Red-eared turtles are unpretentious animals that quickly adapt to domestic conditions. But in captivity, they rarely produce offspring: this requires special conditions of detention.

In general, rearing red-eared turtles should not be a problem for the owner. Females lay their eggs on their own, you just need to provide proper care: a suitable habitat, proper nutrition, freedom of movement and peace.

Partner selection

The best time for turtle breeding is from February to May. For successful reproduction in it is desirable to place several individuals of the same species in one terrarium. The ratio of females and males 2:1 contributes to the manifestation marital behavior in animals. If several pairs live in an aquarium and there are established between two individuals a good relationship, you need to deposit other turtles for a while. There is a good chance that "this is love" and mating will happen soon.

When choosing suitable turtles for mating, the age of the animals must be taken into account. Turtles should be sexually mature, but not old. The ideal age is 5 years old.

Selecting a place to mate

Sometimes males and females are kept separately, moving to a common enclosure only during the mating season. In this case, it is desirable to add the female turtle to the territory of the male. You can use a separate terrarium for mating with warm water, the depth of which does not exceed 10 cm.

Mating of turtles occurs in water and on land, and one fertilization is enough for several (4-5) clutches. Sperm can be stored in the female genital organs for a long time - up to two years.

Choosing a place for masonry

If mating still does not occur, animals can be stimulated by raising the water temperature and increasing the daylight hours in the enclosure. If there is no “land” in the aquarium where the turtles live, you need to build an artificial beach. In order for the female to lay her eggs, a gentle shore with a layer of sand of 3-5 cm is required. It happens that the turtle lays directly into the water, then the eggs must be removed immediately.

Turtles often lay unfertilized eggs, like many other reptiles. If a female living alone has laid her eggs, there is no point in caring for the eggs. Only when several turtles of both sexes live permanently in an aquarium is there a chance of mating.

egg care

The most difficult stage in reproduction is egg care. The masonry must be very carefully placed in an incubator, which can be used as an ordinary glass jar of sand. The jar should be heated with an incandescent lamp or placed near the battery, and the sand should be moistened regularly. Optimum temperature in the incubator - 28–30°C.

Eggs must be protected from mold, ventilated. Breeding turtles is a big responsibility and hard work for breeders. But all the efforts will be rewarded when little turtles are born in 2-3 months.

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sea ​​turtles

Sea turtles (lat. Cheloniidae) - a family of turtles from the superfamily Chelonioidea.

average life expectancy sea ​​turtles 80 years old. The whole life of these reptiles takes place in the water, only females crawl out onto land during the period of oviposition. Puberty in females occurs at about 30 years of age. During the entire nesting year, which occurs once every two or four years, the female lays from four to seven clutches of 150-200 eggs. The mating of turtles takes place in the water, in the coastal zone, often the amount of sperm received by the female is enough for several clutches.

Sea turtles have changed little in the millions of years since they appeared on the planet. Compared to their terrestrial relatives, these turtles have some important changes that have allowed them to adapt to their environment, such as legs that have become fins, a shortened and lighter shell (the sea turtle is not able to hide its head and legs), allowing them to better keep the body afloat and have better hydrodynamics, lungs that provide optimal oxygen consumption and a trachea pierced by blood vessels that allows oxygen to be released from the water.

Despite the common belief that turtles are slow animals, this only happens on land, where they really look clumsy. However, in the water they are transformed, becoming examples of speed and superior navigational qualities.

Scientists haven't fully figured out why, but turtles have amazing navigational abilities.
: Firstly, they accurately determine the place of their birth, and return exactly there to continue their offspring.
Secondly, sea turtles make grandiose migrations, presumably guided by magnetic field Land that does not allow them to get lost.

Representatives of the order of turtles sea turtles are distinguished from other reptiles by the presence of a means of passive protection - a shell, which is a bone-chitin shield that covers the body of turtles from the back, sides and belly. The dorsal part of the shield, called the carapace, is connected to the abdominal (plastron) either by movable tendons or by a strong bone bridge. Carapalax consists of bone plates of skin origin. From above, in most species of turtles, the shell is covered with symmetrical horny shields. Only in one species, the leatherback turtle, the shell is not attached to the skeleton in any way, and is built from bone plates that are connected to each other. The leatherback turtle got its name precisely because of the shell - it is “leather”, that is, its covering is leather.

