Dmitry Thank you for your advice 🙏🙏🙏 Very interesting, To open up many problems, and somehow everything in life became clear where to move, what to change, what to work on. I will definitely listen and take action. Thank you again🙏 You are great, it was nice talking to you. Good luck in all your endeavors!

Marina Yadu Tomsk Esoteric

Thank you very much for the good work! I've taken all the advice and will try to make the most of it. The past, the present really is, as it was said. I recommend to friends and acquaintances. By the way, it's cool that you can call to connect on Skype and chat live!

Maria Larina Omsk

Many thanks for the information provided. My appeal concerned my husband's business. It would seem that the impasse, the resulting stress and loss of strength did not make it possible to go further with faith in oneself. I took responsibility and asked a question, in the correspondence in a very short time, competent information was provided and a number of proposals for implementing the idea and further business planning. Now I have invaluable data and can support and inspire my husband in a difficult situation for his business. You saved peace and tranquility, as well as the nerve cells of all members of our family, thank you again for the responsible approach to business and the impeccability of the information provided.

Marina Barycheva, Novosibirsk

Thank you, astrologer Dmitry Kharon, for the consultation. I won a consultation-forecast as a gift for the promotions that he constantly arranges for his subscribers and I want to leave my positive feedback. Dmitry started the consultation competently with the clarification of the time of birth, the grid of houses of the natal chart. He went through in detail several key methods and aspects of the forecast, eclipses, karmic indicators, nodes, taking into account the cycles of the planets and their influence not only on the forecast of the next year, but also for the near future, he said what you need to be prepared for and which combinations will be positive, and which carry risks. Also a valuable and important moment for me was that Dmitry paid attention to the interpretation of problematic moments in the natal chart itself, especially in my 6th house filled with retro planets and gave advice on compensatory measures, how to avoid illnesses, injuries, problems with work, the Vedas, as you know , something that is not laid down in the map cannot happen to us. He clearly explained with examples how it manifested itself in other people and how it can manifest itself in me. To me this forecast helped not only plan the coming year correctly, but better understand yourself, your strengths and weak sides, potential resources, look at them from a different angle and use them more confidently in the future. This year is decisive for me and the Universe decided to give me a hint in the form of a forecast, which I am very happy about. I wish everyone such "gifts of fate"!

Julia Goncharova, Moscow

Lyubov Kritinina Gelendzhik

I will say about Dmitry that I like everything !! He explains everything without a load)) really with a sense of arrangement and everything becomes clear to mere mortals)) He repeatedly consulted in many areas, girls, business, everything is clear)) helps!

Viktor Tkachev Construction company director

Everything is clear and crisp. Much of what has been said has changed in better side. It's not his first time. I recommend!

Alexey Krylov

Many thanks to Dmitry for the consultation. We learned a lot about our couple, about aspects that require special attention, in particular their study to improve the quality of love relationships. Special thanks to Dmitry for the conversation in the dialogue mode, and answers to all our questions. The conversation took place in a very light atmosphere, everything was told in an accessible and plain language. We wish you creative success, personal prosperity and more responsive customers.

Ksenia Ermoshina, Moscow

I have known Dmitry as a very good and professional astrologer for many years. Every year I order a forecast for myself. It helps a lot in business and personal life. I am a designer, I have my own lines fashion clothes. She also chose the time to open a business. I often make monthly forecasts. Without exaggeration, I consider Dmitry the best astrologer in the Krasnodar Territory. Thank you so much for your insights and support!!!

Anastasia Nadyktova. Krasnodar city.Designer. Owner of his own clothing line

I thank Dmitry Kharon for advice on how to move on, for effective advice, I found out many important points for myself, gave directions on how to use all the information provided.
As a specialist, Dmitry impressed!
Thank you for compiling my natal chart! Very informative:)

Gabriel Gabriel Novorossiysk

I thank Dmitry for the time devoted to me and for the forecast for the year!
You helped me a lot! Now I know what to expect, how to plan for the future, what to prepare for, what to give up! I feel much calmer and more confident!))) Thank you!)

