Angelina Mikhailovna was born in Tulun on September 16, 1942. Her father died in the war, he was a pilot. Angelina was then 2 years old. After the death of her husband, her mother moved to the capital, she got a job in the accounting department of the Vnukovo airport.

As a child, Angelina attended a theater studio, was fond of dancing and sports. She dreamed of being a flight attendant, so she devoted a lot of time to learning English. However, the girl's mother was against her choice. Then Angelina began to study at GITIS, her teachers were Androvskaya Olga, Konsky Grigory.

creative career

The first in his career was work in the All-Union House of Models. After high school, Angelina was invited to star in the movie "Such a guy lives." Then there were shootings in the movie "Farewell". Vovk had no other film roles.

Because of the filming, Angelina could not get a job in the theater - when the work on the picture ended, the troupes had already been created. Then the girl went to study as a director. A year later, after an internship, Angelina realized that she could not become a director. Vovk left school and enrolled in voiceover courses. According to the distribution, she got on Central Television.

The young presenter first read the news, then she was transferred to the children's broadcast department. For many years, Angelina was instructed to broadcast " Good night, kids!”, “Alarm clock”, thanks to this work she became popular.

In the 90s, this helped save the Good Night, Kids! from closing. Angelina Mikhailovna was invited to speak at a corporate holiday at the bankers. She asked them for help, they paid the expenses.

Vovk also hosted the programs “Blue Light”, “Morning Mail”, “Song of the Year”, the programs added to her popularity. The presenter even got into the Guinness Book of Records for many years of work at the Song of the Year festival. In 2006, she left the program. Later, Vovk hosted the programs “ Good morning, Russia!”, “Your business”.

In 2012, Angelina Mikhailovna participated in Dancing with the Stars, performing with Oleg Vechkasov, a dancer.

Personal life

The first husband of Angelina Mikhailovna was Chertov Gennady, an actor, an announcer. They studied together at GITIS. Gennady and Angelina got married in 1966, the marriage lasted 16 years. The reason for the separation was family misunderstandings.

Then Vovk married Henry Getz, an artist and architect. They met in Czechoslovakia, the presenter was invited to shoot a film with Russian language lessons. Jindrich was instructed to make the scenery. The marriage was concluded in 1982, but the couple could meet only a few times a year. Angelina could not leave the country, and Henry could not move to the capital. Later he had another woman, the marriage broke up.

TASS/Malyshev Nikolai

Her childhood fell on the war years. She doesn’t remember her father, a military pilot, at all; he died in 1944 when Angelina was 2 years old. Her very young mother (only 22 years old) was left alone with a child in her arms, but until the last she believed in a miracle and was waiting for her husband from the war.

Angelina was helped to raise by her grandmother. When the girl turned 12, her mother remarried and gave birth to her brother Volodya. Even now, Angelina Mikhailovna considers his family to be hers and brings up her godchildren with pleasure, calling them her grandchildren.

After graduating from school, Angelina applied to the institute foreign languages them. Maurice Teresa, but then chance intervened. Together with a friend, they saw an announcement about the recruitment of applicants for the acting department of GITIS - and Angelina decided to try.

There are only three films in her filmography, but her acting studies were not in vain. While still a student, Vovk, together with her classmates, first got to the shooting of "Blue Light" - however, so far only in the crowd. Even then, television fascinated the young student with an atmosphere of celebration and creativity. Soon it will become her working days - but for now, Angelina was more worried about her personal life than her career.

Loved and obeyed

Goodbye (1966)

In her course, student Vovk is the favorite of the course. She is warmly received by teachers, fellow students are friends with her, and the guys compete for the right to take her home. All - except Gene Chertov.

“At first he was dating another girl, he didn’t notice me, and I was crazy about him. He looked like the French actor Gerard Philippe: dark hair, amazing eyes. And then it turned out that he was also not indifferent to me, but he deliberately ignored me, ”Angelina Mikhailovna later said.

This was the only man she had to win herself - but she did it. After graduating from GITIS, the couple got married. Soon Chertkov was invited to work at the Theater. Gogol, and Vovk - in "Mayakovka", but the young actor decided that playing on stage was not for her.

In general, he turned out to be an imperious husband who did not tolerate objections from his wife. He forbade Angelina to participate in the filming of the film, which took place in Odessa, and she did not even buy clothes without his permission.

Vovk did not resist such an attitude: “She loved him very much, she even idolized him and unquestioningly obeyed.”

It is not known how her own career developed if Gennady himself had not left the theater for television. Becoming an announcer, he brought to Shabolovka and Angelina.

"Enthusiastic Puppy"

RIA Novosti/Lev Velikzhanin

Angelina took her new place of work with delight. The famous Valentina Leontyeva compared her to a cute puppy, who enthusiastically rushes from one person to another in anticipation of affection.

