TASS/Vladimir Bertov He became the favorite of the fair sex at the age of 16 - and quickly got used to female attention. In 1986, the picture “Above the Rainbow” was released, where young Dima Maryanov played a romantic teenager who was touchingly friends with the girl Dasha.

Above the Rainbow (1986) Alik Raduga became the idol of a whole generation: the girls were in love with him, the boys wanted to be friends, and Maryanov himself, after this role, firmly decided to become an actor.

student romance

Dear Elena Sergeevna (1988)

He entered the Shchukin Theater School secretly from his parents: he simply showed them his student ID when he was already enrolled in the course. And six months after admission, Dima began his first serious romance: with classmate Tatyana Skorokhodova.

Generous, able to surprise with unexpected surprises and gifts, Maryanov courted beautifully and did not let the chosen one get bored. But besides his beloved girl, he had many friends with whom they often had fun and drank.

Tanya did not like this, quarrels began, stormy truces, and then - all over again. They dated for three years, pretty exhausting each other's nerves. But parting with first love was not easy: Maryanov admitted that he was very worried about breaking up with Tatyana, "literally turned gray."

They kept good relationship: sometimes called up, shared plans. Maryanov had many of them - and women were far from in the first place.

Extreme and women

Lion's Share (2001) After graduation, Maryanov was accepted into Lenkom: he successfully played in the theater, acted in films and soon gained a reputation as an incorrigible bachelor and adrenaline lover.

His new woman Olga Anosova became a fashion model: she gave birth to his son Danil, but she never became his wife. Maryanov gladly played the role of a “Sunday” dad: he rolled Danya first on a bicycle, then on a motorcycle.

Maryanov did not recognize the machine: temperament makes it difficult to stand idle in Moscow traffic jams, the actor said. He moved only on a motorcycle.

“On a motorcycle you feel free. I’m rushing, the wind whistles in my ears, I sing at the top of my voice, people look at me like I’m crazy, but I feel good.

Ballet dancer Olga Silaenkova shared his love for extreme sports: together they plunged into the waters of Lake Baikal in winter, rushed on a bike through the deserted streets and even planned to live together in country house Maryanova - but something did not work out again.

In the project of the First Channel " glacial period» Dmitry came in the status of a free man. And his partner on the ice, figure skater Irina Lobacheva, was just going through a divorce from Ilya Averbukh.

Having filmed in the 2007 season, Maryanov continued to come to the set and to next year, explained this by nostalgia for the project. But it was clear to those around real reason: Irina and Dmitry fell in love and wanted to spend as much time together as possible.

In 2009, Maryanov again took to the ice paired with Lobacheva.

“My personal life has improved. I responded to the feelings of a very good and worthy person, relaxed and finally allowed myself to be happy ... ”, Irina then told reporters.

But there was no official announcement of their relationship. After the Ice Age, Dmitry brought the skater to the set of the film My Unbearable Grandfather, where she played herself. Right during the filming, the couple broke up.

Dmitry continued to live in his bachelor apartment, emphasizing that he was even proud of his freedom.

Meeting in Kharkov

It was a tour of the play Lady's Night. In the first row of the auditorium, Dmitry saw a girl - and all evening he could not take his eyes off her. On bows, he threw flowers to her and invited Gosha Kutsenko to a performance in a nightclub.

Ksenia Bik was not going to the theater at all that evening, but her mother's friend could not, and she volunteered to save the missing ticket. “Maryanov is looking at you!”, Mother whispered to her during the performance.

She did not answer anything to the invitation to the club, but her mother insisted that her daughter go and unwind. Ksenia was a certified psychologist, she studied and worked a lot, her parents were worried that the girl had only study in her mind.

Seeing her in the club, Maryanov immediately asked: “It was you? Can you show me the city?

Fall of the Empire (2005)

Ksyusha did not agree to this, but she gave the actor a phone number. He began to call her twice a day and persistently invited her to visit him in Moscow. Two weeks later, Ksenia succumbed to persuasion on the condition that she would live in a hotel.

“Of course, on the first day of my stay in Moscow, Dima found five hundred and fifty reasons to leave me to sleep “right here.” However, he did not realize that it would not be so easy to put a girl next to him. I stubbornly called him “you”, emphasizing the distance: “Thank you, Dmitry, give linens I'll lie down on the couch." Maryanov was a little taken aback, but he didn’t put pressure ... ”, Bik later recalled in an interview.

Love in the distance

Genius Hunt (2006) Their romance continued on suitcases: Ksenia regularly visited the actor in Moscow, but she never even allowed herself to leave a toothbrush in his bathroom - she didn’t want him to think that she was claiming something.

