The family of bears (Ursidae) includes the largest representatives of the order of carnivores (Carnivora), as well as some of the most intelligent animals on our planet. And although bears are predatory animals, they all eat food of plant origin, since in fact they are omnivores. Some species have evolved so far from the meat diet that they have become almost exclusively vegetarians. Currently, there are 8 species of bears, divided into 5 genera.

White or polar bear (Ursus maritimus)- the largest and also the most carnivorous of all bears. Males weigh on average about 450-500 kg, often reaching a weight of 800 kg, and in rare cases, a whole ton. The average weight of females is about 320 kg. Compared to its brown relative, the polar bear has a slender physique: it has a stretched shape, it has Long neck and a relatively smaller head. Polar bear paws are huge. Its claws are much shorter than those of a brown bear, but they are slightly thicker and sharper. Such claws are necessary for a polar bear to climb how many ice floes.
All bears swim well and most of them love water, but the polar bear is the best swimmer of them all. This is a tireless traveler who can cover truly enormous distances in a day, both by land and by swimming. There have been cases when polar bears were seen several hundred kilometers from the nearest coast or ice floe.

Brown bear (Ursus arctos) is the most common type of bears that can adapt to the most different places a habitat. Brown bears feel great in the taiga and semi-deserts, in the mountains and beyond the Arctic Circle.
Due to the huge distribution area of ​​the brown bear, many subspecies have formed, which are very different from each other in size and appearance. Perhaps there is no other animal on Earth that has such a spread in weight. The smallest bears of this species weigh about 100 kg (sometimes even less), and the weight of the largest sometimes reaches a whole ton and are not inferior in size to a polar bear. The largest subspecies of brown bear is kodiak. It was the bear of this subspecies that reached a record size among all predators - the weight of this giant was almost one and a half tons. However, nevertheless, it is the polar bears that are considered the largest, since on average they are noticeably larger than brown bears, whose maximum weight, even in very large males, usually does not exceed 800 kg. Other giant subspecies of brown bear include the Kamchatka and Ussuri brown bears, which are slightly inferior to the grizzly. Among the smallest are the Syrian and Himalayan brown bears, as well as brown bears from Europe.

Black bear, or baribal (Ursus americanus) is found exclusively in North America, where it is much more widespread than the brown bear.
Baribal is in many ways similar to his closest relative, the brown bear, but he is noticeably inferior to the brown bear in size, he has a narrower head and larger ears (in any case, they seem larger). The weight of a baribal is usually about 150-200 kg, but sometimes the weight of some males exceeds 250 kg. The color of the coat is black or dark brown, the muzzle is always lighter. The claws of this bear are large, but they are very different from those of the brown bear: they are much sharper and more curved, since this bear often climbs trees and climbs quite well, given its considerable weight.

Himalayan, white-chested, or Asiatic black bear (Ursus thibetanus) about the size of a baribal, but noticeably different from it in the structure of the skull. The color of the coat is the same as that of a black bear, but there is always a white spot on the chest in the form latin letter"V". The coat is coarse and long.
The Himalayan bear is a serious and very brave animal. It hunts infrequently, but it may well take prey from a leopard, and sometimes even (in rare cases) from a Bengal tiger.

Sloth bear (Melursus ursinus) a very peculiar look. The basis of its diet is termites and ants. Due to the specifics of nutrition, the sloth bears acquired a number of features: a pair of incisors on the upper jaw is absent, long tongue and large movable lips, thanks to which he got his Russian name... Sloth's claws are not inferior in size to those of a brown bear and they look simply terrifying, especially in relation to the size of this small bear. Such claws are necessary for the sloth beetle to destroy the hard termite mound. In addition to insects, sloth beetle also eats other small animals, bird eggs etc.
Sloth bear color is similar to that of Himalayan bear, with the same haratkrenic spot on the chest. The coat is long and shaggy. Sloth bears weigh on average about 80-100 kg, but some males can reach 140 kg.

Malay bear, or biruang (Helarctos malayanus)- the smallest of the bear family. They usually weigh about 40-50 kg, sometimes less, or a little more. The coat is black, short and close-fitting. On the chest there is a white spot in the form of the Latin letter "V". Biruang is picky about food. He eats whatever he can get. The basis of the diet is earthworms, termites, bees and the fruits of various trees, on which he climbs perfectly.

