How to cook pancakes on warm kefir fat lush recipe - Full description cooking to make the dish very tasty and original.

Thick Russian pancakes on kefir

In the old days, thick and fluffy pancakes were baked in a Russian oven, filling the whole house with an appetizing aroma.

Nowadays, the recipe has become somewhat simplified, and such thick Russian pancakes of our grandmothers can be made without special efforts bake in a regular frying pan, preparing the dough on kefir.

Kefir pancakes are very lush, tasty and literally melt in your mouth.

What exactly are pancakes cooked on kefir good for? Most importantly, they do not contain yeast, which is important for people who follow their figure. The recipe for such pancakes implies a safe cooking method, purely on the basis of lactic acid bacteria, which, in terms of their properties in baking, completely replaces yeast fungi. The advantage of such kefir pancakes is their low calorie content, which is indispensable for dietary nutrition.

The classic recipe for pancakes on kefir

4 cups of low-fat yogurt, 3 chicken eggs (can be replaced with 4 quail eggs, which will make the pancakes more elastic and saturate with vitamins), 3 tablespoons of sugar, 2 teaspoons of soda, about two cups of wheat flour, half a teaspoon of salt

By this simple traditional recipe eggs are thoroughly rubbed with sugar and salt until white. You can do this with a mixer or a regular whisk. In a separate bowl, soda is poured into kefir and mixed. In this case, quenching with vinegar is not required, since kefir itself acts as an alkali neutralizer due to its acidity. For several minutes, the kefir mass with soda is aged for the desired reaction until foam appears.

Further, beaten eggs are combined with kefir and flour is added with continuous stirring. It will take about two glasses of flour, but this measure is inaccurate, since the density of the mass is determined during the mixing of the dough and, based on this, the required amount of flour is added. According to the consistency, the pancake dough should turn out like medium-thick sour cream, but in no case liquid.

Before baking, such a dough on kefir is aged for about half an hour, and then baked in a hot frying pan, greased with oil or a piece of bacon. Pancakes on kefir are very fragile, and therefore a wide spatula is used to remove from the pan.

Yeast pancakes on kefir

For lovers of more lush and thick pancakes, a recipe using yeast is suitable, although this will slightly increase the calorie content of the dish. This recipe can be considered primordially Russian, except that in the old days they used not kefir, but sour milk. Nevertheless, the principle of kneading dough and cooking is identical.

1 cup low-fat kefir, 250 g wheat flour, 40 g butter, 25 g yeast, 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons sugar and a pinch of salt

Yeast is poured with warm kefir and left for twenty minutes to “bloom”. Meanwhile, the eggs are pounded with sugar and butter. To make pancakes thicker, fluffier and more tender, you can use ghee. When the yeast in kefir disperses, you need to add the egg mass and mix everything. Next, flour is poured with constant stirring to the state of semi-thick sour cream. The resulting dough is salted to taste and aged for about an hour in a warm place so that the dough comes up. Such pancakes are baked in a pan, preferably in butter, which will give the final dish a special rich flavor.

Oatmeal pancakes with starch

The recipe for oatmeal pancakes is just as easy to perform and available in the required number of products. These pancakes differ from wheat pancakes in that they have unusual taste and some crunchiness. They are also thick and lush, but more fragile.

2 cups oatmeal, 2 chicken eggs, 50 ml olive oil, 1 teaspoon soda, 2 tablespoons corn starch, 4 tablespoons sugar, 3 cups kefir and salt to taste

So, why is starch added to pancakes? In this case, this complex carbohydrate acts as a thickener and binder of the dough, because oat flour, as mentioned above, makes baked goods brittle, and good pancakes require elasticity. In addition, when starch is added, the amount of harmful carbohydrates such as animal oils can be significantly reduced. Starch will make the lean dough more fluffy and loose, which will affect the taste.

As in all the above recipes, the method of making oatmeal pancakes is almost identical to them. Eggs are beaten with sugar. But in this case, not butter, but olive oil is added. For what - it will be clear a little later. Kefir is mixed with soda and left until foam forms. Flour is mixed with dry starch. Then everything is combined and stands for about half an hour, salt is added to taste.

But the baking process is already different from the previous ones and more convenient. The previously added olive oil eliminates the subsequent greasing of the pan for each new pancake. The frying pan is smeared only for the first time. And then the dough with added oil no longer sticks when frying. This method does not make pancakes fatter, since all the added oil is fried almost completely. You can use such a culinary trick when baking absolutely any pancakes using the most a variety of recipes.

Nutritional value of kefir pancakes

For some reason, there is an opinion that any pancakes are extremely high in calories and harmful to the figure. Probably, such an opinion has developed because of the traditions of the Maslenitsa week, when pancakes are enjoyed every day and in different cooking variations, with various fillings and simply lubricated with butter. Of course, eating rich pancakes with condensed milk and butter, it is no wonder to gain excess weight. But if we take the traditional recipes described here as a basis and calculate the energy value of these pancakes, then there is absolutely no reason to panic.

Taking into account eggs, kefir, flour, sugar and a small amount of oil included in these recipes, the average calorie content of kefir pancakes is about 200 kcal / 100 g of the finished product. This is approximately equal in calories to a bowl of cereal with milk for breakfast or a sausage sandwich. Also, this number of calories is contained in two muffins or one small 45-gram chocolate bar. Three boiled eggs also contain exactly 200 kcal.

