Name: Alena Hmelnitskaya

Age: 45 years

Place of Birth: Moscow

Growth: 173 cm

Weight: 53 kg

Activity: Actress, TV presenter

Family status: Divorced

Alena Khmelnitskaya - biography

It seems that time has no power over her. The girl from the screens of the 90s, who managed to smoothly jump over to the screens of the 2000s, with young years knew that she would be an actress. And also on own experience Alena Khmelnitskaya proved the well-known truth: in order to become the wife of a general, you need to marry a lieutenant.

Compared to many who came to conquer the capital from the Russian outskirts, Alena Khmelnitskaya had a huge bonus: she was born in Moscow. As is commonly believed, this is already 50 percent of the success. She did not need to work long and hard to earn money for expensive housing, she did not need to leave her relatives. The immense metropolis and so actually lay at her feet. From childhood, she showed a talent for dancing and theatrical skills, and mom and dad were in sight - both ballet dancers who graduated from GITIS. So the scene was in the blood of the young actress.

Alena Khmelnitskaya childhood

When the daughter was still quite a baby, Alexander and Valentina Khmelnitsky decided to change their place of residence. Moscow seemed cramped to them, and they moved to London, where they continued their career as choreographers. Alyona's mother was an incomparable role model, Alyona repeated almost everything after her.

And most of all she adored her mother's hats, of which she had a lot. Constantly spinning in front of the mirror, she tried on a variety of styles and colors, thereby developing her own inimitable style. In her own collection there were extravagant models in which it was impossible to just go out. Khmelnitskaya fastened them to the head different ways, to the point that she tightly screwed or even glued.

The idea of ​​becoming an actress for the first time in the biography of Alena Khmelnitskaya visited her when she came to work with her mother. Valentina at that time assisted the director of the rock opera "Juno" and "Avos", and after watching the creative process, Alena realized that she wanted the same. After school, she returned to her homeland and easily entered the Moscow Art Theater.

Alena made her film debut in the film "Karambolina-Karamboletta", and some time later, in 1989, she played in an episode of the film "Courier". But her childhood dream did not let go - she really wanted to be Conchita from "Juno" and "Avos". And when the casting was announced, she immediately ran to Lenkom to audition. From hundreds of girls, only one had to be chosen. She turned out to be ... Alena! A dream has come true, and when one comes true, we go for a new one. The next item on the girl's list of dreams was marriage.

Alena Khmelnitskaya - biography of personal life

In 1993 she married a young and promising director. Tigran himself was the son of the director and at the time of his marriage he had several serious works under his belt. The careers of these two creative people as if they were just waiting for their reunion - they immediately crawled up the mountain. Tigran's directorial successes became commonplace, and Alena joined the galaxy of talented actresses of the 90s.

Then their first daughter, Alexandra, was born. The father of the family spent all his energy and time at work: he shot films, produced and hosted television programs. For a long time their family was considered exemplary, and the couple - one of the most beautiful on the red carpets.

The first breakdown in a strong union occurred in 2009. Nikita Dzhigurda spoiled everything: suddenly he publicly remembered his and Alena's short-lived romance on the set of the film "Reluctant Superman, or Erotic Mutant". It would seem that the affairs of bygone days, but something happened almost on the eve of the wedding of Tigran and Alena! It was just a fleeting hobby, common among colleagues, quickly emerging and just as quickly disappearing into nowhere. But Tigran did not like such revelations.

He walked gloomily, did not communicate with almost anyone, closed in on himself. And Alena puzzled how to get out of this unpleasant situation. And she decided to give birth again. She did not want to get divorced at all ... In 2010, Ksyusha was born to Tigran and Alena. Alas, this did not help to save the family, the relationship was bursting at the seams for a couple of years and in the end became completely unbearable. They did not officially dissolve the marriage, but parted. They were in no hurry to expose their gap to the public, but everything was so noticeable: at social gatherings Tigran appeared alone, referring to the fact that his wife was busy with a little daughter, and Alena herself rarely went out and only in the company of her friends.

