The girls from the British group Spice Girls blew up dance floors all over the world in the second half of the 90s. The influence of their work was very significant, including on our stage. It was in their image and likeness that the group was created "Arrows" which we want to talk about.

We invite you to learn a little more about how the fate of the girls developed, to the songs of which 20 years ago they danced at all discos and parties of best friends.

When the seven of the first composition of the team had already been selected, they could not come up with a name for a long time. They offered many options: "Alyonushki", "Nuns", "Snow White", "Lu-lu-toys" and others. But when the choreographer suggested calling the group Strelka, everyone agreed.

The first songs of the group were not very popular. Only in 1998, a year after its creation, did the above-cited "At the Party" come out. This composition for a long time sunk into the soul of many fans, and away we go ...

Then there were other songs: "Handsome", "First Teacher", "You abandoned me" ... The girls became recognizable, and each of their compositions was doomed to success.

During the existence of the team, its composition has changed several times. Let's find out what happened to the most famous members of Strelok.

Julia Beretta - Yu-Yu

When she performed at Strelka, she was known by the surname Glebova. After completing the performances in the team, the girl began to unwind her solo project and took such a weapon pseudonym.

Today Julia is 39 years old. She did not return to Strelka even after the reunion of the “golden squad” of the team in 2015. What for? The girl acts in films and plays in the theater, she also performs solo, performing, among other things (with the permission of the producers), some of the songs "Shooter". She is married and has a son Volodya.

Maria Solovieva - Mouse

Not much is known about the fate of this girl. She left the group third in a row. It is known that she gave birth to two children from the writer and businessman Dmitry Lipskerov, with whom she lived in civil marriage but then they broke up.

Leah Bykova

She was a member of the team for about a year, she didn’t even get a nickname. Then she was still a student. Perhaps, studies outweighed, or maybe the realities of show business were not satisfied, but Leah did not stay. In 2000, she left to study in Australia, where she still lives. Raising a child...

Svetlana Bobkina - Hera

She left the band in 2003 and created the duet "Bridge". The project did not justify itself. After that, Hera tried herself in the cinema: she starred in about 10 films. Now Svetlana is 43 years old, she returned to Strelka.

Maria Korneeva - Margo

The second half of the duet "Bridge". Then the girl rarely appeared in public and did not lead an active social life. It is known that she got married, gave birth to a son and was engaged in her brand of jewelry. She also became a member of the new-old Strelok.

Anastasia Rodina - Stasia

The reason for leaving Strelok was marriage. The girl went to Holland, where she gave birth to a child's wife. Now she practices yoga and teaches it to other people.

Ekaterina Kravtsova - Radio Operator Kat

The girl was fired from the team, considering her image no longer relevant. After leaving, Katya organized her own business, and also gave birth to two sons. Now she has returned to Strelki again.


Katya Kravtsova from the Strelka group turned to the KP editorial office with a request to intercede for her husband, businessman Sergei Lyubomsky, who received seven years under the article “attempted murder”. According to the singer, Sergey simply hit his former mistress Ksenia Timoshchenko, broke her nose, and the case received an inadequate assessment, because Ksenia's new companion is Pavel Pyatnitsky, deputy head of the Public Monitoring Commission (ONC) of Moscow, a person close to the State Duma and law enforcement. Most likely, he is acting in collusion with the "raider" Leonid Venzhik and unknown scammers.

Katya was not very convincing: her husband turned out to be not a husband, but a cohabitant, the marriage was registered only when Sergey got into a pre-trial detention center, the singer could not name a single successful project of her businessman and was not even going to explain where Xenia, who, it turns out, was such same mistress, like herself, stab wounds came from ...

Bli-i-in, how tired of all this ... - moaned the statesman Pavel Pyatnitsky. - How this Katya got us ... !!!

And he roared a few insults at the singer, but made an appointment. In a restaurant where cold appetizers cost from 1500 to 1900 rubles.

A young handsome guy, in a T-shirt with Putin. From the links sent by Katya, I know that he is a defender of pedophiles, an assistant to Zhirinovsky and suffers from delirium tremens: documents from the Ambulance have been posted on the Web, which, however, indicate not alcoholic psychosis, but brain damage ... Strange, but it looks like this Will not say.