How to cook thick pancakes on kefir

Kefir-based pancakes can be baked literally every day, because they require the simplest ingredients to make them. The main thing is that thick, porous pancakes with a spicy taste are obtained by everyone and always, even by inexperienced housewives. If you like just such pancakes, use the recipes listed below and useful tips.

Thick pancakes on kefir, cooked according to the classic recipe, are lush, thick, but soft. They do not tear, do not stick to the pan, go well with salty and sweet fillings.

Required Ingredients per 4 servings.

  • kefir - 125 grams;
  • sugar - 25 grams;
  • salt - 5 g;
  • eggs (selected) - 3 pieces;
  • pure water - 80 ml;
  • sifted flour - 6 tbsp. spoons.

It will take time to cook - 1 hour, calorie content will be 200 kcal.

Classic recipe step by step:

  1. In a suitable bowl, break 3 eggs, sprinkle with salt, sugar, add flour, beat with a mixer until smooth. In this mass add melted butter, warmed kefir, warm water, beat again;
  2. If there are no appliances, the dough can be made by hand. Pour six tablespoons of flour into a small cup, according to the recipe, add sugar, salt. Break three eggs into the same cup, grind all the ingredients until smooth. While stirring all the time with a whisk, add water, ghee, warm kefir;
  3. Put a towel or cling film on the bowl with the dough. Place in refrigerator for 30 minutes. You can leave the dough overnight, and prepare an excellent breakfast in the morning;
  4. Bake pancakes in a hot pan strong fire. Moreover, during cooking, the fire must be reduced, otherwise the pancakes may burn;
  5. Stir the finished dough, scoop it up with a ladle, pour it into a hot frying pan, which must immediately be turned to evenly distribute the dough. Fry until the edges of the pancake are browned. Then pry it off with a spatula and turn it over. On the other hand, bake for just a minute. Put ready pancakes on a plate, cover with a lid, then they will get on the table in a warm form.

Custard thick pancakes on kefir

In order not to be upset because of every “pancake lumpy”, you need to find the perfect way to cook. Custard pancakes based on kefir are close to ideal. They are very tender and delicious. They don't stick to the pan and cook quickly.

Consumption of products for 6 servings:

  • 300 g flour;
  • kefir - 500 ml;
  • 50 grams of sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of refined oil;
  • a pinch of baking soda;
  • 3 eggs;
  • salt - 10 grams;
  • 3 art. spoons of starch (preferably corn);
  • ghee or sunflower oil for frying.

It will take 40 minutes to bake pancakes, their calorie content will be 115 kcal.

How to cook thick custard pancakes on kefir:

  1. Break chicken eggs into a cup, add sugar, salt. Mix these products with a whisk until smooth;
  2. Pour kefir into the egg mixture, beat well. Continuing to beat, slowly add flour, starch, preferably corn starch. The readiness of the dough is determined by the absence of lumps in it;
  3. Bring to a boil 1 cup pure water. Add baking soda, stir and pour the hot liquid into the dough. Mix well. Add oil and mix one more time;
  4. Bake pancakes in a very hot frying pan, greased with oil. Put the cooked pancakes on a plate or in a bowl under the lid. Serve hot.

Lush yeast pancakes on yogurt

Yeast pancakes are made for a long time. It's a whole story. But they can become the most satisfying and memorable dish on the table.

For 8 servings you will need:

  • 0.6 kg of wheat flour;
  • 15 g of salt;
  • yeast (dry) - 8 g;
  • kefir - 1 liter;
  • 75 grams of granulated sugar;
  • ghee - 50-60 grams;
  • 3 eggs.
  • You will have to cook 2 hours 30 minutes, the energy value meals will be 230 kcal.

    The recipe for lush yeast pancakes on kefir step by step:

    1. Kefir is heated to 40 degrees, pour into a large container in which you can easily knead the dough. Pour yeast into kefir, mix and leave alone for 10 minutes;
    2. Sift flour into a mixture of kefir and yeast, add sugar, stir until smooth. Cover the container with a towel, put for 2 hours at the most warm place on the kitchen;
    3. Separate the yolks from the whites. Heat the melted butter, mix it only with the yolks. Leave the protein for now;
    4. Add a mixture of butter and yolks to the dough, mix thoroughly. Cover with a towel, let stand for 40 minutes;
    5. Beat the protein with salt until a fluffy foam forms and in small portions, gently mixing with a spoon from the bottom up, add to the dough;
    6. Bake in a frying pan, brushing lightly with butter before each pancake. So that the finished pancakes do not cool down, it is better to put them in a bowl and keep under the lid.
    Beijing flour salad with cucumber can be prepared very simply. We offer you several options in our article.

    Take note of the recipe for pea soup with smoked meats.

    Chicken and Corn Salad is simple and easy to prepare, it will be a great addition to any meal.

    Pancakes with semolina on milk and kefir

    Many housewives are afraid to bake pancakes with the addition of semolina, but they are made very easily. The main thing is to know the features of cooking.