Spectacled bear (Tremarctos ornatus)- the only representative of the bear family in South America... Spectacled bear prefers mountain forests, but sometimes descends to more open spaces. Often climbs trees and climbs well. Along with the giant panda, it is the most herbivorous of the bears. The spectacled bear weighs about 100-150 kg, with an average of about 130.

Giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca)- the most peculiar kind of bears. Long time among scientists there was a debate about which family should be attributed to the giant panda, to raccoons or bears. However, it has now become clear that, despite a number of features that bring it closer to raccoons, the panda nevertheless belongs to the family of bears. Similarity big panda with representatives of the raccoon family, it is explained by the specifics of its nutrition, that is, it is nothing more than convergence (if you look at the skull of this animal, you can see that it is very similar to the skull of a striped raccoon). Feeds on giant panda almost exclusively young bamboo shoots. It is a tightly knit animal with a massive head and short legs. Her fangs are smaller than those of other bears, but, nevertheless, they are rather thick. The weight of a giant panda ranges from about 80 to 125 kg (an average of about 100).


Polar bear.

Brown bear.

Black bear, or baribal.

Himalayan bear.

Sloth bear.

Malay bear.

Spectacled bear.

Giant panda.

The bear is a large carnivorous animal of the mammalian class. He appeared on the planet about six million years ago and has always been a representative of power and strength. Its ability to climb trees with ease, swim and run fast when available large mass bodies surprise. The habitats of bears are very diverse. These are Eurasia, Asia, America, Africa and Antarctica. Traveling around the world, you can see many interesting things, including getting to know the many species of bears in their habitat.

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The body of bears is large, stocky with a short neck and a large head, covered with thick hair different colors... They have heavy weight and short limbs, not distinguished by sharp eyesight and good hearing, do an excellent job with everything with the help of smell.

Types of bears

There are eight main types of bears. It:

The brown bear is the most common species. It can be found in Russia, Asia, China, in mountainous areas Alps and Carpathians, Finland and the Northwest United States. It has a characteristic brownish color.

The polar or polar bear is the largest representative of the species, lives at the North Pole, has white or cream-colored wool, additional membranes on the paws for swimming.

The baribal or black bear is slightly smaller than the brown one, the habitat is quite extensive - these are Alaska, Canada, Mexico.

The Malay bear has the smallest body in comparison with its relatives, high paws and short, very coarse hair. You can meet him in the south of China and Indonesia.

The Himalayan bear got its name from its habitat in the Himalayas, has a dark brown or black coat and a characteristic white spot on the chest. It can also be found in the Khabarovsk Territory, in the south of Yakutia, in China, Japan and Vietnam.

The spectacled bear in the eye area has characteristic light circles, lives in South America.

Sloth beetle is found in India and Pakistan, long-haired, black or brown.

Giant panda or bamboo bear lives in the mountains of China.

Bears consume both animals and plants. This can be deer and elk meat, as well as berries, mushrooms and nuts.

Updated: 02/12/2016

Bears are powerful predatory animals with thick legs with downward-curving claws. While walking, they step on their entire foot, for which they are called "plantigrade". Maximum speed which that predator can develop - fifty kilometers per hour.

Characteristics of different types of bears

According to the research, these carnivorous animals appeared on Earth about five or six million years ago. Now scientists distinguish 8 species in the bear family:

  • Brown bear,
  • Himalayan,
  • giant panda,
  • polar bear,
  • sloth bear,
  • baribal,
  • spectacled,
  • Malay.

All species of these predators have their own diet. For example, a polar bear consumes exclusively meat, a panda consumes only plants, while others feast on berries, fruits, plants, insects, and meat.

All types of bears have the same appearance, almost the same size and a similar structure. Bears are the most large mammals predatory animals living on earth.

Popular brown bear

This is the most numerous species since it can adapt to perfectly different conditions and places of residence. They can be found in desert and mountainous areas, in dense taiga and even beyond the line. polar circle... V old times these bears also lived in Japan, but now this species of bears has completely disappeared from the Land of the Rising Sun.

Such bears are few in number in the western and central parts of Europe, they can only be found in mountainous regions. Scientists seriously believe that here given view bears are on the brink of extinction. But in the regions Of the Far East and Siberia brown bears live happily ever after a large number varied food.