It was only in 2014 that a divorce stamp appeared in their passports. The rumor, which loves to conjecture everything, was fed by rumors; the reason for the breakup was the journalist Margarita Simonyan - with her, Tigran was often noticed together. Moreover, a year before the ill-fated divorce, Simonyan gave birth to a child, who was immediately attributed to Tigran. That gossip was strengthened when a son was born to Keosayan and Margarita in 2015.

After the breakup, Alena and Tigran stopped communicating. Alena claimed that in marriage, Tigran put a lot of pressure on her, and after the divorce, everything became better. Maybe because they practically don't talk to each other now?

Fortunately, the parents' divorce had little effect on the children - both daughters are not deprived of their father's attention. Tigran enjoys a new family life with Margarita, and Alena plunged headlong into work and upbringing youngest daughter: takes her to circles and sections. Well, the eldest, Alexandra, is already quite independent.

Alyona Khmelnitskaya's new life

We did not hear any barbs about the former and his new lover from Khmelnitskaya. She only said that it is now fashionable to turn a star divorce into a show and do cheap PR on it. But she doesn't want to. The journalists were even slightly disappointed, because they were already anticipating the storm.

Her life did not stop. Already in October 2014, she came to the premiere of the musical "The Phantom of the Opera" in the company of an imposing man. In a chic evening dress, with a stylish clutch in her hands, Alena Khmelnitskaya looked very pleased. "I'm great!" - shouted her kind.

Her fair-haired and broad-shouldered companion turned out to be Pyotr Lidov, the director of public relations for a large cellular company. As if there were not twenty years lived with Tigran. However, for the modern imperfect world, this is quite normal. There are two beautiful daughters, work, luggage with wisdom and a new good man near. Do you need something else?

Alena Khmelnitskaya - filmography, films

« Hearts of three", 1992

"The President and His Granddaughter", 1999

Silver Lily of the Valley, 2000

Turkish March, 2000

Stop on Demand, 2001

"Ondine", 2003

"Hare over the Abyss", 2006

"Petya the Magnificent", 2006

Alyona Khmelnitskaya's acting career was very successful: having more than sixty works behind her, she is still in demand among directors today. Often, the actress gets the role of single women who have a strong and even tough character.

Alena herself would gladly play other characters, appearing in a classic film or some kind of military story.

Brief data

  • Name: Alena Khmelnitskaya;
  • Date of birth: January 12, 1971 (47 years old);
  • Education: the acting department of the Moscow Art Theater School;
  • Age: 47 years old;
  • Height: 173 cm;
  • Activity: russian actress theater and cinema, TV presenter;
  • Marital status: divorced.

Childhood. Early acting roles

The parents of the future actress performed on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater: her mother, Valentina Savina, was a soloist and danced in almost all performances; father, Alexander Khmelnitsky, at first was not so successful. Soon they left for Berlin, where my father was able to demonstrate his talent by dancing leading roles. After Alena was born, they returned to Moscow, continuing their dance career at the Bolshoi Theater. Parents were often absent from home, being on tour for months, which is why the grandmother was involved in raising the girl. Little Alena had pointe shoes and ballet tutus, which she liked to wear, posing as a ballerina. The family was often visited by legends of Russian ballet, such as Maya Plisetskaya, Ekaterina Maksimova, Vladimr Vasiliev, Olga Lepeshinskaya, however, she perceived them as close friends of her parents.

"Carambolina-caramboletta" (1983).

The future actress was never seriously carried away by dancing, but the theatrical life was of interest to her. At the age of 10, she often visited the Lenkom theater, where her mother worked as a choreographer, staging the play Juno and Avos. The girl fell in love not only with this performance, but also decided to become an actress. She managed to appear on the TV screen at that time, when 12-year-old Alena played her granddaughter in the film-concert "Carambolina-Caramboletta". After graduation, she applied to the Moscow Art Theater School, where she successfully entered. As a sophomore, Khmelnitskaya got into the play "Lenkom" "Juno and Avos", where she was entrusted to play Conchita.

