"Last time we talked a few days ago, she said to me: "I want to go home and see you all, I miss you very much." And I miss you, Diana. I miss and cry. You will forever remain in my heart," Nastya, the daughter of billionaire Igor Kudryashkin, quotes Life.ru.


According to her, Diana was distinguished by cheerfulness and friendliness. She was very attached to her family and friends. “Diana has always strived for knowledge, worked hard on herself. I didn’t have time to tell her so much,” Nastya added.

The investigation has not yet established the cause of the terrible accident that killed Diana and her friend Azer Yagubov. So, according to one version, a young man who was driving a BMW could not cope with driving on an icy road. According to another, Diana and Azer could arrange races, which is quite consistent with the spirit of Russian golden youth.

Recall that the 19-year-old granddaughter of businessman Platon Lebedev died as a result of an accident in Switzerland. The car in which the girl was traveling rammed the bridge fence and fell into Lake Lugano.

The accident also killed 23-year-old Azer Yagubov, nephew of the head of the state department of the legal department of the Russian government Subkhi Shikhlinsky.

The car was pulled out with a crane, it received significant damage. Local residents captured the process of lifting the car. Social media users expressed their condolences in connection with the death of the granddaughter of the companion of the former head of Yukos, Mikhail Khodorkovsky. "The girl lived so brightly, but so little!", "Diana! I love you forever! Kingdom of heaven!" – wrote her friends.

The accident happened the day before, on November 24, in the area of ​​Castagnola. Possible reasons accidents are called speeding and icing of the road. These factors may have caused the driver to lose control on the sharp curve of the bridge, nicknamed local residents Devil's Bridge.

  • tio.ch

Rescuers have already removed the BMW car from the water by using a crane. The bodies of the dead were brought to the surface by divers.

The Russian embassy in Switzerland has already announced that they will organize the sending of road accident victims to their homeland as soon as possible, RIA Novosti reports.

The local police finds out the circumstances of the death of the Russians.

  • tio.ch

  • Instagram

According to the Life portal, Diana's companion was Azer Yakubov, the nephew of the head of the State Department of the Legal Department of the Russian government Subkhi Shikhlinsky. The young man lived in Lugano for the last nine years, where he studied for a master's degree.

The Russian media have already compared the incident with a car accident in which the princess died. Welsh Diana in 1997. The name of the girl’s Instagram, ladydd11, also leads to associations.

businessman grandfather

Diana is the granddaughter of a Russian businessman, co-founder of Menatep Bank and one of the main shareholders oil company YUKOS to Platon Lebedev.

In 2005, the businessman, along with Yukos partner Mikhail Khodorkovsky, was sentenced to eight years in prison. He was found guilty under six articles of the Criminal Code, including fraud, embezzlement Money from the state, the theft of valuable raw materials of apatite concentrate on a large scale, several non-execution of decisions of arbitration courts, tax evasion from individuals and legal entities. Subsequently, in 2014, the presidium Supreme Court Russia reduced Lebedev's term to the time served and decided to release him with the right to partial rehabilitation.

Golden youth abroad

This is not the first time that Russians in Switzerland have been in the center of public attention. So, in 2009, a scandal erupted in connection with the races on elite cars, which were arranged around Lake Geneva by representatives of the golden youth. Then there were also some victims - the overclocked Lamborghini driver, the son of construction magnate Mehraj Babayev, drove into the oncoming lane and crashed into a Volkswagen Golf, which was driven by a 70-year-old pensioner. The latter was seriously injured, but survived.

Other participants in the race were the brothers Alekper and Sarkhan Ismailov, the sons of the ex-owner Cherkizovsky market Telman.

Azer Yagubov, who died in a car accident along with Platon Lebedev's granddaughter Diana, is the son of Mahir Yagubov, former federal representative of Azerbaijan Airlines CJSC in Moscow.

According to 1 news. az, the last nine years the deceased lived in Switzerland, where he first studied at an elite private school TASIS, and then - at least prestigious college Franklin.

As suggested Russian media, apparently, "at young man there was a great future for which his family was preparing him.

The TASIS school, where Yagubov studied, is located in Lugano, in the French part of Switzerland. The main building of the campus is located in the magnificent 17th century manor VillaDeNobili. The school has departments of Italian and English.

According to the newspaper "MK", ​​650 children and teenagers of 50 nationalities from 4 to 18 years old study here. Parents will pay for the education of their children in 2016-2017 academic year for 75 thousand Swiss francs (69959.94 EUR).