Due to their large habitat, these bears have acquired numerous subspecies, which differ both in appearance and in size. The weight of representatives of various subspecies of brown bears starts from one hundred kilograms and can even reach one ton.

The subspecies of this species of large predators include:

Wool color in this type of bear it ranges from a light fawn color to a very dark brown. The body length of these club-footed animals is in the range of 200-280 centimeters.

Brown predators lead sedentary life, a piece of land on which one bear lives, stretches for tens of kilometers. However, the animal does not really protect the boundaries of its "possessions", but on this site there are places where the predator seeks food for itself and makes dens, the visit of which by other animals is immediately stopped by the owner.

In the winter season, brown bears hibernate. By that time, the den, hidden from prying eyes in a poorly passable place, should be equipped. To do this, the bear lays moss or dry grass on its bottom. Before hibernation, the bear must gain at least fifty kilograms of subcutaneous fat. To achieve this, the bear must consume about seven hundred kilograms of various berries and about five hundred kilograms pine nuts. And this is all besides other types of food.

The bear diet is mainly berries, nuts, fruits, roots, grains. Sometimes ants, insects and their larvae, small rodents appear on their menu. Males can also catch small ungulates that live in the forest.

The brown bear's sleep during hibernation is quite light, but it is not worth waking him up, since a bear that has not slept is very dangerous. During hibernation, the cardiac and respiratory activity of the clubfoot predator slows down several times, the intervals between inhalation and exhalation can be up to 4 minutes. Body temperature also drops, it is in the range of 29-34 degrees. This state allows the predator to use fat reserves more economically.

Dangerous Himalayan Bear

This kind of bears also called the black Asian bear. The Himalayan bear is slightly smaller in size than the brown one, and it is slimmer in structure. He has a more graceful build, a slightly elongated muzzle and large ears. This species of predators lives in highlands and hilly areas. East Asia, from formidable Iran to welcoming Japan. You can meet an Asian bear in Indochina, the southern Himalayas, and Afghanistan. In Russia, this species of bears can be seen only in the Ussuriysk Territory, beyond the Amur, in the northern region.

Himalayan bears are coal-black with a white or yellowish speck on the chest, their hair is thick, in the area of ​​the head and neck the hair is longer and slightly raised, forms a kind of mane ... Their individuals can reach a length of 170 centimeters., their maximum weight is 140 kilograms. Basically, these bears lead an arboreal lifestyle, so their claws are strong and sharp, thanks to which they cling to branches well.

Plants are at the heart of the diet of the Himalayan bear family. In summer, he eats fresh grass, plant bulbs, roots, berries, and insects. In the spring, his diet is dominated by pine nuts and acorns left on the ground from last year. These bears are big sweet tooth and will never refuse to feast on honey from wild bees or raid an apiary. Sometimes the diet of the Asian bear is enriched with meat from ungulates, rodents and amphibians.

This type of club-footed predators poses a danger to people, since these bears are very brave, they can fight for prey and with bengal tiger, and with a leopard. In Asian countries, there have been many cases of attacks by Himalayan bears on livestock.

Cute giant panda

Pandas live in the forests of central and western China and are under state protection, since they have a small population. The birth of each new panda is recorded and considered a joyful event.

These bears have an interesting black and white color., in length they reach 120 cm, their maximum weight is 160 kg. They have a dense body with a large head, their legs are short with small claws. For a long time, scientists have argued in which family to "define" pandas - to bear, or still raccoons. But as a result of numerous studies, it turned out that the structure of the panda's body corresponds to that of a bear, although they have some of the characteristics that are characteristic of raccoons.

Pandas are slow and thoughtful, therefore they prefer to live alone, however, in the spring, for mating, they nevertheless approach individuals of the opposite sex.

Pandas eat mostly fresh bamboo shoots, sometimes they can feast on other plants or fish.

Mighty polar bear

The polar bear is the largest a representative of the bear family. The weight of individuals ranges from 300-800 kilograms. Moreover, females can reach only 400 kilograms, while males are larger, and some of their representatives can weigh under a ton. The body length of such a bear can be up to 3 meters.

White predators live in the northern hemisphere, with large specimens living near the Bering Sea, and less prominent ones in Svalbard. These bears have a longer coat than other species and a flattened skull. Their fur is white, but sometimes under the sun's rays it acquires a yellowish tone, the skin of polar bears is black.

