Probably, each of us in childhood tried to summon gnomes or, say, the Queen of Spades. Children's magic became popular only at the end of the last century. It is possible that the tendency of children to explain certain events in a supernatural way is instilled with the help of fairy tales and science fiction films. It is from here that such a passion to join magical power and cross the line of reality. The objects that are used in children's fortune-telling are quite simple: it can be a mirror, water, cookies or sweets, mother's lipstick, and so on. So, let's look at the most popular children's fortune-telling.

Children's fortune-telling "Stumbling"

With the help of this children's fortune-telling, you can predict your futureaccording to the day of the week on which the child stumbled.

  • Monday - there will be tears
  • Tuesday - good news
  • Wednesday - not very good news
  • Thursday - to sadness
  • Friday - to meet with friends
  • Saturday - to troubles and quarrels
  • Sunday - to the disease.

Children's fortune-telling "Sugar gnome"

This fortune-telling will help to call the sugar gnome, who, in turn, is able to answer any question of interest. Divination should be carried out on certain days of the week: Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Wait for the evening and prepare the next necessary ingredients for this divination for the future. You will need candy, a bowl of water, a small mirror and red thread. Dip the mirror into the water so that the reflective surface is facing up. Expand the candy, tie it with a red thread and lower it into the water on the mirror. One end of the thread should remain in your hands. Then read the following conspiracy three times: “I urge you, gnome, eat candy, and answer my questions. The door is open, come in."

After that, watch the reflection in the mirror and hold the thread tightly. Ask the gnome your question. If the thread twitches once, then the answer is no, if two, then the answer is yes. At the end of this children's divination, throw a pinch of salt into the water to drive the gnome away.

Children's fortune-telling: how to call the queen of spades

This children's fortune-telling is one of the most popular. Russian classics wrote about it, so it is also considered one of the oldest and most terrible rituals. In order to summon the Queen of Spades, you will need a mirror, red lipstick and a bowl of water. You can call the Queen of Spades only on Wednesday and Friday. On other days, this fortune-telling for the future will not give the desired result. Wait until dusk and proceed.

On the mirror, you need to draw a house with red lipstick, and from it a staircase descending. The house should have a large window, and on it - a flower pot. Also don't forget to draw an open door where the stairs start. When everything is ready, read the following spell: “I open the door, I let you into the world. Look around and get down. Tell me what awaits me and what will save me. You can’t get out of the mirror, you can’t let out your anger. Let it be so. Amen".

Then you need to observe the reflection and pattern in the mirror. According to an old belief, when the Queen of Spades leaves the house, the drawing will change somewhat. It is by these changes that you can interpret your future. The flower will be smeared or withered - to diseases. If during this fortune-telling for the future the door is erased or closed - to happy news. And if the stairs are greased or one of the steps disappears - for gifts and a holiday. If an extraneous figure appears on the mirror, this is an extremely unpleasant omen. It may mean severe illness and even death. At the end of fortune-telling, say: “Queen of Spades, away!”, lower the mirror into the water, take it out into the street and bury it along with the bowl.

These children's fortune-telling are one of the most popular among teenagers. Do not be afraid and worry if your child is carried away by such magic. As you know, in children's magic there are much more positive characters than negative ones. Be happy and don't forget to click and

12.03.2014 11:49

Now for any pregnant woman it has become available to determine the sex of the child even before his birth. Contemporary...

Since ancient times, fortune-telling has been a universal way to predict the future, which was most often used by young girls and women. In order to find out their fate, someone went to fortune-tellers and fortune-tellers, and someone wondered for themselves using various ritual objects that were considered magical, for example, mirrors, candles and much more.

Today, there are a large number of fortune-telling methods, but the most popular is fortune-telling for teenagers, with which you can predict relationships with a young man or young lady, compatibility with a loved one, the emergence of a new feeling in life, the future, including marriage, the number of children, and so on.


Before proceeding with any of the fortune-telling, read the general rules.

