Astrology Acquires Everything great popularity. More appears professional astrologers and different horoscopes. Today we will tell you how to determine compatibility, and describe the resulting combinations.

In order to correctly establish the compatibility of zodiac signs by year, you should know which zodiac sign a person is according to Eastern calendar. In Japan and China, animal symbols are used to help determine the nature of a person depending on the cycle of his birth. If translated from Greek into Russian - "zodiac" symbolizes the animal. The Eastern calendar has twelve years of birth, each of which corresponds to a certain sign. They are determined for each year by the 12-year cycle of our planet around the sun. Western astrologers use much the same system of twelve constellations along the ecliptic.

According to Eastern astrological calendar, born in each year, receives special qualities and traits that determine its character. In Japan and China, this calendar is the main one. By the year of birth, you can easily understand in the year of which iconic animal a person was born. In this regard, it is possible to determine the degree of compatibility.

How to determine the degree of compatibility?

In the West, to determine the harmony of partners, it is necessary to know the date and month of birth of each of the partners. But according to the eastern calendar, you need to know the year that one of the twelve iconic animals has. Such a comparison will allow you to understand how partners can harmonize. The scheme is the most simplified. There are several types of couples by which you can correctly understand the compatibility of zodiac signs by year of birth.

First type

This option denotes triple harmony. This means that three specific zodiac signs are most suited and drawn to each other. They are building great relationship with each other and communicate well. This following signs zodiac:

  1. Dragon, Rat and Monkey.
  2. Dog, tiger and horse.
  3. Rooster, Snake and Bull.
  4. Sheep, Boar and Cat.

Second type

This type also means a good relationship, but slightly less so than the first. Here are double couples that can create a worthy and strong union. This:

  1. Boar-Tiger.
  2. Cat dog.
  3. Snake Monkey.
  4. Bull-Rat.
  5. Dragon Rooster.
  6. Sheep-Horse.

Third type

This type is conflict. In this case, the signs of the zodiac by year of birth are located at an angle of one hundred and eighty degrees relative to each other. Therefore, astrologers recommend avoiding such relationships. These are pairs such as the Monkey and the Tiger, the Horse and the Rat, as well as the Bull and the Sheep.

Fourth type

The situation between the couples is quite tense. Nevertheless, people try to maintain relationships and resolve all conflicts among themselves. But most couples will not be able to do this. The Tiger does not like the Snake very much, and the Dragon cannot stand the Cat.

Fifth type

Very conflict couples. In these relationships, partners often play on each other's nerves. These are such pairs as the Pig and the Rooster, the Rat and the Cat.

sixth type

This type is associated with many difficulties and obstacles, but they are not too critical. These are relationships such as the Dragon and the Ox. The five remaining pairs are considered dysfunctional, so it is quite difficult to determine harmony over the years.

The zodiac sign, name and year of birth play a big role in astrology. In order to determine well, it is desirable to take into account all factors. But the eastern calendar is not in vain considered the wisest and most simplified form. Therefore, you can easily determine your compatibility.


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Scientific astrology explores the influence of stars on the essence of a person, his nature, character, skill, gift, impact on the body to specific diseases that determine the life of each individual.

Compatibility by year of birth couples plays a huge role in the duration of cohabitation.

The duration of marriage in the family in each country is different, from 67% in Portugal to 4% in Chile.

The residence of two people in a family marriage can be determined, astrologers assure, by the signs of the zodiac. In the east, in many countries, traditions have been preserved when, before the wedding, an astrologer draws up a horoscope about the compatibility of the newlyweds, and the negative conclusion of the astrologer can upset the wedding.

In Europe, not everything is so drastic. A negative forecast of incompatibility is not a reason for a quarrel between lovers.

The basic principles of compatibility of signs of the Zodiac are able to achieve harmony in life together spouses. The calendar of the zodiac signs will help in solving problems when living together. It can influence a person and make decisions in the current situation.

Zodiac Compatibility

A happy long life in marriage depends on the compatibility of the spouses. The calendar of the zodiac signs by year of birth will tell you the positive and negative sides of the chosen one in life together. Knowing the principles of compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac, and applying them, you can avoid conflict situations in family life.

