Anastasia Soltan died after falling from the 12th floor of a house on Butlerova Street in St. Petersburg, where her parents' apartment is located. In social networks before her death, 22-year-old Nastya left a message. A few hours before her death, she posted a link to an article entitled "I'm offended by my parents for not being taught to live without them."

And a little earlier, Anastasia wrote a big message about how she feels on the eve of her birthday, November 24th.

“Now I’ve come home, to my home, to my parents. At first it was hard, I was waiting for them, but now it’s good, we’re sitting in their room with Lunka (dog - ed.) It smells like mom and dad,” Nastya wrote. Judging by the text of the big message, the girl had no thoughts about death. She even shared what she would like to receive as a birthday present.

"Before Veronica ( elder sister- ed.) asked what I want as a gift, I answered: nothing. And now I want gold chain with the letter C: Soltan, Svetlana, Fortitude. This will be my amulet," Anastasia wrote. Also on the social network, the girl told that she had left the hospital, about money problems, that she did not have warm winter boots.

“Now I’ll go for a walk with the dog, then take a bath, and then we’ll eat dumplings with a glass of wine, I can stay awake for 3 days ... Sorry that I can’t answer congratulations, there is no Internet in the apartment either, I’ll figure it out. ask," Anastasia concluded her long post.

A day after this message, the body of a 22-year-old girl will be found under the windows of the house.

We add that Anastasia Soltan divorced her husband a few days before the tragedy and quarreled with her sister Veronica, who insisted on continuing treatment.

Anastasia talked a lot about her feelings and emotions on her VKontakte blog, wrote about her relationship with her sister and her husband, with whom she didn’t get along very well, complained about the “betrayal” of loved ones. Veronica was very worried about her sister and tried to help her. As Veronica herself said, Nastya did not want to undergo rehabilitation in the hospital and found a way to get out of there. Friends helped her by giving the girl money.

“My husband and I tried for a month and a half to get her to go to rehabilitation and be able to get rid of crutches. Nastya was not interested in this, because with crutches they pity her more. Yesterday in my post I convincingly asked everyone not to intervene, giving cash with which she can escape from there.We love Nastya, we worry and do not want her to become disabled.And yet there was a person who decided to save her from terrible exercises, massages, exercise therapy, physiotherapy and the pool. Apparently At Olesya Nastya's home, rehabilitation will be more effective and she will leave without crutches. common sense and return to her for rehabilitation?" - this is how sister Veronica Soltan answered all the accusations.

Recall that the accident in which Pavel and Svetlana Soltan died occurred on August 14, 2016. Anastasia was also in the car with her parents. .

The story of Anastasia Soltan haunts the media. I read the volume and here - I decided to write it myself, in detail.
This girl committed suicide on 11/24. 2016 - threw herself out of the window, unable to cope with the post-traumatic syndrome. On this day she turned 22 years old. Why was the girl left alone on her birthday?

On August 14, 2016, she got into an accident with her parents. The father was driving. Parents died, Nastya received broken legs, coccyx, and other injuries, but survived.
However, she was unable to survive depression - the result is known.
They say that Nastya was very attached to her parents and did not want to live alone. But her older sister Veronica lives separately with her husband and three children. Soltan promised to help them with a mortgage apartment.

Veronica is not own daughter Soltanu: he married a woman with a child. Veronica is 33 years old.

Pavel Soltan was a unique person. He was born in 1961. When he was 20 years old, he was hit by a train and lost his arms and legs. I did not manage to find out at what level he had amputations, but Soltan walked on prostheses and had prostheses for both hands - cosmetic and active. With the help of active prostheses, he drove a car for 20 years. His car - "Toita Verso" - was converted for manual control. The brake lever, throttle lever plus the traditional "turn signals" were all assembled around the steering wheel. The car was automatic, so at least Soltan didn't need a clutch and gear lever. It turns out that Pavel Soltan held the steering wheel with one hand, and with the other he controlled the speed, braked, turned on the turn signals, high and low beams.
However, he got into accidents, and one was quite serious: his Zhiguli (Yeltsin gave them to Pavel) collided with a Kamaz - this was in the 90s.
And in the last accident he died. In the car he collided with, a young couple and their 10-month-old baby were injured, but all survived, although the adults were badly injured.