Filming and participation in performances

In her student years, the girl tried her hand not only at theater stage, but also in the cinema: she starred in such films as "The House of Dating", "The Tale of the Merchant's Daughter and the Mysterious Flower", "The Arbiter", "Murder in the Sunshine Menor" and others. After graduating from university, the aspiring actress played on the stage of Lenkom, but four years later she left the theater without waiting bright roles... The first success and recognition came to the girl after working in the film "Hearts of Three", where Leoncia Solano became her heroine. The scenario of the adventure picture, as well as the play of the actress and her partners in set(Sergei Zhigunov, Vladimir Shevelkov, Igor Kvasha and others) did not leave the audience indifferent, thanks to which the continuation of this exciting story was filmed.

In the photo Alena Khmelnitskaya in her youth. A still from the film "Hearts of Three".

Despite the success, at that time Alena could not boast of the successful development of her career, since the 90s left an imprint on all areas of activity. She got a job at a boutique fashionable clothes, where she served as director, however, the business did not attract her. In 1994, the actress had the opportunity to try herself in a new role, acting as the host of the musical program "Morning Mail". In the 2000s, she continued to act in films, thanks to which they started talking about her again. In the rating series "Ondine" Khmelnitskaya played the mother of the main character - the photographer Tatyana Panchenko. Working in a multi-part project (90 episodes) did not tire her, but on the contrary, aroused interest in a melodramatic story.

“Turkish March (1 season)” 2000.

Following in her filmography appeared such roles as Nonna from the melodrama "The Most Beautiful", Alice from "Three Half Graces", Ella Florenskaya from "Who Else But Me?", Larisa Tursunova from "Fatal Inheritance" and others. In 2009, the actress joined Tigran Keosayan, becoming the co-host of the show "You and Me" on the TV channel "Russia". This program, the guests of which were star couples, existed for about a year. From last works Khmelnitskaya can be noted for her heroines in the films "Three happy women"," The secret of the idol "," Half an hour before spring. " She manages not only to act in films, but also participates in entreprise performances. In 2016, the actress appeared in the musical Cinderella, which premiered at the Rossiya Theater. In this fairy tale she got the role of a stepmother.

Personal life: divorce from her husband and a new romance

Alena has always enjoyed increased attention from men, so there were many novels in her personal life. However, the actress gave her heart and love to her longtime acquaintance Tigran Keosayan, whom she married in 1993. A year later, their family was replenished with their first child: they had a daughter, Alexandra. When Khmelnitskaya was already 39 years old, she gave birth to her second daughter, Ksenia. But the baby was unable to maintain the relationship between the star spouses, and in 2014 they divorced. As it turned out, the reason for the divorce was new sweetheart husband - editor-in-chief of the Russia Today channel Margarita Simonyan. Despite the creation new family, Tigran maintains communication with both children and Alena. The former spouses noted that the relationship between them is now even better than it was before. Children forever tied them, thanks to which they remain close people.

In the photo, Alena Khmelnitskaya with her family: ex-husband Tigran Keosayan and daughter Sasha.

The eldest daughter graduated from an external school, and then studied in the UK for two years. The girl received an international diploma and studied at the Tisch School of the Arts in New York, intending to become a filmmaker. She now lives in America, where she plans to start her career. The youngest daughter also demonstrates Creative skills: she visits Domisolka, where she studies choreography, vocals and solfeggio. In addition, the girl is passionate about swimming and goes to the pool.

Alena Khmelnitskaya and Alexander Sinyushin.

Now the actress is happy in a new relationship. Her chosen one was Alexander Sinyushin, who has his own business for the rental of sound and light equipment. With the future civil husband Alena met in Nice, where she has been going on vacation for many years. It was there, in the company of mutual friends, that they met for the first time, and then continued their communication upon arrival in Moscow. Despite the difference in the age of 12 years, mutual understanding and harmony reign in the relationship of lovers. The only thing is that Alexander can hardly bear the increased attention of journalists and fans of the actress, so he rarely agrees to go with her to a social event.

The actress with her daughters: Alexandra and Ksenia.

Her parents have been living in Berlin for a long time, where they are still busy with what they love. Mom is sometimes invited to work as a choreographer, and dad teaches students a dance craft. Now they live and work for their own pleasure and are not going to return to Moscow.

Secrets of success and beauty

Many fans still say words of admiration to Khmelnitskaya, considering her successful and beautiful woman... She does not hide the fact that although she is critical of herself, however, she accepts herself as she is. The actress does not forget to work on herself and constantly improve in order to be interesting to people... She loves meeting friends at home, preparing delicious Caucasian dishes for them. Alena likes to cook khachapuri, salads, lobio, the recipes of which she often experiments.

