In China and other countries of the Far East, a completely different magic calendar than in Europe. There is no place for the monthly signs of the zodiac through which the sun passes throughout the year. According to eastern calendar, the fate and character of people is ruled by magical animals. Specifically, they "set the tone" for the character of the person who is under their protection. There are twelve such “guardian angels”, as in the European calendar. But if in the Roman horoscope all the signs of the zodiac dominate by month, then Chinese animals reign for about a year. It is clear that not all people born, for example, in 1985, are similar to each other, like identical twins. The patron animal endows its charges with various traits from its arsenal of spiritual properties. In this article, we'll take a look at the Year of the Tiger. What years were under his patronage and what did this wayward cat give people?

The Eastern calendar is "tied" not to the Sun, but to the Moon. Therefore, the entry into the rights of a magical animal does not occur on the first of January, as one might think, but later. The arrival of the New Year is celebrated by the Chinese with great fanfare. But the date of the holiday itself is migratory. For example, in 2014 it was celebrated on the first of February. From that day on, the Blue Tree Horse began to rule the world. New Year occurs on the first new moon after January 15th. So it can start in the last half of January or early February. In order to accurately rank yourself as a protege of one or another animal, you need to go into the archives and see when that same new moon happened in the year of your birth. That is, if you were born, say, on January 28, 1965, your patron will not be the Snake, but the Dragon. A completely different animal, a completely different fate. Thus, it is not enough to know what the year of the Tiger portends, what years this symbol covers, but also what day this animal passed the "inauguration".

General and specific

Magical animals alternate according to a twelve-year cycle. People born in the same sign, with an age difference of 12, 24, 36, etc. years old, they understand each other very well. This is not to say that conflicts never arise between them, but they also know how to get along well together. This does not apply to the Tigers. Under the same roof, they will arrange endless cat fights until one of them surrenders and leaves.

So when was the year of the Tiger, what years in the XX and XXI centuries were under his rule? These are 1902 and 1914 (the beginning of the First World War, which is very indicative of a brutal animal). Then the Tiger appeared on the world stage in 1938, when the Munich Agreement was signed. Then there were the relatively quiet 1950, 1962 and 1974 years. In 1986, as is clear, perestroika began. Then there were 1998 and 2010. The tiger is expected in 2022, 2034, etc., every twelve years. It must be taken into account that in chinese calendar magical animals also have colors and elements. Therefore, one should distinguish between the metal tiger, water, wood, fire and earth. The elements and color make their own adjustments to the character of a person born under this sign, and also leave a certain imprint on the life of all people in a given year.

General horoscope

Magical animals endow their wards with their properties. Snake gives wisdom, Monkey - resourcefulness, Dog - devotion, etc. Each has its pros and cons. And magical animals are no exception. Therefore, it cannot be argued that all people born in the same year will be universally good or bad. Indeed, between courage and recklessness, cowardice and caution, frugality and stinginess, there is sometimes a very narrow line. People born in the year of the Tiger will inherit from their patron the strength of character, courage and the ability to captivate people with them. Coupled with the fact, like all representatives of the feline family, they are sensitive, wayward, erratic and tend to become irritable and even hysterical. They themselves do not recognize any discipline, but they demand it from others. They are natural leaders, but without outside control they easily turn into dictators. The inability to calculate the risks can lead the Tiger and those who follow him to defeat. Under this sign, in the main, politicians and military leaders are born: Admiral Nelson, Robespierre, Ivan the Severe, Dmitry Donskoy, Karl Marx, Ho Chi Minh, Eisenhower, Charles de Gaulle ... applied sciences Tigers do not shine, but the sensuality and emotionality inherent in felines makes them philosophers (Hegel), musicians (Beethoven, Paganini), writers (Bronte, Rimbaud, Rabelais, Wilde) and actors (Marilyn Monroe, Louis de Funes).

Lovely cats or ferocious tigresses?