This is the car driven by Soltan.

He developed prosthetic hands on his own. In 1988 he graduated from the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute. From 1984 to 1998 he worked as a leading engineer at the Research Institute of Prosthetics.

From 1998 to 2007 - Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg of the second and third convocations in the 13th constituency.

In March 2007, he was elected to the Legislative Assembly of the fourth convocation. Deputy Chairman of the Standing Committee on Social Issues, member of the Standing Committee on Urban Economy, Urban Planning and Land Issues of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg.

Member of the Council of the St. Petersburg branch of the Just Russia party.

In December 2011, he was elected to the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg of the fifth convocation. On January 18, 2012, by a majority of votes, he was elected Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg. This year, Soltan participated in another election campaign and would most likely become a deputy again.

The wife and daughters worked together with their father - he found some positions for them.

And his daughter Anastasia married Alexei Plotnikov in the summer. The wedding took place on June 5th.

But in Honeymoon the young people put it off: Aleksey wanted to become a deputy and participated in the election campaign.

He was born in 1980 (that is, 14 years older than Nastya). Graduated from the Baltic State Technical University"VOENMEH" them. D.F. Ustinov in 2007. Worked at Korvet-AVIK LLC, development director. He was involved in politics, was a deputy of the fifth convocation of the Municipal Council of the intracity municipal district of Malaya Okhta on a non-permanent basis, was a member of Just Russia and was a representative of this party in the DPR and Syria.
Everyone believed that marrying the daughter of Pavel Soltan significantly increased Plotnikov's chances of becoming a deputy. I must say right away that he lost the election to someone from the United Russia.

After the death of Pavel Soltan, the couple quickly divorced. The initiator of the divorce was Nastya. She complained that Aleksey was busy participating in the elections instead of being with her in the hospital.

Let's see: the elections took place on September 18, and Nastya had an accident on September 14. It was the most difficult month for both: she suffered physically and mentally, and he had to meet with voters, etc.
Nastya said that Alexey was with her only once. He said that he constantly slept in the next room of her VIP chamber. Who to believe? At the same time, Pavel, in an interview taken from him after Nastya's death, said that he was not created to care for the sick - there are special people for this, and he had to take care of the future of the family and build a career.

The situation was aggravated by the fact that sister Veronika and her husband were opposed to Alexei. He didn't complain about them either. Since they could be at the bedside more often, they said more bad things about Alexei, for example, that he married not so much Nastya as her father, so that he would help him with his career, and since there is no dad, then his wife not needed, especially since it's all broken.

Who was more wrong here?
We will not take social networks into account: I think they wrote different things there. But what was Sister Veronica thinking about? It would seem that it was in her interests to try to save the family: after all, she did not have the opportunity to care for the patient. There is a husband - let him take care and provide.
Alexei behaved like a real bastard - there can be no two opinions. You see, he was offended by his young wife, stood in a pose and said: “Ah, if so, then please. You chose it yourself." He rests on the fact that the money returned. Ah, how noble!

Alexey is not a child: he is 14 years older! He must understand that there is responsibility. What kind of resentment can there be against a young woman who has suffered terrible stress, lost both parents, and is in pain? This is ridiculous.

It is a pity that the Just Russia party keeps such people. It is a pity that Sergei Mironov tolerates such a creature around him. If Aleksey had been in the CPSU in the good old days, he would have been expelled for such things or given a severe reprimand, and they would have been right.