Now the actress looks amazing, however, she does not spend time in the gym or diet. For a long time, Alena was an eternally losing weight person, which is why she adhered to various diets. Over time, she simply excluded some foods from her diet, but sometimes she does not deny herself the pleasure and eats something vakus. To keep her weight constant, the movie star works out on a treadmill at home and also practices yoga. She loves a change of scenery and, if given out free time, will definitely go on a trip, while receiving a charge of vivacity and great impressions.

The Russian stage has presented the world with many wonderful artists: actors, singers, musicians, dancers. One of them is the actress Alena Khmelnitskaya. We will talk about the biography of a celebrity and her achievements in the field of acting.

Alena Khmelnitskaya: biography

So, Khmelnitskaya Alena is a wonderful actress who never ceases to give joy to the domestic audience, acting in more and more new films. Her acting experience is already more than thirty years, and during this considerable time she managed to be noted in many films, remembered and loved by the public. However, we will talk about the filmography a little lower, and now Alena Khmelnitskaya herself interests us - biography, personal life, children, photos ... And the first thing I want to say is that the path to fame for the actress was not easy. Her life developed at different stages in different ways, and often a woman had to overcome considerable obstacles and difficulties. But she did it. And today we know and love such an outstanding person as Alena Khmelnitskaya, whose biography is detailed below.

Childhood and adolescence of the future actress

Alena was born in 1971 on January 12. By place of birth, she is a native Muscovite. The girl's parents were artists, professionally engaged in ballet and performed in an appropriate capacity at the Bolshoi Theater. This predetermined the further development of the child as a creative and artistic personality. Nevertheless, Alena did not feel any sympathy for the ballet, and this despite the fact that her parents were real professionals, honored stage artists, known even abroad. In addition, as a child, Alena was a plump girl and could not deny herself sweets, and therefore there was no talk about a career in ballet. But the love for art still manifested itself early. Already at the age of 10, the girl met at the Lenkom theater with the famous actors Alexander Abdulov and Oleg Yankovsky. This meeting played a decisive role in Alena's life. Since then, the girl literally fell in love with the theater and put her whole soul into it. The results were not long in coming - at the age of twelve, Alena had already played her first role on the set. After completing 11 classes, the girl entered the Moscow Art Theater School and already in her second year of study got a job as an actress in the same "Lenkom". Since 1992, when the Moscow Art Theater School was over, Alena Khmelnitskaya continued to work at Lenkom as a full-time actress. But this did not last long - already in 1994 she left this theater.

Filming in films and TV series

Speaking about the actress's contribution to cinema, it must be said that Alena Khmelnitskaya, whose biography is replete with leading roles, received her first major role while still a student. It was 1991, she was finishing her last year and at the same time was playing in such films as "The Tale of a Merchant's Daughter and a Mysterious Flower" and "Murder in the Sunshine Menor". When the diploma was received, her film career began to rapidly gain momentum. That is why she had to part with the theater troupe - several films a year did not allow her to be sprayed between the set and the theater. And here Alena Khmelnitskaya, whose biography is incredibly interesting, suffered the first major disappointment. The fact is that the 90s tragically affected the domestic cinema. And this means that Alena had few chances for professional development as a film actress. The days came when the actress practically did not receive offers to act in films and therefore decided to change her occupation. For a time she was involved in fashion, working in a fashion boutique. But unprofessionalism and, probably, not too deep interest led to the fact that Alena left this area quickly enough.

Return to the cinema

By the end of the 90s, the actress managed to return to the set again, as evidenced by the photo located just above. Alena Khmelnitskaya, whose biography knows both sharp ups and rapid falls, was relieved in 1999. She again became in demand - with her participation there were such films as "Christmas Mystery", "Directory of Death", "The President and His Granddaughter", "Silver Lily of the Valley", "Turkish March" and some others. But this was only the threshold of real success. She got her starring role in the serial film "Ondine". Since then, its popularity has increased markedly and more periods of inactivity in acting career Alena was not observed. V different years she has played roles in various films. Serials such as "The Hare over the Abyss", "The Most Beautiful", "Mirage", "Who Else But Me", "Oasis of Love", " Male work"," Three half-grades "," Petya the magnificent ". And this is not the whole list of projects to which she had a hand. In general, the actress has a huge experience of filming in more than forty films.

