They are not popular products for carp fishing. However, some anglers use it in carp fishing. And if so, then you should talk about the installation of gear, the features of fishing, as well as other equally important nuances.

Many novice fishermen have no idea what a carp snack is, although it is the most. Pay attention to this element because it is budget and simple.

In order to make tackle yourself, you need to stock up on such elements as:

  • A plank made of wood or a reel (for storing gear).
  • Cargo. Its weight should be in the range of 30-120 grams.
  • Ordinary.
  • Fishing line. Suitable braided or monofilament. The length of the product must be at least 40 meters, and the cross section must be from 0.3 mm.

Some anglers think that 0.3 mm line is too thick and use less thin line. However, during the fight, it turns out that a thin fishing line is bad because it cuts hands a lot. This is due to the fact that the reel and rod are not used when using the hook. In addition, the use of thin fishing line often leads to the loss of tackle, as well as the long-awaited trophy.

Installation of the cap is carried out as follows:

  1. 40-60 meters of pre-prepared fishing line are taken. There is no need to use the fishing line for the future, since it will still not work to carry out a long cast.
  2. At the end of the fishing line, you will need to tie a sinker. As for its weight, it directly depends on the type of reservoir, the strength of the current on it, the depth and other important nuances.
  3. Further, it will be necessary to step back from the sinker about 30-70 cm and tie the postings to the fishing line. This can also serve as a fishing line, but a smaller section. The ideal option would be 0.2 mm. As for the length, it should be at least 30 cm.
  4. At the last stage, the hook is attached.

As for how and where to store a snack, it is better to do it on a reel, which can be made by hand or purchased. Many anglers advise to glue a few pieces of foam to the reel, on which the hooks will be hung and thus fixed. This method will make it possible to avoid various entanglements.

Read also, which is slightly different from carp equipment.

Snacks for carp - what they can be

Modern snacks are improved by the most different ways. For this purpose, sliding sinkers, carabiners, swivels and much more are used during manufacture. This can be done, but should be followed certain rules otherwise the gear will be damaged.

Product upgrades are as follows:

  1. Tying a rubber cord to which the sinker will be attached. Thanks to this design, it is possible to successfully fish for the coveted fish without recasting. However, in order to throw such an element, one cannot do without a boat.
  2. Tying a feeder with a built-in sinker to the end of the fishing line. To avoid twisting, two short wires are hung a little higher. There are anglers who thread them through an anti-twist tube. To some, this design resembles a rocker arm, in which leashes stick out from different sides.

If desired, the snack can be mounted so that it appearance looked like a mackerel. To do this, you need to tie a feeder to the end of the fishing line (it can be an open version or a feeder), and then throw various dough-like bait into it. It should be noted that there should be several leashes. There is no need to make them long, but everything must be tied to the feeder.

How to catch a carp for a snack

Not all anglers are aware of the catch, so this should be discussed in more detail.

Important! You can catch carp for a snack regardless of the season, except for the time when the reservoir is covered with ice.

Many anglers immediately cast several gear. This is the right decision, because with one you can wait a long time for a catch. Some have 5-10 rods in their arsenal at once, thanks to which they manage to make an excellent catch of the chosen place.

It is best to use snacks in overgrown areas and areas where there are a lot of all kinds of snags. There are fishermen who are afraid to leave all their equipment in such areas, but this is in vain. It is extremely rare when such elements cling to obstacles.

With snacks, fishermen boldly also go to the bushes, where it will not be possible to fish with a float rod and a feeder rod.

Rules for fishing on a hook:

  • First of all, you should choose a suitable place. After that, you will need to find a peg and drive it into the ground. This will be a kind of holder for tackle.
  • Next, the rod must be tied to the created support. True, it would be better to fix the reel on it. Some resort to this option. In any case, the line must be tightly secured, because it will be damaged or lost.
  • After that, you need to unwind the tackle and lay the fishing line on the shore in small rings, the diameter of which should not exceed 80 cm.
  • After that, the bait is put on the hook.
  • Having dealt with this, you need to take the fishing line in your hands, a little higher than the sinker, and then swing it and cast it. At this moment, it will be possible to observe how all the equipment went after the sinker.
  • At the next stage, it will be necessary to hang some kind of signaling device on the fishing line next to the support, notifying about the bite.

