On March 2, Vyacheslav Zaitsev turned 80 years old. The master of Russian fashion, a recognized master, the first Soviet fashion designer who was talked about in the West, lives all alone in a big house in the Moscow region. Vyacheslav Mikhailovich himself, although he is sad about this, considers loneliness to be the price for talent.

When Vyacheslav was a student at the Moscow Textile Institute, he met a girl, Marina. Zaitsev was born in the provincial Ivanovo, he was actually raised by one mother. He was so shy, shy and modest that he did not dare to propose to the girl. And then the chosen one herself called him as a husband. “I said that I dreamed about it, so that we would get married,” recalls Vyacheslav Mikhailovich in documentary"Glory and Loneliness", prepared by Channel One for the anniversary of the master.

There was no money for the wedding, they just signed and began to live in the apartment of the Muscovite Marina. But Zaitsev failed to find a common language with his mother-in-law. “She terrorized us in every possible way. I told Marishka that I'm not the one she needs. The mother-in-law could not come to terms with the choice of her daughter, quarrels of resentment and reproaches multiplied from year to year like a snowball. And the moment came when Zaitsev had to leave the family. Son Yegor was then 9 years old. Zaitsev still remembers that period of his life with pain, and when he speaks to the camera about separation from his son, he cannot hold back his tears.

“He calls me at work, says: “Where are you? Talk to me". “Okay, let's talk,” I answer and start crying. He thought that I abandoned him,” said Vyacheslav Zaitsev.

// Photo: frame for film "Glory and Loneliness"

Ex-wife Marina shortly after her divorce from Zaitsev married a second time. The stepfather began to raise the son - strictly and harshly. Egor saw his own father only six years later, secretly from Marina's mother.

“Egor said that he (his stepfather) put him on the stairs, and put him on his knees, taught him to live normally and answer questions correctly. When we met, he was already 15. I was struck by the words that Yegor said when he left: “I won’t tell my mother.” Because when two people feel good, you don’t have to tell your mother so as not to upset, ”recalls Zaitsev.

// Photo: frame for film "Glory and Loneliness"

Yegor Zaitsev also became a fashion designer. He works under the Zaitcev brand, which he is very proud of. The dynasty was continued by the granddaughter of Vyacheslav Mikhailovich - Marusya, she bears the name of the master's beloved mother. Zaitsev senior for some time (when the girl's parents separated) raised Marusya, she is the closest to him native person, he speaks of his son's daughter only in superlatives and is proud of her success. And Marusya considers her grandfather the greatest man: "He's the coolest. Because no one can the way he can. He is a revolutionary in a good way. And he loves his work, his work so much, I don’t know more such examples,” says Marusya.

LZhP - Light women's dress - such an innocent name was chosen by the designer for his collection, in which Women-Insects, continuing the theme of the last season, once again struck the audience's imagination.

Yegor Zaitsev does not give interviews! - Frightened me colleagues-journalists. And after the show, which impressed me so much, I really wanted to talk with its creator! And I decided to take a chance. As it turned out, not in vain. Egor Zaitsev turned out to be not only an interesting designer, but also a charming conversationalist. He openly and sincerely talks about fashion and style, about armor and defenselessness, about falling in love and love...

- Egor, in your LZhP collection you used the same motifs - the image of a prickly woman - as in the previous one. What is it connected with?

These images live in me. For me, the original graphics: every evening I draw something. The images that come to me, I try to embody in clothes. Last season was the beginning of a certain cycle for me, a certain style was born, passing from one season to another. The collection logically flows from the previous one, although in terms of technology, many points are lightened: this time cotton and linen were used.

- How was the idea of ​​creating the Insect Woman, the owner of thorns and tentacles, born?

Last year was hard for me, many emotional experiences are reflected in the collection. Illusions about my need for someone collapsed. Unfortunately, for some, I am a tramp and a tramp. If I do not work, I will not have collections, which means that I will not be in this world.