    • 0.6 kg flour;
    • 500 ml of any kefir;
    • 40 grams of semolina;
    • half a glass of fresh milk;
    • 1 chicken egg;
    • 1 pinch of salt and soda;
    • 35 g refined oil;
    • 1 st. a spoonful of sugar.

    Pancakes can be cooked in 30 minutes, while their calorie content will not exceed 125 kcal.

    How to cook thick pancakes on kefir, milk and semolina? Consider step by step way cooking.

    Pour kefir into a saucepan and heat a little over low heat, kefir should not be hot, but warm.

    Add to warmed kefir semolina, soda, sugar, salt and egg. Mix all ingredients well.

    Sifting the flour through a sieve, pour it into the kefir mixture so that the resulting mass resembles fat sour cream in density. There should be no lumps in the dough, so mix all the ingredients well;

    Bring the milk to a boil and pour into the resulting mass in a thin stream, while stirring all the time.

    If the dough turns out to be liquid, you can add a small amount of semolina and flour to it. Pour sunflower oil into the prepared dough.

    Such pancakes should be baked in a well-heated frying pan, greased with oil. A cast iron or regular pancake pan will do.

    1. After cooking, the pancake dough should “rest” for 30 minutes. During this time, the flour will disperse into liquid, the semolina will swell and the dough will become homogeneous;
    2. The dough is easy to prepare without lumps if the flour is diluted with salt; water;
    3. Before the first pancake, grease the pan with oil. But not much. Remove excess with a paper towel;
    4. The pancake is turned over when holes form on the top side;
    5. During baking, a bubble may form in the middle of the pancake, which means only one thing - the dough is not ready. Once again put in a warm place, let it "come";
    6. Pancakes break when flipped. In this case, an egg and a little flour will help;
    7. Be sure to add sunflower oil to the dough, then the pancakes will turn over easily and you won’t need to pour a lot of oil into the pan for baking.

    Pancakes on kefir are special - thick, fluffy, soft and porous. They absorb sour cream, jam, butter very well, and this makes them tastier.

    How to cook and what to serve with thick pancakes on kefir? What to cook pripek for thick pancakes on kefir

    Thick pancakes on kefir are just as tasty food as their "transparent" relatives.

    Many housewives prefer full-weight pancakes, saving time on baking them.

    Another great advantage is the ability to cook "with salt".

    In other words, you will get pancakes with various additives - from sweet to meat.

    Do not confuse recipes for thick pancakes on kefir with pancakes. Pancakes are still thinner, larger and slightly less fluffy.

    Thick pancakes on kefir - general principles of cooking

    In order for thick pancakes to come out lush, with a loose porous structure, to absorb jam, sauces, sour cream or condensed milk well, pancake dough is prepared on kefir.

    The fermented milk product must be warm. Therefore, it is slightly warmed up or laid out in advance from the refrigerator. The freshness of the product is not the main thing, and even vice versa. If kefir is already a few days old, then it reacts better with soda.

    Dough is made from more than just flour. different types- buckwheat or wheat. It can also be made from a mixture of semolina with oatmeal.

    Kefir pancake dough necessarily includes salt, granulated sugar, eggs, baking soda, melted butter, or vegetable oil. Sometimes soda is replaced with yeast.

    In addition to the main components, you can put bananas or pumpkin puree in it.

    Thick pancakes on kefir are baked in a well-heated pan. It must be thick-walled or Teflon.

    For the first baking, the pan must be well moistened with vegetable oil. Further, this is not required. If the pan is warm enough, then the pancakes will not burn, thanks to the oil contained in the dough.

    Thick pancakes on kefir can be cooked with filling by rolling it up. They are also cooked with spicy. It is added when frying or mixed with the dough.

    Manno-oat thick pancakes on kefir

    Flakes "Hercules" - 200 gr.;

    Half a liter of fat (3–5%) kefir;

    Table. a spoonful of light liquid honey;

    Three fresh eggs;

    Semolina dry, fresh - 200 gr.;

    Two spoons of sugar;

    A small pinch of salt;

    Quality vegetable oil.

    1. Combine semolina with oatmeal. Pour the mixture with kefir, stir well and leave to infuse. After an hour and a half, while stirring, add a little (up to half a teaspoon) of soda and leave for another half hour.

    2. Beat and add eggs with sugar and liquid honey. Salt, pour, stirring, four tablespoons of oil.

    3. Bake pancakes in warm vegetable oil.

    4. Serve hot, with yogurt, sour cream or jam.

    Thick pancakes on kefir - Tropicano (with banana sauce)

    Ripe bananas, soft - 3 pcs.;

    Sour, half-percent kefir;

    Three fresh eggs;

    Powdered sugar;

    Wheat pancake flour;

    About a third of tsp. soda;

    Lemon juice.

    Half a lemon;

    Fatty sour cream - 100 gr.;

    Tablespoon of light honey.

    1. Extinguish soda with lemon juice and add to warm kefir. Mix well and set aside for ten minutes. During this time, the soda is activated, and the mass will begin to foam slightly.

    2. Cut bananas into rings and mash with a fork. Pour in kefir, add eggs beaten with powdered sugar, stirring constantly, add a little salt.