Anastasia Prudnikova, Sochi

Thank you big to Dmitry for the consultation, which revealed problems that hinder harmonious development in personal relationships, as well as ways to solve the situation that has arisen. Thanks to Dmitry, I was able to better understand what was happening to me and why. I will definitely listen to the recommendations given to me and try to follow them. Highly recommend!!!👍😊

At the beginning of the last century, against the background of interest in everything mystical and inexplicable, interest in ancient science humanity. As a result, the word "astrology" again, as it once was in antiquity, became widely used. There were also people connected in some way with stellar science. In the article, the reader will learn what astrology is, whether the Bible condemns astrology, whether there is a difference between classical and modern astrology, and how to become an astrologer.

Who are astrologers, and not only?

Nowadays, those who in their activities are associated with the prefix astro- can be classified as follows: astronomers, astronomy lovers, astro-political scientists, astro-psychologists, astro-prophets, astro-charlatans, astrolaters and, in fact,. Consider them all in order, starting from the end.

1⃣ are those who, with the help of (gr. the doctrine of the stars) “know themselves and the universe” (Plato), and also help everyone in this through astrological consultations;

2⃣ astrolaters- nowadays, as a rule, representatives of various Hindu schools of astrology. Astrolatry lies in the fact that in addition to astrology proper, one must also appease the planetary deities so that they are merciful to the native - the owner of the astrological birth chart. These include special mantras (prayers) to planetary deities, amulets, talismans, idols, diet, fasting, etc. It is the astrolatr that becomes such a useless appeaser from the point of view of astrology, of course, for an additional fee. Here we observe a fragment of an ancient (Greek. cult of the stars), not astrology;

3⃣ astro-charlatans- all kinds of fortune-tellers on cards, runes, coffee grounds, etc., but for some reason calling themselves astrologers. Obviously, because the words fortune-teller and gypsy evoke negative associations in people. Today they have organized centralized services on the Internet to provide charlatans to the population. This includes those who earn their living by writing simple "horoscopes" for the crowd in the media;

4⃣ astro-prophets- these are those for whom it is not enough to be an ordinary astro-charlatan and a magazine horoscope writer. They constantly flicker on television and love to be interviewed. For what? In order to “become famous” in this way, and then establish their own sect called “astro-school”, in which they will become indisputable authorities and gurus. Often they call themselves not even astrologers, but prophets and gurus, no less. Why be petty? They do not even consult mere mortals, referring to their imaginary employment with lectures, seminars and writing numerous volumes of their priceless astro-opuses, with which they are going to make humanity happy. It's also clear why. A real astrologer is a consultant, and not what was listed above. But the swindler will be engaged in just such violent activity. Anything but counselling. And, if someone turns to such a "prophet" for personal advice, then the cost of "prediction" deliberately inflated to sky-high heights should immediately scare off a potential client;

5⃣ astro-psychologists- people who have a certificate in psychology, but in order to distinguish themselves favorably from their colleagues in the shop, use the prefix astro- (there is such a fashion now). Having occupied an appropriate niche in the astro-market, they smartly operate around astrological terms mixed with psychological vocabulary;

6⃣ astro-political scientists- This recently appeared group is similar to the previous one, with some differences. If astro-psychologists have had any training in the subject of psychology, then this group is homegrown political scientists, and no more. Why do they need the prefix "astro"? The reason is the same as that of psychologists - to distinguish themselves from their own kind. After all, today people with the newfangled profession of a political scientist, as it turned out, are already in abundance;

7⃣ astronomy lovers - astronomers who dabble in astrology. These include representatives of the so-called "scientific astrology". Having complexes about the label of "pseudoscience" that astronomers (see below) have imposed on society regarding astrology, they position themselves as "scientists" with degrees and regalia (academician, professor, master, bachelor). In other words, these "scientific astrologers" are somewhere in the middle between materialistic astronomers and astrologers. By the way, they (for money, of course) distribute these same certificates and titles to their students, future “academicians” and “professors”. Because they don’t even know that a real astrologer’s “certificate” will be his own genetura ( astrological chart birth), and not paper "diplomas";