It seems to me that I am like a small fly that lives only in the light. The slightest mistake - and it will become a spider's dinner. Around me, too, there are a lot of hungry spiders ... When I restrained myself, it turned out not so interesting work. The artist must be sincere, but not completely understandable to the viewer.

- Do you embody your fantasies or fears in your work?

For me it's the same. All my fantasies are born of fears. Probably I still haven't figured it out myself.

Did you have nightmares as a child?

And how! Sometimes it seems to me that my whole life is a continuous childhood nightmare, smoothly turning into senile insanity ...

- As a rule, the work of the designer shows how he treats a woman. What is she, your today's heroine?

The girls who come to the podium in my clothes are delicate flowers hidden in all these thorns and tentacles. For the sake of preserving the soul of a modern young woman, I try to remove her from the outside world, with all its dirt, vulgarity and debauchery. Clothing acts as a bodyguard.

- Yegor, could you, like the Little Prince, take care of your prickly Rose? ..

That's all I do! I feel a huge responsibility for those whom I have tamed.

- Are you a vulnerable person?

Not that word. I am a real armadillo. Without armor, it would be very difficult for me. Recent events in my life once again convinced me of this. Because of my relaxation, I missed a blow, and from the closest people. But it is precisely those whom I cannot hit back that strike.

- What do you think, will clothes from the LZhP collection be worn?

To be honest, I don't care if they wear it. I am an abstract thinker. It's just how I see the world today. In addition, any new thing the first few seasons are perceived with hostility, and then these same things can become trends and the whole world will be equal to them. But judging by the reviews of my friends and girlfriends, many things could be worn today.

- Can you imagine a girl coming to the office in the morning in an extravagant dress from Yegor Zaitsev? ..

Well, everything has its place and time. Office women cannot afford much. They have a lot of labels on them, almost the same as on model girls. It is believed that they should sleep with the authorities, indulge him in every possible way. My current collection was created in defense of the modeling profession. It seems it's time to protect office women too. If I fell in love with a girl working in an office, I would definitely come to her place of work and explain to everyone what's what. I think that a woman in submission is always bondage associated with sexual harassment. After all, you can’t get away from the basic instinct.

- Do you like women who are subordinate?

I get really hurt if I lash out and yell at the girls who work at my agency. They're starting to get scared of me! If I see fear in their eyes, I obviously overdid it. I immediately imagine my daughter or myself, small and weak, in her place. So I try to avoid such situations.

- For you, as a man, is it important what a woman is wearing?

At the first stage, perhaps yes. But the sexuality and attractiveness of a woman lies, of course, not in clothes and not even always in her eyes. It can be a curve of a figure or something else. If some special connection, a state of falling in love, arises, then the external is indifferent. When I see very well-dressed women, cold or, conversely, too active, nothing arises in my soul. Clothing is secondary. If a person has emptiness inside, no clothes can hide it.

- Tell us about some of your bright crushes ...

At one time, a young gypsy was sitting near the Fashion House. Once I gave her money. After that, she often asked our fashion models about me. She asked me to ride her motorcycle. Our girls said that once, while waiting for me, she took off her scarf and began to comb her hair. Something in this story touched me, some inexplicable feeling woke up in me. This girl was very nice to me spiritually...

- What is your relationship with fashion?

From my point of view, the fashion industry is a drug for the crowd, practiced all over the world. I am interested in fashion not as a way to spend money, but as an art and an opportunity for self-expression. But I don't take it too seriously. Designers who create purely commercial collections are not close to me.

- What do you like to wear yourself?

Since I am a representative of a well-known designer family, of course, I was not always free in my choice. There was a period when my father wanted me to dress in classical style. I even had one suit, but I suffocated in it. I never follow any trends, maybe because I know all this very well. I don’t like ready-made things, I constantly redo everything, I wear many things for years. The main thing is that the clothes match my inner state.

- How are the creative relationships with your dad - Vyacheslav Zaitsev? Is it difficult to work in one creative space?

