The beginning of November in the still slightly rainy, although in some parts of the country the precipitation is significantly reduced. During the day the temperature is around 30 degrees, but at night the heat finally disappears, and the temperature is 23 degrees. In the northern regions it is even cooler - 19 degrees.

It can be said without exaggeration that weather become more comfortable for beach holiday especially in the second half of the month. More on the mainland now sunny days, but on the islands it is still a little overcast, which does not eliminate the use of sunscreen.

Swimming enthusiasts finally manage to do it in a calm environment, as strong wind no longer appears on the sea, which means that the danger of the formation of giant waves disappears. The water is warm, ideal for swimming, its temperature is - 27-28 degrees.

In Thailand Various festivals and celebrations are constantly held, and November is no exception. At the end of autumn you can take a visit Elephant Festival in Surin and of course ride them.

November in Thailand is Start tourist season , and although the flow of tourists in the first half of the month is not so great, every day more and more tourists arrive in the country.

Description of the weather in Thailand in November 2019, information on the air temperature in Thailand in November from the "Subtleties of Tourism".

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November is the dry season. The weather in Thailand is getting really hot, which attracts many holidaymakers from all over the world. Everything appears on the beaches more people, hotels and hotels of the coast are really crowded.

If you are going on holiday to Thailand in November, you should definitely book a room in advance. It is best to use the services of a tour operator; finding a hotel on your own can be very problematic. November is a fertile time for resort holiday. You can sit under an umbrella and drink cocktails. Thrill-seekers can choose kiting or windsurfing, romantics will love a trip on a yacht.

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If travelers go to Tai to swim and sunbathe, November is the best time.

In November, you don't have to worry about preparing an entertainment program. In the early days, a large-scale Phimai festival takes place, accompanied by a spectacular performance, a fair and numerous competitions. The fruit season is gradually coming to an end, but you should not worry about the menu: you can find many interesting dishes in local restaurants.

Should I go to Thailand in November? This question is often asked by travelers who want to visit this exotic eastern country. Of course it is, and there are many reasons for this.

Rest in Thai

What is Thailand like in November? We know this country as a place of eternal summer, where exotic nature is intertwined with ancient traditions. Here the traveler is expected by a hospitable meeting, highly developed infrastructure, affordable prices and first-class service. And also the absence, since in this part of Asia almost every dog ​​barks in Russian. But the latter may be dominated by the wet season. But no! Thailand opens in November high season, so you can forget about precipitation.

This month you can choose different resorts for recreation. For example, noisy and always festive Pattaya, exotic islands of Samet and Krabi, unique in its beauty Pi Pi. Koh Samui also beckons with its splendor, and modern Bangkok is promisingly inviting.

Two words about the weather

So, you can safely choose Thailand for your vacation in November. The weather here is perfect: the air warms up to +30-35 degrees, water, like fresh milk - +25. Dry and comfortable, but not very hot. Experienced travelers advise at this time to go to the islands of the Adaman Sea and In these parts the weather is the most favorable, and the heat is easily tolerated. It is worth being prepared for the fact that the number of tourists increases significantly during this period, and prices begin to skyrocket.

Travel cost

How much does it cost to travel to Thailand in November? Prices are quite uplifting. The lion's share of the cost will be for air travel. A tour for two lasting ten days will cost about 1400-1500 dollars or more if you choose a five-star hotel. This amount includes tickets for the iron bird, transfer to the hotel, breakfast and medical insurance. Separately, you need to pay for a visa at the airport.

In addition to this amount, it is worth having some more funds with you for lunches and dinners, entertainment, excursions and shopping. Prices in the country are very low, although they rise slightly in the midst of holiday season and vary by city. Phuket is considered the most expensive place in Thailand, Pattaya is the most affordable. Want to save money but still visit Thailand in November? Book tours in advance or catch last-minute trips.

Hotel business

In November it will be a success. However, for this it is necessary to decide not only on the resort, but also on the hotel. The establishments are distinguished by the harmonious beauty of the interiors and exteriors. Many tourists choose bungalow houses - they have the most low price but very exotic. In any hotel, regardless of the number of stars, the staff is very helpful. Almost every institution is located near the beach area or has a private access to the sea. In addition to bungalows, tourists can stay in rooms different levels comfort or in the private sector.