Judging by the photos from Yagubov's Instagram page, he most likely was not in a close relationship with Diana Lebedeva - there are no pictures where they were together. Maybe they were just good friends.

As noted by the media, according to some reports, the day before his death, Mahir Yagubov talked to his son on the phone, Azer, according to him, did not drink alcohol, in general, his condition did not portend trouble, and in general, everything was in order with him.

Recall that the car accident that killed the 19-year-old granddaughter of the ex-co-owner of Yukos and former leader"Menatepa" by Platon Lebedev - Diana and Azer Yagubov, took place last weekend in Switzerland, not far from locality Castagnola in the south of Switzerland in the canton of Ticino.

The car, driven by 23-year-old A. Yagubov, broke through the fence and fell off the bridge into Lake Lugano. In order to get the mangled car out of the water, rescue services needed a crane. According to preliminary data, the cause of the accident was that the driver lost control of the vehicle.

The granddaughter of Platon Lebedev, the dazzling blonde Diana was one of the brightest representatives of Moscow's golden youth, although she spent most of her time in Switzerland, where she received her education in one of the most prestigious educational institutions- University of St. Gallen.

Diana's main hobby was singing, Lebedeva spent her leisure time in the best karaoke and restaurants in Moscow: the girl, along with her friends, was a regular at La Maree, Bistrot and Mario restaurants. The owner of a spectacular appearance surrounded herself with objects luxurious life: Diana loved Hermes and Chanel bags, Cartier and Chopard jewelry, floor-length sable fur coats and Victoria Beckham dresses.

“The heiress of millions died in an accident”, “The granddaughter of the disgraced oligarch crashed”, “The death of the Russian Lady Di” - the media were full of similar headlines in November 2016, reporting Diana Lebedeva and her companion in a car accident in Switzerland. Diana was the granddaughter of a big Russian businessman and a bright representative of the "golden youth". model, singer, socialite most of the time she lived in Switzerland, where she received her education at the University of St. Gallen. At the time of death, the girl was 19 years old.

Childhood and family

Diana was born on September 22, 1997 in the family of entrepreneur Platon Lebedev, who gained fame in the 90s, first as a co-founder of the Menatep bank, and then as a member of the board of the Yukos oil company, headed at that time. In 2003, Lebedev was arrested as a defendant in the Yukos case and spent almost 10 years in prison.

Diana - daughter eldest daughter Lebedeva, Lyudmila. She and her brother Mikhail were born from the businessman's first marriage to Natalya Emyasheva. How the personal life of Lyudmila Lebedeva developed and who is the father of Diana, history is silent. It is only known that Lyudmila is the mother of three children.

The fact that Diana lived among rich people from childhood is evidenced by the fact of friendship with the children of famous and influential people. With some, the girl went to school, with others she lived in the neighborhood. Everyone wrote touching words condolences in the social networks of the deceased, speaking of her exclusively as kind and sunny man. Mikhail Khodorkovsky also reacted to the tragic news by posting a photo of the girl on Twitter with the words:

"I knew her from infancy."


Among the main creative hobbies of the girl, journalists call singing. Diana loved to spend time with her friends in karaoke bars. Another niche for the party girl has become model business. The owner of a bright and attractive appearance, Diana Lebedeva was the face of many brands of clothing, cosmetics and perfumes.

The image of a slender, dazzling blonde in photo shoots was a worthy decoration for glossy magazines. In parallel, Lebedeva posted glamorous pictures in "Instagram" to please fans.

It is known that in 2016, shortly before her death, Lebedeva starred in a photo shoot for the Zara brand. The model herself preferred in life such luxury brands as Hermes and Chanel, in the jewelry niche - Cartier and Chopard.

Personal life

Could such a beauty as Diana Lebedeva be lonely. Not a single source refutes this, but does not confirm it either. One way or another, there is no information about who occupied the heart of a luxurious blonde. As well as about who the young socialite had romantic acquaintances with.

The fact that Diana was not alone in the car at the time of the tragedy - her friend, 23-year-old Azer Yagubov, was driving, gave rise to a series of assumptions about a possible connection. Moreover, the guy is also a representative of a famous family.

His father is a businessman Makhri Yagubov, his uncle is the head of the state department of the legal department of the Russian government Subkhi Shikhlinsky. However, the father of the young man said that Azer was not the boyfriend of Platon Lebedev's granddaughter at all, the young people were connected only by friendly relations.

“Azer was engaged, we were preparing for the wedding. Diana was more friends with her younger son. They all studied together. After one of the family events of their acquaintances, Diana asked Azer to take her home,” he said in an interview with 1news.az.