They did not come together even after the birth of their daughter Anfisa, continuing to come to visit each other. The journalists were sure that the girl was Ksenia's daughter from her first marriage, although at the time of the meeting with Maryanov she was only 23 years old and had never been married.

Unlike all his previous relationships, he wanted to marry Ksyusha. I made an offer several times, and she always agreed - but she was in no hurry to move on to real actions.

“You should not force a serious step if both are not ready for it. You need to be able to wait, ”Xenia explained in 2015, a month after their wedding.

Mirage (2008) Their friends-actors walked at the wedding: Nona Grishaeva with her husband, Mikhail Politseymako, Konstantin Yushkevich. Everyone wished Dima and Ksyusha a long and happy life together, side by side - in the same city, in their common home.

But on October 15, 2017, Dmitry Maryanov died. He was relaxing with friends in the country, and in the morning complained of feeling unwell. After dinner, the actor lost consciousness. It was not possible to call an ambulance: the dispatcher said that all the teams were busy.

Friends themselves took Maryanov to the hospital - but did not have time. Doctors only stated the death of the actor due to a detached blood clot.

« Where were you before And where was I before Come on this time each other We won't lose"

After another breakup, the actor with a reputation as a womanizer began to go out with a girl named Ksenia. And, as he admitted, this time everything is serious.

Dmitry Maryanov with his current girlfriend Ksenia. Photo: Fotodom.ru.

For publications that talk about the personal lives of celebrities, Dmitry Maryanov is a real newsmaker. They will not have time to discuss it alone high-profile romance as another begins. The actor himself, as a rule, does not give any comments, so a huge amount of gossip arises around his person. After breaking up with Irina Lobacheva, Dmitry began to go out with a pretty blonde named Ksenia. And, as he admitted, this time everything is serious.

He used to say this: “I'm single. It is difficult to find a woman who will meekly endure her husband-actor. And the husband-actor is night shooting, unrestrained fans, and sometimes he can still visit a creative crisis, which goes hand in hand with a material crisis ... Only a woman is able to withstand all this - my acting destiny. First real love Dmitry is a classmate at the Shchukin school Tatyana Skorokhodova, a beauty with whom everyone was in love without exception. It is surprising that among her fans she chose Maryanov, who was two years younger than her and could not boast of either fame or financial viability at that time. Their student civil marriage never made it official. After parting, Tatyana left for her native Irkutsk, got married and gave birth to three children ... Maryanov's other serious hobby is the former fashion model Olga Anosova. They met when the girl entered the directing department of VGIK. This relationship lasted for several years. Olga gave birth to a son Danila, but the windy actor was again not ready for the role exemplary family man. The couple broke up, however, Olga never prevented Dmitry from communicating with her son. The same one earned the fame of a womanizer, changing women like gloves. Among his mistresses were Evgenia Khirivskaya ( current wife Valery Todorovsky), dancer Olga Silaenkova, figure skater Irina Lobacheva. The actor met Ira on the set of Ice Age, their relationship lasted two years. an extra year. The press even began to talk about the wedding, but this time something did not work out. Irina told in an interview how difficult it is to meet a suitable family life man, and Dmitry began a new romance ...
Your fans write on the site: thank you for the male images created in the cinema - strong, self-confident and sensual. Are these still images or do you put part of your nature into them?
Dmitry Maryanov
: “Fifty-fifty, I think. In some life situations I'm downright proud of myself, but in others I understand that I acted like a real weakling. And it also happens like this: I wanted to help, sincerely do a good deed, but from the outside it is seen as a weakness.
Do you agree with the classic: “What less woman we love, the easier she likes us"?
: “Did Zhvanetsky say that?”
No, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.
“And then Zhvanetsky also had:“ The less we have a woman, the less she is for us. The less we love, the easier we like? I cannot say that this is an axiom. I think every situation dictates its own principles of action. Recently I read Averchenko's story - there one man asked another for advice on how to achieve reciprocity with his chosen one. And he said that it is necessary to consistently fulfill certain seven points - and then "the fortress will fall." That's just the last point is not named. Very funny and tragic story. There is no formula for love.
Have you had to make an effort to win a woman?
"Differently. It also happened that it went into his own hands, but it happened that he fought.
How long was the longest courtship?
“I remember one newspaper wrote a rather vile article that Maryanov changes mistresses every three years. Like, it's missing long relationship. Once upon a time it really was three years, once more.
Are there topics you avoid in interviews?
“For me, the degree of frankness depends on smart questions and comfortable communication with the interlocutor. It happens that a journalist comes and says: in one interview you told how you jumped with a parachute ... Yes, that's it, I already said that. Ask me something new, then I'll be interested."
By the way, Frederic Begbeder wrote about three years - they say, this is how much love lives.
“I don't think it's true. I have before my eyes the example of my parents - they lived together for forty-two years. Unfortunately, it has been six years since my mother has been gone, but we often remember her and dad. And I remember how they lived - soul to soul. Three years is probably a period of grinding, adaptation to each other. There is such a term, but it does not concern love, it is just physiological, social, everyday habits: for example, someone does not close a tube of toothpaste. But three years is not a love test. If it's really a real feeling, people don't break up after."

