25-01-2017, 12:17

Hello dear lovers of square German technology, with you site! Today we will talk about the next creation of German tank building, a medium tank of the sixth level, located in the German development tree - this is VK 30.01 (P) guide.

This unit is located in the branch of German heavy tanks, immediately after it comes the Tiger (P), and the path ends with the famous Maus. For this reason, looking ahead, VK 30.01 (P) WoT has some armor, but in general it is real and at the same time very good medium tank.

TTX VK 30.01 (P)

First of all, I would like to say that in terms of safety margin, we are similar to the vast majority of ST-6, this parameter can be considered standard. But to this is added an initially good basic view of 370 meters.

In terms of survivability, our German, as already mentioned, has quite strengths but not without weaknesses. To start with VK 30.01 (P) characteristics reservations are the most serious in the forehead of the tower. There is a solid 140mm gun mantlet that can deflect many of your classmates' projectiles, and will sometimes save you from level seven shots, but won't protect you from level eights.

The body in the forehead is armored much weaker, the slope of the armor plates is practically absent here, and therefore here medium tank VK 30.01 (P) breaks through easily by everyone, starting with classmates. In addition, the transmission is located behind the NLD and breaking through here, the enemy critiques the engine to us.

Separately, it is worth noting the sides of the car, since the available 62 millimeters of armor on the sides of the hull, with a good turn, can turn into 200 millimeters of reduction, that is, tank with a diamond VK 30.01 (P) WoT tank it can, too, but only if you trust it well.

But it is also worth taking into account the large dimensions of the machine, which is why it is not only easy to hit us, but also the masking factor suffers quite a lot.

As for mobility, despite the shed size and impressive weight, our German turned out to be very mobile. Maximum speed at VK 30.01 (P) World of Tanks excellent, the specific power of the engine is enough to call the tank dynamic, and only the maneuverability leaves much to be desired.


Among other things, this brainchild of the great German tank builders stands out against the background of its classmates with formidable weapons, as there is an 88-mm cannon on board.

If you look at VK 30.01 (P) gun in more detail, we are the happy owner of an excellent alpha strike by ST-6 standards, and besides that, we have a good rate of fire and the ability to deal about 1900 damage per minute.

Unfortunately, penetration VK 30.01 (P) World of Tanks not the best, but at the level there are indicators much worse. We are able to confidently break through classmates and do a good job with most of the seventh levels. Well, for battles at the bottom of the list there are gold shells, of which you need to have at least 15 pieces.

In terms of accuracy, this barrel is not as good as we would like, but not bad either. We have slightly overestimated spread, long convergence time and poor stabilization, but these parameters can be corrected.

Advantages and disadvantages

The general characteristics of this German are considered in detail, we also managed to get acquainted with his weapons, so it's time to sum up. Let's highlight the most important strengths and weak sides VK 30.01 (P) WoT and break them down point by point.
good review;
Decent forehead armor of the tower;
Excellent maximum speed and suitable dynamics;
Powerful alpha strike and DPM;
Good penetration;
Comfortable vertical aiming angles.
Weak hull armor;
Poor maneuverability;
Shed dimensions;
Mediocre accuracy;
High chance of engine crits.

Equipment for VK 30.01 (P)

It’s hard to go into battle without additional modules, because among the shortcomings of our tank there are parameters that would be good to fix, and it never hurts to strengthen the existing advantages. Thus, considering the lists of pros and cons, on tank VK 30.01 (P) equipment we will put the following:
1. - the more often we can implement our powerful alpha strike, the better, and the increase in damage per minute is not the last argument.
2. - For a medium tank with a good basic view, this module will fit perfectly, it gives a lot of advantages on the battlefield.
3. - everything is simple here, even more PDM, more better review, and we will correct the situation with accuracy a little.

But for those who absolutely lack the speed of aiming and do not like the accuracy of the gun, it is better to put instead of the third item. With them, we will be brought down an order of magnitude faster, due to which it will be easier to fight and use our mobility.

Crew training

Particular attention should always be paid to the choice of skill for tankers sitting inside the tank, since a mistake in this direction will cost a lot of time and efficiency in battle. But let's omit the superfluous words, because for VK 30.01 (P) perks optimally download as follows:
Commander - , , , .
Gunner - , , , .
Driver mechanic - , , , .
Radio operator - , , , .
Loader - , , , .