Recently, dad said in an interview that I did not follow in his footsteps: he works for a specific person, and I work for the sake of an idea. And I fully agree with this. I work only for myself, and if someone responds, it means that life has not been lived in vain.

- If the process of self-expression is so important to you, why didn't you become, for example, an artist?

Fashion is more mobile. There is adrenaline here, all the time you need to be on the wave, in the know. If you stop modeling clothes, you can fall behind fashion. It's like in a big sport, you need to keep yourself in good shape all the time. And such a race starts.

No matter how trite it is - to love and be loved. And, of course, accept yourself. Love is the most important thing in life; it is the basis of any creativity ...

Egor Zaitsev Career: fashion designer
Birth: Russia, 8.2.1960
Egor Zaitsev is one of the most controversial characters in the world of Russian fashion. His new show, presented at the Russian Fashion Week for the spring-summer 2005 season, was eagerly awaited: after all, this spectacle cannot be boring!

LZhP - Light women's dress - such an innocent name was chosen by the designer for his collection, in which Women-Insects, continuing the theme of the last season, again struck the audience's imagination.

Egor Zaitsev does not give a conversation! - Frightened me colleagues-journalists. And so I wanted to follow the show, which impressed me so much, to talk with its creator! And I decided to take a chance. As it turned out, not in vain. Egor Zaitsev turned out to be not only an interesting designer, but also a charming conversationalist. He openly and heartily talks about fashion and style, about armor and defenselessness, about falling in love and love.

Egor, in your LZhP collection you used the same motifs - the image of a prickly woman - as in the previous one. What is it connected with?

These images live in me. For me, the original schedule: an arbitrary evening, I draw something. The images that come to me, I try to embody in clothes. The last period was for me the beginning of a certain cycle, a certain style was born, passing from one season to another. The collection logically flows from the previous one, although from the point of view of technology, many points are lightened: at that time, cotton and linen were used.

How was the idea of ​​​​creating an Insect Woman, the owner of thorns and tentacles, born?

Last year was hard for me, many spiritual experiences found close reflection in the collection. Illusions collapsed regarding my need for someone. Unfortunately, for some, I am a tramp and a tramp. If I do not work, I will not have collections, which means that I will not be in this world.

It seems to me that I am like a small fly that lives only in the light. The slightest mistake - and it will become a spider's dinner. There are also a lot of hungry spiders around me. When I restrained myself, the works were not so interesting. The artist must be sincere, but not completely understandable to the viewer.

Do you embody your fantasies or fears in your work?

For me it's the same. All my fantasies are born of fears. Probably I still haven't figured it out myself.

Did you have nightmares as a child?

And how! Sometimes it seems to me that my whole existence is an absolute childish nightmare, smoothly turning into senile insanity.

As a rule, the work of the designer shows how he treats a woman. What is she, your today's heroine?

The girls who come to the podium in my clothes are delicate flowers hidden in all these thorns and tentacles. For the sake of preserving the soul of a modern young woman, I try to remove her from the outside world, with all its dirt, vulgarity and debauchery. Clothing acts as a bodyguard.

Egor, could you, like the Little Prince, take care of your prickly Rose? ..

That's all I do! I feel a huge responsibility for those whom I have tamed.

Are you a vulnerable uncle?

Not that word. I am a real armadillo. Without armor, it would be extremely difficult for me. Recent events in my life once again convinced me of this. Because of my relaxation, I missed the shock, and from the closest people. And because the shock is caused exactly by those to whom I cannot give change

How do you think clothes from the LZhP collection will be worn?

To be honest, it’s all the same for me whether they will wear it. I am a gentleman with an abstract mind. It's just how I see the world today. In addition, any new thing for the first few seasons is perceived with hostility, and later these same things can become trends and the whole world will be equal to them. But judging by the reviews of my friends and girlfriends, many things could be worn these days.

Can you imagine a girl coming to the office in the morning in extravagant attire from Yegor Zaitsev? ..

