The wedding is one of the seven main sacraments of the Church. However, not all believers know the rules of wedding in Orthodox Church, therefore, getting to know them better will help to correctly observe the rites at the time of such an important life step as creating a family.

According to the worldview of Christianity, two people create a union consecrated by God, becoming one. In this regard, the increasing practice of divorce in modern families, for true Christians is considered unnatural. This is equivalent to the mother's refusal of the baby she has given birth to.

Between the biblical Adam and Eve there is a relationship, as it were, two-sided. This is a community of spirit and physical. For the first time I cast a glance at a woman, I felt her as In this regard, deciding on a wedding, one must clearly understand the seriousness of the act.

Sometimes young lovers do not know each other well, they do not notice shortcomings behind the veil of attraction. And they in the future necessarily manifest themselves and often lead to a break. Often, having come to the temple, future spouses can receive from the priest an unexpected offer to wait with the marriage for some time, sometimes not a short time, and only then think about starting a family, if the desire persists.

However, the Church does not approve intimate relationship outside of marriage. If there was already intimacy, then an offer comes up to fast for 3 days, then you need to confess and take the sacrament. It is obligatory before the wedding itself, in order to feel the unity of destinies, body and soul.

Preparing for the wedding

First of all, it is chosen, taking into account that the sacrament is not performed every day. This is discussed in advance with the father.

When not to get married

The rite is not performed on the days preceding the fasts.

  • Tuesday Thursday;
  • Beheading of John the Baptist;
  • at Christmas time;
  • before and during the celebration of the Exaltation;
  • in Bright Week;
  • Saturday (the day before Easter).
  • on fasting days (4 per year).

Most often, according to a long tradition, young people choose Antipascha. Its beginning is the Red Hill. Millions of families have been married on this day since time immemorial.

Spiritual preparation

Of course, inviting guests and organizing an event are important. However, the first thing to think about is internal state newlyweds. They should be filled with all their hearts for the forthcoming sacraments of Confession and Communion.

The hour of the wedding usually takes place after the liturgy held every morning. It will be great if you manage to defend it and take communion before the main event. Do not be afraid to get tired in the temple, save your strength for evening dances. It is better to leave the guests early and retire.

What is required for a church wedding?

First of all, the rules dictate that it is important to internally recognize the responsibility of the step. Understand that there is no way back. Whatever happens in the future, the union sanctified by God must be preserved.

Unfortunately, many, seduced by the beauty of the sacrament, decide on it without checking the strength of their love. For them, it does not matter that with the ease of relationships and readiness for a new marriage, the next union can also be short-lived.
Only when you feel internally ready, you need to start the process of preparing outfits, necessary items and attributes, documents, and so on.

List of things you need for a wedding in the Orthodox Church

Marriage certificate

According to the law adopted by the Holy Synod, it is imperative to have a document from the registry office. If there is none, no one will marry the young. This is due to the seriousness of the couple's intentions, since the church in Russia cannot fulfill the function of legal relations.

Icons of the Savior and the Mother of God

It doesn’t matter if they are expensive, with salaries or without, the main thing is that they can be held in hands without effort. The tradition of giving icons to your children, blessing them, is very old. The girl's parents gave the icon of the Mother of God, and young man- Saved.

After the ceremony, they were kept in new family and in the future were often inherited, in turn, the next generation was blessed.

Wedding rings

Interestingly, initially a woman was supposed to wear a silver ring. She was subordinate to her husband and helped him in everything. The husband wore gold. He is considered responsible to the Lord for his soul mate when the time comes.

Today, newlyweds typically both wear gold wedding rings.

wedding candles

As a symbol of grace that sanctifies the path of the young, the Holy Spirit is symbolized by this attribute. Purchased directly from the temple.

white circuit board

Previously, the brides themselves prepared the canvas for the wedding, embroidering it by hand. Today, a light towel is purchased, preferably white. It is better that it be large enough so that you can stand on it during the wedding, at the moment indicated by the priest. They lay him on the floor. It acts as a sign of the purity of the aspirations of people getting married.


All those present in the church, guests and the young themselves should without fail have pectoral crosses.