  • First. Any fortune-telling should be carried out in a quiet and calm atmosphere, without fussing, without chuckling, without being distracted by extraneous sounds, fully concentrating on the question or person.
  • Second. A fortune-telling girl before the ritual should let her hair down and remove it from them. metal objects, which generally need to be removed from yourself, for example, hairpins, invisible, brooches, rings, bracelets, chains and so on.

Never joke during fortune-telling and carefully predict sad events, remembering that even strong will A person can be destroyed by his own self-hypnosis. A strong character can change everything, even fatal events, it is better to tell a person what to fear.

Do not under any circumstances guess Orthodox holidays. Best time for fortune-telling - this is Christmas time, the period from January 7 to 19. You can also guess on Thursdays and Fridays.

Divination by numbers

Take a piece of paper in a cage, guess the name of a person and write the numbers from 1 to 99, releasing zeros in several rows, in any number, only there should be the same number of numbers in each row. One cell - one number.
For example:
after 99 digits, you need to write the date, also missing zeros.
Like this: 06/18/2003 - 18623

Now cross out the adjacent identical numbers horizontally and vertically. Numbers are also crossed out from a row horizontally or vertically if their sum is 10, even if these numbers are in different corners of the row.

This fortune-telling is very popular among schoolgirls.

Repeat the action with a strikeout same digits and forming a sum of 10, but if the first action can be performed both horizontally and vertically, then the sum of numbers can be searched only in horizontal rows.

Again we write out the remaining numbers, again 9 in each row, and so on until there is nothing to cross out. After that, you should recalculate the number of remaining digits and interpret their meaning:

  • 0 - very strong love.
  • 1 - love is not for the person you were guessing at.
  • 2 - you will be loved if you take the first step.
  • 3 - your attractiveness allows you to look both ways.
  • 4 - your feeling is mutual.
  • 5 - the person is not up to you now.
  • 6 - do not hope in vain.
  • 7 - sympathy comes from him, nothing more.
  • 8 - he considers you exactly the one with whom he must go through life.
  • 9 - beware of the opponent.
  • 10 - "shows off" in front of you.
  • 11 - suffers from not a large number attention from you.
  • 12 - he likes others.
  • 13 - heavy conversation.
  • 14 - government house (school, university, cafe, any crowded place).
  • 15 - in love with your girlfriend.
  • 16 is a long road.
  • 17 - an ambulance meeting.
  • 18 - you are cute to his friend, not to him.
  • 19 - wants to meet and communicate.
  • 20 - you are loved to the depths of your soul and heart.
  • 21 - he is timid and shy.
  • 22 - he does not like your too bright appearance.
  • 23 - he calls you negative emotions, and he himself believes that from love to hate ... 24 - he adores you.
  • 25 - idolizes your beauty.
  • 26 and more - he is not interested in your person at all!

School years are a wonderful time for every person. School memories are associated not only with boring lessons, but also with joyful changes. This period is filled with communication with their classmates and fun pastime.

Perhaps everyone remembers their first love experiences and the desire to find out which of the boys sympathizes with you. Many have kept special questionnaires all their lives, in which classmates answered the most various questions. And, of course, many school years associated with mysterious divination, which could be carried out using a variety of attributes.

Many girls in school age are interested in how to conduct fortune-telling for a boy? There are so many ways to find out how the boy you like treats you. The most important thing, when conducting such rituals, is to believe that, despite all their naivety and simplicity, they will provide true information.

When conducting fortune telling on a boy, you must definitely focus on the question that interests you. The ritual should be taken very seriously, as this will help to get a true result.

Divination on paper

Divination on paper is a very simple option to get an answer to a question of interest. The most common way is to write a specific question on a piece of paper. After that, you need to count the number of letters. As a rule, it turns out two-digit number, the digits of which should be added again. The result of this addition should be a single-digit number.