All of the above applies to both men and women. But the fair sex has all the same, due to its complex spiritual organization, a lot of additional features. The lady born in the year of the Tiger is very graceful, sweet and knows how to make memories on people. But at the same time, she is very smart and ambitious. And he does not hide it. The tigress is not one of those who dream of simple "female happiness" among pots and diapers. Very often she clearly manifests herself in those areas that are traditionally considered masculine. These are politicians, business women, women leaders. For the sake of a career, the Tigresses are ready to defect from the family front. To prevent this from happening, their spouse must be a Dragon, Dog or Horse. They should avoid marital ties with the Monkey and the Snake.

What the symbol of the Tiger carries for all people

The years that have passed under the rule of this sign have never been calm. During these periods, there have always been some drastic changes in world history. We have already mentioned the Munich Agreement, but you can still recall the beginning korean war, the crisis in Cuba and Cyprus, the seizure presidential power Yanukovych in Ukraine. But also under this sign significant breakthroughs in the field of scientific achievements took place. So, during the reign of the sign, television and dynamite were invented. And all because yang - an active principle in Chinese philosophy - accompanies the year of the Tiger. No matter what years we remember, there are always some sharp turns in politics, natural disasters, natural disasters and revolutions. At the same time, in such periods, the magnanimous impulses of people are most clearly manifested, and protracted conflicts often resolve in unexpected ways.

Effect of elements and color

We have already mentioned that in chinese horoscope the character and fate of a person is influenced not only by the symbol itself, but also by its color and elements. Let's take a look at 1950. What kind of Tiger was he? Metallic. This element has endowed those born this year with a truly steel will and nerves of steel. Such people go to their goal like a locomotive, sweeping away all obstacles on their way. In fact, these are the winners. People often indisputably recognize their right of leadership. They are admired, adored. Snow white color by Chinese mythology inherent in sunset, autumn. Therefore, it is especially lucky for those who were born at this time of the year and time of day. The main disadvantage of the Snow White Metal Tiger is impatience. When they see that not everything is going the way they want, they fall into irritability and even rage.

Snow White Tigryulya

2010 also gave a new growth of assertive careerists and principled people to the world. What kind of Tiger was he? The same as 1950 - Snow White Metallic. Now they are already four years old, and their parents can confirm that these are very wayward kids. They demand to be served with a toy and yell when the order is not immediately issued. But they are very independent kids. They are gifted by nature, easy to learn. V kindergarten they are the leaders of the collective. Parents should cultivate restraint in them, as well as respect for other people's opinions. Without these properties, a metallic teran will grow from a snow-white and fluffy tiger cub.

1962 year. Which Tiger ruled then?

The element that protects the sign is water, and the color is black. Many researchers and experimenters were born this year. The element of water endowed its wards developed imagination and subtle intuition. Water tigers achieve success in art and especially in the literary field. Thanks to their communicativeness and flexible mind, they easily converge with people, bribe those around them with their talents. The water element softens the somewhat voluntaristic nature of the Tigers. They know how to listen to the opinions of others and, if the opponent is right, change their position. The black color makes their interests versatile. Among the disadvantages are indecision and frequent change of goals.

Greenish tree - a symbol of resurrected life

Right after 1962, the symbol came into its own again in 1974. What year of the Tiger was it? The most suitable is a greenish woody one. People born that year, unlike the rest of their fellow Tigers, are very peaceful, sociable, and tolerant. They will not defend their position with sheepish stubbornness, but they will listen to the opinion of a friend. The element of wood makes them flexible not only in conversation and cooperation with people, but also in choosing a profession. Usually, their interests are very versatile. They are known among friends as intellectuals with a subtle sense of humor. The greenish color gives them energy, passion, which is why they can fall into adultery. Of the negative properties, it should be noted the lack of concentration on one goal, inconstancy.

1998 year. Which Tiger did he embody?