It seems that Alexei really did not like Nastya a bit, but still this is not a reason to do this: do your duty, help her get on her feet, and then leave.
And she loved him.
Look at this photo

And to this

Why was she throwing tantrums? She has had mental problems before. So, she has been visiting a psychologist for three years. But Alexei knew this - so what has changed? She must have been spoiled and inept. Probably, she should have been more cunning: pretending to be optimistic, interested in the elections, saying that she was already in order.

She had to understand that she was left without defenders, that she, except for her husband, had no one to rely on. Perhaps he understood this, but did not want such a life.

I think her father, when he woke up after an accident without arms and legs, was also hard. But he wanted to survive, he told himself that he would live as before and achieve everything that he would have achieved if he had been healthy. Why was his vitality not passed on to his daughter?
A sick person has no right to a bad temper, to whims - he will quickly get tired of everyone, and they will leave him. You can be capricious if you are sick for a couple of days. And if seriously and for a long time, then you need to behave in a completely different way: be friendly, be interested in other people, do not complain, bother with requests less.

The father did not consider it necessary to teach his daughter what he knew how to do: he thought that it would not be useful, that he would be there and spread the straw.

Nastya had thoughts of death back in September. But she wanted to wait for a divorce so that she would not be buried under her husband's name.

It is surprising that the girl was tormented by thoughts about money. She suspected that her husband wanted to rob her, there were also some graters with her sister because of the inheritance, the sister suspected Nastya's husband of self-interest. How people have changed!

Strange in this story and the role of the older sister. It is clear that she has two small children, and in June she gave birth to a third. It is clear that Nastya is tired of her complaints. But it's a serious matter.

Initially, Nastya underwent six operations. When the acute condition passed, she was discharged from the hospital. She needed to go to rehab, but she didn't want to. Veronica insisted. Almost by force on November 11, Nastya was taken to the hospital, but she did not like it there. She suffered from insomnia, there were 4 more women in the ward. A few days later, a friend, Olesya, took her from the hospital.
"My husband and I tried for a month and a half to get her to go to rehabilitation and be able to get rid of the crutches. Nastya was not interested in this, because. with crutches, they pity her more. Yesterday, in my post, I convincingly asked everyone not to interfere by giving cash with which she can escape from there. We love Nastya, we are worried and do not want her to become disabled. And yet there was a man who decided to save her from terrible exercises, massages, exercise therapy, physiotherapy and the pool. Apparently, rehabilitation at Olesya Nastin's home will be more effective and she will leave without crutches. Nastya's stay in the hospital is fully paid for. Maybe we should turn to common sense and send her back to rehab?", - so Veronica Soltan wrote in Nastya's blog.

On November 16, Nastya tried to jump out of the window.
"Not a foot in our house" will be said to anyone who defiantly to spite us (because we insist on rehabilitation) with our three small children, the drawing teacher will try to jump out the window from the 15th floor with the words: "Mom, dad, take me from yourself!" I have to protect myself and my children", - wrote in the social network Veronica Soltan.
And Nastya was taken to a psychiatric hospital. Three doctors looked at Nastya after the first suicide attempt and said: "It's okay, she's just a spoiled girl."

On November 21, a divorce took place, at which Nastya was not present. On November 23, somehow, she left the hospital.

After the escape, Anastasia Soltan stopped by her friend, then went to the Legislative Assembly to meet with her father's colleagues. She was taken from the Mariinsky Palace to her sister's house. Anastasia went to the nearest McDonald's and called Life78 from there - this division of the federal Life covered her story more actively than others - so that they would come and film how they did not give her the keys to the apartment. Correspondent Nikita Pimenov arrived at McDonald's with a film crew. After that, Veronica's husband Soltan gave Anastasia the keys, but warned the publication's employees that if Anastasia was left alone, she might commit suicide.
Life78 employees came with Soltan to her apartment. They filmed a story in which Anastasia showed them housing, said that she wanted to go to the hospital again, about how she was offended by her parents for "not being taught to live without them." The journalists left, leaving Soltan alone. She committed suicide the next evening.

