Despite great amount regularly updated inventions, nanotechnology and other modern technology, retro is still in fashion. In this style, various fixtures, devices, pieces of furniture, clothes and even cars can be presented. Antiques are highly valued and are perceived by many admirers of this style as something incredible and miraculous. A similar halo of mystery is also fanned by such an unusual instrument as the astrolabe. This is a real ancient computer, which is not known to many.

Briefly about the subject and its purpose

An astrolabe is an instrument for measuring horizontal angles, establishing latitude and longitude. celestial bodies. It is the oldest astronomical instrument ever invented in human history. This device is based on the principle of stereographic projection. The modern prototype of the astrolabe is the planisphere. It is a moving map of the starry sky. It is usually used for student learning purposes.

The history of the origin of the item

The very first astrolabe was discovered in Ancient Greece. Vitruvius first spoke about him. In his writing "Ten Books on Architecture" he admiringly described a certain tool, called by the author "spider".

According to the author, the instrument was very unusual in appearance and caused some concern among others. Many of the people who have ever met this device spoke of it as a divine artifact. Among the first authors who wrote treatises on this device were the theologians and philosophers John Philopon, Synesia and Sever Sebokht.

Who invented the device?

If everything is more or less clear with the one who invented the astrolabe, then the design of the device raised a number of questions. So, what did the table look like, an object unusual for that time?

This device was round in shape and consisted of various grooves, small parts and gears. In the center of the object was a large drum and a circle. It was on it that the entire zodiac circle was depicted. According to an alternative version of Claudius Ptolemy, the device resembled an armillary sphere.

And only after a long time the model was finalized by the Greek mathematician Theon of Alexandria. It was in the 4th century AD. True, at that time the device received a different name - “small astrolabon”.

Device improvement

Later, the astrolabe instrument was modified and improved. Scientists and mathematicians of the Islamic East worked on it. Thanks to their innovations, with the help of this subject it was possible to determine the time of day, the duration of night and day, perform simple calculations to compile astrological forecast. Everything about this device began to appear more stories and writings. For example, Nasir al-Dina at-Tusi, al-Khwarizmi, al-Sijizi and other Eastern authors wrote about him.

Travel to Europe

Over time, the popularity of the astrolabe compass only grows. She reaches the shores Western Europe. At that time, various instruments of Arabic origin were in great demand. The Europeans also liked the astrolabe.

At one time, European craftsmen created similar devices, relying solely on the drawings of their Arab counterparts. A little later, they began to create their own models of the device, still using the drawings of oriental masters. Confirmation of this information is described in the treatises of Geoffrey Chaucer and the scientific works of Nicephorus Gregory.

Popularity and design change

The peak of the popularity of the device falls on the Renaissance. It was it that was used during the astronomical education of students. At that time, getting knowledge in the field of astronomy was a very prestigious business. At the same time, each student was required to know how to use the cherished astrolabe.

At that time, European masters paid much attention to the decoration of the device. Therefore, this item has become synonymous with talisman and antiques. Many wealthy people tried to acquire the device and add it to their collection of astrolabes. It was a matter of honor, spoke of excellent taste and indicated a high position in society.

And again modernization

Around the sixteenth century, the device again underwent modifications. In the opinion of European authors, the device was not improved for a long time and was not fully adapted to European latitudes. It was more like a souvenir or a nice trinket, but not a compass or a valuable measuring device.

At that time, various scientists and other specialists were working on the astrolabe. Among them was the famous Flemish master Gualterus Arsenius. The products he created literally amazed the imagination with their elegance of form and extraordinary accuracy of data. The master had no end to clients. Among them was the famous Austrian commander-in-chief Albrecht von Wallenstein. IN currently one of his collection astrolabes is kept in the building of the Lomonosov Museum.

What parts does it consist of?

The main detail of the astrolabe is a rounded element with hanging rings to define the horizon lines and one high side. In the common people, it is called a "plate". Inside such a circle there is a scale digitized in hours and degrees. Such markings are present around the entire perimeter of the "plate".