It must be decrypted as follows:

  • 1 - you yourself know the answer and there is absolutely no need to clarify anything with the help of magic.
  • 2 - gives a negative answer to the question asked.
  • 3 - gives a positive answer to the question asked.
  • 4 - events are developing in a positive direction, and a lot depends on you.
  • 5 - it is quite possible that everything will work out in the best way.
  • 6 - certain obstacles will arise in order for the issue to be resolved positively.
  • 7 - you can only hope that the situation will unfold positively.
  • 8 - not immediately, but over time everything will be the way you want.
  • 9 - the probability of a negative answer is high.

There are very simple divination on cards for a boy, which can be easily carried out at home. It is important to remember that you can guess either on a new deck or on one that has never been used to play before. You cannot lend your deck of cards, which is used for divination, to anyone.

One of the ways using cards is to understand how the boy you like treats you. To do this, you need to choose a king from the deck, which will symbolize your chosen one. You can do this, for example, in accordance with the color of the hair. Thus, the king of diamonds or hearts is more suitable for a fair-haired boy, and the king of clubs or spades should be chosen when the boy you like is the owner of dark hair.

The alignment in this divination is very simple. All that is needed is to carefully shuffle the deck and lay out five cards face down on the chosen king. Choose them from the deck in random order.

After that, you need to analyze which suits turned out to be more, and draw the appropriate conclusions:

  • Spades suits indicate that your chosen one is angry with you because of something.
  • Cross suits indicate that the boy likes you.
  • Diamond suits mean that only friendly relations are possible between you.
  • Heart suits I emphasize that love feelings are possible between you.

The following method will help you decide if you like several boys. Before starting fortune-telling, you need to draw out all the jacks from the deck and assign them the names of the guys you are interested in. Then the jacks are shuffled and laid out face down in one row. From below, all other cards from the deck are laid out face up. That is, four rows of eight cards are obtained.

Then cards of the same value lying side by side in vertical columns are removed and placed next to the jack under which they were removed. If the last and first cards in the row match, they are also removed in the same way. After that, the cards in the layout are shifted and the described action is repeated three times.

Then the jacks are turned over and the cards that are next to them are analyzed:

  • Aces indicate that the boy likes you very much.
  • Sixes portend that soon the boy will come to visit you.
  • Sevens mean that the boy is constantly thinking about you.
  • Eights predict a confidential conversation.
  • The nines emphasize that the first love woke up in the boy's soul.
  • Tens indicate interest.
  • Ladies say that the boy likes another girl.
  • Kings warn that the boy is jealous of you.

If you liked the boy and really want to know his attitude towards yourself, then you can use next divination. In the morning, having crossed the threshold of the house, you need to mentally pronounce the name of your chosen one, and then go to school. After that, all that is needed is to carefully look around.

What you will meet on the way and will be a decoding for fortune-telling:

  • The car indicates that the relationship with the boy will work out perfectly.
  • Butterfly predicts a meeting.
  • The cat warns that the chosen one can cause tears.
  • A bicycle means that perhaps your boy will offer you friendship.
  • A woman warns that you should not trust your chosen one.
  • The chicken predicts a joint tea party.
  • Mom portends the receipt of a note or SMS;
  • The man indicates that your boy is in love with another girl.
  • The fly warns that the boy prefers to have fun in other companies.
  • A rat or mouse portends a quarrel.
  • The wedding procession predicts sincere friendship.
  • Dad points out that you should wait for an invitation to the cinema.
  • The bird focuses on the fact that the boy sympathizes.
  • Rainbow predicts mutual love.
  • The dog portends an acquaintance with another guy.
  • The sun means that another boy will soon like it.
  • Brother means that soon you will be in the same company with your chosen one.
  • The sister is a harbinger of joyful events.
  • The enemy portends treason.
  • Girlfriend / friend predict the beginning of an easy carefree relationship.
  • Rain predicts disappointment.
  • Cloudy focuses on the fact that it will not be possible to build trusting relationships.
  • Wind means jealousy.
  • Snow portends a fun pastime.
  • The flower seller indicates that your chosen one sympathizes with your girlfriend.

If there is an urgent need to tell fortunes for a loved one within the walls of the school, then for this you can use fortune-telling by numbers. It is very simple, because for this you will need to use only a pen and paper.