Are you a loving person?
"Was earlier. Now everything is different. I have long been uninterested in fucking everything that moves. In my opinion, it was Brad Pitt who said: “If you already have a woman, another one appears and there is a choice - who to prefer, choose the second one right away. If you loved the first, you wouldn't even notice the second." good phrase. Before - yes, I kept looking around, but now I realized that, firstly, because of my own frivolity, I was losing the good that was in my life. I just wanted to stupidly sleep with someone, and because of this, the person who was next to me stopped trusting me. Relationships collapsed. And again begins a long search, which does not always end successfully. And secondly, I was wasting time that could have been spent on a happy life together».
Did you have a so-called brachophobia?
"Certainly. That's why I still haven't married. It's not even about the stamp in the passport. There is such a stupid concept - the fear of losing freedom. What was it really about? I was afraid of losing my sexual licentiousness. The worst thing is to start telling the truth to yourself. Man is a cunning creature. He can justify himself in any case. I can now tell you any beautiful words about myself, and you will believe me. And you can’t deceive yourself - you know exactly where you are lying. Not so long ago there was an episode that I hate to remember. It was already late, I was in a hurry to meet my friends. A woman was standing on a deserted road, voting. The road was straight, I could have given her a ride. But I wanted to get to the place as soon as possible and did not stop. Then, having already passed by, he began to scold himself: “Dima, what are you, ashamed! Wanted to quickly eat a barbecue, drink a glass of wine? “And then immediately I found an excuse for myself - that I could get into a traffic jam, that people were waiting for me. There is no way to honestly say: “Admit that you are a beast, you are just too lazy.” Talking to yourself is very useful, you start to learn a lot of interesting things about yourself, your loved one.
You will soon release a film, which is called “The Game of Truth”. Did he make you reconsider your outlook on life?
“Before that, I played in the play of the same name for six years. It was our version of a French play by Philippe Lelouch. We wrote all the dialogues ourselves: me, Vitya Shamirov, Kostya Yushkevich, Gosha Kutsenko. There is little left of the original. The humor and mentality of the French are very different from ours. Perhaps the performance in this performance was a kind of external impetus to the fact that I began to communicate more with myself. But nevertheless, life circumstances led to the need for such a heart-to-heart conversation. ( Story line is this: three former classmates meet many years later in order to compete for the heart of the one and only, whom they once loved. — Approx. auth.)
Apparently, due to the fact that the performance was successful, the idea of ​​a film version arose?
“At first, the French decided to make a screen version of Lelouch’s play. And they didn't give us the right for a long time. But then they agreed anyway. We've redone everything. In my opinion, our version turned out to be sharper, more touching and sincere. I saw the audience's reaction. The most difficult thing was to switch from a stage state to a cinematic one. This brought Vitya (director Viktor Shamirov. - Approx. Aut.) into an excited state, he got excited and shouted: “Is it really impossible to understand elementary things ?!“ And in six years, a lot has come to automatism in our country. And now it was necessary to remove the six-year experience of the game and say the same phrase in a different way. I was the first of the guys to hit nineteen takes. The moment where I say: “Maya, how I liked her!” And about the kiss - there was something that didn’t grow together in any way. Some scenes had to be removed altogether, the dialogues had to be cut. Like an incandescent light bulb: you hit it and it shines brighter. The same cleaning took place, a lot of things were corrected in my character, although I still transferred something from the stage to the screen. Let's see what happens. All my friends who watched the performance say that they will come to the cinema in any case to compare.
Have you already seen the final result?
"Not. All this is very exciting ... I can honestly say without grimacing: when I watch my films for the first time, I do it like this - closing my eyes, through my fingers. I don't like it at all. I sit and engage in self-criticism: here I could play brighter, come up with some other expressive detail. But here I was clearly tired, I had to rest, ask the director to pause. I must have been in a hurry to get home. Do I see myself deceiving myself? But then, as time passes, everything changes, I even revisit some of my films with pleasure.
Is it true that you chose your characters in the play, and then in the film, on the principle of a lottery - you pulled matches?
"Truth. Chose - that's love it. (Laughs.) When we started working on the script, we didn't know how we would write out the characters. The only thing is that my hero was marked as a financially wealthy person. So everything was invented in the process. The monologue about the dog turned out to be very funny. We agreed that we would get together for rehearsals and write. And I was late for an hour and a half because of the registration of a housing deal. He came, everyone was sitting with terribly dissatisfied faces. I said: “Guys, sorry, it’s not every day that I buy an apartment for myself.” They: "OK, let's go." But in an hour and a half of my absence, they managed to compose this huge monologue for me - to give me a large number of text and I hesitated to learn it. The team is kind. (Laughs.) Here's another example of a friendly joke. I haven't eaten meat in over twenty years. Because of this, we always had chicken on the table on the set. I don't know what happened to me in the last few months, but now I just can't see the chicken. That word alone gives me a gag reflex. And what are these bastards doing? According to the scenario, Kostya Yushkevich is standing with a dish of chicken, I move further and further away from him. Then I specially go out onto the balcony, because I am already sick of this smell, and he is following me. And Gosha Kutsenko at the same time begins to tear the bird with his teeth with appetite.
Your hero is the most successful of the trio...
“He is financially successful. But in fact, this is a tragic character. Outwardly, he seeks to show that everything is easy for him. Hiding behind bravado: “Wife? Fuck her!“ She goes to taverns, picks up prostitutes and pours alcohol on the pain and fear that life has failed. He wants to live in such a way that he does not cheat on his wife. He wants to be happy in love, but he does not succeed. Or not strong enough. But in the end, he still comes to the conclusion that you need to work on yourself.