Compatibility by year of birth plays a big role in the happiness and well-being of marriage

12 signs of the zodiac have their own individual character:

  • Stubbornness Aries can be overcome with diplomacy. Forceful methods will not work.
  • Taurus never in a hurry and always able to catch up. At emergency, to defeat Taurus, create the appearance of haste. It is better to convince of a quick solution to the problem after eating. Taurus at lunch or over a cup of coffee are more accommodating than hungry ones.
  • Twins easy-going, agile, erudite. Planning is not their forte. Forgive many shortcomings of partners. For mutual understanding, it is better to obey Gemini, not to control, to give freedom of action.
  • crayfish vulnerable, hidden. You should not reveal his secrets, he will reveal all his secrets to a reliable partner.
  • Arrogance and selfishness Lviv puts them in the spotlight. Even the smallest praise in his address will bring the Lion down from heaven. Waste of finances is the weakness of Lviv.
  • deprived Virgin sympathy and understanding. Those who like to teach, grumbling and dissatisfaction with life are their strong point. Arguing with Virgo is pointless. Agreeing with her problems will put everything in its place.
Zodiac Compatibility
  • Scales indecisive, unable to choose the appropriate option from two solutions. In this situation, the partner must make a decision. Libra will be grateful for the initiative shown.
  • Gift scorpio find weak spots everyone who is nearby. For compatibility with this sign, you cannot hide your weaknesses from it. Being an optimist in everything will bring any sign closer to Scorpio.
  • archers carefree and hospitable, able to charge others with positive, but with their carelessness, they need help in everything, in any business, including setting an alarm clock.
  • Capricorn practical, but the lack of principles and meanings of life put them on the lowest rung of romanticism. Purposefulness, the fulfillment of the tasks set, these qualities obscure all the minuses in the character of Capricorn.
  • Romanticism and passion Aquarius charge those around you with positive energy. Aquarius, with impracticality and absent-mindedness, needs a constant assistant.
  • WITH Pisces you have to be careful, intuition and psychology are their forte. They are perceptive and see what is hidden from others. Activity and business acumen is not about them. Pisces needs an assistant in any business.

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Compatibility by year of birth according to the Chinese (Eastern) horoscope

Compatibility according to the year of birth of two people according to the eastern calendar will bring prosperity, understanding and happiness in a life together.

The signs of the zodiac consistently change each other. Each of the 12 signs corresponds to its individual metaphysical property. A person born in a year under a certain sign takes on his image. Compatibility is not material or social status, this is the individuality of two people united by something in common.

The zodiacal energy of the stars lined up in a certain sequence forms the character of a person at birth. The basis of this phenomenon is laid in the Eastern calendar. In the calendar table, 12 signs of the Zodiac are inscribed vertically and horizontally.

The intersection point of the lines is indicated by a number from 0 to 6 - this is the degree of energy compatibility of the two signs of the Zodiac. The horoscope helps to find compatibility in relation to a partner. Helps to live life in harmony for a married couple.

A detailed compatibility table can be found on the pages of the Internet site.

Born in the Year of the Rat

People born in the year of the Rat are able to become successful businessmen, financiers, lawyers. The compatibility of the Rat with the signs of the zodiac is very multifaceted. From positive traits character to hatred for colleagues and acquaintances.

Negative Traits The nature of the Rat is captiousness, inconstancy in actions, they can push a person away from themselves, bring them to a break. The ability to adapt to any environment puts the Rat among the leaders. Sociability, frugality Rats can create a team of subordinates to solve any problem.

Female rats are reserved and social. Closed Rats are demanding and touchy, not contact. They prefer solitude. Public Rats are the opposite of introverted. They love noisy gatherings, fun. The best compatibility of pairs is Rat - Monkey, Rat - Dragon, Rat - Rat.

Born in the year of the Ox

The stars gave the Bull a domineering character. By nature, the leader is calm, calm, attentive, sincere with colleagues. People are disposed towards him. Slander and gossip will not dissolve. Trust and loyalty at home and at work.

On the shoulder of physical and mental labor. He is a leader in all areas. The negative traits of the Ox are anger. The Angry Bull is scary. It makes no sense to resist, it is wiser to give way.

The Ox Woman is a homebody, caring, excellent wife. Her house is hospitable and open to everyone.

Compatibility by year of birth: Bull, for family well-being need a rat. The decency and loyalty of the rat will extend the alliance with the Ox for long years. An alliance with the Tiger is undesirable, power for leadership portends an endless war.