The Chinese have a yellowish color - a symbol of the ruler, domination. The Yellow Tiger is believed to be in charge of the guardians of the four doors to Heaven. These animals are also patrons of the seasons and cardinal points. But above the Blue (greenish), Snow-white, Red and Black Tigers rises the middle - Yellowish (gold). He is their ruler. The element of Earth restrains the passion inherent in all Tigers. These people are not obstinate, moderately ambitious and rational in everything. Unlike the Greenish Tigers, the Yellowish focuses on only one goal, towards which he goes systematically and systematically. But he is also more “down to earth”, without the exuberant imagination of the Water Animal. But he is very balanced, always keeps a sober head. A good speaker, knows how to negotiate, makes people remember a wise and reliable person.

Tiger. At this word, proud representatives immediately come to mind. feline: strong, brave, real predators capable of intimidating any potential prey. How different are their human "namesakes", or rather people born in the year of the Tiger? With whom they are best able to live a long and happy life? What is the difference between the Tiger-Leo and the Tiger-Pisces? You will learn this and much more from the article.


If you have acquaintances born in the year of the Tiger, a description, albeit brief, of such people will be useful. Here are their main qualities:

1. Tigers hate and do not know how to lose.
2. Friends of Tigers are only extraordinary, with a craving for adventure, such as the "cats" themselves.
3. Tigers can be called the luckiest sign of the eastern horoscope.
4. They are not afraid to be decisive in difficult situations and do dangerous but exciting and unusual things.
5. Tigers hate boredom.
6. They like not to listen, but to talk about life's adventures. They are simply not interested in receiving information, since the main thing for them is extreme and a sense of danger.
7. Throughout their lives, Tigers have energy, optimism and determination.
8. They do not always make plans, preferring improvisation to complex and tedious preparations. Because of this, sometimes you have to suffer.
9. Tigers calmly express their opinion, open their feelings and cut the truth-womb.
10. They do not tolerate rivals in all spheres of life, therefore, in the presence of these two representatives east sign in one room, most often the one who is weaker in spirit disappears.


The Tigers have a very adventurous personality. They hate it when nothing interesting happens to them. Therefore, if life does not throw them extreme situations, people born in the year of the Tiger begin to look for adventure themselves. And, as a rule, they find it.

The openness of character allows them to make many friends, however, some frivolity and excessive gullibility can sometimes play a cruel joke with them. Another thing is that if “ wild cats"Will understand that the person they thought good friend, not so interesting person, and even more so - ordinary, then the Tigers' enthusiasm disappears, after which they will try to get rid of such "friends" as soon as possible.


People born in the Year of the Tiger are adventurous and amorous. That is why it is not easy for them to build a truly strong and serious relationship. But the Tiger always has short-term novels. Yes, most often people of this sign eventually calm down and find their soul mate, but either this happens after they finally mature and become experienced and wise people, or after meeting an interesting, adventurous, slightly crazy and unpredictable person with whom you will not get bored. It is boredom that Tigers hate most of all. Even in old age, they may want to go to a dangerous and interesting adventure, therefore, they need a person at their side who can understand them.

Tigers are sincere, therefore, if they say that they love, then it is so, despite the fact that after a week the feelings may evaporate. This does not mean that there was a lie before. Those born in the year of the Tiger get bored very quickly.


People born in the Year of the Tiger are truly gorgeous lovers. They strive to please not only themselves, but also their partner, which is why making love brings a lot of pleasure to both parties.

Most active sex life The tigers are evident in adolescence. They are open to experiments, often change partners, which they will not fail to brag about to their friends. But at the beginning of a sex career, it happens that they make mistakes due to lack of experience.

Quarrels with "striped" lovers often end in bed, because they consider sex the best way for a truce. They are jealous owners, hating when others encroach on their lovers, but most often they carefully hide it.

The Tigers are trying to achieve the person they like not by a rude use of force, but by beautiful words and courting, until the victim surrenders. Despite this, they are rarely romantics, preferring more open actions. They love when a partner is relaxed and brave in bed.