8⃣ astronomers or astrophysicists- materialistic representatives of the natural (physical) sciences, who, apart from celestial bodies, see nothing else in their telescopes. That is, we can say that they are blind men looking through the lenses of telescopes. Unfortunately, the lenses will not help the blind to see what invisibly physical eyes. This last group of people is of absolutely no use to the average person in his day to day life problems. Therefore, for most people, astronomers are a useless sect of eccentrics.

What is astrology?

Let's find out how the ancient teaching about the stars of the encyclopedia is defined:

Astrology- the doctrine of methods for predicting earthly events, the nature and fate of an individual, based on the study of the location of celestial bodies, both relative to each other and relative to the horizon. Astrology makes predictions and gives advice about the behavior of individuals, groups of people or peoples, based on the empirically determined or postulated influence of celestial bodies or regions of the sky. Astrology has at times had a greater, and at times less, influence on the course of history. Astrology is in many respects in conflict with the methods and results of modern [materialistic — VF] science. ( Astrological encyclopedic Dictionary A. Yu. Saplina)

Astrology V general plan- this is a doctrine that is guided by analogy (correspondence) and connects macroscopic processes with the world of people, trying to determine the influence on them or the dependence of their destinies and characters on the movement heavenly bodies and associated calendar. This is practically the only doctrine that has a paralogical basis, which was understood even in an era of more early cultures, and in our time, despite all the disagreements of representatives of empirical natural science, has more admirers than at all other times. ( G. Biedermann Encyclopedia of Symbols)

Astrology- 1) the science of planetary motion; 2) a system of symbols based on the idea of ​​the special influence of planets and constellations on human life and natural processes. It was valued as a science in all known archaic civilizations. The most important place was given to astrology in Hermeticism and Gnosticism. believed that knowledge of the influence of the planets allows a person to gain freedom. The astrologer acted as an intermediary between the human and planetary worlds. The mythological school interpreted many works of world culture through an astrological prism. In particular, as an astrological description. ( Encyclopedia of symbols, signs, emblems of V. Telitsyn)

However, astrology is NOT:

  • entertainment and idle curiosity;
  • divination and witchcraft;
  • mediumship and spiritism;
  • New Age esotericism;
  • psychology in its modern sense;
  • astrolatry, i.e. star cult.
Why then do modern scientists call astrology "pseudoscience"?

Because the sciences are divided into:

  • physical(from Greek. physical- knowledge of nature) - these are the sciences that study matter;
  • metaphysical(from Greek. meta ta physika- that after physics) are those sciences that study non-material concepts.

Astrology belongs to metaphysical those. and therefore is a tool of knowledge metaphysical the laws of the universe that govern the universe, as well as a means of knowing oneself and others.

True, materialistically minded scientists representing physical science, call astrology "pseudoscience", like others metaphysical Sciences. It is understandable. This old philosophical dispute between materialists and idealists is rooted in the depths of centuries and is the result of a struggle between material And spiritual beginnings in the universe.

Does the Bible condemn astrology?

Sometimes, unfortunately, one can hear such a conclusion, they say, astrology does not work, because astrologers did not help someone. Although astrology did not get any job for anyone. So why do such conclusions arise? There are basically three answers.

The first and second are similar, as they deal with information - at the input and output, so to speak. In the first case, i.e. at the entrance, birth data required for astrological consultation turned out to be inaccurate or incomplete, and maybe even unreliable. You can find out exactly what data is needed for a consultation on the page.

In the second case, i.e. at the exit, the advice provided by some astrologer turned out to be inaccurate, if not at all true. Why? Because today to say “astrologer” is almost nothing to say, especially if such an astrologer calls himself, for example, a bachelor, master, professor, academician or leading astrologer (leads whom and where?).