You yourself are a media worker, - says Pavel, - you know how such things are done: sixty percent of the truth is taken and supplied with the most vile lies. Yes, I called an ambulance when I worked in the State Duma as an assistant to Zhirinovsky and lived in a hostel, because I really have problems with blood vessels and pressure, I had brain concussions, and I had to get an iron pipe in fights! About a pedophile - it was the broadcast “Let them talk”, about a girl who gave birth from an adult. I said: “Yes, I agree, he is to blame, but the fault is on both sides, the bitch won’t want it, the dog won’t jump up,” and that’s it !!! After that, I was called names at all corners, I myself was proclaimed p ... m, I wanted to sue!!! And all these leaks of compromising evidence were made by the people who imprisoned Sergei Polonsky: I worked for Seryoga, and I stood up for him with a mountain. Polonsky fled and left me powers of attorney for the entire business, I could rob him, re-register all legal entities, and I climbed the construction site from seven in the morning, for a salary of 320 thousand ...

Pavel almost screams, he pronounces at the break, and it is clear that he was in a lot of pain. I personally do not sympathize with either Zhirinovsky or Polonsky, but I appreciate loyalty in people.

I met Ksyusha in January 2015, I write poetry - she commented on something on Instagram. I have two failed marriages behind me, I'm so full family life... I thought: women are only meat, I don’t need anything else, I saw Ksyusha ... I told her all my life, as if in confession. I realized that I had never loved anyone before! And she said that she was married to businessman Sergei Lyubomsky, she has a son ...

Married? - I'm surprised.

They were not scheduled, but Sergey lived with her: there were always rumors about Strelka, and Sergey's parents did not accept Katya. When their son got together with Ksyusha, Sergey's mother took her grandmother to her so that Ksyusha and Sergey could live in the vacated apartment. Maxim is born...

History turned over like an hourglass.


Ksyusha is not a model, she is normal person, worked in the personnel department when we met, and before that she and her friend sewed clothes: Ksyusha carried bales of fabrics from China. "Vorotyla" Sergey was registered in the Kravtsova IP, used, as he himself puts it, "rubbish", Ksyusha lost money and things, she even found a diamond ring in the pawnshop, with which Sergey made her an offer. She has been living with this man for five years, loves him, forgives him, fights with hucksters, calls the Federal Drug Control Service to the hotel where he sticks out. He hits her like a dog! Shoots her in the leg, breaks the glass in the car, pulls her through the window, cuts her arms, she's covered in scars. He runs after the car, hits the hood with a knife, and then kneels: "I'm an animal, I'm sorry, I'll die without you" ...

Rocker. Loose emotions, loose psyche. Typical codependent behavior.

The tragedy almost happened precisely at the moment of such an aggravation of feelings: Sergey, whom Ksenia left in the fall of 2014, when she lost her child from beatings, in January 2015 begins to bombard her with letters: “I love you! You are my soul mate ”(“ KP"I am familiar with the correspondence. - Ed.). Note that he is scribbling this while sitting in Katya's kitchen, whom at the same moment he proposes to get married and give birth to a daughter, and Katya believes ... Poor Katya.

Sergei buys a husky puppy that Ksyusha dreamed about, takes pictures, sends it to her, and then walks with the dog around Katya's house. He brings money for Max, his son and Ksyusha, 45 thousand rubles. At first I thought: a normal father! Wanted to talk to him...

The idyll ended as soon as Ksenia told her ex that she had a new relationship. It began: “Pi ... r”, “Let your Pavlushka come here, I’ll piss in his mouth”, “Hey, you, Zhirik’s litter, I’ll justify you,” because Sergey also read those very links ...

Pavel grabbed the phone: “Are you stuck in the 90s? So you, according to those concepts, have told yourself a death sentence!”

Shoot the arrow. Pavel, knowing about the inappropriate behavior of the client, asked to control the meeting of two operatives. Suddenly Sergey apologized and wished ex-lover happiness, the conflict seemed settled...