If you are planning to spend a vacation in Thailand in November, then you should decide on the place of residence in advance. You should not hope that you will find a hotel after arrival: in the middle of autumn there are a lot of tourists here, so if there are free rooms, they will cost a lot. It is also very difficult to catch a last minute ticket - they simply do not exist!

Capital Bangkok

If you are going to Thailand in November, do not miss the opportunity to get acquainted with Bangkok. The capital Thai castle is very colorful, as it intertwines modern and historical sights against the backdrop of enchanting nature. The itinerary must include sightseeing Royal Palace and the adjacent Temple of the Emerald Buddha, as well as Wat Pho Temple. A little further away, tourists will find the original temple on the water - Wat Arum and the Temple of Dawn. It is hard to miss the Temple of the Golden Buddha, the Marble Temple.

Climb to the highest skyscraper in the country of Baiyoke Sky with an observation deck from where a fantastic panorama of the city opens up. And take a walk through the colorful old quarters, where it seems that time has frozen. Worthy of attention of every traveler are the Oceanarium, Lumpini Park, Safari World and the Dusit Zoo.

How to entertain yourself?

Which one entertainment program prepared Thailand in November? The weather is conducive to sightseeing, underwater walks, fishing, water activities, and a sea cruise. You should definitely go for a session (or better not one) of Thai massage. An interesting trip will be to a crocodile or snake farm, to a butterfly garden in Phuket. Important Buddhist temples with gigantic statues of the deity are located at Wat Chalong, Wat Srisunhorn, Wat Phra Nang Sang, on Buddha Hill in Pattaya. It will be interesting for both children and adults to visit the Pattaya Aquarium, the "Elephant Village".

And, of course, you should go shopping, however, before that, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of items prohibited for export. It's good to buy here:

  • Jewelry;
  • clothes and shoes:
  • electronics;
  • latex products;
  • cosmetics;
  • leather accessories (bags, wallets, belts);
  • silk.

And in the kingdom (Thailand is just that) you should try local fruits, for example, durian, rambutan, mangosteen and other exotics. Dishes are separate story. Here you can eat plenty of sushi and rice for a penny. different options. Experienced tourists they advise you to try Tom Yang Khun shrimp soup, steamed fish. Be prepared that gastronomic delights will be very spicy and spicy. Do not buy food on the street - there is a risk of poisoning with a low-quality product. Although after visiting a restaurant you can also get an upset stomach.

What do people say?

Are you ready to go to Thailand? Tours in November should be booked in advance so as not to stay at home later. But what are the reviews left by tourists who managed to visit this fabulous country? Most travelers are satisfied, as Thailand is a diverse country where you can relax on the beach, actively explore nature and local attractions. An economical option is Pattaya, where night life. However, it is not suitable for pampered people: it is always crowded and not entirely clean. The picture is quite different in Phuket - an expensive resort where newlyweds, older people and families with children like to relax. It is quiet and comfortable here, nature is beautiful, as on the day of the creation of the world.

Going to the fairy kingdom, you do not need to pack large suitcases. Firstly, it's always summer here, so it's enough to grab a couple of T-shirts, sunglasses and flip flops. And secondly, everything here can be bought at ridiculous prices. So enjoy your vacation and throw a coin into the fountain: you will want to come back here again and again!

Many of our compatriots are already tired of the monotonous vacation in Egypt and Turkey, with crowded beaches, crowds of tourists and the same excursions. And then they think about where the real tropical paradise is, with beautiful landscapes, exotic nature, far from civilization. Or vice versa, where to find a vibrant nightlife and sexual entertainment. In both cases, turn your eyes to Thailand, in which all of the above is in abundance, and besides, you will also find a warm sea with a temperature of +27 ... +29 degrees, interesting sights and acquaintance with oriental culture.

If the choice is made in favor of this country, a number of questions arise: where is it better to go to Thailand, where is it cheaper to relax in Thailand, where is the clear sea in Thailand and many other questions.

Holidays in Thailand can be organized to your liking, you just need to choose the right resort. For hanging out youth - one direction, and for lovers of silence - completely different. This article will help you find out where to relax in Thailand for a particular type of leisure activity, will give comparative characteristic and describe all the pros and cons of various resorts.

Where is it better to relax in Thailand if you are a sex tourist - Pattaya

Pattaya is located on the coast of the Gulf of Thailand, just 150 km from Bangkok. The area is relatively small - only 21 square meters. km.