“At Shabolovka I was received warmly, although in the announcer department I was the youngest and completely inexperienced. I literally flew with delight - this amazing, creative atmosphere reigning in Shabolovka excited and delighted me, ”recalls Angelina Lvovna.

She was not good at reading the news - she always wanted to laugh. Therefore, they begin to involve her in the creation of entertainment programs: “Music Kiosk”, “Alarm Clock”, music competitions and festivals - all this will be associated with only one presenter, Angelina Vovk, for a long time.

Finally, her student dream came true: she is again at the Blue Light, but not in the crowd, but on the stage! She is already 33, the young presenter has turned into an experienced professional before her eyes. But then a real blow of fate awaited her.

On the set of "Blue Light", dedicated to March 8, Angelina lost consciousness. In the hospital, she spent the whole night in a feverish delirium, and in the morning she was diagnosed with peritonitis. It was a miracle that she survived at all, the doctors said.

She underwent surgery, and dragged on for long weeks of recovery. At Vovk's bed in the intensive care unit, her husband, mother and girlfriend were on duty around the clock in turn. For six months she was bedridden and even endured clinical death- but the young body still found resources for recovery.

But the disease did not pass without a trace: Angelina was told that she would never be able to give birth to a child. She and her husband experienced the difficult news in silence, separately. Perhaps this was one of the reasons for the soon parting.


RIA Novosti/Yuri Abramochkin

Barely returning to work, Angelina gets the opportunity to go on her first business trip abroad. She spent a whole year in Japan as the host of the Speak Russian program. Once, her husband, who did not let her go for three months of filming, this time did not object to anything ...

She calls these 12 months “fabulous”: Japanese colleagues gladly showed her the country and even organized an ascent to Mount Fuji. And now, when she is over 70, she sometimes recalls that amazing dawn on the peak sacred to the Japanese. And dreaming - why not? - ever repeat the ascent.

After Japan was the Czech Republic. Angelina went to Prague to take part in the creation of the educational film "Russian Language Lessons" - and unexpectedly met the second love of her life.

Jindrich Getz worked at the film studio as the main artist. As soon as their eyes met, they both disappeared: love at first sight left no chance for a peaceful continuation of their usual life.

“Who knows, if Gena hadn’t dominated me so much, maybe I wouldn’t have rushed anywhere?” Angelina Mikhailovna will say later.

Life began in two countries and love on the phone. Henry was not going to move to Moscow, he believed that they would be better off in Prague. And Angelina kept putting off the move - in her homeland she has a mother, work, friends ...

This went on for 13 years. She herself called him every day and paid huge phone bills. He showered her with foreign gifts. But the endless promises to wait one day ceased to suit Henry - and he had another woman.

“We have held out for so long,” Angelina Mikhailovna comments on her second marriage.

They divorced in 1995 - and almost immediately after the personal drama unleashed a professional one.

At first, due to lack of funding, the Good Night, Kids program, which Vovk had successfully run for 20 years, was almost closed. The broadcast was saved by the presenter herself, asking for help from young bankers, whose corporate party she hosted. With their sponsorship, the studio was renovated, new dolls were bought - but “Aunt Lina” was no longer invited to the chair of the presenter.

Then the clouds gathered over another favorite project of Angelina Mikhailovna - “Song of the Year”. And again, she herself went to defend her offspring to the chairman of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, Yegor Yakovlev. This time it worked out - Vovk will host "Song of the Year" until 2006 and even get into the Guinness Book of Records as its permanent host.

Live bright

Angelina Vovk celebrated her 70th birthday in 2012 ... on the floor. She was not afraid to take part in the project "Dancing with the Stars" - and despite the loss, she believes that it was a great experience.

She no longer wants to get married, but she doesn’t feel lonely either: Angelina Lvovna has 11 godchildren, whom she takes care of like her own children. She has been winter swimming for many years, has mastered Nordic walking, works out on simulators and enjoys going to the sauna on own dacha. The TV presenter is sure: age is not a reason to give up on yourself. She proves the truth of these words every day.

- During the Great Patriotic War my father was a pilot, his guards regiment located in Vnukovo. But in October 1944, disaster struck: his plane went missing. And there were three of us - mother, grandmother and me. They waited a long time, everyone hoped that he would return, but this did not happen.

In 1953 my mother married an officer. We lived in a military town, and we had a small area. Grandmother planted vegetables and potatoes on it. Times are hungry. And I helped her, I was a hardworking girl. The floors in the house are wooden, so I scraped them with a knife so that they were white. She cleaned and arranged flowers everywhere - we lived almost in the forest. I always wanted to please my mother.

I still work a lot. In addition, I swim in the pool, I work out Nordic walking. In a word, I do not want to turn into a decrepit creature.