And a few hours later, Pavel heard Ksyushin whisper in the receiver: “Please, he poked me in the face with a knife, he wanted to kill me ...”


The details of the crime are known every minute, because the case went to court.

Sergei went to the west of Moscow, where Ksyusha's mother lives in Khrushchev. By the way, Ksenia is not a Ukrainian, as I was told at the beginning of the investigation, but a Muscovite, and her mother is a teacher.

He entered the entrance, waited for his mother, slept on stairwell the neighbors saw him.

Mom came - grabbed her by the hair and put a folding knife to her throat: "Be quiet, I'll kill you." He walked around the apartment, turned over vases with flowers donated by Pyatnitsky. He poked the sofa with a knife. He asked his mother-in-law: “Will you first bang or this whore?”, Ordered: “If I leave you, give Max to Katya” (but she needs it. - Ed.).

Finally, Ksyusha called from below.

“They are coming,” mum said in a choked voice, and Sergei realized that “they” were Ksyusha and Pyatnitsky. I went to the kitchen for a bigger knife, and Ksenia was only with her son. The grandmother managed to grab the child and drag it into the apartment, and the man knocked his ex-girlfriend in the face down the stairs so that she flew over the span, and began to knead. Ksenia screamed, fought back with her hands and feet, all the glancing blows fell on her hands and face. The doors began to open, the knife broke against the wall. The offender grabbed the victim and dragged him outside, on the playground he pressed his knee to the ground and put a folding knife to his throat, Ksenia held on to the blade and wheezed: “Seryozha, don’t kill, we have a son!”.

"Hey!" some passers-by stepped in in the dark. Ksenia was able to escape and, choking on blood, ran to the highway ...

When I rushed to the traffic police post and saw her in the ambulance, - says Pavel, - I thought she was finished! The pads of the fingers hang half-cut off, there is a hole on the face, it is sealed here, a hematoma, everything is leaking ... I yell: “Do something !!!”

Lubomsky was taken ten days later. He was sitting at Katya's house, the opera filmed him walking with the same husky on the territory of the cottage village, and they detained him ... near Ksenia's house. Again with two knives.

“Well, what are you wondering about? the opera asked. "You almost killed a girl."

Sergei replied: "It would be better if I killed her."

... To exclude doubts from readers: the crime was filmed on video, the camera was installed at the entrance. Mom and the opera testified, and the boy testified, who picked up the bleeding girl and took her to the post, where doctors were called.

There are still drops of blood on the stairs: I went there on purpose and looked ...

Ksenia was sewn, she underwent several operations, albeit not the most serious ones. The second victim, a frightened mother, shook for a long time and drank valocordin ...

The prosecutor asked for eleven years for Sergei, the judge gave seven. The Moscow City Court approved the verdict.

And the question arose. Why was I invited to this celebration of life?


Pavel tells, and I listen like a detective.

My job is to visit places of detention, and I am familiar with different people, and with criminal authorities, and with intelligence officers. When they found out that I had a misfortune, many came and said: "Pasha, we will bang him." Me: “No way! I will only act within the law!” - otherwise it is impossible in this profession ...

I immediately understand where the terrible letters with promises to put Sergey down came from, which Ekaterina showed me, and why Pyatnitsky asked the leadership of the Federal Penitentiary Service to put the detainee in a special unit under round-the-clock surveillance: three or four people in the cell, a refrigerator and a TV. The human rights activist had to hide the enemy from voluntary assistants.

And so it begins: Sergei is brought to court for a measure of restraint, and our lawyer sees bearded uncles there - they look like Chechens. And hear my name. I figure out what's what, I'm going to the State Duma deputy from the Chechen Republic and explain that, perhaps, an order has been received for my murder. The lawyer managed to take a photo on her phone, these people are found and told to them: "Pasha - do not touch."

Two months later, my friend, a former intelligence officer, comes and says: “Colleagues took an order to break your legs.” He accidentally found out that those people who were preparing already had all the information: where I eat, drink, where I rent an apartment - a few more days, and I would have fallen! And there are only six such cases in a year - I come to the cell, they ask me: “Pass the person a kettle”, I pass it on, and it turns out to be the son of Osya Butorin (the leader of the Orekhovskaya organized criminal group. - Ed.). In the evening they come to me: “Listen, it turns out that you are a normal guy, but they told us that you robbed Lyubomsky, took away his land.”