    3. After that, start adding flour. Pour in small portions, constantly stirring with a mixer. Achieve a density, a little thinner than homemade sour cream.

    4. Ready dough let it “rest” for 20 minutes and only after that bake thick pancakes out of it.

    5. After baking, prepare sweet sauce. For him, mix sour cream with grated banana and beat well with a mixer. Squeeze the lemon juice into the sauce, add honey and mix thoroughly.

    6. Serve the sauce separately.

    Yeast thick pancakes on kefir with cherry caramel

    150 gr. white flour;

    A full spoonful of sugar;

    A glass of low-fat kefir (no more than 1%);

    Granular, "instant" yeast - 1 tsp. spoon;

    Three table. spoons of non-aromatic sunflower oil.

    For cherry caramel:

    150 gr. pitted cherries (fresh or frozen);

    3 table. spoons of granulated sugar;

    10 gr. unsalted natural butter;

    Juice of 1/8 lemon.

    1. Mix three tablespoons of flour with granulated sugar, yeast and a small pinch of salt. Pour the mixture with slightly warmed kefir and beat with a whisk. Cover the container with a cloth and leave for 40 minutes. place in a warm place.

    2. Enter slightly loosened eggs, stirring, gradually pour in the rest of the flour.

    3. Without interrupting stirring, pour in half a glass of slightly cooled boiling water and leave warm for another 20 minutes.

    4. When suitable, add sunflower oil and bake thick pancakes in a pan.

    5. Melt the butter in a saucepan, with a minimum of heat and put sugar in it. When it is completely melted, add half a glass of water in a thin stream and keep it on fire, waiting for the moisture to evaporate. After that, put the cherries in the pan, sprinkle them lemon juice and continue to simmer for another two minutes.

    6. Serve pancakes topped with cherry caramel.

    Buckwheat thick pancakes on kefir

    Buckwheat flour - 80 gr.;

    70 gr. wheat pancake flour;

    Fresh eggs - 2 pcs.;

    Any good growth oil - 50 ml .;

    1. Sieve buckwheat and pancake flour through a rare sieve, add about half a tsp. soda.

    2. Pour half of the slightly warmed kefir into a separate bowl. Break the eggs, put sugar and salt, beat everything with a whisk.

    3. Without ceasing to stir, enter the entire flour mixture, adding it in a tablespoon.

    4. Combine the remaining kefir with sunflower oil. Pour the mixture into the dough and, stirring well, soak for up to a quarter of an hour.

    5. Bake buckwheat pancakes in a calcined pan, abundantly moistened with vegetable fat. Turn over carefully, as they may tear due to insufficient gluten content.

    6. Serve warm, with honey or jam.

    Pumpkin thick pancakes on kefir with curd filling

    Pumpkin puree (you can thick juice) - 1 cup;

    Six tablespoons of pancake flour;

    2 tablespoons of oil (lean);

    A glass of medium-fat kefir;

    0.25 tsp ripper.

    200 gr. low-calorie cottage cheese;

    Fine shavings of coconut pulp - 2 tbsp. l.;

    One and a half tablespoons of granulated sugar;

    Spoonful of 20% sour cream;

    Vanilla powder.

    1. Connect with pumpkin puree eggs beaten with sugar. Pour in a little kefir.

    2. In a separate deep bowl, transfer all the flour and mix it with the ripper.

    3. Then add the prepared pumpkin mixture and stir well. To ensure that all flour lumps are well dispersed, mix with a whisk, lightly beating the dough.

    4. At the end, pour in the oil and set aside for 20 minutes.

    5. Heat the pan on medium heat, moisten it with oil and fry the pancakes.

    6. Grind the cottage cheese through a sieve and mix it with coconut flakes, add sour cream. While stirring with a fork, add sugar in turn, followed by vanilla.

    7. Put one and a half teaspoons of filling on each pancake. Spread it evenly with a spoon over the entire pancake and wrap it with a roll.

    8. Serve with sour cream or melted honey.

    Thick pancakes on kefir - "Sunny", with cinnamon-apple spice

    Half a liter of sour, low-fat kefir;

    Pancake flour - 2.5 cups;

    Two raw eggs;

    3 full spoons of sugar (refined);

    1 tsp cinnamon powder and the same amount of soda;

    Table vinegar, 9%;

    Juice squeezed from a quarter of a lemon;

    A small pinch of salt;

    Sour apples.

    1. Mix lightly warmed kefir with sugar and salt. Break two eggs here and beat well with a whisk. If the apples are sweet, reduce the amount of added sugar.

    2. Add cinnamon to the flour and transfer the mixture with a sieve into a separate container. Pour in half of the kefir mixture and stir well, breaking up the flour that has gathered into lumps with a whisk. When the dough becomes homogeneous, pour in, stirring, the remaining kefir, add vegetable oil.

    3. Pancake dough should be a little thick, a little thinner than for pancakes. If you take it in a ladle and start pouring it, it should drain in a dense stream.

    4. Pour baking soda into a glass and fill it with a tablespoon of vinegar. When the mass stops foaming and hissing, pour it into a bowl of dough and mix well. Cover and leave for a while (about 15 minutes). Cut apples without peel and cores into thin, transparent slices.

