Promising young actor rising star musicals and cinema, Andrey Livanov was born and raised in a family famous artists. Ahead of him, perhaps waiting successful career but fate decreed otherwise. In the spring of 2015, Andrei's life was tragically cut short.


Actor Andrey Livanov was born in 1989, on December 6th. His parents are Igor Livanov and Irina Bakhtura (who used to be Igor's student).

In 2000, when Andrei was 10 years old, the Livanov family broke up, and the boy himself stayed with his mother. Soon Irina married actor Sergei Bezrukov, who became Andrei's stepfather.

Despite the breakup with his father, Andrey Livanov continued to support him warm relationship. They loved to spend time together, traveled a lot. In a word, Igor Livanov tried to be for Andrey and give him a proper upbringing.

Even when Andrei grew up, they still went out somewhere for the weekend to have some fun. Both were very fond of going to bowling and shooting range.

Andrey also developed friendly relations with his stepfather, Sergei Bezrukov. You can even say that it was Andrei in some situations who was the force that kept the Bezrukov family together.


Andrei Livanov received his secondary education while studying at an elite private institution called the Golden Section in Moscow. This school uses an individual approach in its program and focuses on the abilities of its students.

Sergei Bezrukov predicted a diplomatic career for his stepson and offered to go to study at MGIMO, but Andrei chose to follow in the footsteps of his parents and become an actor. His first choice was the Moscow Art Theater School, where he enrolled in training courses.

Later it turned out that the guy was simply not interested in classes at the courses, and he almost did not go to them. Realizing that he made a mistake with the choice, Andrei took the documents and was about to radically change his profession - this time he was attracted by the Institute of Oriental Studies. But even here the young man did not last more than a year.

In the end, Andrei settled on the linguistic direction and received a diploma from the Moscow State open university. The father of the actor, Igor Livanov, explains Andrey's throwing by the fact that he was simply not attracted to study.


The acting biography of Andrei Livanov began at the age of 11, when he played one of the roles in the film by Yuri Kara "I am a doll." However, this first film work has remained the most famous.

While studying at school, Andrey played in the musical "Nord-Ost" and showed promise as a talented actor. At the age of 17, he played in the adventure film Rescuers. Eclipse".

Andrei also starred in the film "The Irony of Fate of Sergei Bezrukov" - a documentary project dedicated to his stepfather. This ended his cinematic career. Perhaps Andrei could become an orientalist and go to work in Japan, but he soon realized that he had little chance of succeeding among the children of diplomats, who were practically guaranteed employment. Then he nevertheless decided to connect his life with what was familiar and close to him since childhood - cinema and theater.

In 2014-2015 Andrey Livanov served as an administrator at the Moscow Provincial Theatre.

Cause of death

In mid-March 2015, Andrei Livanov's life was tragically cut short. They began to worry about him after the guy did not show up for work for several days. Phone calls also gave no results.

Sergei and Irina Bezrukov were on a business trip at the time.

premature death young actor gave rise to many rumors and speculation about the causes of his death. The investigation dismissed the version of the murder almost immediately, since nothing confirmed such a possibility.

According to Andrey's colleagues, shortly before his death, he called them and talked about feeling unwell. He later called " ambulance", but no one opened the door for the doctors. Only half an hour later, with the help of rescuers, they entered the apartment. By that time, Andrei was already dead.

Found a guy in the bathroom with syringes on the floor. This gave rise to the version that he died of a drug overdose. However, Andrei's parents deny this possibility. The thing is, he's been sick for three years now. diabetes and the drugs would have killed him instantly.

He said that shortly before his death, Andrei had been in Vietnam, which could have a detrimental effect on his health and cause acute heart failure. This is confirmed by the fact that, after returning from a trip, Andrey began to complain of fever and poor health.

The real cause of Andrei's death was a banal accident: the actor fell unsuccessfully, slipped, and hit his temple.

Andrei Livanov's body was cremated at the request of his parents.

After Andrew's death

Andrey Livanov's mother, with surprising warmth, speaks of dead son and calls him the light of her life and best friend. She posted a photo of Andrei Livanov with warm words on her Instagram page. The woman took his loss hard and decided to start living from scratch.

For Sergei Bezrukov, Andrei seems to have been the only reason stay with Irina. Shortly after the death of his stepson, the actor divorced his wife.

Igor Livanov, whose daughter tragically died before Andrey was born, also experienced the loss of his son very hard.

October 22, 2015, 19:07

The spring of 2015 was a really difficult period in my life Irina Bezrukova(50). In just a few months, the actress lost two close people at once: last March, her 25-year-old son died Andrey, and just two months later it became known that Sergey Bezrukov(42) left the family. Not everyone could survive such a tragedy.

