Vadim Kazachenko - crooner, Honored Artist of Russia. Today, his name is almost forgotten by pop fans. Having become a real symbol of the music of the nineties, Kazachenko seemed to have disappeared into the past along with this time.


Vadim Kazachenko started studying music in his native Poltava. At first he played and sang only for his own pleasure. His impromptu performances drew crowds around him. And therefore, at one fine moment, Vadim decided to organize a vocal and instrumental ensemble at his school, from which, in fact, his musical career began.

It was then that in the soul of Kazachenko a dream appeared about big stage. Music became the main passion of his life.


The first success on the scale of the entire USSR was the cooperation of Vadim Kazachenko and the Freestyle group in 1989-1991. During this period, he took part in the work on four albums and performed most of the group's hits. These are the songs: "Red-haired girl", "Season of love", "Forgive me - goodbye ...", "White sailboat", "Cherry Orchard" and many others. But the song "It hurts me, it hurts ..." was super popular among listeners, especially among listeners. This composition became the main hit of the group "Freestyle" and Vadim Kazachenko. In 1991, a video of the same name was shot for this song, which elevated the singer to the first lines of various Russian and Ukrainian charts and music ratings.

Solo creativity

This success made Vadim think about solo work. In 1992, he left Freestyle and started working on his first album. During this period, many famous writers and songwriters expressed their desire to work with him. So, the songs of Arkady Ukupnik, Vyacheslav Malezhik, Vladimir Matetsky and many other famous composers appeared in the repertoire of the Ukrainian singer. The result of this work was the first solo album of the musician - "All over again", which instantly became one of the main hits of 1993-1994.

A year later, the record was even re-released on CD, which at that time was a huge success. Subsequently, in the period from 1995 to 1996, the artist recorded and released three studio albums at once - "Bless", "Good riddance", "Goodbye forever". Each of these records has become very popular among listeners.

In 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, Vadim Kazachenko was a participant and laureate took part in the filming of many television programs: "Wider Circle", "Sharman Show", "Ostankino Hit Parade", "Morning Star", traditional New Year's holiday programs .

In addition, he traveled a lot around the CIS countries with large-scale concerts. Especially large performances took place in Moscow and St. Petersburg. In 1996, as main star election campaign, the artist participated in speeches in support of.

But already in 1997, he suddenly disappears from television screens and secular news pages. As some media reported, this was due to the conflict between Kazachenko and.

New songs by Vadim Kazachenko began to appear on the air of radio stations in the fall of 2005. The first song on the radio was "No one but you."

Only in 2005 did the artist again take up work on a new disc. For some time, the singer collaborated with Iosif Prigogine, but subsequently refused his services. "I hired one of the well-known Russian producers. We signed a contract, but we never got the result - no videos, no recording of songs, NOTHING," Vadim complains.

The album "Two Shores of One Destiny" was presented to the public only in 2007. Kazachenko presented 13 brand new songs - not a single remix and not a single remake of old hits.

On October 13, 2011, the State Kremlin Palace hosted the anniversary concert of Vadim Kazachenko, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of professional activity artist. The singer never stopped his active touring activity. He constantly gives concerts in the cities of Russia, in the countries of near and far abroad - wherever they remember and love his good name and the songs he sang over the years of creative work.

TV projects

In 2008, he took part in the NTV television project "Superstar. Dream Team".

In 2014, he participated in the second season of the show on the channel. Masterfully reincarnating either as Louis Armstrong, or as Sofia Rotaru, or as Garik Sukachev, Vadim Kazachenko became, perhaps, the main discovery of the show. "All participants were casting. At the request of the producers, I sent a demo version with parodies of Frank Sinatra, Louis Armstrong, Elena Vaenga, Sofia Rotaru ... and forgot. Time passed, and suddenly my director Irina says that I was invited to the show" One to One " - says the singer.

Personal life

Vadim Kazachenko is currently married to a woman named Irina. They met in 1996 in America. Irina helped Vadim in organizing concerts in US cities. It was then that Kazachenko, who had lost 15 kg, found out that he had hepatitis. The singer underwent a course of treatment at the hospital. Burdenko.

Until 2004, Irina and Vadim talked on the phone. And then Irina divorced her husband, came to Russia. Now Irina works as the director of the artist. Vadim and Irina live in two houses: in addition to the Moscow apartment, the couple also has real estate in the United States. Marianna, Vadim's daughter from his first marriage, lives in Germany.

“Irina gave warmth to my life, surrounded me with care, and, on the other hand, said: “Get up off the couch and go to work!” Vadim Kazachenko admits.