Important! When playing or subsequent recasts, the zakidka should be pulled out strictly according to the rules.

At the same time, the fishing line is folded in rings on the shore, which will make it possible to avoid tangling, and then untangling.

Bait and bait

It is very important to choose those nozzles that will ideally “work” with the snacks. The treats need to be good on the hook, and the fish should also like them, otherwise they will swim past. It must be said right away that you can forget about talkers, semolina, dough or pearl barley - this will not work for sure, because all of the above blanks will begin to fly off even at the casting stage.

It is best to look at some solid goodies.

You can pay attention to:

  • Worms.
  • Corn.
  • Boilies.
  • Maggots.
  • Pellets.

For reliable fixation of the bait, you can use a hair rig.

As for the bait, it is preferable to use:

  • Fermented corn.
  • Prepared multi-component bait.
  • Finely dispersed ready mix.

Thinking about baits, you need to remember what time of year it is outside, temperature regime, features of the reservoir, as well as predilections of carp. Perhaps someone did not know, but on some ponds, fish can happily absorb some delicacies, while on others they can’t even touch them.

As for the bait mixture, it is thrown using a special slingshot or cobra. There are anglers who make feeder feeders on a zakidushka. In this case, a container is filled with treats and lowered into the water.

Zakidushka or carp tackle

Carp tackle or bait is a budget rod with which you can come home with a good catch. Despite the name, it is much more successful to catch other types of fish with this equipment.

The reason is that the carp is considered a strong fish, which shows maximum activity during attempts to pull it ashore. If you come across a copy whose weight is over 5 kg, then it will be very difficult to get it with the help of a snack, if not impossible. In this case, you can not do without an inertial reel or an excellent rod.

Therefore, experienced anglers advise using hooks in order to catch either small carp, or hunt calmer fish, which can be crucian carp, bream, silver bream and the like.

Today, it is not necessary to spend a lot of money on the purchase of newfangled gear, you can create them yourself with the available tools at hand. And a snack in this regard is no exception.

Zakidushka is such a hook equipment, which is used mainly for catching inhabitants of great depths. It is recommended to cast it exclusively from the hand. Moreover, you can use such tackle almost after the spawning of fish.

Types of snacks that you can do with your own hands

There are several options for snacks that you can create with your own hands from improvised materials. This is a hook with a fishing line, an elastic band and a tackle in the form of a ring.

Necessary materials for a snack

To make such a homemade product, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • a small piece of board or plywood;
  • monofilament thread 0.5 mm thick;
  • thread to create a leash, preferably 0.3 mm thick;
  • ruzilo;
  • hooks;
  • rubber or foam rubber;
  • saw;
  • drill;
  • sandpaper;
  • glue.

Stages of creating the simplest snack

  1. Initially, it is recommended to pick up a piece of plywood or board to further create cuts in it. This can be done with a saw on both sides of the workpiece.
  2. To fix the hooks on one side of the workpiece, a piece of rubber or foam rubber is glued.
  3. A hole is created in the reel to secure the monofilament thread.
  4. At the end of the thread, a weight of about fifty grams is fixed.
  5. Having retreated twenty centimeters from the last, the hooks are fixed alternately at the same distance.
  6. At the final stage, the monofilament thread is fixed by creating a hole, and the hooks are stuck into the foam rubber. Ready!

Do-it-yourself gummies

This is a very common and popular equipment, which is presented in the form of an elastic shock absorber securely fixed on the main monofilament thread (through a carabiner or by the loop-to-loop method).

During the extraction process, the sinker is held in place and subsequently attached directly to the rubber part. While the leashes are already attached to the monofilament thread.

The elastic is selected in such a way that in the process of stretching it, it allows you to reach the hooks on the surface of the reservoir. And at the moment of compression, again delivered them to their original position.

Moreover, the position of the sinker in this case can be adjusted using a cord with a float attached to it.

Do-it-yourself snack with a feeder

You can create such a tool different ways. hallmark each of the methods is considered to be the application of a specially assembled .

How to catch more fish?