Thanks to their ability to adequately assess their strengths, to see the essence of the problem and to show initiative and decisiveness, the career of people born in the year of the Tiger most often goes uphill quickly and rapidly every year.

The main thing in work for the Tigers is not so much the money side as the spiritual one. That is, people of this sign will not go for a position that is not interesting to them for the sake of selfish ends, preferring the one that is closer to them in spirit. If the Tiger has already taken up any business, he will do it on the highest level because he hates mistakes.

Representatives of "felines" often do not know how to cope with professional failures, therefore they do not always adequately respond to failures, they can flare up. However, troubles occur due to instinct, optimism and energy that overwhelms them extremely rarely.

People born in the Year of the Tiger make excellent designers, travelers, police officers, soldiers, researchers, etc. Due to their adventurous nature, they will not like work that requires constant time in the office, for example.


The year of the Tiger comes every 12 years. What years of birth do people say that they are under the auspices of this beast? More on this below.

  • 1950. The element of these people is metal, and their color is white. The Tiger of the Year 1950 is most often strong in spirit and confident in his abilities.
  • 1962. The element of these people is water, and their color is black. Such a Tiger most often - interesting companion and an excellent father.
  • Year of the Tiger 1974. The element of these people is wood, and their color is blue. This year's tiger most often knows how to fend for itself.

  • 1986. The element of these people is fire, and their color is red. The Tiger of the Year 1986 is most often charming and charismatic.
  • 1998. The element of these people is earth, and their color is yellow. Tiger of the Year 1998 most often does not know how to lose and knows how to win.
  • 2010. The element of these people is metal, and their color is white. Tiger of the Year 2010 is most often stubborn and cheerful.

Zodiac signs

Tiger-Aries: quick-tempered, sometimes aggressive person.
Tiger-Taurus: calm, balanced person, receptive to events.
Tiger-Gemini: without clever man, capable of the most risky and dangerous accomplishments, ending successfully in 90% of cases.
Tiger-Cancer: a person who loves home comfort and romance (walks under the moonlight, etc.).
Tiger-Leo: open, cheeky and impudent person.

Tiger-Virgo: a person who always has a specific goal, towards which he strives all his life, objectively assessing his own strength.
Tiger-Libra: a wonderful companion, A good conversationalist, an excellent family man.
Tiger-Scorpio: a dangerous, complex and unpredictable personality.
Tiger-Sagittarius: predatory, capable of serious deeds person, with whom it is better not to get involved.
Tiger-Capricorn: reasonable and acting more often according to logic, and not at the call of the heart.
Tiger-Aquarius: an adequate and intelligent person, guided by brains.
Tiger-Pisces: funny and interesting personality, ready to cheer and add a spice with a touch of madness to any situation.


As you know, it is never perfect suitable friend a friend of people. Despite his sociability and versatility, the Tiger will not be able to be nice and good with everyone. Below are the people with whom the representatives of this sign get along best and with whom they cannot get along at all.

For those born in a year with others, it can be ideal in two cases.

Tiger + Rabbit

Due to the fact that these signs have a lot in common, they are perfect for each other. They both love travel and freedom, and therefore will not drive each other into a rigid framework. True, the Rabbits will still be calmer. Tigers are more adventurous and risky. Thanks to this, the "eared" person can often warn his other half against too dangerous acts.

Tiger + Sheep

Their union is filled with happiness and kindness. The tiger will love his Sheep, protect and protect her, and the last is only necessary, because without strong personality it can quickly wither away. These two will complement each other perfectly, and in the end they can move mountains if they want.

The following two signs are the least compatible with Tigers, so it is better to avoid relationships with them, nothing good will come of it.

Tiger + Tiger

Two Tigers will not be able to get along in one "cage", therefore the union of two representatives of these eastern signs is very undesirable. Everyone will try to pull the blanket over themselves, in connection with which the second will feel hurt and insulted. Because of this, the chances are high that they will quickly scatter.

