird: description

Closer to the hero of this presentation was the great Russian writer Nikolai Nekrasov. In his poem dedicated to everyone's favorite, he noted that "our Kursk nightingale is in price ...".

Of course, it was his singing that made him famous. After all, if you look from the outside, then the appearance of this winged phenomenon is completely unremarkable. Many have heard, but, however, they have seen less and know who the nightingale is - a bird whose description you read, but you don’t recognize when you meet. The sprout is small, only seventeen centimeters, the legs are long, the eyes are dark, the color of brown, only the tail with a redhead.


The bird, which belongs to the eastern subspecies, lodges in almost the entire European part of our vast homeland, to the Caucasus and Crimea, to Altai and the Yenisei. You can meet her in East Germany, and in Poland, and she does not fly past the Baltic states. And there is also a Western representative living in Ukraine, in Southern and Central Europe, Asia Minor. Persian and African subspecies breed in Kazakhstan and Transcaucasia. In general, he lives almost everywhere, does not grieve, is friends with sparrows, since he belongs to this detachment. And their families are flycatcher and thrush.


The nightingale is a bird, the description of which we have already practically outlined, is not at all whimsical in food. Spiders, various insects and berries are part of the regular menu for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The nest is nested low, in grassy thickets or in the roots of bushes.


It drags literally everything for its dwelling: dry foliage, stems, straws. If you are lucky to pick up shreds of wool somewhere, then the bottom in the nest will be soft and warm. In this cozy apartment, the offspring of feathered singers is born. Only the female incubates the eggs.

They are a little over twenty millimeters long, and merge perfectly with dried leaves in color. This means that in the thirteen days that are necessary for the chicks to hatch, it is unlikely that someone will accidentally see them and be able to harm them. Moreover, during this entire period future mother and her offspring are reliably guarded and fed, like a real man, by the head of a friendly family.


Nightingale - migrant, therefore, it does not go to winter somewhere, but to Africa. He also loves to warm fragile bones in the sun. True, he does not forget to return in time to denote spring and warmth by singing. This happens in early May, when the weather has already settled down, and the sun warms up like a summer. IN southern regions celebrate their early return, back in April.


Some poets claim that winged vocalists only sing at night. But this is completely false. Trills can be heard at other times of the day, but only performed by males. This is how they show signs of attention to their girlfriends, take care of them. Probably, the knights, having once peeped at the birds, began to perform serenades under the windows of their beloved.

Just in singing, Russians always have the famous Kursk nightingale in the first place. For connoisseurs and connoisseurs of their vocal art has become a whole science. Solo features a large number of the so-called "knees", in an approximate translation into human language - couplets. These features are reflected in catchphrases. And who do you think "throws knees"? Folk talents study the nightingale style of performance and try to imitate it, compete with each other in skill, like those same birds.

Various kinds of songs

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev understood the habits of feathered choristers. He even detailed ten "verses" in his letter to a hunter friend. Bullet-bullet, kly-kly, captivity-captivity, go-go-go-tu ... Here is Julia's boredom, and peal, Leshev's pipe and cuckoo's flight. Connoisseurs attribute up to twenty-four tribes to singers, especially noting their peculiar construction in each locality. Kursks hum "verses" more than others, for which they have always enjoyed increased attention, even during major fairs several centuries ago.

They came here from all over Russia, bought up nightingales. In the middle of the nineteenth century, 150 rubles was a rather big sum. That is how much, or even more, they paid for local birds. For this money, then it was possible to buy a couple of horses, and even add a couple of cows to the barnyard. As indicated in the statement for 1836, 420 birds were sold by local residents that year at the Root Fair.

Catching the songbirds of the Kursk land was a profitable business in those days. It was not in vain that they said that they "sing to the arshin". Happy owners were ready to lay out tidy sums, so that later every day they could be touched and admire the sonorous trills. The training of small birds in vocal art also brought considerable profit. Chicks were specially placed next to adult males so that young people listened and repeated the knees of "professionals". The Kursk tune could also be heard in St. Petersburg, because the Imperial Court also had a weakness for such a sound.

The nightingale has not lost its popularity even today - which is heard at dawn and at sunset from spring to autumn. Now at home, unlike parrots and kenars, these birds are not kept. Unless only enthusiastic ornithologists. But a few years ago, a museum was opened, which is dedicated to the life and phenomenon of feathered singers. More than 500 exhibits, historical data, literary works, sayings and signs. Everything that the Kursk nightingale can tell about itself is collected here, photographs and clay figurines of a feathered bird from local masters arouse constant interest and daily attract hundreds of visitors to the museum, young and old.

On the territory of the region and beyond its borders, vocal competitions, bard song festivals are held, bearing the name proud bird. And you can also get from Kursk to Belokamennaya by the “nightingale” train.

Kursk nightingale

This sonorous nickname was given to famous stage voices: in tsarist Russia- singer Nadezhda Plevitskaya, in the forties of the last century - tenor Ivan Surzhikov, now this is the name of the public's favorite, People's Artist RF Lev Leshchenko.