To do this, you need to retire to a secluded corner, mentally pronounce the name of the boy and, without counting, draw four rows of vertical lines on a notebook sheet. Then you need to start crossing out three lines in each of the rows, no more than two dashes should remain in the remainder. Where two lines remain, the number “2” should be put, where one line is the number “1”, and where all the dashes have been crossed out, the number “0”.

Digital combinations are deciphered as follows:

  • 0000 - love.
  • 0001 - sympathy for another.
  • 0002 - friendship.
  • 0010 - Relationships are not possible.
  • 0011 - soon the hobby will pass.
  • 0012 - hides his feelings.
  • 0020 - dreams of you.
  • 0021 - thinks about you.
  • 0022 - he likes you.
  • 0100 - afraid of you.
  • 0101 - kiss.
  • 0102 - I like your character.
  • 0110 - love.
  • 0111 - I like your appearance.
  • 0112 - deception.
  • 0120 - meeting.
  • 0121 - suffers for you.
  • 0122 - sympathy.
  • 0200 - thoughts about you.
  • 0201 - longing.
  • 0202 - dreams of friendship with another.
  • 0210 - dreams of you.
  • 0211 - I like your smile.
  • 0212 - faithful to you.
  • 0220 - everything will turn out well.
  • 0221 - treason.
  • 0222 - believes you.
  • 1000 - a date.
  • 1001 - dreams of a meeting.
  • 1002 - cannot be trusted.
  • 1010 - respect.
  • 1011 - jealousy.
  • 1012 - constraint.
  • 1020 - thinks about you.
  • 1021 - interested.
  • 1022 - indifference.
  • 1100 - like another.
  • 1101 - will refuse you.
  • 1102 - an ambulance.
  • 1110 - love another.
  • 1111 - like your girlfriend.
  • 1112 - only friendship.
  • 1120 - strong sympathy.
  • 1121 - letter.
  • 1122 - I like your beauty.
  • 1200 - dreams of a meeting.
  • 1201 - jealous.
  • 1202 - not a long friendship.
  • 1210 - relations are excluded.
  • 1211 - an invitation to the cinema.
  • 1212 - kiss.
  • 1220 - suffering.
  • 1221 - not interested in you.
  • 1222 - you will not be together.
  • 2000 - friendship.
  • 2001 - until you meet.
  • 2002 - Can't be trusted.
  • 2010 - love has passed.
  • 2011 - strong love.
  • 2012 - he dreams of you.
  • 2020 - dreams of friendship.
  • 2021 - deceives you.
  • 2022 - in love with another.
  • 2100 - you should forget it.
  • 2101 - dreams of a meeting.
  • 2102 - mutual sympathy.
  • 2110 - dreams of another.
  • 2111 - you are the best for him.
  • 2112 - anger and misunderstanding.
  • 2120 - dreams of a kiss.
  • 2121 - quarrel.
  • 2122 - will leave you.
  • 2200 - you are deceiving yourself.
  • 2201 - constantly thinking about you.
  • 2202 - a successful relationship.
  • 2210 - doubts in feelings.
  • 2211 - should be abandoned.
  • 2212 - happiness.
  • 2220 - distrust.
  • 2221 - dreams of friendship.
  • 2222 - dreams of a kiss.

Similarly, you can clarify the boy's attitude towards himself by conducting a fortune-telling by his name. To do this, the last name, first name, patronymic of the chosen one is written on a piece of paper, and after that the date and time of fortune-telling in letters. Next, all paired letters are crossed out.

The rest are decrypted as follows:

  • A is a meeting.
  • B - a joyful event.
  • B is good news.
  • D is bad news.
  • D - longing.
  • E is conversation.
  • J - hit.
  • Z - gossip.
  • And - a joint party.
  • K - dancing.
  • L is a nice date.
  • M - a new acquaintance.
  • N - pleasant conversations.
  • Oh, jealousy.
  • P is cheating.
  • R - meeting.
  • C - boring relationship.
  • T is interest.
  • U is a serious conversation.
  • F - a good relationship.
  • X - a friend interferes.
  • C - entertainment.
  • H - an unpleasant conversation.
  • Sh - dreams come true.
  • W is an amazing event.
  • b - kiss.
  • Y - treason.
  • E - accusations.
  • Yu is a joint path.
  • I am suffering.