Tiger + Snake

Their union is completely impossible. If in the work plan they can still get along in the slightest degree, then in personal relationships they will not see happiness. Too different outlooks on life, too different tempers... The snake and the Tiger simply do not understand each other, which is why constant scandals and showdowns are guaranteed. One will be lazy, the other will constantly urge her on, and when this does not work out, both will be angry.

The rest of the signs are not considered, since alliances with them are entirely dependent on the Tigers and their companions, everything is in their hands.

Water Tiger

Wood Tiger

Fire Tiger

Earth Tiger

Metal tiger

Water Tiger

Wood Tiger

Fire Tiger

Earth Tiger

Metal tiger

Water Tiger

Wood Tiger

The tiger is the male principle of yang, the third triangle, the element of wood.

Distinctive qualities of the character of the Tiger sign are swiftness in decision-making, excellent reaction in communication, love of risk. Born under the sign of the Tiger is a daring, passionate lover. Likes to compete. Appealing in appearance, disguises iron will gentle suave manners. A proud person who knows how to stand up for himself. Impulsiveness and unpredictability in actions makes life with the Tiger interesting, but does not bring peace. In a relationship with a partner, she can show real tenderness and care, but also love of freedom, independence and extravagance. The love of fun and risk makes their lives unstable, full of ups and downs. But natural optimism gives all the actions of the Tiger a bright shine of luck. Cannot stand strict control and restrictions on his freedom.

A night-born tiger will lead a quieter life than a day-born Tiger. The Night Tiger is more family-friendly and more balanced in character. The Day Tiger loves dangers and challenges of fate, so his life is contrasting, filled with a series of troubles and ups.

Positive qualities of the mark

Passionate and bright Tiger stands out in society for good manners and temperament. His unpredictability and uniqueness make life next to him interesting, full of adventures and new impressions. The powerful energy of this sign inspires heroic deeds and beautiful deeds. And courage and generosity invariably attract loving people to the Tiger.

Negative qualities of the mark

Love to take risks will easily turn into recklessness on the verge of possible. Stubbornness and selfishness will interfere with partnerships. The tiger can be an aggressive, ruthless adversary. Sometimes it doesn't go well with people because of its gloomy feigned appearance. Self-reliance and the fight against authority can prevent you from reaching heights in your career.

In the year of the tiger one should expect big changes in life, bright events, travel and unforgettable impressions from meeting bright people. It is good to have a safe haven, not to shake the already established relationship and not to risk unnecessarily. Good period to change the boring course of your Everyday life and learn new things. Good year for Tiger, Dragon, Horse and Dog. Busy year for the Ox, Rat, Rooster and Sheep. Neutral period for Rabbit, Snake, Pig and Monkey.

Celebrities of this sign

Charles de Gaulle, Ludwig van Beethoven, Alexander II, Queen Elizabeth II, Niccolo Paganini, Grigory Skovoroda, Ho Chi Minh, Dwight Eisenhower, Simon Bolivar, Emily Dickinson, Ivan Turgenev, Oscar Wilde, Francisco Goya, Marco Cristi Polo Turner, Stevie Wonder. Actors: Marilyn Monroe, Tom Cruise, Jodie Foster, Leonardo DiCaprio, Christian Bale, Penelope Cruz, Andrei Panin, Demi Moore, Robert Pattison, Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox, Emilia Clarke, Keith Harrington.

The nature of the sign by the elements

Black Water Tiger

Differs in acting skills, knows how to look at things from the point of view of the interlocutor, remains mysterious even with a long acquaintance. All of the above makes the Water Tiger a very attractive partner. He often finds himself in the spotlight, but retains the mystery and outward calmness under any circumstances. He is difficult to understand, he approaches love with special interest rarely satisfied with a single partner.

Green Wood Tiger

Endowed with a good sense of humor, he is more inclined to show his feelings than the Tigers of other elements. It is easier to understand him, it is easier to get intimate with him and find a common language. Often has a developed intellect, loves entertainment, feels romance, passionately responds to the one who opens his feelings to him. He loves to study, he has been improving and changing all his life.