    5. Heat a non-stick frying pan, or just a thick-walled one, over high heat. Then grease for the first pancake with sunflower oil and turn down the heat.

    6. With a small ladle, pour the pancake dough onto the center of the pan and immediately place the apple slices on it. Do not pour pancakes with too large a diameter, and do not put a lot of apples. This will make it almost impossible to turn the pancake over without tearing it. Put five plates on one pancake, closer to the center in the form of a flower.

    7. When the top of the pancake is well compacted and the bottom is browned, turn it over and bake the other side.

    8. Put the finished pancakes on a flat plate, and keep it under a towel all the time.

    9. Serve sprinkled with powdered sugar. Serve separately with sour cream, condensed milk, berry jam or honey.

    Thick pancakes on kefir with salt, "in Greek"

    Wheat pancake flour - 400 grams;

    A spoonful of pure olive oil;

    Half a liter of high-fat (3–5%) kefir;

    A spoonful of sugar;

    onion head;

    Boiled sausage (without fat) - 80 gr.;

    5-6 stalks of green onions;

    One boiled potato;

    Boiled chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;

    60 grams of "Edam" cheese;

    White cabbage (except young) - 100 gr.;

    Two tables. spoons of thin sour cream;

    10 gr. (1 tsp) thick tomato;

    1 bouillon cube (chicken)

    Two spoons of sour cream;

    Tomato - 20 gr.;

    Acute "Georgian" adjika;

    Small clove of garlic.

    1. All 400 grams of flour, along with half a spoonful of soda, sift into a wide deep bowl, salt, break the eggs. While stirring, pour in kefir and oil.

    2. Cut sausage, cabbage, potatoes, both types of onions and sausage into small pieces and combine with finely grated cheese.

    3. Mash the bouillon cube through a sheet of paper with a rolling pin and add half (or slightly less) a teaspoon to the mixture. Pour in the pancake batter and mix thoroughly again.

    4. Bake like regular pancakes, but smaller in a thick-walled pan. Serve hot with sauce.

    5. For the sauce, mix sour cream with tomato, mayonnaise and adjika. Add minced garlic, stir and pour into a gravy boat.

    Do not beat the dough too intensively, it will become viscous, and pancakes can turn out to be “rubber”.

    Lush thick pancakes made from air dough, hot and fragrant on your table, will surely bring together the whole family, and at the same time guests. What could be better for breakfast than freshly baked pancakes? What could be more beautiful than butter melting on their hot sides, sweet jam with berries or amber honey, airy snow-white sour cream, or maybe even condensed milk or chocolate in the company of lush fried pancakes. Forgive me people who are fasting or dieting, but there can be nothing better for breakfast, despite the high calorie content.

    We can cook or but that's from fat fluffy pancakes I do not advise you to refuse.

    When, if not in the week of Shrovetide, it is worth trying them. In my family, for example, there is a tradition of having a pancake marathon for the entire Shrovetide week with a big feast at the end. It's not very useful for the figure, but it's real family celebration. We always get together and eat fresh pancakes, it can be breakfast or even dinner, but always together. Tradition.

    But on any other day, thick pancakes are a real belly feast!

    Fluffy pancakes with dry yeast and milk

    Thick pancakes have their undeniable advantages, you can get enough of 1-2 pieces. They are very satisfying and tasty, there are not as many of them as thin pancakes, which means that it will take less time to cook them. But at the same time, the family is fed and happy. If desired, you can wrap the filling in thick pancakes, but thin ones are still more convenient. With lush pancakes, it is better to use those fillings that are placed on top or added immediately to the dough. I will tell you how to cook thick pancakes, but at the same time fluffy and even with holes.

    You will need:

    • milk - 1 liter,
    • flour - from 2 glasses,
    • egg - 1 piece,
    • dry yeast - 1 sachet,
    • sugar - 2 tablespoons,
    • salt - 0.3 teaspoon,
    • vegetable oil for frying.


    1. In order to cook yeast pancakes, of course, first of all, you need to start dissolving the yeast. In our case, the yeast is dry packaged, which means it will take some time to dissolve and start playing. It is better to wait, but end up with airy pancakes. Pour about half a glass of milk into a bowl or mug and heat it slightly, pour dry yeast into it and stir. Now set aside in a warm place to dissolve the yeast. At least for five minutes.

    2. Heat the rest of the milk in a saucepan. You can put it on the stove until it reaches a temperature of 36-38 degrees. Hot and even more so boil milk is not worth it. Pour the prepared milk with yeast into the milk heated in this way. Pour in the sugar and salt.

    3. Now sift the flour into the same pan. It is best to add it gradually, because it is difficult to tell the exact amount of flour in advance. The quality of the flour and the type of wheat determine how thick the dough is obtained from it. Sifted about one glass, mix with a spoon or mixer on the lowest speed and look for a batter or thick. The result should be a dough in consistency resembling a slightly watery sour cream, not the one in which the spoon stands, but the one that drains.

    4. Break one egg into the stirred dough and mix a little more so that it completely disappears in it. Now the dough needs to be put in a warm place so that it rises.