Inside the "plate" another flat disk of smaller diameter was usually inserted. They called it "tympanum". On its surface there are also notches, a scale, lines and points of the celestial sphere. And they are all visible in stereographic projection. In the very center of this disk, the celestial pole is marked, on the sides there are also circles of a large circle of the celestial sphere. There are also points of the southern and northern tropics here, which serve as a kind of boundaries for the second disk.

On top of the second disk, or "tympanum", a small openwork lattice called the "spider" is superimposed. It has points that coincide with the location of the brightest stars in the sky. They can also be viewed in stereographic projection. On this grid there is also a special scale, the zodiac circle.

The device also holds several more data discs, is equipped with a hairline or alidade. It has arrows and a rotary key that starts the device in action. All parts are attached to the main disk using a thin central axis.

Where was the astrolabe used?

Measurements obtained as a result of use this device, were used in the preparation of horoscopes, astronomy, mathematics, physics. Some types of devices were upgraded and played the role of a compass for sailors. With this tool it was interesting to navigate in space and time. All this is an astrolabe.

A few words about stereographic projection

For the first time, such a concept as a stereographic projection could be heard from Claudius Ptolemy. It was he who described the process itself in his work called "Planisferium". This is such a three-dimensional image, transferred to a sphere with one point punched out on a suitable plane.

Where can I find?

Today, the astrolabe can be purchased at virtual sites and auctions, in souvenir shops, at flea markets and museums. It is difficult to make an astrolabe with your own hands. Here you need to understand mathematics, have experience in drawing and be able to correctly make the necessary measurements. Indeed, the veracity of the final result of the study will depend on how accurately the parameters are set on the device.

How to use the astrolabe?

To start working with the device, you need to pick it up. With it, you can measure the height of the Sun or one of the brightest stars. The final result is usually indicated by a ruler, or alidade. Then, the "spider" grid is rotated. At the same time, the ecliptic points indicated on the device coincided with the image of the almucantarat (the smallest circle of the celestial sphere).

When correct use on the front side of the device you will see a stereographic image of our sky. And then you can determine the current time and make an actual horoscope.

What types of device are there?

There are several varieties of this device. Among them, we highlight the following names of astrolabes:

  • Shuttle.
  • Perfect.
  • Universal.
  • Spherical.
  • observant.
  • Linear.
  • Marine.

The shuttle device has a central and middle disk. The second largest circle shows the ecliptic data, there are the values ​​of the stars. The movable part of the device contains almucantar and a horizon point.

The perfect device was invented by al-Sagani. Unlike other similar devices, when developing this, a certain arbitrary mark in the celestial sphere was taken as a reporting point. The circles here contained conic sections and straight lines.

The universal device was created by al-Khojandi. As a reference point, he took the central point of the equinox. The spherical headset is represented as a sphere. The linear astrolabe was invented by Sharaf ad-Din at-Tusi. This is a kind of rod with a scale and reticle threads. Finally, the maritime device was developed in the 15th century. It is a kind of observation device. However, it is not at all intended for performing analog calculations.

ASTROLABE. 1) In geodesy, the astrolabe is a goniometric instrument for geodetic (and astronomical) measurements, the forerunner of modern astronomical and geodetic goniometric instruments. The name astrolabe was given to all goniometric instruments, consisting of a circle and alidade, and azimuthal instruments, the predecessors of the theodolite. In FIG. an astrolabe for land surveying is depicted. An astrolabe revolving around the center of a circle with divisions of the alidade, equipped with two movable diopters c and d, has verniers n-o And p-q for accurate readings of limb divisions. Two diopters a and b are fixed on the circle; their line of sight coincides with the line 0-180° of the limbus. By setting the fixed diopters to the rear signal and fixing the limb, it is possible, by sighting at another point through the movable diopters, to count the angle along the limb. The circle is mounted on a tripod and can be installed by rotation around the ball joint in any plane, and therefore also in the vertical one, for measuring vertical angles. Part of the astrolabe is supplied with a compass. astrolabe in russia for a long time enjoyed exceptional distribution in boundary works. In the middle of the 17th century it was improved by the fact that a pipe was installed instead of alidade with diopters, and it turned out new type geodetic instrument - astrolabe with a pipe.