The size is indicated in many places. Usually, payment is made in advance, so as not to forget to do it after a somewhat tiring sacrament. In the absence of a fixed amount, voluntary donations are made at the discretion of the young.

What should newlyweds look like?

The church does not welcome laxity and too revealing outfits. You should enter the temple in closed clothes. A woman's head should be covered with a veil or scarf. No neckline and bare shoulders and legs.

If a girl is chaste, then she dresses White dress, the woman picks up a light outfit. In the hands should be a bouquet of fresh flowers. Shoes are better with low heels, so that you can spend the whole ceremony without fatigue.

For a man, a formal suit and trousers are desirable. In shorts, breeches, etc., they will not be allowed to the wedding.


Today, choosing guarantors for a wedding is more of a beautiful tradition than a necessity. Since the church does not decide any legal issues, then witnesses are not necessary. Invite them or not, it's up to those who are getting married. If there is a desire, then it is better to choose experienced, family and serious people.

Rules for the sacrament of the wedding

A certain order has been established. As has been said, the rite follows the Liturgy. The young people who have already finished their communion take communion.

The wedding begins in the church with the betrothal. A guy and a girl are standing in front of the church doors. The father brings the couple into the temple, like Adam and Eve into paradise, censes, blesses the young and gives them candles.

After the blessing, they are baptized three times. Special litanies are read by the servants of the church. Everyone present can pray. Then a secret prayer is said for those who are getting married by the clergyman himself.

The next step is putting on the rings. With a prayer to a man, then to a woman. Three exchanges of them, as a symbol of everything in common in life. The personification of an endless union is such a ring. Prayer follows and the betrothal ends.

How is the wedding

To the sounds of a special psalm, holding candles, a young couple goes to the central part of the church. There, a towel is already spread out for them, and crowns are ready on a special stand (analoe), symbolizing martyrdom and triumph. Next to the cross and the Gospel.

Each of the young is asked whether their marriage is voluntary, the answer, of course, must be in the affirmative. There is one more interest Ask whether the heart is promised to another. The answer is accepted in Russian or Church Slavonic. Depending on the temple.

Prayers are recited again:

  • Jesus Christ (one)
  • Triune God (two).

Then crowns are placed on the newlyweds, all actions are accompanied by prayers. At the end, it is proposed to drink wine from a common cup, as a sign of a common life together. The hands of the spouses are bandaged, and they go around the lectern three times after the priest. The whole procedure takes about an hour.

What to do with wedding attributes after the ceremony

In some families, it is customary to keep relics associated with the beginning of a new life. Usually they are stored in a special beautiful box or box. Children's christening accessories are also placed there. All this can later be shown to family members, keeping the memory of significant events.

If candles are left from the wedding, then they can be lit on a significant day for someone from home to ask the Lord for something important.

If all these attributes are not needed and there is no desire to keep them, then you can’t just throw them away, it’s better to burn them yourself or give them to the temple with a request to remove them.

When is church marriage forbidden?

There are cases when a priest has the right to refuse a wedding.

  • Marriage in the registry office was registered more than 3 times.
  • One of the spouses is not Orthodox, not baptized.
  • Parents are forced to marry, and not of their own free will.
  • There is no divorce certificate if there was a previous marriage.
  • A couple are relatives or godfathers.
  • The girl is under 16 and the guy is 18.
  • The woman is over 60 and the man is 70.

The decision to get married in the Orthodox Church should be based on the purity of one's intentions, the absence of self-interest, the determination to be with your loved one until the very end.

A wedding is a sacrament that takes place according to a strict canon, requiring the couple to make a balanced decision and realize what is needed for this ceremony. I want to talk about important aspects, which should be taken into account by the newlyweds when organizing the ceremony.

  • Pectoral crosses
  • Rings
  • wedding candles
  • wedding icons
  • Towel
  • Scarves
  • Cahors
  • Marriage certificate
  • Dress and shoes

Each of these attributes must be given Special attention, therefore I will tell about each of them in detail.

Pectoral crossesimportant rule wedding is that the bride and groom must be baptized, otherwise the priest will not perform the ritual.