This is the very first mass tourist resort, opened in the late 50s. American soldiers. They had several military bases in Thailand during the Vietnam War and sometimes came to the coast to relax. On one of these days, the military saw the small fishing village of Pattaya, with very friendly locals. They liked it here so much that after the war, many stayed to live and even opened bars and restaurants. Since the 70s, the town has become the most popular among foreigners who want to relax in Thailand.

Why is it better to relax in Pattaya

The question of where it is cheaper to relax in Thailand can be immediately closed - in Pattaya prices the lowest among all resorts in the country. Everything is cheap here - hotels, services, food, clothes. There is no alternative in this regard.

It is easy to get from Russia, since there are direct flights from major cities in our country. Planes land at Bangkok's Suvarnabhumi International Airport, which is a stone's throw away. Just an hour and a half on and you enjoy the sea, sitting under a palm tree.

This is the main center of sex tourism throughout South-East Asia. Prices for "adult" entertainment are quite low, while girls are mostly 18-25 years old. In addition to meeting local beauties, you can go to erotic massage parlors, watch exotic shows or performances with the participation of transvestites. For people gay there are gay clubs and bars. In a word, Pattaya is a paradise for those who are looking for carnal pleasures.

Well-developed tourist infrastructure with thousands of hotels, restaurants, shops, banks, bars, clubs, discos.

- You will not have a question where to go in Pattaya, as big choice entertainment, including for. The child will frolic with pleasure in the water park or on the rides, get a lot of new impressions from visiting zoos. For adults - water sports sports, diving and snorkeling in the near future, paragliding, elephant riding, go-karting, boating and quad biking… you name it all! After sunset, it is no less interesting here than during the day: entertainment venues, discos and bars with girls open their doors.

The best place in Thailand for the excursion program - great amount various options, which cannot be seen in two weeks of rest.

Proximity to Bangkok. Just 2 hours and you are in the capital of Thailand. This city has a huge number of interesting sights, both historical and modern. This will be a great addition to beach holiday in Pattaya.

Most the best climate among resorts in Thailand. There are rarely strong waves at sea, during the dry season from November to May there is practically no rain, and from June to October only a few times a week. strong winds neither, because the city is very well located in a closed bay.

Where to go to Thailand for a secluded vacation - the islands of Koh Chang, Koh Phangan, Phi Phi and Lanta

It is located in the east of Thailand, on the coast of the Gulf of Thailand, not far from Cambodia. Koh Phangan is located near Koh Samui. and – in the Andaman Sea, in the southwestern part of the country, close to Malaysia.

You may ask why we have combined resorts so far from each other into one group? The fact is that they are very similar in terms of infrastructure, attractions and distance from the main tourist roads. In principle, they differ only in size: Koh Chang is the second largest island in the country, and the Phi Phi twins (Phi Phi Don and Phi Phi Ley) are very small.

Advantages of these islands

Uncrowded beaches. There are no crowds of tourists here, you may well find corners where only a few people within a radius of 100 m from you will sunbathe during the day, and after sunset you may even be completely alone on a deserted coast. This great places for lovers of tropical nature and silence. The only exception is Parties full moon on Koh Phangan, when party-goers from all over the world come there to dance all night in the open air.

But Parties are held only on a few beaches during the full moon, in all other places - peace and quiet. There is also one beach on Phi Phi - where an open-air disco is held daily;

Great opportunities for diving and snorkeling, especially in Phi Phi;

The cleanest sea, no garbage and plastic bags on the beaches (this can often be seen in Pattaya and sometimes in Phuket);

Proximity to uninhabited islands to which one-day excursions are organized. There you can completely merge with nature, forgetting that somewhere there are cities, factories, noisy highways and nightclubs;

- you can see life local residents, which has hardly changed with the arrival of tourists (to a greater extent this applies to Lanta);

Disadvantages of Koh Chang, Koh Phangan, Koh Phi Phi and Lanta

Pretty hard to get from international airport, especially to Koh Phangan. You will have to transfer to a local flight;

All attractions natural character: waterfalls, caves, National parks. On Phi Phi you can see the places where the film "The Beach" with Leonardo DiCaprio was partly filmed. architectural, cultural and historical monuments simply no;

Virtually no nightlife, with the exception of a couple of beaches on Koh Phangan and one on Phi Phi. After sunset, the only entertainment available is drinking bars with girls, restaurants with local musical groups yes fire shows;

Bad place for shopping. large shopping centers islands do not have. The maximum that can be purchased is souvenirs and clothes;

There are no jet skis or other motor vehicles on Koh Chang. water activities, because it is located on the territory of the National Marine Reserve and the environment is very monitored here.