Equipment for VK 30.01 (P)

There are no changes in terms of the choice of consumables, that is, if you do not have extra silver, you can stop at a gentleman's set of , , . Otherwise, it is much more reasonable to carry on VK 30.02 (M) equipment as , , . As for replacing the last item with , everyone makes this choice at their own peril and risk.

Tactics of the game on VK 30.01 (P)

In our hands turned out to be a really strong tank for its level, but despite all its advantages or disadvantages, for VK 30.01 (P) tactics combat depends a lot on who you have to fight.

When we get to the top of the list, that is, there are no opponents older than the sixth level, we can act actively, but not too much. It means that in this case we have armor, but the forehead of the hull must always be hidden. Wherein German medium tank VK 30.01 (P) able to tank with a turret or sides, showing part of the hull from behind cover at a good angle.

Skillfully managing these advantages, as well as connecting to them his excellent mobility and powerful weapon, VK 30.01 (P) tank becomes a very dangerous opponent for his classmates, who can not only hold back damage, but also snap back very strongly.

But in battles against the seventh and especially the eighth levels, the strategy of behavior changes greatly. Such active actions and confrontation on the first line will lead to a quick departure to the hangar. Thus, VK 30.01 (P) WoT should either implement its damage at a distance, trying not to glow, or become a support tank.

By the way, last role this German is given very well and here you can act in different ways. Firstly, you can stay behind the allied bands and help them push through the directions, or form a powerful offensive fist with other MTs, trying not to be strongly substituted. Secondly, VK 30.01 (P) World of Tanks again he can use his mobility and dynamics, deceiving the enemy, driving from unexpected sides or spreading him for a shot or playing from the tower. But it should be understood that in this case we are talking about a 1 on 1 collision, otherwise you will simply be crushed by numbers.

Otherwise, as usual, you have to keep an eye on the mini-map, beware of artillery and always save your health.

Overview of the German medium tank Tier VI VK 30.01 (D)

In today's review series Tanks World of Tanks, I suggest you consider combat characteristics German medium tank tier 6 VK 30.01 (D). This tank was introduced into the game relatively recently, in update 0.8.5, there is still very little information on it, so let's analyze all its qualities.

VK 30.01 (D) is a medium tank, its distinctive feature is a good overview, excellent dynamics for a level 6 tank, a classic accurate German gun and weak armor. From most others German tanks it is distinguished by the fact that its layout is classic, that is, the transmission and engine are located behind and side by side, and not longitudinally (transmission in front, engine in the back - along game mechanics the engine and transmission are a single unit, and because of this arrangement, German tanks often burn when hit by the NLD), which makes it not as burning as most other creations of the gloomy German genius.

Dynamics and speed

High-speed and dynamic characteristics are one of the strengths of this tank. The maximum speed is 56 km/h and the chassis turning speed is 38 degrees per second. The maximum speed is slightly higher than that of its main competitor, the T-34-85, but the chassis turning speed is at the same level. However, thanks to the 700 hp engine. With. and a mass of 33 tons, the ratio of the number of horses per ton is higher than that of the T-34-85, which makes it more dynamic, that is, it allows you to quickly pick up speed. At the same time, the tank weighs only one ton more, which allows you to sometimes use a ram against some other level 6 medium tanks.

However, the turret traverse speed of the VK 30.01 (D) is lower than that of the T-34-85, therefore, under equal conditions, the chances of turning the enemy in Soviet tank yet more.


The armor of the tank leaves much to be desired, but we must remember that it is the same for almost all STs and as compensation we have good speed and dynamics. The characteristics of the armor can also be compared with the Soviet T-34-85, the thickness of the German in question is similar and has the same rational angles of inclination. However, the VK 30.01 (D) has a greater thickness of armor in the front of the hull (60 mm), but less in the sides (40 mm). In the stern, the German tank also has a large armor thickness (50 mm versus 40 for the T-34-85), but this does not matter, since almost all tanks still make their way into the stern.