    5. In order for the dough to rise, heat is needed. In the cold season, I put the pan with the dough, covered with a lid, next to the battery or even on it. And when the heat and heating does not work, I briefly turn on the oven at the lowest temperature, literally for a few minutes, so that it just starts to heat up. The inside of the oven should be comfortably warm if you put your hand in it, no heat, we are not going to bake our dough into a pie. Literally in 15-30 minutes, depending on the temperature and the quality of the yeast, our dough will rise, possibly doubling.

    6. Now is the time to bake thick pancakes. DO NOT stir the dough, otherwise it will fall off and all the airy effect will be lost. It is in this form that it must be poured into a pan and fried. Take a large ladle for this, because the pancakes will be large.

    Do not forget to add vegetable oil to the pan, because we did not add it to the dough and pancakes can burn. It is very convenient if you have two suitable frying pans, the main thing is that the temperature of the burners is the same. Pancakes are baked on medium heat.

    7. As soon as the first side of the pancake becomes a little matte and distinctly thickens, that is, not raw and not liquid, but a blush appears around the edges, then it's time to turn over our lush thick pancake. Take a large, handy spatula and carefully turn it over. If the pancake is torn, then it may not be baked yet. A baked pancake will not tear, because it is quite dense and elastic.

    By the first pancakes, you can judge whether the temperature at the burner is correct, if it is too hot, then the pancakes will turn black on the outside, but they will not have time to bake inside. Turn off the fire if you see this. If the pancake is golden and dense, then everything is fine.

    Stack ready pancakes. you can put a piece of butter on each pancake and it will melt and be absorbed on it. The taste of this pancakes will turn out simply amazing!

    According to this recipe, pancakes are thick, fluffy, delicious, like a grandmother in the village. Real Russian pancakes.

    Eat for health and pleasure!

    Recipe for thick porous pancakes on kefir

    Kefir is great for baking fluffy thick pancakes. Earlier, I already talked about how to bake very plump air pancakes using kefir. Now I will tell you how to make pancakes from kefir, large, thick and with holes. Yes, with holes there can be not only thin pancakes, but also solid and plump ones.

    By the way, I recommend baking thick pancakes with a smaller diameter, it is more convenient, because one such pancake is very satisfying, and if it is also huge, you won’t eat many of them. Yes, and medium-sized thick pancakes look better than large ones.

    For such pancakes, it is good to use a small frying pan or pour less dough onto a large one so that the pancake lies in the middle and does not reach the edges. A good thick dough will not let it spread, the main thing is to regulate its volume, for example, with a suitable ladle.

    You will need:

    • kefir - 500 ml,
    • flour - 2 cups (approximately depends on the density of the dough),
    • egg - 1 piece,
    • sugar - 2 tablespoons,
    • salt - 1/4 teaspoon,
    • boiling water - 250-300 ml,
    • soda - 2/3 teaspoon,
    • vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon.


    1. Traditionally, we start with an egg, which is mixed with sugar and salt to a light foam. It is not necessary to beat strongly, we do not bake biscuits.

    2. Add kefir to the egg, stir everything well, and then set this mixture to heat up. To do this, do not forget to pour into a suitable dish, ladle or saucepan, if initially kneaded in a plate. You need to heat up quite a bit, up to 50 degrees no more, it should not boil. Should be slightly hot.

    3. Now stir the heated kefir mixture with two glasses of flour. The dough should be very thick, thicker than for pancakes. I will explain why, this is not yet the final version, but only a blank. We will also add boiling water, which will significantly dilute the dough. Therefore, feel free to stir the thick dough and do not be afraid.

    4. Boil a kettle of water. Pour baking soda into a mug, and then pour boiling water there, the soda will foam and hiss. Stir it with a spoon so that it dissolves completely.

    5. Feel free to pour boiling water into our dough and immediately stir it well. Don't worry, the dough won't cook, it will cook and become even better than before. And soda in water and kefir in the dough will begin their chemical game and will release bubbles.

    6. In order for our pancakes to turn out really thick, the dough should turn out to be thick, like condensed milk. If you are not sure about the result, then pour the water gradually, stir and add more if necessary. Add a little more liquid in the face of vegetable oil, just one tablespoon. This is necessary in order for the pancakes to lag better when frying. Stir the oil well.

    7. Preheat a frying pan, cast iron is best because it has a thick bottom and the heat is evenly distributed. When it's hot, turn the heat down to medium. You can start baking pancakes. Scoop up the dough with a large ladle and pour it into the middle of the pan. A little help to spread up right size and bake. You will immediately see how the holes appear.

    8. Flip to the other side as it browns and bake a little more. The other side should also brown. After that, you can remove the finished thick pancake.

    9. Put each finished pancake on top of its hot colleague and spread on top butter. It will just be a meal. As soon as the dough is over, you can call everyone to the table.

    These thin golden suns will delight you and your loved ones, believe me. Happy tea drinking!

    Royal pancakes - lush and thick according to an old recipe

    On this, perhaps, I will finish with pancakes for now. Wait for new recipes and stay in touch. We will definitely prepare something delicious.

    Pancakes are a real treat for many. Indeed, this taste of melting pancakes, combined with butter or toppings, can become one of the most beloved. Pancakes are cooked in milk or kefir. The hostesses use the second option more and more often, since the taste of pancakes in this case is more saturated. How to cook delicious pancakes on kefir?