The trial of Sergei begins, Katya and three officers of the Federal Drug Control Service come there: one in civilian clothes, two with chevrons of the Grom special forces, I go up to shake hands, they say to me: “Listen, p ... s, our service will deal with both you and your deed"!!!

Pyatnitsky loses his temper:

For what?! What have we done to whom? Did I take Ksyusha out of the family? Or I imprison an innocent: there is a video of how he cuts it! Katya says: "Pyatnitsky took advantage of his position in the PMC." Yes, if I wanted to take advantage, I would have put him in the most densely populated cell, and he, with his character, would have been banged there - but he didn’t catch a cold in my pre-trial detention center for a year!

And Katya again runs on the TV show, and again Ksyusha is a model - what kind of model is she to you ?! Why is my wife being slinged with mud, with this Lolita (long colorful epithets addressed to Lolita. - Ed.), the same ... as Kravtsov's "shooter" herself !!!

With Lolita, the scandal came out notable: the host, after listening to Katya’s version of events (her husband just hit his mistress), said: “Wow, the poor thing’s nose was broken, she won’t be able to smell the new oligarch ...”

Pyatnitsky posted an answer on the Internet, in which the words were mostly censored: “Lolita, aren’t you ashamed ?!”

Lolita was offended and ran to complain to the general director of NTV Kulistikov, Pavel called "from the very top" and demanded to apologize ...

Pyatnitsky says that at that moment he was ready to take a gun and shoot off the head of everyone who slandered his family and does not allow him to answer, despite the height of the offices.

...Fearing to incur the wrath of an expressive person, I would venture to write here that he did use the administrative resource. An ordinary person cannot go to a deputy from Chechnya: once I really needed it, but I didn’t succeed. AND a common person cannot dismiss the soldiers of the special forces of the Federal Drug Control Service "Grom" by organizing an internal audit, which will establish that they, using the form and certificates, carried out the protection of E. Kravtsova for money, which caused damage to the reputation and authority of the drug control authorities (document at the disposal of "KP", according to the rest of the statements about “orders” were denied criminal cases, so we only report Pavel’s opinion about why they wanted to kill him, but we don’t say who exactly. - Ed.). And certainly an ordinary person cannot convince the Moscow prosecutor to take the case under personal control if he believes that the investigator is not investigating in the right way, forges the signature of the victim and inclines to the defense version: “Two people fought in the entrance, and the girl herself ran into a knife five times” …

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Pavel Pyatnitsky about businessman Sergey Lyubomsky. The investigation is led by Skoybeda: Detective from the life of Rublev's wives "A bloody divorce with the Strelka group, or the rich sing and cry"

The apartment that Radio Operator Kat rented out was sold under false documents for 26 million rubles.

A whole series of all sorts of troubles haunts in Lately former soloist of the Strelka group Ekaterina LUBOMSKAYA (KRAVTSOVA), better known as Radio Operator Kat. First at civil husband and the father of her two children, Sergei LYUBOMSKY, a business partner tried to “squeeze” land plot in Chekhov near Moscow with an area of ​​​​62 hectares and dragged their family into long legal battles. Then the faithful singer was arrested on charges of attempted murder. former mistress and offered to close the criminal case if he renounces the rights to the land. And when Ekaterina decided to formalize a legal marriage with Sergei, who was in the pre-trial detention center, she was subjected to a humiliating search and forced to strip naked. Alas, the misadventures of the "shooter" did not end there.

