Last month the outgoing year will not be peaceful. The intervals between favorable, fruitful days and periods of continuous failure will be reduced. Such an exhausting leapfrog of events will last throughout December. Capricorns will need to take care of their health, find time for good rest otherwise it will be difficult for them.

On December 1st, everything will turn out well. This is a day of great energy upsurge. Representatives of the sign will spend it in active communication with like-minded people. It will be very difficult for you to be alone. Any chance meeting will lead to noisy fun with heart-to-heart conversations, in which very interesting thoughts can flash. On the 2nd at work, you may be entrusted with a very responsible and promising task. If you get down to business with enthusiasm, success is guaranteed to you. Your achievements will be marked by management.

Unpleasant news may confuse the peace of Capricorns on December 3rd. Trips on this day will be too tiring and will not bring the expected result. Follow the events of the 7th: incidents are possible today, the consequences of which will affect your entire future life. Try to avoid conflicts at work and at home on December 8th and 9th. These days, representatives of the sign will be in a depressed state, they will feel a decline in energy and a desire to vent their irritation and discontent on others.

The appearance of new cash receipts on your account on the 10th can instantly change the general mood and encourage you to take care of gifts for the New Year. The sooner you make your choice of upcoming surprises, the more likely it is that they will not turn out to be random and unfortunate. But astrologers recommend going shopping on Sunday, December 12th. On this day, a small trip of a business or sightseeing nature is likely: it will bring a lot of positive emotions to Capricorns.

This month, the 13th can confirm its notoriety: the representatives of the sign are threatened by illness, financial crisis and deep pessimism. Such a depressing state may be aggravated on December 14th by the extreme emotional stress. Violent passions will seethe in the public mind. It is important to clearly define your position and refrain from any manifestations of radicalism. On the 15th, circumstances will turn out so that you will have to take on too much responsibility. But do not build any illusions: despite your perseverance, success today is not guaranteed. But recommendations and criticisms will be distributed from all sides. To add optimism and energy in this difficult time, another portion of cash receipts on December 16th can.

The end of the month will be characterized by increasingly sharp jumps from major troubles to prosperous and joyful days. Capricorns should be afraid of feeling unwell on the 18th. And on Monday the 19th, you will radiate energy and desire for action, you can easily cope with any professional problem. On the 26th, you can safely go on the road, and the following days are fraught with the danger of traffic accidents. The last day of the year will give Capricorn good luck and good mood.

Oddly enough, Capricorns in December are full of romance. And as the exact one says love horoscope, they are waiting for an amazing time mutual feelings, a wave of fleeting passion or the depth of serious experiences. This month, Capricorns can even forget about important matters and put relationships and love in the first place, which is so unusual for these zodiac signs.

December 2019 love horoscope for Capricorn

The first decade of December for Capricorn will be complicated by a sudden quarrel with his partner. And in an empty place. Don't let conflict consume your mind and feelings. It is Capricorn who must find the right words and actions for reconciliation. Until the end of the year, you can not leave grudges. The love horoscope promises Capricorn an unexpected meeting in December with representatives of the water sign. Such a connection is unlikely to lead to a long-term relationship, but will leave a bright mark on fate.

Consider the following. You can’t break off in December on your own initiative an existing long-term relationship. This gap will not make anyone happy. You should not believe everything that people in your close circle say. Most likely, with the hands of Capricorn himself, they want to destroy his happiness, because in this way they hope to maintain their own significance. In December, you should definitely meet someone if Capricorn is still single. You should not deceive the hopes of a person in love with Capricorn, otherwise such a game of feelings will harm Capricorn himself.

The love horoscope advises Capricorns to be honest with others. Play on feelings - harm yourself.

Love horoscope for Capricorn women for December 2019

last decade December promises Capricorn women fateful meetings. It is worth taking a closer look at a person from a close environment. Especially if it is a person of a water or earth sign. The only thing a woman should avoid is an affair with married man. Such relationships will lead to great trials, radical changes in fate. The love horoscope of Capricorn warns against the temptation to take a man away from a friend. Revenge ex girlfriend capable of poisoning the entire environment of Capricorn.

Capricorns will not be bored this month. They will find themselves in different companies, everywhere they will be successful with men. The female charm of Capricorn will be so bright that no one can resist. And if the Capricorn girl dares to propose first, then the man will consider this a gift of fate. A wedding in December is not ruled out.

Love horoscope for Capricorn men for December 2019

Frosty December 2019 will be special for Capricorn men. Before the end of the year, fateful events will occur, weddings are possible. Moreover, the marriage will be long and happy, especially if the girl is the chosen one of an earth or water sign. An accurate love horoscope also does not exclude a stormy romance with a representative of the fire sign, especially a girl born under the constellation Aries. But the horoscope warns Capricorn about difficult relationship in marriage, when Capricorn will be completely under the influence of the Aries girl, suffer from this, but unable to leave.