For 13 years of active fishing, I have found many ways to improve the bite. And here are the most effective ones:
  1. Cool activator. Attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones included in the composition and stimulates their appetite. It's a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to ban its sale.
  2. More sensitive gear. Read the relevant manuals for the particular type of tackle on the pages of my website.
  3. Lures based pheromones.
You can get the rest of the secrets of successful fishing for free by reading my other materials on the site.


Such equipment is presented in the form of a plastic rod into which a monofilament thread is inserted, and a barrel-shaped spring wire enveloping it. It is necessary to ensure that the feeder slides freely along the monofilament, while the stop knots in certain places will act as limiters.
Such a homemade product is most often filled with clay-containing feeds, which are distinguished by a special viscosity. This will allow the bait to attract the attention of the fish much longer.

"Makukha" or "Makukha"

This is a homemade product in the form of a flat-bodied load with leashes attached to it. Hooks are hidden in sunflower cake with the help of rubber bands. Over time, the cake will begin to dissipate in the water column, and the fish, trying to feast on it, without knowing it, will fall on the hook.


Such a homemade product looks like a spoon based on soft metals. To ensure a better and more reliable fastening of the feed, a special spiral is located inside. The structure is carefully filled with bait, hiding hooks in it. And the fish, trying to taste the delicacy, hooks itself.

Catching fish on a hook

Before you start casting our equipment, it is worth laying out a monofilament thread on the ground with a snake or rings. Moreover, this area must be previously cleared of various debris and vegetation. The tip with a sinker attached to it is carefully taken into the hand a little higher than the location of the leashes themselves. Actively swinging to prevent shaving the nozzle, throw the structure away.

Donka is thrown in the same way by spinning the sinker or by ejection. For example, a stick is taken that has a small indentation at its end, and a sinker is already placed there.
Do not cast the rig like a standard stone.

Since at this moment the sinker is located directly in the hand, and the hooks are somewhat more distant on the surface of the earth. This can be very dangerous: one awkward movement and the hooks are already digging into your palm.

But there is a way out of this situation - to work in pairs, when your friend, carefully pulling the monofilament thread, places the leashes parallel to the coast.

Casting is considered excellent when the nozzle fell into the thickness of the reservoir at a distance of more than 40 centimeters. When the load reaches the bottom surface and the monofilament loosens somewhat, it is still recommended to create a small tension. This is achieved by attaching a gatehouse to the tip of the rod.

When the donka is not equipped with a reel, fishermen advise to securely fasten the free end of the monofilament thread on the shore. Since a large specimen can pull the entire equipment into the water column. You can see the bite by the fluctuation of the gatehouse. And it’s worth starting to cut the fish, holding the monofilament with your hand.


  • the main advantage of such equipment is its cheapness;
  • plus, you can significantly increase the water expanses of fishing;
  • in the process of tightening the monofilament thread in different directions, it is possible to fix it in the selected position;
  • the presence of a leash allows you to observe the bite;
  • if you do not know the place of fishing, the donk can act as a depth gauge;
  • by changing the length of the lowering, you can control the live bait above the surface of the bottom of the reservoir. This will be a very good opportunity when you decide to fish on an overgrown or cluttered reservoir.

Drop fishing technique

Upon arrival for fishing, first of all, you should choose the most suitable place, and only then start casting bait.

The most common and popular method of casting is considered to be manual. It involves spinning a monofilament with an attached sinker and throwing it into the desired place. It's very simple and effective.

You should carefully monitor the hooks that are located on the main monofilament, so as not to get hurt and plant them in your hands. For this, an elastic band is used, which returns the tackle to its original position after casting.

When you hear the sound of the signaling device, the fish has already bitten, it remains only to hook it correctly.

Catch fishing for different types of fish

Almost any type of fish can be caught with this rig. But in this case it's worth Special attention pay attention to the parameters of a particular gear.


When catching pike on such a homemade product, you use the same standard vent. Casting should be done in the place where the predator most often manifests itself. It can be snags or other thickets of aquatic vegetation. It is best to fish in the spring season in muddy waters.

Give your preference to a tungsten leash and two hooks. Fix one at the tip of the leash, and the other slightly above it. In this case, the hook of the live bait is made under the pectoral fin and behind the back.