Where is the best vacation in Thailand for diving and snorkeling - the islands of Kood, Mak, Wai, Tao, the Surin and Similian archipelago

The first three islands are located in the Gulf of Thailand near Koh Chang, and the rest are in the Andaman Sea, north of Phuket. There are quite a few hotels here. The islands are often visited by divers. From popular resorts, one-day excursions are organized here, but if you wish, you can stay for more long term. The infrastructure is in its infancy and is unlikely to ever come out of it, since the islands are located far from the tourist trails and it is difficult to get here.


Nature is in its original form, there are practically no paved roads. It is worth coming only to those who are tired of the fast rhythm of cities and want to spend their holidays "wild" in the bosom of nature. If this is you, then the islands will be the perfect refuge from civilization - only the azure sea, the empty beach, the sea breeze, the singing of birds and the whisper of leaves.

- The cleanest sea in Thailand and the most clean air. It is very rare to find motorbikes, and cars even more so.

Beautiful landscapes that don't spoil here and there standing hotels and entertainment centers.

The best places in Thailand to explore the underwater world.


Very hard and far to get. There are no airports, so you will first have to take a bus to some famous resort and from there go by boat.

On islands andaman sea during the rainy season (May-November) there are storms, so during this period they are closed for tourists and there is little or no ferry service with them.

Entertainment lovers will be bored, because they are simply not here. There are no bars, clubs, reputable restaurants.

There are no ATMs on many islands, so you need to take a small supply of cash with you (small - because there is not much to spend them on).

Since these are not very popular destinations, there is little competition between tour operators, which means prices are also high. And yes, it's not cheap to get there.

Almost no tuk tuks and other public Vehicle to explore the whole island inexpensively.

- "Man-made" attractions are completely absent, but there are many natural ones: waterfalls, caves, lagoons, bays, forests, a rich underwater world.

Sometimes there are power outages. In some hotels, it is turned on only at strictly defined hours from local generators.

Where better to go to Thailand for shopping and entertainment - Bangkok

Since Bangkok is located in the very center of Thailand, it is an ideal starting point for trips around the country: whether it be the northern provinces of Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai or the southern provinces of Koh Samui, Phuket or Lanta.

This is not the best place in Thailand, because

There is no sea. The nearest resort of Pattaya is about 2 hours by bus. Sichang Island is a little more accessible, but there are few sandy beaches on it.

The purity of the air leaves much to be desired. Numerous cars leave no chance for good ecology.

During peak hours there are many kilometers of traffic jams.

- As in any metropolis, there are no large forest areas left in Bangkok, although there are several large parks.

It is always 2-3 degrees hotter here than on seaside resorts(smog creates a "greenhouse effect").

If you stay in the center, and especially in places with nightly entertainment, then until 2 o'clock the noise and music will not allow you to sleep well (according to the law, all establishments in Thailand must be closed at 2 o'clock in the morning).

Results: which resort to choose in Thailand?

We hope that this article introduced you to the advantages and disadvantages of various resorts and gave you some guidance on where it is better for you to go to Thailand.

Summarizing the above, the following recommendations can be made, where better rest in Thailand:

1. If you want maximum entertainment, then for you best places in Thailand - Pattaya, Bangkok and, to a lesser extent, Phuket (from here it is very far from the capital of the country - the main place of party life).

4. Where it is better to go to Thailand for shoppers - Bangkok and Pattaya.

5. For a relaxing holiday on, but with the benefits of civilization, Krabi, Koh Chang, Koh Samui, Koh Phangan, Lanta, Khao Lak, Samet and Yao islands are suitable.

6. For a "wild" holiday away from the benefits of civilization and as close as possible to nature - the islands of Kud, Mak, Wai, Chicken Island, Surin, Similian.

7. best diving and snorkeling in Thailand - Koh Tao, the Surin and Similian archipelagos, there are also many opportunities on Phi Phi.

8. If you want to dance until you drop and full drive - ... no, not Pattaya, but Koh Phangan on a full moon. For several days, grandiose parties are held here, attended by tens of thousands of people. During this period, do not even try to find places in hotels and guest houses - there will definitely not be any. It is best to book in advance or arrive on the island 5 days before the Fool Moon Party.

On this short review the main resorts came to an end. If you have any questions about where to relax in Thailand, you can ask them in the comments.