Pavel Soltan was happy when his youngest daughter Anastasia got married earlier this year. No one knew then how quickly and terribly it would end. Photos from social networks

A terrible tragedy on Butlerov Street: the youngest daughter of Pavel Soltan died

22-year-old Anastasia Plotnikova-Soltan left this world after her parents, having experienced several shocks during these months

25.11.16 memory

Daughter deceased deputy Pavla Soltana, a survivor of a horrific August car accident, fell out of a window on her birthday. Anastasia was never able to recover from the tragedy and recent months spent her life in depression.

A terrible tragedy broke out on Butlerov Street, 13, on the evening of November 24th. Anastasia Plotnikova (nee - Soltan) fell out of the window of an apartment located on one of upper floors. The girl, who just turned 22 that day, died on the spot. It has not yet been determined whether it was suicide or an accident. But the first option is more likely.

Anastasia was in the car with her parents during a terrible accident that occurred on a suburban highway near St. Petersburg on August 14 of this year. Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly Pavel Soltan, Nastya's father, died immediately. Svetlana Soltan, Nastya's mother, died in the hospital. The girl herself survived, but received serious injuries, underwent a month and a half rehabilitation course. After leaving the hospital and to this day, she walked on crutches.

Nastya was very upset by the loss of her parents. In an interview with Life78 two days before her death, she formulated the main psychological problem, which she had to face: “I love my parents very much, they gave me a lot. But I resent them for not letting me know how to live without them. How to live without them. And that life doesn't end without them."

Other difficulties were added to the trauma - physical and psychological. Nastya filed for divorce from her husband, aspiring politician Alexei Plotnikov. On her page on the social network, she accused him of betrayal. According to her, her husband never visited her in the hospital, he was only involved in elections (he ran for the State Duma and the Legislative Assembly, but he could not go there or there). In an interview " Komsomolskaya Pravda"The girl bluntly stated that her husband, in her opinion, needed only the money and connections of her deceased father.

It got to the point that in the public space appeared open letter Anastasia to her husband. It was filled with despair. The media reported that a few days before the death of Nastya, the divorce took place.

Nastya also quarreled with her older sister, Veronica. Veronica stated that Nastya did not want to undergo further rehabilitation, and this could turn into lifelong lameness. She tried with all her might to pull her sister out of depression, urging her to undergo rehabilitation. The media reported that on November 21, Nastya was actually forcibly admitted to the hospital. She escaped from there and received from Veronica the keys to her parents' apartment.

The drama on Butlerov Street was in any case the result of a catastrophic psychological state a young girl who has gone through several shocks at once. Unfortunately, she wasn't next to her. professional psychologist. Anastasia Plotnikova-Soltan experienced her tragedy almost completely alone. But the most unpleasant thing is that the children of Pavel and Svetlana Soltan were almost immediately forgotten by politicians who made speeches and made promises on the day of seeing off.


Galina Soltan - Anastasia Soltan's aunt, wife sibling Pavel Soltana, told Metro about the last few days of the girl who died on the evening of November 24. After the accident in August 2016, in which her parents died, the series of terrible trials that fell on the girl did not end.

In many ways, Galina Soltan confirmed the words of her close friends.

Nastya seemed to be smart, but sometimes she behaved like a 13-year-old girl, you could do anything with her. Nastya was like a zombie, she drove her husband Alexei out of the hospital and did not want to communicate, - recalls Galina Soltan.

Partly the reason for such discord was the money that was presented to Nastya, and Alexei Plotnikov took it to the election campaign.

- He said: " I have to feed my family, I have to get elected!". Of course, he returned all the money to the penny and did not take anything for himself. I came to Nastya several times at 9 in the morning and met Alexei at the hospital. He said: " I don't know what to do, she chases me, says nasty things and calls security".

At some point, Alexey Plotnikov stopped communicating with Nastya and said: " I've been so covered in mud that I can't take it anymore", - says Galina Soltan.

Galina often visited Nastya in a rehabilitation hospital.

She was in a terrible state, it was terrible to look at her. I think it is unlikely that anyone "helped" Nastya to commit suicide, most likely, she did it of her own free will. Nastya had problems before. But on the last day before her death she said: They can't wait for me to drop, I want to live". She meant her sister and husband. But left alone in the house, she certainly could do it.

On the eve of these words, an incident occurred when Nastya and Veronica's husband, Vyacheslav Koltsov, remained at home.
- Slava either asked her to do something or clean up after herself, in the spirit: " Waiting for what you will be served - go take it yourself". And she, of course, immediately into tears:" I don't know what to do, but he says - so jump out the window"And she opened the window and got up. Nastya said that Slava pulled her off the window.

After that, says Galina Soltan, Nastya was sent for four days to the Skvortsov-Stepanov hospital, where they were going to inject the sedative Phenazepam.

The hospital said that Nastya was absolutely safe and would not do anything to herself. That she had no prerequisites for suicide was just a game for Nastya.

When Nastya ended up in a rehabilitation clinic, her own aunt came to visit her. And the girl, whose husband brought things and a phone, could no longer be within the walls of the clinic.