Things are worse with the armor of the tower, it does not have rational tilt angles or screens and the thickness of the armor is 80 mm in the forehead and 45 mm in the sides and in the stern. For comparison: the T-34-85 has a ricochet turret, and its armor is almost 2 times thicker. That is, the enemy has a chance to inflict damage directly on the forehead of the tower, simultaneously critiquing the gun and crew members.

Thus, the weak points of the tank are the sides, the stern and the turret.


We are armed with a classic accurate German gun. We will not consider the pre-top gun, but the top gun is an example of German quality. The T-34-85 nervously smokes to the side with its 85mm barrel. Yes, the caliber of the VK 30.01 (D) gun is 75 mm, which is 10 mm less... And this is the only indicator by which it is inferior to the Soviet ST gun. In all other parameters, it is significantly superior to the Soviet one: 2 times more ammunition (120 shells), armor penetration and damage by the base shell are several units lower, but penetration by armor-piercing sub-caliber shells is much higher (AP/BP/HE damage is 135/135/175, and penetration is 150/194/38), while in one minute the German ST makes 3 more shots, which makes its DPM higher than that of a competitor.

Don't forget the accuracy German guns- This distinguishing feature all German tanks. Specifically, the gun of this tank - 7.5 cm KwK L70 - is accurate, fast-firing and has not the worst penetration rate with the base projectile and excellent armor-piercing-sub-caliber.

In addition, the VK 30.01 (D) has good gun depression angles thanks to front location towers, which does not allow him to shoot from the opposite slope of the hill, however, and does not create problems on hilly terrain.

Communication range and visibility

The tank has an overview of 370 meters and a communication range of 710 meters. If the view is not large (but still more than the average for classmates), then the communication range is just excellent, the radio station allows you to transmit intelligence data to almost the entire map. That is, even if you are left alone, you can somehow count on the support of the allied artillery.

The visibility of the tank is standard for a level 6 CT, the tank glows perfectly in the bushes with close range, however, from dense thickets or from the forest you can perfectly play a sniper, the tank will not be illuminated. One way or another, the disguise can be increased by the skills of the crew, if necessary.


Close combat distances are not good choice for this tank. The rate of fire and dynamics, of course, allow you to spin a lone enemy, but the whole problem lies in the weak armor of the VK 30.02 (D). It will not be difficult for a competent enemy to remove the caterpillar for us or damage the engine, and then disassemble it without any problems. Therefore, it is better to try to avoid close collisions.

At medium distances, the tank already feels much more confident - an accurate gun allows you to aim vulnerabilities enemy. However, like any CT, VK30.01 (D) is recommended to use all kinds of buildings or objects and terrain for cover, since weak armor allows the enemy to deal damage by simply shooting at our silhouette. Excellent dynamic performance allows you to roll out, deal damage and roll, then roll out from the other side and also deal damage. At the enemy, who is distracted by your ally, you should shoot without rolling, a quick-firing gun allows you to very quickly knock out health points from him. If there are no shelters on the ground, then be sure to place the tank at an angle to the enemy, and in no case stop to fire. The spread of the gun is small, so you should move back and forth and turn your body to shoot at the enemy, then there is a possibility that the enemy’s projectile will ricochet off your armor.

At long distances, the tank feels generally great. VK 30.01 (D) allows you to conduct the tactics of "sniper from the bushes", this is facilitated by not the worst view, and, most importantly, for females - an accurate rapid-fire gun.

The optimal combat plan for this tank is as follows:

  • at the beginning of the battle, we are looking for a suitable hill with bushes and get up there, the dynamics of the tank allows you to do this quite quickly
  • we wait until the allied fireflies make the initial light. For some time we shoot from the bushes in someone else's light
  • when the allies begin to intensively press the flank, we rush to their aid, but try to stay behind
  • if the flank is pushed through, we break through to the enemy base and destroy artillery
  • depending on the situation, we stand up to capture or go to finish off the remaining enemies

Sometimes the situation requires you to return to your base and shoot down the capture, if there is one enemy - boldly break into the base and try to spin it, if the base is trying to capture 2 or more enemies, you should drive up carefully, light them from the nearest bushes and also shoot them down from the bushes capture. If you are discovered - we are looking for shelter, without ceasing to shoot back.