The first, and so far the last, that Veronica Soltan wrote after the death of her sister was an appeal to the audience of the social network. “I gave the keys as you requested. Nastya is no longer alive. My God".

Apparently, it was better for everyone.

Here is the Vkontakte page. Read. People don’t like to be upset so much: everyone told Nastya that she needed to pull herself together, live on. Indeed, what could be easier?

In August, the girl had a terrible accident that claimed the life of her parents. In the next three months, a divorce from her husband, quarrels with her sister and a difficult rehabilitation after the fractures were fit. Anastasia repeatedly demonstrated that she was in a state of crisis, and twice attempted suicide, but on the fateful day she was still left alone in the apartment. dead moms and dads.

The summer of 2016 promised to be the happiest period in the life of the 21-year-old daughter of the former deputy chairman of the St. Petersburg parliament, Anastasia Soltan. June began with continuous celebrations. The girl's beloved father Pavel Soltan and fiance Alexei Plotnikov celebrated their 4th birthdays, and the next day a beautiful wedding ceremony was held: smiles, kisses and dozens of loving friends and relatives. The honeymoon was to take place in the fall. But the honeymoon never came, and happiness turned out to be short-lived and ended in one short moment on August 14 at the 43rd kilometer of the Vyborg highway ...

Law enforcement agencies are still investigating the circumstances of the terrible head-on collision of two cars. In one were Svetlana and Pavel Soltan, as well as their daughter Anastasia, in the other another family: 28-year-old Dmitry Izotov, his wife and their 10-month-old child, all three received fractures. Pavel Soltan died on the spot, Svetlana was hospitalized in critical condition, but soon she died in the hospital. Their daughter was diagnosed with extensive blood loss, as well as fractures of the pelvis and hip. Doctors assessed the condition as serious.

IN law enforcement agencies believe that Izotov's Mercedes flew into the oncoming lane, but he himself claims that he did not violate the rules traffic and became a hostage to the high status of a politician driving a Toyota.

Pavel Soltan is a rare example of a well-known St. Petersburg politician with solid experience, about whom people responded extremely positively. Many people thanked the deputy for the help provided in resolving specific problems of the residents of his electoral territory. At the age of 20, he lost his hands and feet, but did not give up and, thanks to prostheses, took advantage of a second chance at a normal human life. After graduation from the institute future politician For 14 years he worked as a leading engineer at the Research Institute of Prosthetics, and from 1998 to 2016 he was constantly elected to the city legislature.

Anastasia was very attached to her parents. This can be judged by her activity in social networks. I was proud of my dad. In the early days, relatives did not dare to tell her about the loss. But in the end, the sad news had to be delivered, and it was only the beginning of a whole series of blows of fate.

Following the shattered bones, Anastasia's young marriage cracked. The girl was in an extremely depressed state and needed support from the very loved one but met with misunderstanding. At that moment, it seemed to Alexei that politics and participation in the upcoming elections to the State Duma and the Legislative Assembly were more important, and personal affairs could wait. The campaign schedule, which included numerous meetings with voters, photo shoots and other public events, left almost no windows for hospital visits.

As a result, Anastasia filed for divorce, accusing her husband of careerism and misappropriation of money donated for the wedding.

I called him to come, asked for help from relatives and friends, even deputy Anastasia Melnikova called and asked him to come to my hospital. But he had a goal - a career, even before the accident, he said that his work came first, - the girl complained.

At that moment, she was sure that Alexei had only used her to get Pavel Soltan to advance in career ladder and inclusion in the composition of the participants in the elections from the "Fair Russia".

Before the wedding, many people told us, people who knew their husband for more than one year tried to convey to their parents: they say, is it not scary for you to give your daughter to such a person. But we didn't believe them. Alexey and I are familiar on this moment just a year. He asked my parents for political help, they were very trusting people, they wanted to see only the good in people. I think he took advantage of the connections, and I'm sure this marriage was arranged. This is what everyone tried to tell us on the eve of the wedding, - Anastasia said in her hearts.