Born in the Year of the Tiger

Perseverance and excitement open the way for the Tiger to the top leadership positions in all areas. The ability to infect subordinates with enthusiasm is the dignity of the Tiger. Direct and truthful. Doesn't forgive mistakes. The tiger is not endowed with the cunning and caution of a diplomat. Strength and perseverance achieves any goals.

Capriciousness, sometimes cruelty - the negative side of the Tiger. According to the year of birth, the Tiger is not compatible with the Ox. Both stars have given the character of a leader, and the war for superiority will be constant.

It's easy to be friends with the Tiger common purpose, which will unite him with the Dragon, Boar, Goat, Dog. Incompatible with the Tiger of the Serpent, betrayal and betrayal of her character will destroy the union.

Born in the Year of the Rabbit (Cat)

Rabbit, hare, cat - many undeservedly consider these animals to be cowardly with weak character. The stars have endowed the Cat with caution. Before starting the case, the Cat will weigh all the pros and cons.

Restraint and modesty - for these qualities people trust the Cat. Erudition, attentiveness and responsibility help the Cat in any profession to reach perfection. The Cat can get upset from his troubles and failures, he does not accept other people's misfortunes.

The best qualities are superficial, this is the only and main drawback of the Cat. The main qualities of the Cat are distrust, it is not in vain that it is compared with evil spirits. The look of the Cat is cautious, mystical.

The main trump card of the Cat woman is the tendency to experience minor setbacks, which helps her to shine in society. The nature of romanticism can lead the Catwoman away from reality. The weak instinct of motherhood will not keep from parting with the family for the sake of an affair.

A modest, secular Catwoman will be paired with the Ox and the Tiger as a leader, diplomat, and politician.

Born in the Year of the Dragon

The dragon is a mythical creature. Spewing fire in the heat of battle, burns everything in its path, both enemies and supporters. The stars endowed the Dragon Man with properties mythical creature. Power, might, strength, determination are the main features of people born under the sign of the Dragon.

The makings of a leader and good intentions lead the dragon to the goal. Endowed with the gift of persuasion, the Dragon is overgrown with supporters and followers of his ideas, but few remain relatives and friends. Convinced loners, connoisseurs of freedom, Dragons are demanding of themselves and their surroundings.

Dragon Woman - business, free man. Strictness in everything - both in business and in family life. Even clothes choose strict, without excess. Family and feeling for her are in second place. He does not tolerate the upper hand, but order in the house will be ensured.

The Dragon Man often leads a single life, although the range of partners is extensive in terms of compatibility. Rat, Snake, Boar, Rabbit, Rooster are the best partners in diplomacy and advisers in business relations. The pride of the Dragon and the pessimism of the Dog put on the last step of the compatibility of these two signs of the Zodiac.

Born in the year of the Snake

The snake is not a leader, she is satisfied with a quiet lifestyle, she is a lazy person by nature. High intelligence, talent Snake spends in a constant search for ways to a better life. The implementation of personal plans puts in the first place. Distrust negatively affects the choice of friends.

The Snake Woman is jealous and reserves the choice of a life partner. The Snake constantly controls the chosen one, since she herself is not averse to flirting with men. Her passions are above family laws, and this will overshadow family life to Balzac age.

The snake is compatible with the Ox. The Snake and the Rooster will keep the union, correcting the partner’s shortcomings to their liking.

Born in the Year of the Horse

The stars gave the Horse an indefatigable craving for fun, adventure, and feat. Theaters, rallies, demonstrations, stadiums - this is the life of the Horse. In China, they believe that a woman born under the Horse star should not be taken as a life partner. Diligence, talent, generosity, sexuality, all the best qualities she will invest in personal ambitions, and not in the family.

If the Horse turned out to be the chosen one, life promises to be not boring and not monotonous. For complete dedication to work, Horses need a profession associated with a large audience. Approval in your address will increase the flow of strength and energy in achieving your goals.

A long and fruitful union will be with the Tiger, Rabbit, Dog, Goat, Snake. The Horse has a lot in common with these zodiac signs.

Born in the year of the Goat (Sheep)

The rich imagination and talents were endowed by the stars of a person born in the year of the Goat. Courtesy, elegance, artistry, possessing a strong intuition, these talents could lead the Goat to the rank of leaders.