    Thick pancakes on kefir: a classic recipe

    What is needed for cooking

    1. Chicken egg (category C1 or C0)
    2. Fine salt 1 tsp
    3. Wheat flour 180 g
    4. Sugar 1.5 tbsp
    5. Soda ½ tsp
    6. Kefir fat content from 1.5% 1 glass
    7. Vegetable oil


    1. Take a deep bowl and crack an egg into it. Add salt, sugar and baking soda to a bowl. Mix everything very well with a fork or whisk. Add one and a half tablespoons of vegetable oil to the mixture, mix everything thoroughly.
    2. Sift the flour and gradually add it to the mixture, starting with one tablespoon.
    3. Take kefir and, if necessary, heat it up to 34-36 degrees. Gradually pouring kefir into the mixture, constantly stir everything. The result is a dough that is very similar in consistency to thick sour cream. The dough should definitely turn out thick, as this affects the thickness of the pancakes.
    4. Take a dry frying pan and heat it over high heat. Lubricate it with vegetable oil and bake pancakes on both sides. In this case, the fire must be reduced so that they do not burn out.

    Thick pancakes on kefir with semolina

    What is needed for cooking

    1. Kefir fat 2 cups
    2. Chicken egg (category C0 or C1) 2 pcs.
    3. Semolina 150 g.
    4. Soda ½ tsp
    5. Sugar 50-70 g.
    6. Salt 1 tsp
    7. Wheat flour ⅔ standard cup
    8. Vegetable oil


    1. Beat the eggs in a bowl and add soda to them, mix everything well. Then heat the kefir a little (if it was in the refrigerator) and add it to the eggs with soda. Add sugar and mix everything thoroughly.
    2. Sift the flour and add it to the prepared mixture. You need to add flour gradually so that lumps do not form in the dough. Add salt and semolina to the mixture, mix everything well.
    3. Let the prepared dough rest for 25-30 minutes. During this time, the semolina will begin to thicken and the dough too.
    4. Add a tablespoon of vegetable oil to the dough and mix everything again.
    5. Heat up a frying pan and grease it with vegetable oil. Bake pancakes on both sides over medium to low heat.

    Thick pancakes on kefir with yeast

    What is needed for cooking

    1. Wheat flour 250 g
    2. Chicken egg (categories C1 or C0) 2 pcs.
    3. Dry yeast 1 sachet
    4. Sugar 2 tbsp
    5. Kefir warm 1 cup
    6. Vegetable oil


    1. Mix warm kefir with yeast and leave the mixture for 15 minutes for the yeast to begin to act.
    2. Beat the egg, add sugar to it and mix everything again. Add kefir with yeast to the mixture.
    3. Sift the flour and add it to the prepared mixture, mix everything well. Add vegetable oil to the dough.
    4. Heat a frying pan over high heat and brush it with oil.
    5. Reduce the heat and start baking pancakes on both sides.

    Cooked pancakes will be successfully combined with butter, jam and condensed milk. If you want to make the dish more original, you can add pieces of chocolate or berries to the finished dough. Pancakes made from such a dough will decorate the table and diversify the diet.

    Do you know that pancakes can be baked on kefir, and not just on milk? Over the centuries, our hostesses have come up with many recipes for this wonderful Slavic dish, competing with each other in ingenuity. After all, every year on Maslenitsa there is always an unspoken competition - who pancakes turned out to be tastier and more tender, who has the most magnificent ones, and who has thin and delicate ones. The Land of the Soviets will share with you several the best recipes so that your kefir pancakes always remain the best.

    Classic fluffy pancakes on kefir: a step by step recipe with photos

    To make pancakes thick and fluffy, with holes, they need to be cooked not with milk, but with kefir. All types of cheese and cottage cheese fillings are great for such pancakes, they can also be stuffed with cabbage and mushrooms - the filling never leaks out of them. If you pour kefir pancakes with melted butter and sweet sauce or liquid honey, you get a hearty and delicious breakfast.

    Required Ingredients:

    • kefir - 0.5 liters
    • flour - 2 cups of 250 ml
    • eggs - 2 pcs.
    • sugar - 2 tbsp. (without slide)
    • salt - 0.5 tsp
    • soda - 0.5 tsp
    • citric acid - a small pinch
    • sunflower oil - 2 tbsp.

    Step-by-step instruction

      Kefir put for 2 hours in a warm place to warm up. From warm kefir, pancakes are more airy.

      Rub the eggs with sugar.

      Mix soda and citric acid, add a drop of kefir. Pour the resulting foam into the eggs. Add salt too.

      Add about half of the kefir to the eggs, mix well.

      Sift the flour. It's better to do it twice.

      Pour the sifted flour into the kefir-egg mixture in a thin stream, rub so that there are no lumps.

      Add sunflower oil and the remaining kefir to the dough. Mix well and leave on the table for 30 minutes.

      Heat the pan well, brush it with sunflower oil and bake the first pancake.

      Be sure to try the pancake. If necessary, add salt or sugar; if the dough is too thin or thick, add flour or kefir. The correct consistency of the dough is the density of liquid sour cream.

      For all of the following pancakes, sunflower oil is not needed: grease the pan with a piece of unsalted bacon pierced on a fork.