Sister Veronika and her husband sided with the girl, changing the locks in the parents' apartment where the newlyweds lived, immediately after the break. As a result, Aleksey lost the election miserably both at the city and federal levels.

And yet, new experiences did not help the treatment at all, the girl continued to yearn for her parents, and the injuries threatened to leave her on crutches forever.

Soon, a noisy break with his sister was added to this. On November 22, Anastasia stated that Veronica and her husband forcibly sent her to the hospital for rehabilitation. At the same time, money, keys to the apartment, an iPhone and a computer were taken away.

Veronica and her husband claimed that their actions were caused by concern for the girl's health. As relatives later said, before that she had twice tried to commit suicide.

She did not want to go there and tried to run away. In order to take care of her health and complete a full course of exercises, my husband temporarily changed her iPhone to a regular push-button phone so that Nastya would not be distracted by social networks, posts, likes, interviews and the number of views of her videos, - said the sister.

A day earlier, it became known that Alexey Plotnikov routinely divorced Anastasia. The court decided on a divorce in the absence of a girl who could not be at the meeting for health reasons.

VK "do not talk. I interfere with other patients, and they asked me to move out," Anastasia said.

The documents and keys to her parents' apartment were returned to her that same evening.

Each of Anastasia's latest statements on social networks and interviews literally screamed that she was in a crisis and needed emergency assistance. And then suddenly the girl was completely alone in the apartment of her parents, whose death she could not survive.

I love my parents very much, they gave me a lot. But I resent them for not letting me know how to live without them. How to live without them. And that life does not end without them, - says Nastya. - I was very dependent on my parents. I loved them madly. And the fact that I don’t feel them now, I don’t hug them - for me I still don’t understand this. When I see my mother in a photo or hear her voice in a video, I want to go there and I can't handle it. Now I don't know how to raise my children now. You can’t say from the first years that I am your mother and I will die before you. I am now confused in this world, for me there was a big reassessment, - Anastasia frankly admitted shortly after the move.

And the next day she fell out of the window.

Barack Obama began his last foreign tour as President of the United States with a visit to Athens. The Greek government calls this two-day visit historic. This is the first visit to Greece by a US President in 17 years and the fourth in history. On the first day, Barack Obama will meet with Greek President Prokopis Pavlopoulos and hold talks with Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras. According to some reports main theme negotiations will be the problem of the Greek public debt. Wednesday will be dedicated to the cultural program, the first point of which is a visit to the Acropolis. Greek unions and a number political organizations planning protests against the President of the United States. The police, for security reasons, prohibited any mass actions on the road from the Athens airport, and in the city center. After Greece, Barack Obama will visit Germany and Peru.

On the night from Thursday to Friday, 22-year-old Anastasia, heiress of the Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg Pavel Soltan Her death shocked her entire entourage. Just the other day, she claimed that she would live, no matter what.

The heiress of the deputy chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, who died in an accident, could not come to terms with the death of her parents. She was recovering with difficulty after a terrible accident. She shared her thoughts on social networks.

The heiress of the deputy chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, who died in an accident, could not come to terms with the death of her parents. She was recovering with difficulty after a terrible accident. She shared her thoughts on social networks. In a post made on the day of her death, Anastasia announced that she had finally visited the apartment of her mother and father.

A terrible incident occurred at the Vienna airport. A 27-year-old woman left a newborn baby in the toilet so as not to miss her flight. The child died, his mother, a student of African descent, was detained. She was in a deranged state and still missed the plane. A terrible incident occurred at the Vienna airport. A 27-year-old woman left a newborn baby in the toilet so as not to miss her flight. The child died, his mother, a student of African descent, was detained. She was in a deranged state and still missed the plane, according to the Independent.

In a post made on the day of her death, Anastasia announced that she had finally visited the apartment of her mother and father. On the night from Thursday to Friday, 22-year-old Anastasia, heiress of the deputy chairman of the Legislative Her death shocked all her entourage.