Shyness and indecision interfere with her both in business and in the family field. The goat is not able to reach social and material heights. She lacks the patience and drive to get things done.

The goat does not like change. Calmness, safety and satiety - this is the lot of her life. She allows herself to be controlled. It is convenient for her to live without worries and stresses. The fearfulness and timidity of the Goat provides pity and protection from the fans.

Goat chooses a profession that is not leading, she is not destined to be a leader. The laurels will gladly give to the opponent. Working with finances is also not her credo. With her indecision, a debt hole or a lattice is provided.

Good compatibility of the Goat with the Rabbit, Horse, Boar.

Born in the Year of the Monkey

A person born in the year of the Monkey is endowed with a changeable character. In the circle of friends, the Monkey is friendly, ready to serve everyone, without demanding anything in return. The feeling that she loves and honors everyone. This is an illusion. Self-interest and contempt for everyone is the essence of the Monkey.

A skeptic by birth, she constantly trains her intellect, not stupid, rather abstruse. An artist by nature, she can get out of any critical situation. The ability to convince finds admirers of his talent. Showing friendliness and self-confidence helps to surround yourself with influential people.

The monkey can find a calling in the theater, cinema, journalism. A careerist, with a strong character, will win in any business. To achieve the goal may act dishonestly. He will not openly start a war with his enemy, he will strike a fatal blow imperceptibly.

Good compatibility by year of birth with the Dragon and the Rat. Common interests, curiosity, dependence on each other will unite these zodiac signs.

Born in the Year of the Rooster

The rooster is not a diplomat, straightforwardness, aggression and actions are not a gentleman. But this is ostentatious for surrounding friends and acquaintances. The Rooster has a more complex character by nature. It combines modesty and luxury, childish naivety and suspicion, cunning and simplicity.

Roosters do not like to lose, if possible, they shift their responsibility onto other people's shoulders. The profession is chosen as a leader, where courage, iron nerves and discipline are needed. Reward, prestige and reputation in society. Rooster women prefer male to female society. In male society, they feel more free.

Of all the signs of the zodiac best union can create a Rooster and an Ox provided that the Rooster gives his primacy to command the Bull. A rooster by nature cannot be a good helper.

Born in the year of the Dog

Dog People are selfish by nature, but loyalty and devotion should be learned from them by all the signs of the Zodiac. The life of the Dog in the struggle. When injustice is not silenced. Criticism and remarks reach the goal, so they are afraid of it.

An innate sense of duty and responsibility puts the Dog in the rank of loyal friends. She can be trusted with secrets without fear of betrayal and betrayal. Dogs are pessimists. Upon reaching the goal, they do not seek to conquer the next peaks. They are content with what they have achieved.

The best union of the Dog and the Horse, since the character of both has a lot in common. For greater compatibility with each other, each complements the best features of his character to his partner. The Horse gives the Dog the opportunity to do their own thing in exchange for a little freedom and independence.

Born in the Year of the Pig (Boar)

Behind the rustic appearance of the Pig is a strong and courageous nature. Without turning to outside help, he will slowly but surely move towards his goal. Honesty and integrity are her motto. A faithful comrade, unable to betray, is the innate nature of the Pig.

At strong character, The pig is like a child, naive and helpless before cunning and flattery. He chooses a profession where fantasy and imagination are needed. In financial matters, the Pig will not be rich. She is content with the bare minimum, for food, clothing and the necessary things for a normal life. The Pig Woman is an excellent mother, a family is what she needs for happiness.

Perennial happy marriage the Pig will only succeed with the Goat. Mutual understanding in communication and support for each other will create a long, prosperous union.

Popular article heading: How compatible are people - representatives of different characters

Energy flows that cross the universe at a certain time of the year endow newborn children with certain character traits.

Zodiac signs and mythological animals of the Chinese (Eastern) calendar (Monkey, Dragon, Rat, etc.) symbolize these cosmic flows. According to them, one can determine the character of a person born in a certain period of time, i.e. by year of birth.

The compatibility table provides information on 3 types of compatibility: good, medium and low. The description of the standard of each symbol (see on Internet sites) will allow you to study the nature of the partner, the advantages and disadvantages, for a joint marital and business union. Every person is different and no one is 100% compatible.

The compatibility horoscope by year of birth is a cheat sheet by which you can recognize a person, his positive and negative sides and find a common language in the development of joint actions and changing the negative sides of your character.

