Most residents of high-rise buildings and houses with more than two or three apartments clearly know the rules for providing utility services to users and owners. Relations between the owner and the executor are regulated by government decree number 354 with current changes and an annex to it, made in 2019. In addition, there is a decree number 307, which also has a list of rules for the provision of public services. It is quite difficult for an ordinary layman to understand all interpretations of the law. Also, the law regulates the performance of work from utility companies on a preferential basis in accordance with income and a living wage (government decree number 354, paragraph 62).

In all the nuances of resolutions No. 354 and No. 307, as well as in the rules for the provision of public services to Russian citizens without legal education Sometimes it's just not possible to get in. Our experts will explain to you each paragraph of Decrees No. 354, 307, 62 with all the changes and annexes to each legislative act.

Lawyers will competently explain the obligations of the housing and communal services in the provision of their work in compliance with the rules for the provision of public services and the rights and obligations of the consumer in 2019 completely free of charge.

It is only necessary to describe your problems with housing and communal services in the form feedback and get clarifications of the law on the rules for the provision of public services to the civilian population in 2019.

In order not to get into a situation where housing organizations stop temporarily performing their work on servicing your living space, you need to clearly know all the nuances of Decree 354. Legislative act number 354, as amended in September 2019, contains the basic rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users, providing maintenance work for apartment owners in high-rise buildings. The obligations of consumers in relation to housing and communal services are also prescribed there. This resolution consists of several sections and applications. The main sections contain the procedure for the provision of housing services.

Decree 354 contains the rules for the provision of public services to citizens and consists of the following sections:

  • conditions for the provision of housing services;
  • the correctness of drawing up a contract for the provision of housing and communal services and drawing up annexes to it in 2019;
  • obligations of consumers in relation to housing services and their rights in accordance with the law;
  • duties of housing and communal services and what they are entitled to in accordance with the law;
  • the correct procedure for paying for the services provided, calculating the cost for housing conditions;
  • a description of how to correctly take into account the consumption of housing resources in the presence of meters, the correctness of the assessment of readings, the obligations of consumers to monitor the correct operation of meters;
  • the procedure for recalculating the cost of housing services rendered in a situation where the apartment is temporarily empty, without tenants;
  • the procedure for recalculating the cost of housing provided public utilities if the fact of violation of the rule for the provision of public services to owners and users in violation of the law was revealed;
  • the procedure for determining the fact of non-performance of housing and communal services of their duties in the proper manner, which establishes the law;
  • in what cases the law fixes violations of the rules provided by utilities in 2019 by consumers and suspends the provision of housing benefits by housing and communal services and management companies;
  • description of delivery to consumers cold water using a standpipe in accordance with the changes in 2019;
  • features of gas supply through the central gas supply network;
  • rules for the sale of gas to consumers in cylinders;
  • the rules that the law has established for sellers of solid fuels;
  • the responsibility that both the supplier and the consumer bear in case of violation of at least one of the rules provided by utilities in 2019;
  • features of control over the execution of Decree 354 and its annex.

Also, in the composition of the 354th government legal act on the provision of housing services includes two annexes. The first appendix is ​​about the requirements for the quality performance of their work by housing services that the law imposes. The second appendix is ​​about the order in which all payments necessary for the consumer are calculated in 2019.

General provisions of resolution 307

Another document that, according to the law in 2019, regulates the provision of public works for consumers is government decree number 307. It also has several subsections and two appendices. The main provisions of this law are the rules for the provision of housing and communal services that are provided to the population, as well as the calculation and procedure for payment for already received services. The first appendix that characterizes this regulation contains information on how the payment changes if housing companies perform their work inadequately in relation to quality standards.

The second appendix describes the calculation of the amount of payment for the performance of their work by housing and communal services employees. It should be borne in mind that all the norms of laws that relate to the topic we are discussing are constantly changing.

For example, the first annex of the 307th resolution for 2019 has already lost its force. But there is also a list of rules on the provision of services by housing and communal services to beneficiaries. Who is included in this list, what is the procedure for obtaining preferential work from the management company? By contacting experienced lawyers through the feedback form directly on the site, you can get full answers to all your questions. Our specialists keep track of all changes in housing legislation in a timely manner. Consultation of competent persons will be received by you in a timely manner and absolutely free of charge.

In conclusion about public services

In order to be able to check the compliance of the works of the housing and communal services specified in the received receipt and the actual performance of these works (as well as the provision of services), it is necessary to clearly know the obligations of management companies in relation to users.

Here is a sample list of responsibilities of utilities:

  • proper quality of drinking water supply process;
  • proper quality of the hot water supply process;
  • organization of water disposal (sewer systems);
  • deliverance of citizens from accumulated household waste in accordance with the norms of SES;
  • maintenance of heating systems in proper condition and timely uniform supply of heat to apartments;
  • supply of residents with electrical energy;
  • supply of residents with gas around the clock;
  • provision of lighting and heat for premises in common use;
  • monitoring compliance with the rules established by the fire services;
  • caring for the flora of the yard;
  • conducting repair work all existing types;
  • carrying out activities aimed at preparing the operation of the house in different seasonal periods;
  • measures to keep public property in good condition;
  • regular inspection of technical premises.