Well, everything has its own location and time. Office women cannot afford much. A sea of ​​​​labels weighs on them, in practice, just as much as on model girls. It is believed that they should rest with the authorities, indulge him in every possible way. My current collection was created in defense of the modeling profession. It seems that office women also need to be protected. If I fell in love with a girl working in an office, I would certainly come to her place of work and explain to everyone what's what. I think that a lady in submission is always bondage associated with sexual harassment. After all, you can’t get away from the basic instinct.

Do you like subservient women?

I get really offended if I lash out and yell at the girls who work at my agency. Because they start to tremble me! If I see fear in their eyes, then I went too far. I immediately imagine my daughter or myself, small and weak, in her place. So I try to avoid such situations.

For you, as a man, is it important what a lady is wearing?

At the first stage, perhaps, yes. But the sexuality and attractiveness of a woman lies, of course, not in clothes and, moreover, not always in her eyes. It can be a curve of a figure or something else. If some special connection, a state of falling in love, arises, then the external is indifferent. When I see extremely well-dressed women, cold or, on the contrary, overly active, nothing arises in my soul. Clothing is secondary. If a person has a wasteland inside, no clothes can hide it.

Tell us about one of your bright crushes

At one time, a young gypsy was sitting near the Fashion House. Once I gave her money. After that, she often asked our fashion models about me. She asked me to ride her motorcycle. Our girls said that somehow, while waiting for me, she took off her handkerchief and began to comb her hair. Something in this story touched me, some inexplicable feeling woke up in me. This girl was extremely sympathetic to me spiritually

What is your relationship with fashion?

From my point of view, the fashion industry is a drug for the crowd, practiced all over the world. I'm not interested in fashion as a scheme to spend pennies, but as art and the possibility of self-expression. But I don't take it too seriously. Designers who create purely commercial collections are not close to me.

What do you like to wear yourself?

Since I am an agent of a well-known designer family, of course, I have not always been free in my choice. There was a period of time when my dad wanted me to dress in a classic style. Moreover, I had the only suit, but I suffocated in it. Under no circumstances do I follow any trends, perhaps because I know all this very well. I don’t like ready-made things, I constantly redo everything, I wear many things for years. The main thing is that the clothes match my inner state.

How is the creative relationship with your dad - Vyacheslav Zaitsev? Isn't it difficult to act in one creative space?

Recently, dad said in one conversation that I did not follow in his footsteps: he works for a specific person, and I work for the purpose of an idea. And I one hundred percent agree with that. I work only for myself, and if someone responds, it means that life has not been lived in vain.

If the course of self-expression is so important to you, why didn't you become, for example, an artist?

Fashion is more mobile. There is adrenaline here, all the time you need to be on the wave, in the know. If you stop modeling clothes, then it is permissible to break away from fashion. It's like in a big sport, you need to keep yourself in good shape all the time. And such a race starts.

No matter how trite it is - to adore and be loved. And, of course, accept yourself. Love is the most important thing in life; as times she is the basis of any creativity.

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Aggression has practically disappeared from his work, and now he has moved from the production of extravagant and conceptual outfits to more calm and feminine ones. The fashion designer is sure that today the child for him is the center of the universe.

  • Egor, the age difference between your daughters Marusya and Nastya is very significant ( eldest daughter Maria Zaitseva - fashion designer and designer). The appearance of the youngest daughter - your conscious decision or an unexpected gift of fate?

The second option, although the news that my beloved girlfriend is expecting a baby made me very happy.

  • What changes in your character occurred while you were expecting a baby?

I became terribly nervous: I literally imagined that someone was trying to push Katya, not to give her a place. In general, in my desire to protect my wife, I irritated her much more than potential "offenders." I myself am a non-confrontational person, in relation to myself I can endure quite a lot of things, remain silent, step aside, but if it comes to my wife and children ... it will not seem enough to anyone. At the same time, some kind of universal kindness suddenly appeared in my heart. I was so impressed with the coming changes in my life.

  • Has your attitude towards Katya changed?