Astrological compatibility is divided into two main types. The Western version - divides the year into 12 zodiac signs, which are compatible with each other or not, and the Eastern one - covers 12 years, which correspond to totem signs. For us, the first, Western version is more traditional. A good addition to it is the Chinese (Eastern) compatibility horoscope, which allows you to clarify compatibility by year of birth. Another method to analyze the compatibility of horoscope signs is a numerological forecast based on a combination of full name and dates of birth. Each method works, see for yourself!

Horoscope of compatibility of signs of the zodiac


Aries is a person with a warm heart, stormy, lively emotions and open, sincere feelings. An Aries in love is always gentle, caring and attentive to a partner, while through a romantic and touching attitude you can feel a huge inner strength, pride and determination. In the compatibility horoscope, Aries will be able to find for himself an ideal life partner who has the same rich, vibrant world and fine mental organization.


The practicality and seriousness of the intentions of Taurus always attracts the opposite sex. Taurus, being in love, surrounds his life partner with incredible tenderness, care and attention. His stubbornness is difficult to resist, and as the compatibility horoscope says, such tactics work flawlessly, which is especially true for representatives of the elements of Earth and Water. It is they, as well as Taurus, who are tuned in to long-term, strong relationships, loyalty and devotion to the family.


The unpredictability and windiness of Gemini sometimes surprises even time-tested partners. Today, Gemini is light, spontaneous and charming, but tomorrow they seem darker than clouds. This leads to the fact that Gemini does not accept any serious obligations, giving in return a constant sense of celebration and novelty. But thanks to the compatibility horoscope, active and loving Gemini will easily find life partners that are suitable for their temperament.


The representative of Cancer is favorably distinguished by sophistication in love affairs and the ability to combine a subtle sensitive nature with pragmatism and prudence. Experiencing the most tender feelings, Cancer is ready to talk for hours about the most extraneous everyday things. A partner who is not deterred by seeming rationality and prosaicness will later see in Cancer an impeccable family man, a passionate lover and a caring parent. Thus, from the compatibility horoscope it is clear that the signs of the related water and earth elements will best understand Cancer.


Despite the pronounced egocentrism for Leo, love and feelings occupy one of the main places in his life. Lions are quite amorous, while they treat each new feeling with the utmost seriousness. The generosity and caring of Leo can conquer any of the signs of the zodiac circle, but do not forget that for long-term and happy relationship he needs to feel like a complete master of the situation, which is not acceptable to everyone. The secret of the compatibility horoscope for Leo is an alliance with representatives of the fire and air elements.


Virgo relationships, as a rule, are of a partnership, friendly nature. She does not need easy, non-committal connections. Virgo is looking for only reliable and faithful partners for life. As stated in the Virgo compatibility horoscope, relationships with windy and dreamy people will not bring joy and satisfaction to either side. However, the horoscope will not only warn, but will be able to suggest which life partner a reasonable Virgo should choose.


Typical representatives of Libra are light, spontaneous and loving. They are very adaptable, diplomatic and very friendly. Despite the variability of character, one interesting trend can be seen in the compatibility horoscope - Libra is able to get along with almost each of the twelve signs of the zodiac circle, but Libra will be able to build the most comfortable and harmonious relationships with representatives of the air or fire element.


Scorpio takes the choice of a faithful life partner seriously and is very meticulous. Such an intellectual and aesthete is perfectly suited for partners who have the same goals in life as Scorpio. In addition, Scorpio is jealous and in search of an ideal spouse, he cannot do without the help of a compatibility horoscope that can tell good options relations with related water signs and true, balanced signs of the elements of the Earth.


The amorous and active Sagittarius, when the first romantic feelings arise, is ready to constantly amaze the object of sighing with incredible charm and charm. At the same time, his independence will require from his life partner exactly the same free and easy attitude to love. Otherwise, misunderstanding, quarrels and constant jealousy are inevitable. From the compatibility horoscope, Sagittarius will be able to find out which partners have the same inner qualities and attitudes towards relationships.


Reasonable Capricorn, as a rule, is not inclined to rush headlong into a whirlpool of love passion. He takes relationships extremely seriously, always planning for a long-term and strong partnership. Capricorns, the compatibility horoscope is recommended to connect their lives with the same practical representatives of the elements of the Earth. However, this sign of the Zodiac is not alien to tender manifestations of love, gentleness, care. In this case, sensitive representatives of the Water trine can become ideal life partners for Capricorn.