The leatherback turtle is the largest of the living turtles: the length of the shell reaches 2 m, and the weight is 600 kg. The front flippers, devoid of claws, reach 5 m in span. The heart-shaped shell has 7 longitudinal ridges on the dorsal and 5 on the ventral side.

During the year, female leatherback turtles lay eggs 3-4 times, coming ashore only at night. They dig whole wells, the depth of which reaches 100-120 cm. Having lowered the back part of the body into this well, the female lays two groups of eggs - ordinary and small (sterile). Having filled up the nest, the female compacts the sand tightly with flippers. Small eggs burst at the same time, increasing the nesting space.

Most famous view sea ​​turtle is the green or soup sea turtle (Chelonia mydas). It is widely known in many countries due to its delicious meat and turtle soup, which is made from it. The shell of an adult green sea turtle can reach a length of 140 cm, and the weight of the largest specimens is over 200 kg.

The green turtle has a low, rounded oval shell, which is covered with scutes that lie side by side and do not cover each other. The head is small, the eyes are large. The front flippers usually have one claw each. The coloration of the upper side of the carapace is inconsistent in color and may be olive green, or dark brown with yellowish spots. The ventral side is white or yellowish.

IN young age green turtles eat different animals: crabs, sponges, jellyfish, worms, snails. But adult turtles are herbivores. They eat algae and grass that grows on the shore and is flooded at high tide.

Big-headed sea turtle, or false carriage - a species of sea turtles, the only representative of the loggerhead genus. Big-headed sea turtles have a shell 70-110 cm long, their weight ranges from 70 to 200 kg (average 120 kg). The head is massive, covered with large shields. The front flippers have 2 blunt claws. Above it is painted brown, reddish-brown or olive, the plastron is lighter.

The loggerhead turtle leads a pelagic way of life, feeding on benthic invertebrates, mainly mollusks and crustaceans. A very powerful jaw musculature allows the turtle to crush the thick shells and shells of marine animals.

The sea turtle hawksbill or true carriage can be easily distinguished from other species by the two pairs of scutes between the eyes. Outwardly, hawksbill looks like a green turtle, but its body size is smaller than that of a green turtle - from 60 to 90 cm. Body weight ranges from 45 to 55 kg. She has a fairly light heart-shaped shell. The back of the shell is significantly narrowed and pointed. In young individuals, the armored shields noticeably overlap each other, however, with age, the overlap smoothes out and subsequently disappears completely. The tail does not protrude beyond the shell. The upper jaw hangs over the lower, and is equipped with a weapon - a sharp prong. The front legs-flippers serve as fins for this turtle, while the hind legs serve as a rudder. The front flippers usually have two claws.

Carriage meat is also eaten, although this is associated with a risk - it can become poisonous if the turtle has eaten poisonous animals. Hawksbill eggs are a delicacy in many countries. Turtles are also exterminated because of the shells - they are used to obtain "tortoiseshell". Souvenirs are made from young individuals.

Ridley or olive turtle very similar to the loggerhead, differing from it in a more rounded carapace, a large number of costal shields and an olive-gray color of the back. The dimensions of the ridley shell can reach 80 cm. The habitat and food preferences of these sea turtles are the same as those of the previous species.

For a long time there was the so-called "Ridley riddle". If the laying places of the Pacific ridley sea turtles have been known since ancient times, then such layings could not be found in its Atlantic variety for a long time. Neither pregnant Ridean females nor small turtles were seen. Turtle catchers in many regions Atlantic Ocean they even considered the ridley incapable of reproduction, since there was a belief that it was a hybrid animal - a cross between a loggerhead and a green turtle. And only in the 60s of the last century, scientists found out that Atlantic ridleys lay eggs only in isolated places. Atlantic coast Mexico, and they lay their eggs together with other species of sea turtles. And since ridleys are very similar in appearance to loggerheads, these nesting sites were considered to belong to loggerheads.