Nastya said: “I’m leaving here. I won’t lie here in this common ward, people complain that I don’t let them sleep at night. I go and cry.” And she began to collect things. The nurse said that, of course, she would not let her go outside. Nastya called her friend Olesya and said: " I'm going to you"Olesya, of course, could not leave her on the street and let her in. Nastya then said:" This psychiatric hospital broke me, it's like in prison".

On this topic " Death of Anastasia Soltan"details:

The ex-husband of Anastasia Soltan Alexey Plotnikov said that she was observed by a psychologist for three years

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22-year-old Anastasia Soltan, daughter deceased vice speaker The Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, Pavel Soltan, fell out of the window of the 12th floor and died.

The Investigative Committee has launched an investigation into the death of Anastasia Soltan, who died on her 22nd birthday.

Anastasia Soltan was the daughter of the late Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Assembly Pavel Soltan. The tragedy happened on November 24th. The girl's body was found near one of the entrances of the residential complex "Academ-Park" in St. Petersburg.

According to preliminary data, Anastasia Soltan fell out of the window of the "black" staircase on the 12th floor of this residential building, and on the sixth floor was the Soltan family's apartment itself.

Eyewitnesses reported that the girl's body was not removed for about six hours. On the day of Anastasia's death, Soltan turned 22 years old.

Anastasia Soltan was married. But on November 21, she divorced her husband Alexei Plotnikov. According to media reports, Anastasia Soltan was the initiator of the break in relations.

Alexey Plotnikov is a politician, former leader of the youth organization of the Saratov regional branch of the Just Russia party.

Anastasia Soltan had complicated relationship with older sister Veronica.

Recently, Nastya Soltan escaped from the hospital, where she was undergoing rehabilitation after an accident.

Nastya Soltan wrote about her last thoughts and life in social network:

“Now I’ll go for a walk with the dog, then take a bath, and then we’ll eat dumplings with a glass of wine, I can’t sleep for 3 days (and I wrote then because I wasn’t drunk, but angry (another native person betrayed), tired, she wrote not from her phone.

And when I'm drunk, I usually don't write anything the other way around, I just cry and cry."

Anastasia Soltan published tragic records. The girl asked her friends for help, reported that she did not know how to continue to live.

Anastasia said that quite recently she had everything - family, parents, husband - and for Lately after great losses, she does not know how to cope with a difficult condition.

Recall that Pavel Soltan, Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg and President of the St. Petersburg Artistic Gymnastics Federation, died in an accident on the Vyborg highway.

The Toyota RAV4 car, in which he was traveling with his wife Svetlana and daughter Anastasia, collided with a Mercedes on August 14, at about 18:00 at 43 km of the Pargolovo-Ogonki highway.

Soltan died instantly as a result of the collision, and his wife was hospitalized in serious condition. The doctors failed to save her, she died in the hospital on the night of August 15.

The daughter received moderate injuries, she was also taken to the hospital, she was diagnosed with a fracture of her leg, pelvis and big loss blood.

Pavel and Svetlana Soltan were buried at the Kuzmolovsky cemetery.

From the cultural capital of the Russian World they report
"And Nastasia Soltan, the youngest daughter Paul's dead and Svetlana, is going to file for divorce two months after the wedding.
The car accident, in which the vice-speaker of the Legislative Assembly Pavel Soltan and his wife Svetlana died, broke up another family. Youngest daughter the parliamentarian, who shortly before the tragedy played a wedding, files for divorce. She accuses her husband Alexei Plotnikov, who ran in the elections on September 18, of careerism and embezzlement of money given to him for the wedding.

Anastasia did not see the 250 thousand rubles donated by the guests at the wedding. According to her, Alexei also transferred them to his own account.

- At first he explained that he would give it back later: the money is ours. And after the accident, when I asked where the money was, if he had spent it, he hung up, spoke very aggressively. After the elections, a day or two later, he came to the hospital, said that he had 15 minutes. Although he promised my girlfriend in a conversation that after the elections he would live in a hospital, but in reality all this did not happen. Now he lives in Rybatsky, he doesn’t appear at home in his parents’ apartment - he won’t be able to get there, because we changed the locks, ”says Anastasia.

According to the girl, Alexei Plotnikov, who ran in the elections to the Legislative Assembly from the Just Russia party, planned to get into the St. Petersburg parliament, and then into the State Duma.

Alexei is inclined to believe that his wife's behavior is due to the influence of her relatives.

- Immediately after the tragedy, I was recommended to protect Nastya from communicating with my sister, but still they are relatives. If, after every quarrel, all young girls take everything out on social networks, connect relatives ... You see, the situation is generally dirty, maybe someone likes to sort through dirty rags, but I think it's obscene. The most important thing is to preserve honor from a young age. It is extremely unpleasant for me that journalists are calling. Immediately after the funeral, Nastya's sister's husband changed the locks in their parents' apartment. He said that up to 40 days they would like no one to live there. And there is nothing like that, I understand everything. I actually have my own apartment where I live. It just so happened that I had to call in that apartment. Now her former young man goes to Nastya in the hospital. If she sees it as ethical, well, complains Plotnikov.