The friendliness and activity of Aquarius undoubtedly attracts and intrigues the opposite sex. He always knows how to surprise, cheer and interest a life partner. Aquarius will be unbearably bored with pedantic or quiet, dreamy partners. With the help of a compatibility horoscope, it becomes clear - more suitable signs of the Zodiac for Aquarius than bright, sociable representatives of the elements of Fire and related air signs hard to imagine.


Such finely organized natures as romantic and dreamy Pisces are usually not inclined to make the first steps. Pisces as partners is recommended to choose active signs of the Zodiac, prone to firm, strong-willed decisions. In the compatibility horoscope, representatives of the Earth trine and related water signs are ideally suited for this role. It is to them that Pisces will gladly entrust the dominant place in the family, leaving for themselves the impeccably performed duties of a caring parent and tenderly loving spouse.

How to check the compatibility of signs in love

The invariably high interest in compatibility astrology is supported by the desire of lovers to keep as long as possible mutual feelings and build strong, dependable relationships. It is the compatibility horoscope that allows you to understand inner world partner and gives recommendations that can improve the relationship between a man and a woman.

Horoscope compatibility analysis helps to find out what the couple's main problems are, find the most effective solution, and carry love through the years.

The advice of professional astrologers is not limited to compatibility with typical zodiac signs. It has long been known that the Moon also has a huge impact on the mood, emotions and subconsciousness of partners, so it should be taken into account that it is comparable to the influence of the Sun.

The compatibility horoscope is not only able to influence the relationship of spouses, but also helps understanding between other family members. Wise parents use the horoscope to determine the most striking features of the child's character, to prevent and smooth out the inevitable problems associated with the formation of the child's personality.

Do not think that the perfect compatibility horoscope will provide a cloudless future. Relationships between people are always painstaking work that requires complete mutual understanding and sensitivity. In this case, in order for the picture to be more accurate and detailed, it is recommended to use additional tests and online services to determine compatibility.

The similarity of temperaments, character, unity in achieving goals and common life values ​​\u200b\u200bwill help to determine.

For an accessible assessment of the interaction and harmony of two people, it can come in handy.

Another important factor for building happy couple it is considered, because, as impartial statistics testify: the most happy in marriage are those people whose names consist of identical, similar in frequency and height scales. is a guarantee of trusting, close relationships based on the similarity of interests and full mutual understanding.

Almost everyone knows the ancient Chinese science of Feng Shui, which helps to harmonize and equip any space, but few people know that it is also a great way to improve intimate life and a chance for a healthy sexual relationship within the couple.

For business and establishing new relationships will be useful. The knowledge gained will allow you to resolve any conflict with business partners, colleagues or management, as well as help you maintain profitable relationships and climb the career ladder.

The relationship between a man and a woman is based on love and mutual understanding. In this regard, the compatibility of the signs of the zodiac for years and months becomes important. Which partner suits you and which doesn't?

The horoscope of compatibility of zodiac signs by year of birth will help to understand this. Oriental horoscopes are very popular, so we will turn to the signs Chinese calendar.

Horoscope of zodiac signs by year of birth

Here a brief description of each sign in the Chinese zodiac. Then the compatibility of the eastern zodiac signs by year will be given.