However, the Atlantic subspecies of ridley is the most susceptible to population decline due to the fact that there are very few places on the planet where these sea turtles lay their eggs.

All species of sea turtles are currently strictly protected and listed in the International Red Book of the IUCN. In a number of countries, special farms are even organized for incubation of eggs and rearing of juveniles. Attempts have also been made to transport clutches of turtle eggs to remote islands in order to change their nesting areas. After all, it is believed that a sea turtle that has reached puberty comes to build a nest on the very shore where it itself was born. However, the number of all species of sea turtles is still declining.

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Sea turtle nesting season has ended in Florida, USA. With the help of conservation centers, turtle populations are actively recovering - they need care at a very early stage of life, while they are still in the egg or have just hatched. Looking after turtles is bearing fruit - the number of nests has increased tenfold in places compared to the mid-1990s. Nearly 60,000 loggerhead nesting sites have been discovered across Florida this season, also a record high.

A baby leatherback turtle heads for the ocean at Juno Beach, Florida, USA. These turtles are the largest sea turtles in the world. Their body length can reach 2.5 m, weight - 600 kg, the span of the front flippers - up to 5 m. (Greg Lovett / The Palm Beach Post)

The loggerhead searches under the cover of darkness for a place to lay its eggs. Each nest contains about 120 ping pong ball sized eggs. The incubation period lasts 60 days. Female loggerheads lay their eggs on the same beach where they hatched themselves. (Greg Lov

Gumbo Limbo Nature Center worker Larry Gomez shows a group of volunteers how a turtle lays its eggs. Turtles during laying are in a state of trance and the red light does not disturb them. (Greg Lovett/The Palm Beach Post)

The loggerhead lays its eggs in a dug hole. Once the laying is completed, she will bury the nest with her hind flippers. (Greg Lovett/The Palm Beach Post)

The female loggerhead heads back to the ocean after laying eggs. (Greg Lovett/The Palm Beach Post)

From the state of trance, the turtle will come out only once again in the ocean. (Greg Lovett/The Palm Beach Post)

Strong waves wash away the nest. During tropical storms, almost all turtle eggs disappear into the ocean. (Greg Lovett/The Palm Beach Post)

A bird of prey removes a turtle's egg from a nest that was accidentally dug by another turtle nesting in the same place. Turtle eggs become prey for foxes, raccoons, crabs and birds. (Greg Lovett/The Palm Beach Post)

A beach where turtles lay their eggs. (Greg Lovett/The Palm Beach Post)

The turtle is heading for the ocean. This is the first and greatest difficulty he has to overcome in his life. (Greg Lovett/The Palm Beach Post)

Loggerhead cubs swim in special baskets at the Department of Biology at Florida Atlantic University. (Greg Lovett/The Palm Beach Post)

A graduate student at Florida Atlantic University feeds baby leatherback turtles. In her dissertation, she explores how turtles are attracted to various bait scents, which could be useful in preventing them from being accidentally caught in fisheries. (Greg Lovett/The Palm Beach Post)

Liz Ranalli of Loggerhead Marinelife digs up a leatherback turtle's nest. She checks the nests three days after the turtles go to sea to rescue those unable to get out and count the number of survivors. (Greg Lovett/The Palm Beach Post)

On the way to the ocean where there is food and safety. (Greg Lovett/The Palm Beach Post)

Specialist Melanie Stadler (left) and volunteer Lauryn Wright plant baby loggerheads on Sargassum leaves that will carry them north by the Gulf Stream. This is how the weak and injured baby turtles rescued in the Gumbo Limbo and Loggerhead Marinelife centers are sent to swim. (Greg Lovett/The Palm Beach Post)

In all developed countries charity and volunteering are common phenomena that are very popular. Most often, help is provided to those who cannot help themselves - animals, children, residents of third world countries, etc. However, in our country, all this is just beginning to gain popularity. The volunteering of Russians in other countries is even less common. Not only few people know about this, but many simply cannot afford it - the depreciation of the ruble, rising prices, expensive flights, and sometimes volunteering itself has to be paid for.