A more detailed acquaintance with the list of services provided by public utilities will allow you to avoid deception from the actions of management companies and housing and communal services. Write about your problems to our specialists and you will be advised on any matter from the field of housing law.

Rules for the provision of public services are strictly regulated by state law Russian Federation. The list of instructions regulating the process includes both federal legislation and local legal acts and official regulations. A citizen who has legal information can defend his legal consumer rights in every instance. One of the main rules will be compliance by the tenant with his direct obligations in the housing and communal services sector (housing and communal services). In other words, there should be no claims against him.

Payment for utilities is a significant part of the funds of an ordinary citizen, and this does not depend on whether he is the owner of the property or uses it as a tenant. The rules for providing utility services to owners and users of premises are the same. However, it is possible and necessary to reduce the amount on the utility bill, if required. All rules for the provision of public services to citizens will be discussed below.

The list of utilities is determined directly by state legislation, or rather, the Government of the Russian Federation, the definition of which is valid throughout Russia. Among other things, this list of services should be provided by the contractor for the entire calendar year. The only exception is heating. Heating utilities are provided seasonally.

However, the legislation also defines the time intervals for carrying out repairs, and also takes into account unforeseen emergencies. In these cases, time limits are provided for the repair and elimination of the accident.

When utilities provide services of poor quality during the year, that is, the number of outages exceeds the value provided for by law, then residents have the legal right to file an official claim or complaint against unscrupulous "communal services". This is stated in the law on the protection of the rights of consumers of housing and communal services.

The mandatory list of services that communal structures must provide includes the following items:

The complex of utility services directly depends on the comfort and availability of certain engineering networks of a particular residential building.

In the event that the house does not have some engineering communications, then payment for them will not be charged. Consequently, the cost of its maintenance will be lower due to the absence of an appropriate deduction point.

GD number 354 on the provision of public services, adopted in 2011, is the main legislative act that regulates all activities of housing and communal services. This document is edited quite often, and, therefore, the newest rules for the provision of public services, that is, their latest edition, will be relevant.

The sections to pay attention to are:

This resolution is publicly available, and therefore, every interested citizen can study it and monitor compliance with the rules for the provision of public services and the actions of cash settlement centers in the field of calculating payment for services.

In the latest edition of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, the description of non-residential premises has been clarified. To specify the status of the premises and payment for the corresponding category, you need to contact new version legislation. All disputes between homeowners and housing companies regarding maintenance and payment for non-residential premises can be resolved in judicial order.

In accordance with Art. Articles 80 and 81 of the Government Decree are now obliged to check the installed metering devices. That is, after the consumer's application, the utility service must take the meter readings within ten days and check its serviceability. Previously, the legislation provided for the verification of meters once every 6 months. Now this period of time has been reduced to a quarter, that is, once every 3 months.

When utility employees for any reason do not have access to private meters, the payment will be calculated based on the number of registered residents in this particular room.

According to chapter 9 of the mentioned federal law due to incorrect calculation utility bills, which entailed an overpayment for the services rendered, a fine of up to 50% of the amount of the incorrect calculation is provided.

The rules according to which utility bills must be paid are described in Chapter 6 of the Federal Law. Each homeowner must pay the full amount of utilities rendered to him. However, in addition to the obligation, every citizen is also entitled to verify the validity of charges. The quality of the services provided and their compliance with the standards are also taken into account. If Management Company overstates tariffs and performs its obligations poorly, tenants have the right to change it to another by terminating and reissuing the contract.

In addition to the services described above, which are paid in accordance with the readings of individual metering devices, the rent also contains such items as:
  • home service;
  • building overhaul;
  • keeping the yard clean;
  • elevator maintenance;
  • maintenance of cleanliness of common areas, stairs and elevators;
  • garbage disposal and maintenance of common communications.

All figures included in the "fatting" are calculated by the specialists of the servicing office on a monthly basis. There are many items included in the rent, according to which they must be justified and correspond to the tariff units valid for the current date.

All receipt items can be divided into 2 types of costs:
  • private;
  • common house.

If the tenant has some benefits for paying utility bills, then the category of the benefit and the grounds for the reduction in the tariff must be indicated.

Paragraph 54 of the new Rules prescribes the calculation of fees for heating and hot water services, if the contractor wishes to make the calculation on his own.

When drawing up a contract for the provision of public services, all conditions, obligations and responsibilities of the parties should be taken into account. If any condition is omitted conflict situation will be allowed on the basis legislative norms and rules. The main document for drawing up a contract for the supply of services is paragraph 124 of the Rules.

When compiling standard form The contract for the provision of public services should carry out a number of actions:
  • declare in writing the desire to conclude contractual obligations for the provision of services and attach the entire mandatory package of documents;
  • obtain a preliminary draft contract from the service provider and correct disagreements on points, if any;
  • design additional agreement on the absence of claims and the elimination of disagreements;
  • sign a contract for the provision of services.

As far as the treaty itself is concerned, it without fail the rates for the services provided must be specified. In addition, liability is provided for both the party providing the service for its poor quality provision, and the consumer for violation of the terms of this agreement.