  • Rats are good-looking, purposeful and efficient, neat, economical. Ambitious, successful in business. Honest. Often petty.
  • Bulls inspire confidence. Usually patient and laconic, but can fall into a state of rage. Excellent physical data, good intelligence. Insisting on their own, they show stubbornness.
  • According to the Chinese horoscope, Tigers are full of strength and courage, sensitive, friendly, and irritable. Self-confident, not afraid of conflicts. Often make hasty decisions, selfish and suspicious.
  • Rabbit (Cat) has a bright personality, ambitious, talented, has a huge potential for good luck. Rabbits (Cats) have impeccable taste. Financially secure due to good business qualities. Be kind to those you love.
  • According to the Chinese horoscope of the zodiac signs, Dragons are endowed with good health, energy, excitability, sharpness, and emotionality. They can be trusted. They can let themselves get the upper hand, but not for long. Dragons are loved, but they doubt it.
  • Snakes are complex personalities. They are laconic, endowed with wisdom from birth. There are usually no problems with money. They can be vain, selfish, stingy, can be merciful.
  • Horoscope chinese year Horses are sociable, tend to be in the center of events and attention, independent, intelligent and insightful. They have a cheerful disposition. They know how to handle money. The horse is talented, lucky, self-confident and knows his own worth.
  • Goats (Sheep) have a soft character, good ones, everything works out for them as well as possible. Often shy, helpless, prone to pessimism, difficult to choose. Financially secure, they value comfort.
  • Monkeys are one of the most unreliable and controversial types in the Chinese zodiac. Smart, dexterous, able to solve the most difficult life tasks, achieve success in any field of activity, not shunning, including vile methods.
  • By eastern horoscope The rooster is a thinker, obsessed with the idea of ​​labor, devoted to his work. Sometimes eccentric, does not always find contact with new people. Roosters are determined and self-confident, although they are reserved, timid and lonely. Selfish, ready for bold action.
  • According to the Chinese horoscope of the zodiac signs, Dogs have best qualities, value honor, are faithful, know how to keep secrets. Once they start a business, they finish it. Emotionally cold, fair, uncommunicative, look at life critically.
  • Boar (Pig) is distinguished by courage. Capable of self-sacrifice, strong, energetic. It is hard to get along with people, but a friend is faithful to the end. He walks a straight path, does not think about retreat. Hot-tempered, but conflicts are not his path.

Compatibility of zodiac signs by year and month

Chinese astrologers attach special meaning zodiac signs by year of birth. It is believed that each sign is combined with two others, which allows representatives of each astrological triad to understand each other.

This thesis is based on the idea of ​​compatibility of zodiac signs by year and month of birth.

  • Rat, Monkey, Dragon. They act decisively, without fear they enter into confrontation.
  • Snake, Rooster, Bull. Intelligent, have great personal potential. Together they achieve great results.
  • Horse, Dog, Tiger. Courageous, principled, freedom-loving. Keep each other from extremes.
  • Rabbit, Goat, Boar. Bright, temperamental, take care of loved ones. Avoid unnecessary risk.

Negative compatibility of zodiac signs by year of birth

There are incompatible signs, especially when we are talking about such important aspects like marriage and business. Here are the pairs, there are six of them.

For many modern people every decision is important. Therefore, they approach each situation with particular scrupulousness, studying all the weighty factors and trying to understand the nature of each. Situations with the choice of a partner for living together are no exception. On the contrary, when starting to search for their soulmate, many people study different horoscopes and ways of making predictions by the date of birth of a person. And one of the most common ways to find out the combination of two people in a pair is the compatibility of the zodiac signs, determined by the years of their birth (Horse, Monkey, Snake, Rat, etc.). This will be discussed in our article today.

Compatibility can be determined using different horoscopes (eastern, floral, by date of birth, years, etc.), each of which allows you to learn more about the nature of the partner and understand how successful the union will be. Compatibility horoscope of people representing different signs depending on the year of birth, contributes to building a successful relationship between two people.

Eastern system, unlike astrological horoscope, involves the division of all born people into 12 categories. Each such category corresponds to the animal symbol of the Eastern calendar (Monkey, Rat, Snake, Dragon, Horse, etc.). Thus, if the distribution system according to the signs of the zodiac correlates a group of people for a certain period of each year, the Eastern dictates other conditions.

Appeared for one year (from January 1 to December 31) people will be under the auspices of one of 12 characters Chinese horoscope. The photo below clearly shows which year of birth a person will be under the auspices of a particular animal. So, for example, the Rat is the patron of those born in 1984, 1996, 2008, years. The snake, in turn, patronizes everyone whose birth dates back to 1989, 2001, 2013, etc. for years. Also, the Horse is a symbol of every 12th year (1990, 2002, 2014). Together with them, the Monkey, who took "under his wing" people with a date of birth in 1992, 2004, 2016 and so on.

The cycle of action of the eastern system is 12 years. So you can determine the pattern of behavior and characteristics of the characters of people whose date of birth will correspond to a certain symbol. Having studied such information, a person will be able to determine their own compatibility with a particular partner. To do this, it is enough to have knowledge regarding his date of birth.