Many will ask - how is it to pay for your own volunteering? The fact is that some projects are organized ordinary people with a small income, they have no sponsors, and the expenses are usually very high, so the volunteers themselves bring the money. So it turns out two in one: charity + volunteering. Anyone can find volunteer work according to their preferences: with children, with adults, with animals. I was looking for a job with turtles.

Volunteer projects with turtles (mostly endangered sea ​​views) in the world is not small, but the cheapest flight projects are in Europe (Greece, Cyprus, Italy, Israel). I chose Greece, which has at least 3 animal protection organizations that accept volunteers in the summer. Some require attendance at the camp for at least a month, which is not always convenient for a working person, but I managed to find the Wild Life Sense project on the Greek island of Kefalonia, not far from the more popular Russian island of Zakynthos, where volunteers are taken for a period of 2 weeks. Volunteer camps are usually open from the beginning of May until the end of September, but most best time This is from mid-July to mid-August. It was at this time the largest number female turtles lay eggs and baby turtles begin to hatch from early May clutches.

I chose a shift from mid-July for two weeks, registered on the organization's website, paid a fee of 480 euros, bought plane tickets and waited for the flight. They sent me proof of payment and a few PDFs showing things to do in free time on the island and what to take with you. Wild Life Sense has 3 camps on the island, I chose the one that was closer to the capital of the island - Argostoli.

I arrived there on July 10th. I was met by a volunteer girl in a branded T-shirt, took me to the camp itself, showed me my room where I would live with three other girls, told me where I was. Most of the volunteers were from the UK, so everyone spoke English, even the boys and girls from France and Sweden. I, like other volunteers, were given T-shirts with the name of the camp and the inscription “Researcher” (researcher) written on them. Having got to know other volunteers (and there were about 20 of them), I found out that there are seniors in the camp (who have been here for more than a month or even not for the first year), and most of the volunteers are university students who study biology or security environment and use volunteering, including for writing scientific papers.

Every Sunday, a schedule for the week is posted, which indicates what each volunteer will do in the morning and in the evening. Daytime is usually free and one day in 2 weeks is given as a day off. Shifts are formed so that at first one of the senior or experienced volunteers enters them so that he can explain to the newcomers what to do.

Volunteer work includes: walking around the beaches in the early morning to look for traces of turtles and nests, guarding the found nests and measuring them, counting the number of turtles in the port and recording their activity, measuring the level of light pollution of the beach and the height of the coast, night duty next to the nests, of which turtles should start hatching and help them get to the sea, moving their nests to safer places if they are in danger for some reason. Also, once I had to help take a fishing hook out of a flipper from a turtle in the port, which was caught specifically for these manipulations, and then released back. Unfortunately, I left before the turtles hatched, but I still saw enough of the adult turtles and their nests, and even once managed to see the turtle late in the evening when it came ashore to lay its eggs. Volunteers account for quite a few research and paperwork: everything must be measured, recorded, photographed, and then also entered into a computer for further research and comparison of results.

And now a little about the turtles themselves in Greece. Of the existing 7 species of sea turtles on the island of Kefalonia, only two are found - the green turtle and the loggerhead turtle. But only loggerheads have been using the island's beaches to lay their eggs for many years. Eggs are laid from May to August, and baby turtles begin to hatch in about 60-80 days - from mid-July to the end of September. The tortoise population in the Mediterranean is outwardly different from the loggerhead populations in the United States, which is why they are of interest to researchers.

Loggerhead sea turtles are predators, they mainly feed on jellyfish, crabs, and mollusks. They have very strong jaws, which will allow them to crack open shells of molluscs and crab shells. Males and females are about the same size and up to about 70-109 cm. Turtles weigh about 90-160 kg. Loggerheads can reach speeds of up to 24 km/h in water, but they are very slow on land. These turtles live from 30 to 62 years (average 33 years). Turtles usually sleep for 4 hours a day under water, in which they can stay all this time without even surfacing to breathe. Loggerheads can dive to a depth of 233 m, and during migration swim up to 4828 km.