I was ready to get the moon from the sky for her before, but while waiting for the child, her slightest desires, even bordering on whims, were fulfilled not only immediately, but also with pleasure.

  • What was the most difficult moment for both of you about having a baby?

Probably, the first night with Nastya turned out to be a serious test for us. Katya just read a lot of useful magazines and books about motherhood throughout her pregnancy, so I was sure that she had already “learned everything about children in detail”. However, as it turned out, in books for expectant mothers, only pregnancy was described in detail, in stages, and both my wife and I were completely confused when the newborn began to scream desperately. A whole hour passed before we guessed that she might be hungry and tried to feed her. So I strongly advise all parents-to-be to read in advance. helpful tips how to handle the baby.

  • What age of Nastya are you looking forward to with special impatience?

The child touches me every day, so I am in no hurry to think and dream about what my daughter will be like tomorrow. So far, it seems to me that it is growing and developing by leaps and bounds.

  • Any child can take their parents out of the state peace of mind. How do you punish your daughter?

This is a sore subject for me. Of course, there are situations when Nastya starts to stand on her head, and she needs to be brought to her senses, but as soon as I raise my voice at her, tears, panic, horror immediately appear in her eyes. At such moments, I curse myself for having so upset the tender little girl with my “mullish rudeness”. True, Nastya reacts to Katya's remarks in a completely different way - quite adequately. My wife thinks that my daughter is already making ropes out of me. Katya always tries to hold me back when Nastya starts crying, and I rush to comfort her, although before that I had made a remark to her about the case. But for now, I can't stand these scenes at all. With my mind I understand that I should let my daughter cry so that she doesn’t do this anymore, but with my heart ... no, it’s better to let the ropes out of me.

  • Can you afford to fulfill any whim of your daughter? When Nastya comes to the store with you, do you spoil her or do you show firmness in fulfilling her whims?

Nastya does not pay special attention for oversized toys. For example, they came with her to the store, and I offered her to buy a bicycle, and my daughter answered: “Come on, let’s better buy a soft toy ...”. But, if you ignore the purchase of some very desirable little thing, in this case Nastya can make a scene right in the store.

  • And what do you do in such cases?

I buy everything at once, but Katya is firm. She first moves away from the child and pretends not to notice any hysteria. When such scenes take place at home, the wife goes into another room and tells Nastya that she does not understand anything from her screams. That she will be ready to discuss the problem with her daughter and look for the best solution only after Nastya calms down. True, if earlier this strategy worked properly, now Nastya follows Katya and sobs. But of course I can't take it all. Therefore, I immediately fulfill all her desires, without waiting for the development of the scandal.

  • Does Nastya have nanny ?

No. Katya and I decided that we could cope on our own, since Katya's parents help us a lot: if we have an emergency at work, we leave Nastya with them.

  • However, both you and Katya work. How do you manage to combine work and raising a child?

My wife and I substitute for each other, plus very often we take the child with us to work. She even calls the fashion house “black work”, as black furniture predominates there, and the apartment is “green work”. The child grows up with the feeling that work is everywhere, and it never ends - after all, mom works at home on a laptop, and dad can draw here. I don't think it's bad. Our employees are already joking that Nastya spends so much time in the office that it's time to register her as a full-time employee.

You know, I think the way my daughter directly and freely expresses her feelings is largely the result of the absence of a kindergarten in her life. Nobody tells her how to behave. Does not clamp her personality into a rigid framework, does not slow down. In kindergarten, maybe we will give only in Last year before school, and even then I'm not sure that my child must pass this stage. If Nastya likes it in the garden, she looks like it, and if not, we will take it and continue to develop it on our own.

  • What clubs do you want to give it to?

I would like her to be fluent in at least one foreign language, and preferably several. Probably, we will give her to dances - for a girl it is very good. It would be nice if she studied music, swimming, perhaps even some kind of martial arts. While I myself try to teach her how to play the guitar.

  • But what about drawing?