There is almost no plant food in the diet of this species of predators. The main "dish" on the menu of white bears is seals, but they also do not disdain birds, walruses, rodents, whales that are on the shore.

Polar bears pose a huge danger to polar explorers. If other species of bears almost never attack people first, then their white counterparts can specifically hunt down humans.

Sloth bear - a resident of tropical countries

Sloth bear habitat is woodland the islands of Ceylon, India, Nepal and Sri Lanka. It's a slender look bears with long legs that are crowned with large and sharp claws. Its coat is thick, long, black in color with a V-shaped white mark on the chest, it grows in different directions, so the bear has a rather unkempt appearance. His muzzle has a pointed appearance, his lips are long, and while eating, the bear folds his lips in such a way that various funny grimaces are obtained.

Sloth bear reaches a length of 180 centimeters, and its weight is within 140 kilograms. During the day, he prefers to sleep soundly, while snoring very loudly, and he seeks food for himself at night.

These bears eat mainly fruits of trees and insects. At the same time, he hunts insects by blowing them out of the bark of trees, and then strongly sucking them along with air into his mouth. Sharp claws also help to catch insects and their larvae, with the help of which the bear easily breaks rotten trees.

Black baribal

Lives baribal in North America, in Canada, Alaska, in the region The Pacific and the Atlantic. Baribal resembles a brown bear, but his coat is black, the muzzle is more elongated and yellowish, the size is somewhat smaller than that of his brown counterpart. The body of a baribal is 180 centimeters long, and weighs in the region of 120-150 kilograms.

Such a bear has long claws that allow it to climb trees well. The black baribal eats only food of plant origin, but insects, their larvae, and small vertebrates also appear in its diet.

Spectacled Bear: South American

This type of clubfoot predators lives in the highlands of the South American continent. Its body length reaches 170 centimeters, and its weight is in the range of 70-140 kilograms. In addition, this bear has an impressive tail, its length is about 10 centimeters. The bear has a thick coat of black or black-brown color, and the muzzle is decorated with white spots that look like the bear is wearing dark glasses.

Spectacled bears are listed in the Red Book, their population is not numerous, therefore this species of bears has been studied rather poorly. This bear feeds exclusively on berries, herbs, fruits and roots. Lives in dens, but can settle on a tree for several days, having built a special nest there from branches bent under itself, and feed on juicy leaves or fruits.

Little Malay Bear

The smallest member of the family bearish is the Malay bear, or biruang. Its body length reaches only 140 centimeters, and its weight is within 65 kilograms. The "baby" lives in eastern India and further to Indonesia.

The biruang's coat is short, smooth, reminiscent of black plush. The muzzle is shortened and tinged either orange or gray, with an orange or white horseshoe mark on the chest. His paws are quite wide, and his claws are strong, have a curved shape.

The Malay bear is nocturnal, and during the day it quietly sleeps on a tree under the warm sun. The bear eats everything:

  1. shoots of plants,
  2. fruit,
  3. insects,
  4. small rodents.

Jackals. In contrast, clubfoots are more stocky and powerful. Like other canine animals, bears are predators, but sometimes they feast on berries, mushrooms and honey.

There are also pseudo-footed ones that do not belong to canines and even predatory animals. The name bear is given only because of external similarity with true representatives of the genus.

Real bears

The second name for bears is plantigrade. Having wide legs, club-footed ones completely step on them. Other canine animals, as a rule, touch the ground with only part of their paws, as if walking on tiptoes. This is how the animals speed up. Bears, on the other hand, cannot reach speeds of more than 50 kilometers per hour.

Brown bear

Included in species of bears in Russia, the most numerous and popular in the country. However, the largest clubfoot was caught outside the Federation, on the American island of Kodiak. From there they took the animal for the Berlin Zoo. I caught a bear weighing 1134 kilograms at a rate of 150-500 kilos.

It is assumed that the brown came to America about 40 million years ago through the Bering Isthmus. Animals came from Asia, representatives of the species are also found there.

The largest clubfoots of Russia are found on the Kamchatka Peninsula. The giants live there for 20-30 years. In captivity, with good maintenance, bears live for up to half a century.

Polar bear

According to its habitat, it is called polar. The scientific name of the species in Latin is translated as "sea bear". Predators are associated with the snow, the vastness of the ocean. In the water, polar people hunt, catching fish, seals.