There are situations when the contract is drawn up retroactively. The legislation provides that the party providing the service may transfer the draft contract to the consumer within 20 days from the start of the provision of these same services.

The consumer has 30 days to adjust the terms or agree to them. At the end of the period of time allotted by law, the contract will be considered automatically concluded.

To draw up the described contract, the service provider should submit the following package of mandatory documents:

In the event of inaccuracies in the submitted documentation or the provision of an incomplete package of papers, the service provider must notify this fact consumer within 5 working days

In addition to the terms of the concluded contract, the parties must strictly comply with the rules prescribed in chapters 4 and 5 federal law No. 354 and governing relations between the parties.

As for the organization of the utility supplier, its rights and obligations are given in articles 31.32 of the Federal Law:

The housing company has the right to choose a direct service provider independently, as well as to enter into a contractual relationship with him. In the event of planned repairs, accidents and other disruption of service delivery, the company must notify tenants by means of an announcement in designated areas. Legislation supports owners and tenants in the fight against unscrupulous service providers in a way that protects consumer rights.

In the event of the provision of services of unsatisfactory quality, the user has the right to record his claims in the book of complaints and suggestions. The latter, in turn, must be available from each service provider.

According to the received complaint, not only appropriate measures must be taken by the company's managers, but also a written response to this must be issued within a period equal to three working days. This is stated in Art. 31 of the current legislation.

Basic rights and obligations of the consumer, articles 33, 34:

According to Article 35, the tenant does not have the legal right to perform the actions prohibited to him, for this the state provides for heavy fines.

According to Article 309 Civil Code Russia should perform all obligations properly in accordance with the contractual terms and applicable law. The parties do not have the right to change the terms of the contract unilaterally, as well as not to fulfill their obligations.

For a single non-payment of the amount, according to Resolution 354, amended from January 1, 2017, the legislation does not provide for any liability.

Previously, failure to pay by the due date threatened to accrue fines and penalties. To date, this punishment is provided if a citizen is late with payment for more than 30 days.

The reason for making the appropriate changes was the crisis situation in the country, which led to a delay in payments wages citizens.

However, in parallel, sanctions were tightened against those citizens who deliberately do not pay utility bills.

Until the beginning of 2017, the penalty rate was equal to 1/300 of the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

To date, the stakes are distributed as follows:
  • 1/300 for a period of non-payment of 31-90 days;
  • 1/130 for non-payment of 91 or more days.

However, the government does not stop at the amount of penalties for persistent non-payers, since conscientious tenants suffer through their fault. In the future, it is planned to increase the amount of the penalty.

The user of housing should be aware of the following about the procedure for the provision of utilities.

The main responsibility for non-payment of utility bills lies directly with the owner of the apartment, in contrast to the users of municipal housing.

The rules of utilities are for the homeowner to pay bills on time.

In the absence of regular monthly payments for services rendered, representatives of the housing and communal services sector can:
  1. Warn in writing and offer to pay the debt without imposing penalties.
  2. Visit the defaulter and verbally explain the threatening consequences and penalties.
  3. Suspend the provision of services.
  4. Begin trial for collection of outstanding payments.

The latter method is the most inconvenient and costly for both parties, therefore, whenever possible, utilities are trying to resolve the issue peacefully.

As for the debt itself, during the process, due to the accrual of penalties on it, this amount can increase significantly.

If the court decides in favor of utilities, they will be required to pay off the amount of the debt in full.

Recalculation for utilities occurs on the basis of the adopted legislation. If the owner has metering devices, recalculation occurs automatically upon receipt of information about new data. In the absence of appliances during the temporary absence of the owner and all those living in the apartment, the recalculation is made according to the developed scheme.

What is recalculation

Recalculation is a newly made calculation of the consumer's payment for utilities. If any errors or overlays have occurred, and they are identified, then the management company or housing and communal services will compensate for the overpayment made. But most often the recalculation is done, because the owners pay in many cases not according to the actual consumption of any resource, but according to the standard.

What does it mean? If the owner installs metering devices in a house or apartment, this means that now he will pay not according to the standard, but according to the actually consumed water (electricity, gas). But sometimes failures occur, as in the following cases. For example, for heating, payment is always made according to the standard.

The standard is defined as 1/12 of last year's consumption per year. And every month we pay a fixed fee (since last year). At the end of the heating season in those apartment buildings where common house meters are installed, the housing and communal services recalculate and the overpayment is returned to the consumer. There are also adjustments in the opposite direction.

But the most common types of overpayments are private. The situation model is most often this: the owner of the apartment does not send meter readings. This happens both for objective reasons and for subjective ones.

For example, forgetfulness or a family vacation may cause the owner of the apartment to temporarily not transmit data from his meter. In this case already next month after the owner resumes data transmission, he will be recalculated.

Legal acts

The recalculation has a completely legal basis. In 2011, the government of the Russian Federation adopts the well-known Decree number 354. All sections of this legal act are devoted to the rules for the provision of public services to the population.

In 2017, the next changes were adopted and it can be said how recalculations are currently being made. The situation with the change in fees is reflected in paragraph VIII. The name also reflects some features: recalculation in the absence of consumers.