Charlatans have always loved to throw dust in the eyes of gullible people. Astrology is no exception. In addition, modern "astrology" is an explosive mixture of various schools, traditions and trends, which often radically contradict each other. If you had a bad experience with amateurs and charlatans from astrology, then you should not blame astrology for bad "work".

The third answer has nothing to do with the first two. It happens that the birth data is accurate, and the astrologer is a professional representing classical astrology, however, after the consultation, the impression was still created that astrology “does not work”. What's the matter?

The fact is that astrology is a science that studies the fate of a person. However, astral influence is not the only factor that affects a person, although it is quite strong. Some other factor, not astrological, turned out to be stronger in this case. If it didn’t answer your question or problem, then you need to look for answers in another area.

Classic or modern?

Is modern astrology different from classical astrology? Is it the same science or not? There cannot be several astrologies, just as there can be several mathematicians, physicists or geographers. Therefore, modern "astrology" is simply the result of a lack of knowledge in classical astrology. The decline of classical astrology began, according to mild estimates, as early as the time of the Roman Empire. Astrology, as a serious science, finally degenerated in the 19th and 20th centuries with the advent of total atheism, psychoanalysis and New Age esotericism.

What has this centuries-old decline led to? Today, unfortunately, modern "astrologers" are often associated not with the ancient sages, philosophers and scientists, but with dilettantes and charlatans. Here is a partial list of the errors and fallacies of modern (profane) astrology:

  • non-application of knowledge on astral symbolism and metaphysical philosophy;
  • misunderstanding of the essence of the moment of birth of a person, and as a result, misunderstanding of the very concept of "rectification";
  • the use of other celestial bodies and fictitious planets except for the septener planets, lunar nodes and stars;
  • misunderstanding of the true system of domification of planets;
  • the use of other series of the sequence of planets except for the "Egyptian" series;
  • misunderstanding of the thematic meanings of houses;
  • the use of other systems of houses except for the full-sign one (sign = house);
  • misunderstanding of the concept of "aspect" and its practical application;
  • wrong choice of the principle of correspondence between the microcosm and the macrocosm in the structure and anatomy of man;
  • the use of other dean management systems except for the trine system and much more.

How to become an astrologer?

Today there are many courses, schools, even academies that claim to teach astrology to anyone who wants it. For money, of course. As a result, today, wherever you look around, every third person is an “astrologer”. 🙂 So what does it really take to become an astrologer? Money? No. Basic knowledge of classical astrology and elementary astronomy is required. However, this is not enough.

Aspiring to become a real astrologer must have a certain knowledge in such areas as astral symbolism and metaphysical (gnostic) philosophy. The ancient Roman astrologer said the following words: Quis caelum posset nisi caeli munere nosse, et reperire deum, nisi qui pars ipse deorum est?” which translates to:

Who, not endowed with a special gift from heaven, could know heaven, comprehend God, without carrying God in himself?

Therefore, a materialist has nothing to do in astrology. Take, for example, modern astronomers who are opposed to astrology. All of them, as a rule, are materialists. And most importantly, the genitura itself (astrological birth chart) of the future professional astrologer should testify to the ability to astrology.

A fragment of the Ukrainian TV program "Skeptic" (2009) about charlatans from astrology. In this film, we are mainly talking about what the tabloid "astrology" is: who makes "horoscopes" and why, as well as methods for compiling them. There is also criticism of the so-called astropsychologists, since it is they who are responsible for pseudo-astrology around and around.

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The definition of who an astrologer is is quite easy to give. First of all, this is a person who has knowledge of the craft, after which his profession is named, and who understands well that his central principle is a reflection of the unity of the individual and the cosmos, all parts of which are interconnected with each other.