Girls are always curious to look into the future and learn secrets. Divination for young creatures is very diverse in its focus and method of interpretation.

Preparing for divination

Getting started with the main process, you need to remember a few important rules:

  • Guess in a quiet room, turning off the phone, computer, TV.
  • Don't get distracted, fully immerse yourself in the process and focus on it.
  • Let your hair down before divination.
  • Do not laugh or joke about the result.
  • Do not tell fortunes on the days of Orthodox holidays.

Most favorable periods for divination:

  • Christmas time.
  • New year's night.
  • Baptism night.
  • Night at Ivan Kupala.
  • Almost all Fridays, especially the 13th.
  • 13th of every month.

If you received a negative answer to your question - do not despair. Remember that everything is in your hands and a person is able to change fate.

Simple and effective ways of divination for girls

Children's fortune-telling is famous for its diversity. You can find out your fate or the feelings of a boy with the help of a large number of attributes - paper or a deck of playing cards. Their main feature is the safety and veracity of the prediction.

What to expect on a certain day?

For divination, you will need a piece of paper and a pen. Write your full name, the date of the day you are interested in and the specific time of day in one line. When a letter that has already been written comes across, it must be placed under the first letter - in a column.

Two identical letters are crossed out in each column. How many letters do you have left? This is the answer to your question. With the help of the table, you can easily figure out what events foreshadow the day.

0 Don't expect anything special on this day.5 New fan.
1 The unit portends a joyful mood.6 Nice meeting.
2 Disappointment and sadness.7 Sad mood.
3 A long road or an exciting journey.8 Mutual love.
4 News.9 Betrayal by a loved one.

If the number turned out to be more than nine, then with the help of addition it is necessary to achieve single digit. Example: 14 is 1+4=5

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Harmless divination by date of birth

Prepare a sheet of paper and a pen (you can use a pencil or felt-tip pen). Write your date of birth or the one you are guessing at. By adding numbers, get a number from zero to nine.

➦ Example:

  • Date of birth: 03.11.1997
  • Add up: 0+3+1+1+1+9+9+7=31 ⟹ 3+1=4
  • Write down all the numbers on the sheet: 0 3 1 1 1 9 9 7 3 1 4

By the number of certain numbers, one can judge the innate qualities of a person. In the example, there are 3 units, which indicates high level energy, and 7 declares the presence of talent.

After looking at the table, you will understand everything!

Children's fortune telling on cards for love

shuffle playing deck cards, taking out four jacks from it. Arrange them on the table in a row, guessing for each specific boy. Lay out the cards from left to right under the jacks to make 4 rows. In each row, remove 2 identical cards of different suits, shuffle the cards again and arrange them in the same way. There should be one card left under each jack. Look at the cards left, by their meaning you can find out about the feelings of the hidden boys:

Another version of fortune telling on cards

Take the king from the deck and place it on the table. The king is the boy you have feelings for. Shuffle the deck and draw any five cards for the king.

See which suit has the most:

  • ♡ Worms - in love.
  • ♤ Peaks - angry or offended at you.
  • ♢ Tambourines - you are just a friend for him.
  • ♧ Cross - he feels sympathy for you.

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What does his gift say?

If a boy gives a gift, then it can be used to determine the meaning that he put into the present. Flowers speak of love for you, and a mirror that his thoughts are about another girl. A donated book means deep respect, and perfume or a handkerchief - not very much. good sign. If sweets are presented, he wants to make peace. A toy, a photo frame and a postcard will tell about sympathy.

How easy is it to get an answer to a question?