Only the aspect that concerns residential premises without meters is considered here. Everything is clear with the counters, the recalculation will be done automatically when the next data from the metering devices is loaded. Answers to all questions regarding the legality of the actions of public utilities are given in the Resolution.

Each citizen, owner or tenant of a dwelling, is a consumer according to this document. He and his family consume public resources provided by various organizations or companies. In order to have a basis for a relationship, an agreement is made between the organization and the service consumer.

The guarantor of the relationship between the performer and the consumer is the state and laws. In accordance with Decree No. 354, all citizens have the right to recalculate utility bills. Therefore, the new edition describes in detail the procedure for recalculation in different situations.

What is included in Resolution No. 354

What is included:

  • updated coefficients that determine the standards for drainage;
  • the procedure for mounting measuring instruments has been worked out in detail;
  • with the help of the Decree, the motive for installing the meter is strengthened;
  • a simplified payment scheme for heating was introduced;
  • since 2016, it has become optional to provide information from meters;
  • in case of temporary absence of electricity or other service, payment for it is not charged;
  • order of fulfillment of the above conditions.

A special place is determined by the responsibility of the performer to consumers and laws in the following cases:

  • poor quality of services;
  • damage to life and health due to poor quality services;
  • non-receipt by the consumer of reliable information on the quality of services;
  • terms of the agreement are violated.

In case of violation of these conditions, the contractor must release the consumer from payment or provide him with compensation. Regardless of whether the contract was concluded between the contractor and the consumer, the contractor still compensates for the damage in case of poor-quality services.

Here are some points that are considered in the Resolution:

  1. The fee for common house needs is not subject to recalculation. This refers to the case when the owner was absent and the premises were temporarily empty.
  2. Under the two-tariff regime, changing the payment is possible only in relation to the variable component. With regard to the constant component, the following condition has been introduced: if its recalculation is established by law, then after the temporary absence of a citizen, it is made within 5 working days. Days of absence are considered all except the day of departure and arrival.
  3. The recalculation is made only in case of submitting an application and providing documents that confirm the duration of the absence. The request is made before departure or no more than a month after arrival.

The following documents are accepted as proof of absence:

  • a copy of the travel certificate with the attachment of travel documents;
  • document on treatment in a hospital or sanatorium;
  • travel tickets issued in the name of the consumer, as well as the fact of their use;
  • hotel bills, rented apartment, hostel;
  • a document issued by the FMS on temporary registration;
  • other documents that can confirm the fact of the absence of the consumer.

The main advantage of this document is its transparency and simplicity of presentation of all requirements. After its revisions, it became much easier for the performer and the consumer to regulate their relationship.

On the video about the recalculation of the fee

Main hallmarks The regulation and its amendments is a course towards the widespread installation of appliances. Therefore, the owners of apartments with meters have a clear advantage in cases of, for example, temporary absence.

Now all the forces of management companies are thrown into compliance Disclosure Standard by Government Decree No. 731. And it is right. However, do not forget that there are other legislative acts that regulate the life of management companies. These include Government Decree No. 354 dated May 6, 2011, which sets out the rules for the provision of utility services to owners of premises in MKD and the procedure for providing information on them.

In addition to the rules for providing utility services to owners of premises in MKD, Resolution 354 also contains information on the need to disclose information to residents of the house on the utility services provided. In particular, subparagraph “p” paragraph 31 of PP No. 354 states that the contractor is obliged to provide the consumer of CU by means of a concluded contract, announcements on information boards at the entrances of MKD or in the adjacent territory, on information stands in the contractor’s office, the following information:

  • information about the executor of the CG (name, legal address, data on state registration, full name of the head, work schedule, addresses of sites on the Internet where the management company should post information about itself);
  • address and telephone number of the control room, emergency service;
  • tariff rates for communal resources, allowances for them and details of regulatory legislative acts;
  • on the right of consumers - to apply for the installation of metering devices to an organization that, in accordance with the Federal Law "On Energy Saving and on Increasing Energy Efficiency and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation", must satisfy this need and provide installment payments for services;
  • procedure and form of payment utilities;
  • quality indicators of CG, deadlines for eliminating accidents and violations of the procedure for their provision;
  • data on the maximum allowable power of electrical appliances, equipment and household machines that the consumer can use;
  • names, addresses and phone numbers of local executive authorities exercising control over compliance with these rules;
  • if it is decided to establish a social norm for electricity consumption in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, then information about its value, conditions for application / non-use for groups of households and types of residential premises, for consumers receiving old-age and / or disability pensions, for residents of emergency housing stock or with a degree of wear from 70%;
  • information about the obligation of the consumer to inform the contractor of the CU about a change in the number of registered people in the residential premises;
  • information on electricity tariffs for the population within and above the social norm of its consumption.


If information is not disclosed or provided on any issue or appeal of citizens, then consumers of public services can file a complaint against the management company not only with the GZhI body, but also with the prosecutor's office. The activities of the prosecutor's office are regulated by Federal Law No. 2202-1 dated January 17, 1992 in the current edition dated July 13, 2015 "On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation".