The following gear is required:

  • monofilament thread with a diameter of 0.4-0.6 mm;
  • a leash in the form of a steel cord 0.4 mm thick;
  • sinker should be selected according to the conditions of fishing.

Zakidushka for carp

Such bottom equipment is presented in the form of a piece of monofilament thread with a thickness of 0.8-1.0 mm. The sinker is used with a mass of 0.06-0.1 kg with a rubber stopper. A loop is created at the tip of the main thread, to which the leash will be attached in the future.

Moreover, experienced fishermen advise to tie the monofilament to a tree branch or to any shrub. AT last resort a peg is driven into the ground. This will allow you to save your gear when catching especially large specimens.

Catfish donut

Since catfish is a particularly large fish, it is worth using special gear that will withstand big weight. It is recommended to ensure the reliability and quality of all equipment used.

Please note that you can win such a trophy for more than half an hour. So be patient. Structurally, creating such a bottom tackle is very simple. To do this, a reel with a pre-wound braid is mounted on the rod. At the free tip of the latter, a sinker is attached, and a little higher - the leash itself with a hook. If desired, you can use a sliding sinker by threading the weight through the cord.

  • monofilament is better to choose a thickness of 0.6-2 mm;
  • leashes - 0.5-1.5 mm;
  • by weight, the sinker can be in the range of 0.13-0.15 kg.


It is recommended to look for sterlet in the pits and the territories adjacent to them. Although not always she hides at great depths. Because sometimes it can be found in shallow water. But it's hard to say what time of day she prefers these places. It is best to catch both the pit itself and the exits from it.

There are no special tricks in this case. You can use a standard hook with a long forearm. Some fishermen believe that it is he who can be quickly and easily pulled out of the peculiar mouth of a sterlet.

Snack for crucian carp

The main advantage of using the bottom is the possibility of fishing from various places. For example, from a gentle or steep coast, boats, and even remotely from the coast. Moreover, fishing from the bottom surface will always be effective if it is carried out correctly. It is necessary to properly feed the crucian and correctly select the bait for it.

You need to prepare the following gear:

  • to catch crucian carp, it is necessary to choose a monofilament thread with a diameter of not more than 0.3-0.5 mm;
  • a leash with a thickness of at least 0.1 mm;
  • The choice of sinker depends entirely on the nature of the reservoir. If there is no current, a weight of about 0.05 kg is suitable, and with a strong current, 0.12-0.15 kg.
  • if you decide to go fishing at night, it is recommended that you prepare a headlamp for yourself first. So your hands will be constantly freed and you can safely equip and cast the bait;
  • special attention should be paid to the choice of monofilament thread. Since it will depend on its thickness whether it will be carried away by the current or not;
  • experienced fishermen are advised to pre-prepare a few snacks and spread them along the pond. This will greatly increase your catch;
  • as a bite indicator the best option there will be regular bells. But if you do not want to spend money, then you can use sleeves or bases from radio tubes;
  • before you go fishing, make sure you have all the spare gear and materials for your zakidka. And in case of hooking it on snags or other obstacles, you will have the opportunity to replace it as quickly as possible;
  • for beginners at home, it is worth initially to practice a little. To do this, it is advised to tie a nut on the tip of the monofilament. And improve your ability to accurately throw an imaginary tackle. This will allow you to save your strength, equipment and nerves.

Such fishing tackle as a snack is very popular today among both experienced fishermen and beginners. It can be used in different situations and when catching a variety of fish species. It is very important only to choose the right gear, taking into account who you decide to hunt. Otherwise, creating a donkey will not make you spend a lot of time and effort.

We make a snack with our own hands - types, instructions, fishing techniques

Zakidushka is a hook tackle designed for catching fish that lives at a considerable distance from the coast near the bottom. She is thrown from her hand. Especially successful is fishing for a snack with a feeder immediately after spawning.


