Legal terms in English with translation, of course, can be found in reference books, but first of all, basic knowledge of the language is required.

If we take, for example, legal science, it used to be the limit of perfection for a lawyer to have knowledge in the field of law. Now that the world has changed, and all spheres of life have reached other limits, going far beyond the boundaries of one country.

Business, science and other industries have acquired an international dimension, and cooperation with foreign countries is rapidly developing.

There was an urgent need for knowledge of foreign languages. This is especially true for lawyers who are constantly faced with documents that require translation.

Legal terms in English with translation

Once sounded the conclusion of experts that a person uses only 5% of the capabilities of his brain. This information could not but become an impetus for people to use the intellect more actively and develop it.

Now it is difficult to surprise someone with knowledge of a foreign language, but in legal field it has its own specifics and requires remarkable abilities in a translation agency vacancies without experience. This is exactly the case when more active use of mental abilities is required.

English colloquial and legal - two big differences. passive combinations, complete sentences, introductory constructions - all this greatly complicates legal terms in English with translation into Russian.

Such phrases may not be encountered at all when learning a language. But in legal practice, they are found in almost every sentence of documents.

Here are some of the legal terms:

- counterclaim - counterclaim

- Commission of crime - commit crime

- criminal offense - felony

- jury trial - trial by jury

- compensation for damage - indemnification

Why do you need a dictionary of legal terms

Even at the very high level knowledge in English will have to refer to the reference literature to clarify the translation of a particular term.

After all, in English the same word or expression has several meanings.

You can use printed publications: English-Russian dictionaries, dictionaries of legal terms in English. You can download a special program to your computer or turn to an online translation.

On the Internet, you can find tables containing translations from English of the most common terms. This greatly simplifies the task of preparing a document in Russian.

Each table has a separate direction, for example, criminal law, civil law or for the translation of documents on international business.

Translation of legal terms from English

It is one thing when a lawyer only sometimes encounters the problem of translation. Another thing is translation agencies that have top-class specialists.

For them, legal terms in English with a translation into Russian are as common as any other translation. After all, they have many years of experience in this area.

Most often, a similar problem with translation occurs among businessmen who are engaged in a joint business with foreign partners.

Some documents, for example, contracts, certificates, require not only ultra-accurate translation, but also notarization. Such services are also at the disposal of translation agencies.

By the way, a private person may also need such services, for example, when entering into a marriage with a foreigner, for processing documents for studying in a foreign country. educational institution. Only professional translators be able to handle this task.


UDK 81’25


M. V. Lutseva

Ivanovsky State University

The purpose of this article is to consider the problems associated with the selection in Russian legal terminology of correspondences to English legal terms, including those denoting the legal realities of the United States and England. The paper substantiates the relevance of this study, and also provides the main ways of translating English legal terms into Russian.

Currently, linguists, in particular terminologists, are particularly interested in the field of jurisprudence, which is due to the development of contacts between countries in various fields activities. Jurisprudence plays an important role and occupies a special place in the life of modern society.

There are various studies devoted to the use of legal terms in the field of jurisprudence: laws, legal documents, court sessions, etc. However, there are few works that study the translation of English legal terms into Russian.

The sublanguage of jurisprudence is the language of relevant documents and protocol speeches of justice workers. The terms and formulations used here are monosemantic. They have strict exact values, equipped with unambiguously interpreted definitions in industry dictionaries, as well as comprehensive interpretations in specialized reference books, texts of laws, etc.

In the legal encyclopedic dictionary, "legal term" is interpreted as "a verbal designation of state-legal concepts, with the help of which the content of the legal regulations of the state is expressed and fixed" .

Lawyers define a legal term as “a word or phrase that is used in legislation, being a generalized name for a legal concept that has an exact and definite meaning, and is distinguished by semantic unambiguity, functional stability” .

The study of legal terminology, as well as the terminology of other special branches of knowledge

© Lutseva M. V., 2007

ny, is engaged in terminology, one of the areas of which is terminological translation. At the same time, the problems of semantics and translation of terms discussed in this article are in contact with typological and comparative terminology. As noted in review papers describing the structure of terminology at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, representatives of these areas are trying to describe the parameters and specific features of different term systems, to compare them with each other. Thus, several terminological directions explore different aspects of the semantics and translation of terms.