On the night of Thursday to Friday, 22-year-old Anastasia, heiress of the deputy chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, Pavel Soltan, committed suicide. Her death shocked everyone around her. Just the other day, she claimed that she would live, no matter what. Recently, new details surfaced that shed light on the unexpected decision of the victim of the tragedy. In one of his social networks She actively shared everything that happened to her. This helped Anastasia move on and take her mind off the terrible accident, at least for a while.

- The daughter of the Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg Pavel Soltan died

As it turned out, Anastasia was very much knocked down by a divorce from her husband, whose marriage lasted only a few months. The girl claimed that Alexei Plotnikov turned away from her. “Many people ask me if my husband is interested in how I feel. Still, they were not strangers, they write. I answer: “No! Nothing for 2 months. As they say, hobble slowly, but forget me, your legs will heal, you will live somehow, ”wrote Soltan.

A letter that an angry John Lennon wrote to Paul McCartney and his wife Linda after the breakup of The Beatles sold at auction for about $30,000. In the letter, Lennon expresses dissatisfaction with the attitude of the spouses towards him and his wife Yoko Ono. It is believed that Lennon wrote the letter in 1971 in response to a letter from Linda McCartney, who was unhappy that the musician did not publicly announce his departure from the group. In the first paragraphs, Lennon writes that, having received Linda's letter, he decided that it was -something "crazy middle-aged fan of the Beatles".

Before her death, Anastasia Soltan left Farewell letter. “It is a pity that Anastasia was close to people who gave her, in my opinion, not best advice- file for divorce. This initiative of Anastasia together with her sister and husband

Her death shocked everyone around her. Just the other day, she claimed that she would live, no matter what. A few days ago, Anastasia went to the hospital for rehabilitation. The girl did not want this and with all her might resisted the decision of her sister and her husband.

Familiar girls tried to support her as best they could. They wrote encouraging comments to Anastasia, in which they advised her to live on and try not to concentrate on negative thoughts. Relatives of Soltan believed that everything would work out for such a young and pretty girl. But the latest publications of the heiress of the deceased deputy chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg worried her entourage. It seemed that Anastasia was sinking deeper and deeper into depression. “You drive yourself into a hopeless state, walking in a circle of your experiences and questions without an answer. Stop! Enough! Understand that you are not equal to your parents, ”writes one of the friends of the victim of the tragedy.

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A few days ago, Anastasia went to the hospital for rehabilitation. The girl did not want this and with all her might resisted the decision of her sister and her husband. She stated that she was hospitalized without everything necessary - without personal belongings, toiletries and towels. Anastasia suffered, being alone within the walls of a medical institution. “At night, of course, I don’t sleep, I don’t watch the series, I don’t listen to music, I don’t communicate with people on the Internet,” Soltan shared.

The girl was undergoing rehabilitation after an accident that claimed the lives of her parents According to media reports, the girl fell out of the window of the apartment. The investigative department of the TFR in St. Petersburg confirmed that they were conducting an investigation into the death of a 22-year-old local resident, whose body was found near one of the houses on Butlerov Street.

Show business news » Society » Before her death, Anastasia Soltan left a farewell letter. On the night of Thursday to Friday, 22-year-old Anastasia, heiress of the Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg Pavel Soltan, committed suicide

Their youngest daughter Anastasia, who was sitting in the back seat, miraculously survived, but ended up in more than three months have passed since the death of Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Assembly Pavel Soltan. Daughter of Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Assembly Pavel Soltan, who died in an accident: “My husband left me after death

In another publication, Anastasia said that she loves her sister Veronica, but her husband Vyacheslav does not. The girl claimed that he was a despot and domestic tyrant. In the same way, Soltan declared, their dead mother thought.