Rings- according to ancient traditions, the groom's ring was gold, personifying the sun, while the bride's ring was silver, as a symbol of warmth and light in the house. IN modern world this tradition is no longer mandatory and you can use both the same and different rings, it all depends on your personal preferences.

wedding candles- during the entire ceremony, the couple should have wedding candles in their hands. Throughout the ceremony, they should burn and not go out, thus personifying light and warmth for your family. Therefore, you need to pay attention to thick and large candles, because on average the duration of the ceremony takes 30 minutes, or even more. For convenience, there are also candle holders so that the wax does not drip onto your hands, creating discomfort.

wedding icons- you need to buy two icons in advance and consecrate them with the priest. Usually the couple is crowned with the images of the Savior and the Virgin Mary. After the ceremony, the icons remain with the newlyweds.

Towel- at the very beginning of the ceremony, young people should stand on a towel, which symbolizes the white sky. I want to warn you that it should not be with patterns and other decorations.

Scarves- if you decide not to use candle stands, then you will need small handkerchiefs so as not to burn your hands with hot wax during the ceremony. Witnesses will also need handkerchiefs to hold crowns during the ceremony.

Cahors- church wine, which are also an integral part of the process. During the ceremony, the bride and groom alternately drink it from the bowl.

Marriage certificate churches are important civil laws Therefore, before the ceremony, you must provide a marriage certificate. An exception may be made if the marriage ceremony is announced the next day after the ceremony.

Dress and shoes- there are no categorical rules here, the bride can be at the wedding in a secular dress, but it must comply with certain standards, for example, a deep neckline should be covered with a cape or choose a more modest outfit. Shoes can also be chosen according to your taste, but I want to remind you that the ceremony takes place while standing and for quite a long time, so you need to choose not only beautiful, but also the most comfortable shoes.

wedding rules

  1. The groom must be at least 18 years old and the bride 16;
  2. Newlyweds must be Orthodox Christians;
  3. Parental blessing must be obtained (this is not mandatory for people who have reached the age of majority);
  4. The wedding takes place after the state registration of marriage;
  5. The couple must also prepare spiritually by taking the sacrament, fasting, and confessing.


One of the important decisions in preparing the wedding will be the choice of witnesses. There are no too categorical rules here, but still there are things that you should pay attention to:

  • Naturally, the witnesses, like everyone else who will be in the church at the time of the wedding, must be baptized and wear crosses
  • An important feature that I would like to focus on is that, becoming witnesses, people acquire a certain spiritual connection with each other, which is equated to family ties. Therefore, couples who later want to marry are undesirable as witnesses, since during the ceremony they will bind themselves with spiritual threads close to family ties.

In what cases you can not hold a wedding

  1. The procedure is unacceptable among blood relatives (up to 4 knees);
  2. The second, third and fourth weddings are not approved by the church, but permission for the ceremony can be obtained by proving that both spouses are not married to other people or are widowers;
  3. Unacceptable for people of other faiths or atheists;
  4. If the young are not yet painted.

Here I would like to mention that the presence of pregnancy is not an obstacle to the wedding, the church, on the contrary, advocates that the child should be born to a family that is consecrated by the Lord.

How to choose a date

Choosing a wedding date can be a whole problem for a couple, because there are dates when it is forbidden to do this:

  1. Orthodox fasts (both one-day and multi-day);
  2. Easter;
  3. Church holidays;
  4. Solid weeks;
  5. The Twelfth Passing and Non-passing Holidays.

Guests at the ceremony

Everyone who expresses such a desire can attend the wedding ceremony, but there are a number of requirements for guests

  • All guests must wear crosses
  • Women should not be wearing trousers, clothing is light and modest.
  • Women's heads should be covered with headscarves.
  • Men in festive costumes, if they are black, a light-colored shirt must be worn

Preparing for a wedding already married

As I said above, the wedding takes place only after the state registration of marriage, hence it follows that it does not matter whether the ceremony takes place the day after the painting in the registry office or after 20 years of marriage.