I also prefer to draw with her myself. I would like drawing not to be some kind of hobby for her - so that it becomes an integral part of her life. I grew up with this feeling too. My parents lived in a communal apartment and, as far as I can remember, there were their sketches around, there were cans of paint everywhere, they themselves drew a lot and they gave me a piece of paper and paint.

Now I suggest that my daughter try to draw in different techniques: watercolor, gouache, pencil, crayons. She likes it very much. She combines colors fantastically. And this is not only my, paternal, opinion: I recently showed these works to my mother, a famous artist, and she and her artist friend discussed the symbolism in Nastya's works for an hour. I listened with interest to their reasoning.

Of course, I try to encourage my daughter to draw, but I do it quite subtly and delicately. I suggest what and how to draw only when I see that she does not know where to go next.

  • Do you take Nastya to museums and art exhibitions?

Our work is big museum. We sometimes take Nastya to fashion shows. Recently, before the show, where Katya walked the catwalk as a model, we were sitting with Nastya in the 1st row, I turned away for a while and ... found that “the charming Anastasia Zaitseva was defiling along the catwalk in her mother’s shoes,” as the journalists to whom she later wrote she posed almost professionally - a smile, hands on her waist ...

  • How do you organize your little fashionista's wardrobe?

He looks very peculiar. I love buying her half-boy things: camouflage pants, funny T-shirts, and my mother dresses up Nastya like a little princess in beautiful airy dresses. And in that, and in another image, the daughter feels quite organically. She instantly transforms from a little robber into a little princess.

  • And what toys does Nastya especially like?

She loves soft toys, and she definitely makes a family out of them. Also, my daughter really likes the toys-cartoon characters that she watches.

  • What do you like to do with your child?

I love walking with her: we feed the pigeons, study different leaves and flowers, and talk a lot. I cherish these moments so much that often after such walks I sketch out many sketches at once, which before I could think over for hours at the table. And now I create my collections mentally while walking with the child, and at home I only fix my ideas. Just now I clearly understood that my daughter is the most important thing for me. I can push work to the background, and Nastya grows up so quickly - her first steps, words, new emotions will never be repeated and not seen if I miss them now.

  • How do you approach child nutrition issues?

With this, everything is very difficult for us so far. Only Katya reassures me, who says that she ate very poorly as a child, but she remembers for sure that she did not experience any discomfort from this. Nastya loves a rather limited set of products. Getting her to try something new is extremely difficult, almost impossible. Favorite dish daughters - pasta. We have dozens of them different types. Nastya also eats vegetables and fruits quite well, but she categorically refuses soup - the amount of mixed ingredients seems indecently large to her. She prefers almost a mono-diet. True, such a natural attraction to healthy food somewhat diluted with the peculiarities of our food at the office - here we can allow her both french fries and sweets. But, of course, no one feeds her by force.

  • Are you engaged in Nastya hardening?

I really like the coolness, and Katyusha was very nervous at first if I opened the windows in the cold season. Gradually, we found a reasonable compromise - it's not cold at home, but it's still cool, and Nastya treats fresh air the same way I do. She does not like being dressed warmly or when it is stuffy at home. It is especially pleasing that the child practically does not get sick.

  • How do you spend the summer with Nastya? Do you travel abroad with her?

So far, we travel with the baby only to the Crimea for a few weeks, every summer. For me it best holiday- the sun, the sea, no civilization, the Internet. And for a child of 2-3 years old, it is better to splash in the sea and play in the sand than to walk around the Louvre with adults. When parents proudly say that their baby saw the Mona Lisa at the age of 3, I always think that they are deceiving themselves, believing that the child remembered something. Here in next year When my daughter is 4 years old, we will probably try to go abroad for the first time, but again, to the sea, and not for excursions to museums. While overloading the child is absolutely useless, in my opinion.

  • Do you have any disagreements with grandparents in matters of raising a child?

My parents are busy people, so they can’t spend much time with Nastya, but Katya’s parents often come to sit with their granddaughter, and give her much more freedom than my wife and I. I would not call it a disagreement - it's just that grandmothers always pamper their grandchildren. This is fine. It is only necessary to understand that upon returning home from the grandmother, the child needs some time to adapt to the parental rules of behavior.