Based on this law, the prosecutor's office has the right to inspect the management company after a complaint or other appeals from the population about a violation has been received against it, as well as file lawsuits and initiate administrative cases. Also, the prosecutor's office can conduct unscheduled inspections of the Criminal Code for compliance with the law and license requirements in the housing sector.

If the prosecutor's office received a complaint or an appeal from citizens, then your management company will receive a request to provide specific information. If the violations are minor, then in the pre-trial procedure they can be eliminated and the applicant can be asked to withdraw the complaint.

Regarding the disclosure of information, the prosecutor's office checks the boards in the entrances of the MKD or in the adjacent territory, as well as information stands in the office of the Criminal Code. At the first appeal to the court, the plaintiff, represented by the prosecutor's office, requires the elimination of the identified violations within the specified period. If the Criminal Code ignores the requirement of the prosecutor's office and the court, then when re-filing a claim, we are already talking about collecting fines from the management company for non-compliance with the Information Disclosure Standard.

Arbitrage practice

We have selected a few striking examples from recent judicial practice to clearly show you how and for what they can be fined management company by Government Decree No. 354.

In the first half of 2015, the Court of Rostov-on-Don ordered Tektonik MC, at the request of the prosecutor's office, to place all the necessary information in accordance with subparagraph “p” of paragraph 31 of PP No. 354 on bulletin boards in the entrances of houses and on an information stand in their office. The order was fulfilled on time, and the management company avoided a fine.

The Primorsky Territory Prosecutor's Office filed a lawsuit alleging violation of license requirements for the management of MKD at the Granat Management Company. The company was accused of violating subparagraphs “p” of paragraph 31 of PP No. 354, since the information required by this regulatory legal act was not posted in the necessary sources.

IN statement of claim the prosecutor demanded, within a month from the date of entry into force of the court decision, to place information about the contractor of the communal services of the management company "Granat" in a number of MKD, which are managed by the company.

In June 2015, the management company "Granat" turned to us with a request to help in solving the problem related to the disclosure of information. We satisfied the request of the management company, thanks to which MC "Granat" managed to avoid a lawsuit to initiate an administrative case and fines that could result from the consideration of such a case. The demands of the prosecutor's office were satisfied in time.


What needs to be done in order not to fall under the order or administrative penalty of the prosecutor's office and the GZhI? First of all, comply with the licensing requirements for management companies and comply with the Information Disclosure Standard (Government Decree No. 731).

To fully comply with the Information Disclosure Standard, you must place information about your management company and managed homes in all sources required by law:

  • Online Housing reform
  • on the UK website
  • at the information stand in the company's office

Please note that par. "p" clause 31 of Government Decree No. 354 establishes another source for the disclosure of information - this is a bulletin board in the entrance apartment building. Therefore, you will need to duplicate information about the provided utilities also in this source of information.

Of course, you can’t keep track of everything, and we are well aware that in addition to your main job, you also have to deal with paperwork, as well as explore the Internet. Often the staff of the management company is limited to a small number of employees (no more than 3-5 people). Everyone is busy with their own business and cannot take on additional work.

But with the introduction of licensing management companies have to find a way out of the situation. You can act, for example, as MC "Granat", which turned to us for help. As a result, they received a ready-made MC website that fully complies with the requirements of the Information Disclosure Standard.

Eventually necessary information, entered on the Housing and Public Utilities Reform portal, was automatically integrated into the site of the management company, from where the management company was already able to print out the completed copies and arrange an information stand and bulletin board at the entrance of the MKD.

We help management companies avoid thousands of fines and disqualification. We already have a lot of experience in this business. Contact us for help! We are always ready to help you!

Clause 61 of the Rules for the provision of utilities to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of 05/06/2011 No. 354 (hereinafter referred to as Rules 354) provides for the obligation of the utility service provider to recalculate if, when checking the reliability of information about the readings of an individual meter (hereinafter - IPU) discrepancies between the information provided by the consumer and the actual testimony of the IPU were revealed. In this article, we will analyze the cases in which the recalculation is carried out in accordance with paragraph 61 of Rule 354, and the cases in which this rule is not applicable.

What does paragraph 61 of Rule 354 state?

To quote paragraph 61 of Rule 354: 61. If, in the course of the verification of the reliability of the information provided by the consumer about the readings of individual, general (apartment), room meters and (or) verification of their condition by the contractor, it is established that the meter is in good condition, including the seals on it are not damaged, but there are discrepancies between the readings of the checked meter (distributors) and the volume of the communal resource that was presented by the consumer to the contractor and used by the contractor when calculating the amount of the utility service fee for the previous inspection billing period, then the contractor is obliged to recalculate the amount of payment for the utility service and send to the consumer, within the time limits established for payment of utility services for the billing period in which the contractor conducted the check, the requirement to pay additional charges for the utility services provided to the consumer or a notice of the amount of payment for utilities services overcharged to the consumer. Excessive amounts paid by the consumer are subject to offset when paying for future billing periods.

The recalculation of the amount of the fee must be made on the basis of the testimony of the metering device being checked, taken by the contractor during the verification.

At the same time, unless the consumer proves otherwise, the volume (quantity) of the communal resource in the amount of the identified difference in the readings is considered to be consumed by the consumer during the billing period in which the contractor conducted the check».