In studies devoted to the issues of translation of terminological units, it is noted that “the most important and relevant are two groups of terminological problems in the translation of scientific and technical literature - the problem of using special vocabulary as an element of content distribution in translated texts and the problem of translating terms, matching foreign terms in the process translation".

The paper presents a group of problems related to the selection in Russian legal terminology of correspondences to English legal terms, including those denoting the legal realities of the United States and England.

Following V.V. Alimov, we consider legal translation as one of the types of special translation in two ways: as an area of ​​practical language activity and as an academic discipline.

Scientists have repeatedly addressed the problem of equivalence in a special translation. V. S. Vinogradov understands equivalence as “the preservation of the relative equality of content, semantic, semantic, stylistic and functional-communicative information contained

living in the original and in translation". The scientist identifies six main functional types of texts for translation: colloquial, official business, social information, scientific, artistic and religious.

According to this classification, legal texts refer to official business texts that are completely focused on the transfer of content. In the opinion of the author of the above classification of texts, the method of literal translation is often used for such documents, since the Russian language has a smaller number of well-established rhetorical clichés than in European languages.

S. V. Grinev, in turn, highlights the features of the selection of equivalents for foreign terms. “From a lexical point of view, when translating terms, two main situations are possible - when in the Russian language of law there are equivalents of a foreign language term recorded in translation dictionaries, and when such equivalents are absent. In the first case, there may be one or more translation options for a foreign term. If there is one equivalent, then such a translation situation does not present any particular difficulties, since it is only necessary to check the adequacy of the replacement in a particular text.

If there are several translation equivalents, it is necessary to choose the most adequate translation option in this case, “which is not always an easy task due to the inconsistency of terminologies and the not always high quality of dictionaries... Unfortunately, most modern dictionaries has significant drawbacks, in particular, the redundancy of translation options.

So "English-Russian Comprehensive Law Dictionary" contains a large number of dictionary entries, citing several options for translating an English term into Russian: defense Amer. 1. defense; protection; 2. defense (in court); defendant's argument; objection to the claim; defendant's objection; 3. prohibition.

1. custody; security; 2. care; guardianship; 3. control; possession; 4. detention; detention; imprisonment.

abandon 1. refuse (from a right, claim, etc.); refuse property in favor of the insurer, abandon; 2. stop; 3. leave (wife, children); close.

The variability of terms, as well as their translations into Russian, is explained by the belonging

these units to different national legal systems and, consequently, different legal term systems. This position is clearly illustrated by the examples below.

"English-Russian Comprehensive Law Dictionary" gives the following equivalents of the term brief) brief 1. short, concise; 2. summary, summary; to summarize; to summarize;

3. a brief written statement of the case; English a brief on the case submitted by the solicitor to the barrister; Amer. a brief on the case submitted by the lawyer to the court of appeal; 4. to entrust the possession of the case (to a lawyer); give instructions to a lawyer;

5. papal breve (message on disciplinary matters); 6. open business, client; 7. the court's proposal to the defendant to certify the claim brought against him.

Let us dwell on the translation equivalent number 3: a brief written statement of the case; English a brief on the case submitted by the solicitor to the barrister; Amer. brief on the case submitted by the lawyer to the court of appeal. It follows from the example that the term has a different meaning in the US and the UK, indicating different functions members of the legal profession in these countries.

Other good example variance of terms in the legal systems of Russia, Great Britain and the USA is the translation of the Russian term "lawyer". The Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture gives the following interpretation of the term lawyer:

“Lawyer” is the most general word for talking about someone who either represents people in a court of law or advises people about legal problems. Lawyers sometimes do legal work that is related to only one particular area of ​​the law, such as medical cases, or company law, or they can do general work for many different types of legal cases. In the US, a lawyer can also be called an attorney which means exactly the same. The word counselor is also used in the US to mean a lawyer, especially one working in a court of law, and it can be used as a title when speaking to a lawyer in court. In the UK, a lawyer who represents someone in court is called a barrister and a lawyer who mainly works in an office is called solicitor, and these two types of lawyers have different training.