2) In astronomy, an astrolabe is an instrument that served to determine the position of the stars and consisted of two different instruments, each of which separately was also called an astrolabe. One of them, for direct measurement of angles, is a simple astronomical armillary sphere and consists of a ring, on the circumference of which there are divisions, and another ring rotates inside, concentric with the first, equipped with two diopters. Instead of the inner ring, they often make only one handle (alidade, ruler) or 4 handles in the form of a cross. On the outer ring there is a pair of diopters, with the help of which one of the sides of the measured angle is sighted. Previously, diopters were with a hole, then they began to be made with a narrow slot and, finally, with a slot and a hair in the middle.

To measure horizontal and vertical angles, the astrolabe was mounted on a tripod. It was called round, semi-circular or quadrant, depending on whether it is equipped with a full circle, half or quarter. To measure the height angles, this circle was usually simply hung by the eye at a division of 90 °, with diopters on the alidade ruler, but without diopters on a divided circle. true value the angle of height could be determined under the following conditions: a) the axis of rotation of the alidade passes through the center of the divided circle; b) the line connecting the points corresponding to +90° and -90° elevation angle is directed along the plumb line; c) the diameter of the ring, corresponding to the found position of the diopters, passes through some division on its circumference. The marine astrolabe was arranged in the same way, but after the invention of the sextant with a mirror, this primitive device, sometimes replaced by an astronomical circle and quadrant, quickly fell into disuse among navigators. The second of the above devices served for graphic solution various tasks spherical astronomy. The main part of it gave an image of the celestial sphere on a plane, or "planisphere" and, in conjunction with the goniometer described above, this device later received the name of the planispheric astrolabe (Astrolabium planisphaerium). Many of these combined Arabic astrolabes have come down to us. This device had great importance for the graphical solution of problems of spherical astronomy, and we use similar devices to this day. The device of such astrolabes consisted in the following. A planisphere was placed in a disk with a recess and divisions along the edge. A rotating plate was superimposed on it, on top of which a pointer rotated. On the back of the disk there was also a divided circle and an alidade, which was the simple device described above for measuring angles of height. The front part of the device served for graphic measurements. Sometimes both parts of the instrument were placed on the same side of the disk, as, for example, in the Regiomontanus astrolabe.

Choosing a name for a company is not an easy task. First of all, it should carry meaning and be easy to remember. It may also turn out that the option you like is already taken. Or people whose opinion you trust may not share your enthusiasm for the chosen name. All this can make the search long and tedious.

Many people face difficulties in finding the perfect name for their brand. Therefore, we decided to collect the best online business name generators in one place. So save your nerves and use any of the 15 tools (or try them all!).

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Shopify is a well-known platform that develops software for online stores. The service also offers an excellent tool that will easily select the perfect company name. Just enter a keyword related to your brand and choose from any of the suggestions.

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Are you a worker bee that can't wait to launch your own project? Then this generator is just what you need! Enter 1-2 keywords, press Enter and choose among the many options! BNG also automatically checks the availability of domain names through GoDaddy, so just a couple of clicks and you will get a list of available addresses.

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Panabee is more than just a business name generator. This is a whole collection of generators that will help you find the right name for your application, account in in social networks, domain or company. If the option you like is already taken, feel free to choose from similar options. The service also offers to pick up a domain name and check it for availability.

In addition to developing accounting software, this site offers its users a free, convenient and thoughtful name generator. Select your industry, enter your keywords, and Fresh Books will provide you with a list of great titles for your brand.

The site offers not only help and practical recommendations, but also two name generators: one for companies and one for domains.

Enter keywords that describe your business and choose any of the suggested titles. Want to take a look at non-standard options? Then click on the button "I'm lucky!". And if the brand generator still doesn't meet your requirements, you'll get a free How to Name Your Business book.