From the above rule it follows:

1. The recalculation of payment for a utility service is carried out in compliance with a number of requirements:
1.1. " The recalculation of the amount of the fee must be made on the basis of the readings of the meter being checked taken by the contractor during the verification»;
1.2. " The contractor is obliged ... to send to the consumer, within the time limits established for payment of utilities for the billing period in which the contractor conducted the check, a request for additional charges for utilities provided to the consumer or a notice of the amount of utility fees overcharged to the consumer. Excessive amounts paid by the consumer are subject to offset when paying for future billing periods»;
1.3. " The volume (quantity) of the communal resource in the amount of the revealed difference in the readings is considered to be consumed by the consumer during the billing period in which the contractor conducted the check», « unless proven otherwise by the consumer».

2. Recalculation is made in the event of a number of circumstances:
2.1. " There are discrepancies between the readings of the checked meter (distributors) and the volume of the communal resource that was presented by the consumer to the contractor and used by the contractor when calculating the amount of payment for the utility service". It is important to note that the norm directly indicates the discrepancy between the actual readings of the device not with the normative volume of consumption, not with the average monthly volume, not with some information received by the performer from other sources (predicted, calculated, taken by analogy, from the words of neighbors, etc. ) and not with the readings of previous settlement periods, namely with " amount of communal resource, which was submitted by the consumer performer»;
2.2. This discrepancy was found in the course of the verification of the reliability of the information provided by the consumer on the indications of individual, general (apartment), room metering devices and (or) verification of their condition»;
2.3. " The meter is in good condition, including the seals on it are not damaged».

Inspection cases

Since paragraph 61 of Rule 354 establishes that the discrepancy between the readings of the meter being checked and the volume of consumption provided to the contractor by the consumer is established during the check, we will indicate what kind of check we are talking about and in what cases such a check is carried out.

The analyzed norm, in terms of describing the nature of the verification, literally establishes: “ checking the reliability of information provided by the consumer about the readings of individual, general (apartment), room metering devices and (or) checking their condition", that is we are talking about three verification options:
1. verification of the reliability of information provided by the consumer about the readings of individual, general (apartment), room metering devices;
2. checking the status of individual, common (apartment), room metering devices;
3. verification of the reliability of information provided by the consumer about the readings of individual, general (apartment), room metering devices and checking the status of individual, general (apartment), room metering devices.

It should be noted that when conducting a check for the purpose of applying paragraph 61 of Rules 354, in any case, a third type of check is necessary (a comprehensive check of both the readings of the device and its condition), since the performer, by virtue of the requirements of paragraph 61 of Rules 354, must establish that " the meter is in good condition, including the seals on it are not damaged”, that is, when checking only the reliability of information about the readings of the device, in any case, it is necessary to check its condition, and when checking only the state of the device to assess the reliability of its readings, these readings must be checked. Thus, a textual construction that allows considering three types of checks separately seems to be absolutely redundant, although legally no violation is seen.

Therefore, in this article we will talk about a comprehensive check of both the readings of the meter and its condition (hereinafter referred to as Check).

According to subparagraph "g" of paragraph 31, the contractor is obliged to carry out Checks, however, this rule does not establish the timing and frequency of such Checks.

Paragraph 82 of Rule 354 confirms the above rule:
« 82. The contractor is obliged:
a) check the condition of installed and commissioned individual, common (apartment), room metering devices and distributors, the fact of their presence or absence;
b) to verify the reliability of information provided by consumers about the readings of individual, general (apartment), room metering devices and distributors by comparing them with the readings of the corresponding metering device at the time of the check (in cases where the readings of such metering devices and distributors are carried out by consumers)».

Section 83 of Rule 354 sets limits on the frequency of Checks:
« 83. The checks specified in paragraph 82 of these Rules must be carried out by the contractor at least once a year, and if the metering devices being checked are located in the consumer's living quarters, then no more than once every 3 months».

Subparagraph “d” of paragraph 32 of Rule 354 partially duplicates paragraph 83 and additionally establishes restrictions on the frequency of Checks for devices installed in non-residential premises and outside premises and households. According to subparagraph "d" of paragraph 32 of Rules 354, the contractor has the right to conduct Checks, but not more than 1 time in 3 months if the meter is installed in a residential area or household, and not more than 1 time per month if the meter is installed in a non-residential indoors, as well as outside the premises and households in a place that the performer can access without the presence of the consumer. At the same time, according to subparagraph “g” of paragraph 34 of Rules 354, the consumer is obliged to allow the contractor to the occupied residential premises or household for Checking at a time agreed in advance in the manner specified in paragraph 85 of Rules 354, but not more than 1 time in 3 months.

The above norms do not establish specific terms for conducting Inspections, but only establish restrictions. Some regulations establish more specific deadlines for conducting Inspections in individual cases.

For example, according to subparagraph "k (4)" of paragraph 33 of Rules 354, the consumer has the right to demand Checks from the contractor. The Contractor, in accordance with subparagraph "e (2)" of paragraph 31 of Rule 354, is obliged to carry out the Verification at the request of the consumer within 10 days after receiving such an application.