      Bake the first side of each pancake with a lid on the pan, the second side without a lid. Bake these pancakes for about 2 minutes on each side, until golden brown.

      Grease the finished pancakes with butter as soon as you remove them from the pan.

    If you did everything right, your pancakes should turn out fluffy and soft.

    Pancakes on sour kefir: a step by step recipe.

    What to do if you find a bag of sour kefir in the refrigerator? Is it to be thrown away? Take your time, such kefir can be brought back to life. True, it will no longer be possible to drink it, but pancakes from such a product can be made simply wonderful. There are some little tricks in their preparation, which we will introduce you now.

    Required Ingredients:

    • sour kefir - 0.5 liters
    • water - 1 glass
    • flour - 2 cups
    • eggs - 3 pcs.
    • sugar - 1 tbsp.
    • salt - 0.5 tsp
    • soda - 0.5 tsp
    • sunflower or olive oil - 4 tbsp.

    Step-by-step instruction

    1. Sift the flour and add soda and sugar to it. It is necessary to sift the flour, otherwise the pancakes can turn out to be harsh.
    2. Separate the yolks from the proteins, and rub them with salt.
    3. Pour the sour kefir into the pan and whisk it lightly.
    4. Continuing to beat, add the yolks and a little water to the kefir. Stir until smooth.
    5. Add flour to the dough. You need to do this little by little, in small portions, stirring well each time so that there are no lumps.
    6. Add vegetable oil to the dough and, if necessary, more water. The consistency of the dough should be like liquid low-fat sour cream.
    7. Whip the egg whites until foamy and add them to the prepared pancake batter. Mix thoroughly.
    8. You need to bake such pancakes immediately, you do not need to stand the dough.
    9. For the first pancake, generously grease the pan with vegetable oil.
    10. For the next pancakes, you no longer need to smear the pan - there is enough oil in the dough so that the pancakes do not burn.
    11. Bake pancakes on both sides until golden brown. It is not necessary to cover the pan with a lid.

    Pancakes on sour kefir are slightly crispy, with a slight taste of sourness. This taste goes well with sour cream, cottage cheese and cheese. If you want something sweet, pour the pancakes with jam or honey. But putting more sugar in the dough to kill the sour taste is not worth it. If there is too much sugar, the pancakes will not bake well and will stick to the pan.

    Royal pancakes on kefir: a recipe for thin pancakes with holes.

    Although it is believed that classic kefir pancakes should be thick, many still like it. thin pancakes. They are often served with condensed milk or sour cream, and are also stuffed with various fillings. Best of all, fish is combined with thin pancakes on kefir: the most common fillings are from salmon and other red fish, and exotic from crab sticks and seafood. It is also on the basis of kefir that pancakes with caviar are often prepared.

    Required Ingredients:

    • kefir - 0.5 l
    • cold sparkling water - 1 cup
    • boiling water - 1 cup
    • flour - 2 cups
    • eggs - 2 pcs.
    • sugar - 2 tbsp.
    • salt - 0.5 tsp
    • soda - 1 tsp
    • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.

    Step-by-step instruction

    1. Pour cold sparkling water into kefir and stir until smooth.
    2. Dissolve soda in boiling water, also add to kefir, stir.
    3. Sift flour, mix it with salt.
    4. Add the flour to the kefir and water mixture in a thin stream. Make sure there are no lumps. This dough is best obtained by stirring it with a mixer.
    5. When you mix all the flour into the dough, add vegetable oil.
    6. Beat the eggs with sugar until stiff and add them to the dough too.
    7. Ready dough beat well again with a mixer or whisk.
    8. Bake in a greased pan for 1.5 minutes on each side.
    9. Be sure to coat the finished pancakes with butter as soon as you remove them from the pan.

    Thin pancakes on kefir with starch

    Of course, there are many ways to cook thin pancakes on kefir. We bring to your attention one more. The peculiarity of this recipe is that in addition to wheat flour, you have to use potato starch to make pancakes even thinner.

    Required Ingredients:

    • kefir - 0.5 liters
    • flour - 8 tbsp. spoons with a slide
    • potato starch - 4 tbsp. spoons without a slide
    • eggs - 2 pcs.
    • sugar - 3 tbsp.
    • salt - 0.5 tsp
    • baking powder for dough - 0.5 tsp
    • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.

    Step-by-step instruction

    1. Add the baking powder to the kefir for the dough and leave it on the table for 20 minutes.
    2. Separate the egg yolks from the whites.
    3. Rub the yolks with sugar.
    4. Mix the sifted flour and potato starch.
    5. Pour the yolks with sugar into the flour and starch mixture, mix.
    6. In parts, add kefir to the dough, mix continuously.
    7. Whisk the egg whites until foamy with salt and add them to the pancake batter.
    8. Lastly, pour vegetable oil into the dough and mix well again.
    9. Bake pancakes in a hot pan for 1.5 minutes on each side.

    Openwork custard pancakes on kefir

    These pancakes turn out to be really openwork - they are not just thin, but seem to be completely composed of many small holes. In such pancakes, the filling is usually not wrapped, and this is not necessary. They are very tasty and so - with butter, honey and condensed milk.