But in a situation where you have already been married for a long time, for the wedding, you need to foresee possible problems:

  • If the blessing of the parents was not received in time, the priest may refuse
  • A situation is possible when there are no unmarried people in close circle who could be witnesses
  • By the way, a person should not be married again, this can also lead to the refusal of the church to hold the ceremony (but I want to note that in the modern world the church has become more loyal in these matters)

When planning a wedding, I strongly recommend that you take into account the tips and rules described earlier, then this exciting event will pass calmly and bring only good emotions. But the main thing to remember is that this is not just a festive ritual, it is a big responsibility!

A wedding is a blessing of God to those who are married in Orthodox and Catholic churches.

It is believed that after the wedding, the couple will be together even in heaven, remain faithful and purify souls for living together.

It is very important to give birth to married children, as this directly affects their life and destiny.

Those couples who decide to get married must be baptized. Be aware of the fact that divorce is unacceptable after this ceremony.

It is considered a great sin to part after the wedding, as you made a promise before God.

IN modern times, where most couples divorce more often than marry, it is better to get married after several years of marriage.

So you do not sin and break the vow of allegiance. I think this is right, because you can get married without difficulty, but you still need to be able to live together. There are many opinions about this, you can also discuss them on.

Behave in church with interest. Do not smile or listen inattentively to the priest.

You must take it seriously, because it will not do you any good if you just came to pay tribute to fashion or because it is supposed to.

Your guests should also behave decently, not walk around the church and not turn their backs to the iconostasis.

You and your guests should pray during the wedding for you and your marriage.

If you cannot vouch for your guests, then go through the wedding ceremony only with your husband and witnesses.

We will tell you how to prepare for the wedding, how the ceremony goes and everything you need to know.

Preparing for the wedding

If you feel that you need it, that you have come and are ready to take an oath before God to be always together, then you should properly prepare for the wedding:

  • purify the soul;
  • remember to dress
  • buy a ring
  • icons and candles;
  • witnesses.

Purification of the soul before the wedding

Newlyweds must undergo spiritual cleansing, which is no less important than bodily. For bodily cleansing, it is necessary to observe three days of fasting before the wedding.

Eliminate such as meat, dairy products, eggs. It is believed that fasting helps to change your thoughts and give them purity.

It is also equally important not to be attached to intimacy for several days. If this happened, then you must repent.

The day before the wedding, you must attend the evening confession and confess to the priest.

Communion is not necessary, you will do it on the day of the wedding in the morning.

The priest will hold a conversation with you the day before the ceremony, in which he will tell you how you should live according to the canons of Christianity.

If the priest deems it necessary, he can hold several conversations.

Important in preparing for the wedding is prayer and repentance. People who decide to perform this sacrament, they should be as clean as possible before the Lord God.

Of course, each of us has sins that no one wants to expound, including the priest. But remember that God knows everything and there is no point in hiding anything from a clergyman. Plus, it will make it easier for you. You will receive the blessing of peace.

Open your soul, and God will rejoice at this and reward you twice as much.

If the newlyweds do not know the Bible and prayers well, then it is necessary to learn the “Our Father” and the “Symbol of Faith”.

Preparing clothes for the wedding

Do not think that the dress must be white. Of course, white is associated with purity, but beige and light pink are also acceptable.

The main thing is that it should not be colorful or dark.

When choosing a dress for a wedding, remember that it should be no higher than the knees.

They look beautiful with a long train, but the priests do not take it very well, so it’s better to choose a dress that is simpler and without frills.

You go to church not to look chic, but to ask for blessings.

Be sure the dress must be closed, despite all fashion trends.

The perfect dress is long sleeves, closed neckline and back.

If, nevertheless, you chose a dress with a neckline and short sleeves- you can use a large scarf or cape to hide the chest and shoulders.

The bride must wear a headdress during the wedding. Usually it's a veil.

Do not rent a dress, because after the ceremony it must be kept at your home.

Choose low-cut shoes and not because it is forbidden by the church, but it will be convenient for you, because you need to stand for several hours.

The groom must be in a suit, but not in jeans or sportswear.

wedding rings

Since ancient times, it has been customary for a man to have silver on his finger, and a woman to have silver.