advocate n 1. ScotE law a lawyer who speaks in defense of or in favor of another person in court.

barrister n especially in England and Wales, a lawyer who has the right of speaking in the higher courts of law.

solicitor n 1(especially in England) a lawyer who gives advice, does the necessary work when property is bought and sold (CONVEYANCING), and speaks especially the lower courts of law. In 1992 it was decided that the solicitor could also argue cases in the higher courts, which formerly only BARRISTERS were able to do.

attorney n AmE a lawyer. Lawyers in the US have to be licensed (LICENSE) by the state in which they practice, which allows them to practice in FEDERAL courts, but not necessarily in other states.

It follows from the definitions that the difference between the equivalents of the term "lawyer" lies not only in its belonging to a certain legal system(in particular, to the system of English, American or Scottish law), but also in the functions performed by a lawyer. Thus, for example, the terms advocate, barrister, and counselor designate a lawyer whose main duty is to represent the rights of the accused or plaintiffs in court.

It follows from this that the problems of variance should be given Special attention when translating units belonging to national terminologies and terminological systems. The researcher emphasizes the following features of the translation of the terms of this group: “the variance of the translation of terms is a completely normal objective phenomenon, due to the fact that national terminologies develop in different socio-cultural and historical conditions; in most cases, there is no complete equivalence between the terms of different languages. Nevertheless, the existing tendency to include redundant variants in the dictionary, reflecting the occasional use of foreign language terms, causes significant difficulties in the translator's work.

In the light of the issues discussed above related to the belonging of terms to different national legal systems, another problem studied in the theory of terminological translation studies becomes relevant - the problem of using in dictionary entries transliterated foreign language terms, rather than an adequate translation. As a rule, there are difficulties in understanding such terms as attorney - attorney; barrister - barrister; coroner - coroner; felon - felon; felony - felony; misdemeanor - misdemeanor, sheriff - sheriff.

In the case when there is no equivalent to a foreign language term in the language, according to S. V. Grinev, four cases are possible:

a) material borrowing of a foreign term in compliance with certain rules its transcription or transliteration and a brief interpretation. In the English-Russian Comprehensive Law Dictionary, this principle is applied to the terms:

coroner coroner (an investigator whose special function is to investigate cases of violent or sudden death).

solicitor solicitor (a representative of one of two types of practicing lawyers who collects materials necessary for presentation in court and resolves cases in pre-trial order).

In our opinion, this technique is justified, since the concepts denoted by these terms in different national legal systems are often absent. This is observed, for example, in the case of the terms solicitor, coroner, misdemeanor.

S. V. Grinev believes that other methods used in translation, in the absence of an equivalent to a foreign language term, are:

b) semantic calque of a foreign term, which is possible if it appeared as a result of semantic transfer.

Grandfather Clause grandfather clause.

c) word-for-word translation, in which it is necessary to take into account the trends in term formation in different languages. For example, the possibility of transferring some English terms-phrases by Russian complex terms:

Department of Justice Department of Justice (in the USA).

d) translation of a foreign term using a descriptive phrase.

In the English-Russian Comprehensive Law Dictionary, this technique is used in relation to the terms:

abator a person who illegally took possession of real estate before it passed to the heir.

short position is the situation in which the investor is located, having borrowed shares to pay the lender.

Thus, it becomes obvious that the main difficulties in translating English legal terms into Russian are related to the problems of transferring the content of legal realities.

liy. In such cases, general recommendations for translation are reduced to the need for a descriptive translation or transliteration with brief information about a special concept. Translations such as solicitor - solicitor, barrister - barrister, attorney - attorney, coroner - coroner, felony - felony, misdemeanor - misdemeanor, etc. are not sufficient to understand the content of the concepts denoted by the terms.

If the entire amount of linguistic, regional, cultural and legal knowledge is not taken into account when interpreting a term in the process of intercultural communication in the field of jurisprudence, many problems arise not only in the interpretation of the term, but also in the interaction of legal institutions.