Natal chart

An astrological (natal) chart depicts a map of the Universe at the moment of its birth, focusing the individual in the center, next to the Sun, Moon and others. celestial bodies, which are considered personal planets or stars of this person and have a unique meaning only for him. Although astrological practices in different cultures have common roots, many peoples have developed unique methodologies, the most significant being Hindu astrology (also known as vedic astrology or jyotish). This area of ​​expertise has big influence on the cultural history of the world.

Who is an astrologer and what does he do

Astrologers are renowned for their ability to predict the future from the stars and planets. People usually seek to consult them regarding their horoscopes, as an expert astrologer can help them with issues related to health, relationships, money, education, career, property, and travel. There are examples of many people who have found guidance in life just through their horoscope, especially in cases where they had to make difficult decisions. Initially, not understanding who it is - an astrologer, over time, they began to have great respect for people of this kind of occupation.

What is astrology

Astrology as a science is the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial objects as a means of obtaining information about human destinies and earthly events (past and future). Accordingly, an astrologer is a person who specializes in astrology.

This teaching originated at least in the second millennium BC and has its roots in calendar systems used to predict seasonal shifts and interpret celestial cycles as signs of divine communications. Many cultures give great importance astronomical events, and some, such as the Indians, the Chinese and the Mayans, developed sophisticated systems for predicting earthly events due to the movement of celestial bodies.

Western astrology

Western astrology is one of the oldest systems yet still very popular. It can trace its roots back to 19th century BC Mesopotamia, from which it spread into Ancient Greece, Rome, the Arab world and, ultimately, Central and Western Europe. The definition of "astrologer" is as old as the discipline itself.

Modern Western astrology is often associated with horoscope systems, which are designed to explain aspects of a person's personality and predict significant events in their life based on the positions of celestial objects. Most professional astrologers rely on such systems.

For much of its history, astrology has been considered a scientific tradition and has been prevalent in academia, often in close association with astronomy, alchemy, meteorology, and medicine. Many people even still believe that an astrologer is, first of all, a scientist. People of this profession were often present in influential political circles, and the discipline they practice is mentioned in the works of great writers: Dante Alighieri and Geoffrey Chaucer, William Shakespeare, Lope de Vega and Calderon de la Barca. During the 20th century and after the widespread adoption of the scientific method, astrology was successfully challenged on both theoretical and experimental grounds, and over time it was shown to have nothing to do with science. Thus, astrology lost its academic and theoretical position, and the general belief in it declined to a large extent. Therefore, today many believe that an astrologer is a marginal and even charlatan profession.


The word astrology comes from the early Latin word astrologia, which in turn comes from the Greek ἀστρολογία - from ἄστρον astron ("star") and -λογία -logia ("study") - "counting the stars". Astrology later acquired the meaning of "star prediction", in contrast to astronomy, which is considered a serious science. Many are interested in who an astrologer, fortune teller, astrologer is. These are all completely different terms.


Chinese astrology was developed during the Zhou Dynasty (1046-256 BC). Hellenistic astrology after 332 BC e. mixed the Babylonian tradition with the Egyptian decanal tradition, the centers of which were preserved in Alexandria, creating horoscopic astrology familiar to all of us. The ancient Greek astrologer is the same "master of horoscopes" as a modern specialist.

The victory of Alexander the Great in Asia allowed astrology to spread to Ancient Greece and Rome. In Rome, discipline was often associated with "Chaldean wisdom." After the conquest of Alexandria in the 7th century, astrology was explored by Islamic scholars and Hellenistic texts were translated into Arabic and Persian. In the 12th century, Arabic texts were imported into Europe and translated into Latin. Major astronomers including Tycho Brahe, Johannes Kepler and Galileo practiced as court astrologers. Astrological references appear in literature and poetry, such as Dante Alighieri and Geoffrey Chaucer, and playwrights such as Christopher Marlowe and William Shakespeare.