Alena Khmelnitskaya in modern times

Thus, the filmography of the actress is very impressive. But what is actually important when we talk about her and try to understand who Alena Khmelnitskaya is - biography. Alena's personal TV program is a striking addition to her roles in film projects. It is called "You and Me" and has been on the air since 2009. She shares the role of TV presenter with her ex-husband (more on that below) Tigran Keosayan. In addition, once upon a time, back in 1994, the actress hosted the famous "Morning Mail" program. Now the actress, although she continues to act in films, devotes more and more time to her personal life and raising her second daughter.

Alena Khmelnitskaya: biography, personal life, children, photo

It was already mentioned above that Alena Khmelnitskaya was married. Film director of Armenian origin Tigran Keosayan became her chosen one. Alena Khmelnitskaya, a biography whose personal life and career has known failures and failures, met him in the acting environment back in the early 90s. The relationship between the two young people gradually began to transform from purely professional and corporate to personal. Feelings appeared. The result of relations with Tigran was the registration of marriage in 1993. Thus, marriage and motherhood became another milestone in life, a step on which Alena Khmelnitskaya stepped. A biography, in which children play an important role, tells us about two daughters. The first of them - Alexandra - was born to the couple in 1994 and became the successor of her father's work. After school, the girl graduated from a bachelor's degree in the UK and entered one of the New York universities at the Faculty of Film and Television. The second girl was born in 2010, that is, sixteen years later.


Unfortunately, the marriage of Alena and Tigran did not stand the test of time. Since 2011, rumors have spread in the artistic environment about the discord in the actress's family. Over time, they were confirmed when the general public became aware that Tigran has illegitimate son from Margarita Simonyan. The result of a twenty-year marriage was a divorce in 2014. The situation in the personal life of the actress is currently unknown to the general public.

The actress spoke about the new chosen one, about friendly relations with her ex-husband and his wife, about what her children are doing.

Several years ago, a seemingly ideal couple in every sense - Tigran Keosayan and Alena Khmelnitskaya - broke up, although they had been together for about twenty years.

And the beginning of everything for Alena was "Juno" and "Avos" in "Lenkom". She, in fact, grew up on this performance, since her mother worked on it as the second choreographer at the invitation of Vladimir Vasiliev. Alena was at all rehearsals and then at each performance she sat in the orchestra pit. And actually, it was because of "Juno" that I decided to enter the acting department.
So Khmelnitskaya was happy to be in "Juno" and "Lenkom", although she was torn between rehearsals and sessions. She had two lives: one was a student, and the other was an adult, acting. In her fourth year, she did not even audition for other theaters, because she was already in Lenkom.

In addition, then Alena began to actively act in films. She met Tigran immediately after graduation, and at twenty-two she was already married. Soon she became pregnant, Sasha left the theater.

From the very beginning, everything was serious with Tigran, but at the same time it was fun and frivolous, without any global troubles about this. They immediately began to discuss the wedding, how, what would happen.
Tigran worked hard and was full of all sorts of plans. And most importantly, I am absolutely sure that everything will be fine - both in the profession and in everything else. Alena understood that he was, of course, responsible, reliable, and knew what family meant to him.

Alena really wanted a child. The birth of Sasha was absolutely organic, Alena does not know how she lived without her at all. A year after the birth of her daughter, Khmelnitskaya became the manager of the boutique. The actress considered the boutique solely from the point of view of her fantasies, the cinematic idea of ​​how pleasant it is to be engaged in fashionable clothes. She thought that she could make a cool business woman, and when Tigran starts making films, she will play for him.

The boutique existed for three years, but Alena got pleasure only when they brought new collection, hung out - and people started buying. She earned something, but it was impossible to call it a successful activity. Then Tigran started making films. And Alena really started with “Silver Lily of the Valley”, which she loves very much.