Turtles see well in the water and poorly on land, however, in case of danger, noise or light on the shore, the female immediately returns to the sea instead of laying eggs, so turtles that have come ashore should not be disturbed. It is best to use a flashlight with a red light, it is the least visible to the turtles and does not bother them, and of course you can not make any noise. And for photographing and riding sea turtles in many countries of the world, you can be put in jail and collect a fairly large fine.

Sea turtles do not retract their flippers into their shells and use their hind fins to steer while paddling with their front fins. Each turtle has its own unique head shield pattern (top and side). It is almost impossible to visually determine the sex of baby turtles (this applies to all types of turtles). But in adults, this is quite easy to do - males have a very thick and long tail and one large and curved claw on the front flippers. These claws are needed to cling to the female during mating. Female loggerheads have a small triangular tail, and the claws are also small. Only sea turtles have one claw on their flippers, living in brackish water Australian pig-nosed turtles - two claws, so they are often called two-clawed, and in Russia on Far East trionics live - three-clawed turtles that differ long neck and skin-covered armor. Other species of turtles, both land and freshwater, have 4-5 claws, depending on the species.

In Greece, up to 3-7 thousand nests are laid by turtles every year. On the island of Kefalonia in 2014, "Wild Life Sense" counted 76 nests, in 2015 - 91. One turtle makes 3-4 clutches with an interval of 2 weeks during the nesting season. On average, there are about 80-100 eggs in a clutch, they burrow at a depth of 20 to 50 cm. Turtles most often hatch at night, leaving in small groups for 2-6 days. Incubation temperature affects the sex of turtles. Above 29 C, females will be born, below - males. Only 80% of turtles reach the sea, and only one in a thousand will live to adulthood and return to the same region to continue the family. Few people know, but turtle eggs cannot be turned over, otherwise the embryos in them may die, and small turtles cannot be immediately taken to the sea - they must go all the way to the sea themselves in order to remember the location of the coast, where they will return as adults to lay eggs.

Why do sea turtles need human protection? At one time, people greatly reduced the population of sea turtles by eating their eggs and themselves, and this despite the abundance of predators that lie in wait for newborn turtles on the way to the sea and in the sea itself: birds, dogs, crabs, big fish etc. Because of the fishing activities of people, hundreds of turtles die, getting into nets, getting injured from hooks, boats. Beach tourism and construction are destroying beaches where turtles could lay their eggs. I myself saw how most of the beach with good sand is occupied by sunbeds for vacationers, and they are not taken away at night when the turtles come out to lay their eggs, so the poor reptiles get patches of the beach where they don’t Better conditions for laying.

Volunteering is not only communication with animals and new people, practice in English and a lot of new experiences, it is also hard work when you have to get up early, walk a lot or ride a bike in the heat, dig holes for a long time in search of eggs, so that later in the right place a fence. But any hardships are compensated by what you hold in your hands. new life, and that your actions will help these beautiful living beings not to disappear from planet Earth.

turtle breeding

Turtles lay eggs, from which, after a certain period, cubs hatch. Newborn turtles do not need parental care and are able to take care of themselves.

Turtles rarely breed in captivity. Breeding turtles is a painstaking and responsible work that only experienced specialists can do. However, the first to achieve good results was an amateur who devoted many years to his work, so do not despair if you do not immediately get offspring.

One of the keys to success in breeding reptiles is patience.

In order for turtles kept at home to start breeding, they need to provide them with the right conditions: proper nutrition, hibernation, suitable habitat and relative freedom of movement.

For successful reproduction, in addition to observing all conditions of detention, it is advisable to place several individuals of the same species in one pen or terrarium. When forming a group, the correct ratio of the number of females and males is important, which contributes to the manifestation of elements of mating behavior in these animals. In freshwater turtles, this ratio is approximately 2:1, and in land turtles in most cases it is 3:1.

In addition, when choosing animals, their age must be taken into account - sexually mature, but not old individuals should be selected, which must first be checked by a veterinarian. Sick or weakened animals most likely will not give offspring.

The red-eared turtle can mate throughout the year. In a terrarium mating season usually occurs at the beginning of spring, the female lays eggs from July to September.