Astrology in its broadest sense is the search for meaning in the sky and celestial bodies. The early studies of philosophers and occultists making conscious attempts to measure, record, and predict seasonal changes with reference to astronomical cycles are found in abundance in the form of marks on bones and cave walls, which show that the lunar cycles were observed as early as 25,000 years ago. Thus, the influence of the moon on the tides was discovered, the first calendars were created. Experienced farmers used their knowledge of astrology, or rather that part of it that later became part of astronomy, to predict the rainy and dry seasons. That is why people turned to experts in this field, because they believed that an astrologer is a person who can predict anything with absolute accuracy. By the third millennium BC, the first civilizations already had a clear understanding of the celestial cycles and built special temples in accordance with the heliacal ascensions of the stars.


Numerous data indicate that the oldest known astrological documents are copies of texts made in ancient world. It is believed that the legendary Table of Venus was actually collected in Babylon around 1700 BC. A scroll documenting the early use of astrology is attributed to the reign of the Sumerian king Gudea of ​​Lagash (c. 2144 - 2124 BC). In the scroll, the ancient ruler describes how the gods revealed to him in a dream the secret of the constellations, the knowledge of which helped him build sacred temples. But many believe that in reality this document was written much later.

The oldest indisputable evidence of the use of astrology as an integrated system of knowledge is the records of the first dynasty of rulers of Mesopotamia (1950-1651 BC). This astrology had some parallels with the Hellenistic Greek (Western) discipline, including the concept of the zodiac, the normalizing point around 9 degrees in Aries, the trial aspect, planetary exaltations, and dodecathemory (twelve signs of 30 degrees each). The Babylonians considered various celestial phenomena as possible omens, and not as the cause of all events without exception in our world.

Ancient China

The system of Chinese astrology, as mentioned earlier, was developed during the Zhou Dynasty (1046-256 BC) and flourished during the Han Dynasty (from the 2nd century BC to the 2nd century CE). It was during the reign of this dynasty that all the elements of traditional Chinese culture that are familiar to us - Yin-Yang philosophy, the theory of the five elements, Heaven and Earth, Confucian morality - were combined to formalize philosophical principles. Chinese medicine and divination, astrology and alchemy.

ancient india

The main texts on which the classical is based are the early medieval collections, in particular Bṛhat Parāśara Horāśāstra and Sārāvalī Kalyāṇavarma. The first collection is hard work from 71 chapters, and its primary part (chapters 1-51) refers to the 7th-early 8th centuries, while the second (chapters 52-71) - to the end of the 8th century. Sārāvalī also refers to 800 CE. e. English translations these texts were published by N. N. Krishna Rau and V. B. Chowdhary in 1963 and 1961 respectively.

Islamic world

Astrology was thoroughly studied by Islamic scholars after the collapse of Alexandria by the Arabs in the 7th century and the founding of the Abbasid Empire in the 8th. The second Abbasid caliph, Al Mansur (754-775), founded the city of Baghdad to become a center of science and art in the Middle East, and included in his project a library and translation center known as the House of Wisdom, Bayt al-Hikma, which continued to be developed by his successors and was to become an important stimulus for Arabic-Persian translations of Hellenistic astrological texts. Early translators included Mashallah, who helped time the creation of Baghdad, and Sahla ibn Bishra (aka Zael), whose texts directly influenced later European astrologers such as Guido Bonatti in the 13th century, and William Lilly in the 17th century. Arabic texts (including translations of ancient classics) began to be massively imported into Europe in the 12th century.

Medieval Europe

The first astrological book published in Europe was Liber Planetis et Mundi Climatibus ("The Book of the Planets and Regions of the World"), which appeared between AD 1010 and 1027 and may actually have been the work of Herbert of Aurillac. Ptolemy's second treatise AD Tetrabiblos was translated into Latin by Plato Tivoli in 1138. The Dominican theologian Thomas Aquinas followed Aristotle in believing that the stars could govern an imperfect "under-rib" body (that is, our world), and tried to reconcile astrology with Christianity, declaring that God rules the human soul through the stars. The 13th-century mathematician Campanus Novara is said to have developed a system of astrological houses that divides the primary vertical into "houses", although a similar system was used earlier in the East. The 13th century astronomer Guido Bonatti wrote the textbook Liber Astronomicus, a copy of which belonged to King Henry VII of England at the end of the fifteenth century. For the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, the astrologer is the profession of the chosen and noble people who had an influence on the most important people of that time.