In 2004, even before the start of construction, I bought an apartment in the house of the Donstroy company on Mosfilmovskaya Street, ”recalls Ekaterina. - It was assumed that we would live there with Serezha and with our son. But the construction was delayed for 10 years. During this time we had another son. We moved to live outside the city. And we didn't really need this apartment anymore. I decided that I would give it to my eldest son for his 18th birthday, but for now I will rent it.
A realtor I knew found a tenant for me - a decent-looking woman of about 45. According to the presented passport, her name was Bella Moiseeva. On February 11, in the presence of a realtor, I met with her, signed a contract of employment and received payment, as is customary, for the first and last months. The tenant recognized me and shared with me that she was the mistress of some married high-ranking official and wanted to equip a “nest” for meetings with him.
The lack of furniture in the apartment did not bother her. She intended to bring her own. A kitchen set even volunteered specifically to buy. And from the payment for the first month I deducted and gave her a certain amount for this purchase.
In March and April, she paid me regularly. And in May, she suddenly stopped communicating. I got worried and went to see what was happening in the apartment. It turned out that the lock had been replaced there. I had to call special service to open it. Inside there was no kitchen, no furniture, no other signs that someone had lived there for three months. Even then, I had a bad feeling. And on May 25, when I was going to Seryozha for trial, the commandant of the house called me and puzzled me with the question: “Katerina, did you sell the apartment?” “No,” I wondered. “And the owners are sitting here with a new certificate,” the commandant said. I called the lawyers that I could not be at the trial, and went to Mosfilmovskaya.

The new owners were two young men. According to them, they bought my apartment for 26 million rubles. “We are bank employees. We have Chechens there,” the men began to frighten me. But I immediately stopped the conversation in this vein and suggested contacting the police. It turned out that the Russian passport in the name of Bella Moiseeva, which the tenant presented when concluding a contract with me, had been invalid since 2010. Also, this woman had an invalid passport of the Republic of Belarus with a very strange registration in some administrative building in the name of Elena Vladimirovna Kravtsova. Since I am Ekaterina Vladimirovna Kravtsova by birth, one would think that this is my sister. Even though I never had a sister. And with this Belarusian passport, she signed an agreement to purchase an apartment from me. At the same time, I used a power of attorney to complete this transaction, allegedly issued by me and officially certified by a notary Agafonova. Then the newly-made mistress mortgaged the apartment in the bank, received cash for it and was like that.

The police conducted an examination and found that my signature on the power of attorney was forged. I went to the notary Agafonova and submitted an application to her with a request to revoke this power of attorney. “You yourself signed it,” said this woman in my eyes. wonderful woman. - I remember you well. You need to think about when and what you sign. She flatly refused to accept my application. But she dragged me to her office and did not give my passport back for a long time. To return it, I was forced to call the police to Agafonova's office. Now she is going to be dealt with separately. And in relation to my tenant with false passports, the police opened a criminal case under article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Fraud”. True, it will be very difficult to find her and bring her to justice, in my opinion. God forbid that we could at least protest the contract and return the apartment!

Despite the fact that the starting lineup of the Strelka group consisted of 7 girls, they all performed wonderfully and at one time had very great popularity at the listeners.

Russian "Spice Girl"

Women's "Arrows" has been quite popular for almost 20 years. The team was created in Moscow, when in October 1997 producers Igor Siliverstov and Leonid Velichkovsky organized a competition, the composition of the Strelka group became as follows: Svetlana Bobkina, Masha Korneeva, Ekaterina Kravtsova, Anastasia Rodina, Liya Bykova, Maria Solovyova, Yulia Glebova. Most famous hit group can be considered the song "You left me", with which the girls for a long time performed on all stages of the country. The girl group was popularly called "Russian Spice Girls".

After the start of a creative career, the girls began to gain popularity very rapidly and receive high awards for their work. Despite its huge popularity, the composition of the team has changed many times. On several occasions, there were even rumors that the band had ended their singing career. However, despite all the speculation, the girls continue to delight their fans with beautiful songs about love and relationships.

Collective biography

Before today It is not known exactly how the Strelki group appeared. Some fans suggest that the group was created as a commercial project of wealthy people. Others believe that each participant, before getting into the team, won a big and difficult competition. However, the official version of the appearance of the group is the one offered by the RICE-LisS corporation.

According to this version, in the summer of 1997, three producer friends were vacationing in Turkey and drew attention to a karaoke bar where girls sang. Three girls won in the first round, and four more in the next. All the girls sang quite beautifully and cleanly, so they were invited to perform the common song of the Primadonna together. At that very moment, the producers realized that they were witnessing the birth of a new singing group. Then the friends decided to meet the girls and offer them cooperation. Thus, the Strelka group was created, the composition, the names of the participants of which after that quite often began to change.