But Sasha did not choose an acting profession, she preferred filmmaking, because she does not have an acting essence and absolutely not an acting brain, her mother believes. In May, she completes her studies at the directing and production department in the United States. When Sasha turned sixteen, she went to receive a diploma American school to England. It was then that Ksyusha was born. By that time, Sasha had already decided that she wanted to do film directing, and everyone was ready for her departure abroad. Sasha taught English language, which was very successful for her, in addition to that she graduated from a German school, where the second language was French.

When Sasha left, Alena felt insanely lonely, because they really are in last years were very close to her, especially in the year when Alena went pregnant. They lived together in Nice before and after the birth of Ksyusha. Sasha took care of her mother there and went with her to the hospital when the time came.

After the birth of Ksyusha, she did not feel any return to youth, Alena says. Alena began to act when Ksyusha was six months old, although she did not have a strong desire to work.

Both are always to blame for parting, says Alena. And their parting did not come as a surprise to any of them. They had crises and difficult stages in work and personal relationships.

Ksyusha is one continuous joy, says Alena, and she gives her a lot of strength. Every weekend she goes to her dad and communicates well with her sister and brother there. Therefore, they have complete harmony. Alena communicates with the new wife of Tigran Keosayan Margarita Simonyan. They go to each other's birthday parties.

Alena considers herself a self-sufficient person and does not think, if she is alone, then she is not successful. The actress was not looking for any feelings and relationships, but she was never deprived of them.

Now Khmelnitskaya has a man nearby. This is businessman Alexander Sinyushin. She really appreciates the mind, especially in a man. Alena has become more selfish and now believes that two people should be better than alone. Alena says that she cannot fall in love with a fool, with a non-generous man. Alena is very strong maternal instinct, and a man must have contact with her child. Ksyusha liked Sasha immediately. And it was because of her attitude towards him that Alena had the idea that this could be a serious, full-fledged relationship.

Alexander is younger than Alena, but not disastrously, she says. They talked with Sasha for a long time. Now they have been living together for almost a year, and before that they met, had a great time. Khmelnitskaya liked this lightness - she herself, she has her own life. Everything suited them up to some point, and then they realized that they were already worse off separately. We decided to carefully try to live together.

According to Alena, everything coincides with Sasha exactly as we would like. There is nothing that she would love, and he is not. Including leisure preferences and taste preferences are similar.
Sinyushin is in business in the field of music, but from a technical point of view. Sasha has friends and acquaintances from acting world with whom he communicates, so for him all this is not new.

Russian theater and film actress Alena Khmelnitskaya was born on January 12, 1971 in the city of Moscow. The girl grew up in the family talented people... Her parents were famous at the Bolshoi Theater. The owner of a magnificent appearance and strong-willed character increasingly began to give interviews. Biography and personal life of Alena Khmelnitskaya is main theme for live discussions.

Childhood and family

Valentina Konstantinovna Savina - mother famous actress... For twenty years she danced on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater. After graduation she worked as a choreographer. Since 1983 she has staged fashion shows at the Fashion House of the famous fashion designer Vyacheslav Zaitsev.

Alena Khmelnitskaya in her youth

Alena Khmelnitskaya's father is Alexander Khmelnitsky. Together with his wife he danced at the Bolshoi Theater and at the same time taught at a choreographic school. Despite the busy touring schedule, the parents always paid a lot of attention to their daughter.

At the age of eight, Alena Khmelnitskaya is admitted to intensive care with a diagnosis of appendicitis. Due to the wrongly taken tests, the condition of the actress was extremely difficult and required an operation. In order to be close to her daughter, her mother gets a job as a nanny in a hospital. Parents were always there and helped in the recovery of their daughter. After Valentina and Alexander retired, they decided to move to Germany. They currently live and teach there.

Alena Khmelnitskaya in her youth

Alena Khmelnitskaya is absolute light... Wherever she appears, she always attracts a lot of attention. However, the actress herself was always unhappy with her appearance... She brings a smile and delight to those around her. Her mischievous laugh, which her mother gave her, energizes her family and friends from an early age. When she laughs, everyone else laughs.

As a child, Alena attended rhythmic gymnastics and table tennis. Her tenacity helped her to win several competitions.