In Paradiso, the final part of The Divine Comedy, the Italian poet Dante Alighieri mentioned "in innumerable details" astrological planets, although he interpreted traditional astrology in accordance with his Christian beliefs, such as using astrological thinking in his prophecy for the reform of Christendom.

Western astrology is a form of divination based on plotting a horoscope for a specific moment, such as the birth of a person. It is based on the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies such as the Sun, Moon and planets, which are analyzed in terms of their movement through the signs of the zodiac (twelve divisions of the ecliptic) and their aspects (based on geometric angles) relative to each other. They are also considered depending on their placement in the "houses" - the twelve spatial divisions of the sky. Modern representation about astrology in Western popular media is usually reduced to the so-called astrology of the Sun, which studies the influence of this celestial body on the date of birth of a person and is only 1/12 of the total natal chart.


The occupation of an astrologer primarily involves the compilation of horoscopes. A horoscope visually expresses a set of relationships for the time and place of a selected event. This relationship is between the seven "planets" representing meanings such as war and love, the twelve signs of the zodiac, and the twelve houses. Each planet is in a specific sign and specific house at a selected time when observed from a selected location, creating the two kinds of relationships mentioned above.

Along with tarot card reading, astrology is one of the main forms of the Western esoteric tradition, influencing magical belief systems not only among Western esotericists and Hermeticists, but also the beliefs of New Age cults such as Wicca, which borrowed heavily from esotericism. Tanya Luhrmann once said that "all wizards know something about astrology" and cites the correspondence table in Starhawk's Spiral Dance as an example of the astrological knowledge learned by magicians.

Profession "astrologer": where to study

Since astrology is not considered a science, it cannot boast of any certified training centers. There are no astrological faculties in universities either. An astrologer is one who knows how to predict the future by the arrangement of stars and planets, and modern science denies the very possibility of such phenomena. However, there are many informal courses and schools where experienced professionals can teach the craft for a fee. The profession of an astrologer, apparently, is quite in demand, otherwise we would not see horoscopes, "advice of astrologers", various articles with predictions and other fruits of the activity of these people at every step. It is also worth remembering the rampant popularity of Pavel Globa and some of his colleagues. Therefore, those who are interested in who an astrologer is and what he does can be advised to go to a professional in this matter - perhaps he himself will want to do this work.

Man at all times was characterized by faith in miracles, in some secret knowledge, with which you can improve your life, avoid troubles and dangers.

Especially popular were, and still are, various predictors who, with the help of special objects or techniques, allegedly can look into the future. These techniques can be occult in nature, i.e. refer to various entities of the other world, but can also acquire a science-like form. A striking example of the latter are astrologers who use calculations for divination related to the movement of celestial bodies in their orbits.

What is astrology?

In their activities, predictive astrologers rely on knowledge and research methods dating back more than one thousand years. Astrology, i.e. the doctrine of the relationship of events in our lives, stars and planets, appeared about 5 thousand years ago. In any case, scientists attribute the first mention of this science to the III millennium BC.

Astrologers of Ancient Mesopotamia systematically observed the movement of the stars in the night sky and built relationships between the eclipses of the Moon and the Sun, the appearance of comets and meteorites with the events taking place around them. In fact, astrology became the forerunner of such a serious scientific discipline like astronomy, having accumulated for science a huge array of facts and observations.

At present, speaking of astrology, we mean the divinatory tradition and practice that uses the location of celestial bodies relative to each other for predictions. It is believed that, moving in their orbits, planets and stars influence the fate of people living on earth, state formations, commercial enterprises etc. Based on the mutual arrangement of the luminaries and their movement along the so-called zodiac circle, it is possible to predict the future of each person or association of people.