A group of selected turtles should be carefully observed for some time to determine how ready they are for mating and breeding. If a relationship has been established between individuals of different sexes, the rest of the turtles must be moved to another place.

It is interesting to watch the mating games of turtles as in vivo, as well as at home. Both water and land turtles often manifest themselves during the breeding season from a completely different side than in ordinary life.

males land species they often fight among themselves, seeking the favor of their chosen female. They push, trying to hook each other with their shells to turn them on their backs. Female turtles do not always prefer those males who won the fight. They can choose both the defeated and the male who did not participate in the battle.

Turtles, like other reptiles, after building a nest and laying eggs, do not care about their offspring at all, and little turtles appear already completely ready for independent life.

In nature, water turtles lay their eggs in the coastal sand, burying them near the reservoir. Land tortoises bury their eggs in a hole dug in the ground. Under natural conditions, mating in most turtle species occurs in April-May, and offspring are born the following spring.

When preparing for breeding, foods containing vitamin E should be added to the turtles' food. In nature, in most species of turtles, the breeding season begins immediately after hibernation ends, so it is recommended that animals hibernate for several months.

Little turtles that have just hatched from eggs already see well and orient themselves mainly with the help of vision. Under natural conditions, young water turtles reach the water on their own a few minutes after birth, most likely orienting themselves by the level of illumination of the water, which is higher than the illumination of land, even at night.

During the breeding season, turtles need to create comfortable conditions: do not disturb them, exclude all extraneous noise and vibration, try to touch animals as little as possible. At home, if you decide to breed, you need to take care of the place where the eggs will be located in advance.

To freshwater turtles started mating games, the water temperature in the terrarium or aquarium should be 22-26°C. On land, a place should be prepared where the female will lay her eggs. You can dig a small hole in the sand or soil and place a container with sphagnum moss there so that it is flush with the land. After the female lays eggs, the container should be removed and placed in an incubator. The temperature in the incubator should be maintained at 28-30°C.

After 2-3 months, depending on the type of turtle, little turtles will emerge from the eggs. They should be immediately placed in an aquaterrarium or aquarium. They eat almost the same as adult turtles, with the exception of plant foods.

The birth of a baby Balkan tortoise

Newborn baby turtles, like other reptiles, have the remnants of the yolk sac, which disappear a few days after birth, as well as a special egg tooth, with which they cut the shell. In addition, in the first days after hatching from eggs, turtles can see a transverse fold on the plastron - a consequence of the bent position of the cub inside the egg.

Eggs land turtles should be placed in a container with sand and kept in an incubator at 28–32 °C. If you don't have an incubator, you can use an ordinary glass jar or an aquarium filled with sand, which should be regularly moistened. You can heat such an incubator with a conventional incandescent lamp. You can put the incubator next to the central heating battery.

Turtle eggs have a calcareous, sometimes leathery shell, oval in shape. Their sizes vary depending on the type of animal. The number of eggs in a clutch can be from 2 to 8 pieces in the Mediterranean and up to 70 pieces in the Far Eastern tortoise.

Eggs laid by turtles are not always fertilized. In order not to keep empty eggs in the incubator for several months, they need to be checked. To do this, you can build a primitive ovoscope: put a small electric light bulb, for example, from a flashlight, into a small cardboard box and cover the box with a lid in which an egg-shaped hole is cut, but a little smaller. To check the egg, you need to put it, without turning it over, on the hole and turn on the light. A darkening will be noticeable in the middle of a fertilized egg, and an empty one will transmit light evenly. When checking, it should be remembered that the longer the egg ripening period, the more accurate the result will be.

Eggs of land and water turtles, unlike bird eggs, should never be turned over, so they should be transferred to the incubator very carefully.

After the female lays her eggs, she should be kept separate from other animals for some time. The nutrition of the female for several weeks should be enhanced, since during this period the immunity of the turtles is weakened and they are more susceptible to various diseases.

If there are turtles, you need to try to save them all. In no case should they be placed in the same pen or terrarium with adult turtles, since these reptiles do not have maternal instinct and they can harm the cubs.

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