The specificity of the terms determines the importance of their precise application, which is not in the use of words, but in the systematic functioning of such a phenomenon as law. It is the consistency that is violated when foreign elements are incorrectly, inadequately introduced into it.

(terms), without taking into account the national legal specifics and primary functioning. Only a specialist with sufficient knowledge not only in the field of linguistics and translation theory, but also in the field of law is able to avoid such mistakes.


1. Alimov V.V. Translation theory. Translation in the field of professional communication: Textbook. /

B. V. Alimov // M., 2004.

2. Big legal encyclopedic Dictionary. / Ed. A. B. Barikhina. M., 2004.

3. Vinogradov B.C. Translation: General and Lexical Questions: Textbook. / B. S. Vinogradov // M., 2004.

4. Grinev S.V. Introduction to terminology. /

S. V. Grinev // M., 1993.

5. Pigolkin A.S. The language of the law. / A. S. Pigolkin // M., 1990.

6. English-Russian Comprehensive Law Dictionary. Ed. A. S. Mamulyan. M., 2003.

7. Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture. England, 2005.

Law Dictionary

LEGAL TERMS- means of legal technique, with the help of which specific concepts acquire verbal expression in the text of a normative act. Being the primary material for writing the rules of law, Yu.t. have transient significance. Using Yu.t., the state represented by ... Law Encyclopedia

LEGAL TERMS- in the theory of law, legal terms are recognized as verbal designations (formulations) of legal concepts, with the help of which the content of normative legal prescriptions is expressed and fixed. In law-making activity, there are three ... ... Legal Dictionary of Modern Civil Law

legal terms- an element of legal technique, verbal designations of state legal concepts, with the help of which the content of the normative legal requirements of the state is expressed and fixed. Yu.t. can be classified into three types: a) ... ... Big Law Dictionary

Special legal terms- terms used to denote a particular legal concept (“complicity”, “concealment of a crime”, “trust management”, “emancipation”, “necessary defense”, “conviction”, “pledge”, “offer”, “acceptance” , "claim", etc.). How… …

Technical and legal means- element legislative technique, used in law-making activities to prepare a legislative text. Technical legal means include legal terms, concepts, legal constructions, digital expression of concepts, ... ... Elementary principles of the general theory of law

Services at the exhibition (fair) legal- Legal services at the exhibition / fair: providing exhibitors with the services of a solution specialist legal issues... Source: EXHIBITION FAIR ACTIVITY. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS. GOST R 53103 2008 (approved by Order of Rostekhregulirovanie dated ... ... Official terminology

GOST R 53107-2008: Household services. Funeral services. Terms and Definitions- Terminology GOST R 53107 2008: Household services. Funeral services. Terms and definitions original document: [deceased]: Deceased [deceased], whose burial for some reason was not undertaken by relatives or responsible persons. ... ...

STO Gazprom 2-2.3-141-2007: Energy management of OAO Gazprom. Terms and Definitions- Terminology STO Gazprom 2 2.3 141 2007: Energy management of OAO "Gazprom". Terms and definitions: 3.1.31 subscriber of the power supply organization: Consumer electrical energy(heat), the power plants of which are connected to the networks ... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

GOST R 53801-2010: Federal communications. Terms and Definitions- Terminology GOST R 53801 2010: Federal communications. Terms and definitions original document: 260 subscription mailbox: A special mailbox installed in postal facilities with lockable cells that are subscribed to a specific ... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

GOST 30772-2001: Resource saving. Waste management. Terms and Definitions- Terminology GOST 30772 2001: Resource saving. Waste management. Terms and definitions original document: 6.5 anthropogenic pollution: Pollution resulting from human activities, including their direct or indirect ... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation


  • Family, Love and Sex. Pocket English-Russian Dictionary, Michelle Anderson. This dictionary is intended for anyone interested in modern colloquial English and its American version on such social topics as family, love and sex. In… Buy for 1058 UAH (Ukraine only)
  • Latin language in modern international law. Textbook, N. V. Marshalok, I. L. Ulyanova. The textbook is aimed at mastering the terminology of the professional language of an international lawyer, at facilitating the students' perception of the disciplines of the professional cycle. For the first time in Russia, it is widely…

- so we continue the rubric for specialists. Today's issue will be devoted to legal English. In this article, we have collected textbooks, dictionaries, free professional magazines, etc. to advance your English higher and higher.