The love horoscope does not exclude that Capricorn will find a woman older than himself. This marriage, which begins in December, promises to be long and happy. By the way, by the end of December, a lonely Capricorn definitely needs to get to know someone, even if the girl does not immediately make the proper impression and will be far from ideal. Capricorn will see her later and understand that she is his destiny, he was looking for just such a girl.

Married Capricorns are advised by the stars to maintain a relationship, although conflicting feelings may appear in early December, possibly due to jealousy. Already in December, Capricorns will understand that they were wrong. Another extreme is the financial claims of Capricorn to his wife or relatives. December calls for a reasonable approach, otherwise because of money or others wealth you can lose the most valuable thing - love. And this word is not an empty phrase even for Capricorn-materialist.

Love horoscope for Capricorns for other months of 2019

December 2016 is the very month when representatives of the Capricorn zodiac sign should not play the role of "helmsman", and even more so the captain. You can achieve your goal with restraint and imperceptibly, without waving banners, the wise stars advise you.

Work, career, business

In December 2016, representatives of the Capricorn zodiac sign should not start new business, it is better to focus on completing projects that have already begun. You can also get rid of a lot that does not help, but only hinders your development and progress. That is, now you are very much like a snake shedding old skin, and you have a good chance to understand what you need in the future and what you don’t. At the same time, the first and second decades of December 2016 will bring a large volume organizational work both employee and freelancer. During this period, you can count on the support of colleagues and superiors. Real estate-related worries are not ruled out, which in the third decade of December 2016 can turn into a serious problem. The last decade of the month is an ambiguous and very difficult period. And, as the stars suggest, you yourself can be the cause of all the trouble. Ambition and exactingness, combined with extreme inconsistency, will lead to conflicts with opponents, and as a result, this difficult situation many people may be involved. Will you win the battle? No! Some compensation is possible, but it is unlikely that the problems will be resolved to the end. The stars urge you to think about an acceptable compromise, but I highly doubt that you are capable of this.


Financial positions in December 2016 for the zodiac sign Capricorn are stable with a clear upward trend. Approximate dates for receipt of the most significant amounts are 4, 5, 13, 14, 21–23, 31 December 2016.

Love, family

If the interests of the representatives of the Capricorn zodiac sign are focused on personal life, then in the first half of December 2016, one can safely hope for the understanding and support of parents and older family members. The second half of the month is not so successful, and spouses who have a long history of quarrels, reconciliations and subsequent quarrels will especially suffer. Closer to the New Year, the situation will escalate again - once again you will launch a decisive offensive and meet an equally decisive rebuff. It's up to you, but still command less and listen to others more - in the end it will be better. Friendly couples can solve important problems together everyday problems- for example, to put the house in order or help the other half, who is going through hard times.


In December 2016, the energy potential of the representatives of the Capricorn zodiac sign is low, moreover, the end of the year is not at all easy. Nervous atmosphere last week can cause you to become very tired and feel unwell. Avoid fuss and remember that the main thing is health, and the rest, as they say, will follow.

The zodiac sign Capricorn in December 2016 will face a number of the most unusual and ambiguous situations, which, ceteris paribus, could be called negative if it were not for characteristics current time period. On the one hand, Mars, the exalted planet of your sign, will betray you in the full sense of the word, turning from a wise mentor and reliable ally into a ruthless opponent who knows yours better than anyone else. weak spots. However, in reality, due to the position of Saturn, your ruler, and the Moon, which is usually responsible for the "expulsion" of Capricorn, but at the current stage fundamentally changes its position, everything will not turn out so badly. First of all, it should be noted that any situation “with a minus sign” in reality will not get the worst development. Rather, we will talk about a funny curiosity, and not about a real negative that could have the most massive consequences. In fact, December should be a very positive time for you, at least because now any defeat will most likely be perceived with a smile, and not only by you. It is all the fault of the above indicated astral circumstances and the position of the Black Moon, which, to the sign of Capricorn, has always harbored a non-standard spectrum of “feelings”.

With regard to the field of work, such an impact in December 2016 can “result” into some fairly large-scale event. A job change is likely. If something like this happens, then you can be sure that everything will turn out quite successfully and your new position will surpass the previous one in all respects. Even if initially you and your environment have a directly proportional opinion. Now it is important to consider the prospect, especially when it comes to permanent income. For Capricorn, who works for himself, the stars recommend being a little more careful with various financial investments, especially those that raise real doubts. In short - do not "fall for" a "freebie", even if it is recommended to you by your friends or colleagues whom you used to trust. The stars will help you in a difficult situation, but not if the cause of the difficult situation is your own stupidity. Do not focus too much and clearly on only one task, be more mobile and free in choosing a plan of action, do not limit yourself to limits, neither real nor far-fetched. To look more objectively at what is happening, you can seek help from competitors (or, if you do not work for yourself, from colleagues who frankly feed you negative feelings). Now this "knight's move" will lead to exceptional results that will allow you to have a unique experience.