Yellow Earth Tiger

Possesses a developed taste in the field of pleasure, luxury and strives for fame. He is the most balanced among Tigers of different elements, more often than his fellows in sign, he achieves success in his career due to greater perseverance and concentration. Does not tolerate pressure on the psyche, restriction and checks from a loved one. The Earth Tiger has diverse interests in everything in the world, can do different things at the same time, often forgetting to pay attention to the partner, which will require efforts to maintain a long-term relationship with him.

White Metal Tiger

Differs in the absence of emotional problems, prudence and perseverance. In communication and in work, he insists on his point of view, he is not inclined to compromise. Authoritarianism does not make him less passionate, but among his fellows, at the sign of other elements, he is most capable of leadership. More than others, he needs advice and emotional support. Doesn't like to open his true feelings, careful in choosing partners.

Red Fire Tiger

An optimist by nature, the Fire Tiger is the most ambitious, creatively gifted and energetic. He loves to give himself to others, takes up new things with enthusiasm, looks at the world positively and idealistically. Due to the wide range of contacts, it is difficult for him to maintain a permanent long-term relationship. Often falls into love adventures, does not learn from his mistakes. To attract the attention of the Fire Tiger for a long time, you will need physical endurance and a fair amount of knowledge.

Your Chinese horoscope


A person born in the Year of the Tiger is a leader and rebel. The rules that everyone must obey, not for him, the Tiger lives by his own laws, following the dictates of his restless heart. Instead of walking on the beaten track, he prefers to look for new, more promising and interesting ways in almost everything, for whatever he undertakes, and sometimes he really finds them. And sometimes he loses absolutely everything.

You can recognize the Tiger by his impulsive movements, open face and charm, which, most likely, you will not be able to resist. His ideas are so interesting, and his words are sincere and ardent, that usually it is not difficult for him to infect others with his enthusiasm. Thanks to this, he often turns out to be the ideological inspirer of any deeds and events; it is easier for him than anyone else, he manages to organize people into new project or drag them into a new adventure.

At the same time, it does not bother others to remember that it is not easy for the Tiger himself to discern the difference between a project and an adventure. After all, his whole life is full of the unknown and is comparable to a dangerous adventure, therefore, most of his non-standard ideas contain elements of risk. Most often, this risk lies in the ability of the Tiger to go all-in in his projects in order to get everything or nothing in the end: for him, with his maximalism and sincere belief in himself, this seems normal and acceptable. In addition, the Tiger's love for adrenaline in the blood is often manifested in his hobbies. dangerous species sports or in the choice of a profession associated with risk, and sometimes it happens that an adventurous streak and natural self-confidence push him to break the law.

The impulsiveness of the Tiger is manifested in the fact that sometimes a feeling or thought unexpectedly and relentlessly takes possession of him, and some time later he forgets about them. The Tiger himself sometimes suffers most of all from his difficult, rebellious and impetuous character. This is especially acute in his love: with his passion, sincerity and stormy onslaught, the Tiger is able to frighten his chosen one, having suffered a fiasco in love. But, if this did not happen, family life The tiger turns out to be saturated and full of surprisingly deep feelings.

In general, despite all his natural charm, the Tiger's relationship with others is usually difficult to call ideal. His directness borders on harshness and can offend, and the inability to obey creates many problems in life and at work. Being truthful by nature, the Tiger expects the same from others, and those around him are able to use his gullibility to their advantage. His unconventional line of thought, unexpected behavior, and strength cause others to treat him with a mixture of respect, admiration, and fear.

Brave, strong and noble, the Tiger is a knight by nature. Sometimes he rashly enters the battle and, waving his sword, commits many mistakes, but he does it from the most sincere motives. A bright fire burns in his heart, and his unusual ideas and deeds are sometimes capable of changing the course of History.

In the mythology of China, from where the Eastern horoscope came to us, the Tiger symbolizes military valor and courage. When the year of the Tiger begins, Chinese astrologers advise to prepare for the fight.