Of course, journalists were interested in what caused Andrei's death. Irina replied: “It is not easy for me to philosophize on this topic, but again, I repeat - probably nothing is accidental. That is, some moments to a certain extent depend on our choice, but basically everything is not in our will. Health allowed Andryusha to live long life, but ... There is probably something that is a foregone conclusion. He got sick a little, there was weakness, a runny nose, a slight temperature. I went to the bathroom, and there, apparently, I slipped and fell - I hit my temple. They stated that death was instantaneous. In fact, it's an accident. The first to enter the apartment and saw Andryusha was my closest friend Lena - she is our family doctor. There were two more doctors, two employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and a district police officer with her. I was worried because my son did not answer calls and SMS for a day. It was decided to open the apartment ... At that time I was on tour with my husband in Irkutsk. Andrey and I last time saw each other two days before the incident - they returned from Vietnam, where they spent ten days together.

The journalists also asked about the relationship between Andrei and Sergei. “They communicated on an equal footing,” Irina said. I would call them friendly. But Sergey was busy all the time, and Andryusha chuckled, saying: “I won’t see him in the evening, because by the time I go to bed, he won’t come yet, and in the morning, when I get up, we won’t meet, since he will already leave ". So the presence of Sergei at home for his son was somewhat arbitrary. And for the last two years, our life has generally moved to the theater, we actually came home only to sleep. But in the theater everyone communicated closely, and Andrei managed to help both Sergei himself and the cause in many ways. He was repeatedly offered a higher, status position, with the best salary, even some deputy, but he, having laughed, refused. Joked: "I don't fit official duties". They offered to learn. But work in the administration of the theater was not his goal. Andrei was not conceited, did not like to be in the spotlight. Never drank and never smoked. And the so-called parties - big, noisy, stupid, with loud music - also did not like.

Ira, let me ask you a question on a topic that everyone is now discussing in one way or another. Are you and Sergey still divorced or not?

We broke up.

- How long have you felt that the relationship with your husband has changed?

No. For me it all happened all of a sudden.

- And how many years did your union last?

We got married in 2000 and got married in 2003. That is why for me our marriage was not unfounded. For fifteen years, Sergei was my only man with whom I thought to live my whole life - both in joy and in sorrow. It was my conscious choice and I don't regret it.

- Andrey knew about your break with your husband?

No. I even have a doubt: he would leave if he knew ...

- How do you communicate with Sergei now?

We are trying to work together. We have joint projects, theatre, people... Business should not suffer.

- Have you already experienced this situation inside yourself?

Difficult question. I didn't think I'd ever have to deal with this. (After a long pause.) I have great respect for your magazine, but don't misunderstand me: I would not like to discuss this topic further ...

Andrei Livanov, the son of Irina Bezrukova, was found dead on March 14, 2015. He was reasonable, didn't drink, didn't smoke, and didn't like loud, noisy parties. Six months later, after the death of her son, Irina Bezrukova told in an interview how everything really happened.

Andrei Livanov was cremated in the crematorium of the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery. At the funeral were his mother and father, as well as the youngest son of Igor Livanov Timothy. Colleagues from the theater in which he worked came to say goodbye to Andrei Livanov. Andrei Livanov's stepfather, actor Sergei Bezrukov, did not come to the funeral.

Irina Bezrukova son Andrey cause of death: what did Bezrukov's stepson die from

After a trip to Vietnam, Andrei caught a viral infection. And since he was sick with diabetes, the situation only worsened. He did not feel well, he developed weakness, a runny nose and a slight fever.

Dead Andrey was found in the bathroom, and insulin syringes were lying nearby. Apparently before his death, he gave himself an injection. But due to poor health, he fell and hit his head on the tile, which resulted in instant death.

Irina Bezrukova said that her son did not get in touch for several days and did not appear at work. And she herself at that time was in Irkutsk on tour, it was decided to open the apartment. When breaking the door of the apartment, there were employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, doctors and a district police officer.

Irina interrupted her tour and returned to Moscow. The autopsy of the body of Andrei Livanov was not carried out at the request of his relatives. All analyzes of body fluids for poisons and drugs were taken from Andrey. It was obvious that this was an accident and the autopsy was superfluous. Moreover, the parents knew that their son would be against it.

Irina Bezrukova son Andrei cause of death: the opinion of doctors

Doctors say that Andrei Livanov suffered from a severe form of diabetes. That is, visiting countries where there are many different fevers and viral infections could also adversely affect his health. Since people with diabetes have reduced immunity and there is a greater risk of getting a fever.