Based on materials from sites:,,,, 7 days,, artist's website.

Awards and titles

In June 2011, by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, for many years of fruitful work and high professionalism, Vadim Kazachenko was awarded the title of "Honored Artist of the Russian Federation".


"Get it!" 1989 - group "Freestyle"

"Get it! Double-2" 1989 - group "Freestyle"

"Get it! Double-3" 1990 - group "Freestyle"

"The Fourth Series" 1991 - the group "Freestyle"

"All over again" 1993

"Destiny" 1994

"Bless" 1995

"Goodbye forever" 1996

"Good riddance" 1996

"Night Rains" 1999

"Two coasts of one destiny" 2007

"... but it doesn't hurt me!" 2011

Vadim Kazachenko was born on 07/13/1963 in the city of Poltava. Glory came to him in the 1990s, when Russia was in decline. Despite life's difficulties, Vadim achieved resounding success, his songs were played on TV and radio.

Vadim Gennadievich, as a child, already dreamed of the stage and dreamed of becoming a professional musician. Thanks to beautiful voice and good hearing, he gathered crowds of adults in his city who listened to his songs with pleasure.

At some point, the idea came to him to realize himself precisely in the musical direction. Vadim organized his first group called "VIA" and began performing at various youth concerts, discos and other events. Then the whole of Poltava started talking about him, success itself found the singer.

Career ladder of Vadim Kazachenko

Kazachenko began his professional career in the mid-1980s, when he changed five well-known philharmonics. However, after several years of wandering, luck smiled at him - Vadim was invited to the Freestyle group. For two years of work with the creative team, Kazachenko recorded four albums and a large number of hits.

In the early 1990s, the singer decided to independently promote himself in show business and began solo career. As a result, he reached the maximum bar, recording seven albums. Moreover, he managed to attract famous composers and poets to his project, including Malezhik and Ukupnik. Also such personalities as Belkin and Shaganov collaborated with him.

Vadim Kazachenko: personal life, biography

According to Kazachenko, in the 1990s he worked to the point of wear and tear, there was not even time to relax or arrange a vacation for himself. But everyone heard about the singer Russian Federation, his hits were played in every bar, restaurant and other public places. The most striking and memorable songs were the following works: “Bless on long way”, “On a flying horse”, “Alien” and “Cinderella”.

In the 2000s, Kazachenko's popularity fell, some print media reported the singer's imminent death. At that moment, a rumor was spread about Vadim's serious illness. Nevertheless, he was able to survive this period, and in 2005 he again shone on the stage. A little later, Vadim pleased his fans with several albums: "Two Shores of the Same Destiny", "Superstar-2008" and "... But It Doesn't Hurt Me." All these tracks proved only one thing, that the singer is alive, healthy and ready to surprise fans with his creative work.

Relations and family of Vadim Kazachenko

Vadim Kazachenko met his love at the age of 21, the singer's wife was Marina from Poltava. Soon they had a daughter, Marianne. It is worth noting that it was very difficult to raise a child and make a career, therefore given period life was difficult for both parents. When the singer went to Moscow to work, he left his wife and daughter in Poltava, since he did not have the means to rent a house.

This separation led the couple to break up. But Vadim did not become sad about this and quickly found himself new sweetheart. He met Zhanna for more than five years, but never managed to build a serious relationship with her, because creativity took time and effort. Kazachenko was absorbed in his work, he had to constantly tour the country, participate in events and hold meetings with fans. This way of life did not go well with family responsibilities and everyday life.

He met another love already in the USA, when he was in this country on tour. Irina Amanti was at first just a friend, but then Vadim suddenly offered to get married. The business lady could not keep the singer near her, two years later they broke up. Recall that Irina in America was a co-owner of Russian Radio and helped the artist in every possible way with his career. Amanti was sure that everything would work out with Kazachenko, but fate decreed otherwise.

In 2014, Vadim told the media about a new relationship with Olga Martynova. In the same year they got married. Despite the fact that the poetess Martynova was much younger than Kazachenko, their feelings were alive and sincere. It is known that last year, Olga announced that they have problems in their family that interfere with relations. Because of this, a rumor was circulated that famous couple wants to file for divorce.

Name: Vadim Kazachenko

Date of Birth: 13.07.1963

Age: 55 years

Place of Birth: city ​​of Poltava, Ukraine

The weight: 74 kg

Height: 1.78 m

Activity: singer

Family status: married

Vadim Kazachenko is once a popular singer, whose name has been lost in the past over time. His life long time did not interest journalists, and clips and concerts rarely appeared on television. His talented work was periodically recalled, involuntarily nostalgic: "Do you remember ...".