The daughter of Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Assembly Pavel Soltan, who survived a terrible accident, fell out of a window on her 22nd birthday. The editors of the site were initially aware of everything and supported the girl, but did not make anything public so as not to harm her.

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The daughter of the Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, Pavel Soltan, who died in an accident in the summer, according to preliminary police data, committed suicide in St. Petersburg. Anastasia Soltan fell on Thursday evening from the 12th floor of a residential building in the Akademicheskaya metro area - this house houses the apartment where she lived with her parents before the terrible car accident. On the day of her death, November 24, the girl turned 22 years old.

In August of this year, Anastasia was in a car with her parents and was seriously injured, but survived. Only after some time, the doctors allowed the relatives to tell her that her parents had died - Nastya was very attached to them and was very upset by the loss. Municipal deputy Alexei Plotnikov, who became Anastasia's husband two months before the accident, betrayed her when Pavel Soltan died. Just a few days ago, the court decided to divorce Plotnikov and Soltan.

The journalists of the site knew a lot, since Anastasia Soltan spoke quite frankly with our publication. In order not to harm the girl, we agreed to refrain from publications that affect her too deeply privacy. At the same time, representatives of some media tactlessly used depression Anastasia, entered into her confidence and misinterpreted her words, not forgetting to comment on the appearance of her apartment. Last interview with the vice-speaker's daughter was published about 12 hours before her death.

The interest of journalists of a certain persuasion in Nastya's life in last days was triggered by information that appeared on social networks. Elder sister Nastya Veronica wrote that the girl refuses to undergo rehabilitation in the hospital, and without rehabilitation she can remain disabled. Nastya, in turn, wrote that her sister and her husband sent her to the hospital without hygiene items, underwear, mobile phone, money and other necessary things, took away the keys to the apartment and part of the money transferred for her by Pavel Soltan's colleagues.

Later, Veronica gave Nastya the keys to her parents' apartment. After some time, the message "Nastya is no more" appeared on her page on the social network.

"We could write news about Nastya at least every day, but our publication does not pursue cheap sensations. The editors of the site are convinced that the media do not exist in order to make money and exclusives on the tragedy of other people. We firmly believe that the mission of the media is - help people, solve their problems, and not write about them in those situations where the publication can bring not good, but harm", - sure Chief Editor site Elena Alekseeva .

From personal correspondence:

"It so happened that now I only trust the site. I was grateful if you would also write an article about the fact that my sister and I want to perpetuate the memory of our parents and continue my father's business. I believe that if more people find out about this, we and We can do more. You can use my last post as a basis. If you decide to help me, then I can tell you more and answer questions. It seems to me that you, unlike other media, print the truth and know how to sympathize with other people."

"Health is much better! I'm going to rehabilitation on Monday, and crutches won't be needed there soon) To be honest, I want you to be right, I want happiness, although even now it's hard to imagine. Thank you for your support! It's dear to me !"

And around me people, people
Mom, my heart is not beating
Mom, what will happen to me?

“I am 21 years old, and I buried two grandfathers and the most precious thing that I had was mom and dad. I don’t know what could be worse than the death of loved ones. But who has what priorities and values ​​​​in life.

I am 21 years old. Back in the summer, I had everything I needed to be happy - this is my family. Loving parents and loving husband. In August, my parents and I had a terrible accident, my mother and father died, and I was between life and death. For me, my parents were everything, and my husband also left in the hospital. I didn’t know how to continue to live, to be honest, I still don’t know now. But I live! It's hard, it hurts, it's scary, but you have to live! My dad lost his arms and legs when he was young, but he didn't give up! A person who needed help himself helped people and children who were in a difficult situation. life situation. And my mother helped dad every day, for 25 years, and until her death she was devoted to him. I want to continue their work, I want to help people. Appreciate life and give good!

"Those people who knew my dad, Soltan Pavel Mikhailovich, will understand what I'm writing about. Dad did not like the word disabled, he replaced it with" a person with handicapped". He was not an invalid, he was a man with limitless possibilities! Dad was a workaholic, an example of courage and will! He was a wonderful husband and father! … There are people who, like Veronica and me, support mom and dad, and this is priceless. But I will be grateful for any help in preserving their memory."

“I’m sorry I don’t answer messages to anyone! Your support is very important for me, there are a lot of messages and calls, it’s just that now it’s such a period that it’s hard to communicate. On August 14, that Nastya also died, and now I need to learn how to live again. Give me more a little time."

"I long to be like you // Lie in cold ground like you. "I know it's a sin, but don't judge me for my desire! When you lose your dearest and most beloved, mom and dad, when you realize that you will spend most of your life without them, that they won't see my children, when you yourself find yourself between life and death, when my husband betrays me, when the person who took my parents away looks into my eyes and lies, it’s not like I don’t want to live, it’s impossible to breathe! Mom, forgive me for this song! I know you don’t I loved it when I listened to such songs. You and dad were very afraid of losing me, but only now I lost you ... "