The incubation period is from one to seven days, and pre-travel prophylaxis is not valid in this case. Doctors believe that in the case of Andrey, if he caught the virus, then droppers, etc. could help him. But even in this case, a lethal outcome is not ruled out.

Irina Bezrukova son Andrei cause of death: biography of Andrei Livanov

Andrei Livanov was the son of Irina Bezrukova and actor Igor Livanov. He was born on December 6, 1989. He graduated from the Golden Section school and, while still a schoolboy, played in Nord-Ost. star couple broke up when Andrei was eleven years old.

On the set of one of the films, Irina met her second husband, Sergei Bezrukov. At the end of school, he went to preparatory courses at the Moscow Art Theater School. Andrei Livanov starred in such films: “I am a doll”, “Rescuers” - “Rescuers. Eclipse”, “Irony of Fate of Sergei Bezrukov”. Since 2014 Andrey has worked as an administrator of the Moscow Provincial Theatre.

The news of the tragic death of Andrei Livanov, the 25-year-old son of actress Irina Bezrukova and actor Igor Livanov, blew up the Internet. Despite the fact that then heartbroken Irina did not comment on the situation, the media wrote a variety of versions of the guy’s death: from diabetes to drugs and tropical fever after a trip to Vietnam. Only six months after the tragedy, Irina mustered up the courage to tell the truth in one of recent interviews Russian edition of Telenedelya.

It is not easy for me to philosophize on this topic, but again, I repeat - probably nothing is accidental. That is, some moments to a certain extent depend on our choice, but basically everything is not in our will. Health allowed Andryusha to live a long life, but ... There is probably something that is a foregone conclusion. He got sick a little, there was weakness, a runny nose, a slight temperature. I went to the bathroom, and there, apparently, I slipped and fell - I hit my temple. They stated that death was instantaneous. In fact, it's an accident.

Even more tragic situation was given by the fact that at the time of the death of Irina was not in the city. The last time she saw her son was 2 days before the incident.

The first to enter the apartment and saw Andryusha was my closest friend Lena - she is our family doctor. She was accompanied by two more doctors, two employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and a district police officer. I was worried because my son did not answer calls and SMS for a day. It was decided to open the apartment ... At that time I was on tour with my husband in Irkutsk. Andrey and I last saw each other two days before the incident - we returned from Vietnam, where we spent ten days together.

The actress said that the late Andryusha got along well with his stepfather, actor Sergei Bezrukov. All the more strange is the fact that Sergei Bezrukov did not come to the funeral to pay tribute to the boy and comfort his wife.

Irina Bezrukova became a guest of Tatyana Ustinova in the My Hero program. The actress spoke about how she survived death only son Andrew.

Andrey Livanov son famous actors Igor Livanov and Irina Bezrukova died on March 14, 2015, he was only 25 years old. The news of the young man's death shocked the entire country. The artist rarely commented on the death of the heir. However, in the My Hero program, Irina told how she coped with grief and what memories she kept about her child.

« My son was very pure, beautiful, wise. He had a soul ... Some kind of extraordinary soul! Even as a child, he said such things that it immediately became clear that he had an inner core, some very subtle spiritual essence was laid in him. He had a lot to say to me. I wrote down his phrases in my diary so as not to forget. When it's really hard for me, I reread them. Andrei said: “Life is lethal. Sometimes suddenly lethal”, – shared Bezrukova.

The actress noted that after the death of her son, she was supported by friends and fans. Irina admitted that she had no idea how much strangers love her and care for her.

« First of all, thank you so much to the fans. I myself run Instagram and Facebook, where many people leave me words of support. I didn’t even know that people were so disposed towards me. When something happens, you face it, you can't be prepared for it. But there is very Good friends who passed me from hand to hand so that nothing would happen. My son believed that death does not exist, there are some parallel stories ... Therefore, I believe that the spiritual component, it does not disappear. The body is just a biological suit", - said Irina.

Andrey Livanov died of acute heart failure in mid-March 2015. Young man found dead in his apartment late at night. Bezrukova told reporters that before her death, her son got a little sick.

« There was weakness, a runny nose, a slight temperature. I went to the bathroom, and there, apparently, I slipped and fell - I hit my temple. They stated that death was instantaneous. In fact, it was an accident. The first to enter the apartment and saw Andryusha was my closest friend Lena - she is our family doctor. She was accompanied by two more doctors, two employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and a district police officer,- says Irina. - I was worried because my son did not answer calls and SMS for a day. It was decided to open the apartment. At that time I was with my husband in Irkutsk. Andrey and I last saw each other two days before the incident - we returned from Vietnam, where we spent ten days together", - said the actress.