This is due to the fact that the man symbolizes the Sun, and the girl - the Moon.

It is not necessary to follow this rule. Now many people buy the same gold rings. It's up to you to decide.

Preparing attributes for the wedding

You will need two icons:

This pair of icons is considered wedding. The icon of the Savior blesses the husband, who is considered the protector of his wife and children.

The Almighty will throughout his life remind his father of his responsibility to the family.

The icon of the Virgin is blessed by the wife, who is also the guardian of the hearth.

After the wedding, do not hide these icons, but put them in a prominent place.

They will protect your family and no one will be able to wish you bad things when they come to your house.

You should also purchase a white handbrake on which you will stand. Wedding candles and a bottle of Cahors.

All this can be purchased at a specialized store or church shop.

Witnesses for the wedding

IN scriptures witnesses are called godparents, as they accept your wedding and agree with it.

Witnesses must be Orthodox and baptized.

It is customary to call close and long-familiar people who believe in your couple as witnesses.

They must confirm with their signature the act in the metric church book and hold the crowns over their heads while the wedding couple walk around the lectern.

Engagement before marriage

First, the newlyweds are engaged, and then they are married. Let us tell you more about how this ceremony takes place.

Betrothal is necessary in order for the marriage to take place before the Lord God and the bonds to be sealed in the church.

The young are betrothed after the Liturgy. This is the only way to know all the mystery, awe and spiritual purity.

The fact that newlyweds are betrothed in a church indicates that your husband accepts your wife with the permission of the Lord.

The priest personifies God at the wedding and must stand at the altar. When you are betrothed, you stand in front of the holy gates (doors) of the church.

You should be led into the temple by a priest who reads a prayer and illuminates you with smoke.

For each blessing, you take turns crossing yourself three times and receiving the candles.

After the candles are handed, the betrothal begins.

Candles in the hands of those who are getting married say that they must carry with them all their lives.

Also this prayer asks for you to fulfill all the desires that relate to the family.

The priest reads a prayer for blessing for any good deed. After the prayer, the clergyman will ask you to bow your heads before God and read another prayer.

Then the priest will take the rings from the throne and put it on the groom three times, baptizing him, and then in the same way, the bride.

After you are blessed, you must exchange rings. You must make an exchange 3 times in honor of the Holy Trinity.

In some churches this is done by the priest himself.

How is the wedding

You stand in the middle of the temple on white towels with lit candles in your hands.

You are asked again of your own free will whether you decided to get married and whether you made a promise to another and whether you had (from the state side).

After confirmation of voluntariness before God, your marriage is concluded.

Now you can move on to the sacrament of the wedding, which begins with the words "Blessed is the Kingdom ...".

  • appeal to Jesus Christ;
  • the prayer of the Triune Lord for preservation and blessing;
  • an appeal to the Triune Lord about the wedding of the flesh of the bride and groom.

Then the priest takes the crown and baptizes the groom, letting him kiss the image of the Savior on the crown.

First, the groom is married, and then in the same way, the bride.

Then the crowns are given to witnesses who hold them over your heads.

After reading all the prayers, you will be given a cup of wine with your right hands joined.

The hands are covered with stole, and the priest's hand is placed over them, sealing the wedding.

Then the priest circles the newlyweds three times around the altar, which means an eternal procession.

Then 2 more prayers are read, and the wedding is sealed with a kiss.

The young are brought to the royal gates. There the groom kisses his icon, and the bride kisses hers. Then vice versa.

The cross is kissed, and the icons are handed over to the young.

When marriage is forbidden

Wedding ceremonies are not allowed in:

  • posts;
  • cheese and Easter week;
  • on Christmas;
  • before church holidays;
  • on Saturday, Tuesday and Thursday;
  • before conclusion civil marriage;
  • case of atheistic intentions;
  • at a wedding between relatives;
  • when found three times;
  • not baptized.

Remember, the wedding is a very long and intimate ceremony and you need to approach it with full confidence that you will be with this person all your life.