Take a piece of paper and write a question on it: “Does my desk mate like me?” Count the letters in it and add them up. In the example it turns out: 8+2+1+6+6+2+5=30 ⟹ 3+0=3 — because we need a single digit.

Look for the answer in the table:

1 Your intuition tells you the right answer.6 Obstacles.
2 Yes.7 Wait a bit.
3 No8 Rather yes.
4 Maybe.9 Probably not.
5 Maybe.

Divination by paper chamomile

This type of divination is suitable for a company of girls. Get together with your girlfriends and draw a large daisy on a piece of paper, and write the name of the boy on each petal and cut them out. Mix them in a box or bag. Let all the girls randomly choose a petal. Whose name came across, he is a secret admirer.

An interesting fortune-telling that usually happens unexpectedly

If a thread is accidentally caught on clothes or hair, a message from above can be interpreted by its color.

Color meanings:

To get the most honest answer from fortune telling, you need to follow some rules. If you take them seriously, the prediction will not deceive.

  1. First, create an appropriate environment in the room: dim the lights and light candles.
  2. If you are guessing in the company of girls, take only real friends with you.
  3. It is impossible to guess for those who do not believe in the result.
  4. Do not do fortune-telling on the same occasion more than once a week.
  5. When divining using cards, shuffle them carefully. The person who is being guessed at must remove them in the direction of himself with the finger of his left hand.
  6. It is said that cats have a positive effect on the layout of the deck. If he walked over some of them, it would give special meaning divination.

All the fortune-telling presented above is more like a game. With the help of them you can have fun and have fun in the company of girls. The process is shrouded in mystery, therefore it is of interest to children, and if you take fortune-telling seriously, you can get really true predictions!

Probably, there is no person who does not want to look into the future. For the sake of interest, one eye. Although it is believed that fortune-telling is girlish fun, this was not always the case. Previously, men did not go hunting or war without visiting a soothsayer or priest. Why and how do people guess?

“People are arranged like this: they want to know what will happen”

Psychologists say that fear of the future makes people believe in omens and ask for advice from higher powers. How more people doubts himself, while wanting to keep the situation under control, the more often he resorts to the services of predictors. And what could be more uncontrollable than feelings?

Love has long been a tradition. However, few people think that this is not just entertainment and curiosity. This is a special ritual that helps to understand oneself, one's desires, and also tune in to the same wave with a young man of interest. Experienced fortune-tellers know that any means, be it cards, runes or the outlines of burnt paper, is the path to the human subconscious. The main thing is to awaken the imagination, the rest (recreating the picture of the state of affairs) the person will do himself. Therefore, there is no need to rush and look for seers. with a certain dexterity, they give answers to exciting questions.

History of the predictive craft

It is believed that any magical rituals are an intervention in fate, which means it is a sinful thing. This idea came to us from the Middle Ages. But in the vanished civilizations of Assyria, Babylon and Egypt, soothsayers were held in high esteem. And in Ancient Greece And Ancient Rome important state decisions were made on the basis of divinatory art. It was believed that the ability to secret knowledge is a gift from the gods. The sibyls deserved special trust, the first of which predicted Trojan War. They clothed their predictions in poetic form like the oracles at Delphi.

Prohibition on divination

During the dark Middle Ages, sorcerers and witches were persecuted as confusing the spirit. The Church did not want to share power over minds and hearts ordinary people. Later, divination was rejected as not having scientific explanation. However, they have always been popular among the people.

In Slavic culture, home divination for love has been preserved since pagan times. They are part folk customs and are closely intertwined with church traditions. The latter, such as Maslenitsa, were popular even before the baptism of Rus'.

When is the best time to guess?

New Year holidays are awaited with special trepidation not only because of delicious table and opportunities to have fun. They are followed by Christmas and Epiphany evenings - the time when divination for love at home is considered prophetic.

These days, accidents are given special importance. The name of a passerby, dreams, words heard inadvertently - all these are indications of what the year will be like, whether the girl will meet her beloved.