Growing up in a family of famous dancers, Alena knew from the very beginning that she would definitely not follow in the footsteps of her parents. The actress believed that a dancer of such a scale as her parents should be born. Therefore, the girl decided to try her luck in the theater.

Alena Khmelnitskaya

In 1988, Alena Khmelnitskaya graduated from school number 1 with a French bias. And in 1992 she graduated from the acting department of the Moscow Art Theater School. Graduates of the same course were such famous actors, how:

  1. Vyacheslav Razbegaev;
  2. Ksenia Entelis.

Career ups and downs

During her studies, Alena Khmelnitskaya went through a really difficult casting. In the Moscow State Theater "Lenkom" she played the role of Conchita in the play "Juno and Avos". The actress herself admits that the casting was huge, because almost all of Moscow auditioned. She also starred in films such as:

  • "The Tale of the Merchant's Daughter and the Mysterious Flower";
  • "House of Dating";
  • Murder in the Sunshine Menor.

Alena Khmelnitskaya in the movie "Dating House"

After graduating from the Moscow Art Theater, in the biography and personal life of Alena Khmelnitskaya, drastic changes... Her first victory was the main role in Russian - Ukrainian feature film- "Hearts of Three". It was this film that raised the actress to the top of the acting art and brought her fame. In 1993 Alena Khmelnitskaya married the director Tigran Keosayan.

A year later, the couple had a daughter, Alexandra. Therefore, in 1994, Alena Khmelnitskaya leaves the theater. At this time, the country was in an economic crisis, which also affected Russian cinema.

Alena Khmelnitskaya in the film - "Hearts of Three"

The famous actress tries herself in business. She worked for two years as a director of a fashion boutique of her friends. The purchase of goods became a difficult task for the actress. Then she admitted that business is not what she wants to do. The famous entertainment"Morning Mail" is another project in which Alena tried herself as a TV presenter.

From 2009 to 2010, together with her husband, Khmelnitskaya hosted the TV show "You and Me", which revealed the secrets family life famous people.

Alena Khmelnitskaya and Tigran Keosayan in the TV show "You and Me"

Personal life

The soul of Alena Khmelnitskaya began to demand love early. Her first love, which grew into great love, was still at a young age. Unfortunately, the actress herself did not name the man, but noted that he was famous person and a friend of her parents. Their feelings were most likely invented by the actress herself, which ultimately did not lead to anything.

Actress Alyona Khmelnitskaya indicated in her biography and personal life that she did not initially want to get married, but she clearly knew that she wanted children. But as the actress herself said, it is not necessary to get married for this.

In her student years, Alena met with the future director, her son was very famous director- Yegor Konchalovsky. At that time, the guy lived in England, and therefore their romance developed at a distance. Yegor himself did not take this relationship seriously. He says that this is not the brightest page in his life, but rather an episode and a Moscow adventure. Alena hoped for a marriage proposal. Due to disagreements and different goals in life, the relationship of this couple did not last long.

Alena Khmelnitskaya and Yegor Konchalovsky

Calm Alena wanted to experience violent emotions, so Nikita Dzhigurda became her next chosen one. The couple met on the set of the movie "Reluctant Superman or Erotic Mutant". In this film, Alena and Nikita played lovers.

So it turned out that Alena Khmelnitskaya, offended by Konchalovsky, found solace in Dzhigurda, who at that moment also parted with his chosen one - Marina Esipenko. Nikita did not take this relationship seriously, as he believed that no woman could compare with Marina.

Nikita Dzhigurda and Alena Khmelnitskaya

Yet her first husband was an actor and screenwriter - Tigran Keosayan. When meeting with Tigran, Alena did not know that he was the son of the famous director Edmand Keosoyan. At the first stage of their acquaintance, they were connected only by professional relations.

After Tigran invited Alena Khmelnitskaya to star in advertising, their real romance began. Alena was attracted by Tigran's confidence and desire to develop.

Alena Khmelnitskaya and her husband Tigran Keosayan

In 1993, the couple decided to get married. Based on the biography, personal life and photos of Alena Khmelnitskaya, viewers at that time could watch their happy family... After a year of joint marriage, their first daughter, Alexandra, is born to famous parents. She decided to follow in the footsteps of her father and after graduating from high school entered the University of New York on the specialty "Film and Television".