Zakidushka has been around for a very long time. It is known that for successful and enjoyable fishing, not only the experience of the fisherman is important, but also high-quality equipment. Equally valuable is his knowledge of habits. different fish, the ability to adapt to them, as well as possession of technology. Because “quiet hunting” is not just a hobby, but also a full-fledged sport, and you should not treat it as fun. There are a great many subtleties and tricks when fishing, and everyone who knows them is already halfway to success. When fishing, everything must be taken into account, from the intensity of feeding of the selected prey to the smallest changes in water temperature or barometric pressure. Especially if it is supposed to lead or catfish - very cautious and sensitive inhabitants of reservoirs.


The zakidushka is convenient in that it is easy to manufacture and inexpensive. But its most important advantage is the possibility of increasing the fishing area. The casting of the donkey on which this tackle is installed is done as follows: the fishing line is laid on the ground with a snake or rings. To do this, the appropriate place is preliminarily cleared of grass and debris. The working end with a sinker, before starting to catch a hook with a feeder, should be taken in hand just above the leashes, then swinging it strongly, however, in such a way as not to break the nozzle, send it forward as far as possible. Donka is also thrown by unwinding a sinker or a catapult - a stick with a recess at the end into which a sinker is placed.

How to catch with a hook

Experienced fishermen never throw a trough with a feeder like a stone, because it is quite dangerous: with an awkward movement, the tackle rushing after the sinker can inadvertently bite into your hand. Therefore, it is preferable to act together, so that the partner pulls the fishing line with the leashes attached to it parallel to the water edge.

When fishing with a feeder, a cast is considered good when the nozzle goes into the water at a distance of about forty meters from the shore. When the load descends to the bottom, and the fishing line weakens, it needs to be given a slight tension: for this, a guard is fixed and hung on the tip of the fishing rod. If the tackle is not equipped with a reel, then it is better to firmly fix the free end of the capron right on the shore so that during the bite big fish, for example catfish, the tackle would not be completely in the water. The bite must be monitored based on the fluctuations of the gatehouse. A fish caught on a trough with a feeder is hooked by taking a fishing line with a hand.


Structurally, a catfish hook, for example, consists of a fishing rod and a reel attached to it, a sinker, a main line, leashes with hooks on them, and many anglers, in order to bring this gear into working condition, stick it cut into the ground right on the shore and, after casting, fix it on its top is a nylon fishing line. A similar arrangement of a snack with a feeder makes it very catchy.

An udilnik can be made from a hard whip, simply by attaching a “tulip” or a through ring to its end. Below, thirty centimeters from the pointed butt, you can put a wire coil or reel. As a rule, fishermen wrap the attachment points with sewing thread and cover them with glue.

Many people believe that fishing for a snack with a feeder will never lose its relevance. today attracts many fans " silent hunting". After all, everyone wants to get a forty-kilogram giant out of the water. There are many ways to do this, but only one - catching catfish on a snack with a feeder at night - works fine. This type of fishing is unusually simple, but it, like the others, has its own secrets and subtleties.

First you need to choose a section of a river or a quiet pond, where the approach to the shore will be difficult, so that during the absence of the fisherman the gear remains intact. It is more correct to install several snacks, since a lot can get caught in them overnight.

The main thing is that on the zakidushka with a feeder passed with the right bait. It can be cancer, a frog, or just a piece of meat. Experienced fishermen go through the area with an echo sounder before starting. If there is none, you can take a marker float to check the depth. Zakidushka needs to be thrown on some edge. Thus, the chances that the catfish will notice the bait will increase.

Catfish, being a nocturnal predator, begins to feed at nightfall. Places for this he chooses shallow and not polluted. A pre-placed snack in a clean place not far from its parking lot will be perfectly visible to a predator. The line that holds the bait is responsible for its immobility in the place where the catfish feeds, and by stretching you can adjust the desired depth for immersing the gear.

For catching this fish, the most suitable of the standard snacks is spinning. It is easier to cast among the reeds and grass, that is, in places where crucian carp most often keep. The line in a charged state should go into the water over the coastal thickets. The main attraction of such tackle as a snack is a sliding load, which simultaneously acts as a feeder. It is a spiral, in which the upper part is open and the lower part is looped. It is made by fishermen from two-millimeter copper wire, using a tube with a diameter of two and a half centimeters for winding as improvised material. The looped part of the feeder should rest against a weight or buckshot with a hole in the very center. For this purpose, an ordinary bead is sometimes used. She is not allowed to slide down by the knot with which a carabiner is tied to the main line. The latter is better to take a pin, although any other will do. The main thing is that both the main and the leash fishing line freely enter it.