In certain situations, it makes sense to immediately go into a breakthrough, but this is risky and usually ineffective, since the armor of the tank is still rather weak.


The crew of VK 30.02 (D) consists of five people: commander, driver, radio operator, gunner and loader. Despite the fact that many recommend first of all to study repairs for everyone, I, relying on the above sniper tactics, recommend that everyone, except the commander, first learn disguise, and the commander "sixth sense". I advise many STs to do this, but for this tank in particular, because the greatest benefit the team can be brought by causing damage from the bushes so that the enemy does not even notice you. The mechanic driver needs to study a smooth ride in order to reduce the dispersion when firing on the move, the gunner needs a smooth turn of the turret for the same purposes, the radio operator needs radio interception to increase the communication range, and the loader needs a non-contact ammunition rack to prevent it from being undermined. The sequence of learning skills is as follows:

  • Commander: sixth sense, repair, disguise
  • Driver: camouflage, repairs, smooth running
  • Gunner: camouflage, repairs, smooth turret traverse
  • Radio operator: camouflage, repair, radio interception
  • Loader: camouflage, repair, non-contact ammo rack.

Equipment and equipment

The VK 30.01 (D) is equipped with a "universal" set of equipment that goes to almost all tanks: a gun rammer to increase the DPM, aiming drives for faster aiming and improved ventilation to enhance all the parameters of the tank as a whole. Instead of reinforced aiming drives for ambush tactics, you can install coated optics, but then the tank will not be so versatile.

We take a standard set of equipment with us into battle: a first-aid kit, a repair kit and a fire extinguisher. Since the tank doesn't burn as often as most German tanks, the fire extinguisher can be replaced with chocolate to boost the tank's stats a little more.

You should also take 10-15 armor-piercing sub-caliber shells into battle, since it is often necessary to inflict damage on a heavily armored enemy. The rest are ordinary armor-piercing.

In general, the tank turned out to be quite specific: having excellent dynamics and good gun, he has almost no armor. This is its main difficulty, the player, feeling that the tank shoots well and reloads quickly, forgets about caution and leaves for a crowd of opponents, as a result of which he quickly goes to the hangar. In no case should you do this, perhaps in some cases a breakthrough will be successful, but in 9 out of 10 battles this will lead to an unambiguous drain. The tank requires a certain skill, patience, coordinated actions and maximum caution. Most likely, it is impossible to call it interesting and fun, since there are more interesting specimens at the sixth level, however, this tank allows you to open the next one in the VK 30.02 (D) branch without forcing the player to experience any discomfort and difficulty when playing on it .

If you have any comments, additions or suggestions, please leave them in the comments to the article.

Thanks and good luck on the run!

25-01-2017, 12:17

Hello, dear lovers of square German technology, the site is with you! Today we will talk about the next creation of German tank building, a medium tank of the sixth level, located in the German development tree - this is VK 30.01 (P) guide.

This unit is located in the branch of German heavy tanks, immediately after it comes the Tiger (P), and the path ends with the famous Maus. For this reason, looking ahead, VK 30.01 (P) WoT has some armor, but in general it is a real and at the same time a very good medium tank.

TTX VK 30.01 (P)

First of all, I would like to say that in terms of safety margin, we are similar to the vast majority of ST-6, this parameter can be considered standard. But to this is added an initially good basic view of 370 meters.

In terms of survivability, our German, as already mentioned, has quite strong sides, but it is not without weaknesses. To start with VK 30.01 (P) characteristics reservations are the most serious in the forehead of the tower. There is a solid 140mm gun mantlet that can deflect many of your classmates' projectiles, and will sometimes save you from level seven shots, but won't protect you from level eights.

The body in the forehead is armored much weaker, the slope of the armor plates is practically absent here, and therefore here medium tank VK 30.01 (P) breaks through easily by everyone, starting with classmates. In addition, the transmission is located behind the NLD and breaking through here, the enemy critiques the engine to us.

Separately, it is worth noting the sides of the car, since the available 62 millimeters of armor on the sides of the hull, with a good turn, can turn into 200 millimeters of reduction, that is, tank with a diamond VK 30.01 (P) tank WoT it can, too, but only if you trust it well.