Is he close to you?
"Sometimes. Everything that we wrote with the guys, one way or another, happened to us ourselves. These are situations from our lives that we distributed among the characters. That is why they are so true. The story about the cross that a woman took off when she fell in love with another man is real. The man who was betrayed is me. It was a long time ago. We just gave this plot to the character of Kostya Yushkevich, because it suited him more.
All three friends are in love with the heroine of Irina Apeksimova, the first beauty of the course. The same was your beloved woman - Tatyana Skorokhodova ...
: “Yes, nevertheless I managed to win it. Of course, there are certain analogies. Each of us talked about the love that he once had. Thinking up is not very profitable when there is an idea to show all the sincerity of your character. And you remember how it was with you, how you experienced, suffered. After breaking up with Tanya, I went gray in a week. Naturally, the whole bangs became gray-haired.
Why did you break up?
“When people break up, both are always to blame: it was my fault, and partly hers. But, in general, everything happened quite painfully. My friends and classmates who came to the performance admitted that they also had a nagging feeling of nostalgia for the past years, for something unfinished. I wanted to smooth out the memories of some events in my head.
Don't you think that the idea of ​​the film has something in common with the film "What Men Talk About"?
“We put on a play. And they were the first to make movies. I saw What Men Talk About, I liked it. Probably, the idea, as they say, was in the air. After all, we gather with friends in the same way, discussing life, politics, women.
That is, you also have a warm company in which you can have intimate conversations?
“Yes, I have childhood friends. I, Rodion Beletsky, Yura Bobrov lived in the same yard, only in different entrances. Then they studied together at a theater school, then went into the army. And now we communicate, remember some events from our past.
Are you "playing the truth" with them?
“As Gosha Kutsenko’s character said, “don’t, it can be very dangerous.” (Laughs.)
They say that you had a certain agreement with your friends: when a woman appears in your life who starts to manipulate you, a friend is obliged to indicate this ...
"Yes it's true. Misha Shevchuk (actor, director - ed.) and I signed such a "pact" a long time ago. And it was right. When we are in love, we cease to adequately perceive ourselves, our actions, we do not notice the changes that are happening to us, and sometimes this can lead to sad consequences. And from the side, as they say, you know better. My dad sometimes says to me: “Dima, don’t do this, don’t.”
And How?
Did you have a midlife crisis?
“Yes, depression is specific. I didn’t achieve anything, I don’t have a family, I broke up with my beloved again, I have to look for someone. Now I am slowly getting out of this state. He became smarter and wiser. And I understand that I don’t want to lose the woman who is next to me.”
Are you talking about Xenia?
"Yes. She is from Kharkov, a psychologist by education, defending her dissertation. Now we are talking about the truth with her. (Laughs.) But, probably, it is not always necessary to reveal the details of your past. It’s better, of course, not to do anything reprehensible, so that later you don’t have to lie. ”
When, at what point did you realize that you need to settle down? So many great stories...
: “I haven’t fully understood it yet, but I’m getting there. (Laughs.) I told you: I myself, through my stupidity, lost what I created. Now Ksenia and I are together, we are fine. She helps me a lot. The profession of a psychologist is closely related to acting. There are such concepts as “psychological gesture”, “motivation of actions”, “analysis of scenes”. Not so long ago, Ksenia attended film set. According to the script, I fought with a maniac. She carefully looked at everything and said: “Dima, a maniac will not attack so emotionally, aggressively. He will kill calmly, coldly and prudently, because he has done this many times already and is sure that he is right. He perceives you not as a person, but as a piece of meat. Ksenia explained this to me from the point of view of psychology. I told the director about it, and he agreed: "A very curious remark." We fixed that scene together."
Did she fall in love with you for your human qualities, or did the fact that you are a famous actor play a role?
“She admitted that at first she didn’t want to get to know me at all - precisely because I was an actor, a public person.”