Biography and personal life of singer Vadim Kazachenko recent times people are interested again. What justifies the increased attention to his person?

Kazachenko was born on July 13, 1963 in Ukraine, in the city of Poltava, where he spent his entire childhood. It was in Ukraine that he studied music, played the guitar and sang for his pleasure. As it turned out, nature gave the young man an excellent sharp ear and an exciting voice. Ordinary passers-by often gathered around, admiring his talent. So he performed at impromptu concerts, until one day, he came up with the idea to organize a musical group in his native school, with which, in general, his creative career began.

The beginning of a professional career

At that time, the singer was 14 years old. Therefore, Vadim gathered his first group from schoolchildren like him. Talented guys were invited to perform at various concerts and holidays. It was during this period of life that Kazachenko thought about the big stage. Despite the success in swimming, which he did for another 6 years, until the very end of school (he managed to get into the national team from his city), the dilemma “music or sports” appeared in his life. And Vadim chose a creative destiny.

Vadim's first appearance on the big stage took place in 1985. This year, Kazachenko, having moved to Moscow, got a job as an entertainer in a variety show. This place helped him to make "necessary acquaintances", which helped him a lot in the future.

Vadim Kazachenko in childhood with his mother and grandmother

Soon he was offered to join the Festival group, under the direction of Maxim Dunayevsky. This group is known for music written for popular Soviet television films. However, due to a quarrel with members of the "Festival", the singer has to leave the group.

The acquaintance of the Soviet society with Vadim happened during his participation in the Freestyle group, in which he worked as a soloist from 1989 to 1992. Despite the short duration of work in this line-up, the group managed to release four albums. But the most popular of the songs performed was personally written by Kazachenko: “It hurts me, it hurts” - a real masterpiece that remained in the memory of most listeners. The hit sounded from all TV screens and radio stations of the Soviet Union. In 1991, even a full-fledged video was shot for him, which did not leave the top lines of music parades. The capture of the musical Olympus made the performer set on fire with the idea of ​​​​a solo career.

Solo creativity

In 1992, Vadim Kazachenko, whose biography, whose personal life aroused close interest from journalists and fans, left the Freestyle team and began developing the first individual collection. Three already well-known performers immediately wanted to collaborate with a talented singer. Thanks to this, Kazachenko's repertoire was replenished with the creative developments of Ukupnik, Malezhik and Matetsky.

In 1993, Vadim presents his first album called "All over again". The collection on cassette instantly gained popularity, and a year later it was transferred to CD format. In those days, this was considered the peak of success.

Kazachenko was the soloist of the group "Freestyle"

From 1995 to 1996, the performer released three more collections Bless, Good Cloth, Goodbye Forever, which also became song bestsellers. Kazachenko often appeared on television, and all the time he participated in tours, giving large-format concerts. The singer managed to get the title of the best "sold" and commercially successful artist in the territory of the former USSR.

The biography of Vadim Kazachenko and his personal life were replenished with especially large-scale performances that were held in major capitals. And in 1996 he had the honor to sing at the presentation of the election campaign of B.N. Yeltsin.

In 1997, Vadim disappears for a short time from television and secular newspapers. It is believed that this period of silence was the result of some discord between the singer and his old friend I. Krutoy.

Singer during a concert on stage

Kazachenko's short return to the ranks of big-stage singers took place in 1999, along with the new album Night Rains. Unfortunately, the collection received a terribly low score from music critics. And the viewer reacted rather coldly to the disc, after which Vadim completely disappears from the TV screen and from the pages of magazines.

No, Vadim Kazachenko did not take a creative break in his biography due to his personal life or creative failures. He, as before, demonstrated his new songs and toured all the cities of the CIS. It's just that the scale of his performances has already become much smaller and more modest.

Again, the big stage waited for Vadim with open arms only in 2007 with a new album, which was liked by both music critics and a wide range of listeners. Kazachenko began working on the collection back in 2005 together with Drobysh and Prigogine. However, Vadim refused the services of these people, so "Two Shores of the Same Destiny" was a little delayed. Maybe the record did not bring full-fledged success, but the release of the collection cannot be called a failure either.

In 2008, he participates in the music show of the first channel. There he manages to show that he is still able to fight for the recognition of the viewer.

Vadim Kazachenko - a popular singer of the 90s

In 2011, the singer received the title of Honored Citizen of the Russian Federation. Immediately, after the dedication, the final album of composing “But it doesn’t hurt me” appears on the shelves of stores.