Before you start looking for a name for your brand, we advise you to get inspired and familiarize yourself with a huge list of randomly generated names. If you like one of the options, you can immediately look up its value on Google by clicking on the magnifying glass icon. And to check if the domain you have chosen is free, click on the icon with the planet.

If you're looking for a more sophisticated generator, you've just found it. The Names 4 Brands website offers name generators, a calculator to calculate your Indian numerology name number, and a domain name lookup. Everything you need in one place!

Here you will find over 10,000 original titles for your company. Search by category or keywords. Unlike most similar sites, this service offers ready-made (and even visualized!) titles.

If you prefer to choose from ready-made names, but Nameroot and Domain Hero are not to your liking, then One Click Name is for you. Describe your business in a few keywords or just select your industry. And for inspiration, head to the gallery with a huge selection of domain and brand names.

Enter no more than 5 keywords, and the service will offer you naming options divided into several categories (“Keywords”, “Combinations”, “Rhymes”, “Suffixes”, “Modifications”, etc.). Are you looking for new ones? Then click on the button at the bottom of the page and rate funny and original names for your product, company or domain.

If you work in education, then this free tool seems to be made especially for you. The site offers a list of ready-made titles. Perhaps they will serve as inspiration for you. Unfortunately, Teachworks does not guarantee the uniqueness of the name, so the option you like may already be taken or registered. Therefore, be sure to check the availability of the name.

Startup, website or a whole brand - whatever business you are going to open, Getsocio service is ready to help you with it! Choose from three suggested generators and enter an unlimited number of keywords. Click on "Generate Names", and the service will offer you thousands of worthy options!

Of course, this list is not complete. The Internet offers a huge number of name generators for brands, which are distinguished by the variety of services offered. However, all these services are united by the fact that each of them offers the user a huge selection of names. Take your time and be careful, because you make a choice once and for all. It will be a shame if in a year or two you realize that the company should have been named completely differently. Then all your hard work in developing the business behind this name will go down the drain. Also, before finally choosing a name, check if the domain name associated with it is free.

According to Russian legislation, the founder is an individual (legal) person who creates (establishes) a company, organization or firm. He is the full owner of his organization, manages its activities and makes all important decisions. The founder of the company can be one or more people.

The meaning of the word "founder"

Individuals (legal entities) who have decided to create a new firm will act as its owners in the future. In most cases, companies are founded by several persons - by each of them contributing a share of their own funds to the authorized capital of the organization.

If individual decides to create an organization alone, then it will be its sole owner. Often people do not know well the meaning of the word "founder", identifying it with the director. Actually it's completely different concepts. The main function of the director of the company is the organization of its activities in the direction indicated by the owner.

A founder is a person who creates a company from scratch. The director must skillfully manage this firm, properly organize and expand its activities. As a rule, he does not have ownership of the company, unless he is one of its founders. Information about the owners of each legal entity in without fail are entered in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (Unified State Register of Legal Entities).

LLC founder

A limited liability company is an organization established by one or more individuals (legal entities). The MS (authorized capital) of the company is divided into certain shares. Participants of the organization bear the risk of possible losses within the limits of the shares contributed by them. LLC can be established by both residents and non-residents. The number of founders must be less than 50.

Each participant of a limited liability company is obliged to timely contribute to the authorized capital the amount of the share determined by the foundation agreement. The founders of the LLC quarterly or once a year receive profit in the form of dividends in the amount proportional to the share they contributed to the UK Money. The amount of dividends is determined by the management body of the company, which is appointed by its owners. Members of an LLC are jointly and severally liable for its obligations.

Can an LLC be owned by one owner?

Legislative acts define the founder of a limited liability company. It can be either one person (natural or legal), or several. But in practice, limited liability companies are created by at least 2 persons.