Of course, they often see each other at work, or grandfather invites us all together to visit him. Marusya is very affectionate towards Nastya, but so far, due to the big age difference, no a large number some common topics or joint activities. But I am sure that when Nastya gets older, she and Marusya will be friends.

  • Would you like Nastya to continue your dynasty of fashion designers?

Certainly! But I will accept any other choice quite calmly and will support my daughter in all her endeavors.

  • Your wishes to our readers

Enjoy every minute spent with your children. After all, kids grow up so fast!

Children famous parents must constantly prove that they are not meek shadows of their famous dads and moms. Often the shadow of the parents on long years hangs over the guys who want to realize themselves in this life. One of these star children was Yegor Zaitsev, who appeared in the family of a world famous fashion designer. From the first days of his life, it was understood that the boy would not need anything, but Yegor was definitely not going to rest on his laurels.

Many teachers noted that the boy had a rare quality - purposefulness. While other peers ran down the street, the kid actively developed his talents. One of them was drawing. Despite his rather young age, he began to actively depict with a brush and paints. the world. The drawings were both naive and beautiful, so the eminent father decided to help the child organize the first solo exhibition.

If it might seem to someone that after this the young talent would have a "star disease" or the father would have to help his son throughout his life, then they are deeply mistaken. Yegor Zaitsev did all his further steps in life exclusively by himself. The father never put pressure on his son, imposing a certain outlook on life on him. The only thing that the famous fashion designer demanded from his offspring was not to deceive himself with empty hopes.

Thanks to his determination, Yegor Zaitsev was able to develop the ability to draw and design clothes, which allowed him to open his own studio. He did not ignore and social activities, becoming a co-founder of a charitable organization.

Titles and awards

If some have to wait for their success for many years, then he came to Yegor Zaitsev at the age of 5 years. It was at this time that he held his first solo exhibition of paintings. On the one hand, the boy's works could not be classified as masterpieces, and the exhibition itself could not be classified as great, but on the other hand, those around him saw the potential hidden in this child. During his studies at school, Yegor realized that he wanted to connect his life not with exact sciences, namely with creativity.

After graduating from higher educational institution Egor Zaitsev actively began to earn his fortune. Unlike his peers, who decided to work at state-owned enterprises for relatively little money, the young man decided to help fulfill the dream of many residents of the USSR about high-quality and unique clothes. He started with the resale of foreign brands, and ended up with the creation of his own collection and design studio.

The success of this undertaking was truly unprecedented. Despite the fact that the domestic market was full of various brands and companies involved in design and tailoring, Yegor Zaitsev's project was able to take its rightful place in the market. In many ways, this was made possible thanks to the entrepreneurial spirit and sense of taste. People wanted to dress beautifully without paying a lot of money for a brand name. It was this opportunity that the fashion designer gave them.

Egor Zaitsev did not abandon one more of his passions - drawing. From time to time exhibitions of his works are held in the capital's galleries. Art critics and the large public never tire of admiring his unique style. Refinement, the multifaceted play of light and shadow, as well as deep meaning - this is the leitmotif of many of his works.

Egor Zaitsev at your event

To invite an artist to perform at an event, you need to take into account many nuances, such as availability of dates in the artist’s schedule, individual requirements for the organization of riders, payment terms. In this case, it may turn out that the selected artist will not agree to perform, for example, in a restaurant, or simply change his mind.

For more than 10 years, the international concert agency "RU-CONCERT" has been successfully ordering artists for holidays and corporate parties in Russia and the CIS. As a market leader, we offer unique conditions for cooperation:

    Guarantee of fulfillment of obligations

    Concert agency "RU-CONCERT" and Insurance Company Allianz, signed agreements on providing an opportunity for RU-CONCERT clients to insure the concert contract. Thus, a contract is concluded that guarantees the timely arrival of the artist to you.