Surprising is the fact that with all the reverence and pride of the local "feathered stars", there are none. But there are three flying partridges. This is how they bypassed the main symbol of the region.

Unlike the end of the nineteenth century, when bird hunting in the Kursk province threatened the "singers" with extinction, in our time there is no need to include them in the Red Book. Only in the region there are about two thousand pairs. But this does not mean that they do not need protection, like all living things around us. It is nice to meet and see off the day with pure singing, which gives a sense of peace and brings a smile.


The nightingale has long been considered a living symbol of the Kursk region. The best singers are the Kursk nightingales, whose songs we listen to with pleasure in the spring. Song Kursk nightingale has from 8 to 24 tribes: the purest sounds flutes, clicking, screaming, whistling and many other variations.

The nightingale is often mentioned in songs, poems, prose ... I.S. Turgenev in a letter to S.T. Aksakov wrote: “The Kursk nightingales sing like no other. They have their own trills, special knees, among which the “cuckoo flight” is considered the most rare and peculiar.

Russian ornithologists G.N. Simkin and M.V. Steinbakh, who studied the nightingales in the Streltsy section of the Central Black Earth Reserve, is the leader in the study of the song dialects of the nightingale. The singing of the nightingale is known and loved by many Kursk people - this is an important aesthetic component environment.

The common (eastern) nightingale lives in our area. Its coloration is completely inconspicuous - brown, its tail is reddish, with which it often twitches. The size of a nightingale with a sparrow, and weighs only 20-30 grams. The nightingale is a secretive bird, likes to sit on bare branches, straightening up, like an exemplary student. The male defends his territory during the nesting period. The song is a signal to competitors - the place is taken! Only males sing, most actively early in the morning and at dusk, often at night. Often, the territorial areas are located in groups, and the nightingales, as it were, call to each other. The male attracts with songs future spouse. Nest building and incubation are the responsibility of the female. “Sam” only sings all this time, until the time comes to feed and raise the chicks. The nightingale nest is arranged on the ground or not high above it: on bumps, in crevices, between stones. The clutch contains 4-5 olive-colored eggs, they incubate for 13-14 days.

After 10 days, the chicks are already fully feathered. Their parents feed them up to 28 days. By the end of June, the chicks leave the nests. Nightingales fly off for wintering alone or in small groups from late July to September. They winter in Africa. Nightingales return to our parks from African wintering by the end of April. The best nightingale places are thickets of bushes, especially along rivers, near water bodies, along the edges of the forest, in wastelands, in ravines. In residential areas, nightingales are most often found in squares, in green areas of hospitals, kindergartens, and hotels. In addition to Russia, nightingales live in Eastern Europe, Scandinavia. There are nightingales in Western Europe. However, its inhabitants were not lucky - they have a different species - the southern nightingale. His song is not so sonorous, it lacks the brightest knees - “pipes” and “peals”.

Nightingales are real defenders of green spaces, because they eat insects, less often small mollusks and berries.

Where did the glory of the nightingale of Kursk come from

On the ninth week after Easter, a great multitude of pilgrims flocked to ancient Kursk to pass procession With miraculous icon Mother of God"Sign" to the Root Hermitage, and at the same time from the holy source of healing water to drink and swim in it.

Thousands of people gathered at the same time for the famous Korenskaya Fair: who to sell or buy, who to talk about business, who to look at people, show themselves, and who to listen to the nightingales. The rumor of the people said that they sing louder and louder if they soak the neck with water. And in Root it is special, maybe that's why the local nightingales differ from all others with their songs! The Kursk nightingale makes such "knees" - you will not forget a century! “I wish they could bring such a bird home!” Many argued and asked local residents to help them. So the nightingale craft appeared in Kurshchina.

Nightingale houses caught the best singers and sold them at a round price at the Korenskaya Fair to connoisseurs and amateurs. So, along with the glory of themselves, the Kursk nightingales "scattered" all over the world.

“That nightingale that went for 1200 rubles was of medium height. I bought his Sh ... in near Kursk from a boy for two kopecks.

I.S. Turgenev, "On nightingales", 1854

“After all, our Kursk nightingale is in price ...”

ON THE. Nekrasov "Nightingales", 1870

Usually the song of the nightingale has from 8 to 24 tribes: the purest sounds of the flute, clicking, screaming, whistling and many other variations. In our area, these birds are special, according to some researchers, they are able to produce up to 40 tribes - "verses" of the song. Ivan Turgenev wrote in a letter to Sergei Aksakov: “The nightingales of Kursk sing like no other. They have their own trills, special knees, among which the “cuckoo flight” is considered the most rare and peculiar.

Vociferous brown shy

The Russian ornithologists G. N. Simkin and M. V. Steinbakh, who studied nightingales in the Streltsy section of the Central Chernozem Reserve, are the leaders in the study of the song dialects of the nightingale. The nightingale is often mentioned in songs, poems, prose Trills of these birds are known and loved by many Kursk people - they have become an important component of the environment, calling card spring.