Hooks are fixed at the ends of the latter. For crucian carp, they should be the sixth or seventh size. The cross section of the main line should be 0.3 mm. A crucian hook will work effectively with one leash with a hook. The intensity of the bite will not suffer from this at all, but there will be almost no hooks.

The spiral must be filled with food, while the upper, open part, should be plugged with bread or porridge. It is preferable to use dry oatmeal mixed with pieces of cake. In the feeder, it needs to be thoroughly washed so that it does not get enough sleep when casting. If on a pond rapid current, it begins to beat out cake and oatmeal, collecting fish on the stern stream. And in stagnant water, prey is attracted by the smell emanating from the contents of the spiral.

At the same time, the feeder practically does not interfere with the bite, since the fishing line inside moves freely. The signal about it is given by a bell, which also has its own peculiarity and needs to be improved after purchase in the store. The factory product can be strengthened with a loop on the fishing line tightly through the bow or simply locked with a match. But when fighting, it will have to be removed, and this creates inconvenience, increasing the likelihood of getting off.


As bait when fishing for predators, some anglers recommend using only those components that can sit firmly on the hook. This is necessary so that when the fishing line is etched, they would not fly off. In addition, the reel requires a mandatory supply of fishing line. It is necessary, again, when bleed, when the fish is too big. Do not use a lot of hooks on the back.

If the angler makes tackle with his own hands, he must observe a certain interval between the leashes: otherwise, their overlap cannot be avoided. Do not place several snacks in one place close to each other. This is fraught with the fact that they are confused. And if you want to lower the bait closer to the bottom, then small sinkers attached to leashes will do.

When planning to spend the next weekend fishing, I would like not only to enjoy fishing, but also to come with decent prey. Of course, you can take several fishing rods with you by placing them in different places. The truth is that it detracts from watching one bite. After all, when fishing with a bait, it is necessary to do sweeps in time and running around from one to another even tires.

As another option, it is worth taking a snack with you. It does not take up much space and is quite effective tackle. It can be purchased ready-made. And it’s better to make a snack with your own hands, so to speak, for yourself.

What is a snack in principle? This is a fishing line with a load at one end, thrown from the shore into a reservoir for about 30–50 meters, leashes with hooks and bait are tied to it from the side of the load. The other end of the fishing line is fixed on the shore.

How to make a fishing hook

To make a snack, you will need a small bell, a nylon cord 2 m, a fishing line 0.5 mm thick up to 50 meters, a couple of meters of fishing line 0.25 mm, small hooks, a sinker weighing about 150 grams, a rubber cord of the “noodle” type about 10 m and a reel . A reel is a device for storing a snack. They can serve as an ordinary plywood with cutouts along two edges for winding the forest.

The tackle is going to be easy. A fishing line of 50 m with a diameter of 0.5 is unwound, one of the ends is extended with 10 meters of elastic band, having fixed the elastic band, we supplement it with 2 meters of nylon thread. The main structure is ready. From the side of the elastic band, it is necessary to fasten the leashes with hooks. Leashes are attached after 50 cm. Their number can vary from 1 to 5. But a large number of leashes will create difficulties for casting. For the first tests, it is better to limit yourself to 1 leash.

Having fixed the leash, there are a lot of ways to fasten it, you can tie it with fishing knots, use carabiners or choose another convenient way, we tie the load to the end of the hook, from the side where the elastic is located. That's all, the snack is ready. It remains only to wind this design on the reel. Winding starts from the side of the sinker.

Fishing for a snack

How to use the made tackle? Having chosen a place for fishing, it is desirable that there are no bushes nearby that will interfere with casting, you have to unwind all the tackle. The fishing line is unwound in rings on a flat surface. There should be no obstacles at the chosen place that will cling to the fishing line. From the side of the load, holding the nylon thread, the load is untwisted in a circular motion from the bottom up. At the moment when the load is directed upwards, the cord is released, setting the inertial motion. When casting, the coiled line should be parallel to the water, to the side of you. We fix the second end of the fishing line on the shore.