Besides, you have a reputation for being fickle...
“Well, yes, yes ... She leaves Moscow for a long time and says: “Something is restless for me to leave you.” And I understand her. Leaving me alone for ten days is fraught. Initially, out of habit, I tried to look to the left. And then he began to stop himself: “What? Are you stepping on the same rake again?!” Now I reassure Ksenia: “I have no desire to change you and thereby ruin our relationship.”
Do you have a feeling that Ksenia is exactly the woman with whom you can live the rest of your life, raise and raise children?
“Let’s answer this question in the presence of Xenia, because the answer depends not only on me and my desires.”
Have these relationships changed you?
"Yes. My friends say to me: "Dima, when Ksenia arrives, you become different." Less explosive, nervous, jerky in me - that's for sure.
And you want to love the whole world and do good deeds?
“I want to create a shelter for homeless animals. I understand that there are people who are in need, there are sick children, but many people help them anyway. Animals feel sorry for the reason that they themselves can not protect themselves from anger and aggression. My brother and I found our first cat under the layers of tar paper that covered the roof. We heard a meow and found a cute tricolor kitten, black, red and white. They took it home. This cat has lived with us for a long time. And then we always had pets. Now dad has a cat, I have a parrot.”
What is your idea of ​​an ideal family?
“I just finished rewatching the trilogy yesterday.” Godfather". Horror. The final frame is amazing. Hollywood was deafened by Al Pacino's silent scream when his daughter was killed. He destroyed everything. But he could also create. Someone says that family is the main thing in life, and someone thinks that work, business. Need to find golden mean. I have always admired Gerard Depardieu, who at one point said to his agent, "Leave me alone for a year!" And left for trip around the world. He is a celebrity, he achieved everything himself, he has the means to support himself and his family. But I envy. I would like that too."
On a trip around the world?
You are a biker. Ivan Okhlobystin said that he stopped riding motorcycles after the birth of his third child ...
“Well, maybe I’ll give up after the birth of the third one. The psychologist will tell you that everything is interconnected. My whole lifestyle, bikerism, meant one thing - that I am afraid of responsibility and hide behind beautiful words about inner freedom. He got on a motorcycle and drove away from his problems. Only after all, in fact, nothing has changed, only the place of conversation with oneself has changed. And what's the difference where in the end you have to do it: at home in Moscow or in a motel near Moscow? If you talk to yourself more often, maybe you won’t even need a motorcycle.”
Are you a picky person at home?
“If I live with one woman for a long time, then I start to find fault: I need dinner, and ironed shirts, and order in the house. And if I'm alone, a housekeeper comes to me, and three paths creep along the floor among the dust: from the corridor to the kitchen, to the bedroom and the toilet. (Laughs.) Although when I made repairs in new apartment, none of the guests remained indifferent to what happened.
With your own hands?
"Not. But I financed it. The apartment looks amazing: stone, wood, copper, bronze and brass. Italy in the 30s. This design gave me my close friend for birthday. Igor Severtsev - he is very good designer. I even have copper pans and pots that I use and clean myself.”
By the way, you said that you haven't eaten meat for many years. What is it connected with?
“Yes, I didn’t eat meat for twenty years, only chicken and turkey. Here is how it was. I kept the post. Then on Easter I ate a piece of pork, and I felt sick. After that, I couldn't look at meat at all. But now I'm more loyal to it."
If you were given back your youth, what would you do differently?
“Probably quit smoking. What is happening to me now, I am more than satisfied. I am grateful to those women who loved me, to those people whom I met. I don’t regret anything, it’s good that it all happened.”

The former civil wife of the actor is sure: there is a criminal trace in the death of the artist [video]

Photo: Ruslan VORONOY, Express newspaper

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The death of the Lenkom actor Dmitry Maryanov shocked many. The man died at the age of 47 - he died on the way to the clinic near Moscow Lobnya. According to the preliminary version (at the time of signing the issue. - Ed.), the cause of Maryanov's death was a detached blood clot. The Investigative Committee and the Ministry of Health are checking the circumstances of the death of the artist. The former common-law wife of Dmitry, figure skater Irina Lobacheva, shared her version of what happened with Komsomolskaya Pravda.