The common (eastern) nightingale lives in our area. Its coloration is completely inconspicuous - brown, its tail is reddish, with which it often twitches. The size of a nightingale with a sparrow, and weighs only 20-30 grams. This bird is secretive, she likes to sit on bare branches, straightening up, like an exemplary student. The male defends his territory during the nesting period. The song is a signal to competitors - the place is taken!

Only males sing, most actively early in the morning and at dusk, often at night. Often, the territorial areas are located in groups, and the nightingales, as it were, call to each other. With songs, the male attracts his future wife. Nest building and incubation are the responsibility of the female. “Sam” only sings all this time, until the time comes to feed and raise the chicks.

The nightingale nest is arranged on the ground or not high above it: on bumps, in crevices, between stones. The clutch contains 4-5 olive-colored eggs, they incubate for 13-14 days. After 10 days, the chicks are already fully feathered. Their parents feed them up to 28 days. By the end of June, the chicks leave the nests. Nightingales fly off for wintering alone or in small groups from late July to September. They winter in Africa. Nightingales return to our parks from African wintering by the end of April.

The best nightingale places are thickets of shrubs, especially along rivers, near other water bodies, along the edges of the forest, in wastelands, in ravines. In residential areas, nightingales are most often found in squares, in green areas of hospitals, kindergartens, and hotels. In addition to Russia, nightingales live in Eastern Europe, Scandinavia. There are nightingales in Western Europe. However, its inhabitants were not lucky - they have a different species - the southern nightingale. His song is not so sonorous, it lacks the brightest knees - “pipes” and “peals”.

Nightingales are real defenders of green spaces, because they eat insects, less often small mollusks and berries.

Where did the glory of the nightingale of Kursk come from

On the ninth week after Easter, a great number of pilgrims flocked to ancient Kursk to go in procession with the miraculous icon of the Mother of God “The Sign” to the Root Hermitage, and at the same time drink and bathe in it from the holy source of healing water.

Thousands of people gathered at the same time for the famous Korenskaya fair: who to sell or buy, who to talk about business, to see people and show themselves, and who to listen to the nightingales. The rumor of the people said that they sing louder and louder if they soak the neck with water. And in Root it is special, maybe that's why the local nightingales differ from all others with their songs! The Kursk nightingale makes such "knees" - you will not forget a century! “I wish I could bring such a bird home!” - Many argued and asked the locals to help. This is how nightingale fishing appeared in Kurshchina.

Nightingale houses caught the best singers and sold them at a round price at the Korenskaya Fair to connoisseurs and amateurs. So, along with the glory of themselves, the Kursk nightingales "scattered" all over the world.

From the “Memorial book of the Kursk province for 1860”: “Kursk nightingales are famous throughout Russia. In some parts of the province they have a particularly attractive tune, and these singers, with whom the luxurious gardens of Kursk are so charmingly resounded, are highly valued by connoisseurs and amateurs. Their price reaches 150 rubles or more per piece.

I. S. Turgenev, “On Nightingales”: “That nightingale that went for 1200 rubles was of average height. I bought his Sh ... in near Kursk from a boy for two kopecks. (1854)

N. A. Nekrasov “Nightingales”: “After all, our Kursk nightingale is worth” (1870)

Nightingale Museum

The Museum of the Kursk Nightingale was opened on June 4, 2007. The date was not chosen by chance - June 4 in Russian folk calendar From time immemorial it has been considered Nightingale's Day.

More than 500 exhibits on the nightingale theme have already been collected here. Organically and unobtrusively, books, people, streets, a train, vegetables, badges, toys, household items, ice cream, fairy tales, computer disks, materials about the war, clothes, records, coins, music, newspapers Through the image of a small elegant bird with magical voice to a wide range of people different ages history is told in the museum native land get acquainted with the local musical culture, literary works genres of fine arts.

In a small room of the Kursk Tourism Center on Pioneer Street, cool watch for schoolchildren and classes for students, its materials are available to everyone. “At the same time, we don’t have and will never have a live nightingale in a cage as an exhibit,” says the museum’s director, Lyubov Eremina, “because its “concert hall” is Russia.”

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As you know, young chicks do not begin to sing well from birth, but, so to speak, learn from the old ones. In the Kursk province, people engaged in nightingale hunting put cages nearby and young birds eventually began to sing as well as the “nightingale teacher”.
The same thing happens in nature, and since the nightingale is a migratory bird and every year it does not fly anywhere, but to its homeland, so a kind of natural selection of the best singers in the Kursk province turned out.
By the way, it has been noticed that in the vicinity of St. Petersburg, the nightingale sings with a Kursk "accent". Explanation that birds in large quantities delivered to the capital, as well as to the Court of His Imperial Majesty, so our nightingales scattered around those places.

In 1836, according to a statistical statement compiled by order of the provincial authorities, 420 nightingales were sold at the Korennaya Fair by residents of the Kursk Yamskaya Sloboda.

EugeneJune 7, 2014, 07:57:55
e-mail: [email protected], city: Kursk

I'm crazy about them!

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