The ocean does not interfere with the migration of polar clubfoots. On the water, they cover hundreds of kilometers, working with wide forefoots, like oars. The hind legs act as a rudder. Coming out onto ice floes, bears do not slip, as they have rough feet.

The animal is the largest among terrestrial predators. The predator reaches 3 meters in length. The standard weight is 700 kilograms. So view of a polar bear awesome. In nature, an animal has no enemies other than humans.

Studying species of bears, only the polar one will find hollow wool. The hairs are empty on the inside. Firstly, it gives an additional layer of air in the fur coat. Gas is a poor conductor of heat, it does not let it go from the skin of a predator.

Secondly, cavities in white hairs are needed to reflect light. In fact, the hair of the clubfoot is colorless. White hair only looks, allowing the predator to merge with the surrounding snow.

Himalayan bear

It is also called the black Asian bear. It is distinguished by large ears, a graceful physique by the standards of a clubfoot, and an elongated muzzle.

The Himalayan habitat stretches from Iran to Japan. The predator chooses mountainous areas. Hence the name of the species. In Russia, its representatives live beyond the Amur, as a rule, in the Ussuri region.

The bear is named black for its dark coat color. On the head and neck, it is longer, forms a kind of mane. There is a white spot on the predator's chest. However, there are subspecies of the animal without it.

The maximum weight of a Himalayan bear is 140 kilograms. The animal reaches a length of one and a half meters. But the claws of a predator are thicker and larger than those of brown and polar individuals. The reason is in the lifestyle of the black bear. He spends most of his time in the trees. Claws help to climb on them.

The Asian clubfoot is not a formidable predator. Of animal food, the bear usually consumes only insects. The basis of the diet is herbs, roots, berries, acorns.


An alternative name is black bear. It lives in the North, especially in the east of the continent. The appearance of the predator is close to the appearance of the brown clubfoot. However, the baribal's shoulders are more prominent, the ears are located lower and, as the name implies, black wool. However, on the face it is lighter.

The name of the animal is similar to the name of the family to which it is assigned. There are no other members of the family. This, incidentally, also applies to the little panda. She is also one of a kind.

The closest relative of the koala is, not a bear at all, and not even a small panda.

About 30 million years ago, 18 species of marsupial "bears" lived on the planet. There were also unseen modern man true clubfoot. Among them, 5-6 species have become extinct.

Extinct bears

The number of extinct bears is vague, as the existence of one species is in question. There is a glimmer of hope that the Tibetan clubfoot still exists, although for a long time it has not caught the eyes of people and the lenses of video cameras. If you do, let the scientists know. The bear is similar to brown, but the front part of the body is reddish. The withers of the animal are almost black. In the groin, the hair is red. The rest of the hair behind the predator is dark brown. The bear lived in the east of the Tibetan plateau.

California grizzly

It is featured on the California flag, but has not been found in the state or beyond since 1922. Then the last representative was killed type of animal.

Bear distinguished by the golden color of the coat. The beast was totem among the Indians. The Redskins believed they were descended from the grizzly, so they did not hunt the ancestor. The clubfoot was exterminated by white settlers.

Mexican grizzly

Officially recognized as extinct in the 60s of the last century. The animal was large, weighing about 360 kilograms.

The Mexican grizzly bear had whitish claws on its front legs, small ears, and a high forehead.

Etruscan bear

Fossil species, lived in the Pliocene. This geological period ended 2.5 million years ago. The second name of the predator is short-faced bear. This is the one with 13 pairs of ribs.

Skeletons of Etruscan bears are found only in southern latitudes... Therefore, scientists assume that the beast was thermophilic. It is also known that the extinct animal was large, weighing about 600 kilograms.

Atlas Bear

Inhabited lands from Morocco to Libya. The last individual was killed by hunters in 1870. Outwardly, the animal was distinguished by reddish hair below the body and dark brown above. There was a white spot on the bear's face.

Unlike most bears, the Atlas bears preferred desert and arid areas. The name of the species is associated with the chain of mountains where the clubfoot lived. Zoologists have assigned them to the subspecies of the brown bear.

Giant polar bear

Appearance polar bear was similar to the modern look. Only the animal was 4 meters long and weighed 1200 kilograms. Such giants lived on the planet 100 thousand years ago.

So far, scientists have found the only ulna of a giant bear. Found a bone in the Pleistocene deposits of Great Britain.