The beginning of a singing career

Upon returning to the capital, the girls received a proposal for cooperation and, as a result, the first composition "Passion" was recorded. After the first success, the girls received some money and recorded a few more songs. But after the formation of the group, the production company decided that the themes, composition and creative developments of the girls were not interesting to them. However, at the same moment, Gala Records began to take an interest in the Strelka group, which signed a contract with the girls to record three discs.

The composition of the Strelki group is unique, because each girl has a certain timbre and voice height, which together create a unique sound. Also, a rather significant advantage of the soloists is the presence of higher education.

Another version

In the spring of 1997, the Soyuz studio decided to organize a girl group and entrusted the creation of the project to Igor Seliverstov. He, with the help of two of his friends, held a large-scale casting in Ramenki. More than 4,000 girls wanted to sing in the team, but only 7 made it to the final. From that moment, the first composition of the Strelka group became known:

  • Julia "Yu-Yu" Glebova;
  • Svetlana "Hera" Bobkina;
  • Maria "Margo" Korneeva;
  • Maria "Mouse" Solovyova;
  • Anastasia "Stasya" Rodina;
  • Leah Bykova.

Among the band's proposed names were options:

  • "Alyonushki";
  • "Snow Whites";
  • "Nuns";
  • "Seliverstov and seven girls";
  • "Lu-lu-toys".

However, the group's choreographer suggested naming the Strelka team, which was chosen as official. Behind long years creative career, the composition of the group often changed and corrected, but today the team has reunited in its golden line-up and continues to delight its fans. To date, the following composition of the Strelka group is presented: the names and surnames of the girls are known to everyone:

  • Ekaterina "Radio operator Kat" Kravtsova;
  • Salome "Tori" Rosiver;
  • Svetlana "Hera" Bobkina;
  • Maria "Margo" Bibilova.

The golden composition of the team

The golden line-up of the team included two of the most talented and brightest participants: Svetlana Gera and Yulia Beretta. Many fans note that these girls are not only beautiful and singing, but also quite able-bodied and purposeful. It was thanks to Svetlana and Yulia that each performance of the band was filled with expression and professionalism. Despite the renewing composition of the Strelka group, the names of these two girls have always been heard and delighted fans.

Peak of popularity

The most productive and productive years for girls were the years of the late XX - early XXI century. It was during this period that the team released several albums, shot many videos and participated in a large number of television projects. For the first few years of the group's existence, the girls worked quite a lot and fruitfully, gaining not only experience, but also significant musical baggage. It is also quite significant that at that time the composition of the Strelka group changed several times, which only attracted and interested the fans of the group.

Group achievements and awards

For my creative career The girls have received many awards. They were received not only for the performance of songs, but also for shooting high-quality clips. Almost every year, the composition of the Strelka group could be seen at the awards of such significant awards as the Golden Gramophone, the 100-pood Hit and many others. In addition, the group's compositions quite often occupied the top positions in the ranking of popular songs on many radio stations not only in Russia.

Further fate of girls

Since the Strelka group, whose composition has changed many times, has a large number of ex-members, many fans are interested further destinies girls. Among the most famous representatives of the team are the following girls:

  • Svetlana Bobkina, who is currently engaged in solo career. After participating in the group, she managed to work in two more women's teams.
  • Maria Korneeva, who, after leaving the group, sang in another group, starred in several videos. To date, the girl is married and has two children.
  • Ekaterina Kravtsova, who, after leaving the group, wanted to commit suicide, but she was saved. Over time, she begins to pursue a solo career, simultaneously acting in videos. Today she has a husband and two sons.
  • Anastasia Rodina, who married a foreigner and went to Holland. She is currently practicing yoga and is her teacher.
  • Liya Bykova, who got married and started working as a translator. She took part in the first casting, when the Strelka group was just being created, the old composition of which created many excellent solo performers;
  • which has been a member of the "Brilliant" team for 9 years.