"Everything will go to the widow"

Dima died for a reason! - the sportswoman is sure. - He never had thrombophlebitis. He checked his health, watched him...

Although Dima and I broke up, we communicated and corresponded until the last. He came to visit me four months ago. It seems that something did not go well with his young wife (in 2015 Maryanov married Ksenia Bik from Kharkov, who gave birth to his daughter Anfisa eight years ago. - Ed.). He showed me a photo of his daughter. He was absolutely healthy. He could not die on his own, he was helped, I'm sure of it! It is easiest to write off a detached blood clot. Well, yes, he drank, it was such a sin. Well, he would have died in 30 years, not earlier! I'm sure there is a crime in his death.

- But who needed his death?

The one who will receive the inheritance. He has a large apartment in the Polezhaevskaya area, in the center of Moscow. A wonderful cottage. Dima was a loving man all his life, he changed girlfriends. He could not live long with one woman, he found another. And not everything went well with his last wife. If he left her, she would be left with nothing. Ksenia clung to him, seeing that he was rich. Everything was done with a long-range sight. She turned out to be the only one who managed to drag him to the registry office (the actor first married at 45, the bride was then 29. - Ed.). It was the plan.

Dima's dad is aged, so he is not a hindrance to this girl. I would advise my father to fight for the inheritance so that the widow does not get anything. I don't believe she's here. We need to conduct a serious check on the circumstances of Dima's death.

Two million rubles for treatment for alcoholism

- Did Dmitry tell you about his women?

They were all good, except for the last one. Me and my son Martin (from figure skater Ilya Averbukh. - Ed.) became friends with Dima's son Daniil (former fashion model Olga Anosova gave birth to his artist. - Ed.). Olga beautiful woman, allowed Daniil to go on vacation with us, everything was fine.

They say, last wife Ksenia hid that she gave birth to Maryanov. She told him about her daughter only shortly before their wedding, two years ago ...

Dima then told me: "My daughter was born." I took my word for it, I recognized the girl. But I would now advise Dima's father to check: is she a native? Conduct DNA analysis. I have my doubts about this.

Ksenia forced Dima, as he told me, to go to the clinic to be treated for alcohol addiction. He spent two million rubles on treatment.

Has he recovered from alcoholism?

He said yes. But in reality, I don't know.

"Fabulous man"

Dima's friends need to unite and conduct their own investigation, - continues Irina Lobacheva. - And the role of Dima's young wife in his death, I believe, is not the last ... I think if I became pregnant from him, he would also marry me. But it didn't work out... Dima was a real friend to me. We had love and a lot of tenderness. We met in 2009 on the Ice Age show. I then divorced Ilya Averbukh. And Dima broke up with his girlfriend. We worked together, well, off we go. Of course, he is a gorgeous man! Imposing, strong-willed. It was impossible to resist him.

- Why did you break up?

Gosha Kutsenko had a concert, and Dima came to it with Ksenia (who later became his wife. - Ed.). And everything was already clear. We parted without scandals.

- Why did you have the feeling that he and his wife did not get along?

He came to me, wrote to me ... Since he remembered me, it means that everything was not so good with him with that young woman.

- He wanted to come back to you?

Don't know. It didn't interest me. I have official spouse. Maybe he wanted to, maybe not. What's the difference now...


Love Tolkalina:

Ksenia was Dima's guardian angel

The actress was close friends with the Maryanov family and told us about her vision of the situation.

The former civil wife of Dmitry Irina Lobacheva does not believe in the naturalness of the death of the actor. He believes that someone wanted his inheritance ...

It is nonsense. I spent a lot of time with Dima, we were friends. We went on tour with him for two years, played a play together. He was healthy, but last summer he was diagnosed with a blood clot. Then it was just a miracle that he was rescued - they rendered help in time. Nearby was his wife Ksenia, quickly reacted. We were very scared for him then. It was like the first "bell".

After that incident, Dima began to take a medicine that thins the blood. We, friends, tried to convince him that we must take care of ourselves. But the artists - they don't listen to anyone at all! I can assume that this time everything was much faster, and there were no relatives nearby, and it all ended like this ....

Dima was physically very strong, healthy and athletic. He is both a stuntman and a very seriously physically prepared person. He descended under the ice of Lake Baikal several times. And then suddenly ... Apparently, with age, some changes began to occur in the body.

His wife is not to blame. She always took care of him. They had not just tender, but absolutely perfect relationship. Couples like them can be counted on the fingers. Ksenia was his guardian angel. He began all his stories - and he was generally an amazing storyteller - he began: “But Ksenia ...”, “But my girlfriend Ksenia ...”, “But Ksenia said ...”. And then he said something. He needed her just like a child. There was an absolutely trusting relationship between them. They were built on humor, an intuitive understanding of each other. Ksenia always knew how to find an approach to him.