An English lawyer needs (period). This is undeniable. To work in international companies, yes and in Russian company but with a higher salary. For reading professional literature and foreign regulations, drawing up contracts with foreign contractors, classes scientific activity and much more.

First of all, a lawyer needs specific vocabulary, which must be pumped from four sides: reading, listening, speaking and writing. So we have found for you the highest quality sources of legal terminology.

I will say right away: The article is intended for those who already have a good level of basic English. After all, in any case, you first need to master General English -, common words and 4 skills.

The content of the article "English for Lawyers":

We are looking for professional vocabulary:

Downloading skills:

Legal Terms in English: Vocabulary Sources

Vocabulary for lawyers is very extensive, at least due to the large number of areas of legal activity (civil and criminal specialization, different types rights, etc.). So, in dictionaries, basically, basic legal vocabulary is concentrated, and in textbooks and English-language materials you can already find more highly specialized words. But first things first.

1. Legal English: textbooks

Textbooks will help those who decide to fully master legal English on their own, as they will give a guide, a curriculum.

English for Legal Professionals- An express course from Oxford for those who communicate in English with clients, business partners and colleagues. Great for self study.

Professional English in Use: Lawtraining course from Cambridge covering a wide range of legal vocabulary. Topics include corporate and commercial law, intellectual property law, and more.

Absolute Legal English Book (English for International Law)– a course that is even suitable for preparing for the ILEC exam. Consists of nine units and covers the main areas of international law.

Legal English: How to Understand and Master the Language of Law– another full-fledged course that covers everything you need: vocabulary, written legal language, etc.

Test Your Professional English: Law- the book contains more than 60 tests and more than 500 words and expressions necessary for a lawyer.

Check Your English Vocabulary for Law– a workbook that is designed to improve knowledge and understanding of legal terminology. Includes crosswords, puzzles, and more.

just english. English for lawyers. Basic course- contains a lot of English-language materials, which means you will learn a "live" legal language. It will help to master the basic concepts, develop the skills of text analysis, discussion, etc. The textbook is Russian-language, which means it is suitable for those who are not yet ready to fully engage in English-language manuals.

2. English Courses for Lawyers: Online Resources

On the Internet (especially in the English-speaking segment) you can find a large number of sites with various "activities" for the development of legal English.

As for specific terminology:

  • - words on the topic "Justice";
  • - online dictionary of basic legal vocabulary;
  •, www.attorneygeneral.jus - two more legal dictionaries in English online.

I immediately warn you that all the dictionaries listed are explanatory, and not English-Russian (that is, an explanation lexical meaning given in English, these are not legal terms in English with translation). If there are difficulties with understanding, use it, which will translate any word in two clicks.

4. Professional literature: magazines, decisions of foreign courts and other materials in English

The best way to replenish vocabulary is to study legal articles in English and “take out” new words from there. Then the word will have a qualitative context, and memorization will become much more effective.

Materials on Lingualeo: English legal articles

Journals, court decisions: legal texts in English

The principle of working with texts and materials on third-party resources can be as convenient as in our library: 1. install ⇒ 2. poke on unfamiliar words ⇒ 3. and add them for further study.

Another hack: to our service to study it in your free time through (on the road, queues, etc.)

So, where to find those very English texts for lawyers:


Another tip: look for decisions of foreign courts (for queries like judicial decisions). For example, the following sites provide access to court decisions:

  • Public Library of Law
  • find law
  • Justia
  • Cornell University Law School
  • Law Library of Congress Guide to Law Online
  • The Supreme Court of the United States

Downloading skills: writing, listening, speaking practice

As you already know, possession foreign language includes 4 sub-skills: reading (you will pump it by studying the above resources), listening, writing and speaking. For the last three skills, we found separate sites.

1. Letter

This refers to the preparation of legal documentation in English. So here are your helpers:

  • - tips and templates for writing official requests, appeals, etc.