Among close friends deceased daughter singer and daughter Russian oligarch Igor Kudryashkin -.


A terrible accident happened on the morning of November 24, 2016 in the canton of Ticino, near the village of Castagnola. The elite crossover BMW X6, in which Diana and Azer were, was driving along the highway from Lugano to Geneva. On a section with a sharp bend, the car flew off the road and, breaking through the iron fence, collapsed into the lake.

Presumably, young people died immediately. The causes of death were injuries incompatible with life. A photo report from the scene of the tragedy showed: the car was pulled out of the water with a crane. The photo shows that the body of the car is badly mangled, and the roof is crumpled.

Among the versions of what happened, an icy road and speeding were named. In particular, there was an assumption about the races arranged by young people on the morning track. The media released a selfie of the deceased, posing behind the wheel, not wearing a seatbelt, as proof that the girl was not vigilant while driving and on the road.

The reaction of Diana's friends to this was stormy. Here is what Stefania Malikova's friend wrote on social networks:

“There were no races, there was heavy fog, the road was serpentine, the wind, and the driver lost control.”

Makhri Yagubov also named fog as the likely cause of the accident:

“On the road where the accident occurred, there is a 90-degree turn, it is impossible to drive there. high speed. The cause of the accident was probably thick fog.

The death of a young beauty caused a wave of comments in social networks. In the fate of Diana, fans found analogies with the biography of her famous namesake, who also died in a car accident. It is noteworthy that Diana was born in the year of the death of the Queen of Hearts - in 1997, and the model called her Instagram profile ladydd11.

Parents arranged for their daughter lavish funeral. Many friends of the girl came to the Troekurovsky cemetery, including celebrity children. Journalists were not allowed to attend the ceremony. Relatives of the deceased ordered to put up enhanced security. However, reporters noticed Diana's heartbroken mother, who was carefully supported by her father, Platon Lebedev.

The girl was buried in a luxurious white coffin. A huge memorial in the form of a tent was erected over the grave of Diana. For the construction, 4 sections had to be combined at once, the approaches to neighboring graves suffered. Subsequently, this fact caused a lot of discontent and criticism of the Lebedev family, complaints flew to the authorities. At the beginning of 2017, the question of dismantling the memorial tent was raised.

Mahir Yagubov, the father of Azer Yagubov, who, along with the granddaughter of Russian businessman Platon Lebedev, Diana Lebedeva, died in an accident in Switzerland, told the details of his son's life.

According to website, Mahir Yagubov, who worked as a representative of AZAL in Russia for 18 years and is now doing business in the Russian Federation, told AzNews.az that his 23-year-old son Azer lived in Switzerland from the age of 15: “He graduated from there high school and went to university. After graduating from the university, he continued his education in the magistracy, studied in the first year.

Mahir Yagubov also said that with the granddaughter of the Russian businessman Platon Lebedev - Diana Lebedeva - his son had only friendly relations: “My son was engaged, we were preparing for the wedding. They were friends with Diana, while Diana was more friends with my youngest son. They all studied together. After one of the family events of their acquaintances, Diana asked Azer to take her home.”

Mahir Yagubov also named probable causes accidents: “Some websites write that the roads were covered with ice, and the car was driving at high speed. But in fact, that day the temperature was 14-15 degrees Celsius. On the road where the accident occurred, there is a 90-degree turn, it is impossible to drive at high speed there. The cause of the accident was probably thick fog.

Recall that the car accident that killed the 19-year-old granddaughter of the ex-co-owner of Yukos and the former head of Menatep Platon Lebedev, Diana, and Azer Yagubov, occurred last weekend in southern Switzerland, not far from the village of Castagnola in the canton Ticino.

The car, driven by 23-year-old A. Yagubov, broke through the fence and fell off the bridge into Lake Lugano. In order to get the mangled car out of the water, rescue services needed a crane.

Platon Lebedev's granddaughter, the dazzling blonde Diana, was one of the brightest representatives of Moscow's "golden youth", although she spent most of her time in Switzerland, where she received her education at one of the most prestigious educational institutions - the University of St. Gallen.

Diana's main hobby was singing, Lebedeva spent her leisure time in the best karaoke and restaurants in Moscow: the girl, along with her friends, was a regular at La Maree, Bistrot and Mario restaurants. The owner of a spectacular appearance surrounded herself with objects of luxurious life: Diana loved Hermes and Chanel bags, Cartier and Chopard jewelry, floor-length sable fur coats and Victoria Beckham dresses.

Timur Rzaev, E.T.

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