Often the sole founder of an LLC serves as the director of the company. This arrangement of affairs does not lead to anything good. The founder saves on staff, putting a lot of responsibilities on his shoulders. In limited liability companies, it is not so easy to ideally organize the work of staff and control the activities of the organization. For these purposes, the position of director is introduced. It is he who manages the company, expands its capabilities and submits reports on the work done to the founder. Thus, the owner can properly coordinate the work of the company or set new courses for its activities.

ALC founders

An additional liability company is an economic organization created by individuals or legal entities. MC ODO is divided into shares specified in the founding documents. Its participants bear subsidiary liability for obligations. An ALC may have one or more founders. In the second case, their number should not exceed 50.

The main documents of the ALC are the memorandum of association, the Articles of Association. The minimum UK is 10 thousand rubles. In ALC, the founder is the owner of the company. He appoints higher authorities management, which decide all the important issues in society. ALCs and LLCs differ in that the founders of the former are liable for the obligations of the organization not only within the limits of the Criminal Code, but also dispose of additional funds determined by the Charter. In practice, additional liability companies are rarely created in the Russian Federation.

AO features

IN joint stock company the founder is the owner of the established company. It is often confused with a shareholder, who actually only owns a block of shares in the company. A joint-stock company is created by the founders, and shareholders appear in it in order to attract additional capital. For these purposes, the owners of a joint-stock company issue securities - shares.

The number of founders in a joint-stock company is usually 5-7 people, while the number of shareholders is not limited. The founders in a joint-stock company appoint the Board of Directors, manage the activities of the company and make important decisions. In a joint-stock company, it is the owners who receive the bulk of the profits, but they also risk losing not only the management system, but also personal property in the event of a ban.

Wearing your favorite Nike sneakers, you go to shopping mall to check out the latest from Gap and pop in for a latte at Starbucks. Brands constantly flicker in our lives. But what do these names really mean?

Pepsi is derived from the medical term "dyspepsia".

One suggestion was "googolplex" - a word for one of the largest numbers, 1010100. Such a name would emphasize the huge amount of information in the search engine. The name "Google" came about after one of the students accidentally made a spelling mistake. Page registered his company under this new name.

McDonald's is named after two brothers who run a burger joint.

McDonald's founder Raymond Kroc was selling milkshake machines when he met brothers Dick and Mac McDonald, who ran a burger joint in San Bernardino, California.

The McDonald brothers bought several of his Kroc multi-mixers. Kroc himself was so impressed with the restaurant that he became their agent, and soon the establishment gained popularity throughout the United States. Years later, he bought the rights to the McDonald's brand.

Adidas is not an acronym for "All Day I Dream About Soccer".

If you, too, fell into the trap of the common misconception and thought that Adidas stands for “All Day I Dream About Football,” then you should know: it is not.

The sportswear brand was named after founder Adolf Dassler, who started making sports shoes when he returned from World War I, according to the LA Times. The name combines his nickname, Adi, and the first three letters of his last name, Das.

The founders of J.Crew came up with a name to compete with Ralph Lauren's Polo. ("crew" - "rowing", "polo" - "water polo").

“No matter how I tried to combine the letters of the alphabet. I went through hundreds of names, none of which I particularly liked. One morning I was riding in an omnibus through the streets of the City of London, when suddenly the genie whispered "Rolex" in my ear.

Lululemon means nothing. The companies deliberately gave an unpronounceable name.

The founder of yoga clothing brand Lululemon, Chip Wilson, hoped that the Japanese would not be able to pronounce such a name. In 2009 he wrote:

“It was believed that Japanese companies would not try to copy the brand with a North American sound, because the sound “L” is not in Japanese phonetics. With the letter "L" in the name, we tried to convey to the Japanese consumer the true American origin of our products. In fact, the name Lululemon has no roots in any language and, in principle, does not mean anything - the whole point is in three "L" in one word. No more, no less".

A spokesperson for Lululemon said the brand name was selected from a list of 20 trademarks and 20 logos by a panel of 100 experts.

Zara was originally called Zorba.

Zara founder Amancio Ortega originally named his company after the 1964 film Zorba the Greek. But it didn't stick.