The survival of modern polar bears is also questionable. The number of the species is sharply decreasing. This is due to climate change. Glaciers are melting. Animals have to do more and more long swims. Many predators get to the shore exhausted. Meanwhile, and full of strength It is not easy for bears to get food in the snowy expanses.

Bears are some of the smartest creatures on our planet. For us humans, this huge animal has always inspired fear and apprehension. These predatory animals belong to the bear family. Live in nature different types bears that have much in common, but are very different from each other.

According to scientists, bears appeared on our planet approximately 5-6 million years ago. Many species of these animals died out in the process of evolution, only four species remained: brown bear (grizzly and Kodiak belong to it), baribal, polar bear and Himalayan bear.

External appearance. General characteristics of all types of bears

All kinds of bears have quite big sizes and weight. The smallest are representatives of baribals (from 40 to 236 kilograms with a body length of 140-200 cm). The Himalayan ones are a little heavier than their congeners, they weigh 120 - 140 kilograms, and the length is from 150 centimeters.

Brown view differs in the presence of even larger individuals: the average weight of representatives of this species is from 500 kilograms, and the body length is from one and a half meters. But the largest of all bears are white. The body length of an adult is from two meters or more, and they weigh up to 1 ton!

Representatives of each species also differ in coat color. The brown ones range in color from light fawn to almost black. Baribals are pure black with a light spot on the nose or chest. Polar bears have a color corresponding to the name (i.e. white). The coat of the Himalayan bear is shiny, glossy, it is mostly black, sometimes brown or red. There is a light spot on the chest.

Distinctive feature white bears have a swimming membrane between the toes, this allows them to move easily and hunt in the water.

Distribution of bears in nature

These predatory animals live in the north of Europe, on the continent North America and in the Asian part of the Eurasia continent.

The territory occupied by brown bears is the Pyrenees, the Alps, the Apennines, some parts of Iraq and Iran, the island of Hokkaido in Japan, the USA, Russia. Polar bears live in the polar regions of the northern hemisphere. Baribals are inhabitants of the North American continent. The Himalayan bear family lives in Iran, Pakistan, China, Russia (Far East) and Vietnam.

Animal lifestyle and behavior

Brown bear and baribal - forest dwellers... The polar bear lives on drifting ice floes. And the Himalayan is a semi-woody beast.

Brown bears are solitary animals, with the exception of the female. which at first lives with young offspring. They are active mainly during daylight hours. In winter, brown bears go into hibernation.

Baribals are crepuscular animals that lead a solitary life. In cold weather, they lie down in their dens, in hibernation.

Polar bears are nomadic animals with excellent hearing and sense of smell, allowing them to sense prey living under water or located at a distance of several kilometers.

Forages trees. But trees for him are not only a way to find food, but also to escape from enemies and harmful insects. Winter time spends years in hibernation.

Eating bears

The diet of brown and Himalayan bears is based on animal and plant foods. Both of these species eat nuts, acorns, stems of herbs, fruits berry bushes, as well as: insects, meat of other animals (sometimes livestock), fish.

Two polar bears share the carcass of a whale. Seagulls - eternal companions of bears - are circling nearby.

They eat mainly animal food: sea hare, ringed seal, walrus, fish and others.

The Himalayan bear's diet is based on plant foods. He uses the fruits of berry plants, herb shoots, acorns, nuts. Sometimes insects, frogs, mollusks come to him for "lunch". He does not disdain carrion either.

Breeding bears

Have brown bears the pregnancy of the female lasts from 6 to 8 months, after which 2 - 3 baby bear cubs are born. At the age of 4 - 6 years, the cubs become fully adults. A brown bear lives in nature from 20 to 30 years.

In baribals, the female bears offspring for 220 days and gives birth to 1 to 5 cubs. Usually, babies are born in the first months of winter. At the age of 2 - 5 years, small baribals fully mature. In the wild, these bears live only up to 10 years.

Polar bears give birth to cubs 250 days after mating. There are from 1 to 3 cubs in a litter. A polar bear gives birth once every 2 - 3 years. V wildlife polar bears live for 25 - 30 years.

Himalayan bears give birth to 1 - 2 cubs, which at 3 years become fully mature individuals. And these bears live for about 25 years.

Himalayan bears are only black in color, and they have a white or yellow spot in the shape of the letter V on their chest.