In 2014 and 2016, Kazachenko takes part in the One to One! show, where he portrays G. Sukachev, L. Armstrong and even S. Rotaru.

Today, in addition to songs, a talented and respectable man is actively developing his hobby: fishing, driving a car, scoring goals in football and rooting for Real Madrid with all his heart.

Personal life

Vadim Kazachenko is a media person whose biography is very full of ups and downs, but many fans are also interested in his personal life.

At the age of 21, the singer marries his countrywoman from Poltava. As Vadim himself said, they legalized the marriage with Marina, because of pregnancy: “In general, because of this, Marinka and I got married - we found out that a child would appear, and quickly signed.” In due time, a daughter, Marianna, is born to a young family. The birth of the girl coincided with a difficult period in the life of Kazachenko. Vadim loved his daughter, but she was only one of the meanings of his life. Then he just enters the creative path.

When the singer left for Moscow for a career, family life crashed. Before long, Marina and Vadim publicly developed. Later, Marina married another man, and taking her daughter with them, the whole family left for Poland.

Kazachenko with his first wife

A couple of years later, the family moved to Germany, where they live to this day. Daughter Marianna is also married and has a small business of her own. The girl does not have her own children, but together with her husband they are raising his daughter from his first marriage.

The next hobby of Vadim was the Muscovite Jeanne, with whom the singer lived for about five years. Constant hopeless tours, and the dream to build career ladder, as well as a swarm of fans winding around Vadim, did not in any way favor the peace of the young couple.

The third passion of Vadim was the soloist of the then successful band "Combination" Tatyana Ivanova.

Kazachenko explained - “In fact, the whole public whispered about our romance with Tanya. Although, it was a simple love affair at work". I left the Freestyle, and hit the solo swimming. We both lived on tour and often performed at the same concerts. Our relationship began unexpectedly when Tatyana was having a difficult period - her lover went to Australia, as it were, to stay, but never returned. Later he wrote to her that he would not come back.” Their romance ended as quickly as it began.

With his second wife Olga Martynova

On one of the programs of Russian Radio in the American branch, Kazachenko meets Irina Amanti. The girl was a co-owner of the radio in the United States and helped Vadim in every possible way with the organization of concerts abroad. The singer admits that it was the most big love in his life. The couple, of course, did not immediately open feelings, at first they maintained friendship and business relations. By the way, Irina was still married then. But when the couple could not hide their feelings, Irina divorced her husband, and with Vadim they started a family. However, it would seem that a strong real couple broke up after some time.

By 2014, Marianna (the singer's first daughter) had already moved abroad. AND Russian news published articles about the marriage of Vadim Kazachenko and a certain Olga Martynova. So he was replenished with another passion. The attention of journalists was attracted by a new incident in his biography and personal life - a serious age difference between the spouses. Olga is 20 years younger than Vadim.

The singer is involved in a major scandal with his last wife

Well-groomed woman. Obviously not poor (this is important), and apparently she did not spare money for herself. Not pretty, but it's actually a matter of taste. Kazachenko, by the way, is not handsome himself.

In these photos, Irina Amanti is not quite young, but quite young. Brunette. The figure is good. Everything you need is there. And the chest with her, and the growth is good, slender ... in some places.

Vadim Kazachenko's wife Irina Amanti is bright and beautiful, her name is associated with a scandal. The fact is that Vadim married her while still married to Olga Martynova. Irina is the director of the singer, looks great thanks to her personal care and plastic surgery. In her youth, Irina looked fuller, but she was always a beauty.

View those that are, of course, it has become more interesting, plastic surgery I tried, because finances allow her to embellish her forms.

Looking at both women of Vadim Kozachenko, of course, Amanti wins, thanks to her assertiveness, and in some places even impudent behavior. Add bright makeup and bright dresses. Everything is thought out in conversation, behavior, and Kozachenko stands like an idol. But, I don't feel sorry for him. Sorry.

What did Irina Amanti look like in her youth?

Irina Amanti is a producer and close person singer Vadim Kozachenko.

For many years she has been with him, Irina has always supported the singer in everything and now they are together.

Irina looks very good for her age, it is clear that the woman spares no expense and takes care of herself, besides, she clearly applied for the services of a plastic surgeon, however, more than once.

If we compare her photo in her youth, then we must admit that with age, Irina has only become more beautiful.