The first store, which opened in A Coruña in 1975, happened to be two blocks from a bar called Zorba, according to The New York Times. Ortega had already prepared stamps for business cards and letters, but the owner of the bar said that working under the same name was a short-sighted move.

In the end, Ortega shuffled the letters and got the closest sounding word - Zara.

ASOS is an acronym for AsSeenOnScreen ("As Seen On Screen").

The British online store was founded under the name AsSeenOnScreen in 1999 and was based on the website The ASOS abbreviation quickly gained popularity, and only these four letters remained in the name, and the site was re-registered to

IKEA is not actually a Swedish word.

Founder Ingvar Kamprad chose the name for his firm by combining the initials of his name with the first letters of the farm and village of his childhood in southern Sweden: Elmtarid and Agunnaryd.

Starbucks is named after a character in the novel Moby Dick.

In an interview with The Seattle Times, Starbucks co-founder Gordon Bowker revealed how he and his comrades came up with the name. First, they looked at lists of words that began with the combination of the letters "st" - it seemed to them that the sound would be brighter:

“Some of us pulled out an old mining map of the Cascades, it showed the mining town of Starbo. As soon as I saw him, I immediately remembered the name of Starbuck's first mate from Herman Melville's Moby Dick.

The name Soylent comes from a science fiction novel.

Soylent, Silicon Valley's favorite meal replacement drink, takes its name from the sci-fi novel Move Over! Move over!”, which tells about the overpopulated world of the future. In the book, Soylent is a mixture of soy and lentils.

The name Gap ("chasm", "gap") hints at a generational gap.

The first Gap store opened in 1969, selling quality jeans. The title refers to the generational gap and the difference in perspective between adults and children.

The American network Wawa is named after one of the districts of the state of Pennsylvania.

The name of the chain of stores has a double meaning: firstly, this is the name of the area in Pennsylvania where the company's first dairy farm was located, and secondly, the name of the Canadian goose in the language of North American Indians (the goose, by the way, is depicted on the company's logo).

Häagen-Dazs means nothing.

According to an interview in Tablet Magazine, Polish Jewish immigrant Ruben Mattus named his ice cream company Häagen-Dazs to pay tribute to Denmark. In fact, the name means nothing. Mattus says:

“The only country that saved Jews during World War II was Denmark. That's why I registered the company under a pseudo-Danish name. Häagen-Dazs does not mean anything, but nevertheless attracts the attention of the buyer and is associated with Denmark.”

Nike - Nike is the Greek goddess of victory.

The isotonic drink Gatorade was developed for the Florida Gators football team.

A team of doctors from the University of Florida has been working on a sports drink for Florida Gators football players who struggle to play in the hot sun.

The name Venmo comes from a dead language.

“I was dejected, but that day we were going to have lunch with my older brother Bill. I arrive, I knock on the door, and he looks at me in the way that only an older brother can look at a younger one, and asks: “How is your company ... well ... which ... Under Armor?”

So how did the "U" appear in Under Armor's name? Plank says:

“The reason we put the 'U' in 'Armor' is because at the time I was still a skeptic and wasn't sure it would work. I thought 888-4ARMOR looked better than 888-44ARMOR. I wish I could say, to make more sense behind it, that we had some kind of marketing research But no, it's just that simple.

The Amazon is named after the largest river in the world.

When Amazon started its journey in 1995, founder Jeff Bezos wanted to name his brand differently.

Brad Stone writes in her book Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon that Bezos wanted to call his online bookstore Cadabra. But Amazon's first lawyer, Todd Tarbert, managed to convince him: this name is too reminiscent of Cadaver (Latin for "corpse").

Bezos is said to have also considered Relentless as a name, and if you go to today, you will be redirected to the Amazon site.

In the end, Bezos settled on Amazon in honor of largest river in the world, and included the image of the river in the first logo of the company.

Monsanto is the middle name of the founder's wife.

With a name like James Cash, Pennies (“cash” - “cash”, “penny” - “penny”) are born solely to become an entrepreneur and make money.

Prepared by Taya Aryanova