The parties to the agreement containing provisions on the provision of public services, that is, the contractor and consumers of public services, are vested with the right and obligation to determine the specific timing of the inspections. Subparagraph “i” of paragraph 19 of Rule 354 establishes: “ An agreement containing provisions on the provision of public services should include: the frequency and procedure for the contractor to check the presence or absence of individual, common (apartment), room metering devices, distributors and their technical condition, reliability of information provided by the consumer about the readings of such metering devices and distributors».

Non-submission of IPU readings by the consumer

Another case of verification is regulated by paragraph 84 of Rule 354, which establishes: “ If the consumer fails to provide the contractor with the readings of an individual or common (apartment) meter for 6 months in a row, the contractor no later than 15 days from the date of expiration of the specified 6-month period, another period established by the contract containing provisions on the provision of utility services, and (or) decisions general meeting of owners of premises in apartment building, is obliged to carry out the verification specified in paragraph 82 of these Rules and take readings of the meter».

Previously, an article "" was published on the AKATO website, which caused a lot of controversy on the issue of whether the service provider, having carried out the Verification on the basis of paragraph 84 of Rules 354, recalculates the amount of payment for the utility service in accordance with paragraph 61 of Rules 354, since the volume of service actually consumed , determined according to the readings of the device for the period of non-submission of readings, does not coincide with the volume presented for payment for the specified period, calculated on the basis of the average monthly volume and / or consumption standard.

Let's analyze this question.

Paragraph 84 indeed obliges to carry out a Check after 6 months of non-submission by the consumer of information about the readings of the meter. Paragraph 61 indeed establishes that, based on the results of the Check, the contractor is obliged to make a recalculation, however, it should be noted that the recalculation is made in the case, “ if during the verification of the reliability of the information provided by the consumer about the readings of individual, general (apartment), room meters and (or) verification of their condition by the contractor, it is established by the contractor that the meter is in good condition, including the seals on it are not damaged, but there are discrepancies between the readings of the checked meter (distributors) and the volume of the communal resource that was presented by the consumer to the contractor ».

If the consumer did not provide the contractor with information about the readings of metering devices, that is, the volume of consumed communal resource presented by the consumer is not defined, then it is impossible to determine the discrepancy between the actual readings of the metering device and those presented by the consumer, and since it is the cost of this volume of discrepancy that is the size recalculation, then the size of the recalculation is not subject to determination.

Therefore, it is precisely in the event that the consumer does not provide information about the readings of the metering device, clause 61 of Rules 354 is not applicable.

At the same time, paragraph 84 of Rules 354 obliges the contractor, when conducting the Check, after a 6-month period of non-submission of meter readings by the consumer, to take readings of this meter. However, not a single rule indicates that the contractor is obliged to apply the testimony taken when determining the amount of the recalculation, including the use of the testimony taken by the contractor is not provided O and paragraph 61 of Rule 354.

Application of paragraph 61

Based on the foregoing, clause 61 of Rules 354 applies only if, during the Verification, the fact of the consumer transmitting unreliable meter readings is revealed. Such a Check can be carried out either at the initiative of the contractor (subparagraph "g" of paragraph 31, subparagraph "d" of paragraph 32, paragraph 82 of Rule 354), or at the initiative of the consumer (subparagraph "e (2)" of paragraph 31 and subparagraph "k (4 )" of paragraph 33 of Rules 354), or in accordance with the approved contract for the provision of public services in the manner and frequency (subparagraph "i" of paragraph 19 of Rules 354).

Consider examples of the application of paragraph 61 of Rule 354.

Example 1

Let the performer check the consumer metering device on the first day of the month N1 and establish that the readings of the IPU of cold water consumption are 100 cubic meters. In month N2, the consumer submitted meter readings of 102 cubic meters, the contractor presented for payment the consumption of 2 cubic meters of water for month N1. In month N3, the consumer informed the executor of IPU readings of 105 cubic meters, the executor presented for payment the consumption of 3 cubic meters of water for month N2. In month N4, the consumer informed the executor of IPU readings of 107 cubic meters, the executor presented for payment the consumption of 2 cubic meters of water for month N3. In the same month, N4, the contractor conducted a Check of the meter and found that the transmitted readings of the meter are unreliable, and in fact the device at the time of the Check shows 110 cubic meters. In this case, the performer applies paragraph 61 of Rule 354, namely:
- sets the discrepancy volume in the amount of 3 cubic meters (110-107);
- sends to the consumer, within the period established for paying for the volume of water for the month N4, a request for making an additional charge in the amount of the cost of 3 cubic meters of water;
- if the consumer in the month N5 transmitted the readings of the device in the amount of 112 cubic meters, then the contractor in the month N5 presents for payment for the month N4 the discrepancy revealed in the volume of 3 cubic meters and the volume transferred by the consumer is 2 cubic meters (112-110), then there are only 5 cubic meters.

On a monthly basis, the contractor presents to the consumer for payment: Month N1 - 2 cubic meters, Month N2 - 3 cubic meters, Month N3 - 2 cubic meters, Month N4 - 5 cubic meters, total - 12 cubic meters. It is 12 cubic meters that makes up the difference between the readings of the meter at the time of the Check in month N1 (100 cubic meters) and the readings of the device transmitted by the consumer in month N5 (112 cubic meters).