Angelina Vovk

Liked by Prince Charles

My first husband, Gennady Chertov, is an actor and an announcer on Central Television. With him, we studied together at GITIS. After graduating from the institute, I rushed to the stage, but Gennady told me: “The theater needs claws, teeth and elbows. And you don't have any!" And when in 1968 she crossed the threshold of the television center on Shabolovka, she forgot about theater and cinema. I fell in love with television. I liked everything. She hosted a variety of programs, mostly, as we said, “unwatchable”, since they were on the air only during the day. She led classical music concerts, children's programs, read a lot behind the scenes.

In the late 70s, the English press became interested in me. I was not allowed to meet with journalists. We communicated through third parties: they gave me questions, and I gave them answers. Somehow the head of the announcer's department called and said that the British were coming, they wanted to meet me, in the morning I should be at Ostankino. Circumstances were such that I could not come, Tanya Vedeneeva went instead of me. And after a while, one knowledgeable person said that Prince Charles liked me. Then he was not yet married. So I didn't make a princess.

I'm still waiting for Krutoy to thank

Aunt Lina with her favorite characters "Good night, kids!"

– In the early 1990s, chaos reigned in the country. The program "Good night, kids!" closed, there was no money for production. But fate brought me together with young bankers who had small children. I told about this problem, and they gave money. But for some reason they didn’t invite me to the program, they offered to pay for participation! During that crisis, I also defended the Song of the Year festival. Leadership of one big company allocated millions of rubles. I gave them all to Igor Krutoy. And when I told the press about it, for some reason he got terribly angry. This is instead of gratitude. And I'm still waiting for him to call, thank you and offer his help.

I'm afraid to die before the beast

With first husband Gennady Chertov

- Yes, life is a test, and everything must be endured. So many times was on the verge of life and death. For the first time, the doctors even suggested to my husband that those who want to say goodbye to me should come while I am still alive. Gennady was there day and night, and they saved me. Valentina Mikhailovna Leontyeva also took part in this, God rest her soul. The next time, again, a difficult operation ... In those years, I was friends with Philip Kirkorov and Masha Rasputina, they came to the hospital and supported me in every possible way. May God grant them happiness and health. The Lord does not leave me and sends me to difficult moments wonderful people. I pray for them and do not forget. But you know what I'm afraid of? Die before my beast! They'll be thrown out into the street, and I'm sorry. I have four cats and a dog.

Met eyes and the fire engulfed

- My husband Gennady loved each other. But there was a crack in our relationship. I went to Czechoslovakia to shoot the program "Speak Russian", something happened there that I could not foresee. Production designer Jindrich lost his head because of me. And the fire of love engulfed us. We met eyes - and that's it, a blow of fate at the door! I flew to Moscow, and he immediately rushed after me. And he flew in and came by car until I decided to part with my husband.

I remember once I was wiping a plate, and Gena wanted to take it from me. He pulled on himself, and in the next second the plate split in our hands into two equal halves. After that we parted ways.

In the Czech Republic did not know what to do

Angelina Vovk lived with Jindrich for 13 years

In 1982, Henry and I got married and began to live in two countries. If Henry could come often, then this was a problem for me. I could only ride once a year at that time. He built a house on the highest point in Prague and did not understand why I was not moving.

I had difficulties here and there. My mother was ill, and I did not dare to leave her, and in the Czech Republic after 1968 the attitude towards us was very negative. When soviet tanks entered Prague, people died. Henry also had a relative who died in those fateful days.

The husband did not demonstrate his attitude to this event, but when he came to Moscow, he became gloomy, perceived many things with hostility. And in the Czech Republic, people openly expressed negative attitude to our country as an aggressor. It was difficult for me there. Besides, I didn't know what I was going to do. Sitting in a huge house and from morning till night, as they say, clean feathers? Financial position my husband was allowed not to work and lead a secular lifestyle. I did not imagine myself in this capacity. If I had children, I would take care of them, home, family. But, alas! Well, then velvet revolution in Prague, endless riots and lawlessness in the USSR put an end to our family. Neither he nor I are at all to blame for this.

Angelina Vovk: personal life, family

TV presenter Angelina Vovk was born in 1942 in the family of a military pilot, and in 1944 her father died. Mom is an accountant by profession, after the death of her father she moved with little Angelina to Moscow, worked in her specialty at Vnukovo Airport.
The first husband of Angelina Vovk was Gennady Chertov, they studied together at GITIS, lived for 16 years, Angelina was going through a hard divorce.
The second husband was a Czech by nationality Jindrich Getz, an artist. According to Angelina Vovk, it was wonderful person, a wonderful, caring husband, but the couple lived in different countries, Angelina did not want to quit her job and move to Czechoslovakia, and her husband could not live in the USSR. The couple ended up separating after 13 years of marriage. The third companion of the TV presenter is a scientist, an atomic physicist, but they quickly parted, whether the marriage was officially registered or not is unknown. Angelina Vovk has no children, she treats her godparents as her own grandchildren.
Transfer with Angelina Vovk. The Woman Who Leads (6.10.2012)