The interests of people should be on the side of justice, only then will luck come to them. People born in the Year of the Tiger have these traits throughout their lives: they are brave, active and must stand for justice. Then their patron, Tiger, will help them live a happy life. Years corresponding to the year of the Tiger in the Eastern horoscope: 1902, 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022.

The nature of people born in the year of the Tiger

The Tiger People have a large supply vitality... They live actively, they care about everything. They are able to become leaders, leaders, uncompromising fighters against evil. True, the Tiger also has a dark side: capriciousness, impulsiveness and cruelty. If the Tiger relies only on strength and forgets about the growth of mental qualities, then he can become a tyrant. Fortunately, most of these people have an innate nobility and a dislike for bad things. Proud and courageous Tigers do not reflect, do not look back, are ready to go for new achievements, and this life-affirming position of theirs attracts people to them. As soon as the Tiger plans something, he soon acquires a mass of like-minded people and supporters. Sometimes it is hard for them next to the Tiger, he is too energetic and does not forgive other people's weaknesses. The big drawback of the Tiger is the inability to forgive weaknesses. He demands noble and honest behavior from those around him, and if his supporters admire the Tiger's principles of principle, then people who are indifferent to him are perplexed: and by what, in general, right does he demand something from them? The tiger does not remain indifferent to attempts to put him in his place and a war breaks out. If the Tiger learns to distinguish something truly important for him from affairs that are extraneous to him, he will achieve much more in life.

People born in the Year of the Tiger: compatibility in love

The tiger is attracted by thrills and strong feelings. Tiger in love is passionate. He achieves who he liked, at any cost, is ready to fight obstacles, indifference and ignorance. He puts all his strength into love. However, as soon as the relationship goes into a calm channel, the Tiger begins to get bored. Therefore, even a loving Tiger does not abandon intrigues on the side, and the risk of exposure only spurs him on. He needs not the experiences that the affair gives, but those that will be in a pair if the partner becomes aware of his "adventures": quarrels, jealousy, reconciliation, passion, the need to win a partner again - this attracts the Tiger as a kind of drug. Usually a pair of Tigers is made up of two types of people. Some are those who admire him and are ready to love disinterestedly, enduring possessive inclinations and betrayal. Oddly enough, the Tiger does not get tired of the constant admiration of a partner. He is noble and will not leave a partner, even if the relationship began to seem insipid to him. Such couples can be happy if the Tiger's partner does not get tired of his betrayal and does not leave. The second type of people suitable for the Tiger are people equal to him in strength, brave, active, not inclined to obey. Relationships with them are reminiscent of a war. The tiger likes it.

And (first type), and (second type).

People born in the Year of the Tiger: compatibility in friendship

The Tigers have more admiring followers than their peers. Why it happens? After all, the Tigers are sincere, brave and incapable of meanness. Unfortunately, they are uncompromising and demanding of friends. Therefore, only people equal to them in strength will become their friend, and the imperious charisma of the Tiger does not work on them and they are in no hurry to become his friends. In order for the Tiger to be lucky in friendship, he needs to learn indulgence. The bar that the Tiger sets for people is not for everyone. But on the other hand, those who meet the high requirements of the Tiger find in him a reliable, active, optimistic and courageous friend. Friendship is especially good when people are united. common goal, common cause, work, business, political or social tasks. Such friendship is also never cloudless, but it lasts for a long time, despite disagreements and periods of cooling. Tiger's best friends are Tiger, and.

People born in the Year of the Tiger: compatibility at work

Tiger's courage and leadership qualities make him an excellent leader, politician and businessman. He is not afraid of difficulties, goes ahead, is ready for war and competition, knows how to make allies. Risk and excitement are integral features of the Tiger in business life. He is seeking high heights in any business. He lacks cunning and caution, and the advice of shrewd and sly people he neglects. Therefore, it is better for the Tiger to avoid work in which diplomacy is more important than pressure and strength.