But it is also worth taking into account the large dimensions of the machine, which is why it is not only easy to hit us, but also the masking factor suffers quite a lot.

As for mobility, despite the shed size and impressive weight, our German turned out to be very mobile. Maximum speed at VK 30.01 (P) World of Tanks excellent, the specific power of the engine is enough to call the tank dynamic, and only the maneuverability leaves much to be desired.


Among other things, this brainchild of the great German tank builders stands out against the background of its classmates with formidable weapons, as there is an 88-mm cannon on board.

If you look at VK 30.01 (P) gun in more detail, we are the happy owner of an excellent alpha strike by ST-6 standards, and besides that, we have a good rate of fire and the ability to deal about 1900 damage per minute.

Unfortunately, penetration VK 30.01 (P) World of Tanks not the best, but at the level there are indicators much worse. We are able to confidently break through classmates and do a good job with most of the seventh levels. Well, for battles at the bottom of the list there are gold shells, of which you need to have at least 15 pieces.

In terms of accuracy, this barrel is not as good as we would like, but not bad either. We have slightly overestimated spread, long convergence time and poor stabilization, but these parameters can be corrected.

Advantages and disadvantages

The general characteristics of this German are considered in detail, we also managed to get acquainted with his weapons, so it's time to sum up. Let's highlight the most important strengths and weaknesses VK 30.01 (P) WoT and break them down point by point.
Good review;
Decent forehead armor of the tower;
Excellent maximum speed and suitable dynamics;
Powerful alpha strike and DPM;
Good penetration;
Comfortable vertical aiming angles.
Weak hull armor;
Poor maneuverability;
Shed dimensions;
Mediocre accuracy;
High chance of engine crits.

Equipment for VK 30.01 (P)

It’s hard to go into battle without additional modules, because among the shortcomings of our tank there are parameters that would be good to fix, and it never hurts to strengthen the existing advantages. Thus, considering the lists of pros and cons, on tank VK 30.01 (P) equipment we will put the following:
1. - the more often we can implement our powerful alpha strike, the better, and the increase in damage per minute is not the last argument.
2. - For a medium tank with a good basic view, this module will fit perfectly, it gives a lot of advantages on the battlefield.
3. - everything is simple here, even more DPM, an even better overview, and we will correct the situation with accuracy a little.

But for those who absolutely lack the speed of aiming and do not like the accuracy of the gun, it is better to put instead of the third item. With them, we will be brought down an order of magnitude faster, due to which it will be easier to fight and use our mobility.

Crew training

Particular attention should always be paid to the choice of skill for tankers sitting inside the tank, since a mistake in this direction will cost a lot of time and efficiency in battle. But let's omit the superfluous words, because for VK 30.01 (P) perks optimally download as follows:
Commander - , , , .
Gunner - , , , .
Driver mechanic - , , , .
Radio operator - , , , .
Loader - , , , .

Equipment for VK 30.01 (P)

There are no changes in terms of the choice of consumables, that is, if you do not have extra silver, you can stop at a gentleman's set of , , . Otherwise, it is much more reasonable to carry on VK 30.02 (M) equipment as , , . As for replacing the last item with , everyone makes this choice at their own peril and risk.

Tactics of the game on VK 30.01 (P)

In our hands turned out to be a really strong tank for its level, but despite all its advantages or disadvantages, for VK 30.01 (P) tactics combat depends a lot on who you have to fight.

When we get to the top of the list, that is, there are no opponents older than the sixth level, we can act actively, but not too much. It means that in this case we have armor, but the forehead of the hull must always be hidden. Wherein German medium tank VK 30.01 (P) able to tank with a turret or sides, showing part of the hull from behind cover at a good angle.

Skillfully managing these advantages, as well as connecting to them his excellent mobility and powerful weapon, VK 30.01 (P) tank becomes a very dangerous opponent for his classmates, who can not only hold back damage, but also snap back very strongly.

But in battles against the seventh and especially the eighth levels, the strategy of behavior changes greatly. Such active actions and confrontation on the first line will lead to a quick departure to the hangar. Thus, VK 30.01 (P) WoT should either implement its damage at a distance, trying not to glow, or become a support tank.