What is an astrologer?

A person who knows how to perform astrological calculations and interpret them, translating dry numbers and drawings into descriptions of events and trends - this is an astrologer.

For many millennia, one of the most important duties of an astrologer was the ability to make calculations and draw up so-called natal charts, showing the positions of the planets in the zodiac circle.

Today, computers have taken over the burden of calculations - there is already a fairly large volume software, which performs all the necessary calculations and graphical constructions. It is enough to enter the date and place of birth to get a ready natal chart. But to interpret the data obtained, "tying" them to the events of the life of a particular person, computers are still capable of a very limited amount. The activity of an astrologer requires an extremely developed intuition - or, if you like, a wild imagination and descriptive talent.

What is astrology based on?

Astrology, as a scientific (or pseudoscientific) discipline, is based on two fundamental postulates:

— each object and phenomenon of the Universe is unique and has its own set of characteristics that determine its individual destiny;

- each phenomenon and event in the movement of celestial bodies corresponds to a certain event in the life of people (Hermann Trismegistus with his famous "as above, so below").

Astrology views the universe as single system where everything that happens is interconnected, and each element has its own influence on all other components. By observing large objects (celestial bodies), one can get an idea of ​​how their movement will affect small objects, i.e. of people.

Who needs astrology?

Oddly enough, even in our time, the services of an astrologer remain extremely in demand. People tend to be curious about the possible future that awaits them. Among those who believe in the truth of the predictions of astrologers and regularly refer to them, you can meet many well-known names - representatives of business and politics, pop and sports stars.

People turn to astrologers to get advice about the events of their personal lives, the future of their children, business and financial success. To believe the predictions of astrologers or not is a personal matter for everyone. You should not just forget that the responsibility for your life and for everything that happens in it, is borne only by you and no one else.

Increasingly, there is a need for such an ancient specialty as an astrologer, who and what is this. What opportunities it can provide to everyone who can master this science.

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Features of the profession

Today, astrologers are specialists who are seriously engaged in the study of the relationship between heavenly bodies and the fate of man. As a rule, this will denote a system of combining tradition, mysticism, beliefs, various occult doctrines, which are based on the interaction of stars on a person and his character.

It is worth saying that modern science considers astrology a pseudoscience, as well as a prejudice. However, the popularity of the doctrine itself is increasingly contributing to the emergence of new specialists practicing astrology. In this case, a special astrological language is used.

What should an astrologer do?

Any professional astrologer will need to be able to do the following, thanks to which it is possible to use the following relationship:

Man and the sky, it is especially necessary to study and record all the happening events that occur in the sky;

To study and decipher various astronomical data obtained in the form of an assumption about similar events on Earth.

What to consider when working

Today, astrologers may use one of two related schools. They differ in individual details and traditions:

Western School of Astrological Knowledge;

Vedic or school of astrology.

All of them will be studied by different adepts and specialists. In addition, they use their own calendar system. Most often they turn to business and love astrology when the relationship between people is clarified.

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So, the calendar systems are:

  1. Chinese calendar;
  2. ancient Mayan calendar;
  3. the calendar of the ancient Aztecs;
  4. astrological school druids.

Features of work astrologers

Astrologers can use a diverse range of sections, which will differ in specialized issues, and perform various tasks, as well as methodology:

  1. used natal astrology, namely the astrology of birth, which allows you to predict the main trends related to the fate of a person. At the same time, experts can predict the impact of stars on the nature, the possibility of the development of certain events;
  2. take advantage of predictions using astrological systems, which will allow the use of special knowledge;
  3. using synastric astrology to determine relationships between people;
  4. the use of medical astrology will allow to determine issues related to human health;
  5. in order to get answers to questions, they use special horary astrology.

It is worth saying that the various currents and directions of astrology inevitably tell from such an ancient specialty as an astrologer who is who, and this is a person who knows the starry sky well and knows how to compare them with any human destiny.

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