Given the fact that Irina Amanti now looks great. And given the intervention of plastic surgeons, she also looked younger, it is very difficult to differentiate her real beauty in her youth from her current one. She looks great and continues to look young and amazing.

Here is a photo I found on the Internet. On it are young singer Vadim Kozachenko and businesswoman Irina Amanti. There are no photos where they look even younger on the Internet.

Too young Irina Amanti is not on the Internet. She appears only in connection with working with Vadim Kazachenko and becoming his wife. But perhaps 15-20 years ago it looked like this. Has changed a little. She became even more beautiful. But this is probably the help of plastic surgery and injections. Here you can watch it together with V. Kazachenko.

Irina Amanti for sure beautiful woman and arouses interest, especially now. When does this scandal with Vadim Kazachenko’s bigamy last. After digging around on the Internet, I was able to find old photos where she is somewhat fuller than now. In my opinion, she this moment looks prettier.

Vadim Kazachenko is a pop singer, whose name today is almost lost in the past. His interviews rarely appear in magazines, clips and concert performances rarely appear on television. Sometimes, remembering him and his work, we subconsciously add: "Do you remember, once ...".

But what do we really remember about this singer? Having become a real symbol of the music of the nineties, Vadim Kazachenko seemed to have dissolved into the past along with this time itself. That is why today his music already seems like a story from the distant past.

Early years, childhood and the family of Vadim Kazachenko

Vadim Kazachenko was born on July 13, 1963 in the Ukrainian city of Poltava. In this place he spent his childhood. Here, our today's hero began to study music for the first time. At first he played and sang only for his own pleasure.

His impromptu performances drew crowds around him. And therefore, at one fine moment, Vadim decided to organize a vocal and instrumental ensemble at his school, from which, in fact, his musical career began.

Yes, of course, such performances did not bring him great fame. However, it was during that period of time that a dream of a big stage appeared in Kazachenko's soul. Music became the main passion of his life. And therefore, in the future, our today's hero always systematically walked towards his goal.

Star Trek singer Vadim Kazachenko

For the first time, a talented Ukrainian guy had a chance to enter the professional stage in 1985. During this period, he began to work first as a soloist of the Kursk Regional, and then the Amur Regional Philharmonic. Some time later, the city of Barnaul and another concert philharmonic were also in the guy's life.

It was here that our today's hero met the musicians from the Freestyle group, who some time later offered the singer to become part of their musical group.

Vadim Kazachenko - God will punish you

Our today's hero had a chance to perform as part of this ensemble for a relatively short time - only two years (from 1989 to 1991). However, it was during this period that the name of Vadim Kazachenko became known for the first time on the Soviet stage.

During the period of cooperation with the Freestyle group, Vadim Kazachenko took part in the work on four albums of this group. In addition, it was our today's hero who performed most of the group's hits. So, in particular, his voice can be heard in the songs "Red-haired girl", "Season of love", "Forgive me - goodbye ...", "White sailboat", "Cherry Orchard", "It hurts me, it hurts ...", as well as many other songs.

The last of these compositions became one of the most important hits of the Freestyle group and Vadim Kazachenko. In 1991, a video of the same name was shot for this song, which elevated the singer to the first lines of various Russian and Ukrainian charts and music ratings.

Subsequently, it was this success that made our today's hero think about solo work for the first time. In 1992, Vadim left the Freestyle group and began working on his first album. During this period, many famous writers and songwriters expressed their desire to work with him. So, the songs of Arkady Ukupnik, Vyacheslav Malezhik, Vladimir Matetsky and many other famous composers appeared in the repertoire of the Ukrainian singer.

As a result, in 1993, the public was presented with the first solo album of the musician - "All over again", which instantly became one of the main hits of that time.

A year later, the record was even re-released on CD, which at that time was a huge success. Subsequently, in the period from 1995 to 1996, the artist recorded and released three studio albums at once: Bless, Good Cloth, Goodbye Forever. Each of these records has become very popular among listeners.

Vadim Kazachenko - It hurts me, it hurts

According to some media reports, in the mid-nineties, Vadim Kazachenko received the status of one of the best-selling and commercially successful performers in the space of the former Soviet Union. Vadim Kazachenko often appeared on television, and also traveled to the CIS countries with large-scale concerts. Especially large performances took place in Moscow and St. Petersburg. In 1996, as the main star of the election campaign, the artist participated in speeches in support of Boris Yeltsin.

However, already in 1997, our today's hero for some time suddenly disappeared from television screens and secular news pages. As is commonly believed, the period of silence was associated with a certain conflict between Vadim Kazachenko and his old friend