How many meters of fishing line remains on the shore depends on the efforts applied when casting. The remaining fishing line is pulled up to the slightest tension of the elastic band and fixed. After that, a bell is attached to the fishing line, which, when biting, will begin to ring.

The length of the bow itself can be different. It all depends on how far the cast is. The length of the elastic band is calculated according to the extensibility of approximately 1 to 4. That is, 1 meter of the elastic band will stretch for 4 m.

Having installed the tackle, it remains to wait for bites. In the event of a bite, the fishing line will vibrate and the bell will ring. At this moment, the line is hooked and you can pull out the catch. The advantages of a hook with an elastic band are that after removing the catch from the hook, the bait is put on and the fishing line is pulled back into place with an elastic band. There is no need to once again frighten the fish with a splash of the cast sinker. At the end of fishing, the tackle is forcibly pulled out and reeled onto the reel.

With the help of the bottom is still a relevant option. Moreover, it is used by many anglers, even though more advanced ones appear over time. fishing gear and fishing methods. Fishing for a snack is the fishing of a fish that spends its life cycle at the bottom or in the bottom layer. For example, carp or burbot.

A suitable time for bottom fishing is the spring period, which begins immediately after spawning. As a rule, biting is more active at night, many are activated at this time of the day when they go out to feed. But during the day, this method of fishing is relevant, so here it is worth starting from many factors: weather, the specifics of the reservoir, etc.

Dump design

The zakidka is very often made by hand, and in fact there is nothing complicated in its design:

  • rod. In addition to the classic rod, which can be purchased at a specialized store, other options can be used. For example, a small tree growing near the shore of a reservoir can serve as a rod. Or a strong peg that is driven into the ground and a reel with fishing line and other gear is already hung on it. The main thing is that your tackle does not slip into the river when biting.
  • . For this type of fishing you need a strong fishing line, it is better to use a fishing line with a diameter of 0.4mm or more. The length is selected for a specific body of water, but it is advisable not to make the line very long in order to avoid inconvenience. Suitable for about 15-30 meters.
  • Sinker. In the bottom equipment, the sinker is an obligatory element; it is tied to the end of the fishing line. As a replacement for standard purchased sinkers, you can use a small iron weight, 5x5 cm in size. You can also use many improvised means as a sinker, for example, a nut, but its mass should be relatively heavy.
  • . Depending on what kind of fish you want to catch, the size of the hooks is selected. The larger the fish, the correspondingly the hook should be bigger size. At the same time, hooks can be easily changed during the fishing itself. You can prepare leashes with hooks in advance different sizes, this will make it easier to change gear. Usually in bottom fishing, 2 or 3 leads are used, because more of them will lead to the fact that they will be confused with each other. Therefore, if you are aiming for a big catch, then the best option would be not to sculpt many leads on one rig, but to use several hooks.
  • signaling device. This element of the equipment is not always used by anglers when fishing for a snack, but it is clearly more convenient with it, especially at night. Signaling devices are different kind: electronic, pendulums, fireflies and bells. The latter is used most often. It should be placed on a fishing line or rod tip. When biting, you will hear a response, namely a ringing.

As you can see, all the accessories for creating a do-it-yourself snack can be easily obtained. All that remains for you to do is to collect a full-fledged donkey from them, buy good bait and go on an exciting fishing trip. The bait is selected according to the desire of the angler and the knowledge of which fish are biting on what. Bread crumb, leeches, barley, dough, potatoes will be suitable.

Start of fishing

Arriving on the shore of the reservoir with a ready-made homemade donkey, the first thing to do is unwind the coil and put the bait on the hook. Next, choose a place to cast. At the same time, you need to remember that if you plan to throw a snack at a rather impressive distance, then you should use a heavier sinker.
The casting technique is simple, you need to take the fishing line about 10-15 cm from the leash, and throw it with a sharp movement from the bottom up to the intended point.

Many avid fishermen use several donks at the same time, placing them at a distance from each other. This leads to a more productive fishing process. At the same time, transportation of such equipment is not difficult, especially since, taking with you all the necessary elements, you can build it on the spot. The only, but not so global, minus is the fact of hooking a snack. But you can always build a new one.