Why do you need to guess on the evening of January 6 or 18 (January 19, on Epiphany itself, such rituals cannot be performed)? It is believed that when the sun is born, the boundary between reality and the invisible world becomes thinner. At this time, you can contact otherworldly forces and lift the veil of the future. But you must comply with the conditions:

    sacrament time - midnight;

    place - unsociable;

    often requires an intermediary in the form of an animal or object.

Sometimes complex and scary rituals require fortune telling. future love when an unmarried girl wants to see her betrothed. In most cases, you can do simple ways, without communication with evil spirits.

Divination in different countries

New Year- a special time not only in Rus'. True, he comes to foreign countries in different time. In and in the Middle East on March 21, Novruz is celebrated. Girls, eavesdropping on other people's conversations, are trying to find out if the year will be successful and what events to expect.

In India, on the first day of the Malayama calendar, they celebrate Vishu, and they guess by opening at random the Ramayana, an ancient epic. In Vietnam, they celebrate the lunisolar cycle Tet, which usually falls at the end of January. In Japan, on New Year's Eve, no one sleeps, but go to temples for omikuji. This is a kind of lottery that predicts everything from great happiness to all sorts of failures. True, if the prophecy was not liked, it can be left in the temple, then it will not come true. There is a similar fortune-telling in England, when symbolic objects are hidden in a pie. They denote what will happen: a ring - you will get married, a rose petal - you will meet love, a coin promises wealth, and a button - poverty.

Some divinations are similar in different countries. In Italy, as in our country, it is customary to throw a boot. If the sock looks at the door, the girl will get married. And in Germany, curious people pour wax and read by figures what will happen in the new year.

Simple Ways to Know if a Guy Loves You

In addition, there are those that can be done every day. Divination for love at home is described below. They are easy to carry out. The main thing is to mentally imagine the person of interest and focus on the issue. At the same time, you need to be alone and in silence.

The easiest divination for girls for love requires almost nothing. It is necessary to take a leaf in a box and draw a heart with your left hand. Then everything is simple - you need to count the number of whole cells. If an even number comes out, then the answer is “loves”, an odd number is “no”.

You can also guess by tea leaves. To do this, take dry tea leaves and pour it with boiling water in a cup, observing the behavior of the leaves. If they remained at the bottom, then the relationship will develop smoothly. Two or three tea leaves surfaced - minor difficulties are possible. All tea leaves were at the top - there are big obstacles on the way to love.

Well, one of the most popular fortune-telling is prediction according to Here you need fantasy and knowledge of symbols. And for each person they can acquire their own meaning. The more often this method is practiced, the better the signs of fate are understood.

Fortune telling on tarot cards

Divination for love at home is good to carry out on cards. You can use the usual ones, but only those that have not been played before. Or special ones, for example, tarot or Lenormand cards. Magical are those that are made by hand. Then a special connection is established between the cards and the fortuneteller's energy. Taro first appeared in Europe in the 14th century, where they were brought by gypsies. At first they were just played. But then, thanks to colorful images and symbolism, cards began to be used to look into the past, present and future.

Today, such divination (tarot) for love has many options. The choice of the deck is also important here, since there are different types, and the ability to interpret. To become an experienced predictor, you need to do more than one alignment. Then there will be more truthful divination. Tarot for love can now be laid out online.

Runes divination

No less popular among mystics is the ancient European system written signs. It's about about runes. For those who want to conduct fortune-telling for love at home, this is an indispensable technique. Here the symbols are simple but cover all areas of life. Fortune telling on runes for love will help those who are looking for advice. Unlike cards, they do not broadcast about the past or the future, but reveal causal relationships to a person. Runes give the desired direction of action, because this is a system in which everyone is the blacksmith of his own happiness. The interpretation depends on the personality of the questioner and the level of responsibility for their actions. Therefore, fortune-telling on runes for love is not fatal, but is intended for those who are ready to change and fight for their happiness.

Whatever fortune-telling attracts your attention, it must be remembered that a person himself creates the reality around him. Good luck and love accompany those who are ready to give the world joy and light.