For two years we played together in the play "Unreal Show" based on the play by Werber. It was a special performance that made us family. In the performance, fatal phrases sounded from his lips. His character says: “I don't believe in God, now you know why. If God gives me the man of my life, then why does he take him away from me - to look at my suffering? Now I have this phrase in my head ...


Viewers are asking for a sequel to 'Above the Rainbow'

Moscow schoolboy Dima Maryanov played his first starring role at the age of 17 in the film "Above the Rainbow".

This role was divided into three, - says the daughter of the film director Georgy Yungvald-Khilkevich Natalia. - The hero of Dima Maryanov, Alik Rainbow, was voiced only by Dmitry Kharatyan, who returned from the army. And the songs for Maryanov were sung by Volodya Presnyakov.

In general, as far as I know, Maryanov had complexes - no one recognized him outwardly. Although in his youth he was very handsome, the girls did not give him a pass. Over the years, bald, sunken. He played very well in the film "Love" by Valery Todorovsky. But the film, although wonderful, did not become massive ...

"KP" contacted Ekaterina Parfenova, Maryanov's partner in the film "Above the Rainbow". Growing up, Catherine worked as a model, sometimes acted in films, but did not choose the profession of an actress. She was married to an American millionaire, with whom she divorced for a long time and with scandal. Now Ekaterina is a housewife, raising children.

Dima and I talked a week before his departure, ”Ekaterina told KP. - Written off, planned to meet. We both had a burning desire to make a sequel to Above the Rainbow. The ideas for the plot were suggested to us by the audience themselves: as if Alik Raduga and I grew up, in different marriages, we have children, we meet by chance and understand that our childhood feelings are still alive. And my husband was supposed to play Dmitry Kharatyan at the request of the audience. Now Dima is not with us, and I thought that now our joint project is impossible. But the wishes of the audience on social networks indicate the opposite - that now I must do everything so that the film "Above the Rainbow" does not remain in the past. The first common-law wife of Maryanov was the actress Tatyana Skorokhodova. With her, he lived for three years in the hostel of the Shchukin Theater School (both graduated in 1992).

The next common-law wife of the artist was fashion model Olga Anosova. In 1996, the couple had a son, Daniel. But Dmitry drank, and Olga could not stand it - she offered to leave. After the break, Maryanov found solace in the arms of actress Evgenia Khirivskaya-Brik. Together they lived for five years. Evgenia never waited for a marriage proposal from Dmitry. She later received it from director Valery Todorovsky, whom she married. The next common-law wife of the artist was the world and European champion, Olympic medalist Irina Lobacheva. The couple broke up in 2011. Now Irina is not alone - she got married again. And Maryanov in 2015 found an official family with a psychologist from Kharkov, Ksenia Bik. last love the actor is 17 years younger than him. Before the wedding, they had a short relationship, after which Ksenia gave birth to a daughter, Anfisa, eight years ago. At first, Bik raised her alone in Kharkov. Then she moved with her daughter to Moscow to Dmitry. The couple got married on September 2, 2015.

"," Nicknamed the Beast ", etc.

Biography and career of Tatyana Skorokhodova

Tatyana Alexandrovna Skorokhodova was born on August 2, 1968 in Irkutsk. When she was two years old, she and her family moved to Moscow, where in 1991 she graduated from the B.V. Shchukin Theater School, having studied at the course Yuri Avsharov. As a student, she made her debut in 1989 in the adventure melodrama Nikolai Dostal "I'm in in perfect order» with Andrey Tolubeev, Galina Petrova, Pyotr Shcherbakov, Valentin Smirnitsky and others domestic actors. From 1992 to 1993 she played on the stage of the theater " learned monkey”, organized on the basis of Avsharov's graduates.

In 1990, Tatyana performed leading role in the film “Our man in San Remo”, at the same time the action movie “Nicknamed the Beast” was released on the screens, where Dmitry Pevtsov played the beloved Skorokhodova in the story. With him, she also starred in the tape " Mafia is immortal"(1993), after which she cut off her film career and left for Irkutsk, where she finally settled in the early 2000s. There she worked as a presenter in the AIST television company, as a fashion model, and even ran for deputies of the city duma.

Since 2010 Tatyana Skorokhodova is the editor-in-chief of the Stolnik magazine in Irkutsk. In addition, Tatyana became the host of a radio program and successfully tried herself as a fashion designer.

Personal life of Tatyana Skorokhodova

While studying at the Shchukin School, Tatyana had a relationship with actor Dmitry Maryanov (“Radio Day”, “Cordon of Investigator Savelyev”, “Norweg”). Together they lived for three years, and then parted, maintaining warm friendly relations.