And in 2010, Ksenia appeared - the second daughter. Family for the actress is the most important thing. For her sake, she was ready to sacrifice her calling.

Alena Khmelnitskaya with her daughters

Please note that the husband did not film his beautiful wife in all films.

Irma, performed by Khmelnitskaya in "Silver Lily of the Valley", has become one of the favorite heroines for viewers. The next winning roles were Tatiana Panchenko in the film "Ondine" and Alice in the melodrama "Three half-grades". But the 21-year marriage cracked their relationship and led to divorce. The reason for the separation was a journalist -.

Margarita Simonyan and Tigran

Alena Khmelnitskaya also decided not to waste time and was published in the company of a handsome man. As the journalists managed to find out, it turned out to be the 45-year-old director of public relations of the Russian cellular Megaphone. How close their relationship was is unknown. It is only noticeable that there was a mutual spark in their eyes, which was clearly expressed in the joint photos.

In the press and in social networks there is information about the divorce, personal life and biography of Alena Khmelnitskaya. Despite the hard parting, ex-spouses try to communicate normally. Alena says that she does not know how to explain to the youngest daughter the separation from their father in the future.

A eldest daughter and so she understands everything, because she is already 23 years old. The actress admitted that at the time of parting, she and her husband had not lived together for 2 years. Their divorce did not affect the children in any way. Parents still pay a lot of attention to their girls. In addition, Alena's daughters have a new brother and sister from Tigran Simoyan's second marriage.

Alena Khmelnitskaya in the company of Alexander Sinyushny

1. On the birthday of the youngest daughter Alena Khmelnitskaya invited ex-husband with his new wife. Many fans were surprised by the photo, which showed the actress in the company of Margarita Simonyan. No less surprising were the notes under the photo that Margarita left - “Spent the evening with Alena Khmelnitskaya. This is how it goes. She is very cool, very "!

The actress herself notes that she is not going to cross out 21 years of married life with Tigran. Alena Khmelnitskaya has two children and her ex-husband's family also has two. They feel good when they feel parental care and love. So main task for star parents - to provide a calm, joyful and happy life to my children.

2. Alena Khmelnitskaya admitted that if it were not for the children, then they would hardly keep in touch with Tigran. She does not take much pleasure in meeting and talking with her ex - husband. But the actress puts childcare ahead of her old grudges.

3. After a divorce from Tigran Keosoyan, Alena meets her new love... A young and very attractive man accompanied the actress at the premiere of the musical "The Phantom of the Opera". The beaming smile on the actress's face only confirms the fact that resentments towards the ex - husband are in the past.

Alena Khmelnitskaya in the play - "Cinderella"

Alena Khmelnitskaya now

Alena has never played in musicals before. The play “Cinderella” gave Alena Khmelnitskaya the opportunity to gain new experience in her work. In it, Alena played the role of a stepmother. She has always dreamed of acting in a quality Broadway production. The whole family was present at the premiere.

Parents flew from Europe especially for this performance. She was also noticed in the company of businessman Alexander Sinyushny. Then Alena answered ambiguously the questions of journalists, but frankly admitted that there was some kind of relationship between her and Alexander. At the beginning of 2018, cardinal changes are observed in the biography, photo, personal life of Alena Khmelnitskaya and her children.

Famous actress and businessman Alexander Sinyushin confirmed their relationship.

Alena Khmelnitskaya and businessman Alexander Sinyushin

After Alena posted a photo in a company with new darling Tigran, relatives and friends noticed that Khmelnitskaya looks absolutely happy and peaceful. The actress left behind past relationships and opened a new page in her personal life. Alena has already managed to acquaint her new chosen one with family and friends. We managed to find out that Alexander works in a company that is engaged in the rental of sound and light equipment.

Alena Khmelnitskaya now

Alena Khmelnitskaya today is not going to change anything else in her biography and personal life. She notes that they just meet with Alexander and they are still very far from the status of a new husband. Alena Khmelnitskaya, like any woman, hopes for a happy and long-lasting relationship with her new chosen one. Fans and viewers of the famous actress are looking forward to new changes in the biography and personal life of Alena Khmelnitskaya, and maybe also children.