The victim of the tragedy begged a relative to give her the keys to her parents' apartment and money to start an independent life. Anastasia dreamed of finding herself again in an environment familiar from childhood. Apparently, Veronica was afraid that the visit of the victim of the tragedy to this place could have an extremely negative impact on her well-being, so she was in no hurry to fulfill her sister's wishes.

However, on November 23, a day before the sad incident, Anastasia nevertheless ended up in her parents' house. Then the girl wrote a post in which she outlined her plans for the future. Soltan claimed that she never received the money that her father's acquaintances gave her. Anastasia was forced to live from hand to mouth, she did not even have a normal winter shoes. The victim of the tragedy frankly admitted that it was not easy for her to be in the apartment of her father and mother.

The ballerina made another scandalous statement. Anastasia Volochkova rather sharply commented on the news that the administration of the Bolshoi Theater decided not to allow children under ten years of age to evening performances. Earlier, one of the visitors to the Bolshoi Theater said that she and her children were not allowed to see the performance of Swan Lake, which caused questions and public outrage. Anastasia also did not remain silent and in an interview with the 360 ​​TV channel she said that the performances of the Bolshoi Theater are especially popular with some “elite comrades”.

After the death of Pavel Soltan, the couple quickly divorced. The initiator of the divorce was Nastya. After the escape, Anastasia Soltan stopped by her friend, then went to the Legislative Assembly After that, Veronika Soltan's husband gave Anastasia the keys, but warned the employees

The employees of the TV channel left the girl alone in the apartment - despite the warning that she. Parents of Anastasia Soltan died in a car accident on August 15, 2016. Soltan himself and his wife Svetlana died. Anastasia - them youngest daughter- survived, although received

“At first it was hard, I was waiting for my parents, but now it’s good, we are sitting with Lunka (family dog ​​- Ed.) in their room. It smells like mom and dad ... Earlier, Veronica asked what I want as a gift, and I answered that nothing. And now I want a gold chain with the letter C. This will be my amulet. I would also like to go to a cafe in a dress, sit with good people, but they isolated me ... A million rubles were given to me at a memorial service for treatment and for life, they all saw it, from my father's friends (I won't list who), this money never reached me. It's a shame it's not about the money anymore. It's a shame that the parents are horrified by what is happening now, on which they left their kittens, ”wrote Anastasia.

Apparently, Soltan did not stay long in good mood. After a while, the heavy thoughts returned to her again. Perhaps the situation in her parents' apartment really had a negative effect on her, as her sister was afraid of. It is also known that in mid-November, Anastasia had already tried to commit suicide.

“On November 16, Nastya made a demonstrative suicide attempt. And she was taken to a psychiatric hospital. We spent several days working with her. Then she was released for rehabilitation. Unfortunately, it turned out that Nastya was mentally ill. She needs help. And it's not just grief. But Nastya has a chance to successfully adapt, firstly, it is to physically recover and, secondly, to set healthy boundaries for Nastya, which she greatly violates. This is something Veronica and Slava "guilted". And here is the reaction ... But even this does not give the right to behave like this, Nastya, stop, ”a friend of the girl wrote a few hours before her death.

With dad ❤

A photo posted by Anastasia Plotnikova (Soltan) (@anastasiia_solt) on Aug 2, 2016 at 7:40am PDT

The ex-husband of Anastasia Soltan explained why he left her before his death.
Several days have passed since the death of the daughter of the deputy chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, who died in an accident. Journalists contacted ex-husband Anastasia Alexei Plotnikov, politician and member of the Just Russia party. The man revealed the reasons why he decided to part with his beloved. 1 of 4 SLIDES © Contributed by: Hearst Shkulev Media LLC Anastasia Soltan and Alexey Plotnikov 2 of 4 SLIDES © Contributed by: Hearst Shkulev Media LLC Anastasia Soltan 3 of 4 SLIDES © Contributed by: Hearst Shkulev Media LLC Anastasia Soltan 4 of 4 SLIDES © Contributed by: Hearst Shkulev Media LLC After the accident Anastasia Soltan Zanov