By the way, the last role is given to this German very well and here you can act in different ways. Firstly, you can stay behind the allied bands and help them push through the directions, or form a powerful offensive fist with other MTs, trying not to be strongly substituted. Secondly, VK 30.01 (P) World of Tanks again he can use his mobility and dynamics, deceiving the enemy, driving from unexpected sides or spreading him for a shot or playing from the tower. But you should understand that in this case we are talking about a 1 on 1 collision, otherwise you will simply be crushed by quantity.

Otherwise, as usual, you have to keep an eye on the mini-map, beware of artillery and always save your health.

VK 30.01 (P)- German Tier VI medium tank. Was a prototype heavy tank from Porsche.
It is presented in the game as a medium tank, which is researched for 26235 experience, and its cost is 920 thousand credits.


The tank does not have outstanding armor. The only place that can withstand hits is the front of the turret, most of which is covered by the gun mantlet. This gives armor thickness ranging from 140 to 160 mm. The forehead of the hull is protected by 75 mm plates, which can only save if the projectile hits at an acute angle. The sides are covered with 80 mm of armor in the turret and 62 mm in the hull. If necessary, you can try to go to the enemy of the same level "diamond".


The tank has as many as four guns to choose from, but one of them is stock and has very mediocre performance, and the second is a specific 105 mm high explosive, which does not look good at the sixth level. Therefore, it is worth stopping at the remaining two.
Gun Kw.K. 36 L/56 caliber 88 mm has a good one-time damage of 220 HP and penetrates 145 mm of armor with the main projectile. Accuracy is good, convergence is acceptable. Second gun, 75 mm Kw.K. 42 L/70 is suitable for those who prefer precision. In addition, it has slightly better armor penetration - 150 mm. But the one-time damage is only 135 units and the aiming speed is the same as that of the previous gun. In addition, it is inferior in terms of DPM.
Both guns are approximately equal, it all depends on the personal preferences of the player: someone is a sniper, and someone is more comfortable playing “from alpha”.


This tank belongs to fast cars, his maximum speed- 60 km / h with a specific power of 17.5 hp / t. But at the same time, he experiences certain problems with maneuverability, because the chassis rotates only 28 degrees per second.


As in the case of other similar tanks, the game on VK 30.01 (P) depends on the installed weapon. The 88 mm cannon is best used in close combat and at medium distances. Vehicles of the eighth level can deliver certain difficulties, but most of them are penetrated by premium ammunition. And those that do not break through, it is desirable to avoid altogether. With a 75mm cannon, you can shoot from afar. True, her aiming speed is the same as that of 88 mm, so it is impossible to become a full-fledged sniper.
The tank can quickly move around the map and change positions, but nevertheless, it cannot be played as a light tank. On corners, it loses speed quite noticeably, that is, it is difficult to spin some kind of “heavyweight”, with the exception of such clumsy ones as the KV-3 or O-Ni.
In all respects, the VK 30.01 (P) can be safely attributed to good tanks. It is quite easy to learn and has the right qualities for a pleasant game.

This tank is not a premium vehicle, however, in our premium store you can with a 100% guarantee of receiving from the site

Hi all. Today I will tell you about my notes on the Vk30.01P tank.


The tank is stock

I have been in possession since 08/01/15

About modules

For all the time I managed to pump the chassis. There are plans to upgrade the 8.8 cm Kwk 36L/56 gun.

Leveling plan

  • 1) Chassis-Yes
  • 2) Top gun-Yes
  • 3) Tower-Yes
  • 4) Gun 7.5cm Kwk 42L/70-Yes
  • 5) Tower-Yes
  • 6) Engine