On the “love front”, the situation will be fundamentally different. Here, in December 2016, Capricorn will need regularity and maximum balanced decisions. Be careful when you are about to take a step forward, but you cannot clearly define the final goal of your journey. At the same time, it is far from always fair to consider “a step into the unknown” a mistake or a worst-case scenario. It all depends on the circumstances and your perception. In general, December in this respect will be an ideal time for relaxation, so if possible, take a vacation, or in some other way take a break from the routine. Also bright and unforgettable the wedding will take place, corporate party, birthday - any more or less large-scale event in which you decide to take a direct part. The main thing - do not overdo it with "relaxing drinks", otherwise you can not limit yourself to anything.

Attention! Thanks to the horoscope for December 2016 for the zodiac sign Capricorn, we can determine the main directions of our activity during this period. The horoscope is compiled on the basis of data on the position of the Sun, Moon and Planets relative to our zodiac sign, where the Sun star is the main rod around which the energy pattern of our destiny is woven. However, such astrological forecast is generalized and makes sense only when defining general trends for typical representatives of the zodiac sign Capricorn. More accurate horoscope can be found by making one of personal horoscopes which can be obtained by clicking on the link below.

Other horoscopes for the Capricorn sign: Personal horoscopes for the Capricorn sign:

Capricorns in December 2016 will try in any way to protect themselves from the daily routine. You yourself will not be able to explain why right now, at the end of the year, you so passionately wanted to bring maximum diversity into your life. You will try to use this unusual “creativity” in all spheres of life without exception. It is for this reason that a very exotic sculpture will appear in the walls of your office in December, your old “six” will be airbrushed, and your soulmate will be instructed to change her wardrobe and hairstyle as soon as possible. It's a paradox, but you will treat yourself and your habits more conservatively! If for several years in a row a stormy New Year's corporate party deprived your family of your presence for a couple of days, then this year the situation is unlikely to change ...

In December 2016, both the elderly and the younger generation will feel free and easy next to you. You will be able to find a surprisingly correct, tactful approach to each of them, which will be another reason for you to be frankly proud of yourself. Why would you want to surround yourself with children and pensioners at the beginning of this winter? For the simple reason that next to people who are not burdened with finding a source stable income, You will breathe many times easier than communicating with peers. The financial side of your life and everything that somehow reminds you of money will become your “Achilles heel” in December 2016. You will be well aware that avoiding financial difficulties is not the solution to the problem, but eliminating this personal " economic crisis» You will, alas, not be able to.

Lonely Capricorns in December 2016 should not blindly believe anyone who says “You are charming and irresistible!”. Of course, it is very pleasant to hear flattering reviews addressed to you, but before taking them at face value, you still need to clarify whether your admirer is hatching some kind of “malicious” plans? At the beginning of winter, your risk of meeting a gigolo or a woman who is used to "breeding" suitors for money increases significantly for you (choose the option that is relevant for your gender). Try to closely evaluate everyone with whom fate brings you in December 2016. And an even more correct option is to postpone the search for a soul mate for a while or conduct them only in the circle of those people with whom you have known for a long time and quite well.

Family Capricorns in December 2016 will spend a lot of energy on reforming the home lifestyle. First, you will try to change the interior and furnishings of your personal living space. When this mini-repair comes to an end, it's time for a change for your soulmate. It is possible that you will force her to sign up for the gym, directly indicating that you married a much more slender and fit person. Perhaps the plan for your home reforms will affect intimacy (in this matter, excessive pressure will obviously harm you, and therefore try to act as tactfully as possible).

For the career of Capricorns, December 2016 will be calm and even. Neither you, nor your boss, nor any of your colleagues will even try to innovate the New Year's Eve plan. More and more often your enterprise will hear such appeals as “stop working, it's time to discuss the corporate party and decide where we will hold it!”. It is clear that planning celebrations will prevent you from achieving any major professional success. But doing your duty in such a lively and upbeat environment will be much more pleasant than usual.

Attention, the horoscope of Capricorn for the month of December 2016 is published in an abbreviated form. To have a complete picture of the upcoming 2016 year of the red Monkey, you should make a personal forecast for 2016 with an individual astrological chart unique to each person.

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Horoscope 2016 Monkeys.