A church wedding is a sacred rite of the seven sacraments, during which the lover transfers himself, his desires, thoughts and aspirations into the hands of his beloved. A church wedding imposes obligations to protect the family, which each of the spouses must fulfill. In the church, young people receive a blessing for a happy family life and procreation. Church wedding rules Dont Have legal effect Therefore, their observance depends only on the spouses. It is an obligation to keep the sacred bonds of marriage, not allowing the influence of vain passions that destroy love - the spiritual foundation of the family. church wedding cost different cities differ from each other. IN major cities, such as Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan and other capitals of Russian regions church wedding price slightly higher than in small towns.

Church wedding rules

It needs to be said about What do you need for a church wedding?. As a rule, the modern wedding ceremony allows the presence of relatives and friends. Parental blessing is no longer required, what do you need for a wedding was several centuries ago. Beginning in the fourth century, marriage was not considered legal without parental approval.

The rite consists of two stages. The first is the betrothal, and the second is the actual wedding. During the betrothal, the deacon brings out the wedding rings on a tray. The priest gives the newlyweds candles. One wedding ring the priest puts on the ring finger right hand the groom, and then the newlyweds exchange rings three times, symbolizing that they submit themselves to each other's power.

Now it's time for the wedding. The priest marks the crowns of the bride and groom and gives them to kiss the images of the Savior and Holy Mother of God. The sacrament of the wedding means that the newlyweds become king and queen for each other. After that, the newlyweds can return to the house, where their parents meet them with bread and salt, blessing the marriage with icons.

What should be done before the wedding?

Worth talking about what to do before marriage. First of all, it is necessary to start the wedding sincere and clean before each other. Honesty and frankness are the key to the strength of family ties. Only then will the wedding be performed for the good of the soul, and all the prayers offered in the temple will bring good gifts. Previously, only those who remained chaste were allowed to get married, and today the Church requires repentance from those who sinned before marriage. After communion and confession, a ceremony can be performed before a priest.

We should also not forget that a wedding without faith is unlikely to be beneficial. Unfortunately, in the modern world, a wedding is often just a tribute to fashion, losing holiness and sacrament.

The first thing to do before the wedding is to choose a place and time for the ceremony. Many churches offer pre-registration. If this is not possible, you can issue a receipt for the ceremony on the wedding day. In this case, it is impossible to determine the exact time, but it is possible to agree on a wedding ceremony by a specific priest, which is very important for many couples.

When and how to get married?

According to the canons of the Russian Orthodox Church, weddings cannot be held during Lent, Easter week, Christmas time, as well as on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Accordingly, every year the calendar of days allowed for the ceremony changes. It is better to specify the date in advance in the temple, church shop or on Internet resources.

On the eve of the wedding, from midnight, you can’t eat anything, you can’t drink and smoke, and refrain from sexual relations. In the temple, the newlyweds partake of the Holy Mysteries, confess and pray. After that, you can change into wedding clothes. So what do you need for a wedding?

  • comfortable shoes that are easy to stand for several hours in a row;
  • headdress for the bride;
  • pectoral crosses for newlyweds;
  • wedding rings, which should be given to the priest in advance so that he can consecrate them by placing them on the Throne. Previously, the wife's ring was silver, and the husband's ring was gold. The gold symbolized the sun, the light of which was the husband in the family, and the silver symbolized the moon, the wife, shining in the light reflected by the sun. For a modern wedding, as a rule, they buy the same rings;
  • a piece of white linen (you can use a towel) on which the young will stand.

What else you should know about the wedding ceremony:

  • parents and relatives should come, if not to the liturgy, then already at the beginning of the wedding;
  • every married couple should have best men - witnesses who hold crowns over the heads of the young. As a rule, the best men are young strong baptized men;
  • photography and video filming in the church is prohibited, it is better to limit yourself to one general photo on the street in front of the church after the ceremony.

The cost of a wedding in a church can change if the couple wants to get married separately from the rest of the newlyweds who are getting married on that day. On weekdays this is usually less likely than on weekends. The price also increases if this is not the first marriage for one of the spouses. In any case, it is better to go to the church in advance and find out what the price of the wedding in the church is.