About the tank

  • Now I'm in stock. tank on this moment headache. Like all stock tanks, it has a lot of flaws. Let's start with the fact that you feel constantly disadvantaged. After all, most often it throws me to level 8. At this level, I can't offer proper resistance, so I'm going with allies and trying to help at least a little. Sometimes, by the way, it works out. There was a fight when I calmly killed an AMX CDC with two slaps. He stood next to me. Therefore, it was not difficult to break through it. Trouble with the rest of the tanks. Most often he caught enemy "fireflies" and quickly dealt with them. With the advent of "bulldogs" the life of our tank has not deteriorated much. After all, our armor is something between foil and cardboard + square shapes. In general, it is better for us not to butt heads at close range with the "buddog".
  • On city maps, diamond tactics and playing from the side often roll, especially in Khimki. At our level, we can still bend down, even destroy in stock poor technique enemy. We're not very agile, but that's it for now.
  • I asked my friends for an opinion about the tank. For the most part, it is unfortunately negative precisely because of the shortcomings of the tank
  • The tank, if you look at it like that, is underweight, it has manners like that of the Tiger, in terms of size, but does not have a normal gun

Our pros and cons

Excellent speed

Frontal armor of the turret

Tower location

  • -Armor (3 splashes and we are in the hangar)
  • -No slope armor
  • -It is not possible to break through level 8 tanks (to which we are often thrown)
  • - Dimensions and maneuverability

Stock gun

Our weapon is not bad for our level

  • Average damage 110/110/175
  • Penetration 110/158/38

But the accuracy is lame enough. Annoying when at a crucial moment the projectile flies the devil knows where

Gun 8.8 cm Kw.k. 36L/56

The top gun pleases with a stable damage of 220 hp, sometimes 280. And for weakly armored targets, all 350hp. But with a small armor penetration from my point of view. We are not able to break through some tanks. Then you have to track down hatches or put on a harp. Due to the small spread, we only mow occasionally. And so the gun is just lovely, unlike the 7,5 cm Kw.K. 42L/70. Gun 7.5 larger hole puncher with less spread and reload time

Gun 7.5 cm Kw.K. 42L/70.

"Hole Punch" with a rather short reload time and with a small spread. Also, armor penetration is 18mm more than that of the top one. But on the other hand, the damage is 135. I did not like the gun with the aiming time of 2.3 seconds, it is not always possible for them to shoot accurately and over long distances. The weapon is more suitable for close combat and at medium distances. This weapon cannot boast of sniper characteristics.

Gun 10.5 cm Kw.K. L/28

High explosive. With a very low penetration of 64 and high damage of 350. Using this weapon, I skated 10 battles. I will say right away the purpose of this weapon is to shoot down the tracks of the enemy, sometimes shooting at the sides at medium and short distances. Sometimes we deal with art with a one-shot. This weapon is receding into the background.

What tool should I choose?

Now the choice is between Penetration and Damage. My choice fell on the 8.8 cm Kw.k. 36L/56. I consider it top-end and comfortable enough to conduct active offensive and defensive operations. A tank with this gun gives heat and the T-150, which tries to play from the gusli and ISam, punching them into the lower armor plate or on the "cheeks". I do not exclude the possibility of using a "hole punch", but for me it is more convenient to use this tool.

throws me

I specifically spotted to which levels it throws me

  • Out of 10 fights:
  • 6 fights to level 8
  • 4 fights to level 6

We are at the top

Unified tactics

Information will appear in the near future

About modules

I talked about the tools above. Now I'll tell you about the rest of the modules of this tank

Driving properties

  • Engine 2x Porsche Typ 100/1-600hp (already installed)
  • Engine 2x Porsche Typ 100/3-720hp (everything would be fine, but I'm too lazy to download it)
  • Suspension VK 30.01 (P) verstärkteketten- turning speed 28 g/s


VK 30.01 (P) Krupp Turm - fairly armored turret - 100/82/82.

  • Turret rotation speed 28 g/s
  • review 370m


  • FuG 12-Top radio station. 710m communication range. It is recommended to pump
  • FuG 7 is the radio station that I currently have 415 m communication range, so far I'm satisfied

Chronology of events

08/15/15 - pumped the chassis and tower

08/16/15 - upgraded guns

08/17/15 - bled the engine

What is this blog?

I decided to try writing a dynamic guide in the form of notes. What is it??

Dynamic guide - a gradually developing blog. Notes in which the knowledge of the author is transferred.

In the tank part, these notes will give a lot of in-depth information about this technique, and all this is done as a technique test.

If you like, I can continue to supplement the database with similar blogs and update them.

I'm waiting for your opinion.