Transfer "Alone with everyone" with Angelina Vovk

Name: Angelina Vovk

Age: 75 years old

Place of Birth: Tulun, Irkutsk Region

Height: 168 cm

Weight: 64 kg

Activity: actress, model, TV presenter

Family status: divorced

Angelina Vovk - Biography

One of the famous TV presenters in the Soviet Union. Children were waiting for her appearance on the TV screen to fall asleep at the end of the program “Good night, kids!”. And after the popular “Song of the Year”, the audience could not imagine another presenter.

Childhood, family

Angelina was born in war time in one of the cities of the Irkutsk region. My father flew military aircraft. While on a combat mission, his plane crashed in the skies of Yugoslavia in 1944. Biography already at the age of two for the girl began to take shape very sadly. The father died, the mother was engaged in raising her daughter alone. She left with little Angelina for the capital of Russia and began working in the accounting department at Vnukovo Airport. Thus, the girl dreamed of connecting her fate with the sky. Angelina wanted to become a flight attendant. English language was not only the most necessary, but also a favorite subject.

Mom was against the choice of her daughter. And a biographical page about the further education of Angelina Vovk began at GITIS. She was lucky to learn from the direct students of Nemirovich-Danchenko and Stanislavsky. But this did not inspire the student very much, since Vovk had never been a fan of cinema. The girl was beautiful and stately by nature, so the All-Union modeling agency.

Fashion was not in honor of the Soviet society, but the legislators of fashionable and beautiful clothes worked on the Kuznetsky Most. Working in an agency, studying at the institute often exhausted the student, and fitting and fitting clothes lasted for hours. Angelina withstood five full-fledged fashion shows, in which she was trusted to demonstrate sports kits.

There are not many films on the account of actress Angelina Vovk. They can be counted on one hand, as the actress failed to make friends with feature cinema. Angelina takes the next step: she enters VGIK at the directing department. Studying for a year showed the girl that directing was not suitable for her. She decides to graduate from voice acting courses.

Angelina Vovk - television

After completing the courses, Vovk was assigned to Central Television. The first was the news, which had to be sight-read. This was somewhat difficult for Angelina, since she had to wear glasses to read due to her poor eyesight. And reading with glasses on the screen was humiliating for her. Yes, and there was too much officiality in the conduct of news releases.

So it turned out to be a young announcer in the children's department, which brought her incredible popularity. Aunt Lina was a good friend to the kids who sat on the other side of the TV screen from Sunday mornings and every evening.

TV shows "Alarm clock" and "Good night, kids!" were the most sought after. With experience came recognition from the adult category of viewers. She hosted Morning Mail with Yuri Nikolaev, Blue Lights and eighteen episodes of Song of the Year with Yevgeny Menshov.

In the biography of the famous TV presenter there were a number of equally popular TV shows, but the most surprising was her next participation in the show project “Dancing with the Stars”. For more than a year she worked with Gennady Malakhov in the Good Health! program. At the age of seventy, Angelina Vovk entered the dance floor together with Oleg Vechkasov.

Angelina Vovk - biography of personal life

Twice TV presenter got married. For the first time, she married with a partner in the announcer's workshop, Gennady Chertov. Their union existed for sixteen years, it was real love. But in family life misunderstandings began, and the couple divorced. The reason for the divorce was Angelina's unwillingness to have children, for her only her career was in the first place.

Second Vovk's husband chose a foreigner. The husband was from the Czech Republic, an artist and architect by profession. With Jindrich Getz, they lived for thirteen years in an official marriage. Unfortunately, none of them dared to leave their homeland for each other. AND rare meetings served as a pretext for coldness of relations and divorce.

In the life of the host there was another short-lived romance. It was civil marriage who left a mark on her heart. Living with her men, Angelina never became a mother. Many people love the actress, so they often invite her as a godmother, she already has twelve godchildren, whom she considers her own grandchildren. This disappointment in family life does not prevent a full-fledged active image life.

Angelina Vovk takes care of her health, keeps to a diet, goes swimming, skiing, winter swimming. Angelina Mikhailovna does not hide that she is especially concerned with her appearance. She has done so many times plastic surgery, boldly tries different novelties of cosmetology. She teaches the art of oratory at the Institute for Young Children, so she herself should be a role model.

Awards and community service

Angelina Mikhailovna has been awarded the title of People's Artist since 2006 Russian Federation. Every year in the former All-Russian children's camp "Eaglet" holds its own festival "Song of the Year". Angelina Vovk - President of the Russian Foundation for Culture and Art. For her, it is a matter of honor to revive the traditions and musical culture of the Russian people.