All such information that compatibility tables offer for zodiac signs, years of birth, names, etc., will be useful to those who do not neglect the laws of the universe. With such additional data, the interested person will be able to form a more accurate picture of his partner in marriage, friendship or other situations.

How compatible are people - representatives of different characters

There is an opinion that the symbols of the zodiac and the mythological animals of the Chinese calendar symbolize certain energy flows, cutting through the universe at a certain period of the year. The elements of the Eastern classification by year of birth (Monkey, Snake, Dragon, Rat, Horse, etc.) are considered a cyclic manifestation of cosmic influences. They are specific to each year.

Such flows affect not only compatibility (in marriage, friendship, work, etc.). Under the influence of cosmic elements, each representative of a particular year will show the same type of features.

They can form an opinion about:

  • the nature of the person;
  • his attitude towards others;
  • compatibility with people under certain conditions.

To find out your compatibility and with whom you will be able to build strong relationships in the future, it is enough to know the exact dates of birth of both partners. Further, having calculated which patron according to the eastern calendar corresponds to whom (Monkey, Snake, Dragon, Rat, Horse, etc.), you can refer to the love compatibility table. It is shown below.

There is a loyal criterion for assessing potential relationships between representatives of different signs of the Eastern calendar. The information given in the table is based on the opinion that there are no categorically compatible people. There are three specific types that can characterize pairs of representatives of different or the same character:

  • average compatibility;
  • good;
  • low.

Types of each character

In some way, it simplifies the study of compatibility by knowing the types of each of the signs of the zodiac and the eastern system. You can also read the description of each zodiac sign according to the eastern calendar below in order to understand the nature of the partner and his behavior.

    • Rats. The rat is the first animal of the Chinese zodiac. Any signs of the zodiac born under the auspices of the Rat are very talented, optimistic and very passionate. Many of the representatives of the zodiac under the auspices of this animal are leaders. Including in marriage. Entering into an alliance with such a person, the partner must be prepared to face the excessive emotionality and squandering of the Rats. The most best compatibility in Rat-Dragon/Monkey and Rat-Rat pairs.
    • Bulls. Bulls are very hardy and hardworking, thorough and very naive, they quickly forget insults. However, betrayal and betrayal will not be tolerated. This must be taken into account when deciding to establish a strong relationship with the Bull for all signs of the zodiac.
    • Tigers. The tiger is distinguished by its nobility, independence, courage. But those who want to connect their fate with the representative of this oriental symbol need to know about its shortcomings. Among these are impulsiveness, irascibility, capriciousness and partly quarrelsomeness.
    • Rabbits. Very cautious, reasonable, well-mannered and kind symbol of the eastern horoscope - Rabbit. People under his influence are very gentle and loving partners in marriage. They give themselves to their lover without expecting anything in return.

  • Dragons. Dragon - personalities are very sentimental and insightful. At the same time, they can be characterized as self-confident and purposeful people. Such marriage partners are practical and trusting.
  • snakes. The snake can be generally characterized as a diplomatic personality, with a highly developed intuition and inconstancy. Most of those who, according to the eastern horoscope of the Serpent, are considered spenders. At the same time, they are quite romantic. In marriage, the Snake will demand reciprocity from a partner.
  • Horses. Those who, by date of birth, have a patron - the Horse, are persons prone to adventures. Although they are talented and hardworking, they often show dishonesty and can deceive. A horse is a type of a fickle person. In love, the Horse is far from monogamous.
  • Goats. These signs are generous and indecisive. Sheep are by nature shy, irresponsible. The same qualities are manifested in its representatives by year of birth. Sheep does not seek wealth, but will become an excellent muse for a partner.
  • Monkey. Monkey - very smart, developed intellectual personality. In friendship they manifest themselves with better side, however, in terms of work, they can be cunning rivals. For marriage, the Monkey is not a bad option if the partner is not afraid of sloppiness.
  • Roosters. Straightforward and practical, hardworking and generous, Roosters are also considered not a bad candidate for a strong union. However, in marriage they will be demanding and somewhat self-centered.
  • Dogs. The dog is modest and devoted to his partner. Representatives of this oriental symbol are honest and strive for justice. Families do not allow scandals, do not forgive betrayal.
  • Boars. These people are generous. Although quick-tempered, they quickly "depart". A big plus of such people in marriage is romance and the ability to forgive mistakes. Partners will be very comfortable with these representatives of the Eastern system.