Example 2

Let the performer in the above Example 1, during the Check in month N4, establish that the actual readings of the IPU are 106 cubic meters. In this case, the performer applies paragraph 61 of Rule 354, namely:
- sets the discrepancy volume in the amount of 1 cubic meter (107-106);
- sends to the consumer, within the period established for paying for the volume of water for the month N4, a notice on the amount of the overcharged consumer for water in the amount of 1 cubic meter;
- if the consumer in the month N5 transmitted the readings of the device in the amount of 109 cubic meters, then the performer in the month N5 takes into account the overpaid volume of 1 cubic meter and the volume of 3 cubic meters transferred by the consumer (109-106), that is, only 2 cubic meters .

On a monthly basis, the contractor presents to the consumer for payment: Month N1 - 2 cubic meters, Month N2 - 3 cubic meters, Month N3 - 2 cubic meters, Month N4 - 2 cubic meters, total - 9 cubic meters. It is 9 cubic meters that makes up the difference between the readings of the meter at the time of the Check in month N1 (100 cubic meters) and the readings of the device transmitted by the consumer in month N5 (109 cubic meters).

Inapplicability of paragraph 61

Example 1

The contractor presented to the consumer for payment in the month N5 for the month N4 the volume of 3 cubic meters, in the month N6 for the month N5 - 3 cubic meters and in the month N7 for the month N6 - 3 cubic meters. In month 7, the contractor conducted a Check and found that the readings of the meter are 15 cubic meters. The performer defines these readings as the initial readings of the IPU for calculating the volume of consumption for Month N7, while no recalculation is made, since the readings were not transmitted, and recalculation in accordance with paragraph 61 of Rule 354 is possible only if the IPU readings are found to be unreliable.

Despite the fact that, according to the testimony of the IPU, for 6 months the consumer consumed 15 cubic meters (15-0), he was presented with payment: Month N1 - 2 cubic meters, Month N2 - 3 cubic meters, Month N3 - 4 cubic meters. meters, Month N4 - 3 cubic meters, Month N5 - 3 cubic meters, Month N6 - 3 cubic meters, total - 18 cubic meters.

The consumer actually paid for 3 cubic meters not consumed by him, but this is exactly the procedure established by the current legislation.

Example 2

Let the executor take into account the IPI of the consumer from the first day of the month N1 and establish that the indications of the IPI of cold water consumption are 0 cubic meters. In month N2, the consumer submitted meter readings of 2 cubic meters, the contractor presented for payment the consumption of 2 cubic meters of water for month N1. In month N3, the consumer informed the executor of IPU readings of 5 cubic meters, the executor presented for payment the consumption of 3 cubic meters of water for month N2. In month N4, the consumer informed the contractor of IPU readings of 9 cubic meters, the contractor presented for payment the consumption of 4 cubic meters of water for month N3.

Further, the consumer stopped transmitting the meter readings to the contractor, and the contractor began to calculate according to the average monthly readings of the meter (), which for three months amounted to (9-0) / 3 = 3 cubic meters

The contractor presented to the consumer for payment in the month N5 for the month N4 the volume of 3 cubic meters, in the month N6 for the month N5 - 3 cubic meters and in the month N7 for the month N6 - 3 cubic meters. In month 7, the Contractor conducted a Check and found that the meter reading was 20 cubic meters. The performer defines these readings as the initial readings of the IPU for calculating the volume of consumption for Month N7, while no recalculation is made, since the readings were not transmitted, and recalculation in accordance with paragraph 61 of Rule 354 is possible only if unreliability is detected transferred by the consumer to the contractor IPU readings.

Despite the fact that according to the testimony of the IPU for 6 months, the consumer consumed 20 cubic meters (20-0), he was presented with payment: Month N1 - 2 cubic meters, Month N2 - 3 cubic meters, Month N3 - 4 cubic meters. meters, Month N4 - 3 cubic meters, Month N5 - 3 cubic meters, Month N6 - 3 cubic meters, total - 18 cubic meters.

The consumer actually consumed 2 cubic meters of water more than he paid for, but this is exactly the procedure established by the current legislation. The indicated 2 cubic meters will increase the amount of communal resources consumed in the maintenance of common property, and will be a loss for the utility services provider.


Establishes that the contractor is obliged to recalculate if, during the verification of the reliability of the information provided by the consumer about the readings of individual, general (apartment), room meters and (or) checking their condition by the contractor, it is established that the meter is in good condition, in including the seals on it are not damaged, but there are discrepancies between the readings of the checked metering device (distributors) and the volume of the communal resource that was presented by the consumer to the contractor and used by the contractor when calculating the amount of payment for the utility service for the billing period preceding the verification.

The specified norm is applicable only if the consumer provided the contractor with false information about the readings of the meter, but is not applicable if the consumer did not report the IPU readings to the contractor at all.

Note: The analysis of paragraph 61 of Rules 354 was carried out at the request of Yugo-Zapadnoye LLC.
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