End of career speculation

Many fans of the team are at a loss as to whether the group exists today. According to some sources, it can be judged that the Strelki group existed only from 1997 to 2006. Other data claim that the team lasted another 2 years less. There is also a version that the group performed until 2009, but there is also such evidence that the team still exists today.

The misunderstanding was the reason that for quite a long time the group performed with their secondary team. The composition of the Strelka group with photographs of the participants is presented in the article, but it changed so often that it was no longer so easy to distinguish the main team from the secondary one. Throughout the existence of the group, Igor Seliverstov and Leonid Velichkovsky remained its non-replaceable producers.

To date, the women's team consists of 5 performers, while the latter is somewhat different from what the composition of the Strelka group was in 1998. Among the most famous and popular songs of the creative team is the song "You left me", which even today is not forgotten by fans.

In February of this year, businessman Sergei Lyubomsky beat Ksenia Timoshchenko, with whom he lived for 5.5 years. However, in April, in a pre-trial detention center, he married the singer Ekaterina Kravtsova.

The final point is set in the tangled story of the soloist of the Strelka group Ekaterina Kravtsova, businessman Sergei Lyubomsky and model Ksenia Timoshchenko. The man was found guilty of attempted murder of Tymoshchenko - he brutally beat her and attacked her with a knife. The court sentenced Lyubomsky to seven years of strict regime.

Lubomsky and Kravtsova met in school age. Their relationship could not be called stable: they either converged or diverged, until one day they decided to live together. “We started everything from scratch. I initially went with him, I know how he got what. A fighting friend, ”recalls Katya. The couple lived in an actual marriage for 15 years, they had two sons. However, Lyubomsky was in no hurry to take Kravtsova to the registry office.

At the end of the 2000s, the idyll ended: Lyubomsky left Catherine and began to live in a new civil marriage with model Ksenia Timoshchenko, who bore him a son. True, and in new family things didn't go too smoothly.

“Sergey has always had an excessive addiction to alcohol,” Tymoshchenko told StarHit in April 2015. - On this basis, two years ago I left him, but he returned me. I swore that this problem would not affect our family again. But ... As it turned out, at the time of our breakup, he also began to use narcotic substances. For a very long time I tried to help him cope with this trouble. During this period, I lost my business and greatly deteriorated my health, because I did not rest for days, and my whole life was devoted to only one question - how to get a person out of the drug abyss.

As a result, after 5.5 years life together Ksenia realized that their relationship with Sergei had come to an end. Tymoshchenko claims that she herself left civil spouse. According to another version, it was he who left the second family. Be that as it may, Lyubomsky returned to Kravtsova, and Ksenia met Pavel Pyatnitsky, with whom she began an affair.

The tragedy happened on February 2nd. Lyubomsky brutally beat Tymoshchenko. “From the first blow, he broke my nose, and I immediately began to choke on blood ... Lubomsky came not just out of jealousy to hit, but came to kill ... The neighbors began to open the doors because they heard a noise. He grabbed my hair and dragged me down the street. I fell on the asphalt, he pressed me with his foot, and in the neck with a knife. The knife rested on my throat, and I held it with all my strength right by the blade, ”recalls Ksenia.

“This is what I was going for. Let it be in such a strange way, but it reached, ”the newlywed said then.

What caused such aggressive behavior businessman, unclear. According to one version, Tymoshchenko did not allow him to see her son, according to another, Lyubomsky was jealous of Ksenia for a new boyfriend. People from the inner circle of the millionaire are sure that his inappropriate behavior is connected with the stalling of the business. Lyubomsky traded land near Moscow for a long time, and when the new governor decided to deal with these illegal transactions, for many, including Sergei, the hour of reckoning came.

Lyubomsky did not admit his guilt and said that all these were the machinations of competitors. However, the court sentenced him to seven years in prison.

“The prosecutor asked for 11 years and 3 months, so Lyubomsky got off lightly,” she said. Komsomolskaya Pravda» Ksenia Timoshenko's lawyer Oksana Mikhalkina. - But we will not appeal against the decision of the court. However, we will insist that he serve his sentence in full and not be released on parole.”