In 1993, starring in the film " Mafia is immortal”, Skorokhodova left for her native Irkutsk, where she met her future husband, a cameraman Andrey Zakablukovsky. In 1994, the couple got married. For some time the couple lived in Moscow, and in 2002 they decided to move to Irkutsk and settled there permanently. Tatyana and Andrey had four children: sons Danila and Darik, daughters Anya and Marik.

Tatyana Skorokhodova about Zakablukovsky: Scientists have debunked the myth that there is love at first sight. The headline of the news read "How much does a woman need to fall in love?". It turns out that not an instant, but 45 seconds. I had 45 seconds at my disposal when I saw this person, and they were enough for me to understand that he was the one for whom I would go to the ends of the world.

Actor Dmitry Maryanov was known not only for his roles in cinema and theater, but also for his stormy personal life. He married psychologist Ksenia Bik only at the age of 45, and before that he lived with figure skater Irina Lobacheva, met with actress Evgenia Brik and had a child with model Olga Anosova.

Photo: RIA Novosti / Ilya Pitalev

Maryanov's first serious novel happened while studying at the Shchukin School, classmate Tatyana Skorokhodova became the object of sympathy. The girl was two years older and did not pay attention to Dmitry for several months, writes eg.ru.

“He showed signs of attention funny and touching at the same time. When our romance started, I was basically the leader in the pair, ”Tatyana recalls. The lovers lived together in a hostel and often quarreled, but quickly reconciled, says Skorokhodova.

I was especially annoyed by his condition after drinking with friends. And who likes a drunk man?

Tatyana Skorokhodova.

The relationship between Tatyana and Dmitry lasted three years, but the marriage did not end: Dmitry did not want to tie himself family ties, although Tatyana says that she perceived him as a spouse.

According to the plot of the film "Love", where Dima and I starred together, I am marrying him. Our guys immediately said: Bad sign! Don't get married." And so it happened

Tatyana Skorokhodova.

Parting was given to Dmitry very hard: “After breaking up with Tanya, I turned gray in a week. Naturally, the whole bangs became gray-haired, ”he recalled in an interview with Womanhit.

Maryanov's next passion was model Olga Anosova. They met in 1994, when the girl returned from work in Paris and entered the directing department of VGIK. At that time, Maryanov served in Lenkom and often went on tour, and Olga devoted all her time to her studies.

When the couple's son Daniel was born in 1996, Dmitry did not change his lifestyle, the mother took care of the child. As a result, Olga kicked Maryanov out of the apartment. But the former cohabitants maintained friendly relations, the father paid for Daniel a private school.

The standard accusation on his part: “Why are you raising a girl from our son ?!” And I: “How can a woman still educate him? Conflict settled

Olga Anosova.

Dmitry had an affair with actress Evgenia Brik (Khirivskaya), whom director Valery Todorovsky “stole” from Maryanov, recalls Anosova.

Highly good girl from intelligent family. Valerka immediately appreciated it and took it from Dimka.

Olga Anosova.

The next partner of Maryanov was the dancer of the Moscow Council Theater Olga Silaenkova. The couple converged and diverged several times, and in the end, according to Olga Anosova, they broke up due to constant scenes.

A very vulgar person. The girl was nothing of herself, and as soon as she had Dimka, she immediately sat down on his neck

Olga Anosova.

The romance of Dmitry and the famous figure skater Irina Lobacheva spun on the set of the Ice Age program. In 2007, the athlete divorced her husband and partner Ilya Averbukh and admitted that Maryanov supported her in difficult times.

For a long time we were just friends. And he, as a friend, knew about my connections with other men that I had immediately after the divorce. And then I saw him, I realized - he is more than just a friend

Irina Lobacheva.

Lobacheva really wanted to give birth to a second child (the first son Martin was born in a marriage with Averbukh) and was ready not to enter into an official marriage with Maryanov. However, according to the press, it was Dmitry's refusal from serious obligations that caused their separation in 2011.

For many years, Dmitry called himself a convinced bachelor, said that he did not want to lose his freedom, and his obnoxious character impossible to endure. He flatly refused to discuss the details of his novels in the press and once landed a journalist who interviewed him in a car.

It's not even about the stamp in the passport. There is such a stupid concept - the fear of losing freedom. What was it really about? I was afraid to lose my sexual licentiousness

Dmitry Maryanov.

But everything changed with the appearance in the life of Maryanov psychologist Ksenia Bik. A girl from Kharkov became the first and only official wife actor, he married at 45, in 2015. Ksenia is